Going through and filtering through all the plugins was very interesting for me! Found some old friends along the way too. Whats your favourite plugin that you don't see others use too often?
To piggyback off your TSE808 idea- R47 is a favorite of mine for vocal/synth textures/drum room/impacts. Anything you want to blow up or if you want to change up oohs and ahhs on BGV.
Great idea for a video. Having a small concise set of tools makes the work a lot faster. A "problem solver" I don't see a lot of folks use is UAD Oceanway. It's saved me a lot of heartache when clients send me sources recorded with....questionable microphones.
For effects: Freakshow Industries Mishby and Backmask. WA Production Venom, Mutant Reverb/Mutant Delay. For mixing: Mastering the Mix Levels and Animate. HorNet Analog Stage & Tape. They're all inexpensive/free.
Listen 99% of production can be done on highest level using FF collection. EQ3 , C2 , MB , L2. That’s it! G, DS , S2 if you mix bands . Maybe you’ll need some spice then look through free stuff BPB or KVR . If you work with spice a lot - D16 / soundtoys. That’s it!
@@micindir4213 true. Its the same argument that you can make a great mix with stock plugins (also absolutely true). Nowadays I try to find plugins that are “fun” or very obviously add cool character 🤷♂️
98% of the time I use the stock Logic plugins. I think people *think* they need 800 plugins. Most of them do exactly the same thing. I love Ozone 9 for mastering though.
I'm very much in this place. Having worked an a project studio in the 80s and 90s where we could afford barely 1% of what comes stock in logic, I am thankful every day i power it up, and have managed to avoid much of the bloat. Izotope i do love, including neutron, but awaiting decent silicon support. I have a few character plugs like Izotope Trash , Brauer motion (awaiting silicon support) is the ONLY waves plug i'll have to get, with luck. Will def do soundtoys, and FabFilter when i have the cash. Why Logic Pro Rules has a great vid on essential non-stock plugins
The reality is, get what you understand and what works for you and that's it. Then again, I can understand it, because it's on an impulse, which is a very Human thing. You can get great plugins cracked these days.
What you said about Saturn going across everything creating the same algorithmic sound makes so much sense. That applies so much to saturation. Never really thought about that until you said it. Great video George!
The video was really cool. Definitely gonna check out the Coffee eq. There’s some great free stuff out there. One of my favourite plugins that I don’t see too many others using is LOADED by Analog Obsession. It’s a free 500 series rack emulation thing and it does everything I need it to do on vocals.
That video reminds me of my time changing my whole processing chain. I was using the Waves and Slate bundles for years and I did buy new sound interfaces (Apollo’s x8p) and I had a two weeks time of trying, comparing UAD plugins against Slate and Waves. I did end up with 13 UAD plugins to completely delete all the waves and Slate subscription ! At first it was complicated to be at east and knowing exactly where to go and how to do it, but now I am so happy with that decision, my sound has increased in its overall quality in my opinion. And what you said about the slight analog sounding plugins here and there, resulting in a great texture and feel of weight in your production is what I discovered doing these tests and producing music ! Cheers from France George !
Salut Thomas ! J'aurais voulu savoir en quelques mots, quelques phrases quel était ton parcours dans le monde du son. Je débute dedans et je me disais que ça pourrait être cool de savoir ce que les autres ont faits ;)
I see so many folks dump on free plugins just because they're free, and I have to say it's really refreshing to see them get some love from time to time. If they sound good, they sound good...price tags shouldn't matter!
Dude i see this all the time. A plugin can be world-class, if it sells for cheap, most people will say it's "ok" at best, slap a 100$ pricetag on it and people rave about it.
I only use free & open source software for my music... but then again I'm just a guy recording in his home studio :p I don't have clients demanding certain stuff on their records.
This video showed up in my suggested videos section, and I immediately opened it simply because I loved the title. I, too, am currently in the process of getting rid of many plugins. It's nice to have options and flavors, but in reality, if you can't make it work with 3 different compressors or 3 different EQs, then the plugin is most likely not the issue. So many of the best sounding recordings in history were made with very few pieces of good effects, and it was enough. Making them work is what counts.
About ten years or so ago. I used to waste tons of times collecting and obsessing over vst/vsti’s. I use to think the more I had the better producer I would become. However the opposite happened. I found that I spent more time trying to find the perfect collection that I was producing way less then I use to. Nowadays I have about 5 to 6 go to companies that I use and limit myself. As a result I’m way more productive and creative as a result. Limit is a good thing especially nowadays where you can really get lost down the rabbit hole.
So good, Ill have to take a peak at some of the plugins too, Thanks!....... Glad to see Valhallah Listed in the reverbs too a person favourite of my own
Love the video. Great advice! I would ditch the Slate sub and whittle down even more. Support smaller independent operations (very important in these tough economical times). Sonimus, SIR and Valhalla can do more for less. The Kazrog stuff is great too! Also love the Synthwarmer.
I do love the Slate stuff but I really only routinely use VMR and virtual tape. The Slate team are really cool people having met them a few years back so that company has a special place in my heart. I tried the subscription once but soon realized I didn't use most of the stuff.
@@ConsanguinitySlam I wonder why so many people cant stand Steven slate, hate him to death, cal him a jok, etc I think he is ok, I don care about bullies who work out and walk bulldogs...if they are gay or straight, Slate simply sounds good.
