you skipped over the part where Umar hit and knocked out Abu Hurairah, it was in the same hadith at 9:30. I think hitting and knocking out another companion when they were following the orders of the prophet (SAW) would be considered as rude. i think you guys dodged this point from Ammar . in the live Ammar did you would find this at 50:50.
@@IbnAlahwaznot everything in bihar al anwar is authentic, that narration you are mentioning might not be. Oh and Aisha lead the biggest fitna causing the death of many… I forgot 🤷. (I don’t curse her btw I think it’s wrong)
THE PROPHET HAD ALREADY DECIDE THE MATTER AND UMAR REMARKS AND QUESTIONING THE PROPHETHOOD OF THE PROPHET WAS A DISRESPECT OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 36: وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَن يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَالًا مُّبِينًا And it behoves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Apostle have decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Apostle, he surely strays off a manifest straying.
Then you have created your sect...the sick sectarian takfiri mentality...for us Shias we would still consider every sunni upon offering shahada as brother and sisters....personal ego should be kept aside against the divine command!!! the way worshipping Ali a.s is still better than worshipping Abu Bkar Umbr!!
Worshipping anyone besides Allah is shirk, so don't come with that nonsense. Rawaafid are kuffar due to their hatred of the Sahaba amongst other issues. May Allah guide you to Salafiyyah
@@ponderingspirit1475 the word sahaba is plural...if shia hate Abu Bakr and Umar why do you say that Shias hate sabaha how did you decide that??? Are salman, Abu dhar, Bilal, ammar radiallah anhum not among the sahaba who shias love and adore and name there children after? Remember the authentic hadith...when Hazrat Usama was in a battle and when he was about to slash the neck of the kafir and he when he saw that he was about to die he offered the shahadah but Usama still killed him because he knew that he offered shahada not out of emaan but to save his neck....but when Usama came to the prophet saww he became angry and said O Usama why did you kill a Muslim, and Usama that he offered shahada not out of emaan but in order to save his life and prophet saww responded O USAMA DID YOU SEE WHAT WAS IN HIS HEART.... Now you sir you did a collective gheebah of a community by saying that they hate sahabas (plural) as if you know what is in everyone's heart...that too in Ramadan....wallahi I am mot forgiving you for this!!!
@@ponderingspirit1475 Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the ˹true˺ wrongdoers.” 49:11 Rawafid is not an offensive nickname I suppose? 😂 Specially when it has not been termed by the prophet SAWW or the Qur'an or sahabas radiallah anhum!!
It’s pathetic, the ridiculous arguments from the Shias. Umar RA disrespected the Prophet SAW by giving his opinion? So what about when the Prophet SAW decided to leave Ali RA behind with the women and children, and Ali RA didn’t like that so he told the Prophet SAW “will you leave me behind with the women and the children?”, according to the Shias, this is highly disrespectful, when the Prophet SAW decides something, that’s it, you can’t say “will you? Will you? Will you?”. So ridiculous. Their hatred towards the closest companions of the Prophet SAW doesn’t allow them to use their minds
@@fatninja6847 The topic was specifically the allegation that Umar RA went against the Prophet SAW, and this argument is ridiculous. It’s shocking the Shias even think this, so they not realise that Allah strengthened the Prophet SAW with his companions to achieve his mission? And the closest of the companions to the Prophet SAW were Abu Bakr RA and Umar RA
@@noface9375 to us Ahlul Sunnah, these things don’t effect our religion or the strength of our faith, because our religion is There is no God but Allah and Muhammad SAW is His messenger. However, this is huge for the Shias, because their religion don’t stop at the deceleration of faith, there’s additional things which if you don’t believe you’re a kafir for them, so in order to justify their misguidance, they attack the Sahaba
@@fatninja6847 he didn’t “skipped” it but read the video title “umar disrespects the prophet” he’s replying on that part, what does that has to do with abu hurraira? How can he respond to a video which is over an hour?
@hmzzrg5045 he left our Prophet PBUH in his dead bed for imam Ali a.s to deal with the funeral so he could go for the khilafa as he knew he wasnt going to get it once Imam Ali a.s was finished with the funeral and burial and mourning. AND this is just one of examples. 😢
@@Deeneda What a dumb religion Shiism is. All based on misplaced emotions and no hard facts to back it up. Abu Bakr RA was put imam of prayer by Rasulullah ﷺ during his lifetime. Abu Bakr RA knew how dangerous leaving the Ummah with no leader would be with such a groundshaking news happening. You needed to keep the ship on track, which he did and Ali RA himself accepted his khilafah afterwards. If it was his right blabla then was he scared of the sahaba? Us Sunnis believe Ali RA was one of the bravest if not the bravest companion and he would never back off from his right if he saw injustice. But if you prefer to think he did taqiyyah out of fear of the sahaba, then have your weak cowardly version of Ali RA and I'll have mine.
@@Deeneda Then Why did He Take The Same Caliphate Which in his eyes give to so called corrupt person according to you and your so called masoomeen imam take power from take and rules like them and makes no changes and second imam gives to Another corrupt guy failed to see any logic here man So fairytale stories you guys have been feed with.
Amman Nakshawani literally used Sahih Sitta, the most trusted and authentic books, after the quran according to Ahle Sunnah..there's no coming back from that. No matter how you try and justify the actions/words of umar, it's done and set in stone...history has already been written.
The tone be uses while reading/ not reading the whole chapters makes a biiig difference. Even his tarawih video is read with a clear evil intention. Why not mention the hadith where the prophet SAW led tarawih for days and then stopped leading them but let them continue bc he was afraid it would be make fardh upon them? Very selective information is shown to you. May Allah guide us all
@@RUNESCAPER123 The FACT is Bukhari and other Sunni and Shia books have collection of hadiths that has some questionable hadiths too which contradict with each other. Their books have been tampered with and such invented hadiths do exist. Sahih Muslim has even larger share of unauthentic hadiths, and other books are even at lower level of authenticity. These unauthentic hadiths have caused a lot of damage to Islam. They have been a major reason of various misunderstandings in various matters of the religion over past many centuries, not to mention the fuel they provide to the enemies and haters of Islam to ridicule Islam. Btw just saying one is a shia of Ali does not make one so unless they have good akhlaq like Hazrat Ali and his progeny.
