Unseen Forces Are Always Guarding and Guiding Us

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • For enlightenment purposes only. Just one guy's waking dream, right?
    During quieter moments of profound contemplation, have you ever wondered how great it would feel to step up like the hero you are and support Cash's channel? Well, here's your chance. It's as easy as clicking on this lovely link: www.PayPal.me/c.... Spoiler alert: it may give you a fuzzy, warm sensation inside.
    Details of Cash's fabulously uplifting new book, The Illustrated Law of Attraction, are available at www.cashpeters.com, along with some attractive mugs and T-shirts for your drinking and wearing pleasure. (The cost of mailing mugs in the U.S. is entirely down to the whims of that rascal Louis DeJoy. Alas, we are all just playthings in his world.)
    In other news:
    A) The ebook versions of the Believing book, 'Force of Habit', and MasterPeace' are, as usual, to be found on Amazon. 'Why Your Life Matters' is no longer available in paperback, only as an ebook on Amazon.
    B) If you'd like to understand how Cash does his pictures, there's a video you can watch. You'll find it here: • How I Channel Pictures...
    C) Newspaper headlines used in the video are included without the introductory phrase, "And this is how The Washington Post described it' or 'Here's what Forbes said on this topic last week' etc. This saves space and repetition, but that's what is intended. Excerpts from books, poetry, or other media are included under the doctrine of fair use.
    And finally, a word to all my darling commenters...
    I love hearing from you, even if you're being critical, but especially if you're not. Your ideas for topics for pictures are also appreciated.
    However, there are some things that are not acceptable. Cross these boundaries a little bit and your comment will be deleted. Cross them a lot and you will be blocked. Please bear in mind that I curate hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of comments each week, and so will generally skip or delete argumentative or vexatious people.
    Anyway, here they are, listed in no particular numerical order:
    1) No spam, scams, bots, fake information, links to porno sites, gaslighting, or phony opinions presented as real comments.
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    3) Do not post bogus invitations that suggest viewers check out 'my' Instagram or Telegram page, or that they should have a personal reading from me. I will NEVER send you an invite or contact you directly. I don't even contact my friends directly, so, rest assured, if it looks like I'm instigating an interaction, it's a scam.
    4) Please maintain a respectful distance. Don't try pick-up lines on other commenters, ask where they live, or seek other personal details from them. Or from me, for that matter. I would also add...no over-affectionate gushing, intimate suggestions, or creepy claims to be my friend when you're not. I will block you instantly.
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    6) No promoting other readers. This is a regrettable one. I don't have an objection to readers being referred to - of course. Some of them are terrific. However, a handful of viewers insist on plugging two readers in particular, and it's fishy. So...no to that.
    7) No time-stamping my videos. In other words, no going through the episode, noting the time that each topic begins, and posting an itemized list. We live in an increasingly divided and segmented world where people confine their focus solely to things that concern them, shutting out everything else, especially stuff that's happening in other countries. This viewpoint is unsustainable when the very survival of humanity depends on everyone pulling together as one. Time-stamping is not conducive to that. Please don't do it.
    In addition, and as a makeshift number 8...
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  • @sandyhaas780
    @sandyhaas780 Місяць тому +197

    I planted a lilac for my mom the year she passed. Put solar lights throughout the garden. At 12am on my birthday, (mid November) when all of the lights were out for the night, the one under her lilac flashed on and off for 15 minutes. It was our running joke. I was born quarter past midnight. She would call and sing happy birthday at midnight every year. It was the first year that wasn’t going to happen. All I could do was chuckle and say, “got it Ma”. That was 16 years ago. Hasn’t happened since, but I still smile remembering that night.

    • @clarissasawyer5488
      @clarissasawyer5488 Місяць тому +15

      This is a little wink from mom from spirit saying, I love you." ❤

    • @queenofwater8783
      @queenofwater8783 Місяць тому +14

      Oh thank you for sharing that. I just got chills throughout my body. I know that was her! ❤️

    • @queenofwater8783
      @queenofwater8783 Місяць тому +15

      I don’t feel alone as much as I feel so very homesick. Sometimes it just hits me so hard, I’m doubled over. I’ve felt it most of my life, though I’ve been surrounded by a large family and many friends.

    • @clarissasawyer5488
      @clarissasawyer5488 Місяць тому +3


    • @lifecloud2
      @lifecloud2 Місяць тому +7

      Wow ... what a cool experience! To me, that's Love with a capital "L"!

  • @jennyadam2555
    @jennyadam2555 Місяць тому +353

    Cash, I think you will be shocked when you are shown just how much comfort, and indeed enlightenment, you have given your listeners. Thank you 💖 this particular one is grateful.

