To be fair, three-digit SCPs are often not monsters, but just various creatures and anomalous objects, sometimes they could feel pretty creative even by todays standard. And four-digits also have many bad apples that are often way worse than most three-digits
Wow, I'm a mathematician, and I think the weirdest part of that was I can sort of follow it. I think the strange lifeform like things in the background are a graphical representation of a mathematical algorithm that exist in theoretical space. Model - 00 is mathematics as we understand it, and Model-01 is a kind of exacutable code similar to a computer program. I assume they are invocing the strong anthropic principal where the universe (at least in this Tiega reagion) acts as a massive computational system. The thing that makes my brain ache is this is written from the point of view of someone studying are universe from the outside, where presumably mathematics (and by extension logic) doesn't apply. So they present a proof of the conscept of conceptualization (they call abstraction) using induction ... Which presumably doesn't exist from their point of view. This raises a whole host of questions which probably don't, and cannot, have answers.
As someone else who’s also a mathematician, I think the fact that it’s like *almost* comprehensible makes it even harder to get. Cuz it’s like, in some of the papers they link, I’ll like actually kinda follow some category theoretic argument and then suddenly there’s random terminology that like I kinda get but don’t??😭
This is how I think the story goes: The gods and the cycle: We know that the Gods tried to break a cycle (Found in the description of “Everything is happening at the same time.”) This cycle seems to be the maker/god of the Gods (Found in the description of “Everything is happening at the same time.” by saying “The cycle, their god”) The cycle is apparently one of fragmentation. It can be assumed that the cycle of fragmentation produces a group of beings way less powerful than the previous (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”) The gods, when compared to the beings of the previous cycle is something to be eliminated to continue the existence of these beings from the previous cycle (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”) The state of the beings of the previous cycle could be one of nonexistence, unbound by math or existence. I believe this since mere the existence of the Gods disturbs the existential silence, which could be nothingness This would suggest that IT attacking the gods was enacted by these beings of the previous cycle. IT: An object was moving which was erasing galaxies and concepts such as math and existence. (Found in “Existence no longer exists”) The interaction between the gods and IT probably is the war of the Gods Apparently, an encounter called the battle of the gods end extremely quickly. The result being that the gods ceased to exist (Found in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) The end of existence for the gods was created by the gods themselves (Found in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) IT likely aren’t the gods’ creation since they seem to not know what IT is in “Existence no longer exists” Celebration orbs were launched in the Milkdromeda year 1924 (Found in both the video and description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) This would mean that celebration orbs weren’t a response to IT, as first contact came in 2032 but they somehow survived. The gods loses against this thing somehow but there exists pockets of existence which have anti-expansion technology around artificial stars (Found in the description of “Existence no longer exists”) This might be what the Taiga is The cycle (again): The cycle is apparently broken and the gods attempt to be IT. The gods would try to aim for a something to free themselves from their finite torture. (Found in the description of “Existence no longer exists .”) While some have suggested that it refers to life, I disagree, as the gods have been stated to be able to create infinite universes, I doubt that immortality would be difficult for them. Rather, I believe that the gods are trying to escape existence. If they do so and become non-existent, they would become IT by being in a state of non-existence like how IT is. Doing so, they would also break the cycle as existence is no more; the former beings from the previous cycle wouldn’t need to destroy existence anymore as it the Gods themselves have done so The rest of the description of “Existence no longer exists .” I have no hopes of understanding what it means though The Jump: During the War of the Gods, a Jump occurs We know that this jump refers to time travel to a different timeline (Found in the paper in the description of “Existence no longer exists”) We also know that this jump wasn’t effective (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”, with the jump described as “ineffective”) The Taiga: A section of space where existence exists (Found in “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) This section of space has order and mathematics, which is described to be a virus by the narrator in “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .” which are in non-existence somehow (Found in “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”) These beings try to analyze the Taiga and will be referred to as Non-existers for convenience The Non-existers: The non-existers study and write papers on the Taiga They seem to try and formalize the ideas of concepts, things, time, and understanding (Found in the paper in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”) The specifics of the paper and the methods of the non-existers to obtain that knowledge is best understood by reading the paper in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”
@Lawsonomy1 you've got a good handle on it, I think. I think this video is trying to use mathematics to describe a Kabbalistic universe, and I think the metaphor might help fill in holes for you. I posted an entirely too long explainer of my theory on the r/0thIteration subreddit if you have any interest, and I would love some insight from someone who knows math!
