Dr. Penny Figtree - 'Chronic Kidney Disease and Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction'

  • Опубліковано 11 лис 2022
  • Dr Penny Figtree graduated from the University of Sydney in 1993 with first class honours. With over 20 years in general practice she has now decided to focus on weight loss and diabetes.
    This decision was made after seeing the power of a low carbohydrate diet to help people lose weight and for some to even reverse diabetes. Dr Figtree had previously tried to help patients using various diets such as low fat diets, Optifast, the 5:2 fast but nothing really worked. In the end she would just say “as long as you are not gaining weight then that’s great”. Then Dr. Figtree read a book called “Always Hungry” By Professor David Ludwig where he explained the INSULIN CARBOHYDRATE MODEL OF OBESITY.
    Dr. Figtree has now been practising low carb medicine for 2 years. She describes this as the most rewarding part of her career, stopping medications and patients feeling well.
    Please consider supporting Low Carb Down Under via Patreon. A small monthly contribution will assist in the costs of filming and editing these presentations and will allow us to keep producing high quality content free from advertising. For further information visit; / lowcarbdownunder
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  • @EveringhamMusic
    @EveringhamMusic Рік тому +44

    I was diagnosed with ckd 5 years ago, I started IF and quickly went low carb and eventually keto. I reversed my CKD within 2 years and my last bloods were still in the normal range. Thanks for discussing this topic ❤

    • @snowblo1
      @snowblo1 Рік тому +1

      What stage were in? Did you eat a lot of bacon and eggs and other high protein foods? Congrats on your success

    • @warrenbaniswal2099
      @warrenbaniswal2099 Рік тому +4

      God is good. Praise the Lord

    • @sandralarsen9355
      @sandralarsen9355 Рік тому +1

      @Joy Everingham. Just one to asked what did you eat everyday. My mom is CKD patients . Now shes laying in the hospital because of water in the lungs. Maybe if you could share your meal plan. I will be happy you will share your experience. Maybe will help my mom eating low carb lifestyle for her.

    • @perthpropertyinvestments
      @perthpropertyinvestments Рік тому +1

      @@sandralarsen9355 I think you'll find the issue is gluten. When you go keto you get rid of gluten. I've found my numbers improve without gluten intake and then go back to where they were when I ate foods containing gluten.

  • @stevencole7174
    @stevencole7174 Рік тому +41

    When I hear the words "low carb" spoken in an Australian accent I listen intently! Amazing work coming out of AUS in this space. 🇬🇧🇦🇺

    • @lynntrovert2471
      @lynntrovert2471 Рік тому +2

      omg, me too. :) They (the Aussies) *are* killing it in this space.

    • @rawmilkmike
      @rawmilkmike Рік тому

      ​​​​@@lynntrovert2471 - I wonder if that's why the government hit them so hard with this locked down nonsense. You can't have people coming together outside their censured social media.
      The best way to know what's going on is to get up off your couch, go outside, and see for yourself. These people also have a big problem when we travel to other countries and see what's not going on there.

  • @nickjohnson811
    @nickjohnson811 Рік тому +31

    I had severe type 2 diabetes, and at one point was on 120 units of Lantus a day. I also had CKD and my numbers were deteriorating so predicted I would be on dialysis in about 18 months. As the drug regimen my endocrinologist recommended didn't seem to be working, I did my own research about nutrition. Based on that, I went on a strict keto diet, and began coming off insulin as my blood sugar numbers improved. I also lost 65 pounds, back to the weight I was in my 20s (I'm 75). For the past two years, I've been off insulin entirely, my last a1c was 5.6, and my kidney numbers improved so I am no longer in danger of going on dialysis. For me, a keto diet works. Fortunately, my wife is an excellent chef, and makes gourmet keto meals every day, so I believe I eat the best meals of anyone we know, all keto. We'd rather have a nice teres major steak with bearnaise sauce, mashed cauliflower flavored with garlic and cheese, and grilled broccolini than a potato any day.

