@Sylentmana i am guessing they are referring to a book called "exodus: the archimedes engine" which was released in september, didn't know there was a book for this game either
One small thing that I love about this setting, mentioned just once in the book, is that there’s a world called Binah, with a crystal core so dense that time bends around it. People go there to experience multiple possibilities of their lives. Some don’t return because they spend years trying to find the one perfect lifetime. Stuff like that sets my imagination on fire. It’ll be interesting if we get to do that in the game.
@@flalandorinblades3703 I believe the deal they struck gave them full autonomy when it comes it the game. I might be thinking of something else, but I'm pretty sure that's Exodus and it's devs that did that. I'm tentatively excited for this game. We'll just have to wait and see, but there's no point in either getting our hopes up too high or in doomerism. Give 'em rope, wait and see what they do with it.
This is a huge selling point for me. I like the idea of humanity changing so much over eons that their appearance, culture, and values are so radically different to how we are today.
Same, I actually really love this idea rather than the usual extra terrestrial parental figures babysitting humanity through the discovery of interstellar travel.
@@noctoi I love aliens as plain ole monsters and rogue AI as super villain. You can't tell me the Xenomorph isn't terrifying and cool. AI as seen in Ghost in the Shell that can hack cyborg brains to make puppets is equally scary. More than the plain Replicants in Blade Runner due to its god like awareness. Battlestar Galactica reboot showed how easy AI can infiltrate a technologically-dependent society and how vulnerable we are.
I appreciate your continued energy looking for gold among the swamp. I never had occasion to enjoy this story and my faith in Bioware, even legacy members having gone down a different path, has been thoroughly sapped so I wasn't initially very interested in Exodus, but I'll humor it until the studio proves themselves as more cultists. Thank you for the lore info 👍
Damn dude. This game was not on my radar until now. Super intriguing stuff. I used to absolutely love Stargate SG1 growing up because it kind of explored the concept of how humans would progress in other environments but I always wished it took it further.
I think the setting of Exodus is more interesting than the setting of Mass Effect. Not just because it depends less on "space magic" overall, but because the ME aliens are mostly just humans by another name, with little to distinguish them from humans but traits that any human could also have. Exodus' celestials are more alien than most of ME's aliens, while having human heritage misleads us into thinking they should be relateable. I have read the book and found it all fascinating. I can't wait for the second book and the game.
Well i think it is based purely on influences. Mass effect has a lot of star trek, babylon 5 and star control in its dna so to speak in my opinion and that influences the tone and how the setting is interacted with. Exodus seems like dune, the culture series, uplift and the hyperion novel series are the influences but i could be very wrong
Very glad for this video. I started listening to the audiobook. I really love the IDEAS behind some of the aliens--like how some of them keep living for centuries and centuries, absorbing new memories and bodies, and trimming away old ones. I also really love the idea that they all evolved from us, and we arrive very very late to the party. But I've had the DAMNDEST time visualizing them. It's been a surprising roadblock. Whenever I read non-scifi or fantasy, I can just vaguely imagine an actor or someone, and it helps me visualize the scene and what's going on.
This is a major selling point. It’s a great way of them to differentiate their IP from other sci-fi projects. The awakened also intrigue me since they bring an underused concept to life in this space opera.
Ugh I hope they sort out the discord silliness ASAP. I'm depressingly desperate for this game to just... be good. 4 more days and my book and audiobook should be available for download. Very much looking forward to reading it :D Thanks for this vid. It's such a fascinating universe, I'm quietly hopeful for the game.
I'm rather picky about my Sci-Fi, and one of my criteria is a somewhat plausible answer to the Fermi Paradox internally consistent to the setting. Humans being the only intelligent species, while "boring" to some, is at least the most plausible explanation given all current evidence. Speciation is also very likely if "humanity" became interstellar, with or without genetic engineering.
Yeah, humans living on low/high gravity environments will look different from each other. Your diet can also affect your skin pigmentation and your eyes and skin colour will also be affected by how much sun your getting. It gets even weirder when humanity use cybernetic and genetic manipulation technology on themselves, accelerating the speciation process.
A few days ago, when I found out that they hired one of my favorite SF writers to help create the world, and that he already has a book out set in the universe which he was allowed to write with minimal input from the devs, they pretty much guaranteed a pre-order sale from me. I bought the book 2 days ago and am already on chapter 5. Good stuff.
