As someone who voted Harris, these melodramatic grievances do not help the Democrats in any way. Why not interview some of the tens of millions of women or minorities who voted Trump, would be 1000x more interesting
Yeah, the perspective of the children of oligarchs is already presented to us enough (seriously, look up who her dad is - this is not a normal perspective)
bingo....until you start digging deep and taking a good cold hard look at "DEI" "wokeness" and the supposed resurgence of unironic "neo-nazi style white supremacy" going and asking black trump voters, arab trump voters, gay trump voters, female trump voters, on and on....ill be saying this until they finally realize it. the democratic party isn't totally done for, but under the current conditions, as old honest abe said: you can only fool so many people at one time. if you think that america (quite literally the best option for a struggling minority from literally any culture or society on the globe) is the most racist fascist and evil prison state to have ever existed......i mean: you are just a fool, plain and simple. when a minority is fleeing oppression what is their first pick? saudi arabia? mexico? iraq? china? azerbaijain? no its fucking america.
Because why would you interview a bunch of racists and misogynists--nothing to learn from them. Might as well have interviewed a bunch of Nazis during World War II. That's what so many Harris voters appear to think. Good luck with that.
Assuming you are correct about her upbringing based on no real evidence, is your argument her opinion is invalid because of her up bringing? What is it about her argument you disagree with or is it simply the messenger?
@@3ld919she's talking about nothing but identity. Not one mention of economic issues, just the irrational fear she's been programmed to exemplify. Plus NYT would never talk to a working class or poor person unless they're being scolded for wrongthink.
@@3ld919 "is your argument her opinion is invalid because of her up bringing? What is it about her argument you disagree with or is it simply the messenger?" She's too out of touch with the average person to understand them.
Girls get riddled with acne in adolescence too. The way I took it was that's the age when people are most obsessed with who they're supposed to be and who they want to be, so if DJT's "Grab 'em by the p....." brand of confidence is what teen boys see as making a man a winner, that's going to be really bad for the women and girls in their lives.
Brainwashing children. What an art form, leave it to the experts to mold minds in the most annoying way possible: make a teenage girl more obnoxious than nature permits.
The vibe-economists at work trying to distract from the data showing none of them understands elections. Why are we focused on the 2 million Dems who flipped Trump and not the 10 million Dems who didn't vote at all? Why are 2 million black women who hate both candidates, 4 million Latina women who hate both candidates, and 5 million 18-29s who hate both candidates ignored? Why are we ignoring that 3 million white men REPUBLICANS abandoned Trump and acting like the world hasn't moved an inch? We have the numbers now, not just "shares" and we know voters only look more Republican because the Democrats lost their progressive base... and they were MOSTLY WOMEN.
Not a critical question at all, but I wanted to ask you why? For me I’m intending to interview people I know on either side of the fence so as to educate myself, but the whirlwind of college and other stuff has made keeping track of all the points in my head recently hard to do. I am mostly curious for another person’s take.
@ it feels disingenuous. It also seems she’s so hyperaware of politics and is imagining everyone around her is too. They aren’t, they’re kids. Highlighting the divide between young men and woman too as if the men are the perpetrators and woman are the victims is sketchy. I understand that abortion rights are very important but if you want to get those rights back you need to have those young men on your side. Don’t “other” them. But mostly I don’t like it because I come to the NYT to educate myself and hear good opinions from intelligent, thoughtful people. This is not that.
When your male classmate asks why girls are crying wouldn’t the better response be to answer his question? And to ask him why he’s not? I mean we shouldn’t expect others to read our minds or feel exactly as we do. This was an invitation into a discussion and you scoffed
@@bradsillasen1972a question and an invitation to talk actually made her feel more disconnected. You can see why other commenters are going off on the dramatic nature of this
What is delicious about this whole post-election time is that Democrats seem to not be willing to find out where they went wrong. After Romney lost in 2012, Republicans learned from their mistakes and discarded the establishment Republican ethos that was a losing message.
I had a conversation with a US woman recently whom I haven't seen in a few years. Last time I saw her, she was fairly conservative, but now she seems to have changed to being liberal. Her fear is that Trump will ban abortion, and my telling her that a president can't do that served only to make her angrier. It went something like this: Her: "Women are in danger now! Men never face danger or have the government try to control their bodies!" Me: "Conscription." Her: "Huh?" Me: "Men have been forced to fight in wars for as long as there have been wars." Her: "....oh yeah that's bad...but anyway, Trump is evil!" And it went on like that. My take away from this is that this woman didn't even think of conscription, and it was pointed out to her, she dismissed it. She did this because she simply doesn't care about men, to the point that we wouldn't even enter into her thought process. This anecdote should demonstrate how dangerous giving political power to woman can be. Firstly, this lady radically changed her political outlook based on nothing more than emotion and (I presume) peer pressure. However, she has also demonstrated an utter disregard for 50% of the population. What part of a mind like that should be given power?
If you want to talk about objective, the fact that men feel more scary than bears is not about how common bear attacks are. It speaks to how common it is for men to coerce and abuse others. Sex isn't a mandatory life goal, yet we are so often taught in its name this is OK. Laws too often take our sides at nearly any immeasurable cost, and won't stop this without a tangible sea change in our cultural SYSTEM. Is it really any wonder that women fear us?
@@curhob nobody said anything about objective, but if you want to go that route, car crashes are far deadlier to women than men are on a daily basis, but I don't see women giving up driving en-mass or comparing cars to bears. Furthermore, women will cry about the election, complain about men (just as the above video did), and ignore the fact that they need the male vote to win elections. You can't have it all, you can't demonize men then expect them to see your opinion as a worthy cause to vote for. It's a two way street bub. Either start treating men as human, or expect to lose their vote to someone who will.
My problem with this is that she talks like she's automatically entitled to men's support on her issues, when I doubt she's even thought about men's issues before.
We literally do not care. You can cry every day for the next four years we will not care. There is not a single thing you can say that will change that. You have to accept this and move on.
These little girls think that because everyone in America does not agree with their political stance that they are victims. Did their parents ever tell them No? have they not yet learned in Life that you can't get what you want by crying? The extreme sexism displayed to the male members of her class was astonishing, I guess fairness and equality only apply when these young ladies say it does
This melodramatic, overwrought opinion piece is why we love that Trump won. This girl needs some exposure therapy. She shouldn't worry, she can still be crying at the side of her pool recording messages on her 1200$ iPhone while the working people in the country line up hundreds deep outside McDonald's for a job.
"hundreds deep outside Mcdonald's for a job" - LMFAO, when's the last time your elite behind has been in a Mcdonald's? The people that work there look like they've been given a death sentence. Or is the sudden dream job of working at Mcdonald's the result of Trump working the fry station and saying the job is great because "not touching the fries with your hands" is really cool.
This whiny narrative is why I stopped subscribing to the NYT years ago. Why oh why is this institution so obsessed with elevating the voices of those who claim to be oppressed?
You don't know what you are talking about. 90% of the culture war rubbish this year was from the republicans. Liberals may be more culturally progressive, but most don't talk about it much. Almost all the crap about gender, sports and bathrooms came from republicans. They need to keep talking about that stuff because they have no ideas to make the lives of 90% of the population any better.
@@bitey-facepuppyguy2038 Don't take it too literally. Just means the normal people you communicate with in day to day life. It can be a person in an airplane or out on a ship too. The other parents I talk to, my coworkers, my friends etc
My entire adult life I have been vilified for simply being a guy. The amount of bigotry EVERYWHERE is stunning. It makes me instantly angry at hearing or seeing any of it now after decades of it. Blatant discrimination. Snide. Arrogant. Condescending. Enough!
I was sipping my kombucha boba smoothie outside of the omni gender identity lounge when Anais Rand, my 2 spirit genderqueer social coequal, asked me if they could borrow an extra tampon for their armpit in case it decided to spontaneously start weeping existential grief tears.
True. Did you notice the name? This is Peter Beinart's daughter. The anti-Israel Jewish man Peter Beinart. His son Ezra has been on Zoom calls with Rashida Talib.
