Female soldiers march during China's National Day celebrations

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @engrfka
    @engrfka 4 роки тому +627

    The synchronization of their parade is unbelievable.

    • @petronasken7504
      @petronasken7504 3 роки тому +12

      Well they manufacture robots

    • @xcell8638
      @xcell8638 3 роки тому +4

      Like robots - that's collectivism.

    • @user-vy1oi2js6v
      @user-vy1oi2js6v 3 роки тому +3

      ■(“岩里從日郎”---他真是“民主先生”嗎?---罄竹難書“第五次”增補稿---(增五)其尤甚者,是將中學的中國歷史“空架化”、“空乏化”,徒有唐、宋、元明、清的空架子,而絕少文成公主、岳飛抗金、王安石變法、拔都西征、鄭和下西洋、戚繼光平倭,等等歷代中華民族的偉大人物介紹!( 增二)李扁宰制時期,台島某些綠色縣市,在中學校長的甄試上,長年以決定性的五分加減,要與試者,用閩南語來朗讀一篇短文,以決定生死,此一暴政,擺明了是要警告和阻止其他相對少數族群的與試,其自詡的“民主”,竟然是在暗中摧殘其其他族群的工作權和升遷權!(增三):岩里藉“廣設大學”、“赴美受訓”之名,廣佈扶植有“分裂國家”思想傾向的創辦人和進修者!因能使其坐大!(增四):岩里從日郎”一就任,很快“兩蔣”時期大力提倡的平劇、國語普通話、國語普通話流行歌曲、祺袍、相聲、毛筆字,和中國水墨畫,等等等等凡有“中原意識”的文化,迅遭歸零式的壓制和消除,理由是“沒有市場”!而最為殘民以逞、暴虐無道的,是自其宰制後,完全在公私機關舉辦的活動上,壓制消滅“國語普通話流行歌”,在公私機關舉辦的活動上,在康樂節目裡,十條歌,“國語普通話流行歌”,安排不到半首,此讓相對少數的族群,情何以堪?!而其在中小學的國文、史地,甚至是美術的教科書裡,都狡猾地放置一些挑撥族群仇恨的圖文!妄圖永遠灌輸下一代分裂國家的毒素!此不謂之暴虐無道,禍延子孫,民族敗類,何謂之?(增四):蔡出於李,尤甚於李!”她今天從邪念中,狂想出的什麼“毀蔣公”、“奪黨產”、“除婦聯會”、“滅救國團”、“去中廣”、“質變蔣公紀念堂”等等恩將仇報的倒行逆施,其在本之質上,都屬於挾持一個多數族群,來霸凌其他少數族群,來肆虐其他的少數族群!)(全文如下)台灣地區現在很多人在想:這“岩里從日郎”他真是“民主先生”嗎?而她又於今之發動輿論,對之作鋪天蓋地的膜拜式宣傳和供奉,又是為了一個什麼企圖?是否為了利用他來繼續趕走藍勢力嗎?是否為了繼續利用他,來把“國軍英雄五指山公墓”的朗朗藍天,惡化成悲哀的綠地呢?台灣地區的政治,不能僅看其表面,説是小自村里長,大到地區領導人,都是人民一票一票的選出來的了,這就是民主了!愚矣!此言此論,誠差矣!蓋“民主”一詞,到底其定義為何?至今並無定論,“全民一票一票的選公職人員”,只是眾多民主要件中的其一,而且此一要項,也會被其他不當因素的涉入,而變成一種完全的虛假和罪惡!所以羅曼羅蘭女士,會講出“民主!民主!多少人假汝之名,而遂行其罪惡啊!”的名言!台灣地區的妄圖分裂國家小撮,不正是標準的這類嗎?在台灣地區,更要會看政治的門道,不能只會看熱鬧啊!此小撮妄圖分裂國家的,為何要遂行小自村里長,大到地區領導,要人人一票一票的投,其著眼,不就是妄圖要用此伎倆,來以佔人口多數的族群,壓抑及排斥佔人口少數的族群嗎?這不就是他們自己所稱的“大河洛沙文主義”下的以多數壓迫少數嗎?