@@kostadinjosifoski5671 Macedonia is Greek. Alexander is an Ancient Greek name, so is Phillip, Roxanne, Olympia, Pella, and all the cities of the Macedonian Empire. You are Slavs who came in this region after 500 AC. You have nothing to do with the ancient Greek tribe called Makednoi, Macedonians.
I'm so mesmerized by the fact that Luke doesn't hold back from talking about his vulnerabilities and feelings.It makes me feel like what I go through time and again is merely the part of the process and something that every human experiences.Thanks for never failing to inspire me Luke!!
Been to Albania two years ago and when I said I was going there people looked at me like I was going to the end of the world. It was amazing though. Such a beautiful country with the nicest people I've ever met. Definitely going back there after Corona is over.
@@words.like_violence__ as a fan from the US, the country is so big that if you're from one coast and the youtuber's from the other you'd have no clue where they are lol
Luke definitely needs to team up with Yes Theory. They do a lot of the same concepts but Luke is more of a one-man band and Yes Theory does a lot more of forcing people to face their fears. I would love to see it.
Even as an introvert who loves being alone and whose social bucket (or capacity) fills up very quick, the feeling of loneliness can be overwhelmingly powerful at times. There's something poetic about traveling great distances to see the most amazingly beautiful places yet still combating loneliness. Great video :)
I’ve Been feeling something I wanna say is past lonely. It’s like unnecessary existence. And I almost started crying (did cry) watching your video “it sucks when the person your least comfortable w is yourself” really felt that. Thank you for understanding a small tidbit of my lonely pathetic life
@@kio9751 well, albania is great, i see, but greece has many great places too. I’m not saying Albania is bad, I’m just saying that i personally like geeece more. I respect your opinion though, I’ve only seen pictures of Albania so i don’t really know how it is there
I loved this video! I related so much to it and seeing footage of my country that’s not just touristic pictures or glamorous photos but rather the sunset over a hill or dusk on the road made me feel super nostalgic. Thank you for making me feel less lonely ! And thank you for coming to our country
The reason they keep stopping you at the borders is they keep thinking they're seeing a fourteen year old at the wheel of a car...and they have to check, double-check and triple-check everything! (only pulling your tail)
The only time I travelled alone was a couple years ago a 10 day trip through Italy. It was so much fun but I was nervous all the time. XD And I missed talking to people. I thought it would be easier to meet new people but that wasn't the case.
@@abbssysh Es gracioso q llevases una camiseta de spotify en Skopje, Spotify no esta disponible en Macedonia del norte.. estabas literalmente escupiendo a todo el mundo lol
Wow, you literally was in front of the building I'm living in Skopje, if I know you were here I would've made you a tour, never thought you would be here 😂
@@jon_7154 albanians have 100% greek dna, you just dont like to be called greeks i guess :p but every albanian i met in greece is very hard working so no hate.
I dunno if you read comments or what ever but honestly you’re one of the best you tubers out there right now, I don’t watch vlogs but yours are amazing. Keep hustling brother you’re killing it
I miss Athens so much my heart is swelling 🥺 shed a lil year when you showed the roads and the buildings AH corona needs to end so I can go back hahaha
It's really interesting to see a perspective that's completely the opposite of how I'm currently feeling. I don't have any personal space and I crave it. I'm so tired of seeing people. I love them, but I'm tired.
It's actually pretty easy to take a bus from Skopje to Tirana :D You go to the bus station in Skopje (in the same location like the train station), tell them you want a ticket to Tirana (be prepared for them only speaking basic or no English), chose the departure time, pay for the ticket, wait for the bus on the right platform and board the bus. The trip is probably gonna cost you like 20 euros. Forget about online schedules and booking tickets online in most parts of the Balkans :D If you want reliable info you either go to the bus station and ask there or have a local call them to ask for you.There's also a night train from Skopje to Thessaloniki which would've probably been easier than taking the detour through Albania (though it is a beautiful country and way underrated).
this is so rare like my country(Macedonia)is barely recognized and u visiting it,its like WOWWW,someone finally sees us..thanks for saying positive stuff :)
Thank you for visiting my countries, Albania and Greece (love Macedonia too) albania is a really underrated country and it's really a gem to explore for holidays.
I'm from Macedonia and just wanted to tell you thank you for visiting our country. But like really, I appreciate it so much because Macedonia isn't a popular county and people usually do not have interests about it. So thank you, once again. Plus, I wish I knew you would come so I could help you because as I can see, you couldn't really manage in Macedonia and you didn't knew where to go and what to do. So happy for you that you made it to Albania without serious problems. P.S. Sorry for my English I know it's bad but I'm learning.
Aye I solo tripped to Albania when I lived in Croatia last year. Also got to see North Macedonia (Skopje) and other Balkan countries as well. Great area.
@@martamiteva3464 well personally i will not accept it because i am half bulgarian half greek and both my parent's origins are from macedonia. My grantmother's family when she was little child was persecuted by greek nationalists and move from Agkistro(сенгелово) which was in Greece in Kalimanci, Bulgaria because they spoke both greek and bulgarian, while my grantfather's ancestors came from Strumica. From my dad's side, my dad's uncle was slaughtered by Bulgarian nationalist militias in the village Nikokleia. I will not stop till both ethnic groups realize the pain some people suffered because of the region Macedonia.
@@sixstring4718 Do you know that you have lots of other jobs that pay you even more than 500e? And it depends on the place whether it's clean or not. The places that are not clean are OLDER than YOU. I live in the Macedonia as well, that's where my parents were born, where I was born. And $500 aren't the same value as so called денари or euros. $500 aren't 30k of денари, 500e are. First; learn the value of something Second; If you knew the value of something, you wouldn't be judging it anymore. Third; You probably didn't read this even to the end, because you were lazy.
