finally talking about it.

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,3 тис.

  • @blogilates
    @blogilates Рік тому +5783

    Congrats Chloe!! This is huge. Justice is served.

    • @Zodiacsigns-xo3rg
      @Zodiacsigns-xo3rg Рік тому +95

      Blogilates!! I did not know you knew Chloe ting/friends wi her!!

    • @ChloeTing
      @ChloeTing  Рік тому +369

      Thanks so much Cassey 😭❤️

    • @lillylovesrain7072
      @lillylovesrain7072 Рік тому +12


    • @Ririi20
      @Ririi20 Рік тому +16

      Wow Cassey, I didn’t know you and Chloe knew eachother ❤

    • @andreaiooqk4967
      @andreaiooqk4967 Рік тому

      @@Zodiacsigns-xo3rg Romans 8:38-39
      And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
      I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. (Revelation 3:15-18) you cannot live for this world and not try to stop sinning (being cold) and only believing in God(hot) without turning from sin or sinning and saying God will forgive you after or not read the Bible, pray, worship/obeying God. Which is being a lukewarm. If we are neither cold or hot, God will spit us out his mouth.
      Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit nor the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
      Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. ” Proverbs 16:5 “The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before before a fall.
      Genesis 1:26-27 - “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
      Jesus is coming back soon!! Repent and believe!! Jesus loves you and wants a relationship with you 🫶🏽
      Plis read revelation 3:15-18 on google if you don’t have a Bible.
      (Exodus 20:7) You shall not invoke the name of the LORD, your God, in vain. Please don’t use Gods name in vain, it’s dangerous
      Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods at all.) But my people have exchanged their glorious God for worthless idols. Jeremiah 2:11) having idols of any kind isn’t good 🙅‍♀️
      Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods? Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The LORD. (Jeremiah 16:20)
      16:20 , JEREMIAH 2:11
      Revelation 3:15-18 explains that we can’t be cold and hot at the same time which is being a lukewarm. In other words, if we are hot, which is really repenting and turning from sin) if we are cold we just completely don’t really follow God. If we mix those together it makes a lukewarm which they will be spat out Gods mouth and won’t inherit the kingdom of heaven.
      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.John 3:16.
      Greater love has
      no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13
      Romans 8:38-39 .. John 3:16 .. Revelation 3:15-18 Corinthians 6:9.. John 15:13 Psalms 23:4
      Psalms 23:4 || Yea, though I walk through The Valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
      rod and thy staff they comfort me.
      Deuteronomy 31:8. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
      Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
      1 Timothy 2:9-10 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
      Matthew 5:34 But I say to you , Swear not at all ; neither by heaven; for its Gods throne:

  • @jessicaherman3528
    @jessicaherman3528 Рік тому +81

    Never once did I ever think Chloe was encouraging or triggering eating disorders on anyone. Throughout the years that I watched her videos she had really educated me on workouts that best fit my style of exercise and helped me become so toned and fit. She even taught me that healthy foods can be enjoyable as she shared various healthy, yet not boring foods to eat so I can stay healthy and enjoy eating healthy.

  • @kaviyam26
    @kaviyam26 Рік тому +24

    You're doing a great job. We love what you do. You have helped so many achieve their body goals 💖

  • @stephanygonzalez5802
    @stephanygonzalez5802 Рік тому +3

    Did she get work done on her face/eyes? I didn’t recognize her from 2020 videos during Covid 😮

  • @khadijaamjad9794
    @khadijaamjad9794 Рік тому +52

    Chloe, if only you knew how much you have helped thousands of people (at least) world over with your extremely effective content that you give for free, you would never worry about fools like that. There is an invisible SEA of love out there for you! ❤

  • @alegramalakova4922
    @alegramalakova4922 Рік тому +7

    Sorry you went through this Chloe! Nobody deserves this! BE STRONG WE'RE ALL WITH YOU!

  • @deafheart23
    @deafheart23 Рік тому +5985

    She is too kind, I would’ve bankrupted him and his entire lineage for his audacity alone.

    • @StefanyxHerrera
      @StefanyxHerrera Рік тому +146

      Yup I would’ve pulled a good ol Madame Zeroni and make sure that curse was never broken because of their no good ol great great great grandpa with all the audacity

    • @CBiscuit221B
      @CBiscuit221B Рік тому +20

      Hell yes!

    • @Missbehealthy
      @Missbehealthy Рік тому +246

      We as women need to stop feeling bad for people. If it was him he would not care about bankrupting you so why should you care if he was ? I would’ve bankrupted his whole linage.

    • @nique3038
      @nique3038 Рік тому +38

      Biiiiiiihhhhh!!!! Cause he deserved to be BROKE!! 🙄

    • @strawberriesncandii
      @strawberriesncandii Рік тому +30

      Same. I would’ve made an example out of him.

