I've heard this argument made by multiple sources (Doc Love, Corey Wayne, John Gray, etc.) I agree that arguments tend to be best avoided. However it's a bit off-putting that we have to treat adult women as if they are fragile teacups incapable of dealing with uncomfortable, upsetting or emotionally difficult subjects. Are women not adults? If so, then at times we will need to hash things out and in doing so we are not going to agree. And if we don't agree, we will argue. Seems like cognitive distortions run our collective lives. Women are adults and adults are expected to deal with the uncomfortable. Hence, when it's necessary argue! Stop cowtowing to immature people who engage in massive cognitive distortions (emotionally reasoning, mind reading, catastrophizing, etc.)
That statement got a good laugh out of me. In my experience arguing with stupid people has some low level merits, such as understanding how a certain cohort thinks, however, on the whole and in my experience, it is a simply a waste of time.
If facts aren't objective, rational discourse becomes absolutely impossible. And sorry, if I can't have rational discourse when issues come up, I'm not interested in whatever game we're playing.
When a subjective point of view had slipped into severe irrationality, delusion or even insanity, it becomes invalid..as does the person spouting their particular form of madness. Again..walk away to save yourself.
Exactly why more and more men need to walk away. Women can throw their crazy at us, and we need to accommodate. And even if we do, or don't, and they suddenly don't like us, they can rain hell on us with assistance from the govt, courts, police and feminist groups who validate their level of crazy. #believewomen #metoo #besmart
Funny thing if you listen to Amber Heard on the tapes, that is what Johnny Depp did, and she accused him of not staying and fighting for the relationship.
Excellent advice Alex. Saw my dad do exactly that. 1: Stay composed and rise above emotional chaos. 2: If she persists, walk away till she calms down. 3: If she can't discuss and restarts the argument.. leave her.
Only to her and only when she's in a heightened emotional state. Your goal is to either encourage her out of that state or to wait until she manages to navigate through it herself, then have a rational, m logical conversation. If she can't (or more likely, refuses to) do that, leave her. She's chaos in a skirt.
I remember a female work colleague telling me candidly that she provoked arguments with her boyfriend to get him to emotional engage with him, just to rouse him from passivity or to test him. Poor guy probably just wanted to watch football on the TV or something and was ignoring her....
Her: "Why did you say that" Him: "I didn't say that" Her: "Well I felt like you did" Him: "You can't just pluck words from your arse and say that they came from my mouth, that's not how conversations work" Her: "Why are you being so mean" Him: "You can't just be the most frustrating person in the world and then get surprised that I want to shove my fingers into my ears so that I don't have to hear anymore of your nonsense" Her: "Why are you threatening me" Him: * re-evaluates life choices.*
That's exactly how a psychopath/sociopath thinks, they don't care about other people, they only care about themselves. There's no point in arguing with those types of people, only thing you should worry about is to defend yourself from them
I have not had a argument with a women in over 2 year. Previously I would batter women with my logic and interlect, winnig all arguments from a logic standpoint, and often making the women look stupid for even trying to engage me in her nonsense. I'm here to say, that never got me anywhere!
I don’t remember the last time I got in an argument with a woman but I’m assuming it was 3-4 years ago. All my arguments with a female I kept my emotions in check and used logic. The more logic you bring the worse and more temper tantrum She’ll throw at you. I just stopped interacting with females casually in general. I realize that females bring emotions to the argument and argue just to argue. It keeps her emotions alive. Most are just low key miserable.
To a point! There’s just somethings I don’t let slide and I let it be known...I have yet to encounter any arguments following the interaction. Men should never be afraid to voice what’s right when it’s needed!
I see what Jordan Peterson was talking about where femininity is chaotic and how women need a man to show direction and rationality. Like water that is raging everywhere and you're the pipe to let it flow in control. So then are we as men have to see past the deeper root of her being angry/upset, even if she is accusing you of something that is blatantly not true? If it is the case that what she says is completely irrational, is it then safe to assume that there is a deeper meaning for her actions?
I love it that you give examples and counter arguments to those and not just say don't do this because it's not good and move on love the channel Alexander!
This is what this channel does the most. A woman is not acepting facts and only cares about her emotions ? iT's JuSt ThE fEmAlE nAtUrE, yOu HaVe To LeArN hOw To DeAl WiTh ThAt.
I can't believe that all women are like this, maybe the majority, but not all of them. So you don't have to deal with that, just move on and find a nicer person, that's how I see it
are you serious,ive had a woman who was a 9,just a casual acquaintance,screaming in my face,because i told her that more doors open for good looking women ,than they do for old men like me.the truth is an argument
Women remember the context, the feeling of a conversation more so than the content, the rationale. If you ignore her emotions, she will feel ignored all together. To "win" you have to be as calm and logical as possible because the more riled up she is, the more of the rational thinking she will shut down.
@Mr Slate *Different* Otherwise we wouldn't be attracted to them. Expecting them to be, think and act like men is denying/resisting the way of nature, which is never a good idea.
It's much like a traffic accident. You can have all the facts (right of way) and a moron who "feels" their "needs" are more important than traffic laws (logic). You'll wind up in a wreck every time. Don't go down that road and you'll reduce the likelihood of a crash.
"Feminine chaos" sounds like a "woo-woo" way of talking about how a typical woman is actually a solipsistic, manipulative child. And I don't have arguments with children.