i try to incorporate the «why do i need this?» question into practically all of my purchases. really helpful thing to make sure i don’t go spending money in the wrong places as purchasing stuff terrifies me haha
Hey George! Great video - there were quite a few Brands that I hadn't heard about before. So I'd just like to add how I go about things. Firstly, I'm just a bedroom producer - so I'm not in the same league as you but... Every couple of months I do a plugin review. No ifs, no buts. Now of course, I don't spend nearly as much money as you do on plugins, so it's mostly free stuff or trial versions that end up getting binned. But my point is this: I am very well aware that there comes a point where too many plugins start to actually get in the way - for me that ends up being every couple of months. And to be honest, aside from the plugins that come with Studio One 5/Sphere (which are great - SO5 is the only DAW I use - that's another video you should make) I have lovingly curated/bought only a handful of other plugins which I use every day. Here are my go to plugins: NI Raum, NI Replika (both absolutely brilliant), TDL Nova free plugin (brilliant too - just saving up to get the full license for that), Valhalla free plugins, especially SuperMassive (again saving up to get paid variants). Most of the rest that I use are bundled with SO5 Sphere: Ampire (mainly the Brown Face amp), Analog Delay (which is fantastic), the various Console Shapers (especially the Alpine and Brit editions), the FAT Channel (with all the extra Comps and EQs that come with Sphere) and ProEQ2. I have thought about using iZotope products but they're way to expensive for me. Now, I might be missing out on something but, quite honestly, you don't miss what you don't know. However, there are a couple of extra plugins that I'd like to purchase at some point: Tape by Softube, T-Racks One by IK Multimedia and Archetype: Nolly by Neural DSP. Obviously, like you, I haven't mentioned VST instruments: but again, I try to keep those to a minimum too - Arturia's V-Collection and Pigments, SSD 5.5, U-Jam's PHAT, Ample Sound's J Bass (I have TC too but I rarely use it) and KV331s SynthMaster (as well as what comes bundled with SO5 Sphere). For me, that's enough to be efficiently creative and get the results that I like. I really don't see the point in having more than a handful of plugins. So good on you for having a clear out.
I've got probably 200 plugins. Most people have favorites or go-to plugins. Same with me. I try to use other plugins when I seek a "different" sound, mostly reverb or plates, but my go-to's number about 10 plugins that I use on most songs. Personally, I like having a large list to choose from, even though I don't use a lot of them!
I ONLY use plug-ins that are hardware based on what I want/need on my board/rack. Aside from a few EQ, Compression, noise gates, and filters, that’s my rule. Keeps things neat and tidy. And it helps me keep my work consistent. Not to mention I get to figure out what’s good for a variety of uses so that I can expand my clientele and learn my digital gear to much greater extent.
My serious congratulations you have come so far. I selected out a lot of stuff over the last 2 years. Set up a new PC recently and even more went down the drain. Still got too much but its getting narrower and narrower. Especially if your base collection are the essentials. Waves flew out completely. All that are buggy and have old installers no matter how they sound if they can slow down the system. And I threw everything out from devs who go completely overboard with security and unnecessary overcomplicated processes. Demo all new interesting ones is now getting much easier as new plugins really have to be very good to make it in the collection. It's an annoying process and a long one. But it's so worth it. Workflow is getting cooler :) I'm a synth nerd and effects nerd and a mix engineer student. That's of course a bigger task to figure out as for someone who only plays guitar or is just mixing.
Amazing all around. Video quality, the pace, the background music that's really calming and helps put you in the zone, the content.. good clear vocal takes and eloquent presenter.. Top work right there. Have been known to have or try too many myself ... I do think its a shame not to test things when there are so many that said its exactly as you described.. ending with a humongous list and the time it takes to load and to actually get work done. .. ahah# ''if youhavent subscribed, it's all your fault' ... Brilliant. Mr Lever, youve got a new U.k based producer subscribed to your channnel.
before I watch the video: if any of you are going to scrap your plugins heres what I recommend you keep: despite the bad rap waves gets the bss dpr 402 is an awesome plugin and works amazingly well.
Hello George. Thanks for all the great videos you’ve put up! We all really appreciate them. Have you ever considered making a video on your approach to reverb? Your mixes have an excellent sense of depth and I’m sure many of us would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Thanks again!
I do this every couple of years. I have the freedom for that as I am not working professionally or too precious over things, other than workflow. I set a date for a fresh install. I clear my system other than one DAW and samples. I then work in stock plugins till I hit a wall; I need precise EQ, dirtier distortion or more scope for making sounds with Serum or Pigments. And it is at that point that I install what I need. And it takes minutes to install that plugin you need at that point. But in could take 1-2 long days to install everything you think you need in one setting, and then you don't use 90% of it. A good way to clean out the crap, find out what you need and what you miss and it sharpens workflow and makes it easy to slip into flow. Plus we are all changing and evolving workflow all the time, we all have lots of things we did use all the time but is not just clutter - it is good to take stock of that.
Thanks George, you eloquently vocalize so many things I think and feel in the audio world. On the topic of Plugins I don't have many due to budget issues but I currently rely mainly on stock logic plugins and a Slate submission along with a handful of others. I kind of want to save up and get the Fabfilter suite and get rid of the Slate stuff. I feel like that will be all I need as a hobbyist/amateur.
Really interesting! I'm new to you, decided to check you out after some Neural Abasi presets I liked. Stellar work. Good tip about having anologue emulation just sitting on busses, adding incremental subtley to build overall profile, although my ears aren't really trained that well yet.
I have +1000 plugins. I tried what you did, throwing away things I didn't use. Bought quality plugins so I could replace dozens of mediocre ones I couldn't decide over. I barely threw away 20%. Many plugins weren't gone for more than a few weeks. For some I read new things that I never realized (airwindows plugins are often praised, so I really want to really dive into them some day, but there are so many, so.. later), others were used in old projects, so I had to put them back. Some of them I even rediscovered and are now favorites. Luckily my DAW has a hide option, so I just hide what I don't use. Keeps them available just in case. Can't help myself. I love plugins. I understand what you're saying though, I regularly find my self staring at them trying to figure out which one to use. Especially compressors. Man there are lots of those.
Having all those plugins does make you indecisive. I have plugins I haven't used in years and I think bcuz I paid money for them I hold on to them. I have around 400 plugins myself. It's maddening. I've currently slowed down on buying plugins and started going back to buying analog gear
one plugin i've never seen you use that i could not live without is the waves Abbey Road Vinyl. It adds a lot of character to raw sounds as well as weight + it does the vinyl distortion thing with the top end where it makes it brighter and less harsh at the same time. Definitely worth checking out IMO
@Neon Thunderbird Probably best to start by turning down the compander and dial in the Saturation first I like the TG type, adjust input and output levels then bring in the compander and experiment with that. I like it on acoustic sources like acoustic guitar, vocals and drums, it helps it cut through and gives it a pleasing sound. Always just use subtle to a moderate amount I never blow it out. Even try on the master bus.
