You asked for comments Sunny.....' I hope my - 20 minutes of - rambling has brought you more clarity'. Oh, if I could riff like you! More clarity was gained in this 20 minutes than over half a century of dipping in and out of monasteries, ashrams, yoga centres...Just discovered your channel a week or so ago, what a treasure trove 🙏 Calm, gentle, egoless teaching. Thank you.
Very deep and very clear Sunny! The older this body/mind gets the more there's an attraction to these deeper teachings since in a few years I'll be 70... Wow! I feel drawn more and more to realising my true Self before "I leave".. but as you would say, there's nothing leaving since the true Self was never born and can never die. I understand Sunny.. I understand. You're a brilliant teacher, keep up the good work 🙏
Mind is a very tricky thing and will do everything to survive. When I go on evening walks I will try to be a witness and exactly during that time mind will generate a lot "useful" thoughts which I cannot ignore. That is minds way of getting us engaged. The birds chirping and the vehicles moving at a distance will just pass through the mind without losing myself but when "thoughts" come they have the capacity to take the mind away which shows that we are invested in our thoughts so they have the capacity to take us away. And then I decided to treat all thoughts no matter their usefulness as "noise" while I am on walks so that I can stay present. Probably that helps but I am not sure.
Sunny, I just wanted to say thank you for your teachings. After years of seeking and meditating, today I woke up feeling a deep sense of beingness-something I remember from childhood but that had always been clouded by thoughts, emotions, and identity. The concepts I’ve held onto for so long seem to have dissolved, and the ‘I’ has spontaneously shined through. Although my mind still pulls me away at times, your teachings have helped me shed many blockages. Listening to your videos during my lunch walks has become a form of meditation for me. Thank you for helping me reconnect with this beautiful silence.
I love your talks and this one just flowed with my life of trying to dwell more and more in the real self, awareness, and ignore the thinking. You’ve changed the way I meditate. I’ve gone along, disciplining myself to mediate twice a day and fell into a good habit but always the same result, chipping away at the frequency of thinking. Then recently during meditation, time went away, I came out of a light gray place where no thought had been happening. A half hour had passed but this was not dissociation. It resembled awakening from deep sleep where the mind also was not present and I arose rested and happy.
These ramblings so resonant to me. I have been finding myself more and more in the now with my meditations but sometimes begin to feel something is wrong. I will be existing with no thoughts, no sense of past or future, no pain or suffering and yet I do not know if there is something I am missing. It seems too easy. Still in the experiencing of my person I’ve gotten much better at not letting things bother me. One of the things you taught me was to stop and ask to whom is this so important and why. Always seems to come back to the mind. I need to learn to add that space between the seer and doer better or they mix up too easily
I've got so used to your guided meditation that I cannot achieve the same level of calmness and beingness while meditating on my own. It's like I start to replay the guided meditation in my head and I start hearing your voice guiding me. And whenever I want to be aware of being aware I start mentally repeating that "I know this object" or "I know that I know this object" then this cycle of mentally saying this never stops
Those thoughts are something of which there is effortless, silent awareness. Awareness does not speak. All things spoken, there is awareness of. Sit without guidance twice per day. Don't rely on guidances :)
Dear Sunny, thank you for this great video again. One can sense that you're always talking from your own recognitions and insights. With so much patience and in always different ways, words and expressions you're trying so hard to help and enable us to come to this recognition our true nature and identification.. Not only that, you keep reminding us to carefully watch, how easily we can lose ourselves in personhood again. I am so grateful to Life to know you as my teacher. Your teaching is always so clear and precise without too much elaboration around it. Thank you so much. Love and greetings to you from Germany and to all who are and will be watching this video.😊😊
Mind can only recognize mind chatter. Being present and aware you recognize your true identity. Every video is a gem, totally enjoy. Thank you, GOD BLESS
I really want to thank you for your videos. I have been living in my mind for a long time. I started meditating and feeling better but still seemed like something was missing. I am starting to see more who I am now with your words. Thank you so much!
The only thing that comes to mind while meditating is how long will I have to do this to actually break free of the identification and experience the SELF.
A way I like to think of the true self is. The true self which is awerness expirience a 4d VR movie. ( Whatever the main character sees, the awerness sees the same. Whatever physical or emotional experience the main character goes throw , the same same experience has the awerness)😅
Thankyou sunny for the video, you have explained it in a simpler way.everytime I watch your video it gives me a more clarity about who am I and what is more important.
