Lovely dog, and a fantastic video! The coat looks so healthy, probably due to the good diet. When I put my EBT on raw, his coat got much shinier! Nice dog!
I feed my Bill Terrier chicken leg quarters, chicken necks, turkey necks, beef liver and chicken gizzards. I meal prep and usually alternate what they eat each day. Veggies he likes but doesn’t my feed them too often since he’ll throw them up every now and then, and the veggies are cooked. My dog basically eats anything and he loves fruits like bananas and apples and cucumber too.
This dog eats so slowly and thoughtfully - I'd expect all this food to be wolfed down in a flash, with the chicken being grabbed first and quickly consumed.
I feed my baby pretty much whatever I eat and she always has a bowl of kibble to snack on she loves veggies but the protein we both like BBQ and her favorite late night snack is pancakes that she eats off a fork while sitting in her own chair at the kitchen table. And she has a beautiful coat and is in great shape and very healthy.Not to mention extremely good table manors
"The Barf diet" this feeding is excellent BUT knowledge needed. Yes bones splinter. Yes, cooked ones do splinter more dangerously. Feeding this this and THEN going for active walk? No no no. There is pleanty of good fibre and more as part of this diet. There are only benefits to feeding this way. Better coat, better teeth health. Better breath. Less skin iritations. Weve all seen those dogs with red running from the eyes right. If your truly into dogs well being beware of normal dog food and cautious of many vets too. What do you really really think is in dog food? How can it have this shelf life? Would you like to eat that shit your whole life? EVERY DAY? Another thought... for you all... this is related to the fox and your chicken coop. Your dog ate your roast chicken, What do you do? You feed him cotton wool balls soaked in milk and sprinkled with sugar, ooh yummmo. The cotton wraps around the splintered bones in the stomach.(think broccoli). The vomits or simply poops your roast out. Now apply this to mr fox stealing a chicken. Yes you got it folks! Well done. A christmas treat for you beloved pooch would be a lovely RAW leg of chicken WITH the festhers on. This is extrem but you grt my point. You can read more about this kind of stuff in "give a dig a bone". Love your dog and Never never get railroaded into buying that shit from the vet or the pet shop. You ARE being fooled. The vet himself and why he pushes injections and dog food is another subject. Equally unquestioned , equally unexplored. But fortunately things are changing for our woofahs. But you need to put aside your laziness and do this raw diet.
My Bully just went nuts getting fresh pig feet and cow tongue . My poor Old English Bulldog got robbed of his . Its funny its the only thing that gets my Bull terrier to get off the coach besides the mailman ...
For everyone wanting to know how you get your dog to eat like this you first introduce raw food in small snacks through the day after a few weeks mix the raw meat with his usual dog food wet or dry, after a few months the dog has a natural immunity and the capability to break down any bacteria that could be on the raw meat I’d stick using the same meat from day one till he passes away as I’m not sure how mixing different raw meats work, my old jack Russell used to eat raw lam on bone wasn’t to sure about chicken back then but it’s all how you prepare first don’t just through a full uncooked turkey leg at ya old dog and expect him to be used to it cos that’s what his ancestors ate you don’t see humans scramming raw meat cos our ancestors did
There is no positive answer here? My poor Bull Terrier has skin irritations and eyes are getting mucus now can someone please be honest and suggest a diet and shampoo I have tried dry dog food going through brand after brand
I cook kangaroo or beef mince, vegetables and a little pasta in a big pot. Once it’s cool I mix it in her bowl with a more expensive type grain free dog biscuit. What do you feed yours? She used to have a lot of eye mucus I would wipe it out with a damp towel but she seems to have grown out of it. I also make sure her water is always clean and replaced every day as someone told me it could be contributing to the eye mucus. I also use an organic cake of dog soap instead of shampoo that I got at the pet store. Hope this helps.
There's nothing wrong with feeding RAW bones, what do you think that wolves, which they are direct descendants of, naturally eat? The only issue I see here is the raw veggies, dogs cannot process raw veggies. I personally prefer PMR over BARF, they are carnivores not omnivores, just like wolves.
In the wild dogs have no other option but to eat bones, and your correct the cooked bones are more likely to splinter, but why chance it when you dont need to, and veggies can be bad. But bones or meat HMMMM meat beats bones! you think?
