The problem is everyone thinks this game has healers. It doesn't. It has support, support can strategically heal and not just "HEAL". Everyone runs in like us support players can just save them when they do so. If we were that good, there wouldn't be health platforms around the map.
I just started playing ranked today. I lost my first eight games in a row playing support. No one peels for me when divers dive on me. No one stays in my range so I can heal them. No one actually pushes when my ult is up. They just eat full clips to the face and die while I'm healing them anyway. No one switches to Hawkeye or Iron Man. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
@@lens_hunter I ran into this problem, you have to gauge your teams skill comp pretty quickly. If they're getting picks, definitely play who you're good with. If they're failing, My suggestion, play Rocket Racoon and I'll tell you why. His mobility makes for great escapes keeping you alive longer, his orbs bounce around so even if you're not intentionally healing you tend to catch the damage people with heals that don't do anything. You get a respawn which can help depending on the situation, and the ult helps for the morons that just spray and pray. He's a great asset when your team lacks skill. He really is good running solo because you can play your life running up walls and dashing away from those that chase you, keeping you alive longer thus in turn allows you to keep the idiots alive longer.
The real problem is how so many randoms are actually fucking special. They don’t want to capture the objective, they just want kills. They will literally forget about the real objective and just go for kills, which sells the game every time
The worst part is "strategists" thinking they're supposed to go for "big brain plays" instead of healing the team. They're literally only not called support to keep people engaged with them since selfish players don't want to "support" their team and just want MVP.
BRO THIS IS MY PROBLEM!!! I’m losing my heckin mind!!! For the past two days trying to claw my way out of Bronze is I get queued into these teams that are full of MrNights. Nobody wants to play the objective and they all just needlessly feed into the opponents team like it’s Call of Duty or something. I’m the top between both teams either on damage or healing and most of the time when I fill a tank position I still end up with more damage done than my damage dealers. What the heck am I supposed to do in this scenario?! Is there a community that I can find that actually wants to play the game as intended? I’m losing my mind here!
The problem is that no one wants to heal. So despite my best characters being a dualist, I never get to play them in ranked because everyone is so god damn selfish, that they would rather lose and rage type all game, than heal. So I end up swapping, cause it’s ranked… and I don’t want to lose. Even if I picked first. I end up solo healing. I didn’t like role queue when they introduced it in OW, but looking back on it, the game needed it. Starting to feel that in Rivals
Bruh it’s the opposite for me. I want to heal but my team can’t do anything. I always end the game with most heals in the game but still end up losing.
@@maui954i wanna play dps but when i play ppl pick duelist and vanguard and tunnel vision the whole game, i think there are a lot of players that are new to the genre on this game
I always want to heal. Only problem is my comp never usually peels back to help me with being flanked. They complain when you heal for 38k keeping everyone up and also running away from Spiderman.
Yeah I feel your pain. Super frustrating experience but all I can say is that the mmr is seeing your performance so if you’re doing well but losing, eventually the wins will come and you’ll be given bonus points. It’ll turn around!
@@Drewberry_Gamingwhen bro I’ve gotten svp in the past 10 games because my entire team is dps and can’t even play I honestly might just give up on ranked because it’s such BS and I swear the other team your up against is always 10x better it’s just not fun
@@Jamin1978 bro that’s the exact position I’m in. I’ll get one or two games if I’m lucky I play cloak and dagger support and it sucks because your stats depend on if your team is good for the most part so you’re not gonna get assist if your team is just rushing the point just to die. I literally give a tutorial before the match starts on. Don’t avoid my health bubble. Stay still when I’m trying to heal. You don’t avoid me when I’m trying to heal you, etc. it’s such a PITA 💥 🍑
Im not gonna lie the ranking system is refreshing here. I don’t feel like one loss undoes my last win. Which is amazing and feels rewarding not disheartening like over watches ranking system. I would get a win there +19 only to have a leaver next game and get -21. It was super frustrating. I played games staying in the same spot all night. But in marvel rivals I feel the progression of my gameplay. It takes a actual loss streak to really undo your wins of the night. And a win can help you recover a loss not keep you in less of a spot than when you started if you only loss once. Love that you can see in ur history how much each game gave you for points too!!!
Yessss totally agree!! Keeping the mmr points visible is a nice way to know that the ranking system sees how well you’re doing and expects you to be at a higher rank. It will level out eventually but it’s a nice indicator of your average performance in a game. Glad to hear you’re enjoying ranked! Best of luck out there
Isn't that because the hidden MMR hasn't hit yet? Im assuming depending on your winrate you will lose more than you gain similar to other games? Or is it different?
@thehobo5684 have you been on a losing streak? I know that if you get SVP you get -0 for the loss Edit. You get minus zero for chrono shield not svp. You might just lose less if you svp
The best is when you heal 38k and yet your dps complains that your damage is low. Maybe if they knew how to actually dps you wouldn't have to heal so dang much.
I was stuck in bronze for about 2hrs. Lost multiple games back to back as people dont really know how to play and just want to kill for some dopamine. After I left bronze 3 took me 2hrs to get to gold 2. Pretty fun once you leave the tiktok brains
I agree. I just started yesterday and just got out of bronze. I had to shut the game off, lol. You have healers that want to be in the front and try to be damage dealers.