I'm kinda half way through where you are now. I made a favorite folder a while ago in Reaper, in that folder I made sub-folders for EQ, compression, saturation, etc. And put all my plugins in there. And as I do my mixing I kinda check myself, what plugins I reach for the most. And those that I don't touch, I delete from the folder. So at the end I will end up with a handful of plugins what I actually use and when the time comes to let plugins go I just keep those that stayed in the folders and the rest can go. This "method" kinda helps me to detach from them "emotionally" (I know it sounds silly, but it happens to me, I know... I know)
Thank you for the video, lots of good info! You mentioned using a delay with an incredibly short time to spread mono sounds out, i've reaaally been enjoying Waves Reel ADT for this, can get really wide and has individual drive filters for each section, i dont know how they did it but I always feel like it gives less of a phase-y sound than using an actual delay, would recommend giving it a look if you're interested!
George, I a/b’d the PA SSL emulations vs the ssl native channel strip 2 and the ssl native is truly something special. I think you’ll prefer it greatly!
I work on an SSL Duality at my day job and I whole-heartedly I second this recommendation. I “make the same decisions” with the SSL Native Strip 2 as I do on the board, if that makes sense.The PIA sounds good too but kind of smooth by comparison and tends to lead me to much different and usually less articulate results. The SSL Native preserves the “sense of dimension” better as well. Just my 2 cents.
Love it man! I need to do the same thing but I definitely dont have 800 to sift through. Im very interested in the Coffee EQ and gonna pick it up right now! love me some Pultec style ED's.
My name is James and I am a plugin addict also. My main addictions are Acustica, UAD and softube. I'm always looking for that particular sound I hear in my head, and I always think the next plugin is going to be the one.. so far I've got some amazing ones, but I've still not found the one!
Just got a new laptop and didn't want all of my plugins taking up to much space so I'm working with a lot less plugins too! However I would reccomend the Kush audio plugin bundle, it contains a lot of versatile plugins I often use
This is great. I really try to do the same thing, analog style stuff on channels, tape or something else on busses, and some saturation on the master to mix through.
I'm honestly surprised that you don't use the two other Korneff plugins. Pawnshop comp and talkback limiter are both amazing. Also quite surprised that you don't keep decapitator and devil loc.
When you receive sessions from clients, you need all these plugins because people tend to have all sorts of stuff during recording that they want to keep. For that reason, to avoid missing plugin errors, it is important to have every product out there. It keeps the client happy. Now for actual mixing job, one needs about 15-30 go-to plugins at most. Ultimately, all products sound great if your EARS know what needs to be done:)
I was about to write this comment, but you beat me to it. You can always hide the plugins you don't use, Studio One has this feature not sure about other DAWs. So they are still there to use on clients projects, but they're not in your dropdown list. Best of both worlds 😉
Oh dear…….. I have the same issue. Looks like I’m going to have to do a cull too. Thanks for this. Now I’m looking at what I have I realise how many of them I have barely touched! Some I’ve never even used! Dang…….it’s going to be a busy day I fear!
I recently discovered the Land eq due to a facebook post by Ocean Way studio, I had a plug in on my antelope bundle and I swear to god it was the best eq I've ever heard on the digital domain, their pulltecs are also insane. Everything sounded wider, more defined and not harsh. I was using the lang on overheads to really bring out the brilliance at 12-16k and it was pleasing still. Do give it a try, would love your opinion.
I just noticed on the video description for EQ plugins that you kept, you left off the SSL E plugin that you showed. Not sure if things have changed since the video launch or if that was accidental, but that plugin alone is half of my mix template right there! (sounds amazing, especially on drums)
The only two kinds of people for whom collecting plugins is easier than ever now; either already make shitloads of money to afford their collections; or they illegally obtained said collection. Most of the ones I have were bought during a sale, but still totaled up up to tens of thousands $ spent over the course of a decade. -- Most DAWs (that I've used) have some kind of way to make a favorites list. Ableton, Logic, Studio One, and Cubase. -- I've never sold any plugin licenses as it seems like a pain in the ass. But, I couldn't justify deleting anything without getting my money back or some of it.
Analog designs blackbox. That thing brings tone for days to bland sources. Soundtoys Micopitch and waves H Delay for great vocals. I LOVE plug ins and I have a million of them but I probably only reach for about 20 of them consistently. My heavy hitters are Fab Proq3 or Massenburg for clean EQ with no phase issues. Waves Renaissance EQ for vibe and sculpting. I have the Lexicon 480L and 224..along with a BUNCH of others.... but I just reach for the Valhalla plate cause I finally got a sound out of it that I like and it saves DSP on my UAD rig. Renaissance Compressor for vocals. Just has that sound. Or CLA76 or Legit 1176LN. Vocalrider to help ease overcompression and save automation time. Waves L2 for that waves L2 sound. Still relevant. Never liked the L3. MV2 for bringing up the low parts of vocals and bass lines. The CLA mixdown plug is kinda cool. First time I heard it I thought it had this mid range push that sounded like a great system with horns for mids, but maybe that was just me. But I mix into it sometimes and get amazing results. A True peak limiter is a must have for the mix buss cause I mix loud. The plug in alliance one is kick ass and clean. I have the fabfilter bundle and theirs is great too...I dig their Multiband compressor on the right sources. Izotope stuff...their EQ is legit...I can't remember if it's the neutron or another one...but it can run digital or analog sounding and it's great. Their maximizer is out of this world cool. They have a cool free vocal doubler too. But the Doubler and Deesser from waves are great too...Then figure a decent chorus like dimension D or the AMS RMX16 for that kinda 80's non lin thing....the basics. This is hella long but I guess I should mention the stuff I've purchased and DON'T use. UAD Shadow Hills compressor...literally used it like once and the sad part is it's part of the plug in alliance subscription now too...so I didn't have to pop on it...plus theirs has extra added features like mid side that the UAD doesn't have. But it sure looked nice didn't it? UAD Chandler limited curve bender. I reach for the Amek EQ from P.A. more often. UAD Chandler Limited Zener Limiter. It has a cool distortion setting to thicken stuff up in a cool way but....meh. I don't really use it unless I'm looking for a really vintage vibe. UAD Ampex 102...just meh. UAD Trident Eq...great low mid to mid saturated vintage vibe again. Think late 70's imo. I have Native SSL stuff that I don't use because I just don't think it's all that. The G buss just sounds dumpy to me. Even the SSL G buss from waves is kinda weak to me too. I don't know why people love that thing. Yeah it's snappy sometimes on the snare and all....but....meh. Not like the real thing at all in my book. I could name a bunch of others...but I'll finish on a positive note. The UAD Studer 800 is hella cool to mix through as well as the tape Oxide. So..tons of crap but I'm like you dude...It just has to work.
