My first gun I ever bought was one of my best investments. When I was 12 I bought a 22 cal bolt action rifle for 50 bucks it was used not new and for hunting squirrels. I thought the gun was cool because it had a magazine versus a single shot which was all I had ever shot. This gun was very accurate and was a squirrels worst nightmare. Years later I looked more closely at it and noticed it was made in West Germany Savage Anshutz, it was obviously a great investment but at the time I had bought it I knew nothing about them. The only problem with investing in firearms is I will never sell them.
When I talk to folks about collecting, they tell me how expensive it is. Then I usually look at their smartphone and ask them how much they paid for it. Most phones are in excess of $500...and I say what will that phone be worth in 10 years. My guns either maintain their value or increase in value. I like the unique and obscure. I bought a Browning 2000 for $150 30 years ago. I have shot it in competition skeet and have several thousand rounds through it and it is my favorite shotgun.
I am a big fan of SIG rifles.. I have a Sig 550 Rifle (SAN) and Magazines were/are hard to find. One day I am at my FFL to pick up a transfer and I see a box of mags selling for $20, still in wrapper. I ask to look at them as they were behind the counter. Sure enough, new Swiss made SAN Mag that go for $90-$140 ea.. Maxed out the CC and bought the whole box. Clearly they did not know what they had.
It's a legacy draw for me. My dad (and hero) collected when I was a kid. He hunted once that I recall but we have hundreds of long guns. He was mechanic and I think he just loved that aspect of the guns. Many many collectables in Browning and Winchester. Never loaded never shot. He sold the the entire collection, after my brother and I each got to pick 5, to Cabela's in one swoop! All gone. We even had all the boxes.
How are you doing today Kerry Jerry Sadler? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
I just go for what I like. Colt, S&W, Winchester of course. I also have a nice milsurp string that I love. I don't count out anything, if it's cool and I can afford it I drag it home. If it doesn't appeal to me I let friends know that it's available. The best part of collecting guns is the awesome people you get to know.
Well I found my Triple Lock, and now I wait patiently for Bobby to finish his magic on it. They are not al perfect, but we can do our best to keep them usable for the next gen. I love Smith and Wessons, and good bolt action hunting rifles, and the bolt action hunting rifle is a field full of great bargains.
My wifes a wall hanger collector. I firmly believe if it can be shot it ought to, so i dont buy museum quality. Found an original Trapdoor Springfield that badly needed attention. I bought it, coulda done better for the price but i didn't feel too bad. Sent it to Mark Novak for inspection and a good cleaning. Barrel was leaded up to the point you couldnt see rifling. I could see hints of it here and there though. Its my wifes gun because of the several days of arguing over my sending it to Mark and loading ammo for it. Its all original, 1875 manufacture. Stock had a crack, its been repaired, a few screws needed attention, one had to be made, but its now a safe reliable and ready to use firearm. I wont touch it with a 10 foot pole. Picked up a second "Bannerman special", she started in on me about that Trapdoor also and i put my foot down. Very cool guns, both of mine shoot exceptionally well. Fffg black powder loads are holding about a 1.5 MOA at 200 yards. My wifes is wrapped up in a blanket and a gun sock. Mines in a gun box bubbaed to high heaven but functional.
I mostly collect guns that I like and a few more for defense. I love gunsmithing and solving problems. It's a joy to randomly pick a gun and research it all over again, like the Hi-Power or S&W 5906. Then take yours out to the range and have fun reacquainting yourself. Recently I've bought the Brownells BRN-601 and BRN-Proto and really enjoy those! I've painted the furniture and bought more accurate small parts to make them more authentic to the originals. There is a chase effect like Bobby Tyler described when tracking down (and finding in stock) more authentic parts!
Just ordered 2 more ARs to add to my collection. I currently own 45 firearms and will be adding to my collection going forward. I collect a little of everything but mostly modern firearms. I’m on a push to own 20 ARs just due to the current political environment around those firearm. I own 2 AR10s, 2 ARs Daniel Defense 300 Blackout in The PDW & MK18 SBR the rest are AR15s chambered in 5.56. I’m working on getting a KAC & Daniel Defense Pro next. Own a ton of handguns both semi automatic & revolvers. I like a little of everything. End of the day they’re great investments that hold their value for the most part unless you sell to a gun store instead of an individual if you choose to sale, I sold a few early when I started collecting but don’t sell anymore. It’s a hobby if mine and I enjoy it.