Let’s read for a minute, in Bukhari the prophet asks for a pen and paper. Your master umar sa3salam said no the prophet is ill. Now either umar sa3salam knows better then the prophet of GOD and the prophet truly is crazy, or umar is the crazy one and has talked ill about the prophet of mercy Muhammad. Sahih Bukhari 5669
Sa'id b. Jubair reported that Ibn 'Abbas said: Thursday, (and then said): What is this Thursday? He then wept so much that his tears moistened the pebbles. I said: Ibn 'Abbas, what is (significant) about Thursday? He (Ibn 'Abbas) said: The illness of Allah's Messenger ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) took a serious turn (on this day), and he said: Come to me, so that I should write for you a document that you may not go astray after me. They (the Companions around him) disputed, and it is not meet to dispute in the presence of the Apostle. They said: How is lie (Allah's Apostle)? Has he lost his consciousness? Try to learn from him (this point). He (the Holy Prophet) said: Leave me. I am better in the state (than the one in which you are engaged). I make a will about three things: Turn out the polytheists from the territory of Arabia; show hospitality to the (foreign) delegations as I used to show them hospitality. He (the narrator) said: He (Ibn Abbas) kept silent on the third point, or he (the narrator) said: But I forgot that. This hadith was mentioned through another chain. BookSahih MuslimHadith No4232
Sahih al-Bukhari 6266 Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas: `Ali bin Abu Talib came out of the house of the Prophet (ﷺ) during his fatal ailment. The people asked (`Ali), "O Abu Hasan! How is the health of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) this morning?" `Ali said, "This morning he is better, with the grace of Allah." Al-`Abbas held `Ali by the hand and said, "Don't you see him (about to die)? By Allah, within three days you will be the slave of the stick (i.e., under the command of another ruler). By Allah, I think that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) will die from his present ailment, for I know the signs of death on the faces of the offspring of `Abdul Muttalib. So let us go to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) to ask him who will take over the Caliphate. If the authority is given to us, we will know it, and if it is given to somebody else we will request him to recommend us to him. " `Ali said, "By Allah! If we ask Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) for the rulership and he refuses, then the people will never give it to us. Besides, I will never ask Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) for it." (See Hadith No 728, Vol 5)
So again no direct refutation using your own books and why is it always the same person challenging the prophet pbuh and how many examples do you need? And then you have to ignore Umar's own narrations about what he did. Alhamdulillah!
There is no argument their to begin with. It's only ammar reading his hatred into the text and super imposing it on the hadith. For example The Prophet smiles and tells umar to "leave me" like a friend does but Ammar turns it into something negative by saying look the Prophet told him to leave. The entire video of Ammar is full of stupid misinterpretations, biases against umar and Reading his hatred into the texts but you shias won't understand this cuz u all r becoming more and more blind and stupid every year because of ur hatred. So much so that u don't even know anymore what an argument actually is.
Always yapping before watching the video, didn’t you read surah al imran 159, Allah tells the prophet to consult with the companions with the matters & let them give thier thoughts, or you don’t believe in this Quran and only believe the fabricated mythical Quran by your hidden Mahdi?
I dunno why the denial. Evidence showed to you already but still reject it. Continuing to be lost or just can’t believe the truth. Please study your books. So close but so far away.
I believe we need to be free thinkers. I have always been a critical thinker and could not accept so many things that were said from the pulpit. I believe Hazrat Ali and the imams were very pious, had super character, wisdom and knowledge. They followed in the footsteps of our Prophet who was sent to the world as Rahmatul Aalameen and who forgave even his bitterest of enemies. The Imams wanted their followers to be like them in their behavior and keep the unity of the ummah.They did not claim to have any super power and did not perform miracles or know the future. They NEVER told anyone that they could answer their prayers. NONE of the Imams ever prayed to anyone but directly to God. They were God centric. And then the shias are fooled to believe that the Imams can answer prayers and read doahs asking them for help!!! The Imams abhored that their followers were making up false things attributed to them that they did not say and called them ghuluw. Hazrat Ali burnt his followers who went to these extremes.
He mention in his serious that abu bakr angered fatima and hazrat ali never give allegiance to abu bakr. I am trying debate my shia friend. But I am confused from his reference. Can you please advise.
Did the Quran release many verses against Omar ? YES 49:2 : بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ - ِ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُقَدِّمُوا بَيْنَ يَدَيِ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ - يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَرْفَعُوا أَصْوَاتَكُمْ فَوْقَ صَوْتِ النَّبِيِّ وَلَا تَجْهَرُوا لَهُ بِالْقَوْلِ كَجَهْرِ بَعْضِكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ أَن تَحْبَطَ أَعْمَالُكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَشْعُرُونَ - إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَغُضُّونَ أَصْوَاتَهُمْ عِندَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ امْتَحَنَ اللَّهُ قُلُوبَهُمْ لِلتَّقْوَى لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌ وَأَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ Narrated Ibn Abi Mulaika: The two righteous persons were about to be ruined. They were Abu Bakr and 'Umar who raised their voices in the presence of the Prophet when a mission from Bani Tamim came to him. One of the two recommended Al-Aqra' bin Habeas, the brother of Bani Mujashi (to be their governor) while the other recommended somebody else. (Nafi', the sub-narrator said, I do not remember his name). Abu Bakr said to Umar, "You wanted nothing but to oppose me!" 'Umar said, "I did not intend to oppose you." Their voices grew loud in that argument, so Allah revealed: 'O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet.' (49.2) Ibn Az-Zubair said, "Since the revelation of this Verse, 'Umar used to speak in such a low tone that the Prophet had to ask him to repeat his statements." But Ibn Az-Zubair did not mention the same about his (maternal) grandfather (i.e. Abu Bakr).