    • @Nurturing2
      @Nurturing2 Місяць тому +13

      Me too❣️

    • @ariboog4069
      @ariboog4069 Місяць тому +18

      Thank you, Cash. You have no idea how much I needed to hear this message. I am going through a really tough financial and career spot, feeling somewhat alone. This is a good reminder and has made me reconsider that I need to let things happen, as this may be all better for me in the long run. ❤

    • @nancycornett9949
      @nancycornett9949 Місяць тому +10

      Thank you Cash! A few years ago, in looking back on my life, I realized pretty much what you’re saying. That my many unexplainable rescues from bad situations were not unexplainable after all! I’ve never accomplished anything outstanding in my life, but apparently I still have value to my guardian angels. I have a lot of questions for them when I reach the other side.🤔

    • @karenmetcalfe9930
      @karenmetcalfe9930 Місяць тому +8

      Us, too ❤

    • @DakotaDeb
      @DakotaDeb Місяць тому +9

      I'm one of them. Very grateful to Cash.❤❤❤❤

  • @dorothylavell3038
    @dorothylavell3038 Місяць тому +90

    I've had Bob Marley in my head singing 🎵 Every little thing's going to be alright🎵🎶🎶🎶🙏🇦🇺🌎✨️🩷😊

  • @yvespiaget17
    @yvespiaget17 Місяць тому +66

    I pray this video reaches Mr. Fox.

  • @vixendoe6943
    @vixendoe6943 Місяць тому +151

    I used to be very "christian" orientated. Even as a young child I read the Bible. Around the age of 14 I left the church and began to study world religions. I found that we, as human beings have so much in common through our spirituality. I have learned that our Creator is bigger than any holy book or church, synagogue and mosque. We are all loved and looked after. We all have a spirit team, guides and protectors. Thank you for confirming that. Blessings, love and light.

  • @Attingham
    @Attingham Місяць тому +71

    I needed to hear this this morning Cash.
    Empath, from a family of malignant narcissists 70 and isolated.
    Friends disappeared …just the dog❤
    Received a frightening, painful medical diagnosis yesterday.
    I can sense my mom who passed in the 1980s.
    I won’t fall into fear. Thank you! You are delightful.

    • @TrishTaylor-bk5pp
      @TrishTaylor-bk5pp Місяць тому

      Stay strong, and I hope you find your new community of friendship and support. 🙏🏼🥰😚
      🦁🌞✴️💫 Also, it's the fullest day (8/8) of the Lion's Gate portal, a wonderful time for manifesting our wishes and goals! These energies also facilitate healing, so a good time for releasing traumas, old patterns, and anything that no longer serves you, and look for the new beginning!
      Maybe you take a moment to light a candle, gather some yellow flowers near you, place some of your favorite crystalls, rocks, or gems -- especially if they are yellow or orange 😚🌞 -- and sit and enjoy that. Maybe cast your mind's eye afar, soft gaze, and see if any impressions come to you. Do any of these inspire an idea or action? Lean into wonderful, loving thoughts for yourself, the planet, and do say a lovely prayer. Add manifestation thought(s) if you wish, and confer blessings for yourself!
      Best good wishes! 😻🦋🌞💫

    • @scm0717
      @scm0717 Місяць тому +15

      You have family here.

    • @LilacbunnyGirl-zs9xi
      @LilacbunnyGirl-zs9xi Місяць тому +11

      Empath here! Grew up in a very abusive home. I just wanted to let you know you aren’t alone. I am sending you healing hugs.

    • @rumigirl
      @rumigirl Місяць тому +10

      Sending you love. 💚💚💚

    • @nancycronin551
      @nancycronin551 Місяць тому +10

      You have this community. Sending you hugs and pets for your doggo.

  • @Jen0714
    @Jen0714 Місяць тому +108

    I'll spare the story and just genuinely say...thank you, Cash. You are a very special individual, indeed.

  • @BarbaraKelley347
    @BarbaraKelley347 Місяць тому +14

    My mother passed about 15 years ago, along with my daughter in law. They both have visited me several times. I know they are alive and well, they just don’t have on a coat of flesh. I communicate with them using my pendulum. Of course all I can get from them are yes or no answers, but the questions I ask are such that I know I’m communicating with them. I’m 80 years old and I’m so tired of this 3D world and am very much looking forward to going home. Funny, when you’re a child, you want to live forever, but when you get to my age you’re ready for it to end (at least I am). Cash, you are such a beautiful soul and a gift to us all. ❤️👵🏼👵🏼

  • @nm9412
    @nm9412 Місяць тому +64

    Thank you for your genuine care for Jamie Foxx and your insights.