I started my collection in ernest about 50 years ago. Im heavy in Winchester model 12s, and model 42s. Im also partial to Belgian Auto 5s, and finally acquired a Superposed.
I think the best deal I’ve gotten so far is my second year production all matching 1891 argentine Mauser. Bought it from a local gun shop for $350 and it came with matching bayonet. Recently found a same year production 1891 on a website I frequent and for the same condition without bayonet, they were wanting $900 for it! Looked around and found similar results on other sites.
I have 3 of them. One was a sporter that I basically got for the price of his ammo. One is the short forearm and the other is long forearm. But my prized one is the 1909 Argentine Mauser! What a BEAUTIFUL gun…
People not in the know ask me, why do you need that gun (AR-15) or why do you need so many guns? I don't need them, I want them. Like they said, "It's the desire to find a gun you are looking for, then finding the next one on the list". I also have a list.
My dad has said the same thing about eventually firearms will increase in value over the years. I really wonder in the future if specific guns will increase in value or if it'll be across the board. Here's to hoping that my dad's hunting rifles and shotguns will be worth a shit when I get to his age. I still need to give him a kick in the butt to get his collection cleaned and serviceable so they're useful/valuable to me when he passes them down.
There is just something about blue steel and wood that tells a story. Every gun has one. Whether it has seen history, won the west, won a war, saved someone's life, put food on the table, belonged to someone famous, and the list goes on and on. Just collect what you like and be part of history. God bless America! Keep her free!🇺🇸
I started with Savage 99s . They are not the Winchester of the West, but a classic and set tends for theirs time. I also enjoy military surplus. I can be a lot of fun cleaning them up and know that each has it own history.
Millitary surplus collector. Dont care for civi stuff. I enjoy arms history and how conflicts have driven arms development that now has many uses today. Will not buy a sporter surplus shoukd never be sported in a way that it cannot be easily converted back. It beats the point if collecting it.
I'm kinda the flip side. You would've loved it back in the 80's. Milsurp Plentiful and cheap. I recently sold off most of mine due to pure profit. I kept a mint SKS with all acc., an M98 and an 03A3 for my son. Had some russian SKS with all,mint that I gave $85 for in 88 I think. Folks clamoring for them. Today, I like older modern firearms. Back when they were built well.And some new. Its all good.
I picked up a 1914 model12. 22 and a 1915 model 70 visible 22 pump for $150 at a garage sale they're both in perfectly working order no rust pitting just normal wear and tear beautiful guns
Bought an Costa Mesa AR180 a few years ago for 1200. A Property marked Colt 1911 from 1917 in the holster that it was brought back in from Korea for 1000. A Property marked Winchester Model 12 Trench gun (missing the heat shield) for 900. A US Customs marked Colt Detective Special from 1934 for 350 (pawn shop didnt know what they had). A S&W Model 29-5 from the original owner with his Bianchi Shoulder holster for 500. uhhhhhhhh, I know there's more but I cant think of them off the top of my head anymore 😂 Ive loved firearms, especially antiques and classics, ever since I was a kid. Been through plenty of surplus rifles and handguns over the years. I always traded up and sometimes sold the cool stuff to get other cool stuff that ive never had or handled. 2020 messed alot of things up though, its not as fun to go out and shoot anymore😔
How are you doing today Robert Dinicola? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
Honestly part of it is just the variety involved. Main interest for collecting for me is WWI-WWII military surplus, with some leeway back to the Boer Wars and forward to the early years of the Cold War. Just all the different and interesting designs that were made and fielded before we ended up standardizing on two options; the NATO choice and the Warsaw choice leads to some interesting firearms that I enjoy finding, fixing, and acquiring ammo to eventually shoot them.
How are you doing today Jeffrey Daes? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
I collected M1 carbines. I had 11 of them at one point. I trippeled my money and now I'm kicking myself for selling them. I still have 2 spam cans of ammunition and a few bayonets and a full collection of different rounds that were made for them in the original boxes. I also have a few built trigger groups and spare parts. I think all I need is a reciever and barrel and I can build one or two. When I lived in Denver there was a big gun show every two weeks at the holiday in convention center and I could buy any part I was looking for. I have wanted to go back and go to it if it is still going. Hear times.