They win the same way a cheater wins. It's like: "That's against the rules of chess, the knight doesn't move that way." "So YOU have problem with it? Are you afraid or hiding something about yourself? So suspicious!". It's not worth it to descend to their level and get such a puny victory.
“Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” ― Mark Twain. He was a Legend!
"Circular arguments" are the best with a woman. You give logic and explain your point of view. She adds her emotions and soon you find yourself at the beginning of the argument again.
And men are supposed to be '' bad communicators ''. When the issues stated by your/a gf are not the core issue but signs of an underlying problem, she isnt communicating her issues in a rational, adult, and calm way that you or any other can understand and work with. The whole thing is setup through emotions and there is no adult, calm and rational discourse possible on that level. This is customer service 101. The job to succesfully convey a message is on the shoulders of the sender. In this case the gf. And she is failing in that.
Some factors are out of your control. He might be flirty w all waitresses but it just so happens the one serving was very attractive and it got to her.
I just want to thank you for making content like this, after watching this I think I see what I've been doing wrong. I know of men who do exactly what you describe what not to do, and it's exactly as you say. This could honestly have quite an effect on my life, so thanks.
I learned not to argue with women when I was a teenager watching my mom and sister go at it...and it often didn't make sense what they were fighting about.
I learned the same way. When I was a little boy my mom burst into the room I was in and grabbed me by the ear, pulled me into the next room and dragged me down to ground level where there was a scuff mark on the wall. She yelled at me asking why I did that and blamed me even when I said I did not do it. I'm crying at this point as she's actively trying to give me a Van Gogh costume for Halloween and nothing I say will calm her down. My little brother comes to the door of the room and says "He didn't do it, I did." She immediately let's go of my ear and starts smacking him around. Enough to make him cry too. Then she screams that she's taking away video games and we lost the privilege to go outside for a week. I ask her "why me? I told you I didn't do it." Her response was "You're punished too for talking back!" I have a lot of experiences like that with her. It's one of many reasons why I cut her out of my life. I have zero tolerance for irrational anger. But for anyone reading this far, not all women are like this. In fact, most aren't. If you find a woman like my mother the best option is to have never met her. The next best option is to leave. There will be fallout but the sooner you do it, the more time you have left to live your life away from her. Your presence in her life is a precious gift and you should only give the gift of yourself to a woman, or anyone for that matter, to someone deserving of it.
How can the "chaotic" nature of women suddenly turn into "nurturing" nature as soon as children are involved? Is there some kind of "switch" only a child can push?
@@alexandergrace5350 Assuming feminine attributes are base (survival, ephemoral , temporal , concrete) and masculine attributes are transcendent(atherial, eternal,abstract)Overall the basis for relationship for God unto man and the representation through his creation both male and female is to lead the femine base attributes into the masculine transcendent attributes thus increasing ones body and soul frequency via the work of the spirit and by focusing on entering in to the transcendent attributes we are not caught up in to temporal things and attributes that bring down our frequency like fear or worry etc. I think women having to deal with mostly feminine attributes must be sick of themselves because of what they are and what they represent in their base attributes. They actually do need a man to lead them ( if they are willing) into a transcendent way of life.
If a girl tells me I was flirting with another girl when I wasn’t , I literally just say no I wasn’t and then walk away. I don’t want to be with a girl who causes that much chaos when there’s no validity. If I was flirting, then I’ll probably just apologize and say I just liked feeling young again. Hahaha
Depends how much invested you have with her. If its only a second date then yeah drop her. I watched an episode of blind dates and the woman turd tested the man by asking him how old he thought she was. He said 29 she acted surprised and said Im 25 how dare you! Poor guy had to back peddle. No second date for her. She stated that she puts men on the spot to see if they will push back.
You could always flip it and say they were flirting with me. Girls love it when a guy gets attention from other girls. It shows the guy is high value and wanted. Your gf might like you more now. It's ok to tell white lies
This only works if the girl is truly attracted to you. I've seen so many women marry men they (secretely) found to be beneath them. They treated those men with constant low-key contempt and even though the men stayed in their masculine frame and tried every thinkable approach, the outcome would be the same: eventually the women would cheat or found a better deal and left, leaving the men bewildered and wondering what they did wrong. The truth is: they did nothing wrong, it was doomed from the start. Sometimes you just can't win. The best thing a man can do if a woman treats him badly, is calmly get up and leave. If she doesn't come after you, it means she was never that into you and you must remind yourself that you haven't in fact lost anything. Who wants to be with someone who regards him as inadequate? Human females are picky when it comes to choosing a mate, and increasingly so, it seems. For a man it's good to realise that women view the majority of men as below-average. This inevitably means that there are not enough "good" men to go around and most women (even though they tend to overestimate their own attractiveness, wich exacerbates the problem) are smart enough to understand that they probably won't be able to have the first pick of the litter and will often settle for a "lesser" man. And this is fine, as long as they treat him right. The trick for a man is to actually not care about what women think of him. Their perception (because that's all it is) of him should mean nothing to his sense of selfworth. I've found indifference to be one of the strongest weapons in a man's arsenal. Even women that aren't initially interested react to it with curiosity. They see a man that appears to be different from all the other men in their lifes that have always gone out of their way to please them. Also, it helps with a man's confidence if he's not constantly worried about women judging him. Because they will, believe me, but who cares. They judge everone and everything, it's in their nature to do so. I stopped caring a long time ago. It's not my purpose on this earth to make them feel good about themselves. I try to feel good about me. In the end that's all that really matters.