You are correct about raw, however...I don't feed my dogs (Siberian Huskies) any chicken. Chicken bones, even raw are just about the right size for them to choke. Wolves very rarely eat birds in the wild. Their main diet is rodents; and large game (red meat) when they can hunt as a pack.
I am not an expert, I always fed my dogs with quality-vetenerian food but this is the first time I witness a dog eating raw chicken with the bones. Is it a recommended diet? I understand raw bones don't splinte like cooked one, but what are the Pro and Con of feeding the dog this way?
Alex Kingston+ My bull terrier Bane didn't do too well with it. He was shitting water for like 2 weeks. he ended up having a intestinal parasite from it. He was on meds and a prescripted dog food for a week, then he got better.
All my dogs including my Bull Terrier also did not do well on a raw meat diet. A lot of coughing, some close calls with chocking, bleeding gums. It was very stressful for me to watch them eat. Lasted a few days and then I had them back on plain old cheap dog food with boiled offal meat, and my Bully lived to the age of 16. So I am the opposite of sold when it comes to a raw diet. Sorry!!
If it the first time feeding raw meat cut it into smaller chuck for easy chewing. Raw chicken with bone,start off feeding them chicken or turkey NECKS so they can get use to the bone. Last raw meat need to be frozen for a 3 day to a week to kill off any parasite in them. Don't just feed them raw meats and call it good. You need to add in other thing like organs meat like heart,liver and kidney. Don't forget the vegetable to. There no down side to feeding raw but prep work and cost that all to the downside of it all.
My bull terrier is far too greedy. I have to mice his chicken thighs and legs. If i put a full chicken down he has to chew bits off which is a good weekend treat. Also keeps him quite for 30 mins.
Rob Happe - they have it in their body already so it won't hurt the dog. Parasite the only thing you need to worry about when feeding raw meat to dogs. Freezing the meat for a few day to a week should be good to kill the parasite.
The BT doesn't have a 'lock jaw' nor does it have incredible bite strength, that trophy goes to the Rottweiler (Bite strength only) as it has been tested by an American University. Secondly, dragging your dog around on a rope is bloody stupid and can be detrimental to your dog's teeth, particularly if a single canine becomes caught or snagged. If you have a giant ego, you can play tough guy yourself - just let the dog be a dog instead of making it out to be some all mighty powerhouse.
There's nothing spectacular about a rotweilers bite strength. It's only about 350psi. The dogo argentino has a bite force of 500. It also has a square shaped jaw/bite covering more surface area. It's damn near impossible to escape its grasp. The Cane Corso is 700psi. The king of bite force as far as dogs are concerned is the kangal. 750psi.
Я тоже это увидела! У тупых хозяев собаки несчастные! Интересно,жива ли собака? И одевать бультика на улицу в пальто и ботинки-это бред! Бультик не игрушка и не дамская собачка !
@@НатальяИвановна-ш4я когда было холодно, жена для нашей булочке сшила комбез ( ну в холод что бы не мёрз) одели мы его дома, на нас Бакстер посмотрел «вы что дурные?» завалился на спину и пытался снять, гулять даже не собирался! Сняли комбез, пошли гулять, выбежал на мороз, все дела быстро сделал и к подъезду, всё домой... комбез так больше и не одевали.
@@ДмитрийАв-щ1в ,да,они такие,бультики! Наш в дождь вышел из парадного и стоит,посмотрел на меня с упреком,мол,ты что,обалдела,льет же сверху! А команда сидеть попой в лужу? Никогда!
Hi ,I also think its no problem to eat chicken raw with bones if it is like this one, this i can tell from the skin its to white normal chicken has yellow skin so that means its from LIDL / Kaufland .The bones of this chicken are not that strong because they develop only 1/2 months no problem with that(and that solves also the salmonella problem because you wont find chicken and salmonella at Lidl . etc )however if it was a well fed house chicken from Grandma then we could speak about a problem if it is to be cooked or not ... im shure that the nutricional value of this chicken is not enough for this dog , even its compensated with veges .So its better for a snack and i think its used more like a treat . Peace out !