Dearest Sunny .. I'm writing this comment for those of us who know we are close but still .. despite trying and trying have not yet been able to let go of identification with ego and body. The only answer for me is to trust that Source knows what it is doing. I know from spiritual experiences with the Christ Consciousness that if I would immediately .. right now ... attain my Real Self .. I would not physically survive the experience. My consciousness is not ready. So I swallow my frustration and go forward daily dropping things .. pushing .. insisting .. judging .. spiritual ego .. the list goes on and on. will I ever make it? In this lifetime? Maybe yes, maybe no. I'm beginning to let go of my childish demands that it happen now. Thank you .
I'm still in the same boat myself by the way. No realization. But there's no more questions the mind could possibly ask or want to seek after one of Sunnys questions got answered last night. Realized with out realization... Theres no more knowledge I could possibly gather anyway. And the mind couldn't have been who answered that one. Lol its had 13 years of searching and trying to though. Only to go work to day and have the most insane childish out burst that I just went ahead and let fly for the hell of it. Lol wow. Its just all I can think of is just wow. Any how. I clicked this video again and seen your post. 😊 Not planning on watching anything else on the subject. I think left to its own the time it will happen. Like you said. And ive also had the same feeling about it happening to soon. Just last week in fact.. So I'm just gonna sit back watch the sun set tonight and relisten to this one. One more time. And if nothing happens other then the ego shuts up for a little while. Then il consider that a win. And if I melt into the sunset. Well that will be fine to. Though I did take off tomorrow cause this child needs to go camping at the lake for some R and R in nature. Obviously lol
@@Insanity889mind analyses but when u sit still ask the universe to answer you wil get them automatically without the knowledge which we know has been stored in .. that knowledge which we refer as library says good bad right wrong is ego but u have to get into a state where u have to open to universe and ask answers and they flow in that's the universal consciousness state where no ego is present but all answers are present try that it's meditation or concentration
Yes, this film was helpful for me… especially a vision of „landscape” consisting of the world, and „my” body and „my” mind - as one, uniform picture: ) Thank you…l
Sunny, it is helpful. Your videos are a revelation, and I am greatfull to discover them. I try to meditaye while listening, letting the words flow, some i miss, but i listen several times.. thank you very much!! Keep it up
Very precise and clear instructions that truly helps me to identify the mind, i hope by constantly differentiate myself from the mind as you pointed out, I'll be able to experience what i truly am. Thank you
Truly Thankful this consciousness resonates deeply with these words 💗💗💗( the mind couldn’t bring in i, you while writing this comment as the Subtler sense was watching. Please do go on and on 🙏🏼how very rare are such videos)
Edited to say thank you Sunny. That is one of the best videos ive seen. I love Deep. Ive always felt yours. I new you where a great teacher first time i seen one of your videos. But this one triggered a deep understanding of somthing in me.. and i feel sure youll trigger me into full on realization soon enough. I still havnt fully replayed this one yet with that entent. Or maybe i should say with no entent. I Tried last night but life got in the way. The first time i heard it I stoped when the understanding hit me. Tried to replay later that night but stoped and just took notes of the many questions you posed that the mind couldnt answer. That in it self could be its undering. Yesterday i fed them to it like a montra every time i thought if it. But by all means stay Deep some of us need that Deep direct pointing. Becuase you triggered a response to the secound biggest question ive ever had. The first one started this journey 13 years ago. When somthing answered me and said you are God. Not good on a christians nerves to say the least. But one way to change your beliefs in a secound. When you know to the core of your being it is true. But i couldnt fill in how that could be true. Untill the middle of your video. The mind didnt have a word to add to anything. It couldnt but somthing else happened rite then. The biggest understanding i or anyone could have ever have. And it finally eneded my 13 year search for how everything is God. It all merged into an understanding atleast. The mind has nothing left to search for. Literally thousands and thousands of hrs of youtube video on anything and everything spiritual i could find. Many experiences like the first but only to be swolled back into the ego again. Not knowing it was the problem all along. I feel sure it will desolve soon enough. Thank you!
I love this video and the questions you ask; however for me whether the thoughts are there or I am just watching them not attached the sensation of physical pain from arthritis and neuropathy are more present all over the body. My friends say when they are present they are at peace I am not at peace with those sensations. They of course are healthier. Thank you for the video.
