사피엔스 289강

  • Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
  • [친해영tv]
    289강 pp. 244~245 1/4
    Yet there has always been a chasm between theological theories and historical realities./ Most people have found it difficult to digest the monotheist idea fully./ They have continued to divide the world into ‘us and them’, and to see the supreme power of the universe as too distant and alien for their mundane needs.
    chasm [kǽzəm] n. (지면·바위 따위의) 깊게 갈라진 틈; 깊은 구렁; 빈틈(gap), 간격; 차이, 소격(疎隔)《between》; 이별; 탈락, 공백.
    to see → 동사구 (~로 간주하다)
    289강 pp. 243~244 2/4
    The monotheist religions expelled the gods through the front door with a lot of fanfare, only to take them back in through the side window./ Christianity, for example, developed its own pantheon of saints, whose cults differed little from those of the polytheistic gods.
    fan·fare [fǽnfεǝr] n. 《F.》 󰇆
    ① 〖음악〗 (트럼펫 등의) 화려한 취주(吹奏), 팡파르.
    ② 허세, 과시(showy display); 《구어》 선전; 허풍.
    take them back in → 다시 받아들이다
    pantheon → 신단(神壇), 신들의 집합
    cult [kʌlt] n. ① (종교상의) 예배(식), 제사.
    ② (사람·물건·사상 따위에 대한) 숭배, 예찬; 유행, …열(熱); 숭배의 대상; 숭배자〔예찬자〕의 무리
    289강 pp. 243~244 3/4
    Just as the god Jupiter defended Rome and Huitzilopochtli protected the Aztec Empire, so every Christian kingdom had its own patron saint who helped it overcome difficulties and win wars./ England was protected by St. George, Scotland by St. Andrew, Hungary by St. Stephen, and France had St. Martin./ Cities and towns, professions, and even diseases - each had their own saint./ The city of Milan had St. Ambrose while St. Mark watched over Venice./ St. Florian protected chimney cleaners, whereas St. Mathew lent a hand to tax collectors in distress./ If you suffered from headaches you had to pray to St. Agathius, but if from toothaches then St. Apollonia was a much better audience.
    lend a hand to → 동사구 (도움을 주다)
    in distress → 전치사구 (곤경에 처한)
    289강 pp. 243~244 4/4
    The Christian saints did not merely resemble the old polytheistic gods./ Often they were these very same gods in disguise./ For example, the chief goddess of Celtic Ireland prior to the coming of Christianity was Brigid./ When Ireland was Christianised, Brigid too was baptised./ She became St. Brigit, who to this day is the most revered saint in Catholic Ireland.
    dis·guise [disgáiz] n. 󰇆󰆴 변장, 가장, 위장; 분장; 가장복
    ┈┈• in ~ 변장한〔하고〕
    re·vere¹ [rivíǝr] vt. 존경하다, 숭배하다.
    #사피엔스 #spiens #유발하라리 #윔피키드 #wimpykid #친해영tv #친해영 #해바영어 #해바화상영어 #필리핀화상영어 #필리핀영어 #쉬운영어 #직독직해 #영어독해 #영어듣기 #영어원서읽기 #영어공부 #박치동 #haevaenglish #영어원서번역


  • @lunap7471
    @lunap7471 10 днів тому +2

    사피엔스 끝나면 '가난한 찰리의 영감' 도 해주세요 ~^^