Supongo que el pollo es por lo natural, de su naturaleza animal y no tanto químico, pero tampoco te pases, jajaja verduras, no creo que en la vida real se pongan a comer brócoli y zanahorias, solo falta que de tomar le des jugo de naranja. En EUA están tan afeminados que piensan que los huesos de pollo les harán daño porque se pueden atorar. Pues si, tienen razón, luego se ponen a toser como locos, pero así es como crían a los perros, ya les quieren dar las cosas licuadas y poner babero. Aveces debes darle comida que le guste otras que creas que le servirán y tambien solo croquetas y debes hacer que lo coman porque si no un día Tendrá problemas para alimentarlo por ejemplo, cuando lo dejes acargo de otro o por alguna urgencia no puedas ir a comprarle su comida favorita
Great job! Been feeding my boy like this since he was 6wks. Started with chicken necks and now he'll eat anything you put in front of him.....raw w/bone. I love how ignorant and unenlightened people automatically spew their stupidity unchecked. Amazing, considering the enormous amount of info on UA-cam on the subject. Proves anyone who thinks that food is in anyway bad, really sucks at life.
Wow ! you sound like a moron, if your this laking in common since, you probably dont deserve to own a dog or any animal for that matter. lets see chicken pay by the LB, meat or bone meat makes more since, and no risk, !
Lol epic! Swing the dogs around by their leash so they break their teeth, and let them eat chicken bones so they damage their teeth and internal organs. Epic win!
Ha do your research. You clearly do not know what you are talking about when it comes to dogs eating raw bones. It’s 100% safe & healthy for them. Please don’t be so ignorant
Raw bones are perfectly safe for dogs. Do you think wolves and other canines in the wild eat around the bones of their kill? It’s cooked bones that are lethal to our furry friends!! However I do agree with you that picking a dog up by its teeth with a rope or leash when they bite down on it is very bad for their teeth, gums, and Jaw.
Man,W.T.F, Absolutely love bull terriers, coolest dog ever,they are so in ore and loyal to their owners,vice versa,so if you have a great COOKED chicken dinner,share it, but hey,if you prefer raw chicken legs and crunching bone's, that's you,be thoughtful,cook your dog's chicken, calve it and serve,no offense intented,but a top dog deserves first class service,x
@Ben Carey Pretty sure dogs didn't eat chicken bones for thousands of years. My ex's bull terrier choked on a raw bone. Almost died. She quit feeding him bones in general as I said there's no reason to take the chance. They can splinter. Dogs should never be fed chicken bones. How can it be that difficult to understand? I guess unlike you guess I would never risk killing my dog. I love dogs. All that needs to be said has been said.
My best description is Miniature Porsches. 300 dogpower ;) They need a firm hand though. There's a reason you don't feed dogs anything with thin bones in it, and that is that the splinters cause unnecessary visits to the vet. Also, salmonella risk is avoided by cooking pet food above 71C.
I tried feeding my EBT's a raw diet and they looked at me like I was trying to poison them lol...they dont like raw meat oddly enough I can barely get them to eat it but they love fruit & veggies! And, for the record I realize that some say uncooked bones specifically chicken and pork bones dont splinter and are safer to eat, I disagree! I never feed my bullies raw pork or chicken bones. The meat is removed and the bones trashed or kept for stock! There are much safer ways to get the exact same nutritional value without the dangers!
@@GoldRangerFanGirl35 I've seen dogs choke with raw chicken bones. Chicken bones are neither big nor small enough. Not for a medium/large dog, may be for a small dog it would be fine.
Stupid meal , watchout for bones with bull even more ones that seems "soft" cause they accumulate fast in the stomach and cause occlusion . Chicken bones can perforat stomack , you got to know that
wow! let me guess he is trying to show off on how he feeds his dog. chicken bones aren't good for dogs. you want to show of then give him boiled lamb with vegetables, not chicken
kmode4k that is pure ignorance. Raw bones are 100% safe & healthy foe dogs to eat. Do your research before you talk about something you know nothing abouy
Lippi Punkstrumpf Rohe Knochen darf man verfüttern, außer Schweinefleisch , gefährlich ist es nur wenn die Knochen, gekocht, gebraten, gegrillt sind . Rohe Knochen auch Hühnerknochen verfüttere ich schon seit Jahren . Einfach mal einen BARF Ernährungsberater fragen .
Chicken bones are hollow and splinter into sharp pieces or they will swallow them whole. Also raw meat not good for them mentally, it makes many dogs aggressive.
Cleetus I know, I would never give my bully raw meat. The only time in 10 yrs that he growled at me was when he got a pheasant wing that I dropped while cleaning the bird. And what's with the name calling. That's something I expect from a 6 yr old.