I love this! These freestyles give me kind of a subtle, nebulous, gentle word cloud in which to float as peaceful awareness. More of this, please! 🙏🕊🥰🫶 🌥 🌌⛅️🌤🌟 And thank you so much, Sunny. Listening to you has helped me dis-identify from the mind more than anyone else 🤍🕊🌥
Excellent attempt to convey the message of self awareness . How to apply for daily workings life activities. The your sincerity for the awareness message of j.d krishnMurthy and Nisargatta maharaj is appreciated. Thank you for this divine services.
Jesus Taught..God is Within You. Jesus also Taught..Forgive and you will be Forgiven. This is an Energy Universe. You will Recieve Peace through Forgiveness and everything you need. Couldn’t ask more than that! 😊❤
Is prana the source of one's identity? Because when prana leaves the body, then the mind, body, thoughts cease to exist. And they begin to exist when prana enters
Oh, free oracle of priceless wisdom! Lol. Seriously though, is consciousness dependent upon body senses or/and does consciousness exist independently of the physical human body? ✌🏻🧡
I can't get this! I'm not the mind I'm not the thinker, ok got that! I am the awareness got that! So how do we function without relating to the mind? the real self isn't the mind? Sorry I'm not clever enough to grasp this and I have been trying to meditate for and I can be free of thoughts for reasonable amounts of time but I'm not able to go deeper?Please Help! I can't attend your free online school.❤
How do you distinguish that voice from your intuition? This is such a struggle for me. I can’t tell if my mind or intuition is trying to protect me or sabotage me.
This is a great talk, thank you. I resonated with it and took notes from this. But I got questions... how do I move on with my life ( this egoic personality's life ) because at the end we are all in this illusional reality. We have to take care of our lives, pay rent, be healthy. We can't just be the awareness in this reality sit in a room or under a tree, like many of the ancient teachers did in the past. It would be great hear how to move on with our lives and achieve things and have a better life. I understand this better life I am seeking is part of the egoic identity. But we are here in this reality, we can't just say it does not exist. We do have our desires and dream. Hopefully you will talk about it in the future, if you already did please connect me to that talk.
Simply stay present, the ego can't stay there. Example; washing the car I'm involved within the present moment with no projection into the future of when or how it will look when finished. I find many other Non-personal thoughts arising automatically and eventually I found that I was just watching while the body goes through the motions. Quite liberating.
One question. Isn’t even the “I am” sense something that is perceived within awareness, or that which is? You say awareness is silent, so in its deepest nature can it even sense “I am”? It seems attending only to the I-sense, the root thought, allows the mind to dwell near its source and prevents it from being outwardly turned, but the true Being is beyond even the mind’s sense of “I am.” So our “job”, as awareness appearing as mind-ego, is to turn it towards its source, surrendering involvement in identifying with that which is perceived, but the true “final” surrender, if it exists or can be spoken about, cannot be done by us as “I am”, but that silent Beyond which consumes even the “I am” sense. Beautiful talk, thoughtful, helpful, profound, thank you, and thank you for your service. 🩵
Maybe it’s the difference between identifying as the limited “I” of mind and the unlimited “I” of being-awareness and by observing the I you are actively being the observer and not the participating, role-playing limited I. Not sure if this makes sense but maybe it does. Thanks.
Consciousness is not a “thing”, it is a description (concept) of the mind for awareness of phenomena. This phenomena is not “choosing” anything (as such) - no more then water chooses its path to the sea. There is just THIS, apparently happening. The mind creates a conceptual self that gives the appearance of a fixed entity that is “choosing”. This is the illusion. AKA “How am I choosing?” makes no sense. No-one is choosing. And there is awareness of that. The concept “you” makes this topic very confusing for the mind to grasp.
There are two types of thought... One is the personal mind, where there's thoughts of worry, fear, anxiety and looking back into the past, or projecting forward into the future. These are the ones that belong to the individual, the person, ego. The other type of thoughts are functional. These are harmless, they are impersonal and are concerned with the Present Moment for things that are essential to function properly in life. They tend to appear when needed... Example; What groceries to get for the family? Remember that dental appointment, check if there's enough gas in the car. Time to pick up the kids from school.. the lawn needs cutting.. etc..etc. These functional thoughts pop-up in the present moment and are impersonal.