This is an issue which plagues many men in young relationships. I have many friends who are constantly in and out of little fights which leave them more irritated than they should be, and I personally never understood it. I learned to never allow an argument ensue with someone I am with willingly; and as a man you must provide nothing to argue over. Most importantly be with someone high quality enough to know where their feelings stem from. Always choose the higher road, arguments don't exist unless you allow them to.
>you must provide nothing to argue over Yeah - like earning money for them or solving their career problems for them. Basically: keeping them as children. Forever in a sandbox.
Alex, most of your videos are so good that deserve multiple views spread over weeks or months just to process the content. This is an impressive achievement for a UA-cam channel. This is education.
Thank you, AG. Love the topic here, great video. It should be evident that, to most Men, arguing about mundane trivialities is one of the most tedious and counterproductive activities to engage in. I’m afraid the truth is that, for many Women, they will strike up an argument simply to get at what you feel about something. It’s no surprise that Men do not typically conduct their lives through emotional displays but rather through the considered expression of thoughts derived from mastered traumas. This can be frustrating to Women because they indeed can engage in displays generated from surface emotions (the chaos AG alludes to). Upon reflection they often arrive at more measured conclusions. Entertaining the irrationality of these surface emotions is just as risky as attempting to ignore them like some passing storm - you may well end up battered, bruised and soaked to the bone in the maelstrom of her chaos. Here is where you have to show leadership and be the lighthouse to her ship, searching the ocean for safety from the stormy seas and the security of solid land. You want to be the light she sees in the distance and trusts that way lies a place she can count on in a storm. Taking the flirting example AG illustrated, this does not have to be an argument. She is expecting you will deny it and she already has the rest of the argument scripted in her head because she has likely had it before (she even has tangential scenes ready to substitute for any direction the argument might take). Anecdotally, I had this conversation one time in my life, the accusation was launched - I replied matter-of-factly that this is a place I had been to before and WE got a better table and were about to experience better service because I smiled and flirted with the server so that I could sit there with her, as privately as possible - and now that it was just the two of us, I asked her what she thought caused such a reaction to such a trivial thing and was it something she was feeling insecure with me about. What I told her was the truth, which is key, it was not a denial, which blocked the planned argument, and the action she objected to was done, not for her, but for the two of us to enjoy ourselves and she could feel free to tell me anything. Now if she was simply looking to argue or if there was something else she wanted to vent about, likely she would have persisted and that would have given me pause as to the long term viability of our pairing. The point here being that every Man should learn about holding their frame because a partner will be looking to him for leadership and stability, not engaging in hysterics and entertaining chaos. She has enough chaos, she needs you to be the Lighthouse. Looking forward to your next.
Go quote JBP (more or less) - “You don’t want to beat your partner in an argument. Because if you win, they lose. And then you’re married to a loser. And who wants that?? You have to find a way to both win”
Which also implies that letting her win makes you a loser. Once that has happened, the relationship is doomed, yet most women are too proud to admit that. They just magically lose interest in the guy a while after and cannot quite put their finger on how it happened.
Guy Thompson too much bs. Do this; do that; don’t do this she might get scared..my strategy, don’t do ish. Leave em alone. You can’t lose a game you don’t play. Let’s in our wildest dreams imagine a guy found a unicorn. She’s very close to her father. Unfortunately, her father passes away due to heart disease (killed 347,879 men in 2017-that’s about 1 in every 4 male deaths) so this is highly possible. Well, that unicorn will never be the same. Depression will hit, she’ll receive scam medication for the rest of her life thru ho$pitals indoctrination camps and the rest is history. Gambling is for foolish men!
Wow.....impressive advice I've never heard before. I'm a 45 year old man having a happy marriage with a high quality woman for almost 20 years.....yet this perspective about argue handling with a woman has never been presented to me in the past. I always thought that with pure logic and reason you find the way out but it didn't work a lot of times.......and this is why! Thanks Alexander...appreciate your point of view...
3 Months ago when I started watching your videos I hat problems with understanding your videos. Because of the subtitles and my focus to listen carefully I have improved. I don’t need the subtitles anymore. Thanks for your videos. I have improved my English and learned a lot about woman.
Example 1: mom turns her back and walks away from the kid who was climbing a chair. Dad gets up from across the room to spot the kid, but doesn’t get there in time. Kid falls. Wife screams at dad because it’s Dad’s fault for not moving faster. Example 2: husband informs wife to not plug in the new appliance because it’s a us appliance and not rated for 220v. Wife plugs it in some time later and calls husband when it doesn’t work. Husband informs her the motor has burned out because it’s not rated for 220v. Wife flies off the handle and blames husband for not telling her. When informed he did, indeed, tell her, she says it’s still his fault because he only told her once.
Just wanted to say thak you for your work. Not taking sides but describing the whole reality of a situation. This is really as close to truth and reality as words can describe. Bravo!
I ain't seen this whole video but I gotta shout out my mum on this one (and perhaps other Jamaican 🇯🇲 mothers out there) as she taught me when I was 11 to *NEVER* argue with a girl or woman. She reminded me of examples of when the men in my life walked away from the drama and came back when the woman was calm and taught me to do the exact same thing. Plus, I've learned from not doing that and truss me, it ends up being some bs!