I have sold most of my VST plugins and have 27 3rd plugins now. Not much artefacts or cpu and latency issues any more, because no more Acustica Audio and no low quality plugins like Plugin Alliance any more. Only two channel strips: SSL native channelstrip 2 and Waves Omni Scheps. My daw's stock plugins are the ones I always used most and know best.
90%of the time I use Stock plugins, I dont have much money so I literaly never had this problem, I would recommend one Compressor though without which I can't live: Xfer OTT
This is very good idea to do. I guess that we all gravitate to same tools. But it's hard to get rid of plugin hoarder identity. I will try to do this as well.
As of right now, I think I've got 845 plugins? Surely a lot of plugins I will never ever need. Many MIDI Instruments but I think a whole bunch of Synths "just in case"
MetricAB is something I discovered recently and I started using more and more with every session. Now the question is: which songs do you use for referencing in that plug-in?? 🤔
Have been farting around with Cubase pro 9 for a few years and have so many plugins it's scary but not 800. I had already worked out that I don't use even half of them and therefore don't need more than half of them. Defo need a clear out..!!
Hey George, have you considered doing a followup to this? It'd be cool to see how things have changed after a year or so. Also, what do you think of the Logic stock Compressor plugin?
Thanks for sharing, interesting to see. Was gonna ask what about valhalla stuff but you have it listed in description, but what about slick EQ, I know you were using that for the Loathe NTM and some mix rescues?
I have decent memories of learning mixing with the Q10, SSL-G Channel Strip EQ and other Waves plugins generally - the latter was so intuitive in retrospect. On the delay side, I have Repeater and the other D16 plugins and they are truly amazing effects with so much depth both in sound and in their interfaces. Curious to know what you think/thought of Redoptor and Devastor on the distortion side of things.
what is it with guys with nose rings? LOL This is a great VIDEO! You provide a great depth of knowledge. AMAZING.. Would love to see you do live sessions on what you do.. Thank you for sharing
i hear so much love for kazrog but i dont hear any noticeable difference (except i crank the crush) if i use it on individual instruments/samples and gain match. Without gain matching there is of course an increase in lodness, but if i dial the output back to match the previous level i am not able to hear a clear improvement of my source. Can someone chime in give me a hint on how to use it?
Imma keep my 1600 plugins but I keep the ones I need categorized to quick access it The reason why I keep them is that other engineers could also use their favourite ones when they work with me - and if they hook me up with an idea I already have the plugin so...
Going through and filtering through all the plugins was very interesting for me! Found some old friends along the way too. Whats your favourite plugin that you don't see others use too often?
To piggyback off your TSE808 idea- R47 is a favorite of mine for vocal/synth textures/drum room/impacts. Anything you want to blow up or if you want to change up oohs and ahhs on BGV.
Great idea for a video. Having a small concise set of tools makes the work a lot faster. A "problem solver" I don't see a lot of folks use is UAD Oceanway. It's saved me a lot of heartache when clients send me sources recorded with....questionable microphones.
For effects: Freakshow Industries Mishby and Backmask. WA Production Venom, Mutant Reverb/Mutant Delay. For mixing: Mastering the Mix Levels and Animate. HorNet Analog Stage & Tape. They're all inexpensive/free.
Cool video! I like the Sie-Q by Soundtoys, it's my go to easy to use caracter eq. Have you tried it? Do you have a take on it?
Klanghelm MJUC
…this has the opposite effect. Now there’s at least 5-6 new plugins I want 🙃
Facts 😂
HaHa, it never ends.
Listen 99% of production can be done on highest level using FF collection. EQ3 , C2 , MB , L2. That’s it! G, DS , S2 if you mix bands . Maybe you’ll need some spice then look through free stuff BPB or KVR . If you work with spice a lot - D16 / soundtoys. That’s it!
@@micindir4213 true. Its the same argument that you can make a great mix with stock plugins (also absolutely true). Nowadays I try to find plugins that are “fun” or very obviously add cool character 🤷♂️
Came for the plugins, stayed for that glorious soft focus. Awesome vid!
I just downloaded 6 more plugins because of this video
Good to know im not the only one hahaha
98% of the time I use the stock Logic plugins. I think people *think* they need 800 plugins. Most of them do exactly the same thing. I love Ozone 9 for mastering though.
I'm very much in this place. Having worked an a project studio in the 80s and 90s where we could afford barely 1% of what comes stock in logic, I am thankful every day i power it up, and have managed to avoid much of the bloat. Izotope i do love, including neutron, but awaiting decent silicon support. I have a few character plugs like Izotope Trash , Brauer motion (awaiting silicon support) is the ONLY waves plug i'll have to get, with luck. Will def do soundtoys, and FabFilter when i have the cash. Why Logic Pro Rules has a great vid on essential non-stock plugins
That said this was an enlightening piece - and a reminder that Smooth should really be on my list - otherwise - lets just focus on the music!
If they did the exact same thing, then two different things wouldn't exist within the same realm
The reality is, get what you understand and what works for you and that's it. Then again, I can understand it, because it's on an impulse, which is a very Human thing. You can get great plugins cracked these days.
What you said about Saturn going across everything creating the same algorithmic sound makes so much sense. That applies so much to saturation. Never really thought about that until you said it. Great video George!
Thiis might be the most genius video - I'm a producer myself via Cubase for the most part, although I grew up on Logic. Well done. Cheers. Subbed.
I'm honestly more amazed by how few dynamics stuff you kept. I would've thought you'd have way more around, bravo sir.
The video was really cool. Definitely gonna check out the Coffee eq. There’s some great free stuff out there. One of my favourite plugins that I don’t see too many others using is LOADED by Analog Obsession. It’s a free 500 series rack emulation thing and it does everything I need it to do on vocals.