+Dan Pals - "he growled at me was when he got a pheasant wing that I dropped while cleaning the bird" That's called resource guarding, look it up, has nothing to do with raw meat making them aggressive. "And what's with the name calling." You deserve it for posting idiotic things.
Kam wrong!!!! Raw meat is good for them. Do your research. Don’t believe the lies that you have been told about raw bones being bad for dogs when they are not or raw meat being bad for dogs when its not
Juan Pablo Carmona gil it’s called the bard diet and is healthier than regular dog kibble. The raw bones are actually really healthy for them and also cleans there teeth and helps with digestion
He like monster truck and fire truck.
*Moster truck.
Cant watch it,the musics awlful
It's absolutely stinking
Lovely dog, and a fantastic video! The coat looks so healthy, probably due to the good diet. When I put my EBT on raw, his coat got much shinier! Nice dog!
I feed my Bill Terrier chicken leg quarters, chicken necks, turkey necks, beef liver and chicken gizzards. I meal prep and usually alternate what they eat each day. Veggies he likes but doesn’t my feed them too often since he’ll throw them up every now and then, and the veggies are cooked. My dog basically eats anything and he loves fruits like bananas and apples and cucumber too.
cutest thing my eyes have ever seen💖💖💖
adored it
the background music was too loud tho
This dog eats so slowly and thoughtfully - I'd expect all this food to be wolfed down in a flash, with the chicken being grabbed first and quickly consumed.
I feed my baby pretty much whatever I eat and she always has a bowl of kibble to snack on she loves veggies but the protein we both like BBQ and her favorite late night snack is pancakes that she eats off a fork while sitting in her own chair at the kitchen table. And she has a beautiful coat and is in great shape and very healthy.Not to mention extremely good table manors
Raw chicken is fine. The bones are only dangerous when cooked. They are soft when uncooked and brittle when cooked
What about fried chicken bones...?
Aleksandar Hinic fried food is very bad for dogs anyway, bones or not.
"The Barf diet" this feeding is excellent BUT knowledge needed. Yes bones splinter. Yes, cooked ones do splinter more dangerously. Feeding this this and THEN going for active walk? No no no. There is pleanty of good fibre and more as part of this diet. There are only benefits to feeding this way. Better coat, better teeth health. Better breath. Less skin iritations. Weve all seen those dogs with red running from the eyes right. If your truly into dogs well being beware of normal dog food and cautious of many vets too. What do you really really think is in dog food? How can it have this shelf life? Would you like to eat that shit your whole life? EVERY DAY? Another thought... for you all... this is related to the fox and your chicken coop. Your dog ate your roast chicken, What do you do? You feed him cotton wool balls soaked in milk and sprinkled with sugar, ooh yummmo. The cotton wraps around the splintered bones in the stomach.(think broccoli). The vomits or simply poops your roast out. Now apply this to mr fox stealing a chicken. Yes you got it folks! Well done. A christmas treat for you beloved pooch would be a lovely RAW leg of chicken WITH the festhers on. This is extrem but you grt my point. You can read more about this kind of stuff in "give a dig a bone". Love your dog and Never never get railroaded into buying that shit from the vet or the pet shop. You ARE being fooled. The vet himself and why he pushes injections and dog food is another subject. Equally unquestioned , equally unexplored. But fortunately things are changing for our woofahs. But you need to put aside your laziness and do this raw diet.
My Bully just went nuts getting fresh pig feet and cow tongue . My poor Old English Bulldog got robbed of his . Its funny its the only thing that gets my Bull terrier to get off the coach besides the mailman ... walter
For everyone wanting to know how you get your dog to eat like this you first introduce raw food in small snacks through the day after a few weeks mix the raw meat with his usual dog food wet or dry, after a few months the dog has a natural immunity and the capability to break down any bacteria that could be on the raw meat I’d stick using the same meat from day one till he passes away as I’m not sure how mixing different raw meats work, my old jack Russell used to eat raw lam on bone wasn’t to sure about chicken back then but it’s all how you prepare first don’t just through a full uncooked turkey leg at ya old dog and expect him to be used to it cos that’s what his ancestors ate you don’t see humans scramming raw meat cos our ancestors did
They should be raised on raw the moment they stop weaning.
