*submission* I understand it differently than before!! The most unresolved questions were answered for me!! I was confused as to whether it was a matter of obeying God's commands!! Be strong for me
Amen, Amen, Amen…….God bless you dear sisters. I like your definition as always. When you emphasize on the observation of each phrase and verse, it’s easier to understand, follow, apply and obey God’s commands. May the Lord help each of us to be doers of the Word, not merely hearers. I like the statement you gave dear sister Rekik, as to how a wife should submit to her husband. You said it shouldn’t come or imposed by an outside influence, reminder or imposer but rather from the inside out. It should be a willing surrender done by a willing participant. That’s why the scripture tells to submit to one another just as we would submit to Christ our Lord. You see Christ never imposes fear or authority on us but rather He loves, sacrifice Himself for us and extends His gentle invitations to us to live worthy of our calling. And this my dears, never discriminates a man from a woman, a husband from a wife, a young person from an old, or children from adults……it’s for all who believe in Him. Praise His name, the gentle and meek King……..how easy is His yoke and light is His burden 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ ኤፌሶን 5:21፤ ለእያንዳንዳችሁ በክርስቶስ ፍርሃት የተገዛችሁ ሁኑ። ኤፌሶን 5:22፤ ሚስቶች ሆይ፥ ለጌታ እንደምትገዙ ለባሎቻችሁ ተገዙ፤ ኤፌሶን 4:1፤ እንግዲህ በጌታ እስር የሆንሁ እኔ በተጠራችሁበት መጠራታችሁ እንደሚገባ ትመላለሱ ዘንድ እለምናችኋለሁ፤ ኤፌሶን 4:2፤ በትሕትና ሁሉና በየዋህነት በትዕግሥትም፤ እርስ በርሳችሁ በፍቅር ታገሡ፤ ገላትያ 5:13፤ ወንድሞች ሆይ፥ እናንተ ለአርነት ተጠርታችኋልና፤ ብቻ አርነታችሁ ለሥጋ ምክንያትን አይስጥ፥ ነገር ግን በፍቅር እርስ በርሳችሁ እንደ ባሪያዎች ሁኑ። ገላትያ 5:14፤ ሕግ ሁሉ በአንድ ቃል ይፈጸማልና፥ እርሱም፦ “ባልንጀራህን እንደ ራስህ ውደድ፡” የሚል ነው። ማቴዎስ 11:28፤ እናንተ ደካሞች ሸክማችሁ የከበደ ሁሉ፥ ወደ እኔ ኑ፥ እኔም አሳርፋችኋለሁ። ማቴዎስ 11:29፤ ቀንበሬን በላያችሁ ተሸከሙ ከእኔም ተማሩ፥ እኔ የዋህ በልቤም ትሑት ነኝና፥ ለነፍሳችሁም ዕረፍት ታገኛላችሁ፤ ማቴዎስ 11:30፤ ቀንበሬ ልዝብ ሸክሜም ቀሊል ነውና።”
Set le wend tegza sayhon le baluwa tegza new yemilew selezi menged lay lalew wend sayhon megzat le balbetwa new ye bet erasu esu yessu ras degmo chirstos swlhone
The heart of everything and the center of whole Bible is Christ !በርቱልኝ 🙏🙏🙏
አሜን አሜን ጌታ ይባርካችሁ 🙏🙌👏 እግዚአብሔር ሆይ አንተን መታዘዝና መስማት ለሁላችን ይሁንልን።
በርቱ ጠንክሩ የእግዚአብሔር ቃል ለስው ሁሉ ለትምህርታችን ተጽፏል
*submission* I understand it differently than before!! The most unresolved questions were answered for me!! I was confused as to whether it was a matter of obeying God's commands!! Be strong for me
Egziabher yebarkachu
ውይይቱ ላይ አንድ የበሰለ ወንድ አገልጋይ ብታስገቡ ጥሩ ነው ! በሴት ልጅ መገዛት ላይ ስታወሩ(ረቂቅ) exception የሆኑ ጉዳዮችን አጋነሽ ነው ያቀረብሽው። ውይይቱ ሊሆን የሚገባው በጤናማ ክርስቲያናዊ ቤተሰብ Assumption ነው። Somehow ለራስሽ ፍላጎት ያደላሽ ይመስላል። የሚተናነቅሽ ነገር ያለ ይመስላል!!
Amen, Amen, Amen…….God bless you dear sisters. I like your definition as always. When you emphasize on the observation of each phrase and verse, it’s easier to understand, follow, apply and obey God’s commands. May the Lord help each of us to be doers of the Word, not merely hearers.