DUDE ANALOG OBSESSION IS THE BEST. I use their stuff on everything
@@justevan877 did you all see the new neve channel strip called channev? this one is ridiculous
That video reminds me of my time changing my whole processing chain.
I was using the Waves and Slate bundles for years and I did buy new sound interfaces (Apollo’s x8p) and I had a two weeks time of trying, comparing UAD plugins against Slate and Waves.
I did end up with 13 UAD plugins to completely delete all the waves and Slate subscription !
At first it was complicated to be at east and knowing exactly where to go and how to do it, but now I am so happy with that decision, my sound has increased in its overall quality in my opinion.
And what you said about the slight analog sounding plugins here and there, resulting in a great texture and feel of weight in your production is what I discovered doing these tests and producing music !
Cheers from France George !
You're very welcome. More power to you for figuring it all out your own way!
Salut Thomas ! J'aurais voulu savoir en quelques mots, quelques phrases quel était ton parcours dans le monde du son. Je débute dedans et je me disais que ça pourrait être cool de savoir ce que les autres ont faits ;)
@@14ohms Holà ! Viens me contacter par facebook ou autre et on en discute 😊
Bonne soirée !
New shot looks great. Also big fan of the less is more approach. Always love seeing what you cook with, dude!
Thank you Justin!
I see so many folks dump on free plugins just because they're free, and I have to say it's really refreshing to see them get some love from time to time. If they sound good, they sound good...price tags shouldn't matter!
Dude i see this all the time. A plugin can be world-class, if it sells for cheap, most people will say it's "ok" at best, slap a 100$ pricetag on it and people rave about it.
MeldaProductions Free FX Pack 🔥
Absolutely... Valhalla SuperMassive and TDL Nova are just 2 excellent examples.
I only use free & open source software for my music... but then again I'm just a guy recording in his home studio :p I don't have clients demanding certain stuff on their records.
This video showed up in my suggested videos section, and I immediately opened it simply because I loved the title. I, too, am currently in the process of getting rid of many plugins. It's nice to have options and flavors, but in reality, if you can't make it work with 3 different compressors or 3 different EQs, then the plugin is most likely not the issue. So many of the best sounding recordings in history were made with very few pieces of good effects, and it was enough. Making them work is what counts.
About ten years or so ago. I used to waste tons of times collecting and obsessing over vst/vsti’s. I use to think the more I had the better producer I would become. However the opposite happened. I found that I spent more time trying to find the perfect collection that I was producing way less then I use to. Nowadays I have about 5 to 6 go to companies that I use and limit myself. As a result I’m way more productive and creative as a result. Limit is a good thing especially nowadays where you can really get lost down the rabbit hole.
Love your channel so much ! Thank you for putting in the time for this and sharing the information 🙏🏾
Happy to help!
So good, Ill have to take a peak at some of the plugins too, Thanks!....... Glad to see Valhallah Listed in the reverbs too a person favourite of my own
Love the video. Great advice! I would ditch the Slate sub and whittle down even more. Support smaller independent operations (very important in these tough economical times). Sonimus, SIR and Valhalla can do more for less. The Kazrog stuff is great too! Also love the Synthwarmer.
I do love the Slate stuff but I really only routinely use VMR and virtual tape. The Slate team are really cool people having met them a few years back so that company has a special place in my heart. I tried the subscription once but soon realized I didn't use most of the stuff.
@@ConsanguinitySlam I wonder why so many people cant stand Steven slate, hate him to death, cal him a jok, etc I think he is ok, I don care about bullies who work out and walk bulldogs...if they are gay or straight, Slate simply sounds good.
"I will hate myself more than I currently do" I felt that on a spiritual level
thats a nice simplicity!!, i love that!
Have a look at burier, its a saturation kinda adds up grit and some low end, works great on bass i think!!
I'll check it out!
Not only do I appreciate the mindset of "less is more", I really like the emphasis on asking "why do I need this?". As always, thank you George!
i try to incorporate the «why do i need this?» question into practically all of my purchases. really helpful thing to make sure i don’t go spending money in the wrong places as purchasing stuff terrifies me haha
Hey George! Great video - there were quite a few Brands that I hadn't heard about before. So I'd just like to add how I go about things. Firstly, I'm just a bedroom producer - so I'm not in the same league as you but... Every couple of months I do a plugin review. No ifs, no buts. Now of course, I don't spend nearly as much money as you do on plugins, so it's mostly free stuff or trial versions that end up getting binned. But my point is this: I am very well aware that there comes a point where too many plugins start to actually get in the way - for me that ends up being every couple of months. And to be honest, aside from the plugins that come with Studio One 5/Sphere (which are great - SO5 is the only DAW I use - that's another video you should make) I have lovingly curated/bought only a handful of other plugins which I use every day. Here are my go to plugins: NI Raum, NI Replika (both absolutely brilliant), TDL Nova free plugin (brilliant too - just saving up to get the full license for that), Valhalla free plugins, especially SuperMassive (again saving up to get paid variants). Most of the rest that I use are bundled with SO5 Sphere: Ampire (mainly the Brown Face amp), Analog Delay (which is fantastic), the various Console Shapers (especially the Alpine and Brit editions), the FAT Channel (with all the extra Comps and EQs that come with Sphere) and ProEQ2. I have thought about using iZotope products but they're way to expensive for me. Now, I might be missing out on something but, quite honestly, you don't miss what you don't know. However, there are a couple of extra plugins that I'd like to purchase at some point: Tape by Softube, T-Racks One by IK Multimedia and Archetype: Nolly by Neural DSP. Obviously, like you, I haven't mentioned VST instruments: but again, I try to keep those to a minimum too - Arturia's V-Collection and Pigments, SSD 5.5, U-Jam's PHAT, Ample Sound's J Bass (I have TC too but I rarely use it) and KV331s SynthMaster (as well as what comes bundled with SO5 Sphere). For me, that's enough to be efficiently creative and get the results that I like. I really don't see the point in having more than a handful of plugins. So good on you for having a clear out.
I've got probably 200 plugins. Most people have favorites or go-to plugins. Same with me. I try to use other plugins when I seek a "different" sound, mostly reverb or plates, but my go-to's number about 10 plugins that I use on most songs. Personally, I like having a large list to choose from, even though I don't use a lot of them!