  • @JoannaK-j1o
    @JoannaK-j1o Місяць тому +64

    Thank you Cash! I remember when my mom died. I have never felt so alone in my life! I remember crying actual saying 'I feel so alone' Out loud. Immediately I felt like I was literally being embraced and held in someone's arms as I cried myself to sleep that night. There's no doubt to me that we are never alone! Thank you for bring back this memory to me! 😍

    • @suerotter2417
      @suerotter2417 Місяць тому +3

      After my mother passed I had a so real "dream" that I had a phone call. My mother was on the other end and in her way said "Hi there!" "I'm in heaven!" That was just what I needed to help me with my grief. We are never alone.

    • @vperez2965
      @vperez2965 Місяць тому +2

      Ahhh, that was great!
      I love those stories of people getting phone calls from loved ones. My cousin was always dealing with 3 little ones by herself in the years when her husband had to travel a lot. One evening she was feeling so alone and overwhelmed when her landline rang and she heard her Dad, my Uncle, say hello...don't worry...it wasn't an extended conversation, but just letting her know that he was watching and caring.
      I've never heard of this happening with a cell phone have you?

  • @marianedmond5326
    @marianedmond5326 Місяць тому +38

    You are an awesome individual and messenger.💜Thank you for being here......and with us, now. 😊

    • @Stephanie-sr8oi
      @Stephanie-sr8oi Місяць тому +2

      AND HEALER...just like you've always wanted to be!

  • @karinhill4048
    @karinhill4048 Місяць тому +86

    I recently went to the ER thinking I might be having a heart attack (I wasn't, thankfully!). I spent 4 hours in the room - mostly alone. I guess the medical people observe you from afar. I was asking the Universe and the spirits that loved me to please be with me because I was very afraid. I do believe that they are always with me, but I think my fear kept me from feeling them. So, I just pictured them standing next to me and holding my hand. It was so difficult to let go of the fear - it was so physical. It was making my symptoms worse. Your message is very reassuring! Even though we may fully believe in the power and existence of our spirit family, it seems the slightest doubt can hide their presence from us.

    • @carolsaia7401
      @carolsaia7401 Місяць тому +11

      Still, that's cruel to leave you alone and vulnerable for so long. But, you handled it.

  • @colleenwood8220
    @colleenwood8220 Місяць тому +32

    Instead of my usual pineal gland opening meditation in the morning, I listened to this and saw that by you stepping into Foxx’s energy, the message you got went to him as well. It didn’t need to be spoken. It was also given to you to extend to this channel. Your divine energy has been put here to help lightworkers not lose themselves in the daily grind of life that can bring on despair, while informing the curious who are so worried about world affairs. There is someone next to me transmitting this. They just said thank you. Their energy is so high that it’s making me cry. It’s so beautiful. You are an oracle of the creator. Thank you. 💝

  • @arianahoule7223
    @arianahoule7223 Місяць тому +81

    Tomorrow, I go to the endodontist for a root canal. So, this video is a reminder that I will be protected and supported by angelic beings. Thank you, Cash.

    • @teresa3070
      @teresa3070 Місяць тому +4

      It's comforting, isn't it?
      Eases the anxiety that accompanies procedures when we are at the mercy of someone else.

    • @rebeccaallen5547
      @rebeccaallen5547 Місяць тому

      I hope your visit with the Endodontist went well! I just posted a story on here about my recent visit to one.

  • @adatorres6787
    @adatorres6787 Місяць тому +47

    Good morning Cash😊I truly believe we are all watched over 😊

  • @rochellemcdonald9646
    @rochellemcdonald9646 Місяць тому +12

    Somebody is definitely watching over me. Early morning, the day after the Oklahoma City bombing, I had to go pick my husband up from work. In Alaska, it was still dark, at the time that I picked him up. I remember hearing a voice (not my husband's) telling me to pay attention to the street lights. At one point, I knew there should be an intersection, but for some reason, it wasn't clear, so I slowed down. I located the signal light, and started to speed up. My husband was upset with my driving and turned towards me, to complain. As he turned his head, he never noticed the large truck that sped across the intersection, against the light. If I would have been going the posted speed, we would have been T-Boned by that truck. Life would have been different, to say the least.

  • @carolineeberle8236
    @carolineeberle8236 Місяць тому +35

    Very moving about your mother ♥️.

  • @stars-are-us
    @stars-are-us Місяць тому +41

    Great to wake up knowing how loved we are. This message is the most beautiful of ALL. THANK YOU VERY MUCH🪽

  • @ellenmorrison3554
    @ellenmorrison3554 Місяць тому +40

    Thank you for this reassuring message.