I picked one up in mint condition 20 plus years ago for $125. Folks been trying to get m to part with it for years. It lives in my safe and sees daylight once or twice a year for a couple rounds and some cleaning!
Browning auto 5 (standard) Browning light 12 Browning twenty Browning sweet sixteen Browning buck special (magnum 12) Remington model 11 Savage 720 ( us property mark) FN marked auto 5
First off, I'd like to thank you for the information that you put forth. Information is the most important resource when buying anything... a vehicle, firearm, etc.. That said, I would love to see an informational video on what to look for when buying a vintage firearm so one can make sure that it it all original. I know that is a very broad request. Perhaps you could start with some of the more collectible American firearms. My particular interest is in the early winchesters.. 1866, 1873, 1894. I'm sure I am not alone in wanting to collect these as they are one of the vintage "blue chip" firearms makers but I want to be as certain as I can be that they are legitimate. Information helps people who are new to firearms investing (like myself) but don't want to get fooled.
I collect what (a) I like and (b) what I can afford. That means 1911s, not old military but new modern ones. (In fact, I have a couple of military .45s). I have new ones not only in .45 but 9 and 10mm as well. Walther now has a tribute Colt 1911 in .22. Of course there are .38 Supers and 45 Rowlands. If that isn't enough, Coonan produces a 1911 in 357 Magnum. So I still have a way to go!
Always learn something new. I traded for a very clean 1952 Ithaca 37 12g w/30" full choke barrel and it has a left handed safety. I have 2 other 37's and had no idea a left handed safety was even a thing! The guy who had it wanted to chop off the barrel and make a house gun out of it and I was like "SACRILEGE". So I traded him a maverick 88 20g 18" bbl. pistol grip. He didn't want a pistol grip so I put on a ati pistol grip buttstock and a 4 round side saddle. I also had 8 boxes buck shot to clince it since you can't find any ammo now.. I almost feel ashamed! LOL
I certainly wouldn’t suggest that I am a collector, but pre-lock N Frame Smiths have GREAT appeal and (near-always) I have to force myself away from applicable display cases.
Got twp wibchesters 25 35. Made 1905 and a 30 30 made 1907 1894's octagin barrels both in great condition. And a remington rand 1911 that is not an a1. Serial# comes back as a colt made 1915. Gun looks new?
32 cal Moore revolver, a Confederate Morse carbine, .451 Wentworth, a Dancer & Brother revolver, and Winchester. 303 British lever action. That is all I'd be happy.
I like old Winchesters - even my old Model 11 "Widow Maker" - which I'd never shoot, but my favorite is a .405 Winchester 1895...with all the extras - checkering, inlay, and peep sight. But I really like old pump 22s and such. And I am not above owning an old hammerless .22 Remington pump.
I like collecting US Military surplus (I only have the M1 Garand as of rn, I’m picking up an M1A tomorrow in fact to fill in as a M14) but I want to start from the Brown Bess/Kentucky Rifle and work all the way through to the M16A4/M4A1, I also want to collect every variant of M1 Garand’s (1 of each manufacturer and also have a M1C and M1D, probably an M1 tanker just for fun too)
How are you doing today Andrew Curt? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
@@domestictourist97 That good to know. I don't have the chance to travel sometimes. Well I’ve had to overcome many things in my life and would not be where I’m at today if I did not speak my mind. So the answer is yes, I have no problem speaking my mind. To be an advocate for myself. There is a right and wrong way to approach every situation so I am very careful when I do need to stand up for myself keeping others in mind. I will love to know more about ourselves as friends, Nothing More !
Most folks have some interest in which they manage to invest their money, gun collecting fits that bill. I've owned a good number of guns over the years and have even made a profit from time to time but I've always bought guns that interest me personally, not necessarily following trends. I've wound up with a few really neat keepers that way too!
I wanna Collect an M1 Garand but I don’t know which version is better for taking to the range periodically vs one that’s kept in a safe for collecting.
thats the beauty of collecting the M1 Garand all of the ones i have i can shoot whenever without hurting the if they was new in the wrap thats different however those are so rare .they are great fun to collect join the Garand Collectors Association.great magazine and info .
I think that I would like to do a period collection. I have always thought a 50s-70s collection would be cool. Uzi, FN FAL, AKMs, etc. Alternatively, maybe regional focus like guns produced in the region of former Yugoslavia.
When ANYTHING bad happens the price of guns and ammo only goes up. I want to be in a good position when times get hard. Guns don't crash like the stock market.