This video is not about your STL ControlHub pack but it must be mentioned. Thank you so much for it, it’s very useful and sounds great.
I ONLY use plug-ins that are hardware based on what I want/need on my board/rack. Aside from a few EQ, Compression, noise gates, and filters, that’s my rule. Keeps things neat and tidy. And it helps me keep my work consistent. Not to mention I get to figure out what’s good for a variety of uses so that I can expand my clientele and learn my digital gear to much greater extent.
Nice playing with that edit window background colour. I've been getting used to a lighter one lately too!
The paltec is how the original subbass started in the 90s… thinking about trying it out
My serious congratulations you have come so far.
I selected out a lot of stuff over the last 2 years. Set up a new PC recently and even more went down the drain. Still got too much but its getting narrower and narrower. Especially if your base collection are the essentials. Waves flew out completely. All that are buggy and have old installers no matter how they sound if they can slow down the system. And I threw everything out from devs who go completely overboard with security and unnecessary overcomplicated processes.
Demo all new interesting ones is now getting much easier as new plugins really have to be very good to make it in the collection. It's an annoying process and a long one. But it's so worth it. Workflow is getting cooler :)
I'm a synth nerd and effects nerd and a mix engineer student. That's of course a bigger task to figure out as for someone who only plays guitar or is just mixing.
Amazing all around. Video quality, the pace, the background music that's really calming and helps put you in the zone, the content.. good clear vocal takes and eloquent presenter.. Top work right there. Have been known to have or try too many myself ... I do think its a shame not to test things when there are so many that said its exactly as you described.. ending with a humongous list and the time it takes to load and to actually get work done. .. ahah# ''if youhavent subscribed, it's all your fault' ... Brilliant. Mr Lever, youve got a new U.k based producer subscribed to your channnel.
Loving the new content dude!
before I watch the video: if any of you are going to scrap your plugins heres what I recommend you keep: despite the bad rap waves gets the bss dpr 402 is an awesome plugin and works amazingly well.
Hello George. Thanks for all the great videos you’ve put up! We all really appreciate them.
Have you ever considered making a video on your approach to reverb? Your mixes have an excellent sense of depth and I’m sure many of us would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Thanks again!
Great choices George. I was only surprised to not see VMR!
Check description. It did make its way back in 😰
I really need to do this, definitely don't need 20 EQ plugins!!!! Great video as always.
I do this every couple of years. I have the freedom for that as I am not working professionally or too precious over things, other than workflow. I set a date for a fresh install. I clear my system other than one DAW and samples. I then work in stock plugins till I hit a wall; I need precise EQ, dirtier distortion or more scope for making sounds with Serum or Pigments. And it is at that point that I install what I need. And it takes minutes to install that plugin you need at that point. But in could take 1-2 long days to install everything you think you need in one setting, and then you don't use 90% of it. A good way to clean out the crap, find out what you need and what you miss and it sharpens workflow and makes it easy to slip into flow. Plus we are all changing and evolving workflow all the time, we all have lots of things we did use all the time but is not just clutter - it is good to take stock of that.
Gorgeous video!! Thank you for sharing all your favourites plugin in my favourite daw, which is Logic X!!
Thanks George, you eloquently vocalize so many things I think and feel in the audio world.
On the topic of Plugins I don't have many due to budget issues but I currently rely mainly on stock logic plugins and a Slate submission along with a handful of others. I kind of want to save up and get the Fabfilter suite and get rid of the Slate stuff. I feel like that will be all I need as a hobbyist/amateur.
Very interesting video. Loved the way you described each plugin... subscribed within a couple of minutes !!
Really interesting! I'm new to you, decided to check you out after some Neural Abasi presets I liked. Stellar work. Good tip about having anologue emulation just sitting on busses, adding incremental subtley to build overall profile, although my ears aren't really trained that well yet.
Good stuff. I just canceled my Slate subscription becauseI realised I was only using one of the plugins in it 😂.
I have +1000 plugins. I tried what you did, throwing away things I didn't use. Bought quality plugins so I could replace dozens of mediocre ones I couldn't decide over. I barely threw away 20%. Many plugins weren't gone for more than a few weeks. For some I read new things that I never realized (airwindows plugins are often praised, so I really want to really dive into them some day, but there are so many, so.. later), others were used in old projects, so I had to put them back. Some of them I even rediscovered and are now favorites. Luckily my DAW has a hide option, so I just hide what I don't use. Keeps them available just in case. Can't help myself. I love plugins. I understand what you're saying though, I regularly find my self staring at them trying to figure out which one to use. Especially compressors. Man there are lots of those.
Having all those plugins does make you indecisive. I have plugins I haven't used in years and I think bcuz I paid money for them I hold on to them. I have around 400 plugins myself. It's maddening. I've currently slowed down on buying plugins and started going back to buying analog gear
Holy shit thank you for the AB plugin literally saves me so much time and effort!
one plugin i've never seen you use that i could not live without is the waves Abbey Road Vinyl. It adds a lot of character to raw sounds as well as weight + it does the vinyl distortion thing with the top end where it makes it brighter and less harsh at the same time. Definitely worth checking out IMO
For me it changed the sound of my hihats made them sound harsh. I like the rest of the Abbey Road plugins especially the saturator.
@@hayden776 I'd say it's depending on ur source material. It's quite subtle overall
@Neon Thunderbird Probably best to start by turning down the compander and dial in the Saturation first I like the TG type, adjust input and output levels then bring in the compander and experiment with that. I like it on acoustic sources like acoustic guitar, vocals and drums, it helps it cut through and gives it a pleasing sound. Always just use subtle to a moderate amount I never blow it out. Even try on the master bus.
I'm kinda half way through where you are now. I made a favorite folder a while ago in Reaper, in that folder I made sub-folders for EQ, compression, saturation, etc. And put all my plugins in there. And as I do my mixing I kinda check myself, what plugins I reach for the most. And those that I don't touch, I delete from the folder. So at the end I will end up with a handful of plugins what I actually use and when the time comes to let plugins go I just keep those that stayed in the folders and the rest can go. This "method" kinda helps me to detach from them "emotionally" (I know it sounds silly, but it happens to me, I know... I know)
A plugin that I just love nowadays is the Vertigo VSM-3 by Plugin Alliance, recommend for adding distortion and altering the timbre of a source.