You are being educated to be an emotionally incontinent person, unable to deal with defeat and letting yourself be overtaken by your projections and worst fears. You are unprepared to become an adult and face reality, because you are being taught that reality may bend to your ideological fantasies. This is an electoral defeat, not the end of the world, girl, get a hold of yourself and become someone who is able to fight back, if there is something to fight back against. Because if this all the emotional fortitude you and your friends can muster, crying in the bathroom like your school is a therapeutic space for your anxieties, then you will taste defeat again and again. And here was I thinking that girls matured faster than boys.
@@MyriadColorsCM she doesn't have to worry. She doesn't have to deal with the world. Father is worth 100s of millions of dollars. She will just become another rich oligarch out of touch with reality.
Maybe it's because US politics and society have been gynocentric for well over a decade and most guys are tired of women being put on pedestals while they're being told how awful they are.
I've listened to this several times now I've been processing what she's saying she thinks the world is like and it's almost beyond parody of what I thought a woke high school kid thinks like. I am sad that our youth live in a morass of identity bullshit and she can't figure out that the people around here aren't upset because they aren't collectivist idetarians
Across the world a 16 year old is expected to behave like an adult or even be an adult full stop. You're not a child, stop sniffling, pick up your bags and get on with it.
Boys didn’t have bodily autonomy when their mothers decided to cut off the tip of their penises as a newborn. We all didn’t have bodily autonomy when they decided to require vaccines (c*vid and others). Would this girl agree that this is also problematic? Probably not
@Goosebone I think it's mostly a point about how, in a country where about half of women voted each way, this election being framed as male vs. female is not accurate. Statistically there are about as many women crying over the result as celebrating, and same for men, the framing of this piece as women in despair just isn't a good understanding of reality.
@stoneneils not sure how that would work More straightforward answer is that boys score lower in neuroticism so they are less prone to things like fits of sadness.
@@williambickelmann6554 Its called catharctic release of masculine aggression from testosterone. The same reason some boxers/miltary don't have sex for days before a bout. Let me put it more bluntly...after orgasm what trump or biden said REALLY doesn't matter lol.
Women want men to care about their problems, yet they never once stop to consider what young men are struggling with. And you wonder when young men don't care...
Young men are soft, selfish, and incredibly naive. That's all I see. But I'm not saying it's their fault. We need role models and a healthy culture in which to raise our kids.
There is a LOT of funding behind the right wing male influencers/role models/pundits. Much more than the more liberal or progressive sides. Nick Fuentes was hosted by Donald Trump. Margery Taylor Greene spoke at his hate fest.
@@Secret_Takodachilol @ “do your own research.” Asking for clarification is just as much “research” as is watching poorly made conspiracy videos about secret cabals of baby eating democrats is “research.”
They keep making the same mistake over and over again: Not everything is about you. Nothing will ever change if you expect other people to adapt to your point of view, without you being willing to ever even consider the other persons point of view. try it sometimes, you might even learn something and finally get out of your own personal bubble.
We are a nation of drama queens. That's why Trump got elected Democrats are currently in agony like drama queens 4 years ago Republicans were in agony like drama queens. Everyone's looking for a reason to be in agony agony agony agony if it weren't for bad luck we'd have no luck at all misery and agony are bearing down on us all. This year could be the best year of my life I'm going to double my income❤😊
Gloom, despair, and agony on me Deep, dark depression, excessive misery If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all Gloom, despair, and agony on me
@3:00 "they dont make seksist jokes in public" yeah they are well-trained but that doesnt mean they necessarily think like you. For example, i think that religious people are (generally) backward. However, I dont scream "there is no god!" every time I pass a church or mosque. People have public lives and private lives.
Your body is still fully under your control. If you don't want to risk pregnancy, don't have sex or only have sex with very good birth control. Don't expect that someone else should lose his or her life because of your mistake.
Two things. This piece shows us the amount of connection that social media truly has on the youth, for good or bad. Second, the author completely discounts that she is talking about male adolescents. Who can't vote. The very nature of how males and females view the world around them is different. Females mature faster and are breed to be more aware of the emotional connections between themselves and others. Males' emotional intelligence is not that high at 16. These are basic principles of human development.
I come here for the lulz. An alternate reality that is from another planet. No kid ever called another kid: "pre-teen". Oh my so much fun when we make up reality.
When I was a youth I encountered many preteens in my travels. By the way, what kind of school has both preteens (12 at the oldest) and 16 year olds (high school).
Ah yes, just move. Most people have the finances, the readily available jobs, the community, the family connections and gas money to just move states whenever they want. Why are you all so flippant? So comfortable with women's rights being completely eroded?
Abortion has been at the state level for two years already. It was nothing to do with Trump or Harris and you were lied to thinking your vote would codify any sort of abortion legislation either way. It is not a Federal issue.
@@casmatori Right. At the Federal level abortion is at present a money generating, donor getting, talking point. Its not a Federal thing like it once was. Akin to voting for President because one campaigns on what types of toilets you have in your house.
Oh sod off. The paranoia and hysteria these kids have been brainwashed with is outstanding. You’d think with all this abortion debacle that all girls from 13 years on are ready to have sex 24/7 and have daily abortions…you’d also think abortion is the most wonderful thing ever “invented” and you’d think that there’s no possible to prevent unwanted pregnancy unless is via abortion.
Girls of all ages are SAd. I was around 11/12 when grown men started leering at me, touching me inappropriately and shouting things out of cars at me. So yeah, it MATTERS. This assumption that the only reason anyone ever gets an abortion is because they were having such a wonderful time having unprotected sex, then the next day regretted it is - I don't have a polite word for it. End of the day, there are dozens, maybe tens of dozens of reasons why abortion is critical to women's health, and it's a basic human right to get medical care. So yes, it matters a great deal to have other people decide that for you in ways that no man would ever accept. Imagine if society decided men were not allowed to get vasectomies, because that would end the life of all those millions of unborn babies in his testes. That'd be ridiculous, right? As is anyone having any say over this. Girls and women have every reason to be afraid of a society that is ever more comfortable removing their humanhood. Do you have any idea how many birth control methods fail? The lengths women go to in order to prevent pregnancies with chemicals and implants and condoms that men take off, or that break. Just STOP.
@@Dontstopbelievingman As a former criminologist who focused on women's issues, I am extremely sick and tired of feminists using sexual assault leading to pregnancy, which is absurdly rare, as a defense of elective abortions that are primarily the result of a hedonistic, materialistic culture that eschews personal responsibility and maximizes short-term pleasure seeking behavior. The reality is that most abortions are a result of women engaging in promiscuous behavior without regards to long term consequences due to poor parenting, a lack of moral structure, and culture that relentlessly promotes hyper-sexuality as the feminine ideal. Here's a wild idea: Don't sleep with men you wouldn't consider having a long term relationship and children with. Don't _act like_ a person who would consider sleeping with a man they wouldn't have a long term relationship with. Just STOP.
It's utterly baffling that news outlets keep covering the political opinions of literal children. CNN asked elementary schoolers the same question not too long ago.
If you want to know why young men don't care about your finger-wagging anymore, read self deletion stats. Or college enrollment stats. Or dating app stats.
The problem is, its not all young women, this needs to be contended with. Not to say I dont share this girls sentiment, but there is something that isnt being addressed on why so many women voted for Trump. On top of that I think there needs to be a similar video from a boys prospective
The country just shat themselves in the elevator, and they're mad at us for not understanding why. Trump supporters here whine about empathy but fail to understand why girls understandably feel this way. Maybe you ARE actually the fucking problem and it's a failure of your imagination. I'm seeing a lot of teenage boy energy in the comments.
This is so overdramatic. Totally overblown. If kids were taught history at all these days, they'd realize how priviledged and sheltered they all are. Living in the top 1% of human history mean you get to create and manufacture issues and causes to fight for. You poor fragile little angels.