I went to a gun shop to show the ex an Garand. On the way to that gun rack was this strange looking gun. The wife said “that looks cool! Buy it! So I did. Turns out it was a SVT 40.
Oh, where to start? Probably the Ammo score. 500 rounds of Lake City match for 0.25 cents a round guy also had radway green he was selling for 20 cents per round. I cleaned him out, Came out with like 1200 round of .308. I also traded a norinco sks for an excellent condition east german ak parts kit with intact barrel, also a gun show find. I love bringin my cute GF with me to gun shows because the sellers are always busy eyeballing her to realize what they are saying until its said.
I sort of understand it. Not the guy using his cc or for instance there is a commenter below that collects SIG rifles... I will keep hold of old worn guns and wait for the next gun scare and dump them on someone willing to pay $200-500 more than what I paid; happened twice in the last 15 years. If I don’t use it, it goes. I have plenty of other activities to spend money on and a savings. No kids and no ex wives to pay for is damn smart.
UA-cam Stopped Sending Email Notifications to Alert Channel Subscribers to New Content on 13th August 2020. Bummer - I am very disappointed I rarely watch videos as soon as I get notified, and notifications on the site and in the app are easy to forget about once they have been acknowledged. With e-mails I can go back days or weeks and watch when I'm ready. I expect those emails to come in. Now, what? What's the point of I subscribed to a UA-cam channel now? I never visit UA-cam unless I get an email notification. I have to hang by my phone 24/7 waiting or notifications to come in so that I can go to that creator’s channel and add their latest video to my "Watch Later" list? Email Notifications are the only ones I use.
I collect serial numbers aka 1776 That means I get 1 out all. I don't care the kind which has lead me to some interesting finds. Love your vids. TRUMP 2020
Questions about shotguns I purchased a semiautomatic shotgun from a Florida company and it will not eject Federal or Winchester upland game bird ammo. They told me I had to break it in by shooting 5 to 25 rounds of OO buck to get the parts to marry up. Said it was common knowledge and all semiautomatic shotguns require this. That has not been the case for my Browning or Weatherby shotguns. I did run 5 rounds of OO through it (was all I had) and no improvement. Ever heard of this? Or did I get taken?
My first gun I ever bought was one of my best investments. When I was 12 I bought a 22 cal bolt action rifle for 50 bucks it was used not new and for hunting squirrels. I thought the gun was cool because it had a magazine versus a single shot which was all I had ever shot. This gun was very accurate and was a squirrels worst nightmare. Years later I looked more closely at it and noticed it was made in West Germany Savage Anshutz, it was obviously a great investment but at the time I had bought it I knew nothing about them. The only problem with investing in firearms is I will never sell them.
When I talk to folks about collecting, they tell me how expensive it is. Then I usually look at their smartphone and ask them how much they paid for it. Most phones are in excess of $500...and I say what will that phone be worth in 10 years. My guns either maintain their value or increase in value. I like the unique and obscure. I bought a Browning 2000 for $150 30 years ago. I have shot it in competition skeet and have several thousand rounds through it and it is my favorite shotgun.
Happy to see the channel doing well!! Good job fellas
You folks at Brownells are really great. Thanks for all the videos you put out.
Thanks for watching!
I like old guns. Winchesters. Colts. Smith & Wesson. Marlin. Makes me happy to find an older gun to add to my collection.
Better question: _Why not?!_
Stay classy my friends.
2 pre model 27 2.5 in 5 screw s/w 357 mag [nickel and blue]
I am a big fan of SIG rifles.. I have a Sig 550 Rifle (SAN) and Magazines were/are hard to find. One day I am at my FFL to pick up a transfer and I see a box of mags selling for $20, still in wrapper. I ask to look at them as they were behind the counter. Sure enough, new Swiss made SAN Mag that go for $90-$140 ea.. Maxed out the CC and bought the whole box. Clearly they did not know what they had.
It's a legacy draw for me. My dad (and hero) collected when I was a kid. He hunted once that I recall but we have hundreds of long guns. He was mechanic and I think he just loved that aspect of the guns. Many many collectables in Browning and Winchester. Never loaded never shot. He sold the the entire collection, after my brother and I each got to pick 5, to Cabela's in one swoop! All gone. We even had all the boxes.
Just for the pure fun, love buying and shooting guns.