I know it is early days but I have high hopes for Exodus. Everything I have seen about the development of the game points to a studio that knows exactly what they are doing. A rarity these days. Fingers crossed.
I think the idea of evolved humans is a neat way of circumventing the standard criticism of aliens that are too human. Nobody wants to interact with too alien races (see the dismal sales of the ttrpg Starfinder), but aliens with human personalities and culture like Mass Effect can be seen as fantastical and campy to some. The Celestials sounds like a nice threading of the needle.
@@ns7495 not sure. Remember that before the heresy, they reclaimed the galaxy but did kill civilzations they deemed not in line with the emperor's vision even if they were of human descent. I know ogryns and cat girls are tolerated because they follow the emperor's will but yeah not sure what they do now in the 41st millennia
I'm looking forward to it myself. Cautiously optimistic. I mean, who DOESN'T want a grizzly bear medic on their team roster? Will there actually be one? Probably not, but I'd still like to see it.
I really hope we get an awakened bear companion especially since they had a reveal trailer. But any awakened companion will be fine by me as long as they are well written and adorable.
This game is sounding more and more interesting the more i learn about the universe its in so far the celestials are all sounding cool and look forward too seeing/meeting them ingame i hope this fills the hole mass effect left in my heart 😢 but looking promising so far i hope we can still pet the animals after they are awakend 😂
Oh, that sweet Mass Effect music in the background. ME1, I think? I am quite interested in Exodus, but I will probably miss non-human races. It's just another feeling if something evolved somewhere else without any ties to humans. Playing as a non-human would be interesting too.
When I first learned about the “aliens” of Exodus, I was actually more excited to play it. It feels fresh compared to literally every other game out there today.
Most aliens in fiction, with the exception of lovecraft entities, are just humans with different skin colours and prosthetics attached to their head(asari, turian etc). Humans evolving and adapting to different environments over thousands of years is more plausible, and it also makes sense as to why all the 'aliens' around the same tech level.
I’m really interested in the crown knights. It seems like they are a branch of the Imperial celestials that existed before the Crown dominion, are a lot more violent and have a warmonger culture and likely have a connection to Lidon.
Meh, I think this is not the problem with starfield, it's actually the highpoint of it. It's very rare to have space sci-fi without aliens, everyone already does this and it has become very cliché already.
Im all for the terrestrial alien idea it's probably what intrigued me the most outside of the fact its talent from OG mass effect behind the wheel. If however they ever do introduce actual traditional aliens. I would like it if they made them similar in scope to the leviathan as in something even the highest of celestials would be humbled by. Regardless it's looking to be very spicy so far.
Cool thing about the Exodus universe is that there could be parts of the Milky Way galaxy where baseline humans established more traditional human civilizations like from Battletech, Mass Effect etc and there could be humans that evolved into creature more alien than the most horrifying Cthonic entity.
I remember reading a sci fi book decades ago. Automated colony ships seeded planets over hundred if not thousands of years. By the time Terra developed ftl travel and re connected with the colonies there were red colored fur covered humans, green algae infused ones and everything in between. This is not a new concept or that rare in sci fi especially when you have in universe wide spread genetic engineering. If done right, could be more exciting than just "aliens" since you can extrapolate relatable human behavior to it's more extreme logical or illogical conclusions. Battletech has a galaxy full of just humans and you would be hard pressed to find a more lore dense universe.
I like this direction for the Celestials. It's Human adaptability at its finest. I'll keep my eyes on the game. EDIT: It reminds me of that anime, Gargantia. Human adaptation is a phenominal way to go about worldbuilding. I hope that the game eventually touches on Celestials that delve too deeply into genetic improvement, into possible body horror.
I was working on an idea set in our solar system in the distant future where humans had evolved through genetic engineering into quite alien forms and socities. I was a bit annoyed that exodus beast me to it but they will likely do a better job. Its a damn interesting universe archetype are creating
Warframe took this same approach to terrestrial "aliens" and I think most players of that game would agree that the lore is quite interesting. The limitation of keeping all factions terrestrially descended simply allows for the telling of different types of stories, which can be just as interesting as those with extraterrestrials. (And on a shallower level, clearly terrestrials can look just as weird as extraterrestrials given a long enough timeline, if that's what the concern is.) I hope people that are disappointed now can get past it. There's really no reason to be let down by this.