  • @bradfordsimms715
    @bradfordsimms715 Рік тому +30

    Keto for 8 months. GFR went from 33 to 47. Off all meds lost 50 lbs.

    • @Ingridwallis
      @Ingridwallis Рік тому +3

      👍, I’ve had similar positive results. November 2020 my GFR was 63, I started keto in December 2020 and about 4 months later went carnivore in May 2022 my reading was 80. Concerningly, since November 2020 the normal range of GFR has been changed in the U.K. from 90-120 to 60-150.

    • @slayerment
      @slayerment 10 місяців тому

      What kind of foods do you eat? Decent amount of veg? Mid protein? Thanks!

    • @uvaid3914
      @uvaid3914 9 місяців тому

      What do you eat sir..

  • @bert_buikema
    @bert_buikema Рік тому +18

    The low/no carb diet, preferably leaning toward carnivore, is the best diet for everybody, healthy or ill. To ask whether low carb is safe' is like asking if it safe to breathe fresh air on a regular basis.

  • @Norman_Gunstan1
    @Norman_Gunstan1 Рік тому +12

    It's like Christmas Day when LCDU post a new video. Thankyou!!

  • @EricaNernie
    @EricaNernie Рік тому +11

    Anecdote of one.. my BP went down from 140/90 to 120/70 with a low carb diet - the "nutritarian diet favoured by Dr Joel Fuhrman, though in my case "low-ish" as I still eat bread. But it's not the salt, folks, so don't bother about salt restriction if you're otherwise healthy. Just cut out the processed food and cook all meals from scratch.

    • @sigalsmadar4547
      @sigalsmadar4547 Рік тому +2

      There are several low carb bread options. It's a lot of trial and error for taste and blood sugar effects. I've found a keto bread at Costco that's pretty good and hardly affects my blood sugar. As a type 1 I know exactly how a good affects me.
      My next trial is using lupin flour.
      Almond and coconut flours are... Too grainy.

    • @snowblo1
      @snowblo1 Рік тому +1

      @@sigalsmadar4547 Yes, along with having type 2 diabetes and now compromised kidney function, I've started a gluten free life's & have been hearing a lot about lupin flour.

  • @cybersal7
    @cybersal7 Рік тому +10

    My son who had T2D and he followed doctors diet meticulously.
    Every meal either rice potatoes or bread with a small amount of meat.
    He died on the operating table of a heart attack while they were inserting a dialysis tube.

    • @snowblo1
      @snowblo1 Рік тому +3

      OMG, I'm so sorry. Did the doctors advice him to eat a bunch of starches such as rice, potatoes, etc?

    • @ZacksRockingLifestyle
      @ZacksRockingLifestyle Рік тому +3

      I’m sorry about your son.

    • @nickjohnson811
      @nickjohnson811 Рік тому +4

      Why doctors can't understand that it is harmful to treat high blood sugar by consuming sugar in the form of carbohydrates is a mystery, but it has hurt millions of people like your son. I was also T2D on the downward track to dialysis, but fortunately did my own research, and barely escaped the same fate by switching to a keto diet in time.

    • @cathcath3792
      @cathcath3792 9 місяців тому

      Lo siento mucho❤

  • @beckyraskin8928
    @beckyraskin8928 Рік тому +3

    Great video! Thank You for this vital information!

  • @heathergulu896
    @heathergulu896 Рік тому +3

    I am taking Jardiance along with a doing a low carb/keto diet. I am taking it for the heart benefits along with Entresto due to heart failure from peripartum cardiomyopathy. I do not have any degree of kidney disease. I have not had any side effects, only benefits. It’s been about 6+ months on these meds and I have had my EF improve to normal. The lower carb I am the better I feel! Anecdotal I know, but just wanted to put it out there since I’ve been doing it.

  • @legaleagleandpaws8198
    @legaleagleandpaws8198 Рік тому +1

    Thank you it was very informative!!! God Bless:)

  • @donkeyking475
    @donkeyking475 Рік тому +4

    Just recently discovered your videos and really enjoying them. I've been looking into low carb for many health reasons. Hoping I can learn enough here to make it work for me. Still looking into things like what the body can store as I don't like many common foods that are low carb and not processed. Carbs make me feel sick all the time though so hopefully this is sustainable. Thanks for the videos.