@@StarCrow77Gamingyes. Because otherwise you’re fucked if you’re playing ranked. Ranked needs to force people to play the game the way it’s intended. Otherwise play a different game mode
No one is getting out of Bronze without a linked squad of at least 3-4 players where there's communication and team balance. I've had so many games dominating and still lost cause of these things missing or just bad players
Its possible man, I was solo Q for ranked, was stuck in bronze for 2hrs, literally a 2hr losing streak. Then I noticed they had options to "Avoid as teammate" started doing that on the garbage randoms I was getting and eventually an hour later I finished my day in gold 1
@@wiseguy240Winston I've been soloing ranked and have made it to gold. It's easier fir me because I'm a fill guy it's usually strat and tank I really leave dos to the professionals
I know some people complain about healing which I understand a lot being a healing maim myself and when I switch to damage it's crazy when I'm LITERALLY standing next to my healer at low HP and they refuse to heal me. Also, when I am the healer, the dps or tank, just like to overextend and make it much harder for the team to win the fight now cause they are dead and complain about not getting heals
I am currently in plat 3 (Loki enjoyer) and honestly most of the games won were because of supports and teamwork. People are out here telling people what they need and people are actively swapping from their mains to help each other out (including me) most of the time it worked since everyone has a clear understanding on each hero. Also because supports are unbelievably hard carries. People give supports so much credit for actively doing their job.
Nice video man. I like that you're explaining things in a calm manner and not doing the typical OVEREXAGGERATED SHOUTING EVERYTHING like what other youtubers do 👍
I’m fine with quick match having no role queue, but ranked matches are more important with potential consequences for losing, so I think having a structure to the teams is more important, justifying role queue in that instance. Now the downside to that is it limits team comp variety. Maybe a group of friends have found a really good 2V 1D 3S team comp, but if role queue forces you to go 2-2-2, then they can’t play it. Maybe this could be remedied with some comp varieties that the team votes on prematch or something along those lines. Still, I think I’d rather have the structure than not, even if it is could be a little limiting.
yeah the elo system isn't working yet because it's so early into ranked. it doesn't match teams well and you too often get stomped on or demolish the enemy team, people haven't played enough games for it to measure their skill yet
Good God, how is it that some players in bronze can't hit the side of a barn, and others can do a full 180 and headshot you before you get a 2nd shot off?
@@TyLovePie because there's no placement matches, so the top % players queue with the worst players to begin with as everyone starts in bronze. it will take some time before this evens out and make bronze a less wild place in terms of skill variation
@@fxgspartan Because we get yelled at for wanting to try using proper team comps in quick play. "Just go to ranked if you care about winning" There really isn't a place for casuals who are trying to play the game as intended.
Bro my issue for the past two days trying to claw my way out of Bronze is I get queued into these teams that are full of MrNights. Nobody wants to play the objective and they all just needlessly feed into the opponents team like it’s Call of Duty or something. I’m the top between both teams either on damage or healing and most of the time when I fill a tank position I still end up with more damage done than my damage dealers. What the heck am I supposed to do in this scenario?! Is there a community that I can find that actually wants to play the game as intended? I’m losing my mind here!
I think so far the biggest issue i've hit as solo queue in bronze is tanks that don't know how to tank. They don't lead onto objective and they don't peel for heals. I died 5 times in one match specifically due to Dr. Strange dropping his shield and running behind me at full health like I was supposed to facetank for him. I see a lot of fighting 5 or 10 feet outside of objectives too... why not have the same fight ON the objective?
I feel like I play decently, my best role is damage but I always wait for everyone to choose hovering over what I want to play and if there is no tanks, or no heals I take them, the porblem for me is that for the past 3 or so games (I don't play that much) everyone takes damage, and I can't really pick a tank and a healer at the same time, or worse someone leaves at the slightest inconvinience like losing a point.
One thing i can say is when i flame people for bad picks and performance it makes them turn their mics on and change heros and we actually win so flaming is my go to strat every game lol
So i played alot of comp as support and doing real good but still losing and then the other day i went on a winning streak and now I went from bronze 3 to gold 2 and moving up so you just have to be patient and play good and you will start to get on good teams.
Its an easy fix, do loose role queue. 1 min 3 max. So each role has to have minimum 1 but can only have a max of 3. That means you can still normally choose what you want, but also normally have what you need.
On this note I enjoy role queue, almost only play that in overwatch, but since the meta isn't really established and many people enjoy the 1-3-2 set up that'd satisfy all parties
Solid video, dude. As an Overwatch player since 2016, we need people like you teaching people new to this genre how to play, lol. So many people somehow haven’t played objective-based hero shooters!
Don't play solo queue. There's your answer. Unfortunately another annoying thing is that the ranking system is heavily biased towards DPS players which is partially why you have so many people insta locking DPS. I play tank and might get 30 rank points even if we absolutely steam roll and I've blocked 40k damage, while my DPS is instantly ranking up after two matches. When we started playing together he was around 70 points into bronze 3 and I was low bronze 2. After two games he was bronze 1 and I was still a few points off of bronze 1. The discrepancy in gained points for classes is fucking insane and the game encourages people to fight over being DPS.
I swear to god I can never get good teams. I might get one or 2 in a row, maybe just before ranking up and BAM 5 games with people who've never played a hero shooter and constantly stagger... Sitting there with more kills and damage than tank and duelist and more heals than everyone in the game. More than big sad
this game needs role queue and true SBMM when it comes to ranked play, i am tired of not being able to climb because of jeffs with 615 total healing per game, i am already over this game honestly
The worst duelists are the ones that last pick after the comp is already set up, and we just need a vanguard or support. Most of the time they're Spider-Man and just run it down all game, completely oblivious that they're dragging the team down.