@@RobbeyT1 I almost got my answer. Kindly can clear one more doubt. Whenever I start self enquiry I get stuck to the question. For eg : I started with I am not this, this is perceived, but gradually I begin to ask who is the one that is doing inquiry. Who is the one speaking inside me. Because speaking is also perceived and the one making self inquiry is also perceived then what... I really get stuck in that loop because if the one who inquires is perceived then how can he is doing inquiry if he is not the real one. Also can consciousness speaks ??
@@spirituality8823 Hope you can read all this...sorry in advance.. You're in confusion because you're taking ALL thoughts to be from the ego mind and you think ALL thoughts have to be questioned.. but they're not ALL from the ego. You've gone over enthusiastic ! 😃 Direct, present moment thoughts are coming from consciousness (or the Being that you are), they are innocent and functional, they serve a purpose. Example; in meditation when thoughts suddenly arise and you ask a Direct question like "Who's thoughts are these?" that question is NOT from the ego mind... it's from "you", consciousness/Source. Infinite consciousness (or the truth of who you are) is silent, it doesn't speak, it is the void, pure, infinite One-ness or the No-thing from where everything in form appears. Also what appears is your mind in order for One-ness to experience a dualistic world of form. So your mind is an instrument through which consciousness (Your true Self) knows the dualistic world of form. However, since early childhood, you've taken this Being-ness or consciousness to be who you are and have overlaid it with a name, a history, an identity, with all it's fears, anxieties, hates and wants etc. Self enquirery is to separate your false ego self from the truth of who you are as consciousness. So, these Direct questions are from consciousness and meant to be "rhetorical"... They're not suppose to give answers, they are just statements... and so you don't expect an answer. Any answer that appears in mind will be coming from the mind. It's like the mind trying to understand what the mind is not, through using the mind... a confusing loop. 🙏
I asked zen master if self inquiry which focuses on the Self is similar to zen meditation focus on emptimess, his answer was , they are totally different And completely the same. What did he mean by this answer?
Does love and kindness and truth comes forth out of the reality of the Real Self? Then are these same ideas which we push from our human personality a falseness which only promotes the pain and suffering we experience?
Yeah, well there is No such a thing as "too late". That's a totally dualistic statement and to do with the false concept of time, nothing to do with truth.
Sunny... Can THE SELF talk ?..or it's always silent ? Can the awareness think ?...or it's just Silence?... A great confusion to me..please help sunny 🥺
Thank you friend... So (also a thought) how do you interact with the outer world..?.. Like I still in school so I have to study and take exams.. What about them?
You asked for comments Sunny.....' I hope my - 20 minutes of - rambling has brought you more clarity'. Oh, if I could riff like you! More clarity was gained in this 20 minutes than over half a century of dipping in and out of monasteries, ashrams, yoga centres...Just discovered your channel a week or so ago, what a treasure trove 🙏 Calm, gentle, egoless teaching. Thank you.
Love this, yes Sunny has a way of delivering the teachings so there is so much clarity and wisdom. ❤
I agree he so good at it . Unlike any other .. it just feel like he genuinely wants us to learn and grow
Sit in silence and understand that there is nothing to understand. The mind is full of concepts and silence teaches you that you are not the mind.
Very deep and very clear Sunny!
The older this body/mind gets the more there's an attraction to these deeper teachings since in a few years I'll be 70... Wow! I feel drawn more and more to realising my true Self before "I leave".. but as you would say, there's nothing leaving since the true Self was never born and can never die. I understand Sunny.. I understand.
You're a brilliant teacher, keep up the good work 🙏
Mind is a very tricky thing and will do everything to survive. When I go on evening walks I will try to be a witness and exactly during that time mind will generate a lot "useful" thoughts which I cannot ignore. That is minds way of getting us engaged. The birds chirping and the vehicles moving at a distance will just pass through the mind without losing myself but when "thoughts" come they have the capacity to take the mind away which shows that we are invested in our thoughts so they have the capacity to take us away. And then I decided to treat all thoughts no matter their usefulness as "noise" while I am on walks so that I can stay present. Probably that helps but I am not sure.
Sunny, I just wanted to say thank you for your teachings. After years of seeking and meditating, today I woke up feeling a deep sense of beingness-something I remember from childhood but that had always been clouded by thoughts, emotions, and identity. The concepts I’ve held onto for so long seem to have dissolved, and the ‘I’ has spontaneously shined through. Although my mind still pulls me away at times, your teachings have helped me shed many blockages. Listening to your videos during my lunch walks has become a form of meditation for me. Thank you for helping me reconnect with this beautiful silence.