It clearly says umar said 'do not do that' you call it a request or whateva he told the prophet do not do that so hes request is more wiser than that of the prophet's choice. Wow ahlul sunnah wow
When I say "O Allah, do not make me enter Hell fire.", does that mean I am commanding Allah ta'ala? However, I also believe that the hadith could have been better worded and translated by saying "Please do not do that, for I fear the people..."
I’m Shia by birth and I completely agree with the refutation made by the Sunni brother in this video & on this subject. I also appreciate the calm and reasoned manner that the brother makes his counter-argument. Duas to all in Ramadan esp. our Brothers & Sisters in Palestine.
There are narrations when prophet asked Ali to pray tahajjud and he refused to do so. And prophet said that verily a man is truly one who makes excuses. But somehow these rafida change their standards when Ali is involved.
Being said " consult them " that doesnt mean everything is there to be consulted. Haven't you thought of that ? If god says الى الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم بلغ رسالتي .. فيه امور رب العالمين يبغى النبي يوصلها كماااا هي. ف حين يقول اتوني بورقة وقلم في اخر لحظات وفاته .. من يجرؤ يتحدث بالنيابة عن النبي ويقول انهٌ يهجر ، لشدة وجعه، وحسبنا كتاب الله. الحين حسبنا كتاب الله؟ قبل وفاة النبي؟ ليش ما قلت حسبنا كتاب الله في حياة الرسول ؟ ولا اشياء واشياء ؟ هنا الرسول قال أمر و حين تنازعوا القوم طردهم بالمنطق حصل التنازع لماذا؟ لان عمر اغضب النبي لعدم إتيانه بالقلم . طاعة الرسول من طاعة الله حتى لو هو صحابي . فيه امور النبي بيكون واضح فيها هذا امر وهذا باخذ شوركم هنا واضح النبي قال آتوونيييي بقلم وورقة ما قال ما رأيكم ؟ منطق سهل والله الحمدلله معليش طبيعي يصعب على الإنسان اكتشاف اشياء ما اكتشفها منذ زمن ..صعب تغير معتقداتك بس لما تتمسك بمعتقداتك لمجرد الغرور و الكبرياء وليس هدفك فتح قلبك وعقلك للحقائق ..لاخرتك مو لدنياك. للتقرب الى الله بالحق ..الصراط المستقيم و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Honestly watching this refutation I feel sorry for the Sunnis who think this 12 min video is a response to a 15 hour lecture series (so far) Embarrassing responses, embarrassing tactics although thats what you guys have learnt from abu bakr and umar, lying on the name of the Prophet peace be upon him and his family. Alhamdulilah for the guidance to shia islam
Just like Nakhshawani shows 2 seconds clip( in each of his speeches )of Sunni scholars out of their hours long speeches, which deceptively is taken out of context.
@@NunyaBizness312 There were no xerox machines in those days and honestly any intelligent person knows how hadiths were written. For years handwritten copies of the hadiths were made from copies and more copies were handwritten from older copies. So one can see there was plenty of opportunities for someone to insert a sentence which will give certain portions a twist that wasn’t there when the author originally wrote the book. It’s like the Chinese whisper when in the end it is far from the truth. The only book that has not been tampered with is the holy Quran.
The bottom line is Hazrat Ali did not do Tabarra and accepted the 3 caliphs and gave Byyah to them and they all took his advice. Will he ever give byyah to someone u give Tabarra to? He also prevented his followers to do tabarra and shias should follow in his footstep. Not just give lip service.
Here is what was asked to Abū Jaʿfar and his son Jaʿfar (Al-Ṣādiq) about Abū Bakr and ʿUmar, so he replied, “O Sālim, love and ally yourself with them, and dissociate yourself from their enemy, for they were imāms of guidance.” Then he said, “O Sālim, would a man revile his own grandfather? Abū Bakr is a grandfather of mine. May the intercession of Muḥammad ﷺ not reach me on the Day of Resurrection if I do not love and ally myself with them and disassociate from their enemy.” Fiqh al-Shia” vol 3 pg 126, also in “Mabani Minhaj al-Saliheen” vol 3 pg 250 by Taqi al-Qummi.
Indeed your prophet is Umar not Muhammad The greatest prophet, the greatest creation of Allah is fallible and was suicidal and rude and hallucinated and bewitched, Allahu Akbar upon your beliefs
Very lame argument. Ammar used daleel from your own books and all you could do is a 12min video compering imams to a prophet sent by Allah. And he does not speak of his own desires, he speaks but revelation”. Surah An-Najm,3 & 4
Bro bahahahah he uses sunni narrations to manipulate and create a misconception. Why does every shia argue with a sunni but never uses his understanding, he uses his own twisted understanding of every text. Your not even debating sunnis if your not using our understanding of the text your just lying to yourself bahaha. Notice when sunnis debate shias they actually use there understanding of the texts and debate why that is wrong.They don't just take a line from a book and make there own tafsir and understanding of it 😂😂 nor do we choose one or two weak narrations nor do we have to manipulate the translation. That's in itself destroys shias and they can't handle it bahahahahah
Watch the video before yapping in the comments, Read surah al imran verse 159. Allah tells the prophet to consult with the companions about the matters
@@Shaydanwase , consultation is when an opinion is sought. Umar never believed in the infallibility of the Prophet. I am sure you follow his footsteps too.
I see a sunnah discourse video i'm gonna press like. May Allaah guide mushrikiins like rafidis. May Allaah open their heart to his lightness. May Allaah open their ignorant brains to stop hating our mothers and the sahaba(Allaah be pleased with all of them).