I know Im late to the party, but another issue is nobody will go for the objective, and it feels like people go out of their ways to not get healed so they can complain about it.
The way roles work sucks because eventually I'm forced to either Tank, DPS or Support because most of the players on my team decided they don't want to do one or even two of those things... Then I get flamed for being a bad tank (which IMO is the most important role). Usually what happens is people get tired of being constantly killed and then switch to support when I caved in and switched myself, it's just a disaster. It doesn't help that no one wants to team up, it honestly kind of feels like you need to get a bit lucky sometimes. But all I can do is fix my mistakes so here I am lol.
Some guy called me bad for going frontlines as hela, when my team cannot heal properly and the tanks are doing absolutely nothing. Almost all teams ive gotten were -KD and couldnt heal, tanks went on their own and so did dps when i took the role of healer. I cannot be bothered with shit teammates for 7 matches, last match before i rage quit, my whole team was watching me a tank from the back while i was trying to get objective.
I like the ranked system cause I carried my team with 42 kills and got like +43 rank and I completely carried the game after but still lost and I only lost 9
i just sneak in and sneak out on certain maps. If the map is tight i play iron man i learned that much if its open area my good old wanda and hela. The one thing i noticed is having hard time healing everyone when everyone is in the circle or just going in blind. If you noticed you keep dying at the same spot don't keep going there. I mean what do people think this game is its based on team work not selfishness. This is also why i don't want games like these to be free to play. To many times this kind of thing happens specially if the game is based on team work or solo style.
As a tank I get 20+ or 30+ kills and try to take space but I feel like my dos never gets meaningful kills on healers. And I also have to protect the back line constantly. It’s hard to focus on controlling space dealing same to squishes and protecting my own squishes. Especially when they don’t communicate they are being dived on.
I tried for hours. I mean hours. Im always around silver 2 and silver 1. Im tired and gold seems just ..impossible. I play on ps and all my friends are on pc so i gotta go solo.. sad shit
I would play healer or tank, but I know myself, I got good at shooters playing destiny, taking 1v3s, and taking off angles to gain advantage in team fights. I don't know how to take agro, I don't pay attention to my teammates outside of what angle they're holding, I am good at one thing, and I know that. Mained reaper in overwatch to push my playstyle, so I'm gonna main moon knight in rivals.
I am a duelist player but playing ranked is forcing me to play vanguard and strategist, I like playing Loki and picked up venom, magneto, Luna snow and cloak and dagger. I plan to learn dr strange soon.
I never knew about that area in practice range. This is my first time ever playing this type of game and I’m seriously struggling with aiming and getting kills. On XBox with controller it’s so sard to aim and move, and if I don’t move to aim I get killed in a second.
Without a role queue you got hardlocked having to be the only teammate with a brain stem who goes support or tank. Everyone else hardines DPS and it blows when the enemy team has the perfect 2-2-2 composition
Im lvl 48(age), will be lvl 49 in Feb. I spent the first 3 years of Overwatch's life playing support to rank up faster because nobody would play support. I can not, WILL not do that over again in Marvel Rivals. I started doing it and even did a video tell people to play strategist to rank up faster. Nhaw i changed my mind. Learn two characters you wanna play and be one of the best with both characters and youll be fine. Trust me. Time waits for noone
I honestly hate the advice of "you should adjust". There is no system in place that rewards those of us who help out. Winning isn't always a "prize" that is guaranteed with you trying to compensate for your team. There is unfortunately, no other way to play. There should at least some sort of way to force low-fragging duelists into a different role when there are already 3 or more duelists on the team.
Thats why i almost never pick duelist. Why pick duelist when dr. Strange or thor can do a good job plus on dr.strange its like 1,450 hp for him to die if you use his shield
I just started playing ranked today. I lost my first eight games in a row playing support. I also want to say that I dont think Im the best player since Im new, but EVERY game I feel like my team is insanely weaker. No one peels for me when divers dive on me. A lot of time they are just super passive not pushing onto a point. No one stays in my range so I can heal them. No one actually pushes when my ult is up. They just eat full clips to the face and die while I'm healing them anyway. No one switches to Hawkeye or Iron Man. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
First game of OW ranked I got called the n word after doing the most dmg with Moira and healing more than 3x the other support, and got blamed when I held my own, and also because I was forced to play healer if I want to play the game. I hope people branch out in Marvel Rivals to play healers because healers are fun, but I just hate being locked to one class of characters being everyone is greedy. I hope people like playing the healers in this game so then this game can become mainstream!
>Homepage told me to try competitive so I tried competitive. >I was bad >really bad >Team yells at me >inevitable defeat >whole team blames me >the other Bronze III spent the remaining time in the lobby roasting me into oblivion >Never played competitive again
Don’t give the game Role lock, but honestly just give it a role limit mode, like you can’t have more than 3 of the same class, but you can still switch to a different one mid game if necessary.
getting out of bronze was very easy for me and I am in gold 1 now I main penni parker and I can't play any duelists except iron man I always die and also I was lucky for getting good teammates most of the time and I do become a healer if my main (penni parker) is not available
The game just came out, you literally have to play all day to get to a rank.... I love gaming but sometimes gets boring playing for so long. It's insane for me to think that people are already at gold since ranked started yesterday...