I’m here till the end, I Am Being Now. That’s all I’m contemplating
I love your talks and this one just flowed with my life of trying to dwell more and more in the real self, awareness, and ignore the thinking.
You’ve changed the way I meditate. I’ve gone along, disciplining myself to mediate twice a day and fell into a good habit but always the same result, chipping away at the frequency of thinking. Then recently during meditation, time went away, I came out of a light gray place where no thought had been happening. A half hour had passed but this was not dissociation. It resembled awakening from deep sleep where the mind also was not present and I arose rested and happy.
Yes more of this.
These ramblings so resonant to me. I have been finding myself more and more in the now with my meditations but sometimes begin to feel something is wrong. I will be existing with no thoughts, no sense of past or future, no pain or suffering and yet I do not know if there is something I am missing. It seems too easy. Still in the experiencing of my person I’ve gotten much better at not letting things bother me. One of the things you taught me was to stop and ask to whom is this so important and why. Always seems to come back to the mind. I need to learn to add that space between the seer and doer better or they mix up too easily
Sunny, you are a GREAT teacher. I appreciate your teachings. I have witnessed your transformation. You get deeper and deeper.
the caretakers album “everywhere at the end of time” really helped me reach this level of consciousness truly a masterpiece🎵🎶
I have followed Eckhart Tolle, while I resonate with him, I gain insight listening to you as well. Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom.
Very helpful. Did not seem like rambling at all. Thanks again, Sunny.
I am here to seek my inner spirit, so I can talk with Yeshua.
Yes! Thank you!
I've got so used to your guided meditation that I cannot achieve the same level of calmness and beingness while meditating on my own. It's like I start to replay the guided meditation in my head and I start hearing your voice guiding me.
And whenever I want to be aware of being aware I start mentally repeating that "I know this object" or "I know that I know this object" then this cycle of mentally saying this never stops
Those thoughts are something of which there is effortless, silent awareness. Awareness does not speak. All things spoken, there is awareness of.
Sit without guidance twice per day. Don't rely on guidances :)
@@selfinquiryschool thank you
You are the best 😊
Your “talks” are Profound reminders…. Thank you for your generosity, and true experienced stillness/wisdom.
It resonated, thank you
Very very helpful. You were born for this, Sunny. 🌷
Resonating, clicking...true self was present & observing...just using brain & body to type the words to let you know this!😃
Very much resonated! I need my personal Sunny to follow me around.:)😊
So special. Definitely resonated and clicked. Thank you so much for all your generosity, Sunny.
Yes, pure , authentic and beautiful.
🙏🙏🙏, many thanks for this beautiful & spontaneous expression, for trying to convey in words ‘That’ which is beyond all words!
Peace, love and blessings…”I” really enjoyed this
Thank you Sunny. I felt this talk was heartfelt and helpful. I always appreciate what you share.
Dear Sunny, thank you for this great video again. One can sense that you're always talking from your own recognitions and insights. With so much patience and in always different ways, words and expressions you're trying so hard to help and enable us to come to this recognition our true nature and identification.. Not only that, you keep reminding us to carefully watch, how easily we can lose ourselves in personhood again. I am so grateful to Life to know you as my teacher. Your teaching is always so clear and precise without too much elaboration around it. Thank you so much.
Love and greetings to you from Germany and to all who are and will be watching this video.😊😊
Well said, thanks Sunny Sharma we appreciate you. Thank you for your patience with us.
Wow 😮❤ this resonates so much with me
Mind can only recognize mind chatter. Being present and aware you recognize your true identity. Every video is a gem, totally enjoy. Thank you, GOD BLESS
❤❤❤ thank you Sunny
really good thanks
Absolutely more of this direct teachings
I really want to thank you for your videos. I have been living in my mind for a long time. I started meditating and feeling better but still seemed like something was missing. I am starting to see more who I am now with your words. Thank you so much!
Your channel is what I wanted right now brother
The only thing that comes to mind while meditating is how long will I have to do this to actually break free of the identification and experience the SELF.
Thank you brother, your rambling hits all the right notes.
this video brings peace
Great talk. Thank you.❤
A way I like to think of the true self is.
The true self which is awerness expirience a 4d VR movie.