  • @peacebringer3145
    @peacebringer3145 Рік тому +9267

    Even when a man has nothing, he still has the audacity. BE STRONG CHLOE WE'RE ALL WITH YOU!!!!

    • @patpatmoomoo5524
      @patpatmoomoo5524 Рік тому

      That’s a good thing if a man uses it for self improvement… but it’s pitiful when a man uses it to attempt to bring down others

    • @blossomsem1colon
      @blossomsem1colon Рік тому +39

      lol thanks for generalizing all men as bad really spreads a good message

    • @peacebringer3145
      @peacebringer3145 Рік тому +238

      @@blossomsem1colon *snaps picture*

    • @mina-nanana
      @mina-nanana Рік тому +255

      @@blossomsem1colonwell, if the shoe fits…

    • @eneri_444
      @eneri_444 Рік тому +288

      @@blossomsem1colonif you’re offended by that, you’re probably one of the men who she’s talking about

  • @blenderguru
    @blenderguru 9 місяців тому +257

    Well done Chloe. Defamation is all too common nowadays, so it's nice see someone stand up for themselves.

    • @IK_MK
      @IK_MK 3 місяці тому +2

      Never thought I'd see the Donut King here 🔥

  • @RoomieOfficial
    @RoomieOfficial Рік тому +4081

    So sorry you had to go through that 😔

    • @UrWeid
      @UrWeid Рік тому +83

      Nice to see Roomie standing for good girls here. Also love your content~

    • @feyrie
      @feyrie Рік тому +28

      Oh shit roomie!!! 🥹

    • @Ihavepinkhairrn
      @Ihavepinkhairrn Рік тому +24

      Music man is here? Awesome, Roomie is musical AND takes care of his body. Nice

    • @Scandalyn
      @Scandalyn Рік тому +13

      Let’s get a video of you doing some Chloe ting work outs!!

    • @amberleggett2525
      @amberleggett2525 Рік тому

      ​@@MdoubleHBwtf 💀

  • @fionaalmighty7459
    @fionaalmighty7459 Рік тому +2604

    he is not sorry that he hurt you, he is sorry he got caught. you got through this gracefully, and spared him the cost even though he deserved it after doing the same thing even after your forgiveness. you are truly an angel. your videos are amazing and I have been following you for a few years now and my body is in great shape because of you and your tips and FREE videos everyone can watch any time. i hope you will recover from this drama soon and I'm rooting for you along with thousands and thousands other people! keep it up!

    • @LavaCreeperPeople
      @LavaCreeperPeople Рік тому +6

      She's so brave...

    • @verver6213
      @verver6213 Рік тому +25

      Yup. Probably didn't have a choice. Most likely got told he should settle. Honestly, part of me thinks he's just going to be back to doing what he did, but to somebody else after this. He clearly had the money. It more or less doesn't seem like it cost him much. He dragged it out, and he basically got her attention for this court case.
      With that said, I'm happy she went through and fought against the media company and him. You usually hear people say it's not worth it, or they don't have the resources, and is it even worth the time and effort. So I'm definitely happy to see a good outcome.

    • @Sunset98.
      @Sunset98. Рік тому +1

      ⁠@@verver6213I totally agree with you! She absolutely deserves so much better

    • @vanessahow
      @vanessahow Рік тому +14

      His apology words are literally "These subsequent actions were a lapse in my judgement, which I also deeply regret, as it caused me further legal ramifications"... he doesn't regret because it hurt Chloe, rather because he got in trouble lol

    • @lala-4458
      @lala-4458 Рік тому +11

      honestly she shouldve bankrupt him... like hes a huge asshole anyways, the bankruptcy wouldve told him to never fk w someone ever again

  • @WhySoSeriousHmmm
    @WhySoSeriousHmmm Рік тому +3358

    The fact that you considered how this could ruin and affect the rest of his life just shows how compassionate you are even when he put you through so much pain unnecessarily. You are really strong and brave, Chloe!!!!

    • @BestMods168
      @BestMods168 Рік тому +103

      Exactly. At this point in my life I wouldn't have cared knowing that the other party didn't even care about me. I would have drove them to the ground.

    • @jennyj4111
      @jennyj4111 Рік тому +56

      @@BestMods168 Agree. This 'compassion' doesn't show strength but rather buckling to a bully, who would have never done the same for Chloe if the tables had turned. It saddens me when the bullies get let off the hook.

    • @NaunetBastet
      @NaunetBastet Рік тому +28

      Nah, he would have been the only one ruining his own life, but it does show what a kind person she is.

    • @serchmaabaatarchuluun5761
      @serchmaabaatarchuluun5761 Рік тому +26

      She's a saint cause if i were her, i probably would've ruined his life when he first started spreading hate.