I love your honesty, that you push yourself and your humour. I love that you’ll have a go at anything and are super critical of yourself when you try more and accomplish more in a week than most people do in a lifetime. It’s fair to say you’re a pretty special kind of human 💪🌟👏😎
This is what I want in my life honestly. I was about to travel alone through Europe for two months. My plan was arrive in Munich, Germany, then go to five countries at least starting with Austria, then Italy, France, to then UK and road trip back home to the Midwest
Zoey Klavenga that’s funny because I have a lot of time in Germany, Italy, Austria, the UK and in France (I am French) and I dream to visit the USA I have been one time in NYC
@@lenviv7065 What a coincidence 😂 I vote we become friends that give each other travel tips so when you visit here I could help you and when I visit there you help me. I'm still not sure if I'm going to do the trip I planned this summer because of the whole Corona thing but I might if it gets better and travel restrictions lift.
Zoey Klavenga alright if you want my Instagram is If you go by Paris or Nantes. I would be glad to meet you. I wanted to work in the Us during the summer because I don’t have money but it is so complicated maybe one time I could
@@lenviv7065 Okay awesome my Instagram is @fullofloveicantcontrol I tried searching your user but not sure if I found the right one. Part of my trip I would be studying abroad and then spending my birthday in Paris which is fun, but I'd be glad to meet you if I could!
really nice vid. as someone who dealt with constant loneliness, but then got past it through opening up, adventure and knowing myself better, this struck a chord
@@gerritjansen8214 Im albanian i live in albania, but albania is hella corrupted and its hella poor, idk what you were hurt for when you know it, youre just lying to yourself
Rewatching this few years later and just realizing that your friend is an olympic medalist Crazy how the first time I saw him was on this channel, not the olympics
Brooo next time you are in Greece (Athens) say somethinggg so that i can get excited haha, If i was running into you i would probably have a heart attack so thank god i didn't, lucky manolo!!! Hope you had fun man.
This was such a fun and inspiring video!!!! I know exactly what you mean by feeling kinda uncomfortable with yourself being alone and it’s so cool that you face your fear in such an extreme way! My family’s pretty protective of me and where I go but I know eventually imma be on my own and I’m pretty scared about that BUT I know that it’s nothing too impossible. Hope you’re doing well Luke!
@@cfnmedia because i compete in polevaulting myself and i can relate to his struggles more than someone who has not.😁 because i have been there myself.
Mostly , In Balkan boarders they pick up the ones who drive alone or are younger , cause someone with a family or much stuff would not smuggle something cause it would danger his family ... . But someone like you ,who is (or looks) young and drives alone, has almost nothing to lose. And if you have nice and expensive cars , they would ask: how did he (so young) get all that money . They think of drugs being an option ....
Always so genuine and relatable, your videos never fail to put a smile to my face. I know you're probably not going to see this message, but thank you for documenting your travels and antics and sharing them with us. :)
you can go to ohrid lake by bus and then take a bus to struga and then take a taxi to the border and from there you can walk or take a taxi to the road and you will find a bus going from pogradec to Tirana. I recommend you spend a day in ohrid and pogradec.
i LOVE greece and greeks! i’m trying to learn the language. i can read greek and i know a couple words. hopefully after corona, i can visit greece. wish me luck!
Greek Watch Collector i hope you’re happy with letting out your emotions, but literally NO ONE asked you to voice your opinion on a country (and its name) that isn’t yours :)
Last year I got stranded in Croatia because of covid, and I had to spent almost 50 days there alone. There were some very rough times. I thought it would be fun, I thought it wouldn't be so hard to make friends, or to even have a date. But I struggled with everything. One day I was able to make a friend and I was happy, it made me feel better. I even hosted him for a week. I think soon I need to try again, to see if I'm able to handle the loneliness better this time.
freaked me out when he said he was gonna bus through Albania. Let me tell you, Albania is the WORST for busses. They literally change bus destinations and numbers by the hour. my family there drove me across the country to see my other side of the family because theyd rather that than me take a bus.