No joke, I'm an aspiring researcher in AI with a desire to investigate and create cognitohazards. You and this vidoe sparked an idea for visual cognitohazards, something that I quickly realize can go down many paths, some that might be a cognitohazard in the way we envision it in horror entertainment. I don't think I recognized cognitohazards can be more than processing language, the same way I recognize it now
Well, perhaps it was derived from Taiga. The thing which is being told how it began. Yes, it's origin is withing the Taiga. And as Taiga was allways isolated from the outside world, it has allways been inside of Taiga. So it never existed
Hello! I'm a massive nerd who enjoys looking into set theory a lot, and I've seen a lot of mathematical concepts referred to within this video, and would like to explain a bit about them. [SECTION 1] The video starts off by states that Taiga is "shielded from outer existence", which could be similar to setting up axiomatic principles. Axiomatic principles here mean the rules that all mathematical objects abide by. For example, a common axiom in geometry would be "you can always draw a line crossing two points in space". Following this, they mention a virus disguised as absolute truth. To me this seems like an axiom present in Taiga which seems to disprove commonly used axioms, thus breaking the mathematical universe down and eventually destroying it. For example, it would be like stating that 1=2 in your axioms, which would destroy modern day math. The speaker also says "the majority of elements in your set", which means that we, the viewers are actually elements in a set. A set has elements within it. For example a set of all natural numbers would have 1, 2, 3, 4... so on and so forth. We are not seeing this as a human, but instead as a mathematical object in a mathematical world. Our set is referred to as "The British Sea(or C?)", and it can be assumed that Taiga is the name of the set infected by this "virus". We are very clearly being sent out to investigate what axioms Taiga operates on, neverbefore done. The External Terminology part may require an understanding of how functions work in set theory, but I'll try to make it very simple. A function is basically something which turns elements from one set, to elements in another set. For example, if I put set A, defined as 1, 2, 3, 4 into function f(x)=x+1, with x being elements in A, then the output (set B) will be 2, 3, 4, 5. Similarly, Con(B) = A can be thought of as a function like the one above. The speaker also states that this means there is a "fundamental equivalence in essence", which I believe means that the elements of set A and set B can both be "tied" to one another. To use our example from before, we can "tie" element 1 from set A to element 2 from set B, and so on for all elements. This means a LOT in set theory but the main one is that these two sets have equal size. Two sets of equal size means that sometimes, if you're able to prove one thing for one set, you can prove the same for the other. In sets A and B for this video, this means we can analyze set B instead of A, and since set B is likely simpler than set A, we can interpret set A in a way we understand. Next up, Concept Degree! Concept Degree seems to refer to how many times we "simply" set A. So, by putting set A through our function (Con(B)) we simplify it. However, if we repeat this process, we can simply turn Con(B) into Con(Con(B)). Interpretation Degree seems to refer to how many times we repeat our Con(B) function. By repeating this n times, we can get simpler and simpler representations of set A, which would normally be out of our grasp. Set A in this context of course means the entities we see through this series. (I am least confident in this one) The Internal Terminology part requires some understanding of how physicists graph/visualize time and space. Starting off with Time, the speaker refers to multiple axis's of time. This can be thought of simply as different universes, or different timelines. The Causal Set seems to refer to how time axis's are defined within this universe, with these requiring to have at least one element present in another causal set of a different time axis, basicslly meaning these two sets share elements, and that they cannot be empty. Partial Past refers to an event which has occured in at least one time axis. anything that has happened before in the many timelines/multiverses is referred to as partial past. Absolute Past is an event that has happened before in ALL timelines/multiverses. Next, Structure. Structure refers to anything which exists in partial past. For example, if you want to refer to a glass of wine which hasn't been created yet in another multiverse, you can simply call it a Structure. Then we get onto the entities we examine. Model 00, which is a 1st Order Structure, can be seen as the "simplest" structure in Taiga. On the fourth intepretation, we are finally able to understand it, meaning we had to simply Model 00 four times using our Con(B) function. As we get onto the later models, we see this intepretation value increase, meaning these are getting progressively more complex. What the speaker says about the models seem less mathematical, and more biological. After explaining Model 01, the speaker goes on to say us, the listeners will need to have an absolute measure of time. As seen above these are multiple time axis', meaning multiple speeds at which time moves. An interpretational algorithm is likely calculating how fast or slow time moves relative to the absolute time measure. TL;DR: We the listeners aren't humans (This part I'm fairly certain about, although a lot of people seem to think otherwise. Any corrections appreciated!), and are more like mathematical objects in a mathematical universe. The Taiga is a nonsensical set of mathematical statements which breaks down modern math, thus killing us. The Taiga has multiple timelines within, and each of these timelines have different "speeds" of time relative to each other, We are being sent on an expedition to see what rules the Taiga runs on. I might add some more analysis below, but it's getting late and my ramblings might get even more incoherent. EDIT: I have added the second section in the comments, as I have unfortunately hit the character limit.
I cannot fathom how anyone can come up with something so strange and unique, while being crafted so beautifully. Truly an outstanding piece of art that I will treasure forever
This is the existential irony of having an iq between 125-140, your just smart enough to understand what your missing, but not smart enough to fully understand it.
I'm not formally mathematically-minded, but I *think* the point is that it is supposed to make sense but doesn't . . . maybe hinting that's is because reality is broken or wrong?
You are being explained what lies beyond maximum finite, creatures beyond the 3rd dimension, how they manipulate time, past, present, future all happening at the same time
I've been thinking about this series a lot since I found it. This one in particular is not only my favorite of the series so far but might actually be my favorite video on UA-cam.
Still thinking about this. Are the Time Axis perhaps an interpretation of relativity and the way it affects the perception of time between different observers?
There's something about alternate rules of reality predating on each other through weaponized set theory that manages to be more Lovecraftian than Lovecraft ever managed to be.
Lovecraft would shit bricks if he saw this! This story is much scarier to me than "Oh this has no description because it's impossible to comprehend!" I prefer having a little description to at least know what I should be afraid of, relying too much on the unknown takes away the horror too in my opinion.
Lmao, I think there reaches a point where it becomes so incomprehensible that it stops being scary. Lovecraft stated that ignorance is like an island that protects us, and in this case it's 100% true. Since I couldn't understand half of what the video was saying, I got left watching squiggly lines. Are they a threat? Are they not? Who knows? I'm too dumb to understand so it's difficult to be scared.
@MorganNull-uj6uuif somethings completely out if our comprehension then it’s pointless to explain it or understand it. Good cosmic horror gives you something to understand but not completely
@MorganNull-uj6uu love craft wasn’t the only person to make cosmic horror and not the best either, why should we use him to decide what cosmic horror should be?
I really like what I am interpreting is a comparison between the formation of new universes/planes of existence and the evolution of species. I think it helps me with visualizing how timelines are created, especially with the tree and tree seed dispersion aesthetic in this video and later ones. Also, timelines "living" in "ecosystems" where they interact and feed on each other and "reproduce" is really cool
My interpretation is that this is an attempt at interpreting us (like humanity) from the point of view of an entity existing outside of our existence. With this viewpoint, Model 00 is the ability to abstract/imagine/think of things that do not exist. Then Model 01 is belief/faith/god as a concept of mankind. It exists because it has existed. Growing from other faiths and belief and reaching a point where it stands "alone" and then branching into more variations of itself as more interpretations emerge. I also have another similar interpretation that would take into account the idea that Model 00 is omnipresent throughout the data cluster, the various mentions of infinity, of creators and of an infinite non-existence. In this interpretation, this takes place far into the future. We (humanity) have reached for infinity and eternity but we lost ourselves, leaving behind either shells of ourselves or creation that emulate our abstraction/interpretation of the world, but without a something that makes us alive. It only leave a universe filled with silent machine, unthinking algorithms that go through the steps without seeing existence. An empty ballroom filled with dancing automatons without thoughts or consciousness and with no one to see them dance. The universe no longer dreaming of itself for there is no more dreamers.