  • @maighstirtarot5385
    @maighstirtarot5385 Місяць тому +15

    Absolutely, we are supported - I had the most wonderful healer guide hang with me last year during surgery (armed with her bearskin cloak, claws and all, to wrap me in) - afterwards, when I was obviously going to be okay, she moved on to the next person that needed her strength ... what an amazing and fortuitous meeting ... p.s. if you ever need someone to boat and champagne with, my number is ... 😉

    • @maighstirtarot5385
      @maighstirtarot5385 Місяць тому +3

      p.p.s. what a powerful week of realisation-level up for you

    • @EnlightenedBeingsClub
      @EnlightenedBeingsClub  Місяць тому +6

      I kinda marvel at your connection, the fact that there's an ongoing presence and conversation going on. Everyone has that presence, but few are able to tap into it the way you are. I belong to a small group of foodies, we do that boat kind of thing a lot. Eating and drinking are pretty much my hobby.

    • @colleencrowe9031
      @colleencrowe9031 Місяць тому +4

      Libby and Cash. The 2 of you amaze me and have taught me so much. I am so thankful to have found both of you. 🙏

    • @eggandchips4t
      @eggandchips4t Місяць тому

      ​@@colleencrowe9031Absolutely feel the same way about them. What an amazing pair! They keep me safe, sane and comforted ❤❤❤

    • @maighstirtarot5385
      @maighstirtarot5385 Місяць тому +1

      @@EnlightenedBeingsClub - not a bad hobby to have (although my liver would disagree) ... I don't think I had much choice in this connection thing - just like yourself - we just gotta live with it ... 😁

  • @Bonilee
    @Bonilee Місяць тому +30

    Thank you for this. My twin died at birth and I feel she’s always been with me. I can’t tell you how many times over the years, when someone calls me by the wrong name, it’s always Barbara, hers, and how many Barbara’s have been in my life, in fact one is my best friend. I take it as a constant reminder that she’s (my twin) right here with me…..always. You are such a treasure to us Cash and we are grateful.

    • @sharongarrett4356
      @sharongarrett4356 Місяць тому +2

      Interesting. Podcaster/ YTer Muchael Sandler has a young daughter who lost her twin sister, and he says they talk to her all the time & that he has no doubt she is there to be a guardian for her sister throughout her life. Amazing about your connection & the many Barbaras in your life!

  • @abvm4850
    @abvm4850 Місяць тому +35

    Thank you for dropping by during my midnight at 4.37 am. I'm in Canada and had not visited this channel yet! ( Can not sleep! ) What a wonderful message for all of us! You're very Spiritual and gifted. I'm pleased to have the honor of being here just at this time! Thank you! how comforting!🙏

    • @DeeDeerae
      @DeeDeerae Місяць тому +5

      Oh you have to watch all his readings. His other channel is cash peters. Love him so much ❤

    • @chrisqueen3118
      @chrisqueen3118 Місяць тому +5

      You have so much enjoyment ahead of you. Yes, please watch both channels. Seems as if you were guided here. 🌺🌈

    • @T-aka-T
      @T-aka-T Місяць тому +4

      2:23 am here now 🇦🇺🦘. I guess you're well into your day, As a random fellow-human, hope it's a good one. 🙏

    • @scm0717
      @scm0717 Місяць тому +4

      You were meant to be here fir this message. Welcome aboard!

  • @jhanes3791
    @jhanes3791 Місяць тому +33

    I sincerely hope Jamie listens to his soul. Talented man, but he probably needs to slow down and savor his success. Thanks, Cash for your pictures. More often than not (as I get older) I wonder if there is support for us.

  • @Martha-km1of
    @Martha-km1of Місяць тому +25

    That’s very interesting about your parents and soul contracts.

  • @claudiavarias2209
    @claudiavarias2209 Місяць тому +15

    Thank you Mr. Peters! What an enlightening reading!!! We are never alone! 🙏

  • @memyselfandeye8377
    @memyselfandeye8377 Місяць тому +21

    Stay on the bright side of life, Jamie Fox. Best advice 👌 👏 💯 ❤.
    Blessings to you, Cash, for all you do and represent 🙏 ❤.

  • @theresapotter
    @theresapotter Місяць тому +22

    Cash, thank you for this precious comfort. You are a blessing 🎉

  • @BlueSky00000
    @BlueSky00000 Місяць тому +18

    What a beautiful message. Thank you! When we have gifts like you, they’re meant to be shared, and that’s what you do. ❤️ Very positive and in alignment with Soul. You (we) wouldn’t have these gifts if there weren’t someone who needs to receive them. … that includes Jamie Foxx. It’s not a coincidence he came across your path. …Your gift has the ability to change people’s lives. Thank you for being the beautiful soul you are and letting your light shine in this world.

  • @oysterdiva2853
    @oysterdiva2853 Місяць тому +11

    So lovely, Cash. Thank you 💚

  • @tonyaworley4155
    @tonyaworley4155 Місяць тому +12

    Just beautifully comforting!💕

  • @lorellstoneman74
    @lorellstoneman74 22 години тому +1

    ❤Thanks Cash.