    • @saltrock9642
      @saltrock9642 Рік тому

      Goin keto really changed my life. Started it 4 years ago, per my doctors request, to avoid having to go on insulin for high blood glucose. It has cured the pre-diabetes, I lost 80 pounds and the other benefits are too many to list. I’ve never felt so young and healthy at 56 years old plus I’ve started weight training/powerlifting. Look up Dr. Sten, Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Berg videos for all the help you need. Stay away from keto recipe videos, they will only confuse people.

    • @adriver89
      @adriver89 9 місяців тому

      That’s why I am mostly carnivore. Vegetables don’t taste that good. Carnivore is easy to track. Which is no tracking. Plus the food taste good.

  • @emmasue4181
    @emmasue4181 Рік тому

    Thank you

  • @artemishunter8993
    @artemishunter8993 Рік тому +13

    This was interesting. I don't have kidney disease but I do make stones. I'm hoping to learn more about the kidney in connection with keto/carnivore diet.
    I was told I had type 2 diabetes Feb 2019 with A1c of 10.1. A friend turned me on to keto people like Dr Richard Bernstein and Dr Ken Berry. Been expanding my list since. But in Mar and xray showed a 4mm stone in right kidney.
    This being my 5th stone formation since 2001.
    A few days ago I went in for shockwave therapy. It was 12-13mm. I'm hoping after passing this one, I can eat in a way that will stop forming these.
    X-rays are also showing pelvic arterial calcification and in my right shoulder. I also can not donate platelets because of calcium issues.
    I'm hoping to figure it all out some day.

    • @francinedavis7224
      @francinedavis7224 Рік тому

      Look into the parathyroid which I believe controls the calcium in your bloodstream. My friend had hers removed and the chronic kidney stone problem stopped.

    • @norashepley1121
      @norashepley1121 Рік тому +3

      Would the fermented food Natto help put calcium into the bones instead of the calcium being randomly deposited into tissues; Natto is very rich in Vitamin K2 - which is quite different from K1. (It looks terrible to eat and smells and tastes like a combination of smelly blue cheese and coffee - as a real food I followed the traditional way of eating it - without rice due to Low Carb. It is quite a confronting food - but I got over it🙂).
      Vitamin D is often recommended for calcium into bones - but K2 is often also recommended with it.
      I have no qualifications to recommend anything; went this way to fix my deteriorating joints - which have overall improved.

    • @jameskantor0459
      @jameskantor0459 Рік тому +3

      Have you ever tried taking vitamin K2. I think they will keep those for calcium is like 180 µg. When I took my Vitimin K2 calcium artery score was 0

    • @darkfieldcarnivore3928
      @darkfieldcarnivore3928 Рік тому +9

      Oxalates mate, stay away.

    • @sigalsmadar4547
      @sigalsmadar4547 Рік тому +2

      You're listening to the right people.
      This channel is great and the people they have come lecture. Follow those leads.

  • @CarnivoreDMD
    @CarnivoreDMD Рік тому +1

    Commerce. When the corporations find a way to corner another market, only THEN will the institutions change direction. Just like tobacco. We must continue to increase & improve our cattle industry by supporting their Associations.