@@Dante-kx7mwman up??? Why you’ll run like Umar in uhud. Man up are you serious? You baby burying, idol worshipping, no mustache having devils really wanna talk about manning up?
@@RUNESCAPER123 what a stupíd Rafidi argument, wasting time is what ammar NakshJEWwani is doing, Sunnah discourse has a right to defend, we didn't fire the first short ali worshipping Mushrik
I am impressed with this gentleman in sunnah discourse who is talking calmly and logically. It’s the first time I’m listening to him. What is his name.
سلام يا عمر الفاروق . Ameer ul Mumineen Umar رضي الله عنه demolished their Zoroastrian Empre, and in return, they are only venting a deep grudge against him, everything under the name of the pure and noble Ahl-Bayt رضي الله غنهم أجمعين
What Sunnis don't understand is that their greatest men disrespected the same prophet muhammad. whom they once fought for (according to them) while he was in his dead bed. Bringing proves from your own books trying to oppose your own books 🤦♀️
Ridiculous response, comparing the rudeness of the prophet with the rudeness of sahaba of an imam (inferior). Youre dedicated to protecting Umar regardless of what he did.
@@RUNESCAPER123 destroys? 😂 only misinterpreting the Hadith is “destroying” my belief? Haven’t you read Surah al imran 159? Or you don’t read the Quran & you’re waiting for your fabricated Quran with the hidden Mahdi?
@@Shaydanwase apparently you are because you don’t read your own Sunni books otherwise you would be a Shia. It’s right in front of you yet you are blind. Was the prophet illiterate according to you guys??? So I’ll take that as a compliment.
@@yourmomshouse8993 that’s literally you, if you read your own book you’d be a Sunni, and wouldn’t believe immamah and other ideologies that you guys believe without an evidence, also I asked “are you illetrate” because you’re talking about things that has nothing to do with my comment, when did i told you to respect umar?
Bahahahah brother jazzak allahu khayroun you have destroyed them one ny one bahahah. These peoole commenting allah has blinded their hearts what do expect from a ignorant peoplee
The reality is Umar was abrupt and disrespectful. Hence he made tauba and he was fearing an ayat would be revealed about him. The problem with ahl Sunna is when they don’t relate things accurately it allows the Shia to distort reality. Unar wasnt masoom not was he constantly in the company of the prophet, so he slipped and came back to what was correct and then went on to be one of the greatest leaders in history.
Indeed your prophet is Umar not Muhammad The greatest prophet, the greatest creation of Allah is fallible and was suicidal and rude and hallucinated and bewitched, Allahu Akbar upon your beliefs
Indeed your prophet is Umar not Muhammad The greatest prophet, the greatest creation of Allah is fallible and was suicidal and rude and hallucinated and bewitched, Allahu Akbar upon your beliefs
Please note that the video being 12 minutes long should not be used as proof for any religious doctrine.
🎤 drop....😅😂
You mean a religious cult right?
you skipped over the part where Umar hit and knocked out Abu Hurairah, it was in the same hadith at 9:30. I think hitting and knocking out another companion when they were following the orders of the prophet (SAW) would be considered as rude. i think you guys dodged this point from Ammar . in the live Ammar did you would find this at 50:50.
Bro these lot will never hit the point that truly matter 😂😂
brother don't expect a good response out of these people, wallahi them and their followers are some of the dumbest people on this planet.
Right.. I was gonna mention Fatimah hitting Ali in Bihar Alanwar.. forgot 🤷🏻♂️
@@IbnAlahwaznot everything in bihar al anwar is authentic, that narration you are mentioning might not be. Oh and Aisha lead the biggest fitna causing the death of many… I forgot 🤷. (I don’t curse her btw I think it’s wrong)
@@fatninja6847 prove that the Hadith is not authentic, don’t run from your hadiths by just simply saying “Not all of Bihar al anwar is authentic”
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 36:
وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلَا مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَن يَكُونَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَن يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلَالًا مُّبِينًا
And it behoves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Apostle have decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Apostle, he surely strays off a manifest straying.
the rafidah may be spoken by you as your brothers and sisters but they are not mine. May Allah guide those middle eastern hindus
Then you have created your sect...the sick sectarian takfiri mentality...for us Shias we would still consider every sunni upon offering shahada as brother and sisters....personal ego should be kept aside against the divine command!!! the way worshipping Ali a.s is still better than worshipping Abu Bkar Umbr!!
Then first do that to the prophet's sahabah@@jawadasgharrizvi1050
Worshipping anyone besides Allah is shirk, so don't come with that nonsense. Rawaafid are kuffar due to their hatred of the Sahaba amongst other issues. May Allah guide you to Salafiyyah
@@ponderingspirit1475 the word sahaba is plural...if shia hate Abu Bakr and Umar why do you say that Shias hate sabaha how did you decide that??? Are salman, Abu dhar, Bilal, ammar radiallah anhum not among the sahaba who shias love and adore and name there children after?
Remember the authentic hadith...when Hazrat Usama was in a battle and when he was about to slash the neck of the kafir and he when he saw that he was about to die he offered the shahadah but Usama still killed him because he knew that he offered shahada not out of emaan but to save his neck....but when Usama came to the prophet saww he became angry and said O Usama why did you kill a Muslim, and Usama that he offered shahada not out of emaan but in order to save his life and prophet saww responded O USAMA DID YOU SEE WHAT WAS IN HIS HEART....
Now you sir you did a collective gheebah of a community by saying that they hate sahabas (plural) as if you know what is in everyone's heart...that too in Ramadan....wallahi I am mot forgiving you for this!!!
@@ponderingspirit1475 Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the ˹true˺ wrongdoers.” 49:11
Rawafid is not an offensive nickname I suppose? 😂 Specially when it has not been termed by the prophet SAWW or the Qur'an or sahabas radiallah anhum!!