As I have gotten older, more and more I struggle to find any minuscule amount of energy that wants to go through any of this. At this point I don't see any beneficial value in having a relationship with a woman.
Last time I argue with a women was with my ex wife, that was the 21 Decembre 2007, just before I ask for a divorce. Been living free and happy since then. Monk level IV is the only way to live in serenity.
You can be 100% factually correct and yet it won't go anywhere. I would rephrase your opening statement. "You will lose" No. "You won't win." That's for sure. Women never want to be wrong even when they freaking KNOW they're wrong.
You’re so right, I was recently through exactly this example you talked about in this video, after alittle while she agreed to take a break, BUT ABOUT an hour later she went right back into it on a text to me, saying “ you won’t change and I (her) know I’m right so I’m not going to be friends with you or contact you anymore. 🤯🤷🏻♂️. The End.
You are absolutely brilliant in your analysis of women, and everything you've said hit a mark in my relationship, I wish I watched your video earlier, now you will get a new patreon subscriber as well.
This is why I don’t argue online with sjws anymore. Even if it is a guy they ignore facts and think emotions mean something. Instead, make logical points when things are peaceful and let them see that when they are willing to listen
As the joke goes ... I was married to Mrs Right. I learnt that her 1st name was always. And by definition my 1st name was never. It's both a joke and also reality.
It's a common joke but it doesn't have to be a reality. Women dont want you to always be wrong. She might be fighting and upset if you LET her always be "right". Anyone that jokes about their wife as always having to be right, while socially acceptable, is actually revealing that the feminine/masculine dynamic of their relationship has been long out of healthy balance.
@@deanomarino31 From my experience I've actually heard it told mostly about their current marriage - and in a matter of fact way about what being married to a women is frustrating but never the less normal. That needs to change culturally with insights like this video.
I learned this the hard way. It’s the most infuriating thing ever if you’re a logical and reasonable person. They definitely get more upset the more valid points you bring up.
Shawn T. Smith's Tactical Guide to Women addresses this topic rather well. The first step is prevention: find a girl who has good conflict management skills. She's mature enough to articulate how she's feeling in a calming matter (at least the majority of the time) and is also forgiving when you own up to your mistakes, should ab apology actually be warranted. Saying sorry when you shouldn't be is a sign of weakness, so never default to an apology, but dont let it stop you from expressing empathy. At the same time, she's also mature about owning up to her mistakes, especially if you bring them to her attention. Men shouldn't tolerate anything less than that. Contrary to popular belief, some women are capable of good conflict resolution, some naturally, some struggle but are teachable into this habit, the rest are trash that should be thrown away immediately.
Women would mostly because they see any kind of quarrel as a contradiction of them, or a personal attack on their feelings. They're just stupid and immature like that
I'm watching this video 8 years too late. THIS could have literally helped me save my previous relationship with my borderline ex. Well, it's never too late to learn and understand! Thanks for this video !
Great advice. Arguing w her is like being a defense lawyer when she is the plaintiff and judge. Therapists may also help w the judge part and shift her thinking. IE a man wanting personal time isnt always about getting away from his partner.
A little useful tip: Avoid women who's ring finger is longer than her index finger. It's a sign that she was exposed to more testosterone in utero and/or produces more of it herself, which means she's more aggressive like a man but without the accompanying logic and reason, which is a terrible combo. Edit: it also lowers her fertility as well as increase her risk of developing PCOS (polycystic overian syndrome) which also lowers fertility.
@@gundam0039 There are all sorts of interesting studies on digit ratio. Search Pubmed "digit ratio". I went to medical school so I'm used to reading stuff there. Title of one study you can start with: "On the relation between 2D:4D and sex-dimorphic personality traits"
There is no argument to lose. There is no way to lose. She's a hot mess, doesn't mean you have to be, but if she baits you into it - so what? I love being as irrational as them, I love deliberately changing my mind even when I don't have to just to stick 'em, I claim manly intuition as any explanation I don't feel like giving her. Seeing the utter confusion on their faces when you act as illogical and irrational as they do is priceless. Enjoy the game.
I found it telling that the two women danced around then actually said it depends on the way they see the facts, same as having their own set of facts and at that point you lose! And that is how they bring you down to their level because Their Facts are never wrong - you are! Like Alex says, you have to change the frame, regain the power of the moment, don't play on their field, shift play to your field but be careful because if all they enjoy is arguing then they are NOT a Quality woman! Run or walk away, just get out.
I love the chaos analogy. Most of the time they are testing you and seeing if any of their chaos is logical. They hope you will feed their feelings and legitimize them.
I look for companionship with someone who sees the world for what it is, not someone who lives and breathes by emotion and will utterly exhaust me by being unreasonable. Someone who I can't reason with is someone I find it really difficult to respect and want to spend time with. I find myself constantly being attracted to the mental processes of other men, while being biologically programmed to like women physically. I guess it kind of comes off as a cruel joke of our reality.
Woman Nature is a pain in the A$ s. Cant argue because they never admit their wrong. Get aggressive they come Back for more . Dont argue they come Back aswell. The mind of a man's is much more appealing Then a womans i admit. But unfortunatly we are attracted to their Hourglass shape.
Why Women Don't Criticize Each Other: www.patreon.com/posts/why-women-dont-35067179
Women don't criticize each other? You didn't watch any of the Democratic debates or Sex in the city did you?