所以,當相對佔少數的同胞,被此糖衣毒藥的陰謀折磨覺醒了,於是在山區同胞方面,就要求劃邊界自治,並在全地區公職人員選舉上,設立自己族群投自己的保障名額;其他比閩南族群相對少數的族群,則提議以濁水溪為界,將閩南族群遷於南,將相對少數的置於北,各投各的,如此大家可相安無事!而一票一票選的民主價值,可真正落到實處!此種族群之間,因選舉上的“假民主”,產生的不相融合現象,連此位“岩里從日郎”都感受出來,他説:“俺在台北的感覺,就沒有像在台灣其他的地方自在!”這種矛盾現象,不就是他自己造成的?還有一些很潛在式殘暴的倒行逆施,必須提出,這就是“岩里從日郎”一就任,很快“兩蔣”時期大力提倡的平劇、國語普通話、國語普通話流行歌曲、、國語普通話藝術歌曲、國語普通話邊疆民謠、中華民族舞蹈、祺袍、相聲、毛筆字,和中國水墨畫,等等等等,凡有“中原意識”的文化,迅遭歸零式的壓制和消除,理由是“沒有市場”!而最為殘民以逞、暴虐無道的,是自其宰制後,完全在公私機關舉辦的活動上,壓制消滅“國語普通話流行歌”,在公私機關舉辦的活動上,一雙不見的手,在操弄左右著,在康樂節目裡,十條歌,“國語普通話流行歌”,安排不到半首,此讓相對少數的族群,情何以堪?!而其在中小學的國文、史地,甚至是美術的教科書裡,都狡猾地放置一些挑撥族群仇恨的圖文!妄圖永遠灌輸下一代分裂國家的毒素!在李、扁宰制時期,最讓人沒齒難忘的是,台島某些綠色縣市(如高雄市),在中學校長的甄試上,長年以決定性的五分加減,要與試者,用閩南語來朗讀一篇短文,來決定生死,蓋語言的學習,完全是環境因素,拒絕不了,也勉強不住的!絕不能説“你到現在不會閩南語,就是不愛台灣!”此一幼稚荒謬暴政,擺明了是要警告和阻止其他相對少數族群的與試,其自詡的“民主”,竟然是在暗中摧殘其其他族群的工作權和升遷權!(此不謂之暴虐無道,禍延子孫,民族敗類,何謂之?走筆至此,許多人也會問:“台灣這套彌天大謊的超假民主,是怎麼會讓它遂行下去的?”這在政治明眼人來説,又一眼就看出了,他過去是專門在不同族群中的黨政軍裡,緊盯物色那些“無理想,無國家民族意識,而又有從政野心,而又好利用”之徒,來充當他的政治打手和先鋒,這完全就像,此夥今天於中學的”國文科”教本裡,去除“中華兒女”、“梅花”、“江南好”、“萬里長城”、“嫦娥奔月”、“中國的月亮”、“失根的蘭花”、“木蘭詩”、“張騫出使西域”等深具我中華民族意識的課文,而添塞進一些佔相對少數族群,然又“無理想,無中華民族意識,又有野心,又好利用”的文人學者“自立保台”意味的文稿,並特別強調此位作者的籍貫是在中國大陸的某地;其尤甚者,是將中學的中國史“空架化”、“空乏化”,徒有唐宋元明清的空架子,而絕少文成公主、岳飛抗金、王安石變法、拔都西征、鄭和下西洋、戚繼光平倭,等等歷代中華民族的偉人介紹!同時,岩里還藉“廣設大學”、“赴美受訓”之名,廣佈扶植有“分裂國家”思想傾向的創辦人和進修者!因能讓他今日坐大!此類妄圖分裂國家小撮,其數典忘祖行徑,是無所不用其極的,它能把一些無辜的什麼“五色鳥”、“畫眉鳥”,和“一隻蟬”,滲透到廣播電台裡,成天喊叫什麼:“與大陸畫眉,分化已久!要珍惜台灣,尋找幸福!”在這種長年的耳濡目染下,連心懷“中原意識”的各族群老人,都被折騰和染疫成“人工毒”(小撮説“天然獨”)了!而今天尤可悲的,是“蔡出於李,尤甚於李!”她今天從邪念中,狂想出的什麼“毀蔣公”、“奪黨產”、“除婦聯會”、“滅救國團”、“去中廣”、“質變蔣公紀念堂”等等恩將仇報的倒行逆施,其在本之質上,都屬於挾持一個多數族群,來霸凌其他少數族群,來肆虐其他的少數族群!分裂國家小撮的小把戲,台灣地區同胞怎麼就是看不明白呢?!台灣地區的詞典裡,如長期被拔掉諸如慎終追遠、繼往開來、承先啟後,和追本溯源這些字辭,就會深陷兒棄老、女弒母的“五倫相殘”、“光怪陸離”慘象啊!(讚美論壇 志士!)讚美論壇 志士!---今天下的真相大白!捨我其誰?!我不入論壇,誰入論壇?!我不説話,誰説話?!方今天下的真相大白,捨我其誰?!)