It’s pathetic, the ridiculous arguments from the Shias. Umar RA disrespected the Prophet SAW by giving his opinion?
So what about when the Prophet SAW decided to leave Ali RA behind with the women and children, and Ali RA didn’t like that so he told the Prophet SAW “will you leave me behind with the women and the children?”, according to the Shias, this is highly disrespectful, when the Prophet SAW decides something, that’s it, you can’t say “will you? Will you? Will you?”.
So ridiculous. Their hatred towards the closest companions of the Prophet SAW doesn’t allow them to use their minds
@@fatninja6847And how is that religiously relevant?
@@fatninja6847 The topic was specifically the allegation that Umar RA went against the Prophet SAW, and this argument is ridiculous. It’s shocking the Shias even think this, so they not realise that Allah strengthened the Prophet SAW with his companions to achieve his mission? And the closest of the companions to the Prophet SAW were Abu Bakr RA and Umar RA
@@noface9375 to us Ahlul Sunnah, these things don’t effect our religion or the strength of our faith, because our religion is There is no God but Allah and Muhammad SAW is His messenger. However, this is huge for the Shias, because their religion don’t stop at the deceleration of faith, there’s additional things which if you don’t believe you’re a kafir for them, so in order to justify their misguidance, they attack the Sahaba
@@fatninja6847 he didn’t “skipped” it but read the video title “umar disrespects the prophet” he’s replying on that part, what does that has to do with abu hurraira? How can he respond to a video which is over an hour?
@@fatninja6847 but you mention the hadith number & source & I will respond to you on his behalf
Why left out that Umar said "aren't u truly a Prophet. Later run to Abu Bakr Asked the same. Why 2 times. Why unsure?
Are you OK? That's a question to affirm your stance. Do you have any brains?
And what did Abu Bakr that you curse answer?
@hmzzrg5045 he left our Prophet PBUH in his dead bed for imam Ali a.s to deal with the funeral so he could go for the khilafa as he knew he wasnt going to get it once Imam Ali a.s was finished with the funeral and burial and mourning. AND this is just one of examples. 😢
@@Deeneda What a dumb religion Shiism is. All based on misplaced emotions and no hard facts to back it up. Abu Bakr RA was put imam of prayer by Rasulullah ﷺ during his lifetime. Abu Bakr RA knew how dangerous leaving the Ummah with no leader would be with such a groundshaking news happening. You needed to keep the ship on track, which he did and Ali RA himself accepted his khilafah afterwards. If it was his right blabla then was he scared of the sahaba? Us Sunnis believe Ali RA was one of the bravest if not the bravest companion and he would never back off from his right if he saw injustice. But if you prefer to think he did taqiyyah out of fear of the sahaba, then have your weak cowardly version of Ali RA and I'll have mine.
@@Deeneda Then Why did He Take The Same Caliphate Which in his eyes give to so called corrupt person according to you and your so called masoomeen imam take power from take and rules like them and makes no changes and second imam gives to Another corrupt guy failed to see any logic here man So fairytale stories you guys have been feed with.
May ﷲ سبحانه وتعالى reward you all for your great work
Prophet Muhammad was not consulting Umar.
No one said he was. We say Umar (RA) was consulting Muhammad (SAW)
@@alsharuri good we have the prophet Umar to guide the sahabi Muhammad the suicidal, the rude, the bewitched who used to hallucinate
@@mhmd1854 r u mentally stable?
Yeah right, a person can't be mentally stable and follow Umar against the prophet
@@mhmd1854Astagfirullah, I know you're Being sarcastic but you just use this words with Mohammad(S.A.W.). May Allah guide you
Amman Nakshawani literally used Sahih Sitta, the most trusted and authentic books, after the quran according to Ahle Sunnah..there's no coming back from that. No matter how you try and justify the actions/words of umar, it's done and set in stone...history has already been written.
The tone be uses while reading/ not reading the whole chapters makes a biiig difference. Even his tarawih video is read with a clear evil intention. Why not mention the hadith where the prophet SAW led tarawih for days and then stopped leading them but let them continue bc he was afraid it would be make fardh upon them? Very selective information is shown to you. May Allah guide us all
Napoleon once said, 'What is history, but a fable agreed upon?'
When one cherry picks hadiths and takes them out of context sensational stories can easily be invented.
@@RUNESCAPER123 The FACT is Bukhari and other Sunni and Shia books have collection of hadiths that has some questionable hadiths too which contradict with each other. Their books have been tampered with and such invented hadiths do exist. Sahih Muslim has even larger share of unauthentic hadiths, and other books are even at lower level of authenticity. These unauthentic hadiths have caused a lot of damage to Islam. They have been a major reason of various misunderstandings in various matters of the religion over past many centuries, not to mention the fuel they provide to the enemies and haters of Islam to ridicule Islam.
Btw just saying one is a shia of Ali does not make one so unless they have good akhlaq like Hazrat Ali and his progeny.
@@zedispahany7317 : What’s your religion? Are you Twelver Imami Shi’i? If so, are you usuli or akhbari?
May ALLAH ﷻ guide them
Let’s read for a minute, in Bukhari the prophet asks for a pen and paper. Your master umar sa3salam said no the prophet is ill. Now either umar sa3salam knows better then the prophet of GOD and the prophet truly is crazy, or umar is the crazy one and has talked ill about the prophet of mercy Muhammad.
Sahih Bukhari 5669
Sa'id b. Jubair reported that Ibn 'Abbas said: Thursday, (and then said): What is this Thursday? He then wept so much that his tears moistened the pebbles. I said: Ibn 'Abbas, what is (significant) about Thursday? He (Ibn 'Abbas) said: The illness of Allah's Messenger ( صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) took a serious turn (on this day), and he said: Come to me, so that I should write for you a document that you may not go astray after me. They (the Companions around him) disputed, and it is not meet to dispute in the presence of the Apostle. They said: How is lie (Allah's Apostle)? Has he lost his consciousness? Try to learn from him (this point). He (the Holy Prophet) said: Leave me. I am better in the state (than the one in which you are engaged). I make a will about three things: Turn out the polytheists from the territory of Arabia; show hospitality to the (foreign) delegations as I used to show them hospitality. He (the narrator) said: He (Ibn Abbas) kept silent on the third point, or he (the narrator) said: But I forgot that. This hadith was mentioned through another chain.
