Car driver doesn't like velomobiles

  • Опубліковано 7 бер 2016
  • I was riding my Quest velomobile on a main road when this driver started to act crazy. This was first time for me when people doesn't like my new velomobile so I decided to share this.
  • Спорт


  • @nadiabentuler9746
    @nadiabentuler9746 4 роки тому +37

    I fly gliders. For that i need a medical certificate. When i go to see my aeronautic doctor once a year, it is always a rather conversational occasion. Sure, she does run actual medical checks. But mostly, she has me talk to her. Why ? To check if i am not a lunatic. Why is a medical certificate not required to drive a car ? There are way too much maniacs behind the steering wheel.

    • @wintonhudelson2252
      @wintonhudelson2252 2 роки тому +2 is the same deal for commercial driver license exams. If you're a professional driver, they engage to see if you're normal.

    • @bonjovi1612
      @bonjovi1612 3 місяці тому

      As a retired police officer I can confirm your diagnosis. Most drivers are psychopaths.

  • @jeremyyork3538
    @jeremyyork3538 7 років тому +63

    I'm afraid this is the price we pay for being different Saukki. It's annoying but fortunately rare. Some people are irritated by anything that doesn't conform to their idea of normal. I get the feeling that this won't put you off doing what you love - Keep up the good work!

    • @manuelluis5456
      @manuelluis5456 5 років тому

      It's a trooper and you're going to hear from him later down the road .

    • @daianbotelho
      @daianbotelho 4 роки тому


  • @ianseager9084
    @ianseager9084 4 роки тому +21

    It cyclists in general that annoy some people. Something similar happens to me at least once a month just on an upright. I think it is caused by their frustration at being less awesome beings. :)

  • @TimBradleyFromOz
    @TimBradleyFromOz 6 років тому +10

    _"When you have a small willy and are angry at life, yell at a velomobile."_
    . - Ancient Chinese Proverb

    • @daianbotelho
      @daianbotelho 4 роки тому

      Just one more dumbass who hates everything wich don't concerns him! World is full of these fools... but life teaches them , early or late!

  • @anim8ted923
    @anim8ted923 4 роки тому +10

    I expect he has some serious problems in his life that he cannot control.Yelling at a man in a bright orange torpedo gives him the illusion of being in control of something.

  • @quintusmuller8383
    @quintusmuller8383 6 років тому +28

    I do not dare to imagine a velomobile in Russia. Lifetime less than 30 minutes. 😀

    • @IsakSwahn
      @IsakSwahn Рік тому

      Haha, I was actually thinking about all of those road rage videos from the UK when I saw this. It usually goes like this: driver annoys cyclist, or the other way around. They stop and escalate the situation by shouting louder and louder at each other. Rarely there is a physical confrontation though.
      For example in this case, Saukki should have yelled back "I didn't hear what you said, a** ***e". Then we would have it going the English way. :-D

  • @GPBraaten
    @GPBraaten 6 років тому +12

    I've experienced worse people on my motorcycle. Thanks for sharing Saukki.

  • @bingola45
    @bingola45 7 років тому +16

    Sounds like today's equivalent of "Get a horse!".

  • @TrueMathSquare
    @TrueMathSquare 5 років тому +10

    Dude use the full lane for your own safety. If there isn't enough space to share the lane than control the whole lane

  • @funkymoped
    @funkymoped 5 років тому +5

    I ride a footbike, probably one of only two or three riders here in Ireland ( after watching your video a velomobile is my next purchase ) and I often get moronic car drivers hurling abuse at me. Keep on daring to be different and keep those videos coming.

  • @bennyfelixlotje
    @bennyfelixlotje 3 роки тому +7

    Strange reaction Saukki, fortunately a big exception. Probably he tought you had landed from space ;-)

  • @DaveVelo1
    @DaveVelo1 Рік тому +1

    Some drivers think I'm a carnival side show. They pass by slowly, get too close for comfort, laugh and take pictures. In other words, endangering my safety, being totally obnoxious and disrespectful of my privacy.

  • @sbdr.1241
    @sbdr.1241 7 років тому +17

    sad but 99% of drivers forget everything on drivers manual book, they should be surprise tested every 3-5 yrs .

    • @tenguayaqa7116
      @tenguayaqa7116 2 роки тому +1

      Presumeably the same people wining about cyclist behavior due to allegedly lacking a drivers licence. Most cyclists probably do have one, though.

    • @4nz-nl
      @4nz-nl 2 роки тому +1

      @@tenguayaqa7116 Can confirm here! Very experienced car driver, including track experience. I don't own a car anymore, just ride my velomobile. The worst part of riding a velomobile is... the daily idiot sandwich and his/her car.

  • @larryrogers7216
    @larryrogers7216 5 років тому +3

    In six years of riding my trike, I have encountered ONE jackass like that. Most drivers are very polite and supportive.

  • @A861967
    @A861967 4 роки тому +1

    Keep riding Saukki be yourself and don’t let any ignorant person stop you doing what you love. Cheers from Australia.