    • @raymondtong4526
      @raymondtong4526 3 роки тому +3

      World peace forever. No war whatso ever.

    • @fredbloggs3358
      @fredbloggs3358 3 роки тому +1

      The borg collective..

  • @GirlArmy21
    @GirlArmy21 3 роки тому +244

    Their uniforms are so smart looking. Our military should redesign ours. I love boots with skirts. Their marching is amazing!.

    • @truthful3777
      @truthful3777 3 роки тому +13

      Yup that is what I bought for my wife...Borns boots with a nice skirt to march.

    • @shanesmith5198
      @shanesmith5198 2 роки тому +5

      Was thinking the same thing

    • @Cozcacuauhtli
      @Cozcacuauhtli 2 роки тому +9


    • @John-ob7dh
      @John-ob7dh 2 роки тому +4

      @@truthful3777 underwear to match ,methinks.

    • @albertrayo2568
      @albertrayo2568 2 роки тому

      @@ernstthalmann4306 🤝👏

  • @292Nigel
    @292Nigel 4 роки тому +111

    I've got to admit they do look very impressive.

    • @corjp
      @corjp 3 місяці тому

      I would use a different word, but okay... your choice...

  • @zafarkarim4115
    @zafarkarim4115 4 роки тому +165

    What a disciplined nation amazing

    • @CutiesHair
      @CutiesHair Рік тому +6

      That's trash nation Imao

    • @wulfychen3058
      @wulfychen3058 Рік тому +37

      @@CutiesHair Are you talking about USA where citizens are having problem of identifying their gender LOL!!!

    • @CutiesHair
      @CutiesHair Рік тому +4

      @@wulfychen3058 That part too 😂😂😂btw im not from usa

    • @Xiaoguangguangguang
      @Xiaoguangguangguang Рік тому +1

      ​@@CutiesHair 你是来自哪个国家?

    • @g0tsp33d
      @g0tsp33d Рік тому

      @@CutiesHair hows that new white house photo

  • @tashiwangchuk2860
    @tashiwangchuk2860 3 роки тому +75

    Really great .
    Salute to all the female soldiers..

  • @rivartnorton6030
    @rivartnorton6030 3 роки тому +22

    China is so good in military parade. Even if you don’t like China, you should recognize its talent in parades. I love China.

  • @afunguynamedkawhi7959
    @afunguynamedkawhi7959 5 років тому +419

    Can you believe the general in blue is 56 years old. 😱😱
    Very fit and very energetic.

  • @henryng9406
    @henryng9406 2 роки тому +63

    To all the soldiers of China especially the female soldiers. Our great motherland is very proud of you and we are forever grateful for your service. We salute all of you.

    • @user-hl2sf2ql2e
      @user-hl2sf2ql2e Рік тому +1

      Китаянки вне конкуренции!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗!!!!!!!!!

    • @captgaming2134
      @captgaming2134 10 місяців тому +1

      Of course we are.

  • @arthurjohnson2416
    @arthurjohnson2416 4 роки тому +93

    The militia in their red uniform with white hats surely the most beautiful military on the planet.

    • @maristelaribeiro5326
      @maristelaribeiro5326 4 роки тому +1

      É ,npor trás dessa beleza que e mostra ao público,n mídia e imprensa ..só esse povo sofrido e elas do exército principalmente sabem como são forçadas as exigências desse líder AFFF . é só pesquisar como eu pesquisei e li sobre esse país fechado , que vai ver a verdade sobre como sobrevivem esse povo ou seguem as ordens ou serão punidos e muitos mortos essa verdade

    • @KS-kb4zt
      @KS-kb4zt 4 роки тому +1

      China killed Czech Senator

    • @peterzhao879
      @peterzhao879 4 роки тому +4

      In the PLA. usually no combat jobs for the female soldiers ,they do paper work or communication jobs and research jobs.