@@Elinas23 Бидејќи, Софија отвара теми за Македонија како дел од Бугарија, Македонците како Бугари, за Македонскиот јазик како дијалект на бугарскиот јазик, иако денешнава Бугарија е формирана како кнежевство во 1878 година, ајде да прошетаме до “прабугарите“ во Татарстан и Русија. Не е лошо да ја прочачкаме и ние таа историја, со егозтични дестинации, каде што Софија сака и нас Македонците да не депортира, како што сториле со Евреите од Македонија за време на бугарската фашистичка окупација во 1943 година. Вреди да се чуе дел од предавањето на Шеих-Ул-Ислам Талгат Сафа Таџуддин, Врховен муфтија на Русија и претседател на централната духовна управа на муслиманите во Русија на 1 февруари 2014 година, пред студентите на Историскиот факултет при Московскиот државен универзитет, за потеклото на народите на Волга Урал (Татари и Башкири). Кои се Бугарите, нивниот јазик и татковина, кога го изгубиле јазикот на Балканот! Исламот кај нас навлезе години пред 1420 година. Сега се нарекуваме Татари и Башкири, но вистината е дека сме Бугари! Од сите народи во светот, Бугарите први после Арапите го признаа пророкот Мохамед! Први кои доброволно го прифатиле исламот, тоа се нашите претци Бугарите! На устието на реките Кама и Волга се формирала државата Бугарија! Тројца од придружниците на Мохамед, година и половина пред неговото преселување во Медина, пристигнале и го проповедале исламот во Бугарија … Така се случува, не нарекуваат “татари“ и започнува “татарското“ ропство … Но, први во Европа на татаро-монголите се спротиставиле нашите претци Бугарите! … Така, Бугарите 13 години ја задржаа татаро-монголската инвазија во Европа … Но, нашите претци Бугарите на Хан Аспарух на Балканот се обединиле со славјаните и формирале држава. За 200 години го изгубиле јазикот, но го сочувале името. Кај нас се случило обратното! … Дури и Киев е формиран од Бугари и славјани. Во времето на паганството Киев имал и бугарски хан и славјански кнез … Татковината е светост. Таа се состои од Русија, Киевска Русија и Бугарија. Други држави во тоа време немало! … Нашата заедничка татковина ја основале нашите претци. Никој не ја избрал сам, како што не може да се избира мајката … Нас не’ собра судбината. А таа е од Бога и само од Бога! … А не е лошо да го чуеме и Божидар Димитров Стојанов, роден во Созопол, Бугарија, во семејство на бегалци од Источна Тракија, на 3 декември 1945 година, кој е доктор на историски науки, бил директор на бугарскиот Национален историски музеј, пратеник во Бугарското собрание од ГЕРБ и министер за Бугарите во светот во првата влада на Бојко Борисов. Бил вработен во бугарската служба за државна безбедност како аналитичар на балканската историја. Специјализирал палеографија во Париз и Ватикан. Автор е на бројни монографии и статии од областа на бугарската историја. Околу неговотото етничко потекло постојат разни шпекулации, но самиот тој се декларирал за “потомок на Прабугарите“. Починал на 1 јули 2018 година во Софија. Бугарскиот народ или Прабугарите се од туркско потекло кои дошле на територијата на денешна Република Бугарија од Монголија, Алтајските планини, степите на Евро-Азија, до долното течение на реката Дунав каде што ја формират Бугарската држава! - вели Божидар Димитров. Божидар Димитров, пак смета дека славјани не постојат, тие се измислени од Русија заради хегемонизмот на Москва наречен панславизмот! Би додале, ако корените на (пра)Бугарите се во Монголија, Кина, Татарстан, а на Балканот, откога дошле, за 200 години го изгубиле јазикот, прифаќајќи ја верата и јазикот на домородните, не е ли логично прашањето: Како се викале тие со кои доселените Бугари се обединиле, чиј јазик Бугарите на Балканот го прифатиле? Да не биле тоа Македонците и Македонскиот јазик, кој сега го прават дијалект на бугарскиот литературен јазик? И не е ли малку депласирано да отвараат такви теми, кога и самите знаат дека основата на Балканот е Македонија, основата на Бугарија е Македонија, дека македонскиот етнос е основата на бугарскиот демос! Впрочем и самиот Каракачанов вели не постои Бугарин без македонски корени! Точно е само тоа, дека Бугарија без Македонија и Македонците нема домородна историја, нивната официјална историја е во најдалечниот Исток! И, како што комисии на Комунистичката партија на Бугарија ја ретуширале македонската историска документација во бугарска, така и сега, со шарлатанот Зоран Заев, Бојко Борисов формира комисија за октроирање на нова политичка историја за Македонија и Македонскиот народ, за да не мора да ја преправат нивната фалсификувана историја за Бугарија од времето на комунизмот и руската креација Сан Стефанска Бугарија од 1878 година. Им даваме време да се спознаат, затоа што балонот кој го дува официјална Софија, пред се’ нејзините ментори од други и туѓи метрополи за нивни интереси на овие простори, кога и да е ќе пукне! И во Бугарија се создава нова историска школа, кои корените на Бугарија ги врзуваат за Македонија од пред нашаат ера до денес. Зарем не сте прочитале дека македонската кралица Клеопатра од династијата на Птоломеидите е Бугарка? Се’ повеќе и повеќе ќе го има тоа во нашата братска Бугарија… Македонците сигурно нема да ги бараат своите корени во Татарстан, Кина и Монголија заради заблудената санстефанска Софија на Бојко Борисов, Екатерина Захариева, Божидар Димитров, Красимир Каракачанов, Андреј Ковачев, Васил Николов и Спас Ташев -Кажа Рускиот Муфтија
Okay, is it just me or does this guy remind y'all of Tom Holland's Peter Parker. Like in a super good way. The humor is just similar in some way. I love it!!
I mean, you had to get into Albania. One of the more notorious countries on this side of the Ocean. I can imagine it may be a bit tricky to get into. It looks gorgeous though. And let's be honest; most strangers aren't dangerous. Another very cool video.
Omg I'm from North Macedonia and actually can't believe that you rented a car and drove not to 1, but 2 different countries all by yourself, I could never. I'm so glad that you visited Skopje and liked it. And now that I'm thinking about it, maybe renting a car was the best option. Because we don't have an advanced bus or train station so it is harder for tourists to travel.
I'd be terrified to travel alone, was v comforting to know that even well travelled people like yourself struggle with things like loneliness and anxiety
I have a strong dominum about spanish...I understand another 4 lenguages. You are my salvation and my real solutions, my happiness in middle the problems about the death.
I shot this video last month! Don't worry, no corona spread from me ;))))))
I love you😻
Estoy aprendiendo inglés con tus videos pero realmente hablas demasiado rápido no tienes consideración 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲
I love your videos I talk about pave latinos say that if you can speak in Spanish or make a video in Spanish thanks 😊 😊 😊 😊
PD. Que bueno que estás bien. uwu 💖
Balkans are underrated, greetings from Skopje!