This is all bullshit. This is not the testimony of a 16 year old but that of a bitter 50 something feminized cosplaying. I have a 13 year old daughter and she is very aware of the world around her. She sounds nothing like this. She is, as are all her girlfriends and guy friends, MAGA! They lived thru the Covid plandemic, had their lives ruined by Karen's masquerading as teachers, and despaired at the future they were selling. No one was more excited about Trump's victory. Why? Because Trump restored her hopes for a brighter future, a future where she, and not some control freak from DC, we determine her destiny.
@@olivertomkins503 Exactly. Thanks for that wonderful example. We no longer live in an age of arranged marriages or child brides, and yet the murder of infants is treated as if it is some sort of defining line between tyranny and freedom.
I think its admirable that they care so much at such a young age. They see wrong, and their first action is to try and step up and do right. Isn't that something we should be proud of?
"Not all guys were ignorant". What a useless comment. This is an amazing victim building podcast. "It's not how many times you get knocked down. It's how many times you get back up." Every man must know this rule. Get up. Or get out of the way.
Well, this just really sucks. I was in middle school when Trump was first elected, and I was just starting Uni when Biden defeated him in 2020, and from what i've noticed, the guys in my generation really do care about this. Some support Trump, most are vehemently anti-Trump, but none I can say are ignorant or apathetic. Most of my guy friends right now are as freaked out as anyone I've seen so far. The fact that boys in younger generations feel more, or appear to feel more apathetic about this really makes me feel terrible. I keep reading articles and seeing statistics about suicides and loneliness and feelings of apathy, hopelessness, anger, and despair in young people, and in young men especially, and I feel like the experiences of Naomi is another puzzle piece in what is shaping up to be a pretty ugly and concerning picture. I don't believe these boys don't care - i've had so many private one on one conversations with guys in my life who are furious about Trump winning again, as well as some who are cheering him on, and almost all of them never talk about this stuff in public, or bring it up themselves. Almost all of them are afraid of opening up controversy, or being judged, or being misinterpreted, when all of them, even the Trump supporters, are in my view decent, friendly people. Why aren't these high school boys talking, and why don't they care as openly as the girls do? Do these boys feel like they can say what's on their mind? Do they feel like they're being listened to? Do they have spaces where they can talk about what they want to talk about, sort through how they feel about politics, their personal issues and anxieties, without being judged, or labelled as something? I suspect that they don't. As a guy, I can't begin to understand what a second Trump term feels like for a woman. My personal liberties are, for now, not directly in his policy crosshairs, although I have no doubt that that could change in the future. The last thing I want to do is point fingers across the aisle about how its the women who should be listening more, or how they are somehow responsible for any of this, because it's not that simple and it's just not fair. God knows none of this is Naomi's fault or responsibility. However, I can say with certainty that these younger boys don't seem to be doing so ok. I believe everything Naomi says here, and I think she's got some serious guts for saying it, but I do disagree with her conclusions. I don't believe for a second that these younger boys don't care, and I would like to see more curiosity and reflection from the Democrats regarding how and why these people aren't so engaged by their messaging. I would like to see us guys maybe step up more, listen to each other more, and reach out to the other dudes in our lives who maybe aren't doing so hot, especially the younger boys. A son or a nephew. A younger brother. A neighbor. I think Naomi was very right in pointing out the role of sisterhood in fighting cynicism and isolation, and I can't say I feel that kind of community among men. If the "issues of men," as its increasingly being called, are to remain purely an internal affair among guys, then we need brotherhood now more than ever. We can't continue to cultivate this image of these boys as careless, toxic, or simply ignorant of the issues of girls. Although some may very well be just that, the majority are not, and most certainly not the kids. We can't do this because we will be pushing them to people like Trump, but more importantly, because it's just plain wrong. We hold a moral obligation to listen to and understand one another. The dignity of recognition and being seen and heard without being judged is as necessary for life as food and water. Although this election represented the triumph of some pretty ugly and dirty politics in the US, I think it's also partly a wake up call to the Democrats; that they haven't been listening as closely as they thought they we're, that they weren't as understanding as they thought they were, and that maybe it's time to double check the big party tent, just make sure there aren't any holes, and that we haven't left anyone stuck standing in the sun.
if you wanna know why young men voted for Trump, simply look at how the left talks about them and regards them. There is no reason for me to vote for an ideology that hates us, wants to repress our masculine nature and tries to ritually humiliate us in the workplace and campus.
Maybe watch some Sesame Street before you start commenting. Absolutely not the way to respond to someone who is feeling hurt or scared, regardless if you agree with the reasons for that fear. Show some sympathy or empathy.
A 16 year old girl shouldn’t have the expectation that she’ll need an abortion in the near future. As someone buying life insurance shouldn’t expect to die an early death. This says a lot about the mentality of the youth
@@Cotote I think boys should care because this affects half the people in their lives. I hope they were raised well enough to worry for and care about how their friends, sisters, mothers, and cousins are doing. If they want a girlfriend or a wife, they are way more likely to get one by paying attention to how women are doing.
@@reuvenpolonskiy2544in several states, they're dead. Abortion isn't a large numbers game & every case is unique. Legislating reproduction is not good policy.
@@reuvenpolonskiy2544 Roe V Wade was overturned, which immediately enacted near total-abortion bans in 14 states. In 4 of those states (including the one I live in) you can't get an abortion past 6 weeks for any reason. Do you know how many women know they're pregnant at 6 weeks? VERY VERY VERY few (you have four weeks to see if you've missed your period, you wait another week to see if it's just stress, and then you learn you're pregnant but can't schedule an out-of-state appointment in time). Do you know how much can go wrong with a developing fetus between 6 and 40 weeks? But women are being forced to carry these babies to term or bleed out at home. Roe V Wade was overturned because of Trump's appointed judges. Real women die every day from pregnancy complications. In the US, 22 women died for every 100,000 live births. Chile has a similar maternal mortality rate. To put this into perspective, the maternal mortality rate in Turkmenistan is 5 deaths per 100,000 live births, in Spain it is 4, in Germany it is 3, and in Norway it is 1. I'm not even touching the rape issue here, but, how many 10 year old rape victims have to carry their rapist's baby to term before someone cares?
@@misterfunnybones Abortion is not a right for one's own body but for the body of the fetus. And there is no such right. And there was no legislation to enshrine or to cancel it, it was a judicial commentary that was retroactively discovered to be an error.
Oldest trick in the book. Fear leads to irrational decisions and the misplacement of trust with charlatans and frauds. Take control of yourself and be positive - negativity will just get you more of the same forever.
We only survived because of her!! She was the difference that saved us. If she didn’t speak up, we would literally all be dead right now. Can’t you see that?????
She said we wouldn't be able to come back from the effects by now. In other news, scientists announced yesterday we are experiencing an, I quote, "Impossible number of heatwaves." It's not a flex to be proudly uninformed, homie.
Men aren't going to be forced to carry children against their will. They aren't being told their vote (which was pretty much guaranteed since the founding of the country for men, but only in the last century for women) will be taken away from them. They aren't being told to (metaphorically speaking) get back into the kitchen. There's definitely reasons those men SHOULD be worried, however. The taking away of the ability for the National Labor Relations Board to protect their hourly wages, the ability for unions to support the workers right to protest an unfair wage or working conditions. The loss to their parents and grandparents of Social Security payments (a system they paid into long before those boys were born and is considered an obligatory return). The gutting of the medical field through the taking away of basic provisions of health maintenance (vaccines) that have intergenerational return. The continued gutting of the CDC to make it so there is no protection with Bird Flu pops up in your area. The choice to cut back on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in favor of for-profit models (which would have the added ability to cut corners on good observational practices). NONE of this is hyperbole given what we know about his candidate choices and his past behavior in office.
I would... but then again, my mother was a drunk who used to beat me with a spatula when she stumbled through the door late night. Guess who her voice reminds me of...