  • @aninspiredwayoflife7007
    @aninspiredwayoflife7007 Місяць тому +9

    I feel very comforted by your message as well....Thank you for the love message. 🥰

  • @clarissasawyer5488
    @clarissasawyer5488 Місяць тому +13

    Dear Cash, thank you for sharing this beautiful wisdom. ❤

  • @bridgetjones8339
    @bridgetjones8339 Місяць тому +22

    Thank you for this lovely reminder. I forget this, Cash. Sometimes I feel disconnected bc of my own busyness and uncertainty. But, ultimately, I do know there are angels watching over all of us. So grateful. ❤

  • @Nurturing2
    @Nurturing2 Місяць тому +13

    You are AMAZING, my friend❣️

  • @sueadair7019
    @sueadair7019 Місяць тому +12

    What a lovely message for me to wake up to this morning. I hope you know how much you are loved, Cash.

  • @PatriciaSands1
    @PatriciaSands1 Місяць тому +8

    this video was comforting. i just woke up from the strangest dreams. every time i drifted back i was in the same room but with a new filter in my eyes that saw things i never saw before. there were things i didn't understand and would say ...no...and wake up. this repeated all night. different dimension...same room.

  • @bluesphinx
    @bluesphinx Місяць тому +8

    This was utterly fascinating. So, Jamie Fox just walks up to your group w champagne. There really ARE no coincidences. I bet he’s going to see this video, however that happens.

  • @123Tidyup
    @123Tidyup Місяць тому +16

    Thank you! Some years ago, a thought came to me: "Benevolent forces beyond our ken are working on our behalf." It has comforted me through many difficult times.❤

  • @katemerrill7308
    @katemerrill7308 Місяць тому +12

    Dearest Cash, thank you so much for the message. I'm in the middle of a dental emergency and will be in the chair in about 4 hours. I've been nervously asking my guides for a sign that I'll be protected and watched over. They have graciously sent a white feather, a song and now your story about the light of protection in the dentist's office. What a gift! Thank you! And by the way, my sense is Jamie Foxx was led to you that day to receive your message and there's a subscriber who will pass it on. Again, thanks! Many blessings! You are a gift to us all.

    • @colleencrowe9031
      @colleencrowe9031 Місяць тому +7

      I 100% agree that Jamie was led there and yes the message will get to him. Universe, do your thing. 😊

  • @nanidoodoh3028
    @nanidoodoh3028 Місяць тому +15

    Thank you for the reassuring message, Cash. My mother passed away 9,5 years ago. I missed her so much. Many times I look for her guidance.

  • @lizcervone1307
    @lizcervone1307 Місяць тому +10

    How comforting and encouraging. Thank you Cash.❤

  • @janiebratt8826
    @janiebratt8826 Місяць тому +6

    I think it is called our 'oversoul'. What a fascinating thing we call 'life'. I know I have been guided on many occasions that saved me from an otherwise devastating catastrophe. And so, here we are, 'dancing our way through the wonderment'. Thank you, Cash.

  • @deannacarpenter6283
    @deannacarpenter6283 Місяць тому +18

    Thank you for that vision of your Mother watching over you. I feel like mothers never stop caring for us! Cash you always keep my soul fed❤❤❤

  • @sherrylong6940
    @sherrylong6940 Місяць тому +12

    Thank you Cash for the lovely surprise....beautiful start to my day 😊 In a bit of a lonely spot at the moment and appreciate the reminder that I have support ❤ Enjoy your day 😊❤

  • @yogalife2792
    @yogalife2792 Місяць тому +27

    Thank you so much Cash! This channel in particular has helped me with the grief of losing loved ones. It is comforting to know we are protected. You are truly a gift.

  • @sylviaprior161
    @sylviaprior161 Місяць тому +21

    Wow! I needed to hear this. Thank you so much.👏🏻👏🏻❤️

  • @Martha-km1of
    @Martha-km1of Місяць тому +21

    Hi Cash ❤😊 wishing you a fabulous day!

  • @kbg7822
    @kbg7822 Місяць тому +10

    We need constant assurance that this is the truth. Thanks Cash.

  • @janicegreen1564
    @janicegreen1564 Місяць тому +13

    Stunning timing and message,Cash. Thank you SO much! Sitting in a whirl of T.S.Debby tornado warnings and heavy bands of very loud water hitting my house for several hours now. Usually pretty organized but didn't prepare well at all this time. When I ventured out to the mailbox earlier I received the gift of a funeral home ad letter and another about a hacked account. Yay. The rain is so heavy it pulled my clothes and rain gear down away from my body. Point is, sitting surrounded by tornadoes and flooding for hours now, my home is dry and the trips into my safety closet allowed me to walk back out...and I've been surprisingly calm. Serene really. I thought I must be deeply in denial. Now I know I'm not. There you are with a youtube prompt, telling me its real. An uncanny wizard. A very special person. 😊❤

    • @TrishTaylor-bk5pp
      @TrishTaylor-bk5pp Місяць тому +1

      Blessings Janice! 🙏🏼😇🙏🏼😻🦋

    • @rebeccaallen5547
      @rebeccaallen5547 Місяць тому

      I took experienced Hurricane Debby last week here in NC. I had to drive my sister from Charlotte to Raleigh in it to catch a flight and wow it was scary driving in it. I called in my angels to protect us. Many many trucks and cars spun out on the side of the road. But I did feel a calm and knew we were protected. We made it back home safe and sound. My sis ended up changing her flight until the next day since her original flight was delayed till the wee hours of the morning.