Americans are overrated XD
Mi se jade burek zimi se.. 🤣
@@bluefoodie3262 ejj i mene sega
Macedonia gang!
@@kostadinjosifoski5671 Macedonia is Greek.
Alexander is an Ancient Greek name,
so is Phillip, Roxanne, Olympia, Pella, and all the cities of the Macedonian Empire.
You are Slavs who came in this region after 500 AC.
You have nothing to do with the ancient Greek tribe called Makednoi, Macedonians.
I'm so mesmerized by the fact that Luke doesn't hold back from talking about his vulnerabilities and feelings.It makes me feel like what I go through time and again is merely the part of the process and something that every human experiences.Thanks for never failing to inspire me Luke!!
Been to Albania two years ago and when I said I was going there people looked at me like I was going to the end of the world. It was amazing though. Such a beautiful country with the nicest people I've ever met. Definitely going back there after Corona is over.
the mountains in the north and in the south the sea Tirana is very nice city
Jon _ I’m from Albania and the cities in Albania are too damn crowded 😂😂
You must be kidding. Is this sarcasm?
InFuriousGamer you havent see the Turkish city istanbul?
Frisii come to Serbia too, it’s near !
I love how the border control legit just wanted a picture with you. Shows that even the stereotypically scary people are kind and warm hearted
I think it was the other way around.
Do you think they wanted a picture just because he was American?
Caryn Schwengel No, they probably watch his videos
@@sophieloves5sos lol no they think ha american coming to Balkan hahahaha. Europeans arent that "pro american" especially east europe.
Nash Wagemakers Why do you think they wanted a picture with Luke?
it's so weird when UA-camrs visit your country and you know exactly where they are at all times based on the footage.
Yeah! This is like the only time we can kinda relate to the fans that live in the US.
@@words.like_violence__ as a fan from the US, the country is so big that if you're from one coast and the youtuber's from the other you'd have no clue where they are lol
Luke definitely needs to team up with Yes Theory. They do a lot of the same concepts but Luke is more of a one-man band and Yes Theory does a lot more of forcing people to face their fears. I would love to see it.
yes def! i get so much yes theory vibes from his videos
couldnt agree more
ive always thought the same thing
OMG yes!
Omg yesssss! That would be so awesome
Even as an introvert who loves being alone and whose social bucket (or capacity) fills up very quick, the feeling of loneliness can be overwhelmingly powerful at times. There's something poetic about traveling great distances to see the most amazingly beautiful places yet still combating loneliness. Great video :)
I’ve Been feeling something I wanna say is past lonely. It’s like unnecessary existence. And I almost started crying (did cry) watching your video “it sucks when the person your least comfortable w is yourself” really felt that. Thank you for understanding a small tidbit of my lonely pathetic life
why the negativity tho?
Yesnoyesno ?
Yesnoyesno guess it’s just how I feel.
@@Fahad-os3sb why not
Janet M.G i’m with you on this one, it sucks feeling like this, hope everything gets better 😌
Albania is an undiscovered country. There are a lot of beautiful to places to visit and it's so underrated! ❤️
Its because its next to greece, everyone just passes by, but Greece is really better
@@kotsosmanolis879 i have been to greece and it was worse than albania😂
@@kio9751 well, albania is great, i see, but greece has many great places too. I’m not saying Albania is bad, I’m just saying that i personally like geeece more. I respect your opinion though, I’ve only seen pictures of Albania so i don’t really know how it is there
@@kotsosmanolis879 i love greece so much. I dont understand why we hate our greek brothers ☦☦😍😍
@@freeyoungthugong because politics. I don’t want to get political but i think we are all brothers
No way u were in Skopje, that's soo cool, i wish i saw you
Skopje is Albanian 🇦🇱🇽🇰🇺🇸✝️
@@visitalbania6770 *Shkup* *
@@visitalbania6770 its not ;-;
Visit Albania No it’s not
@@visitalbania6770 hahahahahahahaha nice joke
I loved this video! I related so much to it and seeing footage of my country that’s not just touristic pictures or glamorous photos but rather the sunset over a hill or dusk on the road made me feel super nostalgic. Thank you for making me feel less lonely ! And thank you for coming to our country
I'm from Skopje!
Marko Chulevski поздрав од Гевгелија!🇲🇰
Oh so ur albanian
Pozz od Veles!!
Viktor Dimovski shkupi 🇦🇱
@@-wayter-8913 кој си ти и јас сум од гвг😂
If you ever come back to Greece, we should hang out man
Αχαχα δεν περίμενα να δω αυτό το κομμεντ! Αλλά ναι συμφωνώ 👍
@MACEDONIA KICEVO haha whats your problem?
MACEDONIA KICEVO half of “Macedonia” belongs to Hellas
@MACEDONIA KICEVO оти си толкова тъп?
@MACEDONIA KICEVO Ај те молам избриши си го коментарот и не замарај со глупости
your videos are truly a treat
The reason they keep stopping you at the borders is they keep thinking they're seeing a fourteen year old at the wheel of a car...and they have to check, double-check and triple-check everything!
(only pulling your tail)
The only time I travelled alone was a couple years ago a 10 day trip through Italy. It was so much fun but I was nervous all the time. XD And I missed talking to people. I thought it would be easier to meet new people but that wasn't the case.
its funny you wore a Spotify shirt in skopje, Spotify isn't available in North Macedonia.. you were essentially spiting everyone lol
Me puedes traducir lo que dices pliss
@@abbssysh Es gracioso q llevases una camiseta de spotify en Skopje, Spotify no esta disponible en Macedonia del norte.. estabas literalmente escupiendo a todo el mundo lol
now it is lmao
It is available because I am macedonian
Wow, you literally was in front of the building I'm living in Skopje, if I know you were here I would've made you a tour, never thought you would be here 😂
Darko Lekovski samee
A tour of stolen greek history?