TRU MAN yes indeed so true
Is there any issue about bacteria in raw, store bought chicken or meat? Just curious. not suggested with what i know
Like an anteater gone bad.
There is no positive answer here? My poor Bull Terrier has skin irritations and eyes are getting mucus now can someone please be honest and suggest a diet and shampoo I have tried dry dog food going through brand after brand
I cook kangaroo or beef mince, vegetables and a little pasta in a big pot. Once it’s cool I mix it in her bowl with a more expensive type grain free dog biscuit. What do you feed yours? She used to have a lot of eye mucus I would wipe it out with a damp towel but she seems to have grown out of it. I also make sure her water is always clean and replaced every day as someone told me it could be contributing to the eye mucus. I also use an organic cake of dog soap instead of shampoo that I got at the pet store. Hope this helps.
Eso perro tiene una mirada intimidante
There's nothing wrong with feeding RAW bones, what do you think that wolves, which they are direct descendants of, naturally eat? The only issue I see here is the raw veggies, dogs cannot process raw veggies. I personally prefer PMR over BARF, they are carnivores not omnivores, just like wolves.
In the wild dogs have no other option but to eat bones, and your correct the cooked bones are more likely to splinter, but why chance it when you dont need to, and veggies can be bad. But bones or meat HMMMM meat beats bones! you think?
You are correct about raw, however...I don't feed my dogs (Siberian Huskies) any chicken. Chicken bones, even raw are just about the right size for them to choke. Wolves very rarely eat birds in the wild. Their main diet is rodents; and large game (red meat) when they can hunt as a pack.
I am not an expert, I always fed my dogs with quality-vetenerian food but this is the first time I witness a dog eating raw chicken with the bones. Is it a recommended diet? I understand raw bones don't splinte like cooked one, but what are the Pro and Con of feeding the dog this way?
Alex Kingston+ My bull terrier Bane didn't do too well with it. He was shitting water for like 2 weeks. he ended up having a intestinal parasite from it. He was on meds and a prescripted dog food for a week, then he got better.
All my dogs including my Bull Terrier also did not do well on a raw meat diet. A lot of coughing, some close calls with chocking, bleeding gums. It was very stressful for me to watch them eat. Lasted a few days and then I had them back on plain old cheap dog food with boiled offal meat, and my Bully lived to the age of 16. So I am the opposite of sold when it comes to a raw diet. Sorry!!
If it the first time feeding raw meat cut it into smaller chuck for easy chewing. Raw chicken with bone,start off feeding them chicken or turkey NECKS so they can get use to the bone. Last raw meat need to be frozen for a 3 day to a week to kill off any parasite in them. Don't just feed them raw meats and call it good. You need to add in other thing like organs meat like heart,liver and kidney. Don't forget the vegetable to. There no down side to feeding raw but prep work and cost that all to the downside of it all.
Alexandre Buteau that kibble food from the vet is nothing but processed garbage. It’s not good for dogs.
Eating like a king/queen!
I feed my Bullterrier only raw beef and white fish never with bones they can get stuck inside and make perforations dogs aren't wolves ...
Not trying to be a critic, but I read that BT's should eat out of raised food and water bowls.
My bull terrier is far too greedy. I have to mice his chicken thighs and legs.
If i put a full chicken down he has to chew bits off which is a good weekend treat. Also keeps him quite for 30 mins.
Beautiful dogs I have bullterriers on my channel ❤️
that dog doesnt eat can tell...
Do you think dogs naturally cook their own meals? :-)
@@fmj4138 😂
Consulta cuánto vale un perro bul terri en plata chilena alguien que me pueda ayudar gracias
I'm going to copy your dinner! My Augie gets burger alternating with chicken but the peppers and carrots are a great idea for a bit of crudite!
Good footage.
Dam you let your dog eat the bone
quick question is he a good "guard dog" meaning will he try to scare intruders away
Bull terriers are not good guard dogs or good watch dogs.
Cleetus m you're a lying. My bull is a great guard dog
davidplatero your bull terrier wouldn't be able to injure an intruder
+David Platero - Bullshit.
My bull terrier is a great guard dog.
I think it’s ok since it is raw and not cooked. However I am not sure how well dogs handle salmonella.
Rob Happe - they have it in their body already so it won't hurt the dog. Parasite the only thing you need to worry about when feeding raw meat to dogs. Freezing the meat for a few day to a week should be good to kill the parasite.