  • @SeeTheWholeTruth
    @SeeTheWholeTruth Рік тому +7

    Sorry.. this Science was done before she graduated. Namely the NIH study on the long term effect of Dwarf Hybrid Wheat. The first termed "exorphin" by reason of the opiate activity of the enzymes crossing the blood brain barrier to fill those receptors. Hunger being an addiction, aggitation, along with blood sugar levels worse than sugar forcing the body into the insulin resistant output along with issues like bone density, hips, connective tissue degradation due to constantly fighting the BS level. The FDA flatly ignored it on purpose and ran instead with breads as the pillar of health. Ignoring the fact of the past four decades encompassed in the largest study ever. ALL SIGNS point at the dwarf hybrid wheat.. but they gave him a Nobel, made it the main export worldwide, no way were they going back on that. Good ol Academic Policy Politics wrapped up with "TAught and Designed only for Profit" AMA patent medicine or procedural symptom NEVER Curing or healing reality. Good ol Rockefeller, helping still since his creation and indoctrination of the field for profit.
    Why cure or undermine themselves or apologize? Sell them insulin til they need more drugs or procedures and die off. Right? This is nothing new. And its STILL the largest issue.
    "Wheat Belly" William Davis did this ages ago as well to bring it forth. All you get is attacks from the "misinformation" fascists out to stop all outside of institutional thinking or reality research of the full facts. Hypocrites in their own ignorances.

    • @snowblo1
      @snowblo1 Рік тому +1

      So what are you suggesting? 🤔

    • @gregorywootton3870
      @gregorywootton3870 Рік тому +1

      ​@@snowblo1 Modern wheat - which is the only kind of wheat most people are ever going to encounter in the real world - should be avoided. Does that help? If you’re interested in more, check out Dr. Davis (of Wheat Belly fame), who’s made it something of his mission to rail against what he calls a “perfect, chronic poison.”

  • @toni4729
    @toni4729 Рік тому +3

    The SGLT 2 inhibitors I would rather go the natural route rather than the risk of death no matter how rare.

    • @eliseville
      @eliseville Рік тому

      Dr. Dwyer does think the careful combination of both LowCarb AND SGLT2 inhibitors ‘COULD’ be far more potently effective, but then her final words go back to limiting just how LowCarb she felt comfortable with!???
      Being in general ketosis is where the power of a LowCarb approach rises tremendously. We clearly need great studies, hopefully increasing our PHARMA-captured medical professionals’ willingness to break away from our ever-increasing and highly profitable SickCare approach to life!

  • @r0cketplumber
    @r0cketplumber Рік тому +2

    Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the working definition of insanity. The "accepted wisdom" has been killing people in misery for decades, but they won't turn loose of it. It's half tragedy and half criminal, but as time goes on it's becoming more criminal.

  • @goforward123
    @goforward123 Рік тому +11

    Reasonably safe for ketogenic. Sounds as there is no evidence which diet the body thrives on. We only have data for carb based diets and the damage that leads to T2D. Just a question, if low carb/ketosis is good for the pancreas and liver, would it be good for the kidneys? Glad these things are being looked into

    • @ZacksRockingLifestyle
      @ZacksRockingLifestyle Рік тому

      “Sounds as there is no evidence…”
      There’s plenty of evidence for the historical likelihood of low-carb diets being standard; largely, the evidence comes from testing of the bones of our ancestors. Stable isotope testing shows humans have been eating a largely (80+%) meat-based diet for at least 100,000 years.

    • @convergeua
      @convergeua Рік тому

      But is it really good for pancreas? I get the idea of less insulin production means less work for pancreas, but on the other hand more work for pancreas to digest all that fat. Basically, people with pancreatic diseases has number 1 rule to reduce their fat intake. Acute pancreatitis was also mentioned to be one of the serious complications of keto diet. So, all in all I wouldn't be so sure if keto is a good diet for pancreas overall.

    • @nickjohnson811
      @nickjohnson811 Рік тому +3

      I was T2D and kidney numbers were declining at a rate that would put me on dialysis in 18 months. After switching to a keto diet my T2D went into remission (last A1C was 5.6), and my kidney numbers improved enough that I'm no longer in danger.

    • @Kili098
      @Kili098 Рік тому +1

      @@convergeua Whilst I’m no expert I would imagine that even on a LCHF diet the pancreas would not be working as hard as the standard diet.
      I say this because on a high carb standard diet, only the pancreas is controlling the glucose spikes, in that it is making insulin.
      On LCHF, there are three organs which are working to metabolise the fat, therefore the load is spread.
      I see a lot of people also worried that the pancreas will not work as well due to the fact less insulin is being made on LCHF compared to the standard diet.
      From what I’ve learned from many of these doctors, the body produces enough of its own glucose that the pancreas is still at work controlling this, as well as glucose level increases when protein/fat is ingested.