    • @monkeythecat7
      @monkeythecat7 Рік тому

      You're a good person

  • @PS-yd9rw
    @PS-yd9rw Рік тому +1429

    He deserved going bankrupt. People on the net need to realise that they need to take responsibility for the words they say. But you are so kind and compassionate Chloe!He really doesn't deserve it. I hope he learns something from this! Glad to have you with us!

  • @dawnriddler
    @dawnriddler Рік тому +1535

    I always found it funny when "gym bros" try to make fun of women doing home workouts. If I wanted to go to the gym, I wouldn't watch home workouts. And just like many other people, your videos helped me a lot, I was in worst shape of my life and lost 10kg in a span of few months. And even though I didn't continue doing home workouts, I continued being active and 3 years later I'm still maintaining the weight. 🎉

    • @Bumbly_Vee
      @Bumbly_Vee Рік тому +131

      I really dislike those who look down on at-home calisthenics. It's really helpful, especially for those with disabilities. These so-called "gym bros" aren't "bros" at all. Just flat out bullies in gym clothes.

    • @dawnriddler
      @dawnriddler Рік тому +52

      @@Bumbly_Vee yes, they can't handle people who aren't into what they are into. Gym is boring for a vast majority of people, but when it's your whole personality, it's a difficult concept to grasp.

    • @henrietta5969
      @henrietta5969 Рік тому +1

      Okay but her videos did nothing but bloating for me so.. 😅 idk there’s just no need for all this BS drama, she just needs to admit that her videos are fun, and that’s it

    • @dawnriddler
      @dawnriddler Рік тому +70

      @@henrietta5969 if you are talking about ab exercises, that's a first. Go see a doctor. Also, you're supposed to engage your muscles and breathe properly with each movement, otherwise it's pointless.

    • @ariazuniga7193
      @ariazuniga7193 Рік тому +56

      gym bros are the reason so many people dread and avoid going to the gym
      how dare these fools bully those who are only trying to be healthier

  • @bratzillla
    @bratzillla Рік тому +1919

    Men can’t stand successful women. Go to hell lol- power to you Chloe !!!!

    • @My7deadlyconscience
      @My7deadlyconscience Рік тому

      Majority of men aren’t like that lunatic & want to see us successful cause if they didn’t, you wouldn’t see male spaces including us & more women CEOs than ever before. Stop spreading misandry.

    • @_starlinx
      @_starlinx Рік тому +23

      Why men women can also be like this-

    • @LauuAnndy
      @LauuAnndy Рік тому +54

      @@_starlinxdo you remember any case where a woman was bullying another woman and went to a legal battle like this one? Genuinely question, now I’m curious

    • @bratzillla
      @bratzillla Рік тому +68

      @@_starlinx Majority of men do this. Also! Nobody asked. Hope that helps 🩷

    • @_starlinx
      @_starlinx Рік тому +1

      @@bratzillla okay

  • @gabyguzman5284
    @gabyguzman5284 Рік тому +660

    He didn’t learn his lesson. People like that are extremely ignorant and stuck in their own world. Very admirable the decision you decided to make. You are extremely kind and full of integrity! I always enjoyed your home workout videos and wish you well!

    • @jaywong6964
      @jaywong6964 6 місяців тому +1

      He isn't ignorant. In fact he is way more knowledgeable than her in fitness knowledge. What he was trying to do, however, was clout chasing

  • @steamingpileofgarbage1582
    @steamingpileofgarbage1582 Рік тому +2771

    Chloe being accused of triggering eating disorders when her food and recipe videos have helped me and other people I personally know get out of a cycle of restriction is actually insane

    • @angelvalenzuela149
      @angelvalenzuela149 Рік тому +95

      Ikr, had an ed for years and chloe had nothing to do w it lol

    • @Clarify4
      @Clarify4 Рік тому +13


    • @bambivv
      @bambivv Рік тому +96

      insecure people will always blame others for their problems

    • @xinterwinter2056
      @xinterwinter2056 Рік тому +19

      It's them who got obsessed with the doing the workout, than they blame Chlo lol

    • @steamingpileofgarbage1582
      @steamingpileofgarbage1582 Рік тому +34

      @@xinterwinter2056 yeah blaming a random person for a mental disorder caused by heaps of environmental and developmental factors is just cruel

  • @mmmEnglish_Emma
    @mmmEnglish_Emma Рік тому +735

    Chloe, so sorry to hear you've been going through this behind the scenes! 🥲 Thank you for sharing your experience so openly, and for exhausting yourself through this process to make sure justice is served! People like this need to be held to account. Sending love xx

  • @ayesuhan3495
    @ayesuhan3495 Рік тому +429

    I don't care what they say. I am forever grateful to Chloe since I started my fitness journey with Chloe's programs and now I am confident enough from sneakily working out in my room to going to the school gym lifting weights:> thank you and keep up with the good work, Chloe!