It's tough raising my daughters in a liberal household where I want them to share our values that make voting for someone like Trump a horrific thought, but also want them to think for themselves and form their own opinions. It's tough explaining to them why we feel Trump is a danger to democracy and our freedoms, but also that people who disagree with us are not simply bad people. That they aren't simply ignorant. Of course I still want them to understand how wide the partison gap is between educated and less educated voters, and how right wing authoritarian leaders in the early 1900s attacked the educated elite to distract the populace from the truth, just like they do today. But I don't want them to think everyone who disagrees with their views is just stupid. It's a hard balancing act. I feel for the pain this young woman is feeling. I also wish her parents were doing a better job of helping her have empathy for those who disagree with her/their political views. I hope I do a better job too. Then again, I changed my political viewpoints significantly in my 20s, once I left the echo chamber of a small rural town. Judging a teenager too harshly is a pretty stupid thing to do.
@@kyleolson9636 I don't know that she's gone as far as thinking they're bad people, but teenagers tend to feel things incredibly earnestly, and I think she's in a moment where the lack of empathy or awareness hurts. To be honest, it hurts me too, but it's not the first time I've felt that emotion with this much clarity.
The problem with saying “right wing authoritarians always believe lies, but we shouldn’t call them dumb” is everybody can read the unsaid part of that idea, “even though they are dumb”. If you start from that precept, don’t be surprised when more uninhibited and honest children take your worldview to its logical result. No matter how much you train them with “no no we don’t say that”
She SHOULD be judged extremely harshly I am sorry but this is just INSANITY. She has been completely detached from the life of a common folk like I can't even imagine wtf they are doing in the US atm. If you think Nazis are bad then this "liberal" bullsh*t is clearly worse, and these girls are suffering massively for the insane brainwashing.
It sounds like you have a long ways to go yourself, but I appreciate you at least trying to not regurgitate the propaganda you seem to be heavily believing in.
3:15 your school shouldnt even be allowed to talk about gender. Theres nothing it can say thats useful. Schools arent culture factories they are institutions of learning like real knowledge and facts not crybaby prog slop framing of your social priorities.
All around me were hallow eyes, tears streaming, people screaming out in anguish! Women clutched babes to their chests, and wept. The man from The Apprentice was now the 47th president. You're fired, he pronounced.
It's awesome that the boys are playing Minecraft, ngl. Build those castles homies. Do well in school!
As someone who voted Harris, these melodramatic grievances do not help the Democrats in any way. Why not interview some of the tens of millions of women or minorities who voted Trump, would be 1000x more interesting
Yeah, the perspective of the children of oligarchs is already presented to us enough (seriously, look up who her dad is - this is not a normal perspective)
As requested:
bingo....until you start digging deep and taking a good cold hard look at "DEI" "wokeness" and the supposed resurgence of unironic "neo-nazi style white supremacy" going and asking black trump voters, arab trump voters, gay trump voters, female trump voters, on and on....ill be saying this until they finally realize it. the democratic party isn't totally done for, but under the current conditions, as old honest abe said: you can only fool so many people at one time. if you think that america (quite literally the best option for a struggling minority from literally any culture or society on the globe) is the most racist fascist and evil prison state to have ever existed......i mean: you are just a fool, plain and simple. when a minority is fleeing oppression what is their first pick? saudi arabia? mexico? iraq? china? azerbaijain? no its fucking america.
Because why would you interview a bunch of racists and misogynists--nothing to learn from them. Might as well have interviewed a bunch of Nazis during World War II.
That's what so many Harris voters appear to think.
Good luck with that.
Whenever I tried to explain it, I was just called an Uncle Tom 🤦🏿♂️. Liberals don't want to know...only complain.
Even the domesticated boys in her school are not domesticated enough for her. This is hilarious.
Why do I get the sense this girl goes to an expensive private school and has grown up in immense privilege? This is why we’re losing elections 🤦
Because she actually does.
Make Privilege Great Again!
Assuming you are correct about her upbringing based on no real evidence, is your argument her opinion is invalid because of her up bringing? What is it about her argument you disagree with or is it simply the messenger?
@@3ld919she's talking about nothing but identity. Not one mention of economic issues, just the irrational fear she's been programmed to exemplify. Plus NYT would never talk to a working class or poor person unless they're being scolded for wrongthink.
"is your argument her opinion is invalid because of her up bringing? What is it about her argument you disagree with or is it simply the messenger?"
She's too out of touch with the average person to understand them.
I do not understand what point she was trying to make by describing the boys as riddled with acne, except to insult and be mean to them.
Girls get riddled with acne in adolescence too. The way I took it was that's the age when people are most obsessed with who they're supposed to be and who they want to be, so if DJT's "Grab 'em by the p....." brand of confidence is what teen boys see as making a man a winner, that's going to be really bad for the women and girls in their lives.
Someone told her in English class that adding specific details makes reading more interesting.
She was insulting and being mean to them
@@imbunche2008 Yes. Cliches all around.
you dont seem to have much experience with women
I’m as liberal as you can get.., this is really bad and actively made me want to turn it off the whole time.
Brainwashing children. What an art form, leave it to the experts to mold minds in the most annoying way possible: make a teenage girl more obnoxious than nature permits.
The vibe-economists at work trying to distract from the data showing none of them understands elections.
Why are we focused on the 2 million Dems who flipped Trump and not the 10 million Dems who didn't vote at all?
Why are 2 million black women who hate both candidates, 4 million Latina women who hate both candidates, and 5 million 18-29s who hate both candidates ignored?
Why are we ignoring that 3 million white men REPUBLICANS abandoned Trump and acting like the world hasn't moved an inch?
We have the numbers now, not just "shares" and we know voters only look more Republican because the Democrats lost their progressive base... and they were MOSTLY WOMEN.
speaking for all morons, this was cathartic
Not a critical question at all, but I wanted to ask you why? For me I’m intending to interview people I know on either side of the fence so as to educate myself, but the whirlwind of college and other stuff has made keeping track of all the points in my head recently hard to do. I am mostly curious for another person’s take.
@ it feels disingenuous. It also seems she’s so hyperaware of politics and is imagining everyone around her is too. They aren’t, they’re kids. Highlighting the divide between young men and woman too as if the men are the perpetrators and woman are the victims is sketchy. I understand that abortion rights are very important but if you want to get those rights back you need to have those young men on your side. Don’t “other” them.
But mostly I don’t like it because I come to the NYT to educate myself and hear good opinions from intelligent, thoughtful people. This is not that.
When your male classmate asks why girls are crying wouldn’t the better response be to answer his question? And to ask him why he’s not? I mean we shouldn’t expect others to read our minds or feel exactly as we do. This was an invitation into a discussion and you scoffed
I agree with your point, but she never said how or if she responded. @3:55
@@bradsillasen1972no she only “had 1 thought”…”
@@bradsillasen1972a question and an invitation to talk actually made her feel more disconnected. You can see why other commenters are going off on the dramatic nature of this
@@bradsillasen1972she also expects him to know what’s going on in the bathroom
Do you care about the issues boys your age are facing? Because the democrats surely don't
On the Democrats' "Who We Serve Page" there was one group that was notably absent. Care to guess who? Hint: they comprise about 49% of the population.
What is delicious about this whole post-election time is that Democrats seem to not be willing to find out where they went wrong. After Romney lost in 2012, Republicans learned from their mistakes and discarded the establishment Republican ethos that was a losing message.
Thank god these comments section make sense. Time to have actual conversations instead of avoiding anyone who doesn't agree with you.
I had a conversation with a US woman recently whom I haven't seen in a few years. Last time I saw her, she was fairly conservative, but now she seems to have changed to being liberal. Her fear is that Trump will ban abortion, and my telling her that a president can't do that served only to make her angrier. It went something like this:
Her: "Women are in danger now! Men never face danger or have the government try to control their bodies!"
Me: "Conscription."
Her: "Huh?"
Me: "Men have been forced to fight in wars for as long as there have been wars."
Her: "....oh yeah that's bad...but anyway, Trump is evil!"
