Bewketuye Congra for your new book, I can't wait to read it. You're so talented, keep it up. I'm proud of you. I wish you all the best, may God gives you more wisdom and knowledge.
Txs 2 trillion galaxies and more Bless you all We demand 4 true peace of Sifian Mustefe type not fake Nobel Peace Prized ovine Amharas Fenocide type of the past 400 years! Lol 😂 😆 😝
sry ur point of view about ur country is too negative , narrow and dark that is what u want, so that ppl will see u(rich diaspora) spending ur credit money when u go home(in a bar...) i can say u are" yeastesaseb dehoch"
Wow,Thankyou Bewketu
በውቀቱ ስዩም እግዚአብሔር ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥህ ። ብዙ ሥራዎችህን ተመልክቼአቸዋለሁ እናም በጣም እያዋዙ እና እያሳቁ ቁምነገሮችን የሚያስጨብጡ ናቸው እናመሰግንሃለን።
Tanks alote
Bewketuye Congra for your new book, I can't wait to read it. You're so talented, keep it up. I'm proud of you.
I wish you all the best, may God gives you more wisdom and knowledge.
🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️ Blessings!
ይህ ሰው ብቸኛው እንቁ ነው ሊበረታታ ይገባል። በርታልን
I love it so much... all the thing that is you said is true . Ur the best. GOD BLESS U !!!
It is nice to give great lesson for the coming generation
በውቀቱ እንኳን ደስ ያለህ i can't what to read your book
wow amazing bewukee!!!!!!!! Really ur ARE My ETHIOPIAN LORET !!!!
በጣም የሚገርም እውቀት ነው እንኩዋን ዴስ ያለህ
וואי תקשיב אתה ממש טוב כל הכבוד לך 👍🏾
Wow 😮 love 💕 it
♥♥♥ተሰጥቶሃል እኮ !!!
thanks ♥
ዋውውውውውውውው ምስጋና ድንቅ ነው
ሁሌም ምርጥ በእውቀቱ
Maximum respect bewketu seyoum..
አቦ ሰላምክን ያብዛልክ
our love!
woooooow lek belkal yamer woooow new kalb enamsegen alen yelbaan new yalkaw
ወይኔ ገደልከኝ አቦ.....ይመችክ
Wow hulum getme ture new anmseglan
bewku magna
Edet edemwedih eko
ere beshuf melk aykerbm edi srawochu
fun go...
Metatf ena gitm be bewketu siyum mknyat eyewdedku nw waw des sil
Txs 2 trillion galaxies and more
Bless you all
We demand 4 true peace of Sifian Mustefe type not fake Nobel Peace Prized ovine Amharas Fenocide type of the past 400 years! Lol 😂 😆 😝
የዋል ድባ ጅብ ይብላህ አንተ እምነተ ቢስ ነህ በእውነት ባለጌን ካሳደገ የገደለ ጸደቀ ይባላል በእናት ቤተክርስቲያን እንዳታሾፍ
እንኳን የሰፈሬ ልጂ ሆንክ በውቄ
ልቤ ላንተ እንጂ ለሌላ የለውም ቦታ የየት ሰፈር ልጅ ነው?
ye ethiopla setota kegenda sayhon kesemay newe kegzabher rge
era yehan metshaf yet nw yemgegnaw lemn degami aysatemawm egra eskikatn falga eko atahut ....
Eden Zenebe you can find it at Amazon
kaltkewu ye kidwusnene seme lemen taneslek lebona yestek
This is your wish Bewketu not reality
Alemayehu Hailemicael you are sleeping. you are denying the reality. you need to wake-up.
sry ur point of view about ur country is too negative , narrow and dark that is what u want, so that ppl will see u(rich diaspora) spending ur credit money when u go home(in a bar...) i can say u are" yeastesaseb dehoch"
Debebe nw dedebe were alebih
ወይኔ! እንዴት ይሰለቻል! በዛሬ ጊዜ ሰው እንደዚህ ዓይነት ተራ እንቶ ፈንቶ ወሬ ይሰማል? ለነገሩ አበሻ ሥራ አይሰራ! ወረኛ ሁላ! ለዚህ ነው መቼም የማናድገው! እንደዚህ አደንዛዥ ተራ እንቶ ፈንቶ ወሬ እየሰማን! ጊዜህን በተራ እንቶ ፈንቶ ወሬ አትጨርስ ወገኔ!
bete na ke ewket netsa yehone sew comment!!!
Ena min litarigi metash weregna
በውቀቱ ስዩም እግዚአብሔር ረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥህ ። ብዙ ሥራዎችህን ተመልክቼአቸዋለሁ እናም በጣም እያዋዙ እና እያሳቁ ቁምነገሮችን የሚያስጨብጡ ናቸው እናመሰግንሃለን።
Edet edemwedih eko