At this point, we have to wait and see how different the Celestials are. I get the impression that this is a darker style of game, which is a good thing, as games like Dragon Age were not well received. My main point of concern is that they are a part of Wizards of the Coast - Larian ended their business relationship with them for a reason.
The setting is quite intriguing to me, actually. Though how "hundreds of worlds" were destroyed and they still have sufficient to live on seems a bit unclear.
I also like the idea of Celestials, and don't really think that it takes away anything because they're not "true aliens." If you think about Star Wars for example, you have the Chiss (Grand Admiral Thrawn's species) that evolved from humans. You have the Zabrak (Darth Maul's species), which also evolved from humans in the lore. Similarly the Twi'lek, the Umbarans, the Togruta, the Miraluka, the Mirialans, Pantorans etc. are all "near-human" species, or in other words species that branched off of humanity in the lore, but any time anyone watches Star Wars, they're all clocked in as "aliens" anyway, because they are so different
I hate how much people desperately ask for everything to be the same all the time. There's enough sci-fi full of aliens of all kinds, there's zero problems with aliens being humans transformed by evolution...in fact it's a interesting concept.
I actually think the concept of the various civilizations just being humans at different points in time is a refreshing idea. Sounds like an awesome change. Just keep the pronouns out of the game, and dont attack your fan base. Im looking forward to this game.
I'm calling it now, the Elohim will have transcended to be gods that dont interfere unless extremely necessary. Elohim being a old hebrew word meaning god, gods, supreme ones.
I hope this wont be a scam and we will see at least couple of minutes of actual gameplay footage some time next year. This all sounds interesting, but there isnt a slightest hint on how they are planning to make this work within gameplay limitations.
Even biologically identical civilizations can be vastly different culturally and technologically, which is how the Celestials came to be in the first place. Look at EVE Online's precursor civilizations. Most of them are/were (as far as we know) still human, but their cultures were so different. The Triglavians, for instance, are made up of clades. The syntax of their language is bizarre: "Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Varpulis Subclade of Perun Clade encountered the Ancient Enemy Azdaja at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-18 exclave of conduit loop construct-405. Absolute imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja was invoked without acceptable material realization. Tactical troika of Varpulis Subclade placed a casting of absorbed data into the cladeflow for reflection of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle."
Everything sounds interesting but I have to see more to be convinced especially after how disappointing was Andromeda And I know it's not the same developer but I don't want to have high expectations for nothing anymore because I don't want to be disappointed
I hope the game will have calm moments and have some immersive features in designated place, these things are severely lacking in most RPGs, just let me sit in a bar before I have to go back to saving the world know what I mean?
I don't care really if they don't look like an octopus or anything supernatural. If they are human with smal change it's OK to. But pls for God sake have meaningful choices and no real life ideology. Pls pls make it for a non modern gayming audience.
That's a dumb generalization to make. Also, who exactly is this game's version of Tali and Liara, or is that another excuse to disregard someone else's opinion?
As you know I've been reading the book, and am a big fan of the world of Exodus. My big concern has nothing to do with the aliens not being foreign to earth. That's a very ridiculous gripe if one knows anything about the celestials and elohim (I use lowercase, because the uppercase refers to God Himself) of the universe. My concern is the political pushing. While in the book I have not seen anything I would call "woke" specifically because we are talking about aliens, it does leave the groundwork by doing something very poor in how the characters are written within the story. The queens as written are intended to hold Decorum and Stability as paramount pillars of their society. However, everyone in this book is dropping f'bombs. From queen to peasant, even after tens of thousands of years of history. One of the characters from earth comments on how "Sexually progressive" the society is. By that he means everyone is swiping left on their apps and banging with no regard to "stability." While this can be fine to a degree with the matriarchy of the Crown Dominion. The queens are meant to be picky about whom they will procreate with while they never have a king. This is for genetics more than anything. They broaden their horizons for that reason and they don't need to carry the child themselves. This would be far less appropriate for the humans. That all the characters are written with this outlook, with the use of language, and hedonistic natures. This could wind up with a game that has, like the book, fantastic world building, but atrocious character writing. This is my big concern. The queen, the princesses, etc...they should be exercising the decorum they preach is most important. The lands of the society should be reflecting that decorum and stability. This incongruity is poor writing especially when it is not commented on. It shows a blind spot of the writer that I hope is approached better with the game. However this blind spot has a particular political bent, and when you add it too the many things I would give a pass to. The feminist matriarchy, the goddess that all travelers MUST believe in. It brings more concerns for the final outcome. Far more interesting a concern than "Oh they're from earth so they ain't real aliens"
After reading through your comment, you look you be creating a problem where one doesn't exist. Especially after saying there's nothing in the book that you would call woke. You're basically calling out a boogeyman at this point with no evidence that one exists regarding Exodus.