And it went on like that. My take away from this is that this woman didn't even think of conscription, and it was pointed out to her, she dismissed it. She did this because she simply doesn't care about men, to the point that we wouldn't even enter into her thought process.
This anecdote should demonstrate how dangerous giving political power to woman can be. Firstly, this lady radically changed her political outlook based on nothing more than emotion and (I presume) peer pressure. However, she has also demonstrated an utter disregard for 50% of the population. What part of a mind like that should be given power?
A teenage girl overreacting. Stop the presses
NO! This story is about those acne pocked losers UNDERreacting!!
"Why don't other people share my emotions" is a common hurdle that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood.
The reality is nobody cares.
This oped makes the case that the voting age should be raised to 25.
And no women voting.
Raise it 75!!!!!
Because you told them you'd pick a bear over them. Should've asked the bear to care...
They're now screaming "Your body, my choice". They're proving women right for choosing the bear
@@alearnedman Nobody's screaming your body my choice except anon trolls.
@@alearnedman false - this is an urban myth propagandized by democrat activists
If you want to talk about objective, the fact that men feel more scary than bears is not about how common bear attacks are. It speaks to how common it is for men to coerce and abuse others. Sex isn't a mandatory life goal, yet we are so often taught in its name this is OK. Laws too often take our sides at nearly any immeasurable cost, and won't stop this without a tangible sea change in our cultural SYSTEM. Is it really any wonder that women fear us?
@@curhob nobody said anything about objective, but if you want to go that route, car crashes are far deadlier to women than men are on a daily basis, but I don't see women giving up driving en-mass or comparing cars to bears.
Furthermore, women will cry about the election, complain about men (just as the above video did), and ignore the fact that they need the male vote to win elections. You can't have it all, you can't demonize men then expect them to see your opinion as a worthy cause to vote for. It's a two way street bub. Either start treating men as human, or expect to lose their vote to someone who will.
My problem with this is that she talks like she's automatically entitled to men's support on her issues, when I doubt she's even thought about men's issues before.
We literally do not care. You can cry every day for the next four years we will not care. There is not a single thing you can say that will change that. You have to accept this and move on.
These little girls think that because everyone in America does not agree with their political stance that they are victims.
Did their parents ever tell them No? have they not yet learned in Life that you can't get what you want by crying?
The extreme sexism displayed to the male members of her class was astonishing, I guess fairness and equality only apply when these young ladies say it does
Can we also hear from female Trump supporters?
No female Trump voters get to have access to the nyt Editorial page UA-cam channel
That’d poke a whole in the narrative, so it isn’t gonna happen.
They've done that on The Run-Up numerous times.
Too pregnant and in the kitchen
This melodramatic, overwrought opinion piece is why we love that Trump won. This girl needs some exposure therapy. She shouldn't worry, she can still be crying at the side of her pool recording messages on her 1200$ iPhone while the working people in the country line up hundreds deep outside McDonald's for a job.
"hundreds deep outside Mcdonald's for a job" - LMFAO, when's the last time your elite behind has been in a Mcdonald's? The people that work there look like they've been given a death sentence. Or is the sudden dream job of working at Mcdonald's the result of Trump working the fry station and saying the job is great because "not touching the fries with your hands" is really cool.
This whiny narrative is why I stopped subscribing to the NYT years ago. Why oh why is this institution so obsessed with elevating the voices of those who claim to be oppressed?
"You've heard the news, here's what to make of it"? Disband the New York Times. It has no reason to exist.
Red State women, even the Kamala voters, were not acting this dumb.
They rejected cultural progressivism.
You don't know what you are talking about. 90% of the culture war rubbish this year was from the republicans. Liberals may be more culturally progressive, but most don't talk about it much. Almost all the crap about gender, sports and bathrooms came from republicans. They need to keep talking about that stuff because they have no ideas to make the lives of 90% of the population any better.
@@bitey-facepuppyguy2038 it's coming from parents and people on the ground experiencing this bizarre stuff that people are trying to normalize
@@timburr4453 From parents and people "on the ground"? As apposed to people on ships or plains or otherwise not "on the ground"?
@@bitey-facepuppyguy2038 higher plains
@@bitey-facepuppyguy2038 Don't take it too literally. Just means the normal people you communicate with in day to day life. It can be a person in an airplane or out on a ship too. The other parents I talk to, my coworkers, my friends etc
AI Essay
Now do an episode with a boy and let him tell you why he's so happy. Simple .
"Because we/my team won!"
"What do you believe does this mean for your and other students' future?"
"The girls'?"
The answer you seek was posted below. Hope that helps.
My entire adult life I have been vilified for simply being a guy. The amount of bigotry EVERYWHERE is stunning. It makes me instantly angry at hearing or seeing any of it now after decades of it. Blatant discrimination. Snide. Arrogant. Condescending. Enough!
As another junior in high school, I’m far from happy.
@@rbu2136this reply would be the entire episode, so that’s why it’ll never happen
"breathing exercises in the all gender bathroom"
At this point just strap in for Colin Kaepernick/ Dylan Mulvany 2028
Its true. In order to urinate with girls talking to you, it takes some slow steady breathing to get the stream going.
I was sipping my kombucha boba smoothie outside of the omni gender identity lounge when Anais Rand, my 2 spirit genderqueer social coequal, asked me if they could borrow an extra tampon for their armpit in case it decided to spontaneously start weeping existential grief tears.
hahahaha very well written...the tampon in the armpit is actually sort of genius.
Incel much?????
@@3ld919 You can do better than a trite cliche. Say something truly clever and thoughtful and insightful. Apply yourself. You can do it!
True, I was there!
4:30 why bring up an all-gender bathroom? seems odd to specifically point that out
I'm a Gen Z man and I care about Trump's win - I was absolutely elated! MAGA!
This is why he won.
True. Did you notice the name? This is Peter Beinart's daughter. The anti-Israel Jewish man Peter Beinart. His son Ezra has been on Zoom calls with Rashida Talib.
You are being educated to be an emotionally incontinent person, unable to deal with defeat and letting yourself be overtaken by your projections and worst fears. You are unprepared to become an adult and face reality, because you are being taught that reality may bend to your ideological fantasies.
This is an electoral defeat, not the end of the world, girl, get a hold of yourself and become someone who is able to fight back, if there is something to fight back against. Because if this all the emotional fortitude you and your friends can muster, crying in the bathroom like your school is a therapeutic space for your anxieties, then you will taste defeat again and again.
And here was I thinking that girls matured faster than boys.
@@MyriadColorsCM she doesn't have to worry. She doesn't have to deal with the world. Father is worth 100s of millions of dollars. She will just become another rich oligarch out of touch with reality.
@@koryano321 - Is Peter Beinart really worth that much? I can't find a figure but he seems to be just a journalist.
Maybe it's because US politics and society have been gynocentric for well over a decade and most guys are tired of women being put on pedestals while they're being told how awful they are.
Lol this is ridiculous. This girl clearly has some serious, serious issues with herself that have nothing to do with politics
I've listened to this several times now I've been processing what she's saying she thinks the world is like and it's almost beyond parody of what I thought a woke high school kid thinks like.
I am sad that our youth live in a morass of identity bullshit and she can't figure out that the people around here aren't upset because they aren't collectivist idetarians
Why can't she just yell "How dare you!" at the government like a normal 16 year old girl?
Who do this kid's parents know on the NYT editorial board to get this B grade high school essay published?
B is kind.
I'm not sure but her daddy is Peter Beinart. So definitely she is privileged and has connections to journalism.
The all gender bathroom took me out of it hahahahahhaha
She was taught to be descriptive in her writing. Just "bathroom" wouldn't have painted a sufficiently vivid picture.
@@Zellis666 Over exaggeration. Akin to lying yet could earn an A in school. ha!
I thought it was offensive to use female/male when speaking about people? Very sexist of her /s
Across the world a 16 year old is expected to behave like an adult or even be an adult full stop. You're not a child, stop sniffling, pick up your bags and get on with it.