Dating in the Taiga should be very weird. Model 01j1: you see that model 01l? I love their gaussian function. Model 01j2: you are disgusting, their secondary time axis is still in the model 01a you literally can eat them. Model 01j1: you right for this reason went to my relative future, so that I can return in the global past as model 01a, in fact model 01l is you but in a space with a different time axis. Model 01jb: you right! I just checked my alternate dimensions and we are in love. Let's fuse our function. Model 01ja: agree so that we can be model 01a an the cycle can continue
I genuinely feel like a chosen honoured one to be able to witness something like this. I better mp4 download them soon I can't lie. Wouldnt wanna lose this gem.
aside from unveiling the proto-logic of the omniverse and dictating a humanly comprehensible approximation of existence, ultimately giving me a feeling of philo-mathematical horror I never would have guessed I even could experience, this is pretty great stuff
This is so interesting! I don't understand the words, but I have a vague understanding of the meaning. Like, I have no idea what's going on but at the same time I have this feeling that I kind of get what's being said. The whole idea of this is intriguing to me. It's like a higher being is trying to explain to me what the outside of the universe is like, or what came before our universe. What really caught my attention was the "Models". I love the fact that they can be fit into an "evolution" system that makes sense. Model 00 is the source of energy. The Model 01 group is like the lifecycle of a species over time, eventually "evolving" into different types of 01. Even though I don't understand it, I'd love to be able to explore or document this kind of "life", if you can even call this life. The fact that some Model 01/01-I/1 can just travel through time and essentially be its own creator or destroyer is fascinating. This entire world of Model 01 creature cycles living off of the Model 00 source would be incredible to just follow along with it. It also explains what we saw at the beginning of the video, which is this world of Models. I wonder what happened when it blew up? Did those towers, which I can only think of as advanced Model 01 (or possibly higher number classifications), get destroyed for the cycle to continue or did they ascend beyond the confines of their world? I'm just rambling to try and wrap my head around what I just watched. I hope there's more to this.
I regret making this comment before watching the other videos. I pretty much got what I asked for in the next one. I've also got a theory about what this could mean, but I have few evidence to support it so far.
So what I'm getting is that this is a different universe with different laws. Life exist in it, but it is based off of models and math in a place called "The Tiaga". These models can mutate over time in an ecosystem. This ecosystem is completely different to our carbon based one, it has multiple axis of time and space repeating outwards as models prey upon each other.
I think that you're mostly right, but rather them being organisms living in another universe I think that the entities are entire timelines, which at their scale are living creatures in a way.
This has a sort of SCP like presentation as far as the speaker but the visuals are mesmerizing. And the music selection really sends home that desolate otherworldly vibe. Now, as for the content, I am truly and profoundly horrible at math and its very difficult for me to understand any of this. I'm probably gonna have to do two or three watches before I have a clue. But I don't mind because this is incredibly well made and interesting.
Learn formal Logic, set theory and functional programming. Even if you have 0.00001 appreciation for mathematics, these three have the chance to make formal stuff fill your entire mind. I used to hate math some years ago, but right now these formal stuff give me euphoria...
My interpretation: A person just died and they are being explained the nature of reality. The Models are how realities are created, and how each one has different mathematics, and each reality is a sort of living being on its own. This is really cool
basically, the universe depends on a data cluster (Taiga), which contains math, which is apparently damaging the data cluster, causing the universe itself to become damaged which fucks everything up - time, space, etc.
So, this video started an existential crisis that started me down a rabbit hole of attempting to find/create an equation to model the iteration of the universe from singularity till eternity, and I love it for that, but what was once just a book or a piece of concrete or a cellphone is now unknowable shapes and magic and my brain is melting. (metaphorically) I feel as though I actually understand the horror now and upon revisiting it gave me chills. I have no idea how you ever thought of this, but well done.
God this concept is so titualting. The insinuation that our reality is only a facsimile created by patterns, iteration, and rules. Which we quantify and call math, but the majority of existence is unlike this. Not bound by these rules an structure. A godless universe if you will.
quadratic equation is already hard enough for me, you lost me at the very first second of mathematical explanation, thank you very much. i'm here just for the ambient, this gut feeling is nice, i've just figured out the existence of "horror" and "analog horror".
What I seem to be getting from this is that at some point, mankind created some kind of massive computer systems and they somehow got corrupted, got way too powerful and became like a god.
The descriptions from all videos so far explain that theres a war between the Gods and one side seeks eternal nothingness and non existence and the other are Gods that are husks which mindlessly create new concepts in universes despite not being sentient or “alive” and in the end the side of non existence wins as shown in the video “existence no longer exists”
Model II-37 The in-suck of breath Transmitted desperate radio waves To the distant simeon-seers Who stood on guard near the edge of the forest. The frequency marked a shift of consciousness Where syllables tied the knot we share. The implosion of this action confides a secret: We are traveling the backward path And nothing gets erased.
I like the idea that whatever these are they must keep iterating to keep themsleves from non-existance. It could explain why there is no conceivable algorithm to why they do it. It just is. Because if its not than it isn't.
Also, what I've gathered from the Math in this video is that all versions of The Taiga are made out of each other, but made at different times. However, they all exist together, because they are all equal
Their underlying essence is conceptually the same, model-0, but they have differences in their attribute set, aka properties. Time and space are among the differentiating factors.
I like the explanation with the model 00 and model 01. I have a head canon that there is a model 02, which is when a kind of temporal sentience is formed, and the specimen, depending on its stage during sentience, will metamorphose into the giant beings you see in the background (like the tentacled circles and giant branched flying things) and maybe even the building like things in future uploads. Model 03 dictates that the sentient being will gain a godlike sapience, and evolve further, which happens very rarely (the godlike creature being the big rectangle with tentacles that can apparently teleport). The god will organize events, like the new year celebration with the fireworks (in the third upload on your channel) and eventually dictate new rules in the world itself.
As a mathematician i can sort of follow it but its still really hard to follow which i feel adds to the experience, i am in this area where its familiar but not familiar, in this it looks like a messed up familiar but not familiar version of earth
I LOVE that you chose Soviet vinyls' music for your videos. First, because I love music from Soviet vinyls. Second, it perfectly shows the sadness of your series' world. Also, Spooky Math.