How are you doing today Kerry Jerry Sadler? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
I just go for what I like. Colt, S&W, Winchester of course. I also have a nice milsurp string that I love. I don't count out anything, if it's cool and I can afford it I drag it home. If it doesn't appeal to me I let friends know that it's available. The best part of collecting guns is the awesome people you get to know.
I have been collecting Smith & Wesson and Ruger revolvers since 1986
Got a Smith and Wesson model 28 highway patrolman for $200. This was a couple months ago. Probably the best deal I'll ever get
Well I found my Triple Lock, and now I wait patiently for Bobby to finish his magic on it. They are not al perfect, but we can do our best to keep them usable for the next gen. I love Smith and Wessons, and good bolt action hunting rifles, and the bolt action hunting rifle is a field full of great bargains.
My wifes a wall hanger collector. I firmly believe if it can be shot it ought to, so i dont buy museum quality. Found an original Trapdoor Springfield that badly needed attention. I bought it, coulda done better for the price but i didn't feel too bad. Sent it to Mark Novak for inspection and a good cleaning. Barrel was leaded up to the point you couldnt see rifling. I could see hints of it here and there though. Its my wifes gun because of the several days of arguing over my sending it to Mark and loading ammo for it. Its all original, 1875 manufacture. Stock had a crack, its been repaired, a few screws needed attention, one had to be made, but its now a safe reliable and ready to use firearm. I wont touch it with a 10 foot pole. Picked up a second "Bannerman special", she started in on me about that Trapdoor also and i put my foot down. Very cool guns, both of mine shoot exceptionally well. Fffg black powder loads are holding about a 1.5 MOA at 200 yards. My wifes is wrapped up in a blanket and a gun sock. Mines in a gun box bubbaed to high heaven but functional.
Cause bang sticks are fun!
I mostly collect guns that I like and a few more for defense. I love gunsmithing and solving problems. It's a joy to randomly pick a gun and research it all over again, like the Hi-Power or S&W 5906. Then take yours out to the range and have fun reacquainting yourself. Recently I've bought the Brownells BRN-601 and BRN-Proto and really enjoy those! I've painted the furniture and bought more accurate small parts to make them more authentic to the originals. There is a chase effect like Bobby Tyler described when tracking down (and finding in stock) more authentic parts!
Just ordered 2 more ARs to add to my collection. I currently own 45 firearms and will be adding to my collection going forward. I collect a little of everything but mostly modern firearms. I’m on a push to own 20 ARs just due to the current political environment around those firearm. I own 2 AR10s, 2 ARs Daniel Defense 300 Blackout in The PDW & MK18 SBR the rest are AR15s chambered in 5.56. I’m working on getting a KAC & Daniel Defense Pro next. Own a ton of handguns both semi automatic & revolvers. I like a little of everything. End of the day they’re great investments that hold their value for the most part unless you sell to a gun store instead of an individual if you choose to sale, I sold a few early when I started collecting but don’t sell anymore. It’s a hobby if mine and I enjoy it.
I started my collection in ernest about 50 years ago. Im heavy in Winchester model 12s, and model 42s. Im also partial to Belgian Auto 5s, and finally acquired a Superposed.
I think the best deal I’ve gotten so far is my second year production all matching 1891 argentine Mauser. Bought it from a local gun shop for $350 and it came with matching bayonet. Recently found a same year production 1891 on a website I frequent and for the same condition without bayonet, they were wanting $900 for it! Looked around and found similar results on other sites.
I have 3 of them. One was a sporter that I basically got for the price of his ammo. One is the short forearm and the other is long forearm. But my prized one is the 1909 Argentine Mauser! What a BEAUTIFUL gun…
People not in the know ask me, why do you need that gun (AR-15) or why do you need so many guns? I don't need them, I want them. Like they said, "It's the desire to find a gun you are looking for, then finding the next one on the list". I also have a list.
Firearms have an outstanding return rate even in normal times.
I collect a little bit of everything honestly... Edged weapons, firearms, impact weapons 🤔
Why not have a few melee weapons in the safe, eh?
@@dragoonTT just haven't found anything in that category that caught my eye
I bought a wonderful SAA Bisley clone from Steve at the Tulsa Gun Show a couple years ago. Fantastic revolver and still in my collection. Thanks bud!
Steve wants to know how that things shootin'!?