    • @Elurin
      @Elurin 4 роки тому +6

      @@KS-kb4zt How is that related, in any way, to the comment you are replying to??

    • @backwards9772
      @backwards9772 4 роки тому +9

      @@KS-kb4zt you are literally spamming the whole comment section with that same sentence. Wtf, don't u have a life ?

  • @risteardwest3384
    @risteardwest3384 3 роки тому +31

    Chinese woman in the military keep themselves slim and trim just the maze and had a much beautiful uniforms it's the country that keeps on going and going just love watching them

    • @JorraneRei
      @JorraneRei 3 роки тому +4

      Well I mean you’d have to be fit and healthy being in the military lol.

  • @jaljalajaljala4531
    @jaljalajaljala4531 4 роки тому +21

    Chaina very powerful country I love chaina from nepal

    @THEBIGGAME683 Рік тому +4

    There salute is just so satisfying to watch added by the cutting edge colorful uniforms

  • @paulmaking1980
    @paulmaking1980 5 років тому +209

    Wow! Very beautiful Chinese female soldiers!

    • @KS-kb4zt
      @KS-kb4zt 4 роки тому +2

      China agents murdered Czech Senator

    • @milion123
      @milion123 4 роки тому

      @@KS-kb4zt ty Polak?

    • @KS-kb4zt
      @KS-kb4zt 4 роки тому

      @@milion123 tak

    • @milion123
      @milion123 4 роки тому

      @@KS-kb4zt wiedziałem, ty Korwinistą jesteś i dlatego takie akty chińskie wpisy

    • @yunuen9974
      @yunuen9974 4 роки тому

      Enserio? Yo las veo todas iguales jajaja

  • @chrischir2048
    @chrischir2048 4 роки тому +233

    My God,
    Chinese women are incredibly beautiful

    • @Dark-vu2mz
      @Dark-vu2mz 4 роки тому +10

      they have all the same face

    •  4 роки тому +10

      "A uniform and a rifle will turn any into a hottie" Crontchfucius

    • @rasmiranjandash9486
      @rasmiranjandash9486 4 роки тому +2

      @_SilverArrow_xxx Only Russian soldiers are beautiful

    • @bluetortilla
      @bluetortilla 4 роки тому +13

      You're all a bunch of disgusting racists. What in the hell do you think these women are doing? Parading for peace?

    • @donglinwang3453
      @donglinwang3453 3 роки тому +8

      @_SilverArrow_xxx I do not like mix girls honestly. I still think asian girls are very soft and pretty

  • @taylorw4410
    @taylorw4410 5 років тому +476

    Can imagine how many days of training in order to look so tremendous organized March parades, so far yet none of the country can do military parades as good as China!

    • @WWuxian
      @WWuxian 5 років тому +24

      @@dawleylu your comment is funny. even if your military weapon is strong but the people is not well trained and well organized, they will die in a couple of minutes in tge Battlefield.

    • @WWuxian
      @WWuxian 5 років тому +16

      @@dawleylu you know the word discipline?

    • @Christjohnny33
      @Christjohnny33 5 років тому +13

      Hitler's German Army March very well during his time. And the German army kicked Ass.

    • @en2bado
      @en2bado 5 років тому

      @@dawleylu b4 batle train. Disciple prevents 4ex: happy ou soft trigger.

    • @stanga811
      @stanga811 5 років тому +4

      @@dawleylugermans did kick ass. Is just that there are a lot of russian forces thats why

  • @brendacharles1433
    @brendacharles1433 3 роки тому +13

    Females I am in awe so much dedicated young women the Universe is Unfolding as It should

  • @УралЛьвович
    @УралЛьвович 4 роки тому +31

    Очень красиво. Сколько трудов.

  • @Brvnkaerv
    @Brvnkaerv Рік тому +3

    Russian chicks are cute and smile when they parade. But the Chinese female soldiers are the best when it comes to marching in step.

  • @soumitrabanerjee9462
    @soumitrabanerjee9462 4 роки тому +32

    Beautiful march! exceedingly smart.well trained

    • @nordique59
      @nordique59 3 роки тому +1

      You could even say , a new 'master race'??? Uber legend!