I just freaking love Russian 30's jazz/blues/chanson music in these series. It fits sooooo damn good and gives me a lot of nostalgia because my grandparent really liked that kind of music but i was too young to understand it.
this strangely makes sense in a very very very strange way that makes me feel uneasy. i think its the music, but the surreal and exotic concepts honestly have me feeling very, very, very uneasy. i tried to understand it and accidentally reached enlightment. very cool series! made me question the lore and i definitely found it out, basically humans made some sort of machine to become gods, its name being taiga, how this worked was it put more axis on time so humans could go to absolute past. and other races also found it out, because of the other races not knowing what they were doing, they used it to make it so existence? that never existed, because of this no more reports were ever recorded of you or anyone else because you do not exist. now those same machines wander the nothingness, refusing to die. sitting in the nothingness while the pillars of existence and physics fell. that machine now sits in the non existence while new exotic types of creatures begin to appear without any control.
Type A - L civilizations on the information mastery scale: Gradually advances from cavemen to spacefarers Type M - Z Civilizations on the information mastery scale:
If you tell a sentient AI that 1=2 and establish it as an immutable fact without changing any other rules of mathematics, I wonder if it would suffer its own version existential shock
Pavel Mikhailov - On a long journey Isabella Yuryeva - Spring Song Arkady Pogodin - I'm waiting for a letter Edith Utesova - We Parted Pavel Mikhailov - You are not here (Note: this probably has some error translating)
so, my attempt at explaining some lines of the video at 2:50 : "a virus that assumes the guise of absolute truths" The virus could be a set of axioms, since axioms are the absolute truths on which we build mathematics. "a virus that dictates patterns within systems, mathematics" This seems to confirm the virus is a set of axioms, because the virus 'dictates' mathematics. my understading of these lines is that the Taiga 'data cluster' is an exception among clusters because it is equipped (or infected, as the video says) with a set of axioms, wich make mathematics possible in this cluster, so thats why it had to be "isolated, shielded from external existence" both to protect everything else from Taiga and to protect Taiga from everything else.
Starting to feel like this is an ARG with how your channel description is, your community tab, and even your profile image and profile header having small text around the characters that doesnt seem to have any meaning. unfortunately either one im completely wrong and its just a analog series or two im right and i dont have anywhere near the maths knowledge to decipher whats really happening but regardless its kinda drawn me in very quickly lmao
what if TAIGA the machine that makes humans and other races gods meant "Technologic Advanced International God-like Apprehender." or T.A.I.G.A.? would sound pretty cool not gonna lie.
Its beautiful
Three-Digit SCPs: “It’s a scary monster and if you look at it you die 😱”
Four-Digit SCPs:
Ah yes 6500
Scp 5879 and the ones from “deletion” department
Series 1: a locket that makes you powerful but melts you into a blob if you wear it too long
Series 5 and beyond:
That Aint No Four Digit SCP Thats A Five Digit SCP
To be fair, three-digit SCPs are often not monsters, but just various creatures and anomalous objects, sometimes they could feel pretty creative even by todays standard. And four-digits also have many bad apples that are often way worse than most three-digits
what transpires 12 minutes later:
They arë pæintéd *R Ê D*
Skips: “Yeah I’ve seen this before”
Jolly good show
"Skips! Skips! We need your help"
ohhh so this is how a square, the protagonist of the 1884 novella Flatland, felt trying to comprehend a sphere
Wow, I'm a mathematician, and I think the weirdest part of that was I can sort of follow it. I think the strange lifeform like things in the background are a graphical representation of a mathematical algorithm that exist in theoretical space. Model - 00 is mathematics as we understand it, and Model-01 is a kind of exacutable code similar to a computer program. I assume they are invocing the strong anthropic principal where the universe (at least in this Tiega reagion) acts as a massive computational system.
The thing that makes my brain ache is this is written from the point of view of someone studying are universe from the outside, where presumably mathematics (and by extension logic) doesn't apply. So they present a proof of the conscept of conceptualization (they call abstraction) using induction ... Which presumably doesn't exist from their point of view. This raises a whole host of questions which probably don't, and cannot, have answers.
As someone else who’s also a mathematician, I think the fact that it’s like *almost* comprehensible makes it even harder to get. Cuz it’s like, in some of the papers they link, I’ll like actually kinda follow some category theoretic argument and then suddenly there’s random terminology that like I kinda get but don’t??😭
This is how I think the story goes:
The gods and the cycle:
We know that the Gods tried to break a cycle (Found in the description of “Everything is happening at the same time.”)
This cycle seems to be the maker/god of the Gods (Found in the description of “Everything is happening at the same time.” by saying “The cycle, their god”)
The cycle is apparently one of fragmentation. It can be assumed that the cycle of fragmentation produces a group of beings way less powerful than the previous (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”)
The gods, when compared to the beings of the previous cycle is something to be eliminated to continue the existence of these beings from the previous cycle (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”)
The state of the beings of the previous cycle could be one of nonexistence, unbound by math or existence. I believe this since mere the existence of the Gods disturbs the existential silence, which could be nothingness
This would suggest that IT attacking the gods was enacted by these beings of the previous cycle.
An object was moving which was erasing galaxies and concepts such as math and existence. (Found in “Existence no longer exists”)
The interaction between the gods and IT probably is the war of the Gods
Apparently, an encounter called the battle of the gods end extremely quickly. The result being that the gods ceased to exist (Found in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”)
The end of existence for the gods was created by the gods themselves (Found in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”)
IT likely aren’t the gods’ creation since they seem to not know what IT is in “Existence no longer exists”
Celebration orbs were launched in the Milkdromeda year 1924 (Found in both the video and description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”)
This would mean that celebration orbs weren’t a response to IT, as first contact came in 2032 but they somehow survived.
The gods loses against this thing somehow but there exists pockets of existence which have anti-expansion technology around artificial stars (Found in the description of “Existence no longer exists”)
This might be what the Taiga is
The cycle (again):
The cycle is apparently broken and the gods attempt to be IT.
The gods would try to aim for a something to free themselves from their finite torture. (Found in the description of “Existence no longer exists .”)