If you’re put off by the idea that “human aliens suck” then I suggest you look up “all tomorrows”
Absolutely brilliant and harrowing at the same time
You’ve sold me on this game thus far. I picked up the book.
@Sylentmana i am guessing they are referring to a book called "exodus: the archimedes engine" which was released in september, didn't know there was a book for this game either
@@_lisan_al_gaib Check out my video on the book, no spoilers in it either!
@Sylentmana Check out my video on the book!
One small thing that I love about this setting, mentioned just once in the book, is that there’s a world called Binah, with a crystal core so dense that time bends around it. People go there to experience multiple possibilities of their lives. Some don’t return because they spend years trying to find the one perfect lifetime. Stuff like that sets my imagination on fire. It’ll be interesting if we get to do that in the game.
If the Exodus team doesn't go on bizarre tirades on social media, I may look further into this game.
© 1995-2023 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Yeah nah I dont dare to hope
@@flalandorinblades3703 I hope Elon buys them.
They haven’t so far
@@flalandorinblades3703 I believe the deal they struck gave them full autonomy when it comes it the game. I might be thinking of something else, but I'm pretty sure that's Exodus and it's devs that did that. I'm tentatively excited for this game. We'll just have to wait and see, but there's no point in either getting our hopes up too high or in doomerism. Give 'em rope, wait and see what they do with it.
@@StratumPressEw no. Elon is a nonce.
This is a huge selling point for me. I like the idea of humanity changing so much over eons that their appearance, culture, and values are so radically different to how we are today.
Same, I actually really love this idea rather than the usual extra terrestrial parental figures babysitting humanity through the discovery of interstellar travel.
@@noctoi I love aliens as plain ole monsters and rogue AI as super villain. You can't tell me the Xenomorph isn't terrifying and cool. AI as seen in Ghost in the Shell that can hack cyborg brains to make puppets is equally scary. More than the plain Replicants in Blade Runner due to its god like awareness. Battlestar Galactica reboot showed how easy AI can infiltrate a technologically-dependent society and how vulnerable we are.
Exactly. It’s incredibly imaginative and thought provoking imo
Very nice explanations and introduction to the topic!
I appreciate your continued energy looking for gold among the swamp. I never had occasion to enjoy this story and my faith in Bioware, even legacy members having gone down a different path, has been thoroughly sapped so I wasn't initially very interested in Exodus, but I'll humor it until the studio proves themselves as more cultists.
Thank you for the lore info 👍
Damn dude. This game was not on my radar until now.
Super intriguing stuff.
I used to absolutely love Stargate SG1 growing up because it kind of explored the concept of how humans would progress in other environments but I always wished it took it further.
Do check out my playlist for my other videos on Exodus and of course as we get closer to release there will be more and more!
I think the setting of Exodus is more interesting than the setting of Mass Effect. Not just because it depends less on "space magic" overall, but because the ME aliens are mostly just humans by another name, with little to distinguish them from humans but traits that any human could also have. Exodus' celestials are more alien than most of ME's aliens, while having human heritage misleads us into thinking they should be relateable. I have read the book and found it all fascinating. I can't wait for the second book and the game.
Well i think it is based purely on influences. Mass effect has a lot of star trek, babylon 5 and star control in its dna so to speak in my opinion and that influences the tone and how the setting is interacted with. Exodus seems like dune, the culture series, uplift and the hyperion novel series are the influences but i could be very wrong
Very glad for this video. I started listening to the audiobook. I really love the IDEAS behind some of the aliens--like how some of them keep living for centuries and centuries, absorbing new memories and bodies, and trimming away old ones. I also really love the idea that they all evolved from us, and we arrive very very late to the party.
But I've had the DAMNDEST time visualizing them. It's been a surprising roadblock. Whenever I read non-scifi or fantasy, I can just vaguely imagine an actor or someone, and it helps me visualize the scene and what's going on.
This is a major selling point. It’s a great way of them to differentiate their IP from other sci-fi projects. The awakened also intrigue me since they bring an underused concept to life in this space opera.