    • @janicegreen1564
      @janicegreen1564 Місяць тому

      @@rebeccaallen5547Yay Angel's! Glad you both are safe😊

    • @janicegreen1564
      @janicegreen1564 Місяць тому

      @@TrishTaylor-bk5pp Blessings to you right back! Thank you!

  • @kdmorrison7536
    @kdmorrison7536 Місяць тому +7

    Cash you are the light that we can actually see. Thank you for guiding us away from our stupid ego. Love this video it is indeed reassuring.

  • @peacefulfeeling
    @peacefulfeeling Місяць тому +23

    Thank you, Cash, for sharing your experiences this week. I feel that we all have special angels and guides walking with us at all times. My greatest desire for me is to have them answer my questions audibly so that I can actually hear them speak to me. So I asked them if a certain channeler of higher self that I have listened to and meditated with regularly (daily) for the last year was legitimate. I specifically asked that I physically hear the answer. After I asked the question, I dozed off for a few minutes. But on awakening, I clearly heard someone say in a happy voice "yes" and then another person about three feet away also said "yes." I felt validated. Since you shared your story, I thought that I would share this.

  • @JulieAnne17-dn
    @JulieAnne17-dn Місяць тому +11

    Thank you, Cash. In 2016, I went through some very hard times. I lost all semblance of God. I still have this trouble 8 years on. Your thoughts are good to hear.

    • @tbear1111
      @tbear1111 Місяць тому +3

      God never punishes us or abandons us. We are always loved and always supported even if our soul wants to go through things in this life time. It’s just an experience and we will return to our true eternal nature and see we were never really harmed at all.

  • @Stargazer78
    @Stargazer78 Місяць тому +17

    Thank you, Cash. I'm so grateful for this channel. Every post is a reminder that we are deeply loved and watched over by a higher power. It's such a beautiful reminder and always seems to come when we most need to hear it. ❤

  • @treesprite333
    @treesprite333 Місяць тому +12

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful reassuring message Cash. I totally believe we are never ever alone because we are all part of Oneneness. There is no separation. May everyone, everywhere who feels alone be able to feel Spirit around them, loving them and supporting them. 💖💓💓

  • @JANETBROWN-ke5nu
    @JANETBROWN-ke5nu Місяць тому +8

    Thank you, fabulous 🎉

  • @Cimmaronisson
    @Cimmaronisson Місяць тому +10

    Full of insight, as always. I wonder if anyone in the audience knows Jamie Foxx and can send this to him. Yes, it’s not your place to intrude upon others. And if you got pictures for me I’d like to know what they are. Perhaps he is the same.

  • @melindarambo4
    @melindarambo4 Місяць тому +5

    Dear Cash! You’re saying exactly what I need to hear. Im nearly eighty so I’ve survived my fair share, especially these last couple of years. I’m having spinal surgery soon and scaring myself silly, so I’m going to ask for blessings from the community and trust the Light that shines over you will shine over me too. Thank goodness for the Love you share with us! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @SanAntonioRose
    @SanAntonioRose Місяць тому +7

    Thank you for this comfort, Cash. I am continually amazed at your gift and am very grateful that you share it with us. 🥰

  • @seachangemix6702
    @seachangemix6702 Місяць тому +10

    I went to a country alone many years ago ( that had a long history of civil unrest, gun and gang street violence ) with the intention of doing volunteer work ( which sadly didn't eventuate ). The entire time I was there I felt absolutely protected by the Spiritual realm, guiding me, keeping me safe. What I don't understand is where is the protection for all those people who have met an awful end to their lives like those who have been murdered ? Where was Divine intervention ? I understand we all have free will but it seems Spirit didn't heed their calls for help ? I'm confused..

    • @clarissasawyer5488
      @clarissasawyer5488 Місяць тому +5

      What psychic medium Sterling says is we all have a life path with potential exit points. But we don't leave unless it is our time. This is hard to understand when someone has a very short life or a sudden violent end.

    • @DeeDeerae
      @DeeDeerae Місяць тому +2

      That old saying when it’s your time it’s your time. Seems cruel but the deals are made in the spirit world.