BookSahih MuslimHadith No4232
Sahih al-Bukhari 6266
Narrated `Abdullah bin `Abbas:
`Ali bin Abu Talib came out of the house of the Prophet (ﷺ) during his fatal ailment. The people asked (`Ali), "O Abu Hasan! How is the health of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) this morning?" `Ali said, "This morning he is better, with the grace of Allah." Al-`Abbas held `Ali by the hand and said, "Don't you see him (about to die)? By Allah, within three days you will be the slave of the stick (i.e., under the command of another ruler). By Allah, I think that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) will die from his present ailment, for I know the signs of death on the faces of the offspring of `Abdul Muttalib. So let us go to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) to ask him who will take over the Caliphate. If the authority is given to us, we will know it, and if it is given to somebody else we will request him to recommend us to him. " `Ali said, "By Allah! If we ask Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) for the rulership and he refuses, then the people will never give it to us. Besides, I will never ask Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) for it." (See Hadith No 728, Vol 5)
Even Ali didn't give Read Bukhari 4447 but shias don't know 🤣
Hazrat Umar ❤ may ALLAH have mercy on him...
May Allah be pleased with Ameer ul Mumineen
Umar LA
So again no direct refutation using your own books and why is it always the same person challenging the prophet pbuh and how many examples do you need? And then you have to ignore Umar's own narrations about what he did.
There is no argument their to begin with. It's only ammar reading his hatred into the text and super imposing it on the hadith. For example The Prophet smiles and tells umar to "leave me" like a friend does but Ammar turns it into something negative by saying look the Prophet told him to leave. The entire video of Ammar is full of stupid misinterpretations, biases against umar and Reading his hatred into the texts but you shias won't understand this cuz u all r becoming more and more blind and stupid every year because of ur hatred. So much so that u don't even know anymore what an argument actually is.
Always yapping before watching the video, didn’t you read surah al imran 159, Allah tells the prophet to consult with the companions with the matters & let them give thier thoughts, or you don’t believe in this Quran and only believe the fabricated mythical Quran by your hidden Mahdi?
Umar is not “challenging” the prophet but he’s giving him his opinion on this
Bro Why are you rafidis don't watch whole video 🤦♂️
I dunno why the denial. Evidence showed to you already but still reject it. Continuing to be lost or just can’t believe the truth.
Please study your books. So close but so far away.
"Stupid is knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies." - Morgan Freeman
@@irfanalikurrimbux5515 true for this response. Very very weak one ☝️.
I believe we need to be free thinkers. I have always been a critical thinker and could not accept so many things that were said from the pulpit. I believe Hazrat Ali and the imams were very pious, had super character, wisdom and knowledge. They followed in the footsteps of our Prophet who was sent to the world as Rahmatul Aalameen and who forgave even his bitterest of enemies. The Imams wanted their followers to be like them in their behavior and keep the unity of the ummah.They did not claim to have any super power and did not perform miracles or know the future. They NEVER told anyone that they could answer their prayers. NONE of the Imams ever prayed to anyone but directly to God. They were God centric. And then the shias are fooled to believe that the Imams can answer prayers and read doahs asking them for help!!! The Imams abhored that their followers were making up false things attributed to them that they did not say and called them ghuluw. Hazrat Ali burnt his followers who went to these extremes.
He mention in his serious that abu bakr angered fatima and hazrat ali never give allegiance to abu bakr. I am trying debate my shia friend. But I am confused from his reference. Can you please advise.
Did the Quran release many verses against Omar ? YES 49:2 : بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ - ِ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُقَدِّمُوا بَيْنَ يَدَيِ اللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ - يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَرْفَعُوا أَصْوَاتَكُمْ فَوْقَ صَوْتِ النَّبِيِّ وَلَا تَجْهَرُوا لَهُ بِالْقَوْلِ كَجَهْرِ بَعْضِكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ أَن تَحْبَطَ أَعْمَالُكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَشْعُرُونَ - إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَغُضُّونَ أَصْوَاتَهُمْ عِندَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ امْتَحَنَ اللَّهُ قُلُوبَهُمْ لِلتَّقْوَى لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌ وَأَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ
Narrated Ibn Abi Mulaika: The two righteous persons were about to be ruined. They were Abu Bakr and 'Umar who raised their voices in the presence of the Prophet when a mission from Bani Tamim came to him. One of the two recommended Al-Aqra' bin Habeas, the brother of Bani Mujashi (to be their governor) while the other recommended somebody else. (Nafi', the sub-narrator said, I do not remember his name). Abu Bakr said to Umar, "You wanted nothing but to oppose me!" 'Umar said, "I did not intend to oppose you." Their voices grew loud in that argument, so Allah revealed: 'O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet.' (49.2) Ibn Az-Zubair said, "Since the revelation of this Verse, 'Umar used to speak in such a low tone that the Prophet had to ask him to repeat his statements." But Ibn Az-Zubair did not mention the same about his (maternal) grandfather (i.e. Abu Bakr).
It clearly says umar said 'do not do that' you call it a request or whateva he told the prophet do not do that so hes request is more wiser than that of the prophet's choice. Wow ahlul sunnah wow
Its called consultation learn about it
When I say "O Allah, do not make me enter Hell fire.", does that mean I am commanding Allah ta'ala? However, I also believe that the hadith could have been better worded and translated by saying "Please do not do that, for I fear the people..."