( Whatever the main character sees, the awerness sees the same. Whatever physical or emotional experience the main character goes throw , the same same experience has the awerness)😅
it's working for me... thank you
Freestyle is good❤
This was very enlightning for me no need to use words to talk about how it made me "feel" . Thank you! You r touching souls...❤
Yes, Sunny, I resonate with this kind of talks... fighting with my mind identification and thoughts... thanks
Thankyou sunny for the video, you have explained it in a simpler way.everytime I watch your video it gives me a more clarity about who am I and what is more important.
Clear and beautiful. 😊
Thank you SO much! Definitely continue with these explorations!
Very helpful! Thanks, Sunny. Namaste
Dearest Sunny .. I'm writing this comment for those of us who know we are close but still .. despite trying and trying have not yet been able to let go of identification with ego and body. The only answer for me is to trust that Source knows what it is doing. I know from spiritual experiences with the Christ Consciousness that if I would immediately .. right now ... attain my Real Self .. I would not physically survive the experience. My consciousness is not ready. So I swallow my frustration and go forward daily dropping things .. pushing .. insisting .. judging .. spiritual ego .. the list goes on and on. will I ever make it? In this lifetime? Maybe yes, maybe no. I'm beginning to let go of my childish demands that it happen now. Thank you .
I'm still in the same boat myself by the way.
No realization. But there's no more questions the mind could possibly ask or want to seek after one of Sunnys questions got answered last night. Realized with out realization...
Theres no more knowledge I could possibly gather anyway.
And the mind couldn't have been who answered that one. Lol its had 13 years of searching and trying to though.
Only to go work to day and have the most insane childish out burst that I just went ahead and let fly for the hell of it. Lol wow. Its just all I can think of is just wow.
Any how. I clicked this video again and seen your post. 😊
Not planning on watching anything else on the subject. I think left to its own the time it will happen. Like you said. And ive also had the same feeling about it happening to soon. Just last week in fact..
So I'm just gonna sit back watch the sun set tonight and relisten to this one. One more time. And if nothing happens other then the ego shuts up for a little while. Then il consider that a win. And if I melt into the sunset. Well that will be fine to.
Though I did take off tomorrow cause this child needs to go camping at the lake for some R and R in nature. Obviously lol
@@Insanity889mind analyses but when u sit still ask the universe to answer you wil get them automatically without the knowledge which we know has been stored in .. that knowledge which we refer as library says good bad right wrong is ego but u have to get into a state where u have to open to universe and ask answers and they flow in that's the universal consciousness state where no ego is present but all answers are present try that it's meditation or concentration
Yes it deeply resonates
Yes, this film was helpful for me… especially a vision of „landscape” consisting of the world, and „my” body and „my” mind - as one, uniform picture: )
Thank you…l
Sunny, it is helpful. Your videos are a revelation, and I am greatfull to discover them. I try to meditaye while listening, letting the words flow, some i miss, but i listen several times.. thank you very much!! Keep it up
Thanks Sunny, I am here❤
Thank you. exactly what I needed, when I needed it. :)
Yes I love your videos/teachings. They are truly helping. Thank you!!
Very precise and clear instructions that truly helps me to identify the mind, i hope by constantly differentiate myself from the mind as you pointed out, I'll be able to experience what i truly am. Thank you
Truly Thankful this consciousness resonates deeply with these words 💗💗💗( the mind couldn’t bring in i, you while writing this comment as the Subtler sense was watching. Please do go on and on 🙏🏼how very rare are such videos)
Its resonate very much ❤
Intense ❤
Definitely resonates! Thank you. You are very effective at transmitting this subtle realization.
Thank You Sunny ❤ Need more of this radical guidance please. This is instant awakening.
Thanks sunny. I would not be here if it wasn't for your. Help big thanks 👏
We are Consciousness aka source
Thank you❤
Totally ‘clicked’ with what you have said. Thank you!
Edited to say thank you Sunny.
That is one of the best videos ive seen. I love Deep. Ive always felt yours. I new you where a great teacher first time i seen one of your videos.
But this one triggered a deep understanding of somthing in me.. and i feel sure youll trigger me into full on realization soon enough.
I still havnt fully replayed this one yet with that entent. Or maybe i should say with no entent.
I Tried last night but life got in the way. The first time i heard it I stoped when the understanding hit me. Tried to replay later that night but stoped and just took notes of the many questions you posed that the mind couldnt answer. That in it self could be its undering.
Yesterday i fed them to it like a montra every time i thought if it.
But by all means stay Deep some of us need that Deep direct pointing.