My dad has said the same thing about eventually firearms will increase in value over the years. I really wonder in the future if specific guns will increase in value or if it'll be across the board. Here's to hoping that my dad's hunting rifles and shotguns will be worth a shit when I get to his age. I still need to give him a kick in the butt to get his collection cleaned and serviceable so they're useful/valuable to me when he passes them down.
Because they are cool, and because someday you might need them.
My mausers aren’t going to save me from a guy with a AK/AR. XD
I have a decent collection of old guns. Love being able to get an old gun sent right to my door with a c&r license.
What are the negatives to it?
There is just something about blue steel and wood that tells a story. Every gun has one. Whether it has seen history, won the west, won a war, saved someone's life, put food on the table, belonged to someone famous, and the list goes on and on. Just collect what you like and be part of history. God bless America! Keep her free!🇺🇸
I started with Savage 99s . They are not the Winchester of the West, but a classic and set tends for theirs time. I also enjoy military surplus. I can be a lot of fun cleaning them up and know that each has it own history.
Millitary surplus collector. Dont care for civi stuff. I enjoy arms history and how conflicts have driven arms development that now has many uses today. Will not buy a sporter surplus shoukd never be sported in a way that it cannot be easily converted back. It beats the point if collecting it.
I'm kinda the flip side. You would've loved it back in the 80's. Milsurp Plentiful and cheap. I recently sold off most of mine due to pure profit. I kept a mint SKS with all acc., an M98 and an 03A3 for my son. Had some russian SKS with all,mint that I gave $85 for in 88 I think. Folks clamoring for them. Today, I like older modern firearms. Back when they were built well.And some new. Its all good.
@@paulmoss7940 li wish I was born to where I could have enjoyed the 80's and 90's. Now that surplus is crazy high priced.
I picked up a 1914 model12. 22 and a 1915 model 70 visible 22 pump for $150 at a garage sale they're both in perfectly working order no rust pitting just normal wear and tear beautiful guns
Bought an Costa Mesa AR180 a few years ago for 1200.
A Property marked Colt 1911 from 1917 in the holster that it was brought back in from Korea for 1000.
A Property marked Winchester Model 12 Trench gun (missing the heat shield) for 900.
A US Customs marked Colt Detective Special from 1934 for 350 (pawn shop didnt know what they had).
A S&W Model 29-5 from the original owner with his Bianchi Shoulder holster for 500.
uhhhhhhhh, I know there's more but I cant think of them off the top of my head anymore 😂 Ive loved firearms, especially antiques and classics, ever since I was a kid.
Been through plenty of surplus rifles and handguns over the years. I always traded up and sometimes sold the cool stuff to get other cool stuff that ive never had or handled. 2020 messed alot of things up though, its not as fun to go out and shoot anymore😔
I like anything old and anything wierd. An old 1800s gravity feed parlor gun. S&w model 1,
How are you doing today Robert Dinicola? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
Honestly part of it is just the variety involved. Main interest for collecting for me is WWI-WWII military surplus, with some leeway back to the Boer Wars and forward to the early years of the Cold War. Just all the different and interesting designs that were made and fielded before we ended up standardizing on two options; the NATO choice and the Warsaw choice leads to some interesting firearms that I enjoy finding, fixing, and acquiring ammo to eventually shoot them.
How are you doing today Jeffrey Daes? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
I collected M1 carbines. I had 11 of them at one point. I trippeled my money and now I'm kicking myself for selling them. I still have 2 spam cans of ammunition and a few bayonets and a full collection of different rounds that were made for them in the original boxes. I also have a few built trigger groups and spare parts. I think all I need is a reciever and barrel and I can build one or two. When I lived in Denver there was a big gun show every two weeks at the holiday in convention center and I could buy any part I was looking for. I have wanted to go back and go to it if it is still going. Hear times.
I picked one up in mint condition 20 plus years ago for $125. Folks been trying to get m to part with it for years. It lives in my safe and sees daylight once or twice a year for a couple rounds and some cleaning!
Browning auto 5 (standard)
Browning light 12
Browning twenty
Browning sweet sixteen
Browning buck special (magnum 12)
Remington model 11
Savage 720 ( us property mark)
FN marked auto 5
First off, I'd like to thank you for the information that you put forth. Information is the most important resource when buying anything... a vehicle, firearm, etc..
That said, I would love to see an informational video on what to look for when buying a vintage firearm so one can make sure that it it all original.