@Drewberry_Gaming from the brawlers that you got to play, which did you like most? Personally I'm liking psylocke but I think she should have a double jump. Which do you think are most valuable for a ranked match, I definitely think some are not on par on power. For example Iron Fist is broken...
if ur having trouble with randoms insta picking dps, join a faction. trust me, u will always find multiple tank and supp players, and good ones too, that will let u pick dps. but thats how its gone with me, idk abt other factions
Time will tell! But the competitive tournaments that have been held during the tests with pro overwatch players, all ran 2-2-2. Seems to be strongest but if there was another composition I’d like it’d be 1-3-2.
@@Drewberry_GamingI think it definitely depends on team ups and stuff too. Seems that 132 can certainly work, as long as there is some sort of tanking and good heals
Trying playing against-hulk,venom,iron fist, iron man, jeff the shark and Cloak & dagger. Venom and hulk double teamed ppl, iron fist ran around, iron man in the sky doing his thing and the 2 healers healing hulk or venom. We lost
assuming at least one tank and one strategist is involved, and the tank is a frontliner not a dive tank (if it is just one tank -and unless your whole gameplan is dive and you picked your full comp to support it), any assortment of role picks can work, only it is more reliant on individual skill to each carry out their job effectively. 2-2-2 is a crutch in a way that it simplifies your teams potential playmaking and makes it harder to mess up. your premade is a good example, if you have more success on a 1-3-2 comp, it just means whichever player made the swap from tank to dps is simply better at playing dps than they are tank, the value they now get on dps outweighs the potential value from just existing as a tank.
I’ll never get out of bronze because I’m old and can’t aim. There needs to be a league lower than bronze. Every game I have under 10 kills and over 20 deaths but my league can’t move because there’s nothing lower
Solo queuing is abysmal and most of my friends need cross play. They’ve handicapped their audience by not letting us choose to have cross play during competitive
I main Healer. It's absolute hell.
I cant outheal "Stupid" and "Greed"
The problem is everyone thinks this game has healers. It doesn't. It has support, support can strategically heal and not just "HEAL". Everyone runs in like us support players can just save them when they do so. If we were that good, there wouldn't be health platforms around the map.
@@dontesmall This needed to be said
I just started playing ranked today. I lost my first eight games in a row playing support.
No one peels for me when divers dive on me. No one stays in my range so I can heal them. No one actually pushes when my ult is up. They just eat full clips to the face and die while I'm healing them anyway. No one switches to Hawkeye or Iron Man. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
@@lens_hunter I ran into this problem, you have to gauge your teams skill comp pretty quickly. If they're getting picks, definitely play who you're good with. If they're failing, My suggestion, play Rocket Racoon and I'll tell you why. His mobility makes for great escapes keeping you alive longer, his orbs bounce around so even if you're not intentionally healing you tend to catch the damage people with heals that don't do anything. You get a respawn which can help depending on the situation, and the ult helps for the morons that just spray and pray. He's a great asset when your team lacks skill.
He really is good running solo because you can play your life running up walls and dashing away from those that chase you, keeping you alive longer thus in turn allows you to keep the idiots alive longer.
The real problem is how so many randoms are actually fucking special. They don’t want to capture the objective, they just want kills. They will literally forget about the real objective and just go for kills, which sells the game every time
F-ing this! Like focus on the MFing objective!!!
Thry think they playin cod
Typical COD 🧠 rot player
The worst part is "strategists" thinking they're supposed to go for "big brain plays" instead of healing the team. They're literally only not called support to keep people engaged with them since selfish players don't want to "support" their team and just want MVP.
BRO THIS IS MY PROBLEM!!! I’m losing my heckin mind!!! For the past two days trying to claw my way out of Bronze is I get queued into these teams that are full of MrNights. Nobody wants to play the objective and they all just needlessly feed into the opponents team like it’s Call of Duty or something. I’m the top between both teams either on damage or healing and most of the time when I fill a tank position I still end up with more damage done than my damage dealers. What the heck am I supposed to do in this scenario?! Is there a community that I can find that actually wants to play the game as intended? I’m losing my mind here!
The problem is that no one wants to heal. So despite my best characters being a dualist, I never get to play them in ranked because everyone is so god damn selfish, that they would rather lose and rage type all game, than heal. So I end up swapping, cause it’s ranked… and I don’t want to lose. Even if I picked first. I end up solo healing. I didn’t like role queue when they introduced it in OW, but looking back on it, the game needed it. Starting to feel that in Rivals
Same but Ive been having to play tank 😔
Bruh it’s the opposite for me. I want to heal but my team can’t do anything. I always end the game with most heals in the game but still end up losing.
@@maui954i wanna play dps but when i play ppl pick duelist and vanguard and tunnel vision the whole game, i think there are a lot of players that are new to the genre on this game
1 tank, 1 healer minimum, max 3 duelists. No forced 2 2 2 meta. That shit is so AIDs.
I always want to heal. Only problem is my comp never usually peels back to help me with being flanked. They complain when you heal for 38k keeping everyone up and also running away from Spiderman.
i play support and I'm pretty good but my team always seem like they don't really care to win resulting in me loosing 20 games in a row.
Yeah I feel your pain. Super frustrating experience but all I can say is that the mmr is seeing your performance so if you’re doing well but losing, eventually the wins will come and you’ll be given bonus points. It’ll turn around!