@@faruqabdulrauf20the shias pea brains cant comprehend that answer
Go learn Arabic
@faruqabdulrauf20 the pea-brained rafida cant comprehend your response
I’m Shia by birth and I completely agree with the refutation made by the Sunni brother in this video & on this subject. I also appreciate the calm and reasoned manner that the brother makes his counter-argument. Duas to all in Ramadan esp. our Brothers & Sisters in Palestine.
For real you are shia, if you are fasting you know it's haram to lie
Tell me were exactly the refutation succeed ?
@@RUNESCAPER123 denial is a river in Egypt. From your Khoja Shia IA brother.
Fully examine the whole speech of ammar nakshawani there Adler so many things that were left from it.
There are narrations when prophet asked Ali to pray tahajjud and he refused to do so. And prophet said that verily a man is truly one who makes excuses. But somehow these rafida change their standards when Ali is involved.
Boring. Come up with better arguments. Not as thorough as Sayed.
Barak Allah feekum, keep on exposing these filthy tomb crawlers
Being said " consult them " that doesnt mean everything is there to be consulted. Haven't you thought of that ? If god says
الى الرسول صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم بلغ رسالتي .. فيه امور رب العالمين يبغى النبي يوصلها كماااا هي. ف حين يقول اتوني بورقة وقلم في اخر لحظات وفاته .. من يجرؤ يتحدث بالنيابة عن النبي ويقول انهٌ يهجر ، لشدة وجعه، وحسبنا كتاب الله.
الحين حسبنا كتاب الله؟ قبل وفاة النبي؟ ليش ما قلت حسبنا كتاب الله في حياة الرسول ؟ ولا اشياء واشياء ؟
هنا الرسول قال أمر
و حين تنازعوا القوم طردهم
بالمنطق حصل التنازع لماذا؟ لان عمر اغضب النبي لعدم إتيانه بالقلم . طاعة الرسول من طاعة الله
حتى لو هو صحابي . فيه امور النبي بيكون واضح فيها
هذا امر
وهذا باخذ شوركم
هنا واضح النبي قال آتوونيييي بقلم وورقة
ما قال ما رأيكم ؟
منطق سهل والله
معليش طبيعي يصعب على الإنسان اكتشاف اشياء ما اكتشفها منذ زمن ..صعب تغير معتقداتك
بس لما تتمسك بمعتقداتك لمجرد الغرور و الكبرياء وليس هدفك فتح قلبك وعقلك للحقائق ..لاخرتك مو لدنياك. للتقرب الى الله بالحق ..الصراط المستقيم
و السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Honestly watching this refutation I feel sorry for the Sunnis who think this 12 min video is a response to a 15 hour lecture series (so far)
Embarrassing responses, embarrassing tactics although thats what you guys have learnt from abu bakr and umar, lying on the name of the Prophet peace be upon him and his family. Alhamdulilah for the guidance to shia islam
Just like Nakhshawani shows 2 seconds clip( in each of his speeches )of Sunni scholars out of their hours long speeches, which deceptively is taken out of context.
@@zedispahany7317you do understand that he’s used Sunni sources. Multiple and repeatedly during the series . Not just a few clips.
@@NunyaBizness312 There were no xerox machines in those days and honestly any intelligent person knows how hadiths were written. For years handwritten copies of the hadiths were made from copies and more copies were handwritten from older copies. So one can see there was plenty of opportunities for someone to insert a sentence which will give certain portions a twist that wasn’t there when the author originally wrote the book. It’s like the Chinese whisper when in the end it is far from the truth. The only book that has not been tampered with is the holy Quran.
The bottom line is Hazrat Ali did not do Tabarra and accepted the 3 caliphs and gave Byyah to them and they all took his advice. Will he ever give byyah to someone u give Tabarra to? He also prevented his followers to do tabarra and shias should follow in his footstep. Not just give lip service.
Here is what was asked to Abū Jaʿfar and his son Jaʿfar (Al-Ṣādiq) about Abū Bakr and ʿUmar, so he replied, “O Sālim, love and ally yourself with them, and dissociate yourself from their enemy, for they were imāms of guidance.” Then he said, “O Sālim, would a man revile his own grandfather? Abū Bakr is a grandfather of mine. May the intercession of Muḥammad ﷺ not reach me on the Day of Resurrection if I do not love and ally myself with them and disassociate from their enemy.”
Fiqh al-Shia” vol 3 pg 126, also in “Mabani Minhaj al-Saliheen” vol 3 pg 250 by Taqi al-Qummi.
Indeed your prophet is Umar not Muhammad
The greatest prophet, the greatest creation of Allah is fallible and was suicidal and rude and hallucinated and bewitched, Allahu Akbar upon your beliefs
Very lame argument. Ammar used daleel from your own books and all you could do is a 12min video compering imams to a prophet sent by Allah.
And he does not speak of his own desires, he speaks but revelation”.
Surah An-Najm,3 & 4
Butt hurt rafidhis with no actual point to make except make his butt hurt known litter the comments sections of these videos against rafidhi Hindus.
Lol... tattoo shia talking about daleel
@@Anarchist369he used daleel. why does it matter if he's tattooed or not
Bro bahahahah he uses sunni narrations to manipulate and create a misconception. Why does every shia argue with a sunni but never uses his understanding, he uses his own twisted understanding of every text. Your not even debating sunnis if your not using our understanding of the text your just lying to yourself bahaha. Notice when sunnis debate shias they actually use there understanding of the texts and debate why that is wrong.They don't just take a line from a book and make there own tafsir and understanding of it 😂😂 nor do we choose one or two weak narrations nor do we have to manipulate the translation. That's in itself destroys shias and they can't handle it bahahahahah
@@omer1340they have no rebuttals that’s why they slander
Same video Umar knocked out Abu huraira and he got tears😢 i did not dana white fixed UFC fights that time 😂
Jazak Allah khair 💐
Infallibility of Prophet would be put under review to protect their beloved Umar 😂
Hahaha... typical Rafidhi who doesn't dare to watch the video... 😃
Please go find a grave to worship. You are losing sense
Watch the video before yapping in the comments, Read surah al imran verse 159. Allah tells the prophet to consult with the companions about the matters
@@Shaydanwase , consultation is when an opinion is sought. Umar never believed in the infallibility of the Prophet. I am sure you follow his footsteps too.