I know that is a very broad request. Perhaps you could start with some of the more collectible American firearms. My particular interest is in the early winchesters.. 1866, 1873, 1894.
I'm sure I am not alone in wanting to collect these as they are one of the vintage "blue chip" firearms makers but I want to be as certain as I can be that they are legitimate.
Information helps people who are new to firearms investing (like myself) but don't want to get fooled.
I collect what (a) I like and (b) what I can afford. That means 1911s, not old military but new modern ones. (In fact, I have a couple of military .45s). I have new ones not only in .45 but 9 and 10mm as well. Walther now has a tribute Colt 1911 in .22. Of course there are .38 Supers and 45 Rowlands. If that isn't enough, Coonan produces a 1911 in 357 Magnum. So I still have a way to go!
Always wanted a Broomhandle Mauser
I collect mostly WWI and WWII. It takes a lot of investing for some pieces. And I do go through all of that NFA and ATF trouble to get some firearms.
Always learn something new. I traded for a very clean 1952 Ithaca 37 12g w/30" full choke barrel and it has a left handed safety. I have 2 other 37's and had no idea a left handed safety was even a thing! The guy who had it wanted to chop off the barrel and make a house gun out of it and I was like "SACRILEGE". So I traded him a maverick 88 20g 18" bbl. pistol grip. He didn't want a pistol grip so I put on a ati pistol grip buttstock and a 4 round side saddle. I also had 8 boxes buck shot to clince it since you can't find any ammo now.. I almost feel ashamed! LOL
Me: I collect guns... Them: What kind of guns do you collect? Me: I collect guns.
I certainly wouldn’t suggest that I am a collector, but pre-lock N Frame Smiths have GREAT appeal and (near-always) I have to force myself away from applicable display cases.
Got twp wibchesters 25 35. Made 1905 and a 30 30 made 1907 1894's octagin barrels both in great condition. And a remington rand 1911 that is not an a1. Serial# comes back as a colt made 1915. Gun looks new?
32 cal Moore revolver, a Confederate Morse carbine, .451 Wentworth, a Dancer & Brother revolver, and Winchester. 303 British lever action. That is all I'd be happy.
I love my Ruger American rimfire, just as much as I love my braced Charger .
I like old Winchesters - even my old Model 11 "Widow Maker" - which I'd never shoot, but my favorite is a .405 Winchester 1895...with all the extras - checkering, inlay, and peep sight. But I really like old pump 22s and such. And I am not above owning an old hammerless .22 Remington pump.
I like collecting US Military surplus (I only have the M1 Garand as of rn, I’m picking up an M1A tomorrow in fact to fill in as a M14) but I want to start from the Brown Bess/Kentucky Rifle and work all the way through to the M16A4/M4A1, I also want to collect every variant of M1 Garand’s (1 of each manufacturer and also have a M1C and M1D, probably an M1 tanker just for fun too)
guns are a good investment also... They are not going to lose value.
Why not? They are fun, they are historical. They are mechanical wonders. They are functional works of art. And as Americans, it is our right.
If your family means more than money to you, then a gun is priceless protection!
I like older smith and Wesson revolvers and jm marlin lever actions!
How are you doing today Andrew Curt? It's really nice having you on here...I saw your profile on here and i think we definitely are on the same page on many Levels. Trust, Communication, Loving, Honoring, Understanding, Patience and Respecting Your Partner. So crucial to provide balance.
I’m great! Thanks
@@domestictourist97 That good to know.
I don't have the chance to travel sometimes. Well I’ve had to overcome many things in my life and would not be where I’m at today if I did not speak my mind. So the answer is yes, I have no problem speaking my mind. To be an advocate for myself. There is a right and wrong way to approach every situation so I am very careful when I do need to stand up for myself keeping others in mind. I will love to know more about ourselves as friends, Nothing More !
Most folks have some interest in which they manage to invest their money, gun collecting fits that bill. I've owned a good number of guns over the years and have even made a profit from time to time but I've always bought guns that interest me personally, not necessarily following trends. I've wound up with a few really neat keepers that way too!
I wanna Collect an M1 Garand but I don’t know which version is better for taking to the range periodically vs one that’s kept in a safe for collecting.
thats the beauty of collecting the M1 Garand all of the ones i have i can shoot whenever without hurting the if they was new in the wrap thats different however those are so rare .they are great fun to collect join the Garand Collectors Association.great magazine and info .