I'll take a look at this one!
@@GeorgeLeverG1 Try it on the master bus - especially when you delve into some of the multiband and mid/side stuff it can do, it's astonishing
pa is generally a quality plugin maker though
PA addict here. Definitely one of my faves!
I have this on my master out, love it :)
Thank you for the video, lots of good info!
You mentioned using a delay with an incredibly short time to spread mono sounds out, i've reaaally been enjoying Waves Reel ADT for this, can get really wide and has individual drive filters for each section, i dont know how they did it but I always feel like it gives less of a phase-y sound than using an actual delay, would recommend giving it a look if you're interested!
George, I a/b’d the PA SSL emulations vs the ssl native channel strip 2 and the ssl native is truly something special. I think you’ll prefer it greatly!
I work on an SSL Duality at my day job and I whole-heartedly I second this recommendation. I “make the same decisions” with the SSL Native Strip 2 as I do on the board, if that makes sense.The PIA sounds good too but kind of smooth by comparison and tends to lead me to much different and usually less articulate results. The SSL Native preserves the “sense of dimension” better as well. Just my 2 cents.
Love it man! I need to do the same thing but I definitely dont have 800 to sift through. Im very interested in the Coffee EQ and gonna pick it up right now! love me some Pultec style ED's.
Thanks for the heads up on the Coffee EQ. It's pretty amazing.
My name is James and I am a plugin addict also. My main addictions are Acustica, UAD and softube. I'm always looking for that particular sound I hear in my head, and I always think the next plugin is going to be the one.. so far I've got some amazing ones, but I've still not found the one!
I personally can't live without the Decapitator anymore
Same, does wonders to my drums.
I'm waiting for the Soundtoys sale
I am surprised you didn't mention the Focusrite Strip. Absolutely love that plugin.
like I say - I test stuff and cycle it in and out. Evidently that one didn't stick around for very long!
This approach to vst collection makes a lot of sense.
Have to say Pro-R and Microshift not being in there is a bit of a surprise but Soothe2 and Spiff are on the buy list now for sure
interested to see what virtual instruments you use man i'm struggling to find things that add texture to metal mixes and i'm sure you have some gems
I struggle with this too!
AB Metric has been a game changer for me since seeing this video
Just got a new laptop and didn't want all of my plugins taking up to much space so I'm working with a lot less plugins too! However I would reccomend the Kush audio plugin bundle, it contains a lot of versatile plugins I often use
Thank you for sharing. Interesting Slate VMR isn't on your goto. Love to see what guitar amp sims you keep or experiments.
VMR did end up getting brought back in but honestly it’s not overly used (there’s an edit in the description)
@@GeorgeLeverG1 Saw it! By the way, Sonnox Oxford Envolution is quite good to control transient and sustain.
This is great. I really try to do the same thing, analog style stuff on channels, tape or something else on busses, and some saturation on the master to mix through.
I'm honestly surprised that you don't use the two other Korneff plugins. Pawnshop comp and talkback limiter are both amazing.
Also quite surprised that you don't keep decapitator and devil loc.
Decapitator is legendary
@@nuhrel7389 so is Devil loc haha
Intention Plug, I always remember Jack Joseph Puig talking about the intention behind every decision, plugin, hardware so on.
I seriously need to slim my vsts down.
Thank you G.
New sub!
When you receive sessions from clients, you need all these plugins because people tend to have all sorts of stuff during recording that they want to keep. For that reason, to avoid missing plugin errors, it is important to have every product out there. It keeps the client happy. Now for actual mixing job, one needs about 15-30 go-to plugins at most. Ultimately, all products sound great if your EARS know what needs to be done:)
I was about to write this comment, but you beat me to it.
You can always hide the plugins you don't use, Studio One has this feature not sure about other DAWs. So they are still there to use on clients projects, but they're not in your dropdown list. Best of both worlds 😉
I was really surprised that you don't use any of the Valhalla plugins, THEY ARE FCKING AMAZING
They’re in there. They’ve been crashing my system recently so had to use different options.
Can you also give us the list of the 800 other plugins for us to download them and flood our PCs ?
Oh dear…….. I have the same issue. Looks like I’m going to have to do a cull too. Thanks for this. Now I’m looking at what I have I realise how many of them I have barely touched! Some I’ve never even used! Dang…….it’s going to be a busy day I fear!
Thanks man , good to learn about these and check them out .
I recently discovered the Land eq due to a facebook post by Ocean Way studio, I had a plug in on my antelope bundle and I swear to god it was the best eq I've ever heard on the digital domain, their pulltecs are also insane. Everything sounded wider, more defined and not harsh. I was using the lang on overheads to really bring out the brilliance at 12-16k and it was pleasing still. Do give it a try, would love your opinion.
I think it is on specific platforms, i.e. not native.
„I bought 1.500 Plugins. This is what I left untouched.“ Title
I just noticed on the video description for EQ plugins that you kept, you left off the SSL E plugin that you showed. Not sure if things have changed since the video launch or if that was accidental, but that plugin alone is half of my mix template right there! (sounds amazing, especially on drums)
Fixed! ty
I love the character of the Kush Audio plugins, especially the Omega preamps and the Clariphonic. Do you have any experience with them?
I used to really love the Electra by them but ended up finding other plugins that covered similar ground!
Lots of love for UBK1!
Never thought Nick Jonas would make youtube videos like this
Surprised that you use TSE808 everywhere! I used to do that and have actually been favoring the R47 for something new.
Slate bundle and Arturia bundle are about the only things I use anymore
The only two kinds of people for whom collecting plugins is easier than ever now; either already make shitloads of money to afford their collections; or they illegally obtained said collection. Most of the ones I have were bought during a sale, but still totaled up up to tens of thousands $ spent over the course of a decade. -- Most DAWs (that I've used) have some kind of way to make a favorites list. Ableton, Logic, Studio One, and Cubase. -- I've never sold any plugin licenses as it seems like a pain in the ass. But, I couldn't justify deleting anything without getting my money back or some of it.