@@Drewberry_Gamingwhen bro I’ve gotten svp in the past 10 games because my entire team is dps and can’t even play I honestly might just give up on ranked because it’s such BS and I swear the other team your up against is always 10x better it’s just not fun
@@Jamin1978 bro that’s the exact position I’m in. I’ll get one or two games if I’m lucky I play cloak and dagger support and it sucks because your stats depend on if your team is good for the most part so you’re not gonna get assist if your team is just rushing the point just to die. I literally give a tutorial before the match starts on. Don’t avoid my health bubble. Stay still when I’m trying to heal. You don’t avoid me when I’m trying to heal you, etc. it’s such a PITA 💥 🍑
I don’t understand how to play most missions
Im not gonna lie the ranking system is refreshing here. I don’t feel like one loss undoes my last win. Which is amazing and feels rewarding not disheartening like over watches ranking system. I would get a win there +19 only to have a leaver next game and get -21. It was super frustrating. I played games staying in the same spot all night. But in marvel rivals I feel the progression of my gameplay. It takes a actual loss streak to really undo your wins of the night. And a win can help you recover a loss not keep you in less of a spot than when you started if you only loss once. Love that you can see in ur history how much each game gave you for points too!!!
Yessss totally agree!! Keeping the mmr points visible is a nice way to know that the ranking system sees how well you’re doing and expects you to be at a higher rank. It will level out eventually but it’s a nice indicator of your average performance in a game.
Glad to hear you’re enjoying ranked! Best of luck out there
Isn't that because the hidden MMR hasn't hit yet? Im assuming depending on your winrate you will lose more than you gain similar to other games? Or is it different?
@ unsure only time will tell on that one. Right now it just feels good and fair to play comp so go enjoy it while you can!
No but it doesn’t, recently I’ve had most of my games being where the loss is more than the win
@thehobo5684 have you been on a losing streak? I know that if you get SVP you get -0 for the loss
Edit. You get minus zero for chrono shield not svp. You might just lose less if you svp
The best is when you heal 38k and yet your dps complains that your damage is low.
Maybe if they knew how to actually dps you wouldn't have to heal so dang much.
Ahh that is the worst. They don’t realize that your damage is low cause you’re too busy healing the unnecessary dmg they’re taking lol
@ Indeed lol. Plus I was doing my best to avoid Spidey and Iron Fist trying to flank me while still healing.
Bro the whole point of you picking that character is to heal 1st fight 2nd 🤦♂️
@Vincent-cp9gp Lol, right! I quit playing the game because I don't have the patience for clowns like that.
@EnigmaticRealist fr I play Vanguard, so it's a bit different, but everyone complains I have 10 kills and 6k damage even though I blocked 30k
Have friends. Most randoms absolutely suck.
Amen to that brother
Except when you are a lot better than all your friends
The hardest strat
The problem is THE GAME JUST CAME OUT. So don't expect everyone to be gods
I was stuck in bronze for about 2hrs. Lost multiple games back to back as people dont really know how to play and just want to kill for some dopamine. After I left bronze 3 took me 2hrs to get to gold 2. Pretty fun once you leave the tiktok brains
I agree. I just started yesterday and just got out of bronze. I had to shut the game off, lol. You have healers that want to be in the front and try to be damage dealers.
I’ve been stuck in bronze for the past 3 days😭😭😭😭😭
i feel like a big problem i'm having is i'm solo supporting the team, i wish more people liked or at least would try playing support
As the tank of the team bro I 100 percent agree with you.
100% Loki stan here trying to sharpen my healing game 💪
@@Trayson75must be having a ton of fun
@tysonb2844 If only, I mean venom can heal yo a certain degree but it's nothing like having a real healer
Big facts! Plus being targeted constantly with no peel back help and you have to run in circles.
I've been doing good in ranked but my teammates really need to play more quick-play, I can't deal with 4 duelist bs
They should force you to pick a role, what ends up happening is you have team full of DPS . With no healers
Be like OverWatch2? Nah
@@StarCrow77Gaming yes
@@BirminghamGamerNo, they should just make a maximum of 3 people per role.
@@StarCrow77Gamingyes. Because otherwise you’re fucked if you’re playing ranked. Ranked needs to force people to play the game the way it’s intended. Otherwise play a different game mode
Hell no! Please just stand firm and educate so we can improve everyone's knowledge of the game
No one is getting out of Bronze without a linked squad of at least 3-4 players where there's communication and team balance. I've had so many games dominating and still lost cause of these things missing or just bad players
Yeah but then you're put against full teams too.
Its possible man, I was solo Q for ranked, was stuck in bronze for 2hrs, literally a 2hr losing streak. Then I noticed they had options to "Avoid as teammate" started doing that on the garbage randoms I was getting and eventually an hour later I finished my day in gold 1
@@wiseguy240Winston I've been soloing ranked and have made it to gold. It's easier fir me because I'm a fill guy it's usually strat and tank I really leave dos to the professionals
@@jyaad you can only avoid like 3 people
Idk man I got to gold in one afternoon might just be a skill issue
this is cool and all but my teammates eat crayons and scared of heals and the objective lol
I know some people complain about healing which I understand a lot being a healing maim myself and when I switch to damage it's crazy when I'm LITERALLY standing next to my healer at low HP and they refuse to heal me. Also, when I am the healer, the dps or tank, just like to overextend and make it much harder for the team to win the fight now cause they are dead and complain about not getting heals
If I play one more match where im the only non deulist im genuinely gonna start tweaking
Thanks, good tips. Didn't even know that area existed in the practice range!
It’s so good! They didn’t have that in the alpha and beta training room
I am currently in plat 3 (Loki enjoyer) and honestly most of the games won were because of supports and teamwork. People are out here telling people what they need and people are actively swapping from their mains to help each other out (including me) most of the time it worked since everyone has a clear understanding on each hero. Also because supports are unbelievably hard carries. People give supports so much credit for actively doing their job.