I've heard this argument made by multiple sources (Doc Love, Corey Wayne, John Gray, etc.) I agree that arguments tend to be best avoided. However it's a bit off-putting that we have to treat adult women as if they are fragile teacups incapable of dealing with uncomfortable, upsetting or emotionally difficult subjects. Are women not adults? If so, then at times we will need to hash things out and in doing so we are not going to agree. And if we don't agree, we will argue.
Seems like cognitive distortions run our collective lives. Women are adults and adults are expected to deal with the uncomfortable. Hence, when it's necessary argue! Stop cowtowing to immature people who engage in massive cognitive distortions (emotionally reasoning, mind reading, catastrophizing, etc.)
Women are sometimes happier to go along with a bad idea than correct it and risk being bad, wrong or offensive
brilliant video alex. as usual but especially so this time around.
@@josefranciscodasilvaeolive674 força mano
It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.
Especially if that dumb person is a woman.
Adam Nelson That’s a bit sexist :/
Yep, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@@icantthinkofagoodusername.9105 life, nature, reality are all sexist. So it's not bad to be sexist, infact its good to be sexist.
That statement got a good laugh out of me. In my experience arguing with stupid people has some low level merits, such as understanding how a certain cohort thinks, however, on the whole and in my experience, it is a simply a waste of time.
If facts aren't objective, rational discourse becomes absolutely impossible. And sorry, if I can't have rational discourse when issues come up, I'm not interested in whatever game we're playing.
When a subjective point of view had slipped into severe irrationality, delusion or even insanity, it becomes invalid..as does the person spouting their particular form of madness.
Again..walk away to save yourself.
Exactly why more and more men need to walk away. Women can throw their crazy at us, and we need to accommodate. And even if we do, or don't, and they suddenly don't like us, they can rain hell on us with assistance from the govt, courts, police and feminist groups who validate their level of crazy. #believewomen #metoo #besmart
But the game's kinda fun
@@vlatstrapes3931 hahaha nice, jerk 😃
@@DamianSzajnowski those types are all yours, enjoy.
"If She's upset, you can't just ignore her"
Challenge accepted.
This is the game I always win! 🤣
Funny thing if you listen to Amber Heard on the tapes, that is what Johnny Depp did, and she accused him of not staying and fighting for the relationship.
@@GraveRave Yeah I remember that, its crazy how they always flip the narrative of a situation to fit their own agenda
free_at_last if you ignore her she’ll cheat because you’re not listening to her problems.
Best Obama slogan here "yes, we can"
Excellent advice Alex. Saw my dad do exactly that.
1: Stay composed and rise above emotional chaos.
2: If she persists, walk away till she calms down.
3: If she can't discuss and restarts the argument.. leave her.
@@kingartifex : Nope... that just pisses people off.... and makes you look condescending.
Wow that's exactly what my mom does to deal with my dad...
@ You have a masculine mom and a feminine dad then
you gonna be single a long time bro
@@silverkitty2503 So you are saying all women are so immature that these three steps are guaranteed to take place? Gotcha.
"You can't argue with women"
*Jordan Peterson has joined the chat*
Cathy Newman still thinks she is right. So no point to discuss with women
@@hamdiguler378 that's so true
When he says women he mean YOUR women. Even you can win arguments with women strangers
Kermit Frogging for two hours about cleaning your room isn't arguing
Women generally hate him. I'd like women to generally like me.
This is why it's so important to have male friends, and father figures.
Sadly, I have only one male friend. And we don't get to talk too much now that he's married.
@@gundam0039 you have us bro
Do you hate women ?!
@@annikasengupta9085 No, do you hate men?
@@T_Fizzle No ! I don’t hate men ! I think that men and women are equal
Basically her emotions matter over facts.
Yes! Pure ego expressions.
Only to her and only when she's in a heightened emotional state. Your goal is to either encourage her out of that state or to wait until she manages to navigate through it herself, then have a rational, m logical conversation. If she can't (or more likely, refuses to) do that, leave her. She's chaos in a skirt.
She: You're flirting with that girl.
Chad: Of course, she's hot, lets make a three-way.
She: I
... and alarm clock starts ringing. I hate that! :)
Chad: "Well if you lost a bit of weight and lifted your game I wouldn't need to flirt with her would I?"
@@gokhanersumer2273 Actually thats how it works in Real life. Guys that understand women know an insecure woman is a Loyal woman. Sad but True. 🤷🏿♂️
at least Chad is honest
@@AlfieTank Or a projecting woman who is cheating
Women argue for the sake of having an argument. Whatever it is about is irrelevant. That's why you never get yourself involved and just walk away.
Gibs yup! Chaos keeps her emotions alive
I remember a female work colleague telling me candidly that she provoked arguments with her boyfriend to get him to emotional engage with him, just to rouse him from passivity or to test him. Poor guy probably just wanted to watch football on the TV or something and was ignoring her....
A woman is never happy unless she's got something to complain about. They need to always feel they are in charge.
Women can't be trusted they have inherent tendencies of low moral and falsehood.
That makes them mad aswell.
Her: "Why did you say that"
Him: "I didn't say that"
Her: "Well I felt like you did"
Him: "You can't just pluck words from your arse and say that they came from my mouth, that's not how conversations work"
Her: "Why are you being so mean"
Him: "You can't just be the most frustrating person in the world and then get surprised that I want to shove my fingers into my ears so that I don't have to hear anymore of your nonsense"
Her: "Why are you threatening me"
Him: * re-evaluates life choices.*
"They hear what they want to hear.."