I like the statement you gave dear sister Rekik, as to how a wife should submit to her husband. You said it shouldn’t come or imposed by an outside influence, reminder or imposer but rather from the inside out. It should be a willing surrender done by a willing participant. That’s why the scripture tells to submit to one another just as we would submit to Christ our Lord. You see Christ never imposes fear or authority on us but rather He loves, sacrifice Himself for us and extends His gentle invitations to us to live worthy of our calling. And this my dears, never discriminates a man from a woman, a husband from a wife, a young person from an old, or children from adults……it’s for all who believe in Him. Praise His name, the gentle and meek King……..how easy is His yoke and light is His burden 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
ኤፌሶን 5:21፤ ለእያንዳንዳችሁ በክርስቶስ ፍርሃት የተገዛችሁ ሁኑ።
ኤፌሶን 5:22፤ ሚስቶች ሆይ፥ ለጌታ እንደምትገዙ ለባሎቻችሁ ተገዙ፤
ኤፌሶን 4:1፤ እንግዲህ በጌታ እስር የሆንሁ እኔ በተጠራችሁበት መጠራታችሁ እንደሚገባ ትመላለሱ ዘንድ እለምናችኋለሁ፤
ኤፌሶን 4:2፤ በትሕትና ሁሉና በየዋህነት በትዕግሥትም፤ እርስ በርሳችሁ በፍቅር ታገሡ፤
ገላትያ 5:13፤ ወንድሞች ሆይ፥ እናንተ ለአርነት ተጠርታችኋልና፤ ብቻ አርነታችሁ ለሥጋ ምክንያትን አይስጥ፥ ነገር ግን በፍቅር እርስ በርሳችሁ እንደ ባሪያዎች ሁኑ።
ገላትያ 5:14፤ ሕግ ሁሉ በአንድ ቃል ይፈጸማልና፥ እርሱም፦ “ባልንጀራህን እንደ ራስህ ውደድ፡” የሚል ነው።
ማቴዎስ 11:28፤ እናንተ ደካሞች ሸክማችሁ የከበደ ሁሉ፥ ወደ እኔ ኑ፥ እኔም አሳርፋችኋለሁ።
ማቴዎስ 11:29፤ ቀንበሬን በላያችሁ ተሸከሙ ከእኔም ተማሩ፥ እኔ የዋህ በልቤም ትሑት ነኝና፥ ለነፍሳችሁም ዕረፍት ታገኛላችሁ፤
ማቴዎስ 11:30፤ ቀንበሬ ልዝብ ሸክሜም ቀሊል ነውና።”
Thank you so much our dear sister ❤️ May God bless you more !
Tebereki ehete
Amen, bless you too dear 💜
@@rekikmenda626 Amen, blessings to you to my dear 💜
Blessing ❤❤❤
Set lej setseley tseguran teshfen yelelal please eymertachu atdergu
Amen 🙏 ❤❤❤
Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen Ameen
This hasbeen my qoustion megezateskeminn???
Kristosn eske memsel?
Set le wend tegza sayhon le baluwa tegza new yemilew selezi menged lay lalew wend sayhon megzat le balbetwa new ye bet erasu esu yessu ras degmo chirstos swlhone
ለመሆኑ ሴት መምህራን በምታነቡት መጽሐፍ አሉን? እንድታስተምርስ ተፈቅዶላቷልን?! ነው ወይስ democracy? ይኸንንም ተወያዩበት እስኪ እንስማቹ። just suggestion!
Ye Set nebiy ketkbelk yeset astemari lemin yigorebithal??
Weys ye tsga stota andu Kandu yibltal??
Ye adis kidan agelglot be menfes or besiga?? Be menfes kehone demo set wend yelem bekrstos yetfeterew adis sew new.
Siketl egzihaber menfesu demo bewndoch be setoch ljochu menfsun yafesal ....astewlen kayenew yemjmrya wengelawit rasu set nat mekdlawit mariam...siketil be hawariatu zemen kenbrutu yeset hawaria Julian Nebrch ye tswota guday atargew.
@@Hani-v9h Endet nesh Hanan, youtube channelu yanchi kehone hasabe ymeleketshal malet nw. Kalhone gn hasaben yakerebkut leAkrabiwochu nw. Siketl yeset neby ekebelalew yemil tshuf altsafkumna dgami yetsafkutn endtanebiw lanchi yalegn mkr nw amesegenalew🙏.
መድሀኒታችን በእርሱ ላመኑት ወንዶች ብቻ ሳይሆን በእርሱ ላመኑ ሁሉ ወንጌልን ሂዱና ለአለም ስበኩ ብሏል:: ለምን እንደሆነ አላውቅም Abuser ወንዶች ይቺን ቃል አይወዱም 🤔
@@tamratdenbi61 amsgnalew wendme lehulum. Bemsafkdus kamenk yeset nebyatoch alu neberum
Lelaw gin kekalu ansar biwera melkam new Personal endayhon negeru .yegeta tsga yerdawena tri yalew endiagleglu bintwachewbye new...Just postivle enji ene le endeziaynwt melsna tyakem no time.
Geta yibarkih wendme slemikrih.
Tsga yibzalih
suggestionh melkam bihonm intentionh gn lk aydelem