Nice video man. I like that you're explaining things in a calm manner and not doing the typical OVEREXAGGERATED SHOUTING EVERYTHING like what other youtubers do 👍
I’m fine with quick match having no role queue, but ranked matches are more important with potential consequences for losing, so I think having a structure to the teams is more important, justifying role queue in that instance. Now the downside to that is it limits team comp variety. Maybe a group of friends have found a really good 2V 1D 3S team comp, but if role queue forces you to go 2-2-2, then they can’t play it. Maybe this could be remedied with some comp varieties that the team votes on prematch or something along those lines. Still, I think I’d rather have the structure than not, even if it is could be a little limiting.
There can be a balance where it only forces the team to have one of each role and the other three slots can be whatever the team wants
Then we're back to the same problem of 1/4/1. Idk about you, but solo tanking or solo healing are miserable experiences for everyone involved.
Right now for us casual players there’s just too many sweaty people playing not a bad thing, but hopefully they’ll get the gold fast
yeah the elo system isn't working yet because it's so early into ranked. it doesn't match teams well and you too often get stomped on or demolish the enemy team, people haven't played enough games for it to measure their skill yet
Good God, how is it that some players in bronze can't hit the side of a barn, and others can do a full 180 and headshot you before you get a 2nd shot off?
@@TyLovePie because there's no placement matches, so the top % players queue with the worst players to begin with as everyone starts in bronze. it will take some time before this evens out and make bronze a less wild place in terms of skill variation
Gen question nothing against it but why are you playing Ranked as a casual?
Is it for Moon Knight skin? Just trying to see where you are?
@@fxgspartan Because we get yelled at for wanting to try using proper team comps in quick play. "Just go to ranked if you care about winning" There really isn't a place for casuals who are trying to play the game as intended.
Bro my issue for the past two days trying to claw my way out of Bronze is I get queued into these teams that are full of MrNights. Nobody wants to play the objective and they all just needlessly feed into the opponents team like it’s Call of Duty or something. I’m the top between both teams either on damage or healing and most of the time when I fill a tank position I still end up with more damage done than my damage dealers. What the heck am I supposed to do in this scenario?! Is there a community that I can find that actually wants to play the game as intended? I’m losing my mind here!
We need role queue asap. All the instalock dps can rage below lol
I instalock dps. I hate everyone else. It’s ok when I do it.
@@v2blackcat your part of the problem. you will stay in bronze with this thinking
@@BakrisKillsto be fair a godly Hawkeye for example could probably win more games in bronze with 4 DPS than a godly rocket raccoon with 2-2-2
@@BakrisKills but I’m not bronze
6:49 "we dont have a healer"
*proceeds to play duelist*
Keep watching lol… intentional
@Drewberry_Gaming i did keep watching. its just funny to see that logic though in a comp match
I CANNOT get out of Bronze. I keep getting matched with trash teammates who don’t push objectives or who are legit throwing matches!
Same here
@@noyalsukhadev8516 lets play together
GREAT Video Drew!
Thanks Tech!! 👊 hope you’re doing well man!
this is why i'm loving loki as a support when there's no healer
Future Timeline Drewberry has come to bless us with knowledge. ❤️👍
I got you! 👊❤️
This helps a lot. Thank you, Drew!
Glad I could help! 😄👊
I think so far the biggest issue i've hit as solo queue in bronze is tanks that don't know how to tank. They don't lead onto objective and they don't peel for heals. I died 5 times in one match specifically due to Dr. Strange dropping his shield and running behind me at full health like I was supposed to facetank for him. I see a lot of fighting 5 or 10 feet outside of objectives too... why not have the same fight ON the objective?
yo drewberry, thank u for this and i’m excited to watch ur streams
All my matches td ive had a teamate on the punisher/hawkeye that goes 1-6 😭
That’s brutal man I feel your pain 😭 like if someone insta locks dps, they gotta show up and perform haha
I feel like I play decently, my best role is damage but I always wait for everyone to choose hovering over what I want to play and if there is no tanks, or no heals I take them, the porblem for me is that for the past 3 or so games (I don't play that much) everyone takes damage, and I can't really pick a tank and a healer at the same time, or worse someone leaves at the slightest inconvinience like losing a point.
One thing i can say is when i flame people for bad picks and performance it makes them turn their mics on and change heros and we actually win so flaming is my go to strat every game lol
great video brother!
Whoa Molt Rivals?! Let’s GO! 👊 thank you bro
I wish I had any skill maybe then these tips would work
So i played alot of comp as support and doing real good but still losing and then the other day i went on a winning streak and now I went from bronze 3 to gold 2 and moving up so you just have to be patient and play good and you will start to get on good teams.
I had no idea about the training perameters.. thats awesome. Much better training then the galacta bots around the map.
Its an easy fix, do loose role queue. 1 min 3 max. So each role has to have minimum 1 but can only have a max of 3. That means you can still normally choose what you want, but also normally have what you need.
On this note I enjoy role queue, almost only play that in overwatch, but since the meta isn't really established and many people enjoy the 1-3-2 set up that'd satisfy all parties
Honestly practice is more fun than ranked right now
I main(only) use venom. I have yet to get out of Bronze 3, it feels impossible.
Solid video, dude. As an Overwatch player since 2016, we need people like you teaching people new to this genre how to play, lol. So many people somehow haven’t played objective-based hero shooters!
its so annoying that you can't get out of bronze soley because of how absolute dogshit your teammates are
Wish the game had Cross progression so I could play on my PC.
I believe it's confirmed to be on its way.