- Dr. Christopher Turk
@@lampwizard4871 XD Did you really quote "Scrubs"?
Try saying "ssshhhhhhhhssh ar*ehole, no one cares," in a quiet calming voice.
After watching all these vids. Im like damn i need a divorce.
Girlfriend: *Stabs guy because she's upset*
Guy: You were wrong for that
Girlfriend: Not from my POV
The only POV of women i like is on PornHub
@NIGHTSHADOW347 Its still funny. You have a point. But its still funny.
From my point of view the Jedi are evil!
That's exactly how a psychopath/sociopath thinks, they don't care about other people, they only care about themselves. There's no point in arguing with those types of people, only thing you should worry about is to defend yourself from them
girl: Were you flirting with that waitress?
me: Yeah.
woman.exe stopped working
@@ItsRaitisLV 🤣🤣😂
I have not had a argument with a women in over 2 year. Previously I would batter women with my logic and interlect, winnig all arguments from a logic standpoint, and often making the women look stupid for even trying to engage me in her nonsense. I'm here to say, that never got me anywhere!
I don’t remember the last time I got in an argument with a woman but I’m assuming it was 3-4 years ago. All my arguments with a female I kept my emotions in check and used logic. The more logic you bring the worse and more temper tantrum She’ll throw at you. I just stopped interacting with females casually in general. I realize that females bring emotions to the argument and argue just to argue. It keeps her emotions alive. Most are just low key miserable.
To a point! There’s just somethings I don’t let slide and I let it be known...I have yet to encounter any arguments following the interaction. Men should never be afraid to voice what’s right when it’s needed!
I see what Jordan Peterson was talking about where femininity is chaotic and how women need a man to show direction and rationality. Like water that is raging everywhere and you're the pipe to let it flow in control.
So then are we as men have to see past the deeper root of her being angry/upset, even if she is accusing you of something that is blatantly not true? If it is the case that what she says is completely irrational, is it then safe to assume that there is a deeper meaning for her actions?
@@weesebowski8651 exactly
"I'm here to say, that never got me anywhere!"
Well, that depends entirely on where you wanted to go.
I love it that you give examples and counter arguments to those and not just say don't do this because it's not good and move on love the channel Alexander!
Thank you :)
never excuse bad behavior.
Ja dat is waar
This is what this channel does the most. A woman is not acepting facts and only cares about her emotions ? iT's JuSt ThE fEmAlE nAtUrE, yOu HaVe To LeArN hOw To DeAl WiTh ThAt.
I can't believe that all women are like this, maybe the majority, but not all of them. So you don't have to deal with that, just move on and find a nicer person, that's how I see it
are you serious,ive had a woman who was a 9,just a casual acquaintance,screaming in my face,because i told her that more doors open for good looking women ,than they do for old men like me.the truth is an argument
Yep. The truth is an argument. Nice turn of phrase
Women remember the context, the feeling of a conversation more so than the content, the rationale.
If you ignore her emotions, she will feel ignored all together. To "win" you have to be as calm and logical as possible because the more riled up she is, the more of the rational thinking she will shut down.
@Mr Slate *Different*
Otherwise we wouldn't be attracted to them. Expecting them to be, think and act like men is denying/resisting the way of nature, which is never a good idea.
@Mr Slate not stupid just willfully delusional
Spot on. Most of the time couples remember the fight but not what it was about. Men can play the same way.
@@rosegailpeirson7642 I might regret asking but stupid as in what?
@@rosegailpeirson7642 God forbid guys like tits, it almost natural in a way huh?
If you value time and peace of mind there's no reason to argue with a woman.
You won't lose the argument, she will just never admit she lost. There's no point in rational dialogue with an irrational creature.
It's much like a traffic accident. You can have all the facts (right of way) and a moron who "feels" their "needs" are more important than traffic laws (logic).
You'll wind up in a wreck every time.
Don't go down that road and you'll reduce the likelihood of a crash.
Totally agree 👍
my male friends are at least somewhat logical
"I know two ways of arguing with a woman, and neither of them work"
- John Marston
I read this with his voice
John Marston, the one and only!
"Feminine chaos" sounds like a "woo-woo" way of talking about how a typical woman is actually a solipsistic, manipulative child.
And I don't have arguments with children.
damn boi ur on the ball with thisone
Absolutely right, that expression is crediting women with sophistication, and they don't deserve it.
Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Aristotle, and many many more wise men would agree.
And men don't want to babysit their partner for the rest of their lives.
They win the same way a cheater wins. It's like:
"That's against the rules of chess, the knight doesn't move that way."
"So YOU have problem with it? Are you afraid or hiding something about yourself? So suspicious!". It's not worth it to descend to their level and get such a puny victory.
The MacSo weakminded
@@caixiuying8901 what to do then?
“Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” ― Mark Twain. He was a Legend!
"Circular arguments" are the best with a woman. You give logic and explain your point of view. She adds her emotions and soon you find yourself at the beginning of the argument again.
Is that why so many Chads just tell their ladies to shut up? Lol
Never underestimate a woman's ability to conjure up drama out of nothing.
And men are supposed to be '' bad communicators ''. When the issues stated by your/a gf are not the core issue but signs of an underlying problem, she isnt communicating her issues in a rational, adult, and calm way that you or any other can understand and work with.