  • @themomwiththethroattattoo4525
    @themomwiththethroattattoo4525 Рік тому +208

    That was very noble how you handled it. He is an absolutely tiny man jerk and is lucky that you are who you are! I’m glad you’re not letting people push you around and keep your head up! ❤

  • @Yuki9335
    @Yuki9335 Рік тому +547

    Strong physically, but more importantly, mentally! And THANK YOU for consistently creating content during the past two years while this was ongoing!!!

    • @ChloeTing
      @ChloeTing  Рік тому +82

      it was tough ngl

    • @xsophie.8
      @xsophie.8 Рік тому +6

      @@ChloeTingfeel free to post whenever, no pressure x

    • @sheshez4christr301
      @sheshez4christr301 Рік тому +3

      ​@ChloeTing you such a sweet person Chloe sorry you went through all that

  • @VaivaPaula95
    @VaivaPaula95 Рік тому +137

    I'm an awful person, I would've went in for the kill and I would've been clapping at the prospect of leaving him/them bankrupt. If you don't want to win a stupid prize, don't play a stupid game. You, Chloe, are way better person than I am.😇💖

  • @snehalsingh4017
    @snehalsingh4017 Рік тому +197

    I have never posted a comment here. But just wanted to share this here. I saw multiple posts online defaming Chloe.
    I started my fitness journey with Chloe in July 2021. I couldn't do much, so used to pick up only 1-2 videos and do them.
    Then fast forward to April 2022, I lost all that weight, became super confident, and strong.
    I went from 86kgs to 58kgs. All thanks to Chloe

  • @yeontanv4056
    @yeontanv4056 Рік тому +457

    There are many of us who are with you, Chloe!!
    Stay strong! 🫶🏻

  • @driskitips
    @driskitips Рік тому +330

    You've done nothing but help me when I started working out. The results were amazing and I was not influenced into having a "eating disorder". I was healthy. Time to get back to ur workouts again 😅 but we are with you Chloe. Sorry u had to go through this for absolutely no reason.

    • @LovedLamb
      @LovedLamb Рік тому +9

      Her website improved so much I got motivated even more, my toxic trait is that I believe I can get 100% on total achievement points. The only thing I wish is to change rest days cuz I like to rest on strict fasting days such as Wedsndays and Fridays (religious reasons) meaning I do not want to have them as skip days, but resting days. Being able to switch the rest days with workout days. I just finished with one of her latest workouts as well. It feels so amazing to improve stamina. I couldn't do burpees before cuz of my knees and now I can.

    • @Angelface11
      @Angelface11 Рік тому +2

      Yep I couldn't figure out how to gain muscle and do things that were easy with my chronic pain and Chloe's workouts were amazing and help me reshape my body how I wanted

  • @hamsters340
    @hamsters340 Рік тому +757

    We're here for you ❤ you don't deserve to be treated like that.

    • @ChloeTing
      @ChloeTing  Рік тому +86


    • @laoura6969
      @laoura6969 Рік тому +9


    • @jasxx1736
      @jasxx1736 Рік тому

      @@ChloeTing I edited my comment and ur heart dissappeard :( Men are so gross and you did not deserve that

    • @YordkarYordkar
      @YordkarYordkar Рік тому +4

      Thank you for being honest and sharing. Your true fans will support you.

  • @christinakhatiwada
    @christinakhatiwada Рік тому +472

    Thank you chloe for speaking about it. People do not treat humans like humans these days.

  • @AzizaBrowne
    @AzizaBrowne Рік тому +665

    As someone who considered suing my offenders, I am so glad you shared this video. Instead of the long drawn out process of suing, I decided to make a video exposing the company instead.
    For a while I regretted not suing but after watching your video I’m glad I didn’t. I wasn’t physically well enough nor did I have the financial resources at the time to go through with a lengthy lawsuit. This video gave me peace of mind about that decision.❤

    • @MdoubleHB
      @MdoubleHB Рік тому

      I am looking for a raw vegan girlfriend, who is in very good shape.
      If you are a beautiful raw vegan girl with blue or green eyes and sufficient intelligence,
      then respond to this post and I will put you on the list for consideration.

    • @AzizaBrowne
      @AzizaBrowne Рік тому +10

      @@MdoubleHB good luck finding her

    • @anabella4166
      @anabella4166 Рік тому

      Oh girl… this doesn’t even compare😂

    • @AzizaBrowne
      @AzizaBrowne Рік тому +1

      @@anabella4166 lol 😂 you act as if anyone besides you values your opinion. Keep being delulu

    • @Bibimbapski
      @Bibimbapski 9 місяців тому

      @@MdoubleHB Weirdo. Someone's talking about a lawsuit and you're projecting your fantasies of finding a hot vegan girlfriend in the UA-cam comments? Get a life, dude.

  • @ΗλιάναΓκουτζιαμαρλή

    We are with you Chloe!