Boys didn’t have bodily autonomy when their mothers decided to cut off the tip of their penises as a newborn. We all didn’t have bodily autonomy when they decided to require vaccines (c*vid and others). Would this girl agree that this is also problematic? Probably not
So are you saying circumcision is good then? Most women like this do think it’s a disgrace by the way.
@ it’s a barbaric practice
this had to have been written by ChatGPT
Nah it was written by a teenager girl this is how they think this is the deeply cringe world view of naive emotionally manipulated children.
This level of cringe should not be possible.
NYT will find a way to be even more cringe
I assume the next one will be a conservative girl's reaction to the results?
Conservatives girls don't exist
There is plenty of conservative opinion pieces on NYTimes opinion.
Why would you think that?
@Goosebone I think it's mostly a point about how, in a country where about half of women voted each way, this election being framed as male vs. female is not accurate. Statistically there are about as many women crying over the result as celebrating, and same for men, the framing of this piece as women in despair just isn't a good understanding of reality.
“The boys in my class have a healthier relationship with national elections than the girls”
That is what i just posted...the young guys ain't getting action so they turned to old-man's politics to get their rocks off.
@stoneneils not sure how that would work
More straightforward answer is that boys score lower in neuroticism so they are less prone to things like fits of sadness.
@@williambickelmann6554 Its called catharctic release of masculine aggression from testosterone. The same reason some boxers/miltary don't have sex for days before a bout. Let me put it more bluntly...after orgasm what trump or biden said REALLY doesn't matter lol.
Women want men to care about their problems, yet they never once stop to consider what young men are struggling with. And you wonder when young men don't care...
Please expound on the issues.
Young men are soft, selfish, and incredibly naive. That's all I see. But I'm not saying it's their fault. We need role models and a healthy culture in which to raise our kids.
There is a LOT of funding behind the right wing male influencers/role models/pundits. Much more than the more liberal or progressive sides.
Nick Fuentes was hosted by Donald Trump. Margery Taylor Greene spoke at his hate fest.
@@dhoffman4955 nah. I'm good. I've faced enough apathy that I'm tired of explaining this issue further. Do your own research instead.
@@Secret_Takodachilol @ “do your own research.”
Asking for clarification is just as much “research” as is watching poorly made conspiracy videos about secret cabals of baby eating democrats is “research.”
They keep making the same mistake over and over again: Not everything is about you. Nothing will ever change if you expect other people to adapt to your point of view, without you being willing to ever even consider the other persons point of view. try it sometimes, you might even learn something and finally get out of your own personal bubble.
We are a nation of drama queens. That's why Trump got elected Democrats are currently in agony like drama queens 4 years ago Republicans were in agony like drama queens. Everyone's looking for a reason to be in agony agony agony agony if it weren't for bad luck we'd have no luck at all misery and agony are bearing down on us all. This year could be the best year of my life I'm going to double my income❤😊
Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me
@3:00 "they dont make seksist jokes in public" yeah they are well-trained but that doesnt mean they necessarily think like you.
For example, i think that religious people are (generally) backward. However, I dont scream "there is no god!" every time I pass a church or mosque. People have public lives and private lives.
Lmao yeah they dont make the jokes in public but dudes tend to say some wild shit in private
@@HarryMonn I make sexist jokes in public...nothing is funnier than seeing gen-z react with utter shock and disbelieve that i had the audacity.
@@stoneneils That's not nice.
@@mikeg9b Nice is precisely your problem and why you are facing four more years of Trump.
Your body is still fully under your control. If you don't want to risk pregnancy, don't have sex or only have sex with very good birth control. Don't expect that someone else should lose his or her life because of your mistake.
It sounds like the boys are just a bit more well adjusted than OP
It sounds like the Boys have a life outside political and social "battels"
After hearing this, I say repeal the 19th Amendment.
i've been saying this for decades now, and i'm not even American.
Two things. This piece shows us the amount of connection that social media truly has on the youth, for good or bad.
Second, the author completely discounts that she is talking about male adolescents. Who can't vote. The very nature of how males and females view the world around them is different. Females mature faster and are breed to be more aware of the emotional connections between themselves and others. Males' emotional intelligence is not that high at 16. These are basic principles of human development.
I come here for the lulz. An alternate reality that is from another planet. No kid ever called another kid: "pre-teen". Oh my so much fun when we make up reality.
When I was a youth I encountered many preteens in my travels. By the way, what kind of school has both preteens (12 at the oldest) and 16 year olds (high school).
Cope, we did it again anyway
I voted Kamala but Trumps been saying hes gonna put abortion to the states. Just go to a blue state youll be fine.
You can't abort this kid, she's already 16. Its to late.
Ah yes, just move. Most people have the finances, the readily available jobs, the community, the family connections and gas money to just move states whenever they want. Why are you all so flippant? So comfortable with women's rights being completely eroded?
She lives in New York City. She could sacrifice her newborn to Moloch on the steps of City Hall and they'd throw a parade.
Abortion has been at the state level for two years already. It was nothing to do with Trump or Harris and you were lied to thinking your vote would codify any sort of abortion legislation either way. It is not a Federal issue.
@@casmatori Right. At the Federal level abortion is at present a money generating, donor getting, talking point. Its not a Federal thing like it once was.
Akin to voting for President because one campaigns on what types of toilets you have in your house.
Oh sod off. The paranoia and hysteria these kids have been brainwashed with is outstanding. You’d think with all this abortion debacle that all girls from 13 years on are ready to have sex 24/7 and have daily abortions…you’d also think abortion is the most wonderful thing ever “invented” and you’d think that there’s no possible to prevent unwanted pregnancy unless is via abortion.
Girls of all ages are SAd. I was around 11/12 when grown men started leering at me, touching me inappropriately and shouting things out of cars at me. So yeah, it MATTERS. This assumption that the only reason anyone ever gets an abortion is because they were having such a wonderful time having unprotected sex, then the next day regretted it is - I don't have a polite word for it. End of the day, there are dozens, maybe tens of dozens of reasons why abortion is critical to women's health, and it's a basic human right to get medical care. So yes, it matters a great deal to have other people decide that for you in ways that no man would ever accept. Imagine if society decided men were not allowed to get vasectomies, because that would end the life of all those millions of unborn babies in his testes. That'd be ridiculous, right? As is anyone having any say over this. Girls and women have every reason to be afraid of a society that is ever more comfortable removing their humanhood. Do you have any idea how many birth control methods fail? The lengths women go to in order to prevent pregnancies with chemicals and implants and condoms that men take off, or that break. Just STOP.
@@Dontstopbelievingman As a former criminologist who focused on women's issues, I am extremely sick and tired of feminists using sexual assault leading to pregnancy, which is absurdly rare, as a defense of elective abortions that are primarily the result of a hedonistic, materialistic culture that eschews personal responsibility and maximizes short-term pleasure seeking behavior.
The reality is that most abortions are a result of women engaging in promiscuous behavior without regards to long term consequences due to poor parenting, a lack of moral structure, and culture that relentlessly promotes hyper-sexuality as the feminine ideal.
Here's a wild idea: Don't sleep with men you wouldn't consider having a long term relationship and children with. Don't _act like_ a person who would consider sleeping with a man they wouldn't have a long term relationship with. Just STOP.
Why would anyone care what some 16 year old girl’s opinion is on politics!? 😂
It's utterly baffling that news outlets keep covering the political opinions of literal children. CNN asked elementary schoolers the same question not too long ago.
You want to know why young women are reacting like this, read the comments here.
If you want to know why young men don't care about your finger-wagging anymore, read self deletion stats. Or college enrollment stats. Or dating app stats.
The problem is, its not all young women, this needs to be contended with. Not to say I dont share this girls sentiment, but there is something that isnt being addressed on why so many women voted for Trump. On top of that I think there needs to be a similar video from a boys prospective
Oh comments the horror
The country just shat themselves in the elevator, and they're mad at us for not understanding why. Trump supporters here whine about empathy but fail to understand why girls understandably feel this way. Maybe you ARE actually the fucking problem and it's a failure of your imagination. I'm seeing a lot of teenage boy energy in the comments.