    • @darkfeffy
      @darkfeffy 2 роки тому

      @@nordique59 Lmao what is it with European's obsessions with master races?

    • @tompeters7486
      @tompeters7486 Рік тому

      Will they win wars by marching? My army don't March ""beautifully"" like that but boy we can sure fight.😆😅🤣😂

    • @hellno-xq3kg
      @hellno-xq3kg Рік тому

      ​@@tompeters7486from which country are you?

    • @thesovietshark8945
      @thesovietshark8945 10 місяців тому

      @@hellno-xq3kg dont even ask, hes american (make sure not to mention iraq or afghanistan)

  • @bluerose7955
    @bluerose7955 2 роки тому +1

    Super. Devotion, order, sacrifice, patriotism. Proud one of these beautiful ladies is my wife. Admiration and appreciation from USA .

  • @abdullhaannan3284
    @abdullhaannan3284 4 роки тому +42

    I love China 😍❤️🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 from Bangladesh 🇧🇩♥️♥️🌷🌷

    • @weerachatsomboon9526
      @weerachatsomboon9526 4 роки тому


    • @KS-kb4zt
      @KS-kb4zt 4 роки тому

      China agents murdered Czech Senator

    • @someone1949
      @someone1949 4 роки тому +3

      @D.M. Your not a Chinese, more of an American or Indian pretending to be a "Chinese" to break ties, so obvious to spot, pathetic.

    • @rajiasultanafahima2685
      @rajiasultanafahima2685 3 роки тому +2

      Me too 💖to china from bd

  • @satyadeepborah1143
    @satyadeepborah1143 6 місяців тому +1

    Why am I crying? So beautiful and elegant they are. So feminine yet so fierce. Truly ❤❤❤❤

  • @user-fm4kc5cj8y
    @user-fm4kc5cj8y 4 роки тому +47

    Великолепно! Просто супер! Военная искусство!

  • @janakkc4654
    @janakkc4654 3 роки тому +7

    Great ceremony. Love from Nepal 🇳🇵.

  • @mufush
    @mufush 4 роки тому +29

    Best female matching ever

  • @AR12m
    @AR12m 3 роки тому +9

    No country can do parade like china. Love & respect from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇨🇳

  • @davidlee883
    @davidlee883 5 років тому +18

    This is real feminism

  • @greatpakistanarmy1539
    @greatpakistanarmy1539 4 роки тому +36

    Long live great china, with best wishes and good luck,
    from Pakistan
    Pakistan China friendship Zindabad

    • @user-xt8ch7vv3y
      @user-xt8ch7vv3y 4 роки тому +1

      Tony Bhatti USA will make earth become his pet

    • @davidteo879
      @davidteo879 3 роки тому +1

      @@user-xt8ch7vv3y USSR will

    • @henryng9406
      @henryng9406 2 роки тому

      Hello people of Pakistan, I wish you all good health, prosperity, and peace. Pakistan/China BFF.

  • @johncruz7895
    @johncruz7895 Рік тому +6

    You don't want to fight these women soldiers. You want to love them.

  • @tkam136
    @tkam136 4 роки тому +23

    Beautiful to watch, enjoyed a lot.

    • @raymondfrank4745
      @raymondfrank4745 3 роки тому

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  • @andreduplooy991
    @andreduplooy991 3 роки тому +6

    Absolute exellent.
    Unique in the world!

  • @rubyrosarioduque1820
    @rubyrosarioduque1820 3 роки тому +3

    Oh my...perfect formation....very clean lines...

  • @jorgerui8556
    @jorgerui8556 3 роки тому +5

    Elas são perfeitas muinto bom!

  • @tsushitoyim4915
    @tsushitoyim4915 4 роки тому +1

    Wow,,,, it's looking very beautiful china female military parade.... Love from India (Nagaland)

    • @zeflute4586
      @zeflute4586 4 роки тому

      Nagaland! I've heard u guys and us Chinese look alike~

    • @Mahadev1573
      @Mahadev1573 4 роки тому

      We are indians first love india

  • @khaleequrrehman2011
    @khaleequrrehman2011 5 років тому +159

    Wow so beautiful and Wonderful love from pakistan

  • @achmadubaidillah7844
    @achmadubaidillah7844 4 роки тому +10

    That was so cool👏🇨🇳
    Terlihat mewah, berwibawa & tetap feminim
    Semoga TNi kita bisa keren & rapi gini ya Military march nya👋🇮🇩

  • @Vendeta552
    @Vendeta552 2 роки тому +8


  • @spideken123
    @spideken123 3 роки тому +5

    Impressive beautiful female chinese soldier. Love from Philippines hope there will be no war in the future. And have peace in our beloved land 🙂

  • @shoukatali7870
    @shoukatali7870 4 роки тому +10

    so nice great people of chain great army's of chain so respect. From UK.