Ugh I hope they sort out the discord silliness ASAP. I'm depressingly desperate for this game to just... be good. 4 more days and my book and audiobook should be available for download. Very much looking forward to reading it :D
Thanks for this vid. It's such a fascinating universe, I'm quietly hopeful for the game.
I'm rather picky about my Sci-Fi, and one of my criteria is a somewhat plausible answer to the Fermi Paradox internally consistent to the setting. Humans being the only intelligent species, while "boring" to some, is at least the most plausible explanation given all current evidence. Speciation is also very likely if "humanity" became interstellar, with or without genetic engineering.
Yeah, humans living on low/high gravity environments will look different from each other. Your diet can also affect your skin pigmentation and your eyes and skin colour will also be affected by how much sun your getting. It gets even weirder when humanity use cybernetic and genetic manipulation technology on themselves, accelerating the speciation process.
A few days ago, when I found out that they hired one of my favorite SF writers to help create the world, and that he already has a book out set in the universe which he was allowed to write with minimal input from the devs, they pretty much guaranteed a pre-order sale from me. I bought the book 2 days ago and am already on chapter 5. Good stuff.
Glad you are enjoying it.
I know it is early days but I have high hopes for Exodus. Everything I have seen about the development of the game points to a studio that knows exactly what they are doing. A rarity these days. Fingers crossed.
I have the same hopes Lord Clark.
OMG I'm so hyped for this game! plz plz cover more if you can! I'm trying to keep my expectations in check but mannnn...
I have been covering it for a while, check out my other videos!
"Alien" humans can be very interesting. All Tomorrows did it well.
Yeah. Look at dune. The human race splintered into different factions with different looks and philosophy. The navigators look absolutely alien.
@@dimbe4122 Yep, another great example there. Was sad we didn't get to see any of them in the new movies.
I think the idea of evolved humans is a neat way of circumventing the standard criticism of aliens that are too human. Nobody wants to interact with too alien races (see the dismal sales of the ttrpg Starfinder), but aliens with human personalities and culture like Mass Effect can be seen as fantastical and campy to some. The Celestials sounds like a nice threading of the needle.
A game to keep an eye on and hope that it comes out relatively soon.
imho, the Fermi Paradox "Are We Alone" angle is much more mysterious and thus cooler than a Star Wars-like full of crazy aliens.
I think the celestials are one of the most interesting topics that I can’t wait to explore in the book and in game
Thank the Emperor for Exodus. Something to look forward to.
Beware the alien, the mutant and the heretic.
@@wrathfirex but since Aliens in exodus are all bioengineered humans; they’d be classified as abhumans, no?
@@ns7495 not sure. Remember that before the heresy, they reclaimed the galaxy but did kill civilzations they deemed not in line with the emperor's vision even if they were of human descent. I know ogryns and cat girls are tolerated because they follow the emperor's will but yeah not sure what they do now in the 41st millennia
@@wrathfirex think itd be up to adeptus mechanicus biologus, so warries on whod examine them.
@@wrathfirex or ordo xenos representetive they’d sent along biologus, so could go either way depending on minor ordo of representetive.
Loving the coverage so far
I'm looking forward to it myself. Cautiously optimistic. I mean, who DOESN'T want a grizzly bear medic on their team roster? Will there actually be one? Probably not, but I'd still like to see it.
I really hope we get an awakened bear companion especially since they had a reveal trailer. But any awakened companion will be fine by me as long as they are well written and adorable.
This game is sounding more and more interesting the more i learn about the universe its in so far the celestials are all sounding cool and look forward too seeing/meeting them ingame i hope this fills the hole mass effect left in my heart 😢 but looking promising so far i hope we can still pet the animals after they are awakend 😂
I'm interested regardless
Great video as always!
Oh, that sweet Mass Effect music in the background. ME1, I think?
I am quite interested in Exodus, but I will probably miss non-human races. It's just another feeling if something evolved somewhere else without any ties to humans. Playing as a non-human would be interesting too.
When I first learned about the “aliens” of Exodus, I was actually more excited to play it. It feels fresh compared to literally every other game out there today.
Most aliens in fiction, with the exception of lovecraft entities, are just humans with different skin colours and prosthetics attached to their head(asari, turian etc). Humans evolving and adapting to different environments over thousands of years is more plausible, and it also makes sense as to why all the 'aliens' around the same tech level.