Becuase you triggered a response to the secound biggest question ive ever had. The first one started this journey 13 years ago. When somthing answered me and said you are God. Not good on a christians nerves to say the least. But one way to change your beliefs in a secound. When you know to the core of your being it is true.
But i couldnt fill in how that could be true. Untill the middle of your video.
The mind didnt have a word to add to anything. It couldnt but somthing else happened rite then. The biggest understanding i or anyone could have ever have. And it finally eneded my 13 year search for how everything is God. It all merged into an understanding atleast.
The mind has nothing left to search for.
Literally thousands and thousands of hrs of youtube video on anything and everything spiritual i could find.
Many experiences like the first but only to be swolled back into the ego again. Not knowing it was the problem all along.
I feel sure it will desolve soon enough.
Thank you!
I love this video and the questions you ask; however for me whether the thoughts are there or I am just watching them not attached the sensation of physical pain from arthritis and neuropathy are more present all over the body. My friends say when they are present they are at peace I am not at peace with those sensations. They of course are healthier. Thank you for the video.
So why the mind bother us so much??
Stayed til the end. I like long videos from you
You were speaking to me. Thank you so much.
I love this! These freestyles give me kind of a subtle, nebulous, gentle word cloud in which to float as peaceful awareness. More of this, please! 🙏🕊🥰🫶 🌥 🌌⛅️🌤🌟 And thank you so much, Sunny. Listening to you has helped me dis-identify from the mind more than anyone else 🤍🕊🌥
Very, very helpful.❤
Hi Sunny, appreciate this talk very much. It deepends my "getting" it.
This video was excellent .
Than you
Excellent attempt to convey the message of self awareness . How to apply for daily workings life activities. The your sincerity for the awareness message of j.d krishnMurthy and Nisargatta maharaj is appreciated. Thank you for this divine services.
You r so good
Very useful pointers and continuing to practice, thank you
Great stuff
This was super helpful. Thank you Sunny 🙏
Jesus Taught..God is Within You. Jesus also Taught..Forgive and you will be Forgiven. This is an Energy Universe. You will Recieve Peace through Forgiveness and everything you need. Couldn’t ask more than that! 😊❤
Is prana the source of one's identity? Because when prana leaves the body, then the mind, body, thoughts cease to exist. And they begin to exist when prana enters
Oh, free oracle of priceless wisdom! Lol.
Seriously though, is consciousness dependent upon body senses or/and does consciousness exist independently of the physical human body?
I can't get this! I'm not the mind I'm not the thinker, ok got that! I am the awareness got that! So how do we function without relating to the mind? the real self isn't the mind? Sorry I'm not clever enough to grasp this and I have been trying to meditate for and I can be free of thoughts for reasonable amounts of time but I'm not able to go deeper?Please Help! I can't attend your free online school.❤
How do you distinguish that voice from your intuition? This is such a struggle for me. I can’t tell if my mind or intuition is trying to protect me or sabotage me.
This is a great talk, thank you. I resonated with it and took notes from this. But I got questions... how do I move on with my life ( this egoic personality's life ) because at the end we are all in this illusional reality. We have to take care of our lives, pay rent, be healthy. We can't just be the awareness in this reality sit in a room or under a tree, like many of the ancient teachers did in the past. It would be great hear how to move on with our lives and achieve things and have a better life. I understand this better life I am seeking is part of the egoic identity. But we are here in this reality, we can't just say it does not exist. We do have our desires and dream. Hopefully you will talk about it in the future, if you already did please connect me to that talk.
Simply stay present, the ego can't stay there. Example; washing the car I'm involved within the present moment with no projection into the future of when or how it will look when finished. I find many other Non-personal thoughts arising automatically and eventually I found that I was just watching while the body goes through the motions. Quite liberating.
The answer to the question is pain, that voice knows about, and remembers pain. And keeps you paying attention to it
One question. Isn’t even the “I am” sense something that is perceived within awareness, or that which is? You say awareness is silent, so in its deepest nature can it even sense “I am”? It seems attending only to the I-sense, the root thought, allows the mind to dwell near its source and prevents it from being outwardly turned, but the true Being is beyond even the mind’s sense of “I am.” So our “job”, as awareness appearing as mind-ego, is to turn it towards its source, surrendering involvement in identifying with that which is perceived, but the true “final” surrender, if it exists or can be spoken about, cannot be done by us as “I am”, but that silent Beyond which consumes even the “I am” sense.