Rob Happe dogs stomachs are very acidic so they are not prone to any kind of food borne illness
Didn't like the vegetable, what a surprise
I’d for sure be trimming some nails. My BT will start throwing up if she eats chicken or pork bones. Sooooo.... yeah, I avoid that. me too
Perro muy bonito
Good good👍
The BT doesn't have a 'lock jaw' nor does it have incredible bite strength, that trophy goes to the Rottweiler (Bite strength only) as it has been tested by an American University.
Secondly, dragging your dog around on a rope is bloody stupid and can be detrimental to your dog's teeth, particularly if a single canine becomes caught or snagged.
If you have a giant ego, you can play tough guy yourself - just let the dog be a dog instead of making it out to be some all mighty powerhouse.
There's nothing spectacular about a rotweilers bite strength. It's only about 350psi. The dogo argentino has a bite force of 500. It also has a square shaped jaw/bite covering more surface area. It's damn near impossible to escape its grasp.
The Cane Corso is 700psi. The king of bite force as far as dogs are concerned is the kangal. 750psi.
my bulls don't chew 😅
Great Dogs.!
Make me hungry when i see him eating de chicken
Что ты творишь ? НЕЛЬЗЯ кости птицы ! Они трубчатые , может желудок и пищевод повредить !
Я тоже это увидела! У тупых хозяев собаки несчастные! Интересно,жива ли собака? И одевать бультика на улицу в пальто и ботинки-это бред! Бультик не игрушка и не дамская собачка !
@@НатальяИвановна-ш4я когда было холодно, жена для нашей булочке сшила комбез ( ну в холод что бы не мёрз) одели мы его дома, на нас Бакстер посмотрел «вы что дурные?» завалился на спину и пытался снять, гулять даже не собирался! Сняли комбез, пошли гулять, выбежал на мороз, все дела быстро сделал и к подъезду, всё домой... комбез так больше и не одевали.
@@ДмитрийАв-щ1в ,да,они такие,бультики! Наш в дождь вышел из парадного и стоит,посмотрел на меня с упреком,мол,ты что,обалдела,льет же сверху! А команда сидеть попой в лужу? Никогда!
Chicken Bones Splinter and can cause damage to your K-9.
Hi ,I also think its no problem to eat chicken raw with bones if it is like this one, this i can tell from the skin its to white normal chicken has yellow skin so that means its from LIDL / Kaufland .The bones of this chicken are not that strong because they develop only 1/2 months no problem with that(and that solves also the salmonella problem because you wont find chicken and salmonella at Lidl . etc )however if it was a well fed house chicken from Grandma then we could speak about a problem if it is to be cooked or not ... im shure that the nutricional value of this chicken is not enough for this dog , even its compensated with veges .So its better for a snack and i think its used more like a treat . Peace out !
no deverias darde de comer eso al perro...y deverias de llevarle a un dermatologo por lo de las manos... :(
Supongo que el pollo es por lo natural, de su naturaleza animal y no tanto químico, pero tampoco te pases, jajaja verduras, no creo que en la vida real se pongan a comer brócoli y zanahorias, solo falta que de tomar le des jugo de naranja. En EUA están tan afeminados que piensan que los huesos de pollo les harán daño porque se pueden atorar. Pues si, tienen razón, luego se ponen a toser como locos, pero así es como crían a los perros, ya les quieren dar las cosas licuadas y poner babero. Aveces debes darle comida que le guste otras que creas que le servirán y tambien solo croquetas y debes hacer que lo coman porque si no un día Tendrá problemas para alimentarlo por ejemplo, cuando lo dejes acargo de otro o por alguna urgencia no puedas ir a comprarle su comida favorita
Not a good idea to pick up a dog by his teeth. Ask your vet.
What’s the difference between tug and lifting, both put pressure on the teeth one just looks more aggressive than the other.
its not really good for the Bully chicken Bones.
so true
Peter Neudorf only if it’s a cooked bone.
Little shoes 😁
Can chicken bone eat?
Pablo Mancuso - NO,chicken bone can't eat and if they can then we in trouble lol
Mr. Saephan yes chicken bones CAN be eaten by dogs if it’s raw. Do your research
Pablo Mancuso if it’s raw yes if it’s cooked then no
Great job! Been feeding my boy like this since he was 6wks. Started with chicken necks and now he'll eat anything you put in front of him.....raw w/bone. I love how ignorant and unenlightened people automatically spew their stupidity unchecked. Amazing, considering the enormous amount of info on UA-cam on the subject. Proves anyone who thinks that food is in anyway bad, really sucks at life.