I’m really interested in the crown knights. It seems like they are a branch of the Imperial celestials that existed before the Crown dominion, are a lot more violent and have a warmonger culture and likely have a connection to Lidon.
Just finished the Archimides Engine and was really good book!
At least it's something interesting about it unlike Starfield where there's just nothing but boring humans.
Meh, I think this is not the problem with starfield, it's actually the highpoint of it. It's very rare to have space sci-fi without aliens, everyone already does this and it has become very cliché already.
@DVictor23 the point of sci-fi is aliens....
Humans are only as boring as their writers make them.
Im all for the terrestrial alien idea it's probably what intrigued me the most outside of the fact its talent from OG mass effect behind the wheel.
If however they ever do introduce actual traditional aliens.
I would like it if they made them similar in scope to the leviathan as in something even the highest of celestials would be humbled by. Regardless it's looking to be very spicy so far.
The game seems to have a lot of promise, I really hope they stick the landing on this project.
After 30k years of speciation and heavy genetic engineering, they can hardly be called human anymore.
Cool thing about the Exodus universe is that there could be parts of the Milky Way galaxy where baseline humans established more traditional human civilizations like from Battletech, Mass Effect etc and there could be humans that evolved into creature more alien than the most horrifying Cthonic entity.
I just want to see gameplay.
Is it okay to be hopeful? I want to be hopeful.
Is the book out already? I GOTTA pick it up on release. The first video game book I've picked up since the Halo books in grade school.
I made entire video about it Lord Ogre...has been out for a while.
I remember reading a sci fi book decades ago. Automated colony ships seeded planets over hundred if not thousands of years. By the time Terra developed ftl travel and re connected with the colonies there were red colored fur covered humans, green algae infused ones and everything in between.
This is not a new concept or that rare in sci fi especially when you have in universe wide spread genetic engineering.
If done right, could be more exciting than just "aliens" since you can extrapolate relatable human behavior to it's more extreme logical or illogical conclusions.
Battletech has a galaxy full of just humans and you would be hard pressed to find a more lore dense universe.
I like this direction for the Celestials. It's Human adaptability at its finest. I'll keep my eyes on the game.
EDIT: It reminds me of that anime, Gargantia. Human adaptation is a phenominal way to go about worldbuilding. I hope that the game eventually touches on Celestials that delve too deeply into genetic improvement, into possible body horror.
The politics of the celestials in the book makes my head spin.
I was working on an idea set in our solar system in the distant future where humans had evolved through genetic engineering into quite alien forms and socities. I was a bit annoyed that exodus beast me to it but they will likely do a better job. Its a damn interesting universe archetype are creating
Warframe took this same approach to terrestrial "aliens" and I think most players of that game would agree that the lore is quite interesting. The limitation of keeping all factions terrestrially descended simply allows for the telling of different types of stories, which can be just as interesting as those with extraterrestrials. (And on a shallower level, clearly terrestrials can look just as weird as extraterrestrials given a long enough timeline, if that's what the concern is.) I hope people that are disappointed now can get past it. There's really no reason to be let down by this.
At this point, we have to wait and see how different the Celestials are. I get the impression that this is a darker style of game, which is a good thing, as games like Dragon Age were not well received. My main point of concern is that they are a part of Wizards of the Coast - Larian ended their business relationship with them for a reason.
Different relationship and James Ohlen got a promise from WOTC that they do not interfere.
@@spellandshield Good to know.
The setting is quite intriguing to me, actually. Though how "hundreds of worlds" were destroyed and they still have sufficient to live on seems a bit unclear.
A game people are interested in👀👀👀
This looks like it will melt my graphics card. Im ready to go back to graphics from 2011
I also like the idea of Celestials, and don't really think that it takes away anything because they're not "true aliens." If you think about Star Wars for example, you have the Chiss (Grand Admiral Thrawn's species) that evolved from humans. You have the Zabrak (Darth Maul's species), which also evolved from humans in the lore. Similarly the Twi'lek, the Umbarans, the Togruta, the Miraluka, the Mirialans, Pantorans etc. are all "near-human" species, or in other words species that branched off of humanity in the lore, but any time anyone watches Star Wars, they're all clocked in as "aliens" anyway, because they are so different
lets be real, people are just mad that they dont get sexy aliens like liara and thane
I hate how much people desperately ask for everything to be the same all the time. There's enough sci-fi full of aliens of all kinds, there's zero problems with aliens being humans transformed by evolution...in fact it's a interesting concept.