Analog designs blackbox. That thing brings tone for days to bland sources. Soundtoys Micopitch and waves H Delay for great vocals.
I LOVE plug ins and I have a million of them but I probably only reach for about 20 of them consistently. My heavy hitters are Fab Proq3 or Massenburg for clean EQ with no phase issues. Waves Renaissance EQ for vibe and sculpting. I have the Lexicon 480L and 224..along with a BUNCH of others.... but I just reach for the Valhalla plate cause I finally got a sound out of it that I like and it saves DSP on my UAD rig. Renaissance Compressor for vocals. Just has that sound. Or CLA76 or Legit 1176LN. Vocalrider to help ease overcompression and save automation time. Waves L2 for that waves L2 sound. Still relevant. Never liked the L3. MV2 for bringing up the low parts of vocals and bass lines.
The CLA mixdown plug is kinda cool. First time I heard it I thought it had this mid range push that sounded like a great system with horns for mids, but maybe that was just me. But I mix into it sometimes and get amazing results.
A True peak limiter is a must have for the mix buss cause I mix loud. The plug in alliance one is kick ass and clean. I have the fabfilter bundle and theirs is great too...I dig their Multiband compressor on the right sources. Izotope stuff...their EQ is legit...I can't remember if it's the neutron or another one...but it can run digital or analog sounding and it's great. Their maximizer is out of this world cool. They have a cool free vocal doubler too. But the Doubler and Deesser from waves are great too...Then figure a decent chorus like dimension D or the AMS RMX16 for that kinda 80's non lin thing....the basics.
This is hella long but I guess I should mention the stuff I've purchased and DON'T use. UAD Shadow Hills compressor...literally used it like once and the sad part is it's part of the plug in alliance subscription now too...so I didn't have to pop on it...plus theirs has extra added features like mid side that the UAD doesn't have. But it sure looked nice didn't it? UAD Chandler limited curve bender. I reach for the Amek EQ from P.A. more often. UAD Chandler Limited Zener Limiter. It has a cool distortion setting to thicken stuff up in a cool way but....meh. I don't really use it unless I'm looking for a really vintage vibe. UAD Ampex 102...just meh. UAD Trident Eq...great low mid to mid saturated vintage vibe again. Think late 70's imo. I have Native SSL stuff that I don't use because I just don't think it's all that. The G buss just sounds dumpy to me. Even the SSL G buss from waves is kinda weak to me too. I don't know why people love that thing. Yeah it's snappy sometimes on the snare and all....but....meh. Not like the real thing at all in my book. I could name a bunch of others...but I'll finish on a positive note. The UAD Studer 800 is hella cool to mix through as well as the tape Oxide. So..tons of crap but I'm like you dude...It just has to work.
Hey George, could we get an updated video? Have you gone back to 800+ plugins? Have you added more? Or are you still packing light?
Good idea! I'll add it to the list. A lot has changed since this video was made.
The struggle is real.
I have sold most of my VST plugins and have 27 3rd plugins now. Not much artefacts or cpu and latency issues any more, because no more Acustica Audio and no low quality plugins like Plugin Alliance any more. Only two channel strips: SSL native channelstrip 2 and Waves Omni Scheps. My daw's stock plugins are the ones I always used most and know best.
I thought the point of having so many plugins was so u can use a new one every mix. Keepin it Fresh! :)
90%of the time I use Stock plugins, I dont have much money so I literaly never had this problem, I would recommend one Compressor though without which I can't live: Xfer OTT
This is very good idea to do. I guess that we all gravitate to same tools. But it's hard to get rid of plugin hoarder identity. I will try to do this as well.
They descovering how producers make their songs on 90's
As of right now, I think I've got 845 plugins? Surely a lot of plugins I will never ever need. Many MIDI Instruments but I think a whole bunch of Synths "just in case"
MetricAB is something I discovered recently and I started using more and more with every session. Now the question is: which songs do you use for referencing in that plug-in?? 🤔
Have been farting around with Cubase pro 9 for a few years and have so many plugins it's scary but not 800. I had already worked out that I don't use even half of them and therefore don't need more than half of them. Defo need a clear out..!!
Hey George, have you considered doing a followup to this? It'd be cool to see how things have changed after a year or so. Also, what do you think of the Logic stock Compressor plugin?
cheers, good one - appreciate it
Exactly what i needed to hear ...
Hahaha, I cracked up on this title, oh man...
800 lol. I did a full system reset. Gained about 400 gig back between plugins, sample libraries etc. Got rid of a whole lot of garbage.
Thanks for sharing, interesting to see. Was gonna ask what about valhalla stuff but you have it listed in description, but what about slick EQ, I know you were using that for the Loathe NTM and some mix rescues?
I have decent memories of learning mixing with the Q10, SSL-G Channel Strip EQ and other Waves plugins generally - the latter was so intuitive in retrospect. On the delay side, I have Repeater and the other D16 plugins and they are truly amazing effects with so much depth both in sound and in their interfaces. Curious to know what you think/thought of Redoptor and Devastor on the distortion side of things.
what is it with guys with nose rings? LOL This is a great VIDEO! You provide a great depth of knowledge. AMAZING.. Would love to see you do live sessions on what you do.. Thank you for sharing
Check URM Academy. I did a live mix down (6 hour stream) with them on the band Loathe.
I’d be fascinated to know what (if anything) you’ve had to reinstall over the last 3 months since The Purge!
i hear so much love for kazrog but i dont hear any noticeable difference (except i crank the crush) if i use it on individual instruments/samples and gain match. Without gain matching there is of course an increase in lodness, but if i dial the output back to match the previous level i am not able to hear a clear improvement of my source. Can someone chime in give me a hint on how to use it?
Imma keep my 1600 plugins but I keep the ones I need categorized to quick access it
The reason why I keep them is that other engineers could also use their favourite ones when they work with me - and if they hook me up with an idea I already have the plugin so...
Plugins Addiction , also got this
Melda MAutoDynamic EQ, MAutoVolume
Ableton FX, Drum, & Instrument Rack
Ableton Glue Comp, Limiter, & Utility
Izotope Prod Suite: Mainly Ozone
Plugin Alliance...Crispy Tuner, BX V3 EQ