The whole thing is setup through emotions and there is no adult, calm and rational discourse possible on that level. This is customer service 101. The job to succesfully convey a message is on the shoulders of the sender. In this case the gf. And she is failing in that.
Some factors are out of your control. He might be flirty w all waitresses but it just so happens the one serving was very attractive and it got to her.
Women aren't adults, they are children
I just want to thank you for making content like this, after watching this I think I see what I've been doing wrong. I know of men who do exactly what you describe what not to do, and it's exactly as you say. This could honestly have quite an effect on my life, so thanks.
I learned not to argue with women when I was a teenager watching my mom and sister go at it...and it often didn't make sense what they were fighting about.
This is the video that will save every relationship.
Or prevent every relationship...
Most relationships arent worth saving.
It's saving mine right now
I learned this from my mom.
My mom always said this and now I understand why
I learned the same way.
When I was a little boy my mom burst into the room I was in and grabbed me by the ear, pulled me into the next room and dragged me down to ground level where there was a scuff mark on the wall. She yelled at me asking why I did that and blamed me even when I said I did not do it. I'm crying at this point as she's actively trying to give me a Van Gogh costume for Halloween and nothing I say will calm her down. My little brother comes to the door of the room and says "He didn't do it, I did." She immediately let's go of my ear and starts smacking him around. Enough to make him cry too. Then she screams that she's taking away video games and we lost the privilege to go outside for a week. I ask her "why me? I told you I didn't do it." Her response was "You're punished too for talking back!"
I have a lot of experiences like that with her. It's one of many reasons why I cut her out of my life. I have zero tolerance for irrational anger. But for anyone reading this far, not all women are like this. In fact, most aren't. If you find a woman like my mother the best option is to have never met her. The next best option is to leave. There will be fallout but the sooner you do it, the more time you have left to live your life away from her. Your presence in her life is a precious gift and you should only give the gift of yourself to a woman, or anyone for that matter, to someone deserving of it.
@Truth Hurts
Who says his mother taught him? My mother taught me the hard way, by arguing.
@Aristotelian Prince stfu
@@SeemsLogical So your mom was at that time single mother?
How can the "chaotic" nature of women suddenly turn into "nurturing" nature as soon as children are involved? Is there some kind of "switch" only a child can push?
The child is a clon of himself, even if she hate everybody, she still love hinself and his mini clon.
Its only chaos when there is no masculine to lead
Child birth scrambles the hormones......and sometimes a mama bear can be nuttier than squirrel turds
@And Violate The truth doesn't care about your feelings
@@alexandergrace5350 Assuming feminine attributes are base (survival, ephemoral , temporal , concrete) and masculine attributes are transcendent(atherial, eternal,abstract)Overall the basis for relationship for God unto man and the representation through his creation both male and female is to lead the femine base attributes into the masculine transcendent attributes thus increasing ones body and soul frequency via the work of the spirit and by focusing on entering in to the transcendent attributes we are not caught up in to temporal things and attributes that bring down our frequency like fear or worry etc. I think women having to deal with mostly feminine attributes must be sick of themselves because of what they are and what they represent in their base attributes. They actually do need a man to lead them ( if they are willing) into a transcendent way of life.
If a girl tells me I was flirting with another girl when I wasn’t , I literally just say no I wasn’t and then walk away. I don’t want to be with a girl who causes that much chaos when there’s no validity. If I was flirting, then I’ll probably just apologize and say I just liked feeling young again. Hahaha
TheShaolin015 #FreeAgentLifestyle
Depends how much invested you have with her. If its only a second date then yeah drop her. I watched an episode of blind dates and the woman turd tested the man by asking him how old he thought she was. He said 29 she acted surprised and said Im 25 how dare you! Poor guy had to back peddle. No second date for her. She stated that she puts men on the spot to see if they will push back.
You could always flip it and say they were flirting with me. Girls love it when a guy gets attention from other girls. It shows the guy is high value and wanted. Your gf might like you more now. It's ok to tell white lies
James Craig wouldn’t bother me. The guy is clearly dumb for saying 29 but if she gets mad, walk away. Start believing that you’re the catch not her.
Just escalate her point. Say, "you're damn right I'm looking at other women. Other women don't start fights for no reason. Now get out of my face."
You have to treat your girl like your daughter/ a child. You don’t debate with your child because they don’t know better.
Makes sense.
Lmao in some way this is so true
its so sad, it just crying level sad that they cant value logic
Yup they are children with the body of an adult
Women are all about their feelings. If they feel like something then that's it. They key is to get them feel the way you want them to feel.
Hard work. It would be easier to single handedly entertain a circus crowd
@@Englishsea24 absolutely based
Depressing thought of going into that direction
You don't argue , you lay down the law and never budge. Not an inch. Your word is final.
Shortly after making this video Alex was arrested for domestic assault.
He's the Berlin syndrome.
Just say "once you cool down, you will know where to find me" and leave.
This only works if the girl is truly attracted to you. I've seen so many women marry men they (secretely) found to be beneath them. They treated those men with constant low-key contempt and even though the men stayed in their masculine frame and tried every thinkable approach, the outcome would be the same: eventually the women would cheat or found a better deal and left, leaving the men bewildered and wondering what they did wrong. The truth is: they did nothing wrong, it was doomed from the start.