  • @KakumeiDev
    @KakumeiDev 3 роки тому +8

    the red militia group kind of gives me that zerotwo vibe ngl.

  • @lucillatseung8726
    @lucillatseung8726 4 роки тому +3

    my favourite clip, incomparable in the world

  • @user-ox5ov2zz3v
    @user-ox5ov2zz3v 3 роки тому +1

    Молодцы девочки а сколько труда в это вложено командиры хорошо тоже постарались

  • @EmorySimsDrEmoryCarlSims
    @EmorySimsDrEmoryCarlSims 3 роки тому +4

    They are all beautiful and gorgeous 😀.

  • @mickvanquish
    @mickvanquish 8 місяців тому +1

    brilliant March,,,,,,,brilliant routine,,,,,,gorgeous woman,,,,,,,,what the human race could achieve if this country and others could cooperate together for everyone's benefit,,,,imagine,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  • @luisalonsosaenz4830
    @luisalonsosaenz4830 3 роки тому +9

    Me facinan ver estás chicas militares, marchando.Admiro su disciplina

  • @aakarshana8063
    @aakarshana8063 2 роки тому

    ప్రీతినిగం వీడియో చూడటం ఒకరకంగా చాలా థ్రిల్ కలిగిస్తుంది .ఆమె హావభావాలు ,అందచందాలు నాకు మరీ థ్రిల్ కలిగిస్తుంది.మరీ మీకెలా ఉంటుంది ?నువ్వు చూడు .I Like China - Vijay,Ongole,,India.

  • @mogtrader8
    @mogtrader8 4 роки тому +21

    So unified. They did the olympics on point and the same with this. From a performance display standpoint, it's just crazy dedication. I wonder what happens when someone accidentally makes a mistake or suffers from the heat / fatigue.

  • @rajaiarrasheed4600
    @rajaiarrasheed4600 3 роки тому +10

    Simply, speechless!
    but I barely say that they can copy-paste everything "imitation", but no nation will be able to imitate this parade.
    "爱你中国" from the middle east

  • @СаулеМурзалина-ю5к
    @СаулеМурзалина-ю5к 3 роки тому +9

    Это больше чем парад это любовь к родине

  • @basba_qal
    @basba_qal 3 роки тому +8

    If they promise to treat me nice, then I'd immediately surrender. ;);)

    • @deserth668
      @deserth668 3 роки тому +1

      hahahaha ....surrender immediately! :):)

  • @lostsoul3154
    @lostsoul3154 3 роки тому +25

    The uniformity is unreal. Lotsa practice!!!

  • @agantaichung1898
    @agantaichung1898 4 роки тому +10


  • @geraldreyes5331
    @geraldreyes5331 4 роки тому +9

    👌👍, Excelente desfile militar los Felicito.

  • @aakarshana8063
    @aakarshana8063 2 роки тому

    నేను ఒక షాప్ కి వెళ్ళాను .అక్కడ ఒక అమ్మాయి చైనా అమ్మాయిలా కళ్లద్దాలు పెట్టుకొని అమాయకంగా బాగుంది.Very Interesting.I Like China -Vijay,Ongole,India.

  • @pauloroberto3266
    @pauloroberto3266 4 роки тому +3

    Lindas demais

  • @danielirimescu312
    @danielirimescu312 3 роки тому +1

    Whether they are military or noti love chinese women anyway

  • @empireentertainmentevents1353
    @empireentertainmentevents1353 4 роки тому +11

    After you watched CHINA's insane high level of Marching...other nations look so pale in comparison. The next closest is NORTH KOREA. Other than these 2 countries... no other nation can put on such a tight level of marching.