  • @saima.nijhum
    @saima.nijhum Рік тому +71

    Dear Miss Chloe Ting,
    During the lockdown I was going through the worst breakup of my life. My relationship stress made me put on so much stress weight that I couldn’t recognise myself in the mirror. When I found your channel during Covid lockdown, your workout videos were the only thing keeping my sanity afloat. I followed your programs to the T and it changed my life. I got my body back with better confidence. To this day I do my workouts ONLY with your videos. I suggest everyone I know to follow your videos (at least 30 people). That kind of loyalty you have from me. Thank you for your generosity. And I am so happy for you to stand up for yourself and taking those defamers all the way to the bank.

  • @brittanym9266
    @brittanym9266 Рік тому +358

    No one deserves this. I’m glad you were able to go after them. That said, I’m sorry you had to go through this. You’re amazing and have helped me take charge of my health. Thank you!

    • @twocancan
      @twocancan Рік тому +1

      I disagree. I think that the man who defamed Chloe deserves to have it done to him. Maybe it'll teach him empathy

    • @brittanym9266
      @brittanym9266 Рік тому

      @@twocancan I meant Chloe didn’t deserve it. He absolutely deserves to be put in his place.

  • @zoeunlimited
    @zoeunlimited Рік тому +1913

    Can’t imagine how emotionally draining it’s been :(( Glad it’s over🤍🫂

    • @studyandrelaxwithme9495
      @studyandrelaxwithme9495 Рік тому +12

      Omg I love ur channel❤❤

    • @noneofyourbusinesslove1445
      @noneofyourbusinesslove1445 Рік тому +15

      Hi Zoe. Nice to see you here, supporting the girls for girls community. Wish you all the best 💙

    • @Leyl1nes
      @Leyl1nes Рік тому +3


    • @MdoubleHB
      @MdoubleHB Рік тому

      I am looking for a raw vegan girlfriend, who is in very good shape.
      If you are a beautiful raw vegan girl with blue or green eyes and sufficient intelligence,
      then respond to this post and I will put you on the list for consideration.

    • @keesan
      @keesan Рік тому


  • @freakyrein
    @freakyrein Рік тому +181

    Honestly, I think Chloe is the nicest of all. She gives us free workout programs accessible to all, and when some attention seeker started spreading hate, she was kind hearted enough to forgive him and not make him go bankrupt. Seriously Chloe, people as nice as you are rare nowadays, we love you.

  • @jules9669
    @jules9669 Рік тому +236

    From one female business owner to another, I'm super proud of you Chloe! Way to stand up for yourself!❤

  • @jpcan2023
    @jpcan2023 Рік тому +415

    I hate how being rich and famous come with price! You said it, Chloe. People take advantage of you because when you’re huge on social media, people think you aren’t human.
    That’s so wrong. Stay strong, we’re on your side!
    Sounds like he’s like a bad stalker. So disgusting.

  • @luckydevil1601
    @luckydevil1601 Рік тому +94

    You are so kind, I would not give the guy another chance

  • @Jessicarojashernandez
    @Jessicarojashernandez Рік тому +100

    im really proud of you chloe for making this video:) 💗

  • @muaicualllyy
    @muaicualllyy Рік тому +91

    The fact that Chloe remained the better person all throughout this and didn't bankrupt him after everything he did to her shows real strength. We are all with you QUEEN xxx

  • @roosplans
    @roosplans 7 місяців тому +3

    What if this happens AGAIN by that person?
    Don't settle if it happens again.

  • @a.ngelic.adps.14
    @a.ngelic.adps.14 Рік тому +240

    No one deserves to be treated like this, not you, not anyone. We are all here for you, if you need our help! ❤

  • @girldoesstat
    @girldoesstat Рік тому +76

    Your workouts helped me get serious about my workout journey and actually stay consistent. I had tried working out before many a times but you're the only one who makes it fun and hence I continued. I have lost about 18 pounds so far in the span of 5 months (which isn't a gigantic amount but I don't lose weight easily and this is actually a lot to me) I am so grateful for you, Chloe!

  • @adityenchauhan4408
    @adityenchauhan4408 Рік тому +172


  • @fatematuz-zohora7612
    @fatematuz-zohora7612 Рік тому +3

    you should bankrupt him
    this type of male are dangerous for his own family

  • @yukilu602
    @yukilu602 Рік тому +4

    I feel like there was definitely some underlying sexism in all of this drama, people brag about how the fitness community is the most supportive community out there because we all share the same goal but after seeing all the hate you got and seeing more and more hate towards other female gym enthusiasts, I realised the fitness community is only supportive if youre not a woman lmao

  • @thekindmystic
    @thekindmystic Рік тому +15

    I can't help but notice the time meter on the top right corner. She usually uses it in all her workout videos but here she is...using it even for a conversational video like this 😅. That shows the organised mentality and the disciplined behaviour of Chloe from following the workout routines for yearsss now.😂 Hats off 👏❤

  • @glendafolsom2027
    @glendafolsom2027 Рік тому +92

    He deserved to go to trial. I hope you never consider whether or not you deserve justice. It’s so crazy how men often have to problem causing harm, while women contemplate whether or not they deserve justice. You have empowered so many, and I am so grateful to have been on my workout journey since 2019. Although you don’t know it, you’ve been there from the very beginning. I eat better, exercise more, and junk out whenever I want. You helped me learn how to love myself better. Thank you. You are my favorite workout partner.