@@Parnissios F youuuuu
@@Parnissios Albanian stolen History!!!!!!!!!!!
grece and others always stole from us albanian.
@@jon_7154 albanians have 100% greek dna, you just dont like to be called greeks i guess :p but every albanian i met in greece is very hard working so no hate.
Imagine being verified and getting 10 likes 😂
I dunno if you read comments or what ever but honestly you’re one of the best you tubers out there right now, I don’t watch vlogs but yours are amazing. Keep hustling brother you’re killing it
I miss Athens so much my heart is swelling 🥺 shed a lil year when you showed the roads and the buildings AH corona needs to end so I can go back hahaha
It's really interesting to see a perspective that's completely the opposite of how I'm currently feeling. I don't have any personal space and I crave it. I'm so tired of seeing people. I love them, but I'm tired.
It's actually pretty easy to take a bus from Skopje to Tirana :D You go to the bus station in Skopje (in the same location like the train station), tell them you want a ticket to Tirana (be prepared for them only speaking basic or no English), chose the departure time, pay for the ticket, wait for the bus on the right platform and board the bus. The trip is probably gonna cost you like 20 euros. Forget about online schedules and booking tickets online in most parts of the Balkans :D If you want reliable info you either go to the bus station and ask there or have a local call them to ask for you.There's also a night train from Skopje to Thessaloniki which would've probably been easier than taking the detour through Albania (though it is a beautiful country and way underrated).
Oh Albania!!! My favorite place 😍
this is so rare like my country(Macedonia)is barely recognized and u visiting it,its like WOWWW,someone finally sees us..thanks for saying positive stuff :)
@@johnt2462 χαχαχαχαχα α ρε τρολλερα.
Northern Macedonia*
Typical Luke,always getting himself lost
Thank you for visiting my countries, Albania and Greece (love Macedonia too) albania is a really underrated country and it's really a gem to explore for holidays.
Everyone: Hides in their house from the Coronavirus
Luke: Travels around Europe :)
It's not like you could have read his first comment under the video...
I'm from Macedonia and just wanted to tell you thank you for visiting our country. But like really, I appreciate it so much because Macedonia isn't a popular county and people usually do not have interests about it. So thank you, once again. Plus, I wish I knew you would come so I could help you because as I can see, you couldn't really manage in Macedonia and you didn't knew where to go and what to do. So happy for you that you made it to Albania without serious problems. P.S. Sorry for my English I know it's bad but I'm learning.
Aye I solo tripped to Albania when I lived in Croatia last year. Also got to see North Macedonia (Skopje) and other Balkan countries as well. Great area.
@@martamiteva3464 Macedonia is a Holly name don't speak if you are not from Greece and you do not know our history Idiot
@@martamiteva3464 without history we would be nothing
@@martamiteva3464 you can't just steal something that was possessed from someone and then demand from him to be civilised and just don't care about it
@@martamiteva3464 well personally i will not accept it because i am half bulgarian half greek and both my parent's origins are from macedonia. My grantmother's family when she was little child was persecuted by greek nationalists and move from Agkistro(сенгелово) which was in Greece in Kalimanci, Bulgaria because they spoke both greek and bulgarian, while my grantfather's ancestors came from Strumica. From my dad's side, my dad's uncle was slaughtered by Bulgarian nationalist militias in the village Nikokleia. I will not stop till both ethnic groups realize the pain some people suffered because of the region Macedonia.
you went to Skopje but didn't went exploring and that makes me sad, there are actually nice places here, but glad you had fun!!
Veronika Nedelkovska no there are not lol i live there everyone makes an average of 500$ a month
Also the places are unclean and shit
@@sixstring4718 true but the city mall is prrety good
@@sixstring4718 Do you know that you have lots of other jobs that pay you even more than 500e? And it depends on the place whether it's clean or not. The places that are not clean are OLDER than YOU. I live in the Macedonia as well, that's where my parents were born, where I was born.
And $500 aren't the same value as so called денари or euros. $500 aren't 30k of денари, 500e are.
First; learn the value of something
Second; If you knew the value of something, you wouldn't be judging it anymore.
Third; You probably didn't read this even to the end, because you were lazy.
Shoxee macedonia just needs to improve their jobs
@@sixstring4718 that doesn't make it bad in terms of how your time visiting is
This is amazing! I hope you enjoyed Albania, thanks for putting it on the Map a bit more
I love your honesty, that you push yourself and your humour. I love that you’ll have a go at anything and are super critical of yourself when you try more and accomplish more in a week than most people do in a lifetime. It’s fair to say you’re a pretty special kind of human 💪🌟👏😎
This is what I want in my life honestly. I was about to travel alone through Europe for two months. My plan was arrive in Munich, Germany, then go to five countries at least starting with Austria, then Italy, France, to then UK and road trip back home to the Midwest
Zoey Klavenga that’s funny because I have a lot of time in Germany, Italy, Austria, the UK and in France (I am French) and I dream to visit the USA I have been one time in NYC
@@lenviv7065 What a coincidence 😂 I vote we become friends that give each other travel tips so when you visit here I could help you and when I visit there you help me. I'm still not sure if I'm going to do the trip I planned this summer because of the whole Corona thing but I might if it gets better and travel restrictions lift.