    • @gabenewell3955
      @gabenewell3955 4 роки тому +2


    • @empireentertainmentevents1353
      @empireentertainmentevents1353 4 роки тому +3

      I watched so many videos featuring Russian female soldiers marching. Still a big difference compared to China and North Korea.

    • @uglyscratcher
      @uglyscratcher 4 роки тому

      I agree. China and North Korea has the best marching. Perfect and on point. Like they say, communist countries will usually do the best marching.

    • @backwards9772
      @backwards9772 4 роки тому +3

      @@uglyscratcher it's not about being Communist or not, that is totally irrelevant. What makes this happen is their discipline and training methods.

  • @jilalihirich7593
    @jilalihirich7593 3 роки тому +2

    شعب فريد من نوعه وتنظيم رائع

  • @дядяМиша-ц4г
    @дядяМиша-ц4г 4 роки тому +4

    Боевой дух это классно за Правителя за Командира за народ за отчизну и с Богом

  • @IkeTurner2.0
    @IkeTurner2.0 Рік тому +2


  • @pvirgil1
    @pvirgil1 4 роки тому +4

    I am from Italy i love CHINA!!

  • @balazsjancsik6928
    @balazsjancsik6928 6 місяців тому

    My fellow Chinenese friends. I really appreciate your culture and your history. And I can say, You deserve better than this shitty communist dictatorship. You don't deserve oppression and you deserve as good life as the people in the west. I really hope one time Chinese people will have as good life as we have in west. You deserve it. I love you. God bless you.

  • @edwardjohnfisk8936
    @edwardjohnfisk8936 2 роки тому +6

    Absolutely perfect .There are no other words to describe it.

    • @tompeters7486
      @tompeters7486 Рік тому

      An army doesn't win wars by marching but by fighting. What has they done to prove that they can fight?😅🤣😂

    • @user-mo7od9sx6n
      @user-mo7od9sx6n Рік тому

      @@tompeters7486 你如果有能力的话可以考虑挑战中国人民解放军,如果没有能力那你就闭嘴。一个国家军队不是让你这个流氓来侮辱的。不信你问你的祖先,中国人民解放军战斗力如何。

    • @tompeters7486
      @tompeters7486 Рік тому

      @@user-mo7od9sx6n Chinese bot

    • @popularis811
      @popularis811 Рік тому +1

      @tompeters7486 You take this out of thin air, if the USA’s marching was perfect would you say this? You”re just using a coping strategy in order to cope with your failures, cry harder western ass.

    • @junkokumagai4969
      @junkokumagai4969 Рік тому

      ⁠They are on their way to start winning wars.
      That is why the empire is so angry and it cannot take it anymore.😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @ivanskirchak4935
    @ivanskirchak4935 3 роки тому +4

    Beautiful and motivated. 😊

  • @user-rc3rm4tk6d
    @user-rc3rm4tk6d 4 роки тому +12

    Красота - страшная сила!

  • @kurdkurdistan6441
    @kurdkurdistan6441 4 роки тому +7

    Love ❤️ you China 🇨🇳

  • @ДагирНуруллин
    @ДагирНуруллин 4 роки тому +5

    Вот пример, спокойствия ,организованности,уверенности,красоты и грации,любо смотреть

  • @MW-eg4gu
    @MW-eg4gu Рік тому +1

    I'm an American Caucasian guy and my Chinese wife and I just celebrated our wedding anniversary! I surrendered 49 years ago! (And everyday she gives me orders. 🤣)

  • @human_rights0
    @human_rights0 Рік тому +3

    0:05 perfect timing 😲

  • @pjnewell74
    @pjnewell74 4 роки тому +2

    That doesn't even look real but it is!

  • @masterkratos9893
    @masterkratos9893 3 роки тому +3


  • @EngPheniks
    @EngPheniks 11 місяців тому

    China is the country with highest female population and also the country with largest female military personnel.

    @VICINITYOFANRII 3 роки тому +3

    I would've messed up the synchronization for everyone 💀

  • @endrelevai2081
    @endrelevai2081 3 роки тому

    Ez a legfegyelmezetteb parádé amit láttam, le a kalappal!!! Szuper👌🇭🇺

  • @ArgonianBrownie
    @ArgonianBrownie 4 роки тому +42

    feminists should learn from them

    • @ivanalejandro6184
      @ivanalejandro6184 4 роки тому +10

      TY GM absolutely, Marxism Leninism is intrinsically feminist and learning from it can help modern feminists distinguish bourgeoise from proletarian feminism and lead to a more equal era!

