Ending the week with a little bebop tune by one of the king of bebop guitar. Although, I don't transcribe much single note solo like that, that's probably what I practice the most. I just feel if you slow down the tune it's easy to hear the notes and it's not as fun to cover. But what I'm interested, in Tal Farlow's playing, is his way to navigate the neck horizontally. It's super unique and it makes you cover a wider range than staying in position. I also love that he takes the melodies an octave lower than most guitarists would do. It sound closer to tenor saxophone and I like that. Have fun!
Je ne comprend tjrs pas comment tu arrives à faire tout ceci, mais C pas le problème. Ce morceau est une vraie masterclass sur l'acrobatie. Grâce à des doigts de géant, Tal Farlow arrivait à tricoter des phrases en retombant tjrs sur ses pieds quoiqu'il arrive.
Ending the week with a little bebop tune by one of the king of bebop guitar. Although, I don't transcribe much single note solo like that, that's probably what I practice the most. I just feel if you slow down the tune it's easy to hear the notes and it's not as fun to cover. But what I'm interested, in Tal Farlow's playing, is his way to navigate the neck horizontally. It's super unique and it makes you cover a wider range than staying in position. I also love that he takes the melodies an octave lower than most guitarists would do. It sound closer to tenor saxophone and I like that. Have fun!
Any chance you could transcribe Zakir by John McLaughlin?
I just listen. Thanks
Me too. Lol
Heard in Sea Bright N.J at the tavern..Nice cat to talk with also Rip Tal
Amazing as always. Thanks friend
Je ne comprend tjrs pas comment tu arrives à faire tout ceci, mais C pas le problème. Ce morceau est une vraie masterclass sur l'acrobatie. Grâce à des doigts de géant, Tal Farlow arrivait à tricoter des phrases en retombant tjrs sur ses pieds quoiqu'il arrive.