Zoey Klavenga alright if you want my Instagram is
If you go by Paris or Nantes. I would be glad to meet you. I wanted to work in the Us during the summer because I don’t have money but it is so complicated maybe one time I could
Zoey Klavenga yes of course be safe and wash your hands 😂
@@lenviv7065 Okay awesome my Instagram is @fullofloveicantcontrol I tried searching your user but not sure if I found the right one. Part of my trip I would be studying abroad and then spending my birthday in Paris which is fun, but I'd be glad to meet you if I could!
5:03 my beautiful Saranda😍
ilir AL gjithmon t shoh n komente
Shqipetar Apo Jo
Sido 1989sido normal
Ἀθηνᾶ Περικλειώτη epirus is albanian
I know no one asked, but
I'm having an Ice Age movie marathon!
Ozan Ocean can I join? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
meghan acosta hell yeah
meghan acosta dang well hope u have a good marathon!
I had a high school musical movie marathon today too lol
Elizabeth Bread flipping awesome
Skopje was so fascinating to visit! Definitely different from anywhere else I’ve been.
I bet traveling with Luke is hella fun. Stay safe dude and WASH YOUR HANDS 🙏😷
really nice vid. as someone who dealt with constant loneliness, but then got past it through opening up, adventure and knowing myself better, this struck a chord
Its so cool when a YT comes to your country and does something stupid xD. Thanks Luke
I have a "cool" story about that, **cough** Logan Paul **cough**
Unknown Name lol ur japanese
I never thought Luke would be in North Macedonia passing right through where I live ON MY BIRTHDAY.
I missed the “a film by Luke Korns”
Greeting from Macedonia, it is really rare for an American to come here so we really appreciate it!
Αγάπη από Μακεδονία Ελλάδα ❤❤
Y-you were in Albania?🥺🤭 wow I literally never thought a UA-camr I'm subscribed to is gonna visit🙈
@ⰄⰓⰄⰀ Agreed
@@Voltraxfr And why you think that Albania is barbaric place...
VσltRαх Damn Racists, and you’re probably Serbian or Greek lmao.
@@gerritjansen8214 Im albanian i live in albania, but albania is hella corrupted and its hella poor, idk what you were hurt for when you know it, youre just lying to yourself
@ⰄⰓⰄⰀ have you ever been there? probably not. go and check and see the truth with your eyes lmao the video talks itself tho
Rewatching this few years later and just realizing that your friend is an olympic medalist
Crazy how the first time I saw him was on this channel, not the olympics
Cuídate mucho mijo, qué haríamos sin ti. :'(
sí entiende español we
Extraño los videos en español 😔😔
Alguien que por fin habla español
@@reiluvi JAJAJA, yo lo sé, lo puse para las personas que no saben español, duh.
@@gigi7927 Yo escribí eso antes de que él pusiera el comentario, lmao.
The music and flow of this video personifies the frantic travel energy I know too well 😂
Im albanian! Hope you had a good time there ;)
I wish you had a great time to Albania ❤️💋
Brooo next time you are in Greece (Athens) say somethinggg so that i can get excited haha, If i was running into you i would probably have a heart attack so thank god i didn't, lucky manolo!!! Hope you had fun man.
This was such a fun and inspiring video!!!! I know exactly what you mean by feeling kinda uncomfortable with yourself being alone and it’s so cool that you face your fear in such an extreme way! My family’s pretty protective of me and where I go but I know eventually imma be on my own and I’m pretty scared about that BUT I know that it’s nothing too impossible. Hope you’re doing well Luke!
Wow you could have been spreading COVID-19 that whole time luke!! Jk love your vids dude :)
The first time I see someone travel in Albania.
As a track and field athlete. This is really fun to watch
Yeah it is, but like why does it matter if you are track and field athlete haha
@@cfnmedia because i compete in polevaulting myself and i can relate to his struggles more than someone who has not.😁 because i have been there myself.
Akilles Teglbjærg did we watch the same video?
Yes!? Wtf do you mean?
@@cfnmedia i mean. You do know that he polevaulted right?
Update on the swirly thing it's being replaced with an elevator no more swirly thing in macedonia :(
То шо беше во ТГЦ? да го сменаа, за жал.
Noo🤣🤣🤣 im gonna move out of this trashy country anyway im gonna go to spain or italy
You said: That thing that was in TGC? Yes, they changed it, sadly?
Sorry if I miss translated I'm learning lol.
@@sixstring4718 OK we don't need you anyways.
Greetings from Greece!
Hope you enjoyed your time here:)
Al fin un video :'D lo esperé por mucho tiempo
being a lone makes you a stronger person cheers mate thanks for posting.
Urgh I’m obsessed with your videos! So many people make travel videos but not of them are as raw and enjoyable as yours!!
Primer comentario en español
No me importa
Go away he has a spanish channel go there
@@vojta4045 Cute Spanish language don't you think
@@vojta4045 no se que dices pero mientes
@@sthefanoespinoza751 entonces largarte
Always love your vids Luke. You are a guy with integrity and I enjoy the honesty. Take care, You are never really alone. You have us!!!
Mostly , In Balkan boarders they pick up the ones who drive alone or are younger , cause someone with a family or much stuff would not smuggle something cause it would danger his family ... . But someone like you ,who is (or looks) young and drives alone, has almost nothing to lose. And if you have nice and expensive cars , they would ask: how did he (so young) get all that money . They think of drugs being an option ....
Always so genuine and relatable, your videos never fail to put a smile to my face. I know you're probably not going to see this message, but thank you for documenting your travels and antics and sharing them with us. :)
Hi Luke...