@ great to hear
Why not play on pc first?
I wish it had cross progression so I can play comp with all my friends on console
@@TheD_1031 I was playing with my friends there on PC. I’m pretty sure.
Don't play solo queue. There's your answer. Unfortunately another annoying thing is that the ranking system is heavily biased towards DPS players which is partially why you have so many people insta locking DPS. I play tank and might get 30 rank points even if we absolutely steam roll and I've blocked 40k damage, while my DPS is instantly ranking up after two matches. When we started playing together he was around 70 points into bronze 3 and I was low bronze 2. After two games he was bronze 1 and I was still a few points off of bronze 1. The discrepancy in gained points for classes is fucking insane and the game encourages people to fight over being DPS.
I swear to god I can never get good teams. I might get one or 2 in a row, maybe just before ranking up and BAM 5 games with people who've never played a hero shooter and constantly stagger... Sitting there with more kills and damage than tank and duelist and more heals than everyone in the game. More than big sad
The problem of ranked is 5 dps 1 support comp
no it isnt i would still have two suypporters and still loose
Good video 👀
Thank you!
this game needs role queue and true SBMM when it comes to ranked play, i am tired of not being able to climb because of jeffs with 615 total healing per game, i am already over this game honestly
Bro thank you ive been wondering where that damn timed practice area was and now I know
The worst duelists are the ones that last pick after the comp is already set up, and we just need a vanguard or support. Most of the time they're Spider-Man and just run it down all game, completely oblivious that they're dragging the team down.
I know Im late to the party, but another issue is nobody will go for the objective, and it feels like people go out of their ways to not get healed so they can complain about it.
The way roles work sucks because eventually I'm forced to either Tank, DPS or Support because most of the players on my team decided they don't want to do one or even two of those things... Then I get flamed for being a bad tank (which IMO is the most important role). Usually what happens is people get tired of being constantly killed and then switch to support when I caved in and switched myself, it's just a disaster.
It doesn't help that no one wants to team up, it honestly kind of feels like you need to get a bit lucky sometimes. But all I can do is fix my mistakes so here I am lol.
Also one more tip : there are many Spidey instalockers in bronze who can't play for shit so remember if they're in your match you're playing 5v6
I always end up waiting till last then choosing heal because noone else does. Role queues would be great. And possible healer bonuses
Some guy called me bad for going frontlines as hela, when my team cannot heal properly and the tanks are doing absolutely nothing. Almost all teams ive gotten were -KD and couldnt heal, tanks went on their own and so did dps when i took the role of healer. I cannot be bothered with shit teammates for 7 matches, last match before i rage quit, my whole team was watching me a tank from the back while i was trying to get objective.
I like the ranked system cause I carried my team with 42 kills and got like +43 rank and I completely carried the game after but still lost and I only lost 9
What do you do if everyone on your team is staggering and refuses to go in with you?
i just sneak in and sneak out on certain maps. If the map is tight i play iron man i learned that much if its open area my good old wanda and hela. The one thing i noticed is having hard time healing everyone when everyone is in the circle or just going in blind. If you noticed you keep dying at the same spot don't keep going there. I mean what do people think this game is its based on team work not selfishness. This is also why i don't want games like these to be free to play. To many times this kind of thing happens specially if the game is based on team work or solo style.
As a tank I get 20+ or 30+ kills and try to take space but I feel like my dos never gets meaningful kills on healers. And I also have to protect the back line constantly. It’s hard to focus on controlling space dealing same to squishes and protecting my own squishes. Especially when they don’t communicate they are being dived on.
You shouldn’t be able to enter comp unless you are level 15 and up! Straight up!
Awesome video. Just subscribed
I love my Luna Snow, had over 30k healing in ranked. The team recognized without it we prob would of lost.
i will say your video helped me but i didn't get to know anything more then i already know so next time i want more information
Haha I tried to load it with a ton of info 😆
I tried for hours. I mean hours. Im always around silver 2 and silver 1. Im tired and gold seems just ..impossible.
I play on ps and all my friends are on pc so i gotta go solo.. sad shit
I would play healer or tank, but I know myself, I got good at shooters playing destiny, taking 1v3s, and taking off angles to gain advantage in team fights. I don't know how to take agro, I don't pay attention to my teammates outside of what angle they're holding, I am good at one thing, and I know that. Mained reaper in overwatch to push my playstyle, so I'm gonna main moon knight in rivals.
Tip #1. Don't have 5 duelist team mates
nice video!
Thank you! 👊
I am a duelist player but playing ranked is forcing me to play vanguard and strategist, I like playing Loki and picked up venom, magneto, Luna snow and cloak and dagger. I plan to learn dr strange soon.
I never knew about that area in practice range. This is my first time ever playing this type of game and I’m seriously struggling with aiming and getting kills. On XBox with controller it’s so sard to aim and move, and if I don’t move to aim I get killed in a second.
Poor Moon Knight getting swatted like a fly 😂
I didn’t know about that part of the practice range…
Without a role queue you got hardlocked having to be the only teammate with a brain stem who goes support or tank. Everyone else hardines DPS and it blows when the enemy team has the perfect 2-2-2 composition
Im main support every game possible love the doggo shark
Im lvl 48(age), will be lvl 49 in Feb. I spent the first 3 years of Overwatch's life playing support to rank up faster because nobody would play support. I can not, WILL not do that over again in Marvel Rivals. I started doing it and even did a video tell people to play strategist to rank up faster. Nhaw i changed my mind. Learn two characters you wanna play and be one of the best with both characters and youll be fine. Trust me. Time waits for noone
6:30 Hulk- WHAT!?!?