Wow ! you sound like a moron, if your this laking in common since, you probably dont deserve to own a dog or any animal for that matter. lets see chicken pay by the LB, meat or bone meat makes more since, and no risk, !
Where are you little foot?
Anybody that wants to add a family member get an English Bull Terrier amazing dogs funny silly loyal all in a small package.
Lol epic! Swing the dogs around by their leash so they break their teeth, and let them eat chicken bones so they damage their teeth and internal organs. Epic win!
Ha do your research. You clearly do not know what you are talking about when it comes to dogs eating raw bones. It’s 100% safe & healthy for them. Please don’t be so ignorant
Raw bones are perfectly safe for dogs. Do you think wolves and other canines in the wild eat around the bones of their kill?
It’s cooked bones that are lethal to our furry friends!!
However I do agree with you that picking a dog up by its teeth with a rope or leash when they bite down on it is very bad for their teeth, gums, and Jaw.
Chow time homes!!
Man,W.T.F, Absolutely love bull terriers, coolest dog ever,they are so in ore and loyal to their owners,vice versa,so if you have a great COOKED chicken dinner,share it, but hey,if you prefer raw chicken legs and crunching bone's, that's you,be thoughtful,cook your dog's chicken, calve it and serve,no offense intented,but a top dog deserves first class service,x
Cooked chicken with bones can kill them, raw is best.
Not very bright chicken drumstick with bones some dog owners 😒. My bully gets plain cooked chicken breast and cooked beef cubes.
כלב מתוק מאוד !❤️❤️
Es un perro y no 1 conejo no come solo verdura ..mas pollo y carne cocida
You can not feed chicken leg's to a dog. The bones are dangerous.
I think you need a sort of course or something. You don't know how to handle dogs.
People with no knowledge are dangerous.
Balder Edda raw chicken legs are chewy and 110% safe for dogs 🤦🏻♀️ you can’t give a dog cooked bone!! So check your facts next time idiot!!!
what do you think dogs have been eating for thousands of years
@Ben Carey Pretty sure dogs didn't eat chicken bones for thousands of years.
My ex's bull terrier choked on a raw bone. Almost died. She quit feeding him bones in general as I said there's no reason to take the chance.
They can splinter.
Dogs should never be fed chicken bones. How can it be that difficult to understand? I guess unlike you guess I would never risk killing my dog. I love dogs. All that needs to be said has been said.
my bully has too but they need to be start them as a puppy
My best description is Miniature Porsches. 300 dogpower ;) They need a firm hand though. There's a reason you don't feed dogs anything with thin bones in it, and that is that the splinters cause unnecessary visits to the vet. Also, salmonella risk is avoided by cooking pet food above 71C.
nie podaje się psu surowego mięsa, może się nabawić wścieklizny
Its raw what the FUCK
Dogs can eat raw meat.
Great meal ,ignore ignorance 👌
I tried feeding my EBT's a raw diet and they looked at me like I was trying to poison them lol...they dont like raw meat oddly enough I can barely get them to eat it but they love fruit & veggies! And, for the record I realize that some say uncooked bones specifically chicken and pork bones dont splinter and are safer to eat, I disagree! I never feed my bullies raw pork or chicken bones. The meat is removed and the bones trashed or kept for stock! There are much safer ways to get the exact same nutritional value without the dangers!
He look not so strong tho just funny haha walter
giving dog chicken..
good idea🤦♂️
What the hell are you doing you will kill that dog giving her RAW chicken and bones like that she could choke
Erin Montgomery not on raw bones they can’t. Do your research. Cooked bones a big no no but raw bones 100% safe & healthy
Raw chicken is safe for dogs lol
North face cowlitz on
hahah so cute
chicken bones to a dog ...?
dan cezar raw ones yes cooked ones no
@@GoldRangerFanGirl35 I've seen dogs choke with raw chicken bones. Chicken bones are neither big nor small enough. Not for a medium/large dog, may be for a small dog it would be fine.
Yes that’s normal
O Biho eh Bbruto!
Stupid meal , watchout for bones with bull even more ones that seems "soft" cause they accumulate fast in the stomach and cause occlusion .