    • @trueshy
      @trueshy 4 роки тому +6

      You should learn the facts. It's feminists that got women into the militaries around the world. Traditionalists wanted all of them to stay home & play house.

    • @abhishekmalhotra6847
      @abhishekmalhotra6847 4 роки тому +1

      Feminism ends to suppress and bash men. Feminists are Hitler's descendants and follow his principle of gender superiority.

    • @l.b.7791
      @l.b.7791 4 роки тому

      Ivan Castañeda I wish more people understood this...

    • @averagebritishrailwaysappr5424
      @averagebritishrailwaysappr5424 4 роки тому +2

      "Women hold up half the sky" -Mao Zedong

  • @cosmopolitain249
    @cosmopolitain249 3 роки тому +1

    Simplement parfait comme synchro

  • @geobrics-
    @geobrics- 5 років тому +8

    lindas , lindas , lindas !!!

  • @ninirema4532
    @ninirema4532 2 роки тому

    लु है नानाहरू धेरै धेरै निहाउ छ र शुभकामना।
    हिलारी र बेइजीड़ प्लेटफर्म।

  • @louiefernandez6419
    @louiefernandez6419 3 роки тому +4

    excellent. ...march::: Female soldiers of China!!!!

  • @sarahkhan2310
    @sarahkhan2310 Рік тому +1

    Superb precision and very impressive beautiful march. Well done China

  • @galaxantoni
    @galaxantoni 4 роки тому +5

    sin duda alguna esta es la mejor parada militar del mundo conocido por por los humanos

  • @wouterkellerman4458
    @wouterkellerman4458 2 місяці тому

    Salute! From a south african veteran!

  • @durgagrg8323
    @durgagrg8323 4 роки тому +4


  • @carlosfranco6969
    @carlosfranco6969 3 роки тому +1

    Gallardas preciosuras.... mujerones hermosos....!!!

  • @joaoluizribeiro9235
    @joaoluizribeiro9235 4 роки тому +5

    Lindo de mais. 👍

  • @pr.joselobo5881
    @pr.joselobo5881 Рік тому +2

    Maravilha guerreiros

  • @АннаКирячек-и3н
    @АннаКирячек-и3н 2 роки тому +4

    Супер солдаты 🌺👍👍👍🇷🇺🍁💋🙏🌹🌷🌷

  • @rongliebman3817
    @rongliebman3817 8 місяців тому

    So proud of the soldiers roses. I used to be trained to march like that. Very Very hard training and sweat and tearing

  • @user-yx8zo2jo6p
    @user-yx8zo2jo6p 3 роки тому +3

    대륙은 대륙이다~멋있다...

  • @donramon5794
    @donramon5794 2 роки тому

    Beautiful,this is what I call empowerment, it's not on twitter

  • @minerran
    @minerran 3 роки тому +6

    "so far yet none of the country can do military parades as good as China!" - My opinion is that the Russian parades are better.

  • @thewackymonkey920
    @thewackymonkey920 5 місяців тому

    In the US the men's army is still undecided if they should join the men's platoon or the female's platoon during their parade.

  • @jacobngoso6990
    @jacobngoso6990 3 роки тому +3


  • @aakarshana8063
    @aakarshana8063 2 роки тому

    "సన్నజాజి తీగుంది ,తీగమీద పువ్వుంది ,పువ్వులోని నవ్వే నాది లే ..!" I Like China -Vijay,Ongole,India

  • @devrimyapan4324
    @devrimyapan4324 3 роки тому +4

    We love China... !!! God bless China...

  • @jeuxgmaes
    @jeuxgmaes 29 днів тому

    China is unbreakable long live my love China ❤

  • @БахаБаха-ю5ь
    @БахаБаха-ю5ь 4 роки тому +5


  • @amitbisht5253
    @amitbisht5253 2 роки тому

    These synchronised foot steps are sure to create fear in the heart of enemies

  • @user-on6di6yc7p
    @user-on6di6yc7p 3 роки тому +16

    Красиво , сказать больше нечего

  • @kitakawati7423
    @kitakawati7423 3 роки тому +2