We missed you! 🤗❤️
Saludos desde México 🇲🇽❣️✨
My family is from Macedonia, thanks for bringing attention to this country. Nicest people around :)
Oyeee, ya se te extrañaba❤
you can go to ohrid lake by bus and then take a bus to struga and then take a taxi to the border and from there you can walk or take a taxi to the road and you will find a bus going from pogradec to Tirana. I recommend you spend a day in ohrid and pogradec.
Hey Luke!! It's really great that you visited Greece. I live here. Although there was a much shorter way to drive directly from Skopje to Athens 😋
i LOVE greece and greeks! i’m trying to learn the language. i can read greek and i know a couple words. hopefully after corona, i can visit greece. wish me luck!
Fan from Macedonia here! I got really shocked when I read the title haha I'm glad you enjoyed your stay
Greek Watch Collector i hope you’re happy with letting out your emotions, but literally NO ONE asked you to voice your opinion on a country (and its name) that isn’t yours :)
@@johnt2462 You are slavs this is why is not yours chill out
One of your best videos. Great narrative, really helpfull for the ones who have to live sometimes by themselves. Thanks Luke!
This is what you called quality content ❤️
If you think so become a great Patron like me
You're my favourite youtuber and human being lmao. You're not afraid to be yourself and you're always so honest with us. Thank you for that 💓
Please give us the link of the site of that Albanian apartment omggg it’s so dreamy
Last year I got stranded in Croatia because of covid, and I had to spent almost 50 days there alone. There were some very rough times. I thought it would be fun, I thought it wouldn't be so hard to make friends, or to even have a date. But I struggled with everything.
One day I was able to make a friend and I was happy, it made me feel better. I even hosted him for a week.
I think soon I need to try again, to see if I'm able to handle the loneliness better this time.
freaked me out when he said he was gonna bus through Albania.
Let me tell you, Albania is the WORST for busses. They literally change bus destinations and numbers by the hour. my family there drove me across the country to see my other side of the family because theyd rather that than me take a bus.
There are actually busses which don't change destinations , you just have to find the right ones
that's not even true nowdays. if you talk about 5-10 years ago you must be right lol
@iron stone 😂😂
going from skopje to tirana isnt so bad..its ok e an normal trip...
You should report to 👮 next time no one change destination
Love your vids, keep up the great work dude !
no one:
corona: i road tripped solo across europe
Greetings from Macedonia 👋🏻🇲🇰
Никогаш Северна Само МАКЕДОНИЈА!🇲🇰💪🔥
I still can't believe you all let them change your name.
Y'all mad but it's NORTH now. Let's move on please
@@面白いね-s8f we cant do anything about it
@@面白いね-s8f we had mass protests but it didnt stop them
@@Elinas23 Бидејќи, Софија отвара теми за Македонија како дел од Бугарија, Македонците како Бугари, за Македонскиот јазик како дијалект на бугарскиот јазик, иако денешнава Бугарија е формирана како кнежевство во 1878 година, ајде да прошетаме до “прабугарите“ во Татарстан и Русија. Не е лошо да ја прочачкаме и ние таа историја, со егозтични дестинации, каде што Софија сака и нас Македонците да не депортира, како што сториле со Евреите од Македонија за време на бугарската фашистичка окупација во 1943 година.
Вреди да се чуе дел од предавањето на Шеих-Ул-Ислам Талгат Сафа Таџуддин, Врховен муфтија на Русија и претседател на централната духовна управа на муслиманите во Русија на 1 февруари 2014 година, пред студентите на Историскиот факултет при Московскиот државен универзитет, за потеклото на народите на Волга Урал (Татари и Башкири). Кои се Бугарите, нивниот јазик и татковина, кога го изгубиле јазикот на Балканот!
Исламот кај нас навлезе години пред 1420 година. Сега се нарекуваме Татари и Башкири, но вистината е дека сме Бугари! Од сите народи во светот, Бугарите први после Арапите го признаа пророкот Мохамед! Први кои доброволно го прифатиле исламот, тоа се нашите претци Бугарите! На устието на реките Кама и Волга се формирала државата Бугарија! Тројца од придружниците на Мохамед, година и половина пред неговото преселување во Медина, пристигнале и го проповедале исламот во Бугарија … Така се случува, не нарекуваат “татари“ и започнува “татарското“ ропство … Но, први во Европа на татаро-монголите се спротиставиле нашите претци Бугарите! … Така, Бугарите 13 години ја задржаа татаро-монголската инвазија во Европа … Но, нашите претци Бугарите на Хан Аспарух на Балканот се обединиле со славјаните и формирале држава. За 200 години го изгубиле јазикот, но го сочувале името. Кај нас се случило обратното! … Дури и Киев е формиран од Бугари и славјани. Во времето на паганството Киев имал и бугарски хан и славјански кнез … Татковината е светост. Таа се состои од Русија, Киевска Русија и Бугарија. Други држави во тоа време немало! … Нашата заедничка татковина ја основале нашите претци. Никој не ја избрал сам, како што не може да се избира мајката … Нас не’ собра судбината. А таа е од Бога и само од Бога! …
А не е лошо да го чуеме и Божидар Димитров Стојанов, роден во Созопол, Бугарија, во семејство на бегалци од Источна Тракија, на 3 декември 1945 година, кој е доктор на историски науки, бил директор на бугарскиот Национален историски музеј, пратеник во Бугарското собрание од ГЕРБ и министер за Бугарите во светот во првата влада на Бојко Борисов. Бил вработен во бугарската служба за државна безбедност како аналитичар на балканската историја. Специјализирал палеографија во Париз и Ватикан. Автор е на бројни монографии и статии од областа на бугарската историја. Околу неговотото етничко потекло постојат разни шпекулации, но самиот тој се декларирал за “потомок на Прабугарите“. Починал на 1 јули 2018 година во Софија.
