Hot Onion sauce recipe/ Resep sambel bawang pedas

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Hot Onion sauce recipe/ Resep sambel bawang pedas
    500g hot chili ( Suit one's taste )
    500gr onions
    4 large cloves of garlic
    1 tbsp sugar
    1, 5 tbsp salt
    1 tbsp lemon juice
    1 tbsp vinegar
    Cooking oil ( i use olive oil)
    500 gr cabai rawit ( Sesuai selera )
    500gr bawang bombay
    4 siung besar bawang putih
    1 sdm gula
    1, 5 sdm garam
    1 sdm jus lemon
    1 sdm cuka
    Minyak goreng (saya pakai minyak zaitun)
    Cara membuat:
    Semua bahan dicuci bersih dan iris kecil2.
    Wash well all ingredients and slice into small pieces
    Panaskan minyak goreng lalu goreng cabe sampai layu
    Heat the cooking oil then fry the chilies until wilted
    Setelah cabe dingin Kemudian diblender
    After the chilies have cooled, then blend them
    Goreng irisan bawang sampai berwarna kecoklatan dan wangi
    Fry the onion slices until brown colour and fragrant
    Lalu tambahkan bawang putih tumis hingga harum
    Then add garlic, sauté until fragrant
    Setelah itu masukan cabe yang sudah diblender tadi, tumis kira2 5mnt
    After that, add the chilies that have been blended, sauté about 5 minutes
    Tambahkan sedikit air
    Add a little bit water
    Lalu masukkan bumbu2
    Then add the spices
    Masak hingga minyaknya keluar
    Cook until the oil comes out
    tarafından FotoPlay
    Telif Hakkı:
    Müzik: Imagefilm 012
    Müzisyen: Sascha Ende®