While some have suggested that it refers to life, I disagree, as the gods have been stated to be able to create infinite universes, I doubt that immortality would be difficult for them. Rather, I believe that the gods are trying to escape existence. If they do so and become non-existent, they would become IT by being in a state of non-existence like how IT is. Doing so, they would also break the cycle as existence is no more; the former beings from the previous cycle wouldn’t need to destroy existence anymore as it the Gods themselves have done so
The rest of the description of “Existence no longer exists .” I have no hopes of understanding what it means though
The Jump:
During the War of the Gods, a Jump occurs
We know that this jump refers to time travel to a different timeline (Found in the paper in the description of “Existence no longer exists”)
We also know that this jump wasn’t effective (Found in the description of “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”, with the jump described as “ineffective”)
The Taiga:
A section of space where existence exists (Found in “The External Reality of Finiteness .”)
This section of space has order and mathematics, which is described to be a virus by the narrator in “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .” which are in non-existence somehow (Found in “Infinity, Singularity, and The Rapture .”)
These beings try to analyze the Taiga and will be referred to as Non-existers for convenience
The Non-existers:
The non-existers study and write papers on the Taiga
They seem to try and formalize the ideas of concepts, things, time, and understanding (Found in the paper in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”)
The specifics of the paper and the methods of the non-existers to obtain that knowledge is best understood by reading the paper in the description of “The External Reality of Finiteness .”
@Lawsonomy1 you've got a good handle on it, I think. I think this video is trying to use mathematics to describe a Kabbalistic universe, and I think the metaphor might help fill in holes for you. I posted an entirely too long explainer of my theory on the r/0thIteration subreddit if you have any interest, and I would love some insight from someone who knows math!
@@nathanielv775 What paper are you refering to? They used the term morphism in one but there wasnt any category theory involved otherwise
me learning calculus: man this math shit is easy
number theory:
I haven't started learning number theory and I'm scared
@@karolissad.4270 you should be
You Should Be@@karolissad.4270
what the hell is number theory (btw if another person likes, it will be equal to 2⁸)
nvm it’s 256, not 265
they weren't lying, this kitten is unorthodox
I feel like I just watched a cognitohazard.
No joke, I'm an aspiring researcher in AI with a desire to investigate and create cognitohazards. You and this vidoe sparked an idea for visual cognitohazards, something that I quickly realize can go down many paths, some that might be a cognitohazard in the way we envision it in horror entertainment.
I don't think I recognized cognitohazards can be more than processing language, the same way I recognize it now
Bro is not surviving the Model-01-I/1😭
@@thesfnb.5786excuse the fuck me don’t do this
There’s some pretty bad ones as there is
@@libsh5684 fr
@@thesfnb.5786cognito hazards for use against humans or AI?
When a mathemetician makes a horror series
Why "if"?
9:32 "No one has recorded your existence, because you do not exist."
Actually chilling.
but how
Too close to Taiga, probably
Well, perhaps it was derived from Taiga. The thing which is being told how it began. Yes, it's origin is withing the Taiga. And as Taiga was allways isolated from the outside world, it has allways been inside of Taiga. So it never existed
"you do not exist" honestly on par with telling someone to go touch grass
@@squasherdown You get it
When a calculator tries to understand god mathematically:
God + human = Demi god
@@Des_fa I see what you did there 😉
When the 52! hits just a tad bit too hard
Hello! I'm a massive nerd who enjoys looking into set theory a lot, and I've seen a lot of mathematical concepts referred to within this video, and would like to explain a bit about them.
The video starts off by states that Taiga is "shielded from outer existence", which could be similar to setting up axiomatic principles. Axiomatic principles here mean the rules that all mathematical objects abide by. For example, a common axiom in geometry would be "you can always draw a line crossing two points in space". Following this, they mention a virus disguised as absolute truth. To me this seems like an axiom present in Taiga which seems to disprove commonly used axioms, thus breaking the mathematical universe down and eventually destroying it. For example, it would be like stating that 1=2 in your axioms, which would destroy modern day math. The speaker also says "the majority of elements in your set", which means that we, the viewers are actually elements in a set. A set has elements within it. For example a set of all natural numbers would have 1, 2, 3, 4... so on and so forth. We are not seeing this as a human, but instead as a mathematical object in a mathematical world. Our set is referred to as "The British Sea(or C?)", and it can be assumed that Taiga is the name of the set infected by this "virus". We are very clearly being sent out to investigate what axioms Taiga operates on, neverbefore done.
The External Terminology part may require an understanding of how functions work in set theory, but I'll try to make it very simple. A function is basically something which turns elements from one set, to elements in another set. For example, if I put set A, defined as 1, 2, 3, 4 into function f(x)=x+1, with x being elements in A, then the output (set B) will be 2, 3, 4, 5. Similarly, Con(B) = A can be thought of as a function like the one above. The speaker also states that this means there is a "fundamental equivalence in essence", which I believe means that the elements of set A and set B can both be "tied" to one another. To use our example from before, we can "tie" element 1 from set A to element 2 from set B, and so on for all elements. This means a LOT in set theory but the main one is that these two sets have equal size. Two sets of equal size means that sometimes, if you're able to prove one thing for one set, you can prove the same for the other. In sets A and B for this video, this means we can analyze set B instead of A, and since set B is likely simpler than set A, we can interpret set A in a way we understand.
Next up, Concept Degree! Concept Degree seems to refer to how many times we "simply" set A. So, by putting set A through our function (Con(B)) we simplify it. However, if we repeat this process, we can simply turn Con(B) into Con(Con(B)).
Interpretation Degree seems to refer to how many times we repeat our Con(B) function. By repeating this n times, we can get simpler and simpler representations of set A, which would normally be out of our grasp. Set A in this context of course means the entities we see through this series. (I am least confident in this one)
The Internal Terminology part requires some understanding of how physicists graph/visualize time and space. Starting off with Time, the speaker refers to multiple axis's of time. This can be thought of simply as different universes, or different timelines. The Causal Set seems to refer to how time axis's are defined within this universe, with these requiring to have at least one element present in another causal set of a different time axis, basicslly meaning these two sets share elements, and that they cannot be empty. Partial Past refers to an event which has occured in at least one time axis. anything that has happened before in the many timelines/multiverses is referred to as partial past. Absolute Past is an event that has happened before in ALL timelines/multiverses.