@@JohnSmith-tw6po What finger-wagging?
girl when you compare the future to a tv show, we know you can't be serious
This is so overdramatic. Totally overblown. If kids were taught history at all these days, they'd realize how priviledged and sheltered they all are. Living in the top 1% of human history mean you get to create and manufacture issues and causes to fight for. You poor fragile little angels.
yeah totally fake issues like "the right to your own body"
This is all bullshit. This is not the testimony of a 16 year old but that of a bitter 50 something feminized cosplaying. I have a 13 year old daughter and she is very aware of the world around her. She sounds nothing like this. She is, as are all her girlfriends and guy friends, MAGA! They lived thru the Covid plandemic, had their lives ruined by Karen's masquerading as teachers, and despaired at the future they were selling. No one was more excited about Trump's victory. Why? Because Trump restored her hopes for a brighter future, a future where she, and not some control freak from DC, we determine her destiny.
@@olivertomkins503 Exactly. Thanks for that wonderful example. We no longer live in an age of arranged marriages or child brides, and yet the murder of infants is treated as if it is some sort of defining line between tyranny and freedom.
I think its admirable that they care so much at such a young age. They see wrong, and their first action is to try and step up and do right. Isn't that something we should be proud of?
Issues like the lazy job-stealing immigrants and the self-inflicted failure of late stage capitalism being blamed on the poor and downtrodden?
What is this? This is not even an opinion from a journalist, it’s a straight up fairytale.
You must not read many opinion articles if you're asking that question.
Just because a child is talking doesn't mean that the contents of her speech is childish.
@@miwiarts this is emotionally stunted childishness. hysterics
The country's not going to turn into the Handmaid's Tale.
They don’t believe you. They don’t believe you because you’re overreacting.
A teenage girl overreacting? OMG your crazy
She's ovary-acting (credit - some anonymous internet wag - not me)
"I'm 14 and this is deep"
"Not all guys were ignorant". What a useless comment.
This is an amazing victim building podcast.
"It's not how many times you get knocked down. It's how many times you get back up."
Every man must know this rule.
Get up. Or get out of the way.
Minecraft is pretty dope.
Well, this just really sucks. I was in middle school when Trump was first elected, and I was just starting Uni when Biden defeated him in 2020, and from what i've noticed, the guys in my generation really do care about this. Some support Trump, most are vehemently anti-Trump, but none I can say are ignorant or apathetic. Most of my guy friends right now are as freaked out as anyone I've seen so far. The fact that boys in younger generations feel more, or appear to feel more apathetic about this really makes me feel terrible. I keep reading articles and seeing statistics about suicides and loneliness and feelings of apathy, hopelessness, anger, and despair in young people, and in young men especially, and I feel like the experiences of Naomi is another puzzle piece in what is shaping up to be a pretty ugly and concerning picture. I don't believe these boys don't care - i've had so many private one on one conversations with guys in my life who are furious about Trump winning again, as well as some who are cheering him on, and almost all of them never talk about this stuff in public, or bring it up themselves. Almost all of them are afraid of opening up controversy, or being judged, or being misinterpreted, when all of them, even the Trump supporters, are in my view decent, friendly people.
Why aren't these high school boys talking, and why don't they care as openly as the girls do? Do these boys feel like they can say what's on their mind? Do they feel like they're being listened to? Do they have spaces where they can talk about what they want to talk about, sort through how they feel about politics, their personal issues and anxieties, without being judged, or labelled as something? I suspect that they don't.
As a guy, I can't begin to understand what a second Trump term feels like for a woman. My personal liberties are, for now, not directly in his policy crosshairs, although I have no doubt that that could change in the future. The last thing I want to do is point fingers across the aisle about how its the women who should be listening more, or how they are somehow responsible for any of this, because it's not that simple and it's just not fair. God knows none of this is Naomi's fault or responsibility. However, I can say with certainty that these younger boys don't seem to be doing so ok.
I believe everything Naomi says here, and I think she's got some serious guts for saying it, but I do disagree with her conclusions. I don't believe for a second that these younger boys don't care, and I would like to see more curiosity and reflection from the Democrats regarding how and why these people aren't so engaged by their messaging. I would like to see us guys maybe step up more, listen to each other more, and reach out to the other dudes in our lives who maybe aren't doing so hot, especially the younger boys. A son or a nephew. A younger brother. A neighbor. I think Naomi was very right in pointing out the role of sisterhood in fighting cynicism and isolation, and I can't say I feel that kind of community among men. If the "issues of men," as its increasingly being called, are to remain purely an internal affair among guys, then we need brotherhood now more than ever. We can't continue to cultivate this image of these boys as careless, toxic, or simply ignorant of the issues of girls. Although some may very well be just that, the majority are not, and most certainly not the kids. We can't do this because we will be pushing them to people like Trump, but more importantly, because it's just plain wrong. We hold a moral obligation to listen to and understand one another. The dignity of recognition and being seen and heard without being judged is as necessary for life as food and water.
Although this election represented the triumph of some pretty ugly and dirty politics in the US, I think it's also partly a wake up call to the Democrats; that they haven't been listening as closely as they thought they we're, that they weren't as understanding as they thought they were, and that maybe it's time to double check the big party tent, just make sure there aren't any holes, and that we haven't left anyone stuck standing in the sun.
It was progress, I hope, that you expressed yourself in a comment. The other side was granted a NYT Opinion piece.
if you wanna know why young men voted for Trump, simply look at how the left talks about them and regards them. There is no reason for me to vote for an ideology that hates us, wants to repress our masculine nature and tries to ritually humiliate us in the workplace and campus.
I don't believe that so many girls were crying in her high school. This is a creative writing exercise not a telling of events.
This girl is out of touch with reality, but it's not her fault. She's been thoroughly brain-washed
Maybe watch some Sesame Street before you start commenting. Absolutely not the way to respond to someone who is feeling hurt or scared, regardless if you agree with the reasons for that fear. Show some sympathy or empathy.
@@MispeledStalionLOL no you don’t coddle delusion
@@MispeledStalionI do when it’s someone on the internet
Guess you have not much contact with the Christian Taleban
Every personal perspective that doesn't align with my narrow worldview is brainwashing grr
Its tragic that this child has been brainwashed so thoroughly.
Shes not. Shes factually grounded unlike the supporters and victims of a fascist conman
@@IamBrixTMwhat do you call democrats then? Because they are the other side of the same coin. Corrupt, traitorous, liars.
@IamBrixTM her hysterical screed is full of untruths.
There are things to worry about, but she is unhinged.
@@ropeburnsrussell No shes not. Point to any untruth. Aside from what offends your sensibilities.
@IamBrixTM she says abortion rights have been taken away, that is not true.
There is one for you.
16 year old girls are known to be far from rational and reasonable. This just felt like a diatribe of an angry teenage girl.
sooooo melodramatic.....such a marker of lack of perspective.
Teens and pre teens shouldn’t be this involved in politics. Be a kid.
Her brother Ezra (18) does Zoom calls with Rashida Talib. Their father Peter Beinart has them way over-involved.
Officially stopped taking this seriously when she said she was 8 years old when he was first elected
A 16 year old girl shouldn’t have the expectation that she’ll need an abortion in the near future. As someone buying life insurance shouldn’t expect to die an early death. This says a lot about the mentality of the youth
Not to be crass, but who cares what some high school kids think????
Well, I care. Have you not heard about teen suicide? Don't be SO DISMISSIVE!
Big corporations that want to sell them stuff care what they think. Kind of
The comments are an exposé of this young lady’s experience.
You got that right.
Tell me why the young boys should care? Their families are probably struggling with the cost of living crisis
She wrote an op ed for the New York Times. She isnt owed breathless praise or agreement. Criticism and disagreement are actually GOOD things!
@@benm7270 Do you see disagreement, or do you see insults and mockery?