@@NavedMahdi1 source: your mahdi
Oh please rubbish . Sayed ammar knocked you out . Hamdella for being a Shia . It’s the sunna that is in the wrong path
Wallah I feel sorry you I couldn't imagine being so dumb
@abdulelkobaitry3402 I feel sorry that you're blind to the truth...Sayed Nakshawani literally used your books, to prove his point.
Masha Allah. Great reply. Jazak Allah khair. But why Mufti menk in thumbnail 🥰?
That Zindeeq Amaar put him in the original
@@ebrimamaubeh8363 ohh
Fear allah, there will be a day when you’re brought forth and questioned for these videos. Allah, knows the truth.
I see a sunnah discourse video i'm gonna press like. May Allaah guide mushrikiins like rafidis. May Allaah open their heart to his lightness. May Allaah open their ignorant brains to stop hating our mothers and the sahaba(Allaah be pleased with all of them).
the way nakshani changes his tune is funny in umar r part.
weak argument like spiders web 🕸️ if you came in munzara these just just gonna go puff in minutes
Tell your "seyyed" ammar to man up and debate a muslim.
@@Dante-kx7mwman up??? Why you’ll run like Umar in uhud. Man up are you serious? You baby burying, idol worshipping, no mustache having devils really wanna talk about manning up?
@@Dante-kx7mw u have a weird name for a Muslim - are you sure you’re a Muslim
Because if not then this probably isn’t the right channel for you boss
Everyone in Ramadan busy in praying but these shaytaan nakjvani busy in doing these kind of arguments.
@@RUNESCAPER123 what a stupíd Rafidi argument, wasting time is what ammar NakshJEWwani is doing, Sunnah discourse has a right to defend, we didn't fire the first short ali worshipping Mushrik
I am impressed with this gentleman in sunnah discourse who is talking calmly and logically. It’s the first time I’m listening to him. What is his name.
Jazak Allah khayran, I just hope that the shi'a find the truth and stop listening to people like this guy, may Allah be with us
Why so many Shia in the comments? LOOOOOL
Maybe us shia are majority umari follower
They are desperate
Is Wahhabiyyah khowarij?
سلام يا عمر الفاروق .
Ameer ul Mumineen Umar رضي الله عنه demolished their Zoroastrian Empre, and in return, they are only venting a deep grudge against him, everything under the name of the pure and noble Ahl-Bayt رضي الله غنهم أجمعين
What Sunnis don't understand is that their greatest men disrespected the same prophet muhammad. whom they once fought for (according to them) while he was in his dead bed. Bringing proves from your own books trying to oppose your own books 🤦♀️
Pea-brained rafida crying in the comments😂 madad madad ya 12 demigods
The family of the prophet are demigods? But your pagan daughter burying caliphs are righteous???
Ridiculous response, comparing the rudeness of the prophet with the rudeness of sahaba of an imam (inferior). Youre dedicated to protecting Umar regardless of what he did.
How the hell he was rude, when Allah(S.W.T.) Said to consult with Sahabas, who are you to Judge
MashaAllah Brother brilliant replay
Crazy, the extent the Rawafidh go.
Seems like ammar has sent his imam worshipping fans to leave their nonsense in the comments, that's how desperate they are😂
Brothers in humanity only . Not in the Akhirah.
its ok brother you tried your best😭💀
I’m tired of these ridiculous majoosi rafidi pagans who are misinterpreting the Hadith, umar disrespected the prophet by giving his opinion?
Why do I need to respect Umar??? Who the hell is he? He was appointed by Abu Bakr so what a politician at best.
@@RUNESCAPER123 destroys? 😂 only misinterpreting the Hadith is “destroying” my belief? Haven’t you read Surah al imran 159?
Or you don’t read the Quran & you’re waiting for your fabricated Quran with the hidden Mahdi?
@@yourmomshouse8993 when did I told you to respect him? Are you illiterate?
@@Shaydanwase apparently you are because you don’t read your own Sunni books otherwise you would be a Shia. It’s right in front of you yet you are blind. Was the prophet illiterate according to you guys??? So I’ll take that as a compliment.
@@yourmomshouse8993 that’s literally you, if you read your own book you’d be a Sunni, and wouldn’t believe immamah and other ideologies that you guys believe without an evidence, also I asked “are you illetrate” because you’re talking about things that has nothing to do with my comment, when did i told you to respect umar?
Very cool
Bahahahah brother jazzak allahu khayroun you have destroyed them one ny one bahahah. These peoole commenting allah has blinded their hearts what do expect from a ignorant peoplee
How do you figure are you that blind??? You call that a comeback???
The reality is Umar was abrupt and disrespectful. Hence he made tauba and he was fearing an ayat would be revealed about him. The problem with ahl Sunna is when they don’t relate things accurately it allows the Shia to distort reality. Unar wasnt masoom not was he constantly in the company of the prophet, so he slipped and came back to what was correct and then went on to be one of the greatest leaders in history.
Dude you argument is weak
Shows nakshawni mental capacity which is very stupid
Indeed your prophet is Umar not Muhammad
The greatest prophet, the greatest creation of Allah is fallible and was suicidal and rude and hallucinated and bewitched, Allahu Akbar upon your beliefs
Indeed your prophet is Umar not Muhammad
The greatest prophet, the greatest creation of Allah is fallible and was suicidal and rude and hallucinated and bewitched, Allahu Akbar upon your beliefs