Next, Structure. Structure refers to anything which exists in partial past. For example, if you want to refer to a glass of wine which hasn't been created yet in another multiverse, you can simply call it a Structure.
Then we get onto the entities we examine. Model 00, which is a 1st Order Structure, can be seen as the "simplest" structure in Taiga. On the fourth intepretation, we are finally able to understand it, meaning we had to simply Model 00 four times using our Con(B) function. As we get onto the later models, we see this intepretation value increase, meaning these are getting progressively more complex. What the speaker says about the models seem less mathematical, and more biological.
After explaining Model 01, the speaker goes on to say us, the listeners will need to have an absolute measure of time. As seen above these are multiple time axis', meaning multiple speeds at which time moves. An interpretational algorithm is likely calculating how fast or slow time moves relative to the absolute time measure.
TL;DR: We the listeners aren't humans (This part I'm fairly certain about, although a lot of people seem to think otherwise. Any corrections appreciated!), and are more like mathematical objects in a mathematical universe. The Taiga is a nonsensical set of mathematical statements which breaks down modern math, thus killing us. The Taiga has multiple timelines within, and each of these timelines have different "speeds" of time relative to each other, We are being sent on an expedition to see what rules the Taiga runs on.
I might add some more analysis below, but it's getting late and my ramblings might get even more incoherent.
EDIT: I have added the second section in the comments, as I have unfortunately hit the character limit.
Holy yap
@@YourAverageJames0The fact that this piece of art deserves this much yapping for a single episode shows how good it truly is :)
Sounds like Schild's Ladder had a baby with Flatland and was midwifed by an orange cat tbh.
@@YourAverageJames0 good yap sesh tho 😩😫😣
How elementary teachers describe the complexity of middle school math :
Algebra teachers trying to explain counting lines:
Did he just… mathematically explain how eldritch horrors are created?
Maybe. I'm not a math guy.
Or how they were destroyed :D
bro this new 3blue1brown vid is wild ong
I cannot fathom how anyone can come up with something so strange and unique, while being crafted so beautifully. Truly an outstanding piece of art that I will treasure forever
I truly wish I could understand what the hell is happening. Such an insanely complex yet interesting narrative.
This is the existential irony of having an iq between 125-140, your just smart enough to understand what your missing, but not smart enough to fully understand it.
This is a lack of knowledge, not intelligence
@@principleshipcoleoid8095 Knowledge is quantitative, Intelligence is qualitative.
high-120's here, you're hitting something with that there.
I'm not formally mathematically-minded, but I *think* the point is that it is supposed to make sense but doesn't . . . maybe hinting that's is because reality is broken or wrong?
"Dude, Benson's gonna be pissed..."
How is this not more popular?
I have no idea bud were being told the secrets of the universe
The mortals cannot understand this extradimensional documentary.
You are being explained what lies beyond maximum finite, creatures beyond the 3rd dimension, how they manipulate time, past, present, future all happening at the same time
It’s about to be. Give it 2 months
I've been thinking about this series a lot since I found it. This one in particular is not only my favorite of the series so far but might actually be my favorite video on UA-cam.
Still thinking about this. Are the Time Axis perhaps an interpretation of relativity and the way it affects the perception of time between different observers?
There's something about alternate rules of reality predating on each other through weaponized set theory that manages to be more Lovecraftian than Lovecraft ever managed to be.
Lovecraft would shit bricks if he saw this! This story is much scarier to me than "Oh this has no description because it's impossible to comprehend!" I prefer having a little description to at least know what I should be afraid of, relying too much on the unknown takes away the horror too in my opinion.
No one in these comments has read lovecraft
Lmao, I think there reaches a point where it becomes so incomprehensible that it stops being scary. Lovecraft stated that ignorance is like an island that protects us, and in this case it's 100% true. Since I couldn't understand half of what the video was saying, I got left watching squiggly lines. Are they a threat? Are they not? Who knows? I'm too dumb to understand so it's difficult to be scared.
@MorganNull-uj6uuif somethings completely out if our comprehension then it’s pointless to explain it or understand it. Good cosmic horror gives you something to understand but not completely
@MorganNull-uj6uu love craft wasn’t the only person to make cosmic horror and not the best either, why should we use him to decide what cosmic horror should be?
My brain aint brainin. I absolutely love this kind of existential and dreadful horror
I really like what I am interpreting is a comparison between the formation of new universes/planes of existence and the evolution of species. I think it helps me with visualizing how timelines are created, especially with the tree and tree seed dispersion aesthetic in this video and later ones.
Also, timelines "living" in "ecosystems" where they interact and feed on each other and "reproduce" is really cool
My interpretation is that this is an attempt at interpreting us (like humanity) from the point of view of an entity existing outside of our existence.
With this viewpoint, Model 00 is the ability to abstract/imagine/think of things that do not exist.
Then Model 01 is belief/faith/god as a concept of mankind. It exists because it has existed. Growing from other faiths and belief and reaching a point where it stands "alone" and then branching into more variations of itself as more interpretations emerge.
I also have another similar interpretation that would take into account the idea that Model 00 is omnipresent throughout the data cluster, the various mentions of infinity, of creators and of an infinite non-existence.
In this interpretation, this takes place far into the future. We (humanity) have reached for infinity and eternity but we lost ourselves, leaving behind either shells of ourselves or creation that emulate our abstraction/interpretation of the world, but without a something that makes us alive. It only leave a universe filled with silent machine, unthinking algorithms that go through the steps without seeing existence. An empty ballroom filled with dancing automatons without thoughts or consciousness and with no one to see them dance. The universe no longer dreaming of itself for there is no more dreamers.
Dating in the Taiga should be very weird.
Model 01j1: you see that model 01l? I love their gaussian function.
Model 01j2: you are disgusting, their secondary time axis is still in the model 01a you literally can eat them.
Model 01j1: you right for this reason went to my relative future, so that I can return in the global past as model 01a, in fact model 01l is you but in a space with a different time axis.
Model 01jb: you right! I just checked my alternate dimensions and we are in love. Let's fuse our function.