Beautiful talk, thoughtful, helpful, profound, thank you, and thank you for your service. 🩵
Maybe it’s the difference between identifying as the limited “I” of mind and the unlimited “I” of being-awareness and by observing the I you are actively being the observer and not the participating, role-playing limited I. Not sure if this makes sense but maybe it does. Thanks.
What about my goals sunny ? Should I completely throw them away...or do them as the mind and body and still being aware of them ?
Hee thank you for your support ❤️
Enquire deeply into this apparent “doer” 😊
This will answer your question.
I have one doubt... If I am consciousness then how can I make choices in the material world. How I influence the decisions, values and beliefs.
It's the mind wanting to know how will things happen if you are consciousness. Let that doubt go
Consciousness is not a “thing”, it is a description (concept) of the mind for awareness of phenomena.
This phenomena is not “choosing” anything (as such) - no more then water chooses its path to the sea.
There is just THIS, apparently happening. The mind creates a conceptual self that gives the appearance of a fixed entity that is “choosing”.
This is the illusion.
AKA “How am I choosing?” makes no sense. No-one is choosing. And there is awareness of that.
The concept “you” makes this topic very confusing for the mind to grasp.
There are two types of thought...
One is the personal mind, where there's thoughts of worry, fear, anxiety and looking back into the past, or projecting forward into the future. These are the ones that belong to the individual, the person, ego.
The other type of thoughts are functional. These are harmless, they are impersonal and are concerned with the Present Moment for things that are essential to function properly in life. They tend to appear when needed... Example; What groceries to get for the family? Remember that dental appointment, check if there's enough gas in the car. Time to pick up the kids from school.. the lawn needs cutting.. etc..etc. These functional thoughts pop-up in the present moment and are impersonal.
@@RobbeyT1 I almost got my answer. Kindly can clear one more doubt. Whenever I start self enquiry I get stuck to the question. For eg : I started with I am not this, this is perceived, but gradually I begin to ask who is the one that is doing inquiry. Who is the one speaking inside me. Because speaking is also perceived and the one making self inquiry is also perceived then what... I really get stuck in that loop because if the one who inquires is perceived then how can he is doing inquiry if he is not the real one. Also can consciousness speaks ??
@@spirituality8823 Hope you can read all this...sorry in advance..
You're in confusion because you're taking ALL thoughts to be from the ego mind and you think ALL thoughts have to be questioned.. but they're not ALL from the ego. You've gone over enthusiastic ! 😃
Direct, present moment thoughts are coming from consciousness (or the Being that you are), they are innocent and functional, they serve a purpose.
Example; in meditation when thoughts suddenly arise and you ask a Direct question like "Who's thoughts are these?" that question is NOT from the ego mind... it's from "you", consciousness/Source.
Infinite consciousness (or the truth of who you are) is silent, it doesn't speak, it is the void, pure, infinite One-ness or the No-thing from where everything in form appears. Also what appears is your mind in order for One-ness to experience a dualistic world of form.
So your mind is an instrument through which consciousness (Your true Self) knows the dualistic world of form.
However, since early childhood, you've taken this Being-ness or consciousness to be who you are and have overlaid it with a name, a history, an identity, with all it's fears, anxieties, hates and wants etc.
Self enquirery is to separate your false ego self from the truth of who you are as consciousness.
So, these Direct questions are from consciousness and meant to be "rhetorical"... They're not suppose to give answers, they are just statements... and so you don't expect an answer.
Any answer that appears in mind will be coming from the mind. It's like the mind trying to understand what the mind is not, through using the mind... a confusing loop.
I asked zen master if self inquiry which focuses on the Self is similar to zen meditation focus on emptimess, his answer was , they are totally different And completely the same. What did he mean by this answer?
Sounds like a Koan. The answer is a realisation. So it won’t come in the form of a message here.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Why do we need have a mind 🤔
clicked hard
Does love and kindness and truth comes forth out of the reality of the Real Self? Then are these same ideas which we push from our human personality a falseness which only promotes the pain and suffering we experience?
Why the phrase before its too late
Yeah, well there is No such a thing as "too late". That's a totally dualistic statement and to do with the false concept of time, nothing to do with truth.
Sunny... Can THE SELF talk ?..or it's always silent ? Can the awareness think ?...or it's just Silence?... A great confusion to me..please help sunny 🥺
Thank you friend... So (also a thought) how do you interact with the outer world..?.. Like I still in school so I have to study and take exams.. What about them?