Chicken bones can perforat stomack , you got to know that
oneShot you should know that only Cooked bones are bad, while raw bones are really healthy for them and help digestion as teeth health
DaBkInGLeVy 1 exactly
Good food
Chicken bones,no good for the Baby🐶🤕
Carlos Alberto Rico only if the bones are cooked. If the bones are raw they are safe & healthy for the dog
How can survive your beautyfull bully with that meal?!
Congratulations, very pretty.
Does it have false teeth
Lewis Wolfgramm 🤣
A love
Ktoś nie ma pojęcia czym się karmi psa!!! Kurczak.. !?
wow! let me guess he is trying to show off on how he feeds his dog. chicken bones aren't good for dogs. you want to show of then give him boiled lamb with vegetables, not chicken
Chicken bones are fine raw, they are soft and nutritious.
It's only cooked bones you shouldn't feed.
Because a dog in the wild has access to a cooker,raw meat bones and organs, no need to cook anything
Barf food yes
My dog eats lots of bones, they generally are fine if raw, once they are cooked they become dangerous.
Feet Pansen Barf Cooking
Nice Dog ❤️
Shut off the music bye
Raw chicken with bones is a big No No!
Rosalie Mehrab 100% WRONG!!!! Raw bones are very healthy cooked bones are bad
my dog breed bull terer
Habe auch einen ...nur ich würde im nie rohes Fleisch geben erst recht nicht hähnchenknochen für mich ein Spinner
Darf ich wissen warum kein rohes Fleisch ??
Music pourrit , très mauvais pour les chiens de le tirer en le soulevant , beaucoup trop à manger ....
Too much food
Da miedo
You should never feed your dogs raw chicken bones are cooked ones very dangerous. Just take the time and remove the meat from the bone.
kmode4k that is pure ignorance. Raw bones are 100% safe & healthy foe dogs to eat. Do your research before you talk about something you know nothing abouy
bro Cook the Meet
Дяде невдомёк, что собак куриными костями не кормят!
mdrrr vous lui donné trop de légume
MUTE, then watch.
For all those who whinge about bones, I’m teaching my doggo to go vegan. He loves it! You should try it too!
That is terrible. What do you give him for protein? Beans??? Dogs are carnivores, he's going to have a slew of issues if you feed him vegan food.
@@IanAlderige I'm pretty sure he's joking. Lol
@@truman5838 I hope so. I've seen some idiots do that.
Split the bones out of the meat and cook it!
It’s actually ok for dogs to eat full raw chicken. Also it has bones because it helps to sharpen the dogs teeth and give him more calcium. i have read chicken bone is not good for dog
Wirklich nicht gut die hühnerknochen sind gefährlich
Lippi Punkstrumpf Rohe Knochen darf man verfüttern, außer Schweinefleisch , gefährlich ist es nur wenn die Knochen, gekocht, gebraten, gegrillt sind . Rohe Knochen auch Hühnerknochen verfüttere ich schon seit Jahren . Einfach mal einen BARF Ernährungsberater fragen .
Chicken bones are hollow and splinter into sharp pieces or they will swallow them whole. Also raw meat not good for them mentally, it makes many dogs aggressive.
Dan Pals you're and idiot. cooked chicken bones splinter...dogs go aggro over kibble. shut your face
+ Dan Pals - "Also raw meat not good for them mentally, it makes many dogs aggressive." What an idiot.
Cleetus I know, I would never give my bully raw meat. The only time in 10 yrs that he growled at me was when he got a pheasant wing that I dropped while cleaning the bird. And what's with the name calling. That's something I expect from a 6 yr old.
+Dan Pals - "he growled at me was when he got a pheasant wing that I dropped while cleaning the bird" That's called resource guarding, look it up, has nothing to do with raw meat making them aggressive.
"And what's with the name calling." You deserve it for posting idiotic things.
Kam wrong!!!! Raw meat is good for them. Do your research. Don’t believe the lies that you have been told about raw bones being bad for dogs when they are not or raw meat being bad for dogs when its not
It's nota a Good Good for a dog, you should cook they chicken and throw Out the bones , stop doing that please
Juan Pablo Carmona gil it’s called the bard diet and is healthier than regular dog kibble. The raw bones are actually really healthy for them and also cleans there teeth and helps with digestion
wow you have that dog too?