Model 01ja: agree so that we can be model 01a an the cycle can continue
I genuinely feel like a chosen honoured one to be able to witness something like this. I better mp4 download them soon I can't lie. Wouldnt wanna lose this gem.
Did you see the other entry point? The other playlist?
@@principleshipcoleoid8095 You mean the one which has a single video? Yeah I did see that but I'm still trying to decipher it all.
@@alexicon2006 it has more. Much more. It's an entry point, not the end of the line
@@principleshipcoleoid8095 Damn I missed a lot. I'll have to look into it much more. I appreciate the kind gesture of directions. I really do.
Wait for me
aside from unveiling the proto-logic of the omniverse and dictating a humanly comprehensible approximation of existence, ultimately giving me a feeling of philo-mathematical horror I never would have guessed I even could experience, this is pretty great stuff
This is so interesting! I don't understand the words, but I have a vague understanding of the meaning. Like, I have no idea what's going on but at the same time I have this feeling that I kind of get what's being said. The whole idea of this is intriguing to me. It's like a higher being is trying to explain to me what the outside of the universe is like, or what came before our universe.
What really caught my attention was the "Models". I love the fact that they can be fit into an "evolution" system that makes sense. Model 00 is the source of energy. The Model 01 group is like the lifecycle of a species over time, eventually "evolving" into different types of 01.
Even though I don't understand it, I'd love to be able to explore or document this kind of "life", if you can even call this life. The fact that some Model 01/01-I/1 can just travel through time and essentially be its own creator or destroyer is fascinating. This entire world of Model 01 creature cycles living off of the Model 00 source would be incredible to just follow along with it. It also explains what we saw at the beginning of the video, which is this world of Models. I wonder what happened when it blew up? Did those towers, which I can only think of as advanced Model 01 (or possibly higher number classifications), get destroyed for the cycle to continue or did they ascend beyond the confines of their world?
I'm just rambling to try and wrap my head around what I just watched. I hope there's more to this.
I regret making this comment before watching the other videos. I pretty much got what I asked for in the next one. I've also got a theory about what this could mean, but I have few evidence to support it so far.
I think they are beings from dimensions above the third dimension, things from the fourth dimension
So what I'm getting is that this is a different universe with different laws. Life exist in it, but it is based off of models and math in a place called "The Tiaga". These models can mutate over time in an ecosystem.
This ecosystem is completely different to our carbon based one, it has multiple axis of time and space repeating outwards as models prey upon each other.
I think that you're mostly right, but rather them being organisms living in another universe I think that the entities are entire timelines, which at their scale are living creatures in a way.
This pushes ALL the right buttons. I cannot wait for more!
This has a sort of SCP like presentation as far as the speaker but the visuals are mesmerizing. And the music selection really sends home that desolate otherworldly vibe. Now, as for the content, I am truly and profoundly horrible at math and its very difficult for me to understand any of this. I'm probably gonna have to do two or three watches before I have a clue. But I don't mind because this is incredibly well made and interesting.
Learn formal Logic, set theory and functional programming.
Even if you have 0.00001 appreciation for mathematics, these three have the chance to make formal stuff fill your entire mind.
I used to hate math some years ago, but right now these formal stuff give me euphoria...
More than one time axis??? This is amazing!!
Of course
If I recall correctly, there is a real life concept mirroring this called "imaginary time".
I'm so confused, too confused to be scared.
I feel like these are the most simple concepts, just made absurdly difficult to understand
My interpretation: A person just died and they are being explained the nature of reality. The Models are how realities are created, and how each one has different mathematics, and each reality is a sort of living being on its own. This is really cool
I have no idea what’s going on but this is awesome.
the universe depends on a data cluster (Taiga), which contains math, which is apparently damaging the data cluster, causing the universe itself to become damaged which fucks everything up - time, space, etc.
Bro, school did not prepare me for this math shit
my head hurts
So, this video started an existential crisis that started me down a rabbit hole of attempting to find/create an equation to model the iteration of the universe from singularity till eternity, and I love it for that, but what was once just a book or a piece of concrete or a cellphone is now unknowable shapes and magic and my brain is melting. (metaphorically) I feel as though I actually understand the horror now and upon revisiting it gave me chills. I have no idea how you ever thought of this, but well done.
God this concept is so titualting. The insinuation that our reality is only a facsimile created by patterns, iteration, and rules. Which we quantify and call math, but the majority of existence is unlike this. Not bound by these rules an structure. A godless universe if you will.
I love ur content!
where did ur vids go, you said you have 60
@ToDCreal I had to delete them for a reason I don't wanna talk about.
@ToDCreal and I said I had 70
oh okay
“Before there was time, before there was anything there was nothing, and before there was nothing, there were monsters.” Ahh video
''bensons gonna be so mad after this one''ahh video
Someone needs to call Matpat
he retired
we know
@@trilogyxammer well the channel's still running so
Please don't, we don't need misinformation
@@Raykkie what do you mean misinformation? Its literally a video format and fiction, which is what film theory covers
I like your funny words magic man
W comment
Jesus is the only way to salvation ❤❤❤
The greasiest response to the greatest threat
quadratic equation is already hard enough for me, you lost me at the very first second of mathematical explanation, thank you very much.
i'm here just for the ambient, this gut feeling is nice, i've just figured out the existence of "horror" and "analog horror".
What I seem to be getting from this is that at some point, mankind created some kind of massive computer systems and they somehow got corrupted, got way too powerful and became like a god.
Why do you think mankind is of relevance in this story?
I have no mouth I must scream
Yeah, got this.
@@pedrosabbi I hear him speaking all the time
The descriptions from all videos so far explain that theres a war between the Gods and one side seeks eternal nothingness and non existence and the other are Gods that are husks which mindlessly create new concepts in universes despite not being sentient or “alive” and in the end the side of non existence wins as shown in the video “existence no longer exists”
this feel like a video class made by God itself
Model II-37
The in-suck of breath
Transmitted desperate radio waves
To the distant simeon-seers
Who stood on guard near the edge of the forest.
The frequency marked a shift of consciousness
Where syllables tied the knot we share.
The implosion of this action confides a secret:
We are traveling the backward path
And nothing gets erased.