    • @MdoubleHB
      @MdoubleHB Рік тому

      I am looking for a raw vegan girlfriend, who is in very good shape.
      If you are a beautiful raw vegan girl with blue or green eyes and sufficient intelligence,
      then respond to this post and I will put you on the list for consideration.

  • @7kraska
    @7kraska Рік тому +77

    We stan a non petty compassionate queen! You are truly a role model Chloe!

    • @henrietta5969
      @henrietta5969 Рік тому

      I read non pretty 🤣

    • @barabaramoo
      @barabaramoo Рік тому

      haha me too, I read "non pretty" and I yelled "have you seen the woman?! she is gorgeous!"

  • @twocancan
    @twocancan Рік тому +4

    while I respect Chloe's decision, I wish she would have bankrupted him. *We need to make examples out of men who try to bring women down.* While "being the better person" is a personal choice, I think that bankrupting the guy could have bettered the world. *I hope this legal battle receives a lot of publicity so that shitty men out there understand that their actions have consequences,* just as Disney is making an example out of DeSantis. *We need to go high in terms of settlement/bankruptcy payout when men go low.* If the situation were reversed, I KNOW he would have slept fine bankrupting a woman.

    • @angelconsealed1230
      @angelconsealed1230 Рік тому +2

      Amen! Being "nice" isn't always the answer and can actually make things worse and encourage bad behavior. Being honest and standing up for what's right and just is what is needed

    • @twocancan
      @twocancan Рік тому

      Exactly. Even if we can't force people to not be a shitty person on the inside, we should use the full force of the law to make them afraid to perform shitty actions.

  • @chaerixx
    @chaerixx Рік тому +155

    Chloe you didn't deserve this hate in your direction you helped everyone on this planet, we love you

  • @beans222uwu
    @beans222uwu Рік тому +62

    Hell yeah, Chloe! For you to deal peacefully as a warning, then unleash your fire when they continue to breach your [very generous] peace offering... well that is just damn satisfying and honestly inspiring to me. So empowering and quite admirable!! Justice was served.

  • @onyxjade5474
    @onyxjade5474 Рік тому +96

    We love you Chloe Ting.. you have changed so many lives and thank you ❤

  • @lillyrose6568
    @lillyrose6568 Рік тому +3

    Did you do something to your face? You look so different. I'm not talking about the eyeliner.

  • @missyscruffie
    @missyscruffie Рік тому +2

    I think he is secretly in love and beyond obsessed with you. He said he was merely spitting facts? Can't he just keep his opinions to himself? Sorry to say that his girlfriend isn't appealing at all, no wonder he is attacking you because what he's got at home is nowhere near you. Hope the loser has learnt his lesson although I doubt he is actually sorry. I saw his instagram story : the truth will always prevail, before posting his apologies. I think the dude really believes he is the victim. What a complete muppet.

  • @barshakar7200
    @barshakar7200 Рік тому +59

    I'm happy for you, Chloe. I can completely relate when you said how much "mentally draining" legal proceedings could be. All the self wellness-guilt type of feelings. You have decided what feels best for you. And we all are with you! Thank you for all the efforts putting into the videos. It has changed my life in the best possible way ❤ Lots of Love from India. And congratulations that it finally came to an end. You can eat chocolate 🍫 🍫 🍫 today 😂

    • @ChloeTing
      @ChloeTing  Рік тому +4

  • @eleanorbesly9868
    @eleanorbesly9868 Рік тому +47

    I hope this person has learned his lesson. Not holding my breath, but you did what you needed to do, and you were able to remain a good, compassionate person throughout it. I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Praying this is the end of it, and I still look forward to your videos!

  • @rianna_banana
    @rianna_banana Рік тому +31

    Wow…Some people are so nasty and jealous. They’re completely wrong. Your workouts are some of the only things that get me moving without injuring myself. We love you and all your hard work!!

    • @charlottecallaghan8868
      @charlottecallaghan8868 Рік тому +1

      Yes, I don’t get a bad back doing Chloe’s programs - they’re so good,!