  • @demitriagrado1625
    @demitriagrado1625 Місяць тому +11

    Great video very helpful, reassuring and positive message. Thank you I needed to hear this having surgery Friday.

    • @T-aka-T
      @T-aka-T Місяць тому +1

      Sending you good vibes that it goes well. 🙏

  • @SusanBame
    @SusanBame Місяць тому +6

    What a beautiful picture of the love and guidance from the spirit world. I've made it a habit now to start every day making coffee (for me) and pouring the first little bit into a cup and saying "good morning" to my spirit guides, my totality of being, my ancestors, my friends on the other side, all of those who are supporting me in my lifetime here today -- and most importantly, saying "I offer this to you." (I learned that part from an episode of "Reservation Dogs.") And then I place a little puppy treat on a saucer and put it on the floor where the food & water dishes used to be, where first "I offer" this to my recently and not-so-recently passed-over beloved dogs -- and the one who's on its way to me next. Since I was in first grade I've known there was "someone out there" who had my back, so to speak. As I've gotten older, this has only felt more and more true, and now that both parents have passed, I completely know that I am surrounded by love and support. When you get fired during COVID on your birthday, of all days, and the result is you made more money (42 cents an hour) on unemployment than at your old job, PLUS you get to go do something you always wanted to do -- go to the coffee shop every day and write!! -- and at the end of it all when the money was just about gone, get hired at the best job you've ever had -- you know Something's Up.

  • @dijoyjoe
    @dijoyjoe Місяць тому +8

    Thank you Cash. So very interesting with soul contracts. Carolyn Myss and Dolores Cannon also echo your sentiment ❤

  • @roxaneclement3647
    @roxaneclement3647 Місяць тому +14

    Thank you for this, Cash! This resonates with my experiences on so many levels. It's particularly comforting tonight because I live on the coast & Hurricane Debby is keeping me awake!

  • @sueaw1847
    @sueaw1847 Місяць тому +10

    Beautiful message resonating with me so much at the moment. 1 week past gallbladder removal op so many things, some so simple, went well for me leading up to it to alleviate my worry. I knew it was my Mom helping me, and I thanked her and Spirit for looking after me. Very reassuring ❤. Thanks Cash S x 🇬🇧

    • @TrishTaylor-bk5pp
      @TrishTaylor-bk5pp Місяць тому +1

      Happy healing! .. I hope you look into homeopathy, cell salts to support your body & the now removed gall bladder, and maybe check in with a TCM acupuncturist. 🙌🏼🫶🏼🙌🏼

    • @sueaw1847
      @sueaw1847 Місяць тому

      @TrishTaylor-bk5pp thanks Trish x

  • @loramoore2714
    @loramoore2714 Місяць тому +6

    Thanks for this clip Cash, for me,your comforting words and support over these last years has given me a safe place to land all the while riding a crazy train with the political upheaval in the states…your kind words made me feel like life is going to be alright and I am incredibly grateful for you keeping me off from going over my edge…🌀♥️

  • @Carmen-z8l
    @Carmen-z8l Місяць тому +13

    Thank you for such a comforting message! So fascinating!

  • @alexisnicole3965
    @alexisnicole3965 Місяць тому +10

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. Now I know why I have so much connection with my father who passed 3 years ago, than to my mother who is alive but she prefers to be cold and distant. I needed to hear this message tonight, Blessings.

  • @susankovacs8678
    @susankovacs8678 Місяць тому +9

    Thank you Cash 🙏🩵I think I will sleep like a baby tonite knowing I sleep with the “Light On”😇💙

  • @Kath1813
    @Kath1813 Місяць тому +2

    Wonderful reminder! Thanks!

  • @Jack.8.45
    @Jack.8.45 Місяць тому +11

    What a great and wild experience you had! I wanted to hear all about it. What did you talk about? Did he make you laugh? Why was he alone?
    And are you enjoying yourself? I hear the hiss of the steam behind you. Thank you for sharing that beautiful story with us!❤

  • @Soulmidwife1111
    @Soulmidwife1111 Місяць тому +7

    Thank you for the reassurance. You are a true gem.

  • @mwjeepster
    @mwjeepster Місяць тому +5

    I have an amazing team, they are lovely and take such very good care of me. I am blessed and I thank them every morning and every night before sleeping.