Yeah, i’m doing this tomorrow, nothing incomprehensible after 10pm
mythical yt recommended pull
I like the idea that whatever these are they must keep iterating to keep themsleves from non-existance. It could explain why there is no conceivable algorithm to why they do it. It just is. Because if its not than it isn't.
"Uh-huh, uh-huh. I understand some of these words"
i’m using this to remove water from my phone speakers
I can't stop watching the start on repeat. I'm so glad your work is getting attention now.
It’s so complicated, I’m not scared just so confused. Which is scary in itself, and I think that is the point
i am NEVER huffing insecticide again
Also, what I've gathered from the Math in this video is that all versions of The Taiga are made out of each other, but made at different times. However, they all exist together, because they are all equal
(I'm not that expierienced in Math, so if I got something wrong, please tell me!)
Their underlying essence is conceptually the same, model-0, but they have differences in their attribute set, aka properties. Time and space are among the differentiating factors.
I like the explanation with the model 00 and model 01. I have a head canon that there is a model 02, which is when a kind of temporal sentience is formed, and the specimen, depending on its stage during sentience, will metamorphose into the giant beings you see in the background (like the tentacled circles and giant branched flying things) and maybe even the building like things in future uploads. Model 03 dictates that the sentient being will gain a godlike sapience, and evolve further, which happens very rarely (the godlike creature being the big rectangle with tentacles that can apparently teleport). The god will organize events, like the new year celebration with the fireworks (in the third upload on your channel) and eventually dictate new rules in the world itself.
yo what about the eye thing in existence no longer exists?
As a mathematician i can sort of follow it but its still really hard to follow which i feel adds to the experience, i am in this area where its familiar but not familiar, in this it looks like a messed up familiar but not familiar version of earth
I cant comprehend this like i imagine a mathmatician made this analog horror
This is horrific because it could be real.
I LOVE that you chose Soviet vinyls' music for your videos.
First, because I love music from Soviet vinyls.
Second, it perfectly shows the sadness of your series' world.
Also, Spooky Math.
Extremely abstract cosmic horror.
The second page of math exam:
Such strong references to House of Leaves - Yggdrasil and Palladian Grammar as a concept of guiding thought namely. Awesome shit.
How does a human make something look like it was made by anything but a human
I didn't understood anything to what I just watched and I loved every second of it
could a MODEL-01-H and a MODEL-01-G ever fall in love..
I just freaking love Russian 30's jazz/blues/chanson music in these series. It fits sooooo damn good and gives me a lot of nostalgia because my grandparent really liked that kind of music but i was too young to understand it.
this strangely makes sense in a very very very strange way that makes me feel uneasy. i think its the music, but the surreal and exotic concepts honestly have me feeling very, very, very uneasy. i tried to understand it and accidentally reached enlightment. very cool series! made me question the lore and i definitely found it out, basically humans made some sort of machine to become gods, its name being taiga, how this worked was it put more axis on time so humans could go to absolute past. and other races also found it out, because of the other races not knowing what they were doing, they used it to make it so existence? that never existed, because of this no more reports were ever recorded of you or anyone else because you do not exist. now those same machines wander the nothingness, refusing to die. sitting in the nothingness while the pillars of existence and physics fell. that machine now sits in the non existence while new exotic types of creatures begin to appear without any control.
This is how you do cosmic, existential and philosophical horror.
Type A - L civilizations on the information mastery scale: Gradually advances from cavemen to spacefarers
Type M - Z Civilizations on the information mastery scale:
Domain Expansion: Forbidden Calculator
i love pseudo science
but i love real math more
(even though it never existed)
thank you! This cured my hunger for living humans 🤗
this what my calc 2 class felt like
Interesting introduction to the foundations of reality
Magnificent 💯
If you tell a sentient AI that 1=2 and establish it as an immutable fact without changing any other rules of mathematics, I wonder if it would suffer its own version existential shock
I'm not sure if I'm correct, but for context, the text in the description is Unorthodox Kitten's view on things mentioned in the video
This was the longest 10 minutes i’ve ever felt
very interesting work
How it feels to divide a big number by 0 as a kid
i love staring off into the 15th dimension :D
Is this what the Platonic Realm looks like? Pure mathematics. Pure form.
super hard SCP vibes, i love this
Pavel Mikhailov - On a long journey
Isabella Yuryeva - Spring Song
Arkady Pogodin - I'm waiting for a letter
Edith Utesova - We Parted
Pavel Mikhailov - You are not here
(Note: this probably has some error translating)
may love prevail above all and none and itself
So model 0 is a single cell creature model 1 is a multicellular creature and model 2 will be more of an animal
I looked at heaven and I was full of terror but also enchanted by its beauty. It was look the prophets of old.
so, my attempt at explaining some lines of the video at 2:50 :
"a virus that assumes the guise of absolute truths"
The virus could be a set of axioms, since axioms are the absolute truths on which we build mathematics.
"a virus that dictates patterns within systems, mathematics"
This seems to confirm the virus is a set of axioms, because the virus 'dictates' mathematics.
my understading of these lines is that the Taiga 'data cluster' is an exception among clusters because it is equipped (or infected, as the video says) with a set of axioms, wich make mathematics possible in this cluster, so thats why it had to be "isolated, shielded from external existence" both to protect everything else from Taiga and to protect Taiga from everything else.
amazing series!
I am not sure, what I just watched... But it feels unnerving.
This is fire
Starting to feel like this is an ARG with how your channel description is, your community tab, and even your profile image and profile header having small text around the characters that doesnt seem to have any meaning. unfortunately either one im completely wrong and its just a analog series or two im right and i dont have anywhere near the maths knowledge to decipher whats really happening but regardless its kinda drawn me in very quickly lmao
Try cyphers from 0th iteration. Those aren't exactly math per say
Time is necessary for transcendental logic to be permissible.
hello from Highly Entropic Minds
hhhHHhhhhhh hHUH my brain
It’s bleeeeediiiiiing
That smiley face in the end of description IS the true horror of this video.
Oh i get it. This is about how ideas, words, symbols, etc first exist.
what if TAIGA the machine that makes humans and other races gods meant "Technologic Advanced International God-like Apprehender." or T.A.I.G.A.? would sound pretty cool not gonna lie.
This makes me think of the universe conceptualized in Itzhak Bentov's book Stalking the Wild Pendelum