  • @elinal.4625
    @elinal.4625 Рік тому +6

    Off topic: Did you had any face beauty surgeries? Because your face looks way different in comparison to your videos from a couple of years ago. Did you do it in Korea? Would you recommend it? Maybe you can do a video about it. That would be great!

  • @mayeema4533
    @mayeema4533 Рік тому +2

    U get prettier 😮 I wonder if it’s magical makeup or some filler?
    Anyways happy for u that it’s settled🎉

  • @heatherlynnadams91
    @heatherlynnadams91 Рік тому +34

    I'm so sorry you went through this. As a mom who just had twins your videos have helped me in more ways than I can admit. I've very grateful for your video content

  • @gabriellepargett5444
    @gabriellepargett5444 Рік тому +57

    Chloe, I had no idea this level of hate was going on and happening to you. Thank you for sharing your story and being a role model once again for the world to see compassion and humility in the space of so much pain. You are a strong woman and a force to be reckoned with!!! ❤❤❤

  • @queenbeereigns
    @queenbeereigns Рік тому +54

    Your so strong, keep fighting for your rights

  • @Painting384
    @Painting384 Рік тому +1

    His behaviour indicates that he has some psychological issues! Is he doing this while on gov support? How come he got so much time?!

  • @shimitarudra4705
    @shimitarudra4705 Рік тому +2

    Sorry but why is nobody talking about her face! It has changed right? I support you Chloe!

  • @maryammydigitaledits3060
    @maryammydigitaledits3060 Рік тому +31

    Chloe, the way I’ve been a straight ambassador for you with all my family and friends because I just love you so much😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 I’m so happy for you right now. I can’t believe what some people would do out of hate and resentment towards another persons success.
    Keep shining girl you’ve changed the lives of so many people

    • @ChloeTing
      @ChloeTing  Рік тому +8

      that means a lot, thank you so much, I appreciate you

    • @maryammydigitaledits3060
      @maryammydigitaledits3060 Рік тому +1

      @@ChloeTing stopppppppp I’m fangirling😭😭😭😭 hope you’re having the best day!!

  • @che_pe_ha7425
    @che_pe_ha7425 Рік тому +29

    I'm so sorry you had to face this! You are very strong and thank you for sharing this with us! All support to you! By the way, it's time for me to stop procrastinating and start doing my today's workouts 😅

  • @ez6314
    @ez6314 Рік тому +33

    Don't feel bad, he deserves everything that he comes to him. If anything, you've made the world a better place and taught those who need to be taught a lesson in life.

  • @laurengarcia1023
    @laurengarcia1023 Рік тому +24

    It's crazy how he and others target you when you just give away really solid workouts for free that actually help people. And there really is a lot of harmful diet and nutrition advice out there that they make people pay for. Your videos always just make me feel better physically and mentally ❤️

  • @niksha_
    @niksha_ Рік тому +47

    Хлоя все еще так добра и человечна, не смотря на доставленные ей неприятности. Заслуживает огромного уважения

    • @useraiken
      @useraiken Рік тому +4

      Ага, на ее месте я бы оставила того мужика ни с чем на всю жизнь. Это ему еще повезло, что Хлоя великодушна

  • @ruthnsimba1370
    @ruthnsimba1370 Рік тому +30

    chloe it's amazing to see how you're standing up for yourself you helped me and others so much in our fitness journey it's not difficult to see that you're a genuine person who wants the best for her community we're here for you 💕

  • @kingtanlegends4278
    @kingtanlegends4278 Рік тому +94

    Hi Chloe. I wasn't able to visit your channel for a year for lots of things going on. Now I'm hoping to become regular again. Seeing you after a whole year feels wholesome idk😭

  • @shadegloom
    @shadegloom Рік тому +30

    You have so much free stuff that helps people all over. Thanks for being awesome and helping people get fit 💪 ❤

  • @princessnishat786
    @princessnishat786 Рік тому +6

    Is it just me or does anyone feel chloe is looking different???🤔

    • @reine2212
      @reine2212 Рік тому +1

      Only makeup looks different

    • @sarahne4792
      @sarahne4792 Рік тому +1

      yeah maybe surgery, her lips is very different !

    • @dietdew8
      @dietdew8 Рік тому

      Nose job

  • @aradhanamathews
    @aradhanamathews Рік тому +109

    Chloe's perseverance and compassion are incredible! An inspiration to us all

  • @stacyy4362
    @stacyy4362 Рік тому +29

    I liked even before watching it because Chloe never disappoints

    • @ChloeTing
      @ChloeTing  Рік тому +6


    • @stacyy4362
      @stacyy4362 Рік тому +4

      @@ChloeTing Ahahah you replied, I love you so muchh

  • @lunlapine
    @lunlapine Рік тому +35

    I think putting down others especially in this space is horrible. Bodies are different, you’ve said that many times so results won’t always be the same. Nonetheless you are making a positive change by getting people to workout and try their hand at fitness and just trying to be comfortable in their own skin. By saying your workouts “don’t work” it discourages those who have worked hard and improved with them. I think it’s lovely how you inspire others to workout!