@@Cotote I think boys should care because this affects half the people in their lives. I hope they were raised well enough to worry for and care about how their friends, sisters, mothers, and cousins are doing. If they want a girlfriend or a wife, they are way more likely to get one by paying attention to how women are doing.
This is so so precious. The Democrats need to stop using fear, it's creating a generation afraid of their own shadow.
that's the point
A lot of the fear is unfounded. Its not what anyone wants to hear, but its what true..
a 16-year-old girl cried about the presidential election, what's wrong with this country
If Trump wouldnt have been already a president during 2016-2020, this reaction would have been just stupid, but since he already was, this is crazy
remind me about how women's rights over their own body were impacted out of the last trump presidency
@@olivertomkins503 How were they?
@@reuvenpolonskiy2544in several states, they're dead. Abortion isn't a large numbers game & every case is unique. Legislating reproduction is not good policy.
@@reuvenpolonskiy2544 Roe V Wade was overturned, which immediately enacted near total-abortion bans in 14 states. In 4 of those states (including the one I live in) you can't get an abortion past 6 weeks for any reason. Do you know how many women know they're pregnant at 6 weeks? VERY VERY VERY few (you have four weeks to see if you've missed your period, you wait another week to see if it's just stress, and then you learn you're pregnant but can't schedule an out-of-state appointment in time). Do you know how much can go wrong with a developing fetus between 6 and 40 weeks? But women are being forced to carry these babies to term or bleed out at home. Roe V Wade was overturned because of Trump's appointed judges. Real women die every day from pregnancy complications. In the US, 22 women died for every 100,000 live births. Chile has a similar maternal mortality rate. To put this into perspective, the maternal mortality rate in Turkmenistan is 5 deaths per 100,000 live births, in Spain it is 4, in Germany it is 3, and in Norway it is 1. I'm not even touching the rape issue here, but, how many 10 year old rape victims have to carry their rapist's baby to term before someone cares?
@@misterfunnybones Abortion is not a right for one's own body but for the body of the fetus. And there is no such right. And there was no legislation to enshrine or to cancel it, it was a judicial commentary that was retroactively discovered to be an error.
Maybe she could start by not deriding and demeaning the boys by describing them all as "acne ridden".
Such a mystery. Why would the boys who this girl hates don’t care she didn’t get were way. Can’t figure it out.
How do you know she "hates" those boys?
IDK. Who'd have thought playing Minecraft would've been preferable to listening to a paranoid brat whine all day?
Because they have no empathy?
@@PaulSullivan828 No, because they have portable game devices. Or ear plugs... either method would work. ^^
She said she didn't hate them. You live in your own world
Oldest trick in the book. Fear leads to irrational decisions and the misplacement of trust with charlatans and frauds. Take control of yourself and be positive - negativity will just get you more of the same forever.
Keep crying.
This cringe shit is so tiring 🤢
Just wear protection or abstain and you’ll be fine. You still have agency.
famously women never have sex against their will. it's not like you voted for a man who did that, or anything.
She lives in New York City. She could sacrifice her newborn to Moloch on the steps of City Hall and they'd throw a parade.
Please find some common sense and sanity
I am so stunning and brave. And sensitive and righteous.
just say you hate women and move on.
@harriiyo you are so stunning and brave. And sensitive and righteous.
I'm more stunning than you are.
Remember when a 16 year old girl said we'd all be dead from global warming by now
We only survived because of her!! She was the difference that saved us. If she didn’t speak up, we would literally all be dead right now. Can’t you see that?????
She said we wouldn't be able to come back from the effects by now.
In other news, scientists announced yesterday we are experiencing an, I quote, "Impossible number of heatwaves."
It's not a flex to be proudly uninformed, homie.
@@MrBazBake clearly the scientists don’t know what they’re talking about since it’s definitely possible to have an “impossible amount of heatwaves”
Simple solution, Don't have sex till your marriage.
I do not hear a child's opinion, I hear her parents through her.
Seems to be the opposite to me.
predator attitude
What’s this horrible nonsense dear god 😮
Must have been tough to be able to find a hysterical, emotional teenage girl. At least it will help liberals understand why boys support Trump
I don't get this whole overreacttiveness by girls and women. Would men cry if Harris won? I don't think so.
No. They would have gone to J6 2.0 because their racism and misogyny would have gotten the best of them.
Men aren't going to be forced to carry children against their will. They aren't being told their vote (which was pretty much guaranteed since the founding of the country for men, but only in the last century for women) will be taken away from them. They aren't being told to (metaphorically speaking) get back into the kitchen. There's definitely reasons those men SHOULD be worried, however. The taking away of the ability for the National Labor Relations Board to protect their hourly wages, the ability for unions to support the workers right to protest an unfair wage or working conditions. The loss to their parents and grandparents of Social Security payments (a system they paid into long before those boys were born and is considered an obligatory return). The gutting of the medical field through the taking away of basic provisions of health maintenance (vaccines) that have intergenerational return. The continued gutting of the CDC to make it so there is no protection with Bird Flu pops up in your area. The choice to cut back on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in favor of for-profit models (which would have the added ability to cut corners on good observational practices). NONE of this is hyperbole given what we know about his candidate choices and his past behavior in office.
Many would cry, or -- as we all know -- dress up in furs and invade the Capital.
If Harris won, men wouldn't be under the slightest threat of losing a GD thing, FFS.
I would... but then again, my mother was a drunk who used to beat me with a spatula when she stumbled through the door late night. Guess who her voice reminds me of...
Boohoo the world is big and scary, get a grip
Its giving Greta Thunberg
It's tough raising my daughters in a liberal household where I want them to share our values that make voting for someone like Trump a horrific thought, but also want them to think for themselves and form their own opinions. It's tough explaining to them why we feel Trump is a danger to democracy and our freedoms, but also that people who disagree with us are not simply bad people. That they aren't simply ignorant. Of course I still want them to understand how wide the partison gap is between educated and less educated voters, and how right wing authoritarian leaders in the early 1900s attacked the educated elite to distract the populace from the truth, just like they do today. But I don't want them to think everyone who disagrees with their views is just stupid. It's a hard balancing act.
I feel for the pain this young woman is feeling. I also wish her parents were doing a better job of helping her have empathy for those who disagree with her/their political views. I hope I do a better job too. Then again, I changed my political viewpoints significantly in my 20s, once I left the echo chamber of a small rural town. Judging a teenager too harshly is a pretty stupid thing to do.
@@kyleolson9636 I don't know that she's gone as far as thinking they're bad people, but teenagers tend to feel things incredibly earnestly, and I think she's in a moment where the lack of empathy or awareness hurts. To be honest, it hurts me too, but it's not the first time I've felt that emotion with this much clarity.
The problem with saying “right wing authoritarians always believe lies, but we shouldn’t call them dumb” is everybody can read the unsaid part of that idea, “even though they are dumb”.
If you start from that precept, don’t be surprised when more uninhibited and honest children take your worldview to its logical result. No matter how much you train them with “no no we don’t say that”
She SHOULD be judged extremely harshly I am sorry but this is just INSANITY. She has been completely detached from the life of a common folk like I can't even imagine wtf they are doing in the US atm. If you think Nazis are bad then this "liberal" bullsh*t is clearly worse, and these girls are suffering massively for the insane brainwashing.
@@xanderjanz so..... How do you expect people to disagree with right wing authoritarians, then?
It sounds like you have a long ways to go yourself, but I appreciate you at least trying to not regurgitate the propaganda you seem to be heavily believing in.
3:15 your school shouldnt even be allowed to talk about gender. Theres nothing it can say thats useful. Schools arent culture factories they are institutions of learning like real knowledge and facts not crybaby prog slop framing of your social priorities.
All around me were hallow eyes, tears streaming, people screaming out in anguish! Women clutched babes to their chests, and wept. The man from The Apprentice was now the 47th president. You're fired, he pronounced.
This definitely happened
Women had this. So many failed to vote or even voted for him. Please explain their self destructive behavior.