  • @yasminehasham1060
    @yasminehasham1060 Місяць тому +7

    Loved this video 😊
    No coincidence that you ran into Jamie Fox

  • @bartonone2005
    @bartonone2005 22 дні тому +1

    Thank you, Cash, for the very comforting revelation that unseen forces are always guarding and guiding us. My father passed thirty-one years ago, twenty-three years ago, my mother crossed over. Very rarely do I dream of her. I speak to my father often as I lay down to sleep, sometimes verbally, and often telepathically. He visits me in my dreams fairly regularly. Oftentimes I invoke him with my hand wrapped around a large quartz crystal. There are times I can feel him around me as I drift off to sleep. I find this very reassuring. Chuck

  • @kimmurden4358
    @kimmurden4358 Місяць тому +6

    Wow Cash i feel very comforting knowing that too ❤

  • @jencorea8748
    @jencorea8748 Місяць тому +9

    Right on Cash❤️❤️❤️
    I always feel and think it’s my ancestors ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    And I know there’s many, many
    It always makes me feel totally connected to the joyous warmth ❤️

  • @optimist228
    @optimist228 Місяць тому +6

    😊 Thank you, Cash. Once again, you bless our soul family with Love. ❤ Namaste’ Dear Sir 😘

  • @theresaschwartz7213
    @theresaschwartz7213 Місяць тому +3

    Thank you, Cash - this brought tears to my eyes...the thought of being watched over and protected in what we are experiencing throughout our lives gives me great comfort. I feel the love! And so much love and wisdom comes from you as you explain what you are seeing - thank you! Much love to you!

  • @celdiadivis1013
    @celdiadivis1013 Місяць тому +4

    Cash, I've always suspected this, but go from total belief to thinking I imagined it. Your story gives me hope at a time when I REALLY need it. Thanks for all you do for us, Cash. God bless you.💖

  • @sealfan1000
    @sealfan1000 Місяць тому +5

    ❤ This is how I know we are One . Thank you so much for sharing this with us. My mom has passed, but I still feel her years later .

  • @StonedustandStardust
    @StonedustandStardust 3 дні тому

    Thank you, Cash. Love and Blessings to you.

  • @jolantaturon7637
    @jolantaturon7637 Місяць тому +4

    Blessings for reminding us that the Love of God is always just a breath away. ❤️💜🩷

  • @6domino
    @6domino Місяць тому +4

    Thank you Cash,I Love you dear Soul. Your words brought comfort! Much gratitude and love to you! Lovingly,Jacqueline

  • @cherylsibson2529
    @cherylsibson2529 Місяць тому +6

    That would be true.

  • @pamforrest4
    @pamforrest4 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you Cash! Love and peace to you my friend!♥️♥️♥️🙏♥️♥️♥️

  • @Dawn-ro2qb
    @Dawn-ro2qb 17 днів тому +1

    Lovely lovely message for us today ❤️. I’m so comforted by this. Thank you for sharing.

  • @PosiFwd
    @PosiFwd Місяць тому +7

    What a lovely surprise to come home and see my NOTIFICATIONS are working to find another video! This was very interesting as I had only found your channels recent. This was a wonderful PSA, Cash, always keeping us calm and informed. BOTH channels offer something for everyone.

  • @blessedchild3590
    @blessedchild3590 Місяць тому +1

    Thank u Cash P. Always a pleasure. 🙏💕💡

  • @deepost2604
    @deepost2604 Місяць тому +2

    Retirement was a crisis for my ego. So much of my self concept was involved with earning, feeling that I was of service and being productive. These concepts got fused into believing “This is who I am.” I needed to do less and BE more. It’s a radical shift, acknowledging that I AM is sufficient. I don’t need to prove anything anymore. I wake up. I am. That’s enough.

  • @reginabowe5132
    @reginabowe5132 Місяць тому +7

    Lovely video, Cash. Thank you so much for sharing. ❤❤❤
    So glad we have you here. ❤

  • @gemmalee8499
    @gemmalee8499 13 днів тому +1

    Cash, THANK YOU. I really felt so comforted by this video, especially. Thank you 🤗❤️.

  • @deborahr1723
    @deborahr1723 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for every morsel of comfort and ease you do have all of us experiencing.
    I am so very grateful. You alter lives for the good and how very thankful we all are.

  • @kathysmith2741
    @kathysmith2741 Місяць тому +1

    How lovely! Thank you Cash❤

  • @galecox4049
    @galecox4049 Місяць тому +1

    A kiss of beautiful energy to you. Thank you so much

  • @ntaylo6299
    @ntaylo6299 Місяць тому +1

    Cash you are light. Thank you.

  • @kathleenbucher6170
    @kathleenbucher6170 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for the guidance 🙌💚🙌

  • @jeanninesmith5897
    @jeanninesmith5897 Місяць тому +2

    Someone said last week...and was it you.....stay in a state a "divine nonchalantness". I can't get it out of my mind and I love it. And another saying from years ago..."I just don't believe in angels I rely on them." I call mine my INVISIBLES......not being a religious person. This video was just more confirmation that we are on the same page...for years now, DEAR CASH!

  • @marydenisehavery6517
    @marydenisehavery6517 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you Cash! ☮️💖💫

  • @barbaraevans2236
    @barbaraevans2236 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you so much Cash. I believe we are watched over and looked after