  • @CafeMaddy
    @CafeMaddy 11 місяців тому +1

    congrats Chloe. you went through so much because of this piece of 💩. Cheers to only GOOD people around you going forward!!

  • @nature.mallow1242
    @nature.mallow1242 Рік тому +2

    I unfollowed a gal that backed him up. Go Chloe 😊

  • @NoelleB262
    @NoelleB262 Рік тому +16

    I feel sad you had to deal with all that hate. Even through all this you showed compassion to that guy even though he was hateful. I just want you to know it was during the Pandemic I came across your videos and that you inspire me and my daughter with your strength and confidence to keep at it on our fitness and health journey. You also touch the lives of so many people daily. I am glad you stayed strong and spoke up because many don't. We will always support you. ❤

  • @basmatirice4398
    @basmatirice4398 Рік тому +2

    she kind of looks different. I am watching her after long time so maybe because of that. Any one else notice that??

  • @evelp5084
    @evelp5084 Рік тому +17

    Hi Chloe! You’ve inspired me for years to embrace fitness as part of my own journey, thank you. Of course you should stand up for your purpose, your path isn’t for someone else to corrupt or diminish. I’m happy you can move past the storm and forward into a better time 🩵

  • @by_ashwathi
    @by_ashwathi Рік тому +1

    Does anyone who is the “HE” person? Just curious..

  •  Рік тому +2

    Omg I just notice the progress bar on the top right… Just like her workout vids XD

  • @karimecach4623
    @karimecach4623 Рік тому +21

    I've been following you for 4 years and really thanks to you I've achieved a change in my body, I don't understand how there are those kinds of people who say that about you. I love you so much Chloe ❤

    • @mariamariafujoshiinurarea2524
      @mariamariafujoshiinurarea2524 Рік тому +1

      Exactly! It s all because of her workouts that I managed to finally change!! Some people are just too sour towards good people :/

  • @TaylorSwiftGleek
    @TaylorSwiftGleek Рік тому +3


  • @queeniec1048
    @queeniec1048 Рік тому +2

    Shes better than me bc i wouldve let him rot

  • @jaya733
    @jaya733 Рік тому +2

    Make him bankrupt that doug

  • @nobunaga.kaitlyn.1273
    @nobunaga.kaitlyn.1273 Рік тому +11

    We’re here to support you. Take my advice “It’s better on the insides, not on the outside” “When you take advantage of it, it’ll always in the way of coming back to you.”

  • @UwU-il5ng
    @UwU-il5ng Рік тому +13

    don't listen to what they say, all of us who have done your exercises are really grateful to you, especially me, you have changed my life a lot

  • @MaiaC26
    @MaiaC26 Рік тому +11

    So proud of you to speak up like that even if it's not always easy !!

  • @sindhujayendran7253
    @sindhujayendran7253 Рік тому +2

    U look so different Chloe. Like the good different. Sorry about what you had to go through. But what's more important is that you are back

  • @uranianka
    @uranianka Рік тому +1

    Now I need to know his name to see who was that jealous of her success and stupid.

  • @MRK2050
    @MRK2050 Рік тому +2

    You look so different.. surgery?

  • @pr4323
    @pr4323 Рік тому +4

    Who is she talking about?

  • @bratzillla
    @bratzillla Рік тому +6

    Chloe please stay safe. That man seems obsessive enough to…you know. Just I hope you stay safe I care you very much!!

  • @olleheyb
    @olleheyb Рік тому +2

    Being the better person is overrated.

  • @Painting384
    @Painting384 Рік тому +1

    Go to court. Let him go bankrupt. If he needs money, ask him to beg you for it. Then, give it to him.

  • @adwika_7
    @adwika_7 Рік тому +11

    Chloe, you've helped me and many others to great extent despite what they "claim."
    You deserve all the love and support💓

  • @whitneyodor6176
    @whitneyodor6176 Рік тому +27

    2 years is a long time to go through something like this. You are a strong woman to put up with it, to commit to this process and to make the decision you made in the end. I hope he realizes the grace he has been shown and that it changes him for the better.

  • @rosieburst
    @rosieburst 9 місяців тому +5

    I'm so glad this stress is over for you. I've had eating disorders (including exercise bulimia) since I was 13, and I turned to your videos when I finally wanted to start exercising again healthily. The way you speak to guide people, allowing them to do things at their own pace, was helpful to me. I hope this experience doesn't snuff out your spark and fire. You have made and continue to make a difference to peoples' lives x

  • @iopn772
    @iopn772 Рік тому +1

    😢Dear Chloe, please translate your videos into several languages, including Arabic. I am from Iraq and I love you very much, but I do not speak English very well. ❤