Бугарскиот народ или Прабугарите се од туркско потекло кои дошле на територијата на денешна Република Бугарија од Монголија, Алтајските планини, степите на Евро-Азија, до долното течение на реката Дунав каде што ја формират Бугарската држава! - вели Божидар Димитров. Божидар Димитров, пак смета дека славјани не постојат, тие се измислени од Русија заради хегемонизмот на Москва наречен панславизмот!
Би додале, ако корените на (пра)Бугарите се во Монголија, Кина, Татарстан, а на Балканот, откога дошле, за 200 години го изгубиле јазикот, прифаќајќи ја верата и јазикот на домородните, не е ли логично прашањето: Како се викале тие со кои доселените Бугари се обединиле, чиј јазик Бугарите на Балканот го прифатиле? Да не биле тоа Македонците и Македонскиот јазик, кој сега го прават дијалект на бугарскиот литературен јазик? И не е ли малку депласирано да отвараат такви теми, кога и самите знаат дека основата на Балканот е Македонија, основата на Бугарија е Македонија, дека македонскиот етнос е основата на бугарскиот демос! Впрочем и самиот Каракачанов вели не постои Бугарин без македонски корени! Точно е само тоа, дека Бугарија без Македонија и Македонците нема домородна историја, нивната официјална историја е во најдалечниот Исток! И, како што комисии на Комунистичката партија на Бугарија ја ретуширале македонската историска документација во бугарска, така и сега, со шарлатанот Зоран Заев, Бојко Борисов формира комисија за октроирање на нова политичка историја за Македонија и Македонскиот народ, за да не мора да ја преправат нивната фалсификувана историја за Бугарија од времето на комунизмот и руската креација Сан Стефанска Бугарија од 1878 година.
Им даваме време да се спознаат, затоа што балонот кој го дува официјална Софија, пред се’ нејзините ментори од други и туѓи метрополи за нивни интереси на овие простори, кога и да е ќе пукне! И во Бугарија се создава нова историска школа, кои корените на Бугарија ги врзуваат за Македонија од пред нашаат ера до денес. Зарем не сте прочитале дека македонската кралица Клеопатра од династијата на Птоломеидите е Бугарка? Се’ повеќе и повеќе ќе го има тоа во нашата братска Бугарија…
Македонците сигурно нема да ги бараат своите корени во Татарстан, Кина и Монголија заради заблудената санстефанска Софија на Бојко Борисов, Екатерина Захариева, Божидар Димитров, Красимир Каракачанов, Андреј Ковачев, Васил Николов и Спас Ташев
-Кажа Рускиот Муфтија
They just keep getting better and better. Love how you can tell such an engaging story every time. Keep it up!
I would volunteer to go on all these crazy adventures with you
Okay, is it just me or does this guy remind y'all of Tom Holland's Peter Parker. Like in a super good way. The humor is just similar in some way. I love it!!
Donde están los seguidores de Andy que entienden ingles ?....
Ok nadie :v (autolike para no desaparecer)
🙋 XD!
Tratando de aprender inglés para entenderlo
I like your videos, your sense of humour and your editing skills. you're a great UA-camr
Like si no te importa que el hablé inglés.....💖💖💖💖
Mientras no hable un idioma que no yo entienda...
todo perfecto
I mean, you had to get into Albania. One of the more notorious countries on this side of the Ocean. I can imagine it may be a bit tricky to get into. It looks gorgeous though. And let's be honest; most strangers aren't dangerous.
Another very cool video.
You have a stereotype man...
@@pask0p78 Hm?
DUDE you are just in my neighborhood how is that possible form all of the places in Skopje
I swear to god the name Luke fits you SO MUCH. You kind of Luke look like Luke skywalker and also any average Luke with blonde hair and blue eyes.
I have been to Greece so many times, Athens is awesome! The beaches are just too good, if you know what i mean ;P
@@nio4742 do you mean the nude beach? XD
I'm from Skopje and it's a very nice placece I agree
Omg I'm from North Macedonia and actually can't believe that you rented a car and drove not to 1, but 2 different countries all by yourself, I could never. I'm so glad that you visited Skopje and liked it. And now that I'm thinking about it, maybe renting a car was the best option. Because we don't have an advanced bus or train station so it is harder for tourists to travel.
@MACEDONIA KICEVO nikoj ne ti brani
@MACEDONIA KICEVO you cant tell how it is
@MACEDONIA KICEVO I wrote North Macedonia in proportion to this video beacuse it can be mistaken and misunderstood, greetings
Αγάπη Μακεδονία Ελλάδα στην βόρεια Μακεδονί
I'd be terrified to travel alone, was v comforting to know that even well travelled people like yourself struggle with things like loneliness and anxiety
Veo tus videos para mejorar mi ingles pero me desespero, quiero aprender de verdad y me frustró 😢. Saludos I love you
x2 habla muy rapido y asi no entiendo algunas cosas :c
@@analiedcg7364 existe la opción de disminuir la velocidad del video.
I have a strong dominum about spanish...I understand another 4 lenguages. You are my salvation and my real solutions, my happiness in middle the problems about the death.
Buen video luke, sube más video tan buenos como este, pero al canal en español por favor ;v
Can write just appreciate what brilliant subtle marketing this is for Redbull?
No way you’ve been in Albania..why didn’t you tell us, I’d love to meet you 😊😊
Every single video like this you make is so inspiring. Thank you Luke!