  • @JaleelJohanson62
    @JaleelJohanson62 6 років тому +6

    He deserved to have you grab his car keys and then drive off telling him they'd be on the ground a mile up the road. lol

  • @seppoinnanen5577
    @seppoinnanen5577 4 роки тому +2

    There will always those chaps that think they know everything and are ready to show it to other people. As a velobolile guy now, I'm waiting for my first collision with such an idiot. So good so far.... I'm mostly a night rider, so I'm afraid of those young dudes in their Bmw's with arrogant behavior and driving

  • @lindataylor2131
    @lindataylor2131 5 років тому +2

    People think it's a go cart or something. They have no idea that it's just another type of bike. I commend you for choosing to ride such a vehicle. In Europe they bike more than Americans typically do. Here if you gotta go a mile you get out the car. In Europe they either walk it or ride a bike. I used to ride my ten speed everywhere, mostly to work though, but I can't now. Disability prevents it.

    • @andy-the-gardener
      @andy-the-gardener 5 років тому

      "Here if you gotta go a mile you get out the car."
      don't you mean "get IN the car." sorry, couldnt resist lol.
      'get in the car' should be made official universal catchphrase for the moronocene (the current geological era, governed by car companies and stupidity) where every human thought or action, no matter how pointless (and they are all pointless), involves 'getting in the car'. you do see the occasional pedestrian, who has for some inexplicable reason, forgotten to 'get in the car'. probably walking to their car, or from their car, just plain senile, or if a car is not visible, to the pub so they can get drunk. i like to say to these people 'did your car break down'. usualy gets a laugh, unless i say 'fucking car'
      here in uk, where everyone drives everywhere, there was an advert with a angry mum telling her kids (kids? wtf. but thats another rant) to 'get in the car'. that about sums up uk action on global warming and oil depletion

  • @jacobfurchak4438
    @jacobfurchak4438 8 років тому +6

    He can piss off. As much as he is trying to help there's one thing people don't like and it's unsolicited advice. Lucky he wasn't one of those "model citizens" who would call and report an illegal vehicle.

    • @jacobfurchak4438
      @jacobfurchak4438 8 років тому +2

      Hope he reaches a police captain who says "yes it's legal now stop bothering us have a nice day".

    • @TheVelomobileChannel
      @TheVelomobileChannel  8 років тому +12

      +jacob furchak Actually this guy was himself driving illegal vehicle. I looked up the plate number of the car after the incident. He had not completed the vehicle inspection, which is mandatory in Finland every year.

    • @jacobfurchak4438
      @jacobfurchak4438 8 років тому +2

      Imagine that!! We don't even have that kind of thing here.

    • @onehorsepower
      @onehorsepower 7 років тому +3

      Saukki perfect example of the (swedish?) saying "when pointing your finger at others, there are actually three fingers at yourself"

  • @joffreyverbeeck1640
    @joffreyverbeeck1640 Рік тому

    More like car driver is jealous. "Oh, I can't afford that, so I don't want you having it either."

  • @DemiGod..
    @DemiGod.. Рік тому

    Had similar on a bicycle. A long line of cars was passing me, one honked his horn and put his hazards on for a few seconds as he passed. I thought he must be trying to tell me something was wrong. Eevrything was in order so I assume he just didn't like bicycles being on the road.

  • @fernandocarpenter1992
    @fernandocarpenter1992 7 років тому +1

    great video! thank you!

  • @1961kickboxer
    @1961kickboxer 3 роки тому +2

    He’s what we call in England a donut.

  • @robot7759
    @robot7759 Рік тому

    Yikes, it's an UBO! (Unidentified Biking Object). It's an alien invasion from Velo!

  • @davidclark3603
    @davidclark3603 3 роки тому +2

    The pedestrian, the horse and the cyclist, have the first right of way. The smelly air polluting narcissist driver doesn't realise that. Us cyclists are children of the future. The days of the motor car are numbered! They may laugh at us now, but, they wont be laughing in a few years when their cars are outlawed. He who laughs last, laughs longest!
    Thanks for your wonderful videos!

  • @Velomanable
    @Velomanable 2 роки тому

    I've had the same they should educate them selves on classifications and highway codes

  • @chrisloewen2994
    @chrisloewen2994 5 років тому +3

    I've had I man stop get outa is truck. Come up to my velo with a measuring tape. Measure the height an tell me I need a flag. Meanwhile have been pulled over by 3 different cops their only concerne was if there was a motor inside.

    • @michaelboyko5024
      @michaelboyko5024 2 роки тому

      I've been always curious if you have a motor in a tiny trailer behind which pulls you, but still only pedals are in the velomobile, well, is it still a bicycle?

  • @quintusmuller8383
    @quintusmuller8383 6 років тому +1

    Some people have to imagine that it is a vehicle that a kid has made in his garage and is not registered at all for the road. I imagine this is most of the negative remarks that can be heard.