I cant even use these tips my teammates always make me lose rank and I have no Idea why the other team is the most organized ever
a lot of times consider this, you are the only common value in games, are you sure you are performing at your peak every game?
There needs to be a safety net for when teammates leave or DC. It's not fair I gotta lose points
I feel you. That is the absolute worst
i main heal and always top heal and top assist
but my team sucks no i just play quick matches for fun
I honestly hate the advice of "you should adjust".
There is no system in place that rewards those of us who help out. Winning isn't always a "prize" that is guaranteed with you trying to compensate for your team.
There is unfortunately, no other way to play. There should at least some sort of way to force low-fragging duelists into a different role when there are already 3 or more duelists on the team.
I honestly do not even enjoy duelists that much I hate having to rely on healing
Ive had very successful team with 3 vanguard and 3 strategist. It made duelist feel unnecessary, if only we didnt almost always have 4 of them.
Thats why i almost never pick duelist. Why pick duelist when dr. Strange or thor can do a good job plus on dr.strange its like 1,450 hp for him to die if you use his shield
Its pretty rough out there playing on PC with a controller. 😅
I tried that when I first started playing (never played mouse and keyboard for a shooter before) But now I’m just mouse and keyboard haha
I just started playing ranked today. I lost my first eight games in a row playing support. I also want to say that I dont think Im the best player since Im new, but EVERY game I feel like my team is insanely weaker.
No one peels for me when divers dive on me. A lot of time they are just super passive not pushing onto a point. No one stays in my range so I can heal them. No one actually pushes when my ult is up. They just eat full clips to the face and die while I'm healing them anyway. No one switches to Hawkeye or Iron Man. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
First game of OW ranked I got called the n word after doing the most dmg with Moira and healing more than 3x the other support, and got blamed when I held my own, and also because I was forced to play healer if I want to play the game. I hope people branch out in Marvel Rivals to play healers because healers are fun, but I just hate being locked to one class of characters being everyone is greedy. I hope people like playing the healers in this game so then this game can become mainstream!
>Homepage told me to try competitive so I tried competitive.
>I was bad
>really bad
>Team yells at me
>inevitable defeat
>whole team blames me
>the other Bronze III spent the remaining time in the lobby roasting me into oblivion
>Never played competitive again
Don’t give the game Role lock, but honestly just give it a role limit mode, like you can’t have more than 3 of the same class, but you can still switch to a different one mid game if necessary.
getting out of bronze was very easy for me and I am in gold 1 now I main penni parker and I can't play any duelists except iron man I always die and also I was lucky for getting good teammates most of the time and I do become a healer if my main (penni parker) is not available
Thank u i wish that i come out of silver tomorrow inshallah
i went from bronze to plat solo Q by ONLY healing and i dont play all day long like some people do
The game just came out, you literally have to play all day to get to a rank.... I love gaming but sometimes gets boring playing for so long. It's insane for me to think that people are already at gold since ranked started yesterday...
I played during the alpha and beta and got to at least gold in both those tests! So far I’m at silver this season
@Drewberry_Gaming from the brawlers that you got to play, which did you like most? Personally I'm liking psylocke but I think she should have a double jump. Which do you think are most valuable for a ranked match, I definitely think some are not on par on power. For example Iron Fist is broken...
if ur having trouble with randoms insta picking dps, join a faction. trust me, u will always find multiple tank and supp players, and good ones too, that will let u pick dps. but thats how its gone with me, idk abt other factions
honestly i disagree with 2-2-2 i think a 1-3-2 split has performed more consistently with my 6 stack
Time will tell! But the competitive tournaments that have been held during the tests with pro overwatch players, all ran 2-2-2. Seems to be strongest but if there was another composition I’d like it’d be 1-3-2.
@@Drewberry_GamingI think it definitely depends on team ups and stuff too. Seems that 132 can certainly work, as long as there is some sort of tanking and good heals
Two tanks one with a shield the team and shoot behind from and one who can rush in and cause chaos I like venom and strange together
Trying playing against-hulk,venom,iron fist, iron man, jeff the shark and Cloak & dagger. Venom and hulk double teamed ppl, iron fist ran around, iron man in the sky doing his thing and the 2 healers healing hulk or venom. We lost
assuming at least one tank and one strategist is involved, and the tank is a frontliner not a dive tank (if it is just one tank -and unless your whole gameplan is dive and you picked your full comp to support it), any assortment of role picks can work, only it is more reliant on individual skill to each carry out their job effectively. 2-2-2 is a crutch in a way that it simplifies your teams potential playmaking and makes it harder to mess up. your premade is a good example, if you have more success on a 1-3-2 comp, it just means whichever player made the swap from tank to dps is simply better at playing dps than they are tank, the value they now get on dps outweighs the potential value from just existing as a tank.
I’ll never get out of bronze because I’m old and can’t aim. There needs to be a league lower than bronze. Every game I have under 10 kills and over 20 deaths but my league can’t move because there’s nothing lower
Solo queuing is abysmal and most of my friends need cross play.
They’ve handicapped their audience by not letting us choose to have cross play during competitive
Damn that team up thor clip is tuff , can we play some ranked together?
Comments sounding like everyone a healer
They have to put the pre matchaiing role select like in league of legwnds
The problem is the other 5 people on your team that belong in bronze.
How do you enable team comms on PS5? Do you have to be partied because I’ve never heard anyone speak a single word ever…