I think that I would like to do a period collection. I have always thought a 50s-70s collection would be cool. Uzi, FN FAL, AKMs, etc. Alternatively, maybe regional focus like guns produced in the region of former Yugoslavia.
Comblock because its typically cheaper. Most expensive is the svt 40
When ANYTHING bad happens the price of guns and ammo only goes up. I want to be in a good position when times get hard. Guns don't crash like the stock market.
Straight up facts at 3:29
I went to a gun shop to show the ex an Garand. On the way to that gun rack was this strange looking gun. The wife said “that looks cool! Buy it! So I did. Turns out it was a SVT 40.
Why Collect Firearms?
Because if I didn't, firearms would collect ME.
I do have
They are good as gold :P
Not where i live. Since we have a national firearms register, which means licensing, requirements and limitations.
They really don't make them like they used to with some kinds of firearms.
Police/Law Enforcement marked guns are one of the things I collect.
Guns never loose value. Never. Why? 😁🇺🇸
One is too many and 100 ain't enough.
@vettelover2009 Nice. I'm taking donations.
@vettelover2009 Well, shit.
I would like to collect West German SIG Sauer handguns , old H&K’s and Hi-Powers
Oh, where to start? Probably the Ammo score. 500 rounds of Lake City match for 0.25 cents a round guy also had radway green he was selling for 20 cents per round. I cleaned him out, Came out with like 1200 round of .308. I also traded a norinco sks for an excellent condition east german ak parts kit with intact barrel, also a gun show find. I love bringin my cute GF with me to gun shows because the sellers are always busy eyeballing her to realize what they are saying until its said.
Sorry Bobby, we need Caleb back.
Why collect firearms? How long do you have?
Hahaha THIS!
People are collecting to get ready for the Big Boogaloo!!!... Coming soon to the town you're in!!!
Are you guys buying?
Mil surplus because of rising prices!!!
Unfortunately in my country the licencing process per firearm is a nightmare. Wouldn't be worth it. Enjoy your freedoms!
aka "Hoarding" ">D
I sort of understand it. Not the guy using his cc or for instance there is a commenter below that collects SIG rifles...
I will keep hold of old worn guns and wait for the next gun scare and dump them on someone willing to pay $200-500 more than what I paid; happened twice in the last 15 years.
If I don’t use it, it goes.
I have plenty of other activities to spend money on and a savings. No kids and no ex wives to pay for is damn smart.
Where's Caleb?
We allllll love Caleb but he cant be in EVERY video 😂
Remember it’s a hobbie
Right with all the things you can better ask yourself WHY DO I COLLECT KILLING MACHINES ?
UA-cam Stopped Sending Email Notifications to Alert Channel Subscribers to New Content on 13th August 2020.
Bummer - I am very disappointed
I rarely watch videos as soon as I get notified, and notifications on the site and in the app are easy to forget about once they have been acknowledged.
With e-mails I can go back days or weeks and watch when I'm ready.
I expect those emails to come in.
Now, what?
What's the point of I subscribed to a UA-cam channel now?
I never visit UA-cam unless I get an email notification.
I have to hang by my phone 24/7 waiting or notifications to come in so that I can go to that creator’s channel and add their latest video to my "Watch Later" list?
Email Notifications are the only ones I use.
I collect serial numbers aka 1776 That means I get 1 out all. I don't care the kind which has lead me to some interesting finds. Love your vids. TRUMP 2020
Haha !! Just collect Ruger Bi- centennial models from 1976. Says "Built in 200th yr. 1776-1976 " on barrel. I have three.
Yeah Buddy... TRUMP train gon roll !!!
Questions about shotguns
I purchased a semiautomatic shotgun from a Florida company and it will not eject Federal or Winchester upland game bird ammo. They told me I had to break it in by shooting 5 to 25 rounds of OO buck to get the parts to marry up. Said it was common knowledge and all semiautomatic shotguns require this. That has not been the case for my Browning or Weatherby shotguns. I did run 5 rounds of OO through it (was all I had) and no improvement. Ever heard of this? Or did I get taken?
Any police carried handgun/trade in
why collect anything?? because i can. and my constitution says i can
Why collect firearms? Uh, catch the national news lately?
Why breath air?
Valid comparison...
Why collect firearms? Because 5.56 is sold out, but 5.45 is still there
Could you find anyone who talks more slowly.