    • @4nz-nl
      @4nz-nl 2 роки тому +1

      That's the beauty of it. When I was a kid, I always wanted a go-kart/skelter. Now, I'm a grown up that actually rides one to work. Once a man stops playing, he is old ;)

  • @mistergeez6882
    @mistergeez6882 6 років тому +3

    What would have been funny is if you had your boxing gear on and you jumped out of the veil mobile and you look like a fighter and I'm sure his attitude would it change then funny how people don't mind their own business and then when you stand up for yourself then they back down

    • @4nz-nl
      @4nz-nl 2 роки тому

      I've had something like that happen. Some guy was trying to pick a fight after close passing me and cutting me off while I was in my velomobile (must admit, I did give him the universal handsign of appreciation for this). He stopped in front of me, blocking the road, and got out of the car. Thinking it's not easy to protect myself when inside a velomobile, I jumped out quickly too, and unlike a lot of cyclists I have some upper body strength (actually due to boxing in the past). So I lifted my full weight on two arms and swung both feet to one side to exit as fast as I could. Then I stood there, next to the velomobile, expecting a confrontation. I'm 1.94m tall and close to 100 kg. The guy just looked at me, shouted something, got back in his car and left :')

  • @vagrantrandomstuff2312
    @vagrantrandomstuff2312 3 роки тому

    he has no idea what he saw.

  • @ernestmachpro3341
    @ernestmachpro3341 2 роки тому +1

    These people are hyper frustrated. In France we have a lot of them.
    I prefer to ride my Tricon 20 Azub on green roads with no cars.

    • @Tecnobingo
      @Tecnobingo 11 місяців тому

      It is the same all around the world, mainly where the cars are a lot and the roads become a nightmare.

  • @mvs3553
    @mvs3553 6 років тому

    Sounded like a bossy old man.

  • @Anomalous-Plant
    @Anomalous-Plant 4 роки тому

    Harmi. Onko kohdalle sattunut lisää vastaavia kokemuksia?

    • @TheVelomobileChannel
      @TheVelomobileChannel  4 роки тому

      Aika harvoin. Joskus jotkut autoilijat osoittavat mieltään, mutta aika harvinaista on.

  • @justsomeguy2386
    @justsomeguy2386 6 років тому

    I believe "Stupid" should be classified as a "species". That way all of us "Human beings" don't have to be listed with them anywhere.

  • @Jaykilla1981
    @Jaykilla1981 2 роки тому +1

    Lot of jerks out there.

  • @nebulous962
    @nebulous962 Рік тому

    Aika jännä. Ehkä hän luuli että ajat rekisteröimättömällä kulkuneuvolla joka pitäs rekisteröidä. 🙂

  • @OldBumOnABike
    @OldBumOnABike 6 років тому

    Don't take it personally. Motorists like him don't like anyone, not even other motorists.

  • @truthseek1790
    @truthseek1790 6 років тому +1

    The fool car driver is in every country! Tolerant Saukki. :)

  • @ketjuariittaa
    @ketjuariittaa 5 років тому

    ”Laiton vehe” 😁

  • @JohnathanLimCheng
    @JohnathanLimCheng 5 років тому

    Some people are still Dumb even when they have money....
    The way he is trying to provoke you, is way more illegal than what he thinks of you and your vehicle of choice...

  • @IowaKim
    @IowaKim 6 років тому +1


  • @Tikkikoira
    @Tikkikoira 3 роки тому

    No on kait se, kun tuommosella laittomalla vehkeellä ajellaan pitkin teitä!

  • @jackjohnson7396
    @jackjohnson7396 6 років тому

    One can't tell what his actions were about. Just guess.

  • @meemdoggoriginallongdrink
    @meemdoggoriginallongdrink 5 років тому +1

    "Laiton vehe" Kylläkään Suomen laki ei kiellä kolmipyörällä ajamista julkisella tiellä

    • @TheVelomobileChannel
      @TheVelomobileChannel  5 років тому +1

      Tämä huutelija itse ajoi katsastamattomalla autolla, että kenellä se olikaan se laiton vehe 🤣

    • @reijotiihonen9312
      @reijotiihonen9312 4 роки тому

      @@TheVelomobileChannel No kun kerran katsoit Trafista tiedot, niin käy kalauttamassa nokkaan äijää..? 🤔 Onhan siinäkin yhdelle kinneriretkelle tarkoitus..

  • @taohuang359
    @taohuang359 3 роки тому +3

    Sounded like he said, “That’s an illegal contraption, get that thing off the road” You know what, f**k him! The more people that see velomobiles, the more people will want to have one, and the more people that have one, the more likely we will get better, cheaper and safer velomobiles and velomobile lanes. It would likely save a lot of money in health care and injuries and deaths and pollution. I say, keep on riding and keep up the good work!

  • @xaverwusel7436
    @xaverwusel7436 4 роки тому +1

    Maybe he thought you're a gay activist.

    • @4nz-nl
      @4nz-nl 2 роки тому +1

      Which wouldn't have been a problem either, would it? :)

  • @Velomanable
    @Velomanable 7 років тому

    I had some of that shit it classed as a bicycle(tricycle) and if they shound"nt be alowed on the road nor should any bicycle produced .

  • @sweetsendaedreamr
    @sweetsendaedreamr 2 роки тому here or will you be a frequent visitor.

  • @jabba0975
    @jabba0975 5 років тому

    This would be considered an unusually courteous driver in the US of A. No thrown objects, no threats of felony assault, just sharing his opinion, unasked.