I am so looking forward to this game, but I am afraid it could be another Veilgard, Concord or Dustborn.
There is no way it could possibly be that bad.
I actually think the concept of the various civilizations just being humans at different points in time is a refreshing idea. Sounds like an awesome change. Just keep the pronouns out of the game, and dont attack your fan base. Im looking forward to this game.
I'm calling it now, the Elohim will have transcended to be gods that dont interfere unless extremely necessary. Elohim being a old hebrew word meaning god, gods, supreme ones.
I hope this wont be a scam and we will see at least couple of minutes of actual gameplay footage some time next year. This all sounds interesting, but there isnt a slightest hint on how they are planning to make this work within gameplay limitations.
So far I haven't seen any red flags like crypto or weird ads, so I believe they're genuine.
Even biologically identical civilizations can be vastly different culturally and technologically, which is how the Celestials came to be in the first place. Look at EVE Online's precursor civilizations. Most of them are/were (as far as we know) still human, but their cultures were so different. The Triglavians, for instance, are made up of clades. The syntax of their language is bizarre:
"Cladeships of the 3 tactical troika classification in communion militant of Varpulis Subclade of Perun Clade encountered the Ancient Enemy Azdaja at reverse-time co-ordinates (indecipherable) while processing in sub-18 exclave of conduit loop construct-405. Absolute imperative of poshlost extirpation against Azdaja was invoked without acceptable material realization. Tactical troika of Varpulis Subclade placed a casting of absorbed data into the cladeflow for reflection of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle."
Everything sounds interesting but I have to see more to be convinced especially after how disappointing was Andromeda And I know it's not the same developer but I don't want to have high expectations for nothing anymore because I don't want to be disappointed
I hope the game will have calm moments and have some immersive features in designated place, these things are severely lacking in most RPGs, just let me sit in a bar before I have to go back to saving the world know what I mean?
first uwu
Game should be called SEXODUS
l am fhaf!
I don't care really if they don't look like an octopus or anything supernatural.
If they are human with smal change it's OK to.
But pls for God sake have meaningful choices and no real life ideology.
Pls pls make it for a non modern gayming audience.
People are only mad they can't bang this games versions of Tali and Liara.
That's a dumb generalization to make. Also, who exactly is this game's version of Tali and Liara, or is that another excuse to disregard someone else's opinion?
As you know I've been reading the book, and am a big fan of the world of Exodus. My big concern has nothing to do with the aliens not being foreign to earth. That's a very ridiculous gripe if one knows anything about the celestials and elohim (I use lowercase, because the uppercase refers to God Himself) of the universe.
My concern is the political pushing. While in the book I have not seen anything I would call "woke" specifically because we are talking about aliens, it does leave the groundwork by doing something very poor in how the characters are written within the story.
The queens as written are intended to hold Decorum and Stability as paramount pillars of their society. However, everyone in this book is dropping f'bombs. From queen to peasant, even after tens of thousands of years of history. One of the characters from earth comments on how "Sexually progressive" the society is. By that he means everyone is swiping left on their apps and banging with no regard to "stability." While this can be fine to a degree with the matriarchy of the Crown Dominion. The queens are meant to be picky about whom they will procreate with while they never have a king. This is for genetics more than anything. They broaden their horizons for that reason and they don't need to carry the child themselves. This would be far less appropriate for the humans.
That all the characters are written with this outlook, with the use of language, and hedonistic natures. This could wind up with a game that has, like the book, fantastic world building, but atrocious character writing. This is my big concern. The queen, the princesses, etc...they should be exercising the decorum they preach is most important. The lands of the society should be reflecting that decorum and stability. This incongruity is poor writing especially when it is not commented on. It shows a blind spot of the writer that I hope is approached better with the game. However this blind spot has a particular political bent, and when you add it too the many things I would give a pass to. The feminist matriarchy, the goddess that all travelers MUST believe in. It brings more concerns for the final outcome.
Far more interesting a concern than "Oh they're from earth so they ain't real aliens"
After reading through your comment, you look you be creating a problem where one doesn't exist. Especially after saying there's nothing in the book that you would call woke. You're basically calling out a boogeyman at this point with no evidence that one exists regarding Exodus.