    • @jamesnelson1968
      @jamesnelson1968 Рік тому +1

      The answer is simple, the paleo record demonstrates that the ancestral diet was high in meat and low in carbs, Chemical analysis of the bones of old humans shows them to be apex predators and this was true for their ancestors as well going back more than a couple of million years. This only changed a few thousand years ago when the large mammals were hunted out and people started to eat grains. The Egyptians ate a basically vegan diet and had all of the metabolic problems that are associated with modern life which is evident in the millions of mummies they left behind.

  • @bobcocampo
    @bobcocampo Рік тому

    Any trial on long days water fast? 3 days to 7 days water fast effects on CKD?

  • @mt7427
    @mt7427 Рік тому

    So how much protein can you eat?

  • @Krzysztof_Kwiatkowski
    @Krzysztof_Kwiatkowski Рік тому +1


  • @bella-bee
    @bella-bee Рік тому +3

    So if protein shouldn’t be too low and keto diet is a good thing, how much should we eat? I’m CKD3a with hyperaldosteronism, on Eplerenone (which did for my kidneys) and I read to have about 60-80g protein pd (not heard of the palm sized piece.
    So how do we keep carbs low (I try to eat nothing that’s got more than 8% carb instead of counting net carbs) and not eat tooooo much protein, but some. Looks like never ending cruciferous plants to me (not so good for my low thyroid)
    Should we also control phosphates and potassium?
    It would be great if someone could lay it out for us. I’ve got zero medical help with this. My big question is what to eat for breakfast if it’s low protein and low carb! A handful of pistachio nuts and my only milk in tea for the day. 🥺
    My treat is frozen blueberries in extra thick cream. Oh my, try it, it’s wonderful!😁

    • @varynhaze
      @varynhaze Рік тому +2

      Replace the carbs with fat e.g. butter or animal fats like tallow.

    • @nickjohnson811
      @nickjohnson811 Рік тому +1

      How about an omelet with lots of low carb veggies for breakfast? Since I've switched to keto, I don't need breakfast. With low carb meals, I don't get hungry as often.

    • @bella-bee
      @bella-bee Рік тому

      @@varynhaze thanks, yes I do that, (and thank you 😊) but it’s all the other detail I need to know. Because normal ketosis diet would have more protein than I should consume

  • @CreativeDee
    @CreativeDee Рік тому +1

    My Nephrologist is against Keto. We don't get much of a choice of Specialists in Adelaide so what would you do if in my situation of being at 15% kidney function ? Is there a Keto group in South Australia ? He also doesn't want me to take a duiretic.

    • @lynntrovert2471
      @lynntrovert2471 Рік тому +3

      I would look at Dr. Jason Fung's work. Best of luck to you.

    • @ZacksRockingLifestyle
      @ZacksRockingLifestyle Рік тому +3

      In the end, you make the choices, and not your doctor.

    • @nickjohnson811
      @nickjohnson811 Рік тому +5

      As a severe type 2 diabetic, my kidney numbers were declining on track for dialysis. I was under the care of an endocrinologist and a nephrologist. After doing my own research, I switched to a keto diet, my T2D went into remission, and my kidney numbers improved, so I ditched both doctors. Now my blood sugar numbers are normal and my kidney numbers are stable.

    • @gregorywootton3870
      @gregorywootton3870 Рік тому

      Stay away from Sickcare professionals and find some real Healthcare people

    • @OpinionatedEmpath
      @OpinionatedEmpath 4 місяці тому

      What did you end up eating on keto? How long before you got such amazing results? Are you still doing keto?

  • @uanbator1963
    @uanbator1963 Рік тому +2

    Does anyone experienced hair loss after 10 months on keto ? And also do you feel like on adrenaline all day ? Also I wasnt hungry for like 3 months ...

    • @shrimperlincs3395
      @shrimperlincs3395 Рік тому

      It's been reported anecdotally.
      Not sure of the mechanism of action to cause it.
      The Adrenaline feeling also could be a sign that you're actually in chronic stress and in 'Hunt Mode' to find carbs.
      It's worth dipping out of Keto with some resistance starchy carbs and seeing how you tolerate them for a few days or weeks. Keto is always there to go back to.

    • @nickjohnson811
      @nickjohnson811 Рік тому +2

      Chronic tiredness from high blood sugar is how I, among many people, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I used to have to nap every afternoon, and slept at least 10 hours a day. Now I don't nap and need less than 8 hours on keto. I've been on for 3 years and don't have a problem with hair loss. Thanks to feeling less hungry, I've also dropped 65 pounds.

  • @grmalinda6251
    @grmalinda6251 Рік тому +2

    What of uric acid?

    • @LondonSteveLee
      @LondonSteveLee Рік тому

      She mentioned it - it drops over time.

    • @Shagley
      @Shagley Рік тому

      Phosphates don’t though 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @AznDudeIsOn
    @AznDudeIsOn Рік тому

    Is there an example diet

    • @marynayna6327
      @marynayna6327 Рік тому

      I found a great place to start a ketogenic diet (lifestyle) listening to Dr Becky Gillaspy.

    • @sigalsmadar4547
      @sigalsmadar4547 Рік тому +4

      Beef butter bacon and eggs. And salt! Don't be afraid of salt. It's good for you!
      Try that for 30 to 90 days.
      See Dr Ken Berry for more info.

    • @eliseville
      @eliseville Рік тому +2

      Everyone is different, but to maintain ketosis requires perhaps under 20 net carbs per day to work on lowering Insulin Resistance which is also part of kidney disease. The rest can vary widely based on pre-existing body-fat stores and energy levels.

    • @bella-bee
      @bella-bee Рік тому +1

      @@eliseville I got into ketosis on a diet where I didn’t eat anything more than 8% carbs on the label, while food only. It’s 30-50 net carbs I suppose. No carrots, they’re around 8%

    • @bella-bee
      @bella-bee Рік тому

      @@sigalsmadar4547 not necessarily salt. There’s a group of people, about 10% of people with hypertension, who produce too much aldosterone (an adrenal hormone). We have to keep salt below about 1.5g salt per day. Or BP rockets.
      I was started on a potassium sparing diuretic called Spironolactone to protect me from cardiovascular disease. This is the standard treatment if surgery isn’t indicated. For life. The effect was to blast my kidneys and my function dropped to 50%. It’s now about 45%
      I tried keto diet and lost 10kg. And kept my kidneys around 50-55%, then thought, perhaps that’s my level on the drug, but stable, so I eased off the diet. It’s obviously something I have to keep up with as I’m slipping again, and to be stricter on the salt. I am careful and my blood shows sodium in the mid normal range.

  • @Shagley
    @Shagley Рік тому +1

    Still not mentioning phosphates 🙄 what do you do when your on dialysis doing carnivore and your phosphates are through the roof?

  • @marcf6092
    @marcf6092 Рік тому


  • @gibbyjones1040
    @gibbyjones1040 Рік тому

    pet cats get CKD too from carbs in cat food. you and your cat are carnivores.
    we don't like carbs

  • @peterbeyer5755
    @peterbeyer5755 Рік тому

    The End of Alzheimers books author stipulates a ketogenic diet.😊

  • @rawmilkmike
    @rawmilkmike Рік тому

    Lovely video. But our low-carb friends need to realize obesity is not a disease. A person's weight says nothing about their health. Obesity has no symptoms so it cannot be a disease.
    An extremely large portion of the obese are completely healthy. There are far more unhealthy, normal weight people than there are unhealthy obese people.
    Obesity is more a matter of body type than it is lifestyle. A c***** diet will make you sick whether it makes you fat or not. People like myself can eat as much c*** as we want, and it doesn't make us fat. But it does make us unhealthy.
    Unhealthy fat people who go low carb get healthy before they lose weight. Keep in mind obese people actually live longer than normal white people.