Sometimes you just can't win. The best thing a man can do if a woman treats him badly, is calmly get up and leave. If she doesn't come after you, it means she was never that into you and you must remind yourself that you haven't in fact lost anything. Who wants to be with someone who regards him as inadequate?
Human females are picky when it comes to choosing a mate, and increasingly so, it seems.
For a man it's good to realise that women view the majority of men as below-average.
This inevitably means that there are not enough "good" men to go around and most women (even though they tend to overestimate their own attractiveness, wich exacerbates the problem) are smart enough to understand that they probably won't be able to have the first pick of the litter and will often settle for a "lesser" man. And this is fine, as long as they treat him right.
The trick for a man is to actually not care about what women think of him. Their perception (because that's all it is) of him should mean nothing to his sense of selfworth.
I've found indifference to be one of the strongest weapons in a man's arsenal. Even women that aren't initially interested react to it with curiosity. They see a man that appears to be different from all the other men in their lifes that have always gone out of their way to please them. Also, it helps with a man's confidence if he's not constantly worried about women judging him.
Because they will, believe me, but who cares. They judge everone and everything, it's in their nature to do so. I stopped caring a long time ago. It's not my purpose on this earth to make them feel good about themselves. I try to feel good about me. In the end that's all that really matters.
@@marcmorel7246 True.
This is an issue which plagues many men in young relationships. I have many friends who are constantly in and out of little fights which leave them more irritated than they should be, and I personally never understood it. I learned to never allow an argument ensue with someone I am with willingly; and as a man you must provide nothing to argue over. Most importantly be with someone high quality enough to know where their feelings stem from. Always choose the higher road, arguments don't exist unless you allow them to.
>you must provide nothing to argue over
Yeah - like earning money for them or solving their career problems for them. Basically: keeping them as children. Forever in a sandbox.
Women don't want their problems solved. They just want to talk about them and twist you up into knots. Then the problem is solved accordingly to her.
Alex, most of your videos are so good that deserve multiple views spread over weeks or months just to process the content. This is an impressive achievement for a UA-cam channel. This is education.
Glad you like them!
Now I see this has always got me thanx.
Thank you, AG. Love the topic here, great video. It should be evident that, to most Men, arguing about mundane trivialities is one of the most tedious and counterproductive activities to engage in. I’m afraid the truth is that, for many Women, they will strike up an argument simply to get at what you feel about something. It’s no surprise that Men do not typically conduct their lives through emotional displays but rather through the considered expression of thoughts derived from mastered traumas. This can be frustrating to Women because they indeed can engage in displays generated from surface emotions (the chaos AG alludes to). Upon reflection they often arrive at more measured conclusions. Entertaining the irrationality of these surface emotions is just as risky as attempting to ignore them like some passing storm - you may well end up battered, bruised and soaked to the bone in the maelstrom of her chaos. Here is where you have to show leadership and be the lighthouse to her ship, searching the ocean for safety from the stormy seas and the security of solid land. You want to be the light she sees in the distance and trusts that way lies a place she can count on in a storm.
Taking the flirting example AG illustrated, this does not have to be an argument. She is expecting you will deny it and she already has the rest of the argument scripted in her head because she has likely had it before (she even has tangential scenes ready to substitute for any direction the argument might take). Anecdotally, I had this conversation one time in my life, the accusation was launched - I replied matter-of-factly that this is a place I had been to before and WE got a better table and were about to experience better service because I smiled and flirted with the server so that I could sit there with her, as privately as possible - and now that it was just the two of us, I asked her what she thought caused such a reaction to such a trivial thing and was it something she was feeling insecure with me about. What I told her was the truth, which is key, it was not a denial, which blocked the planned argument, and the action she objected to was done, not for her, but for the two of us to enjoy ourselves and she could feel free to tell me anything. Now if she was simply looking to argue or if there was something else she wanted to vent about, likely she would have persisted and that would have given me pause as to the long term viability of our pairing. The point here being that every Man should learn about holding their frame because a partner will be looking to him for leadership and stability, not engaging in hysterics and entertaining chaos. She has enough chaos, she needs you to be the Lighthouse.
Looking forward to your next.
Go quote JBP (more or less) - “You don’t want to beat your partner in an argument. Because if you win, they lose. And then you’re married to a loser. And who wants that?? You have to find a way to both win”
Great quote
Jordan Peterson*
Which also implies that letting her win makes you a loser. Once that has happened, the relationship is doomed, yet most women are too proud to admit that. They just magically lose interest in the guy a while after and cannot quite put their finger on how it happened.
You know the sacred knowledge
This channel is pure gold for guys like me lol
and these are some of the reasons why | have gone my own way. its just isnt worth it....
Guy Thompson too much bs. Do this; do that; don’t do this she might get scared..my strategy, don’t do ish. Leave em alone. You can’t lose a game you don’t play.
Let’s in our wildest dreams imagine a guy found a unicorn. She’s very close to her father. Unfortunately, her father passes away due to heart disease (killed 347,879 men in 2017-that’s about 1 in every 4 male deaths) so this is highly possible. Well, that unicorn will never be the same. Depression will hit, she’ll receive scam medication for the rest of her life thru ho$pitals indoctrination camps and the rest is history. Gambling is for foolish men!
@@TheRealBrayo wow I never thought of that but I'd say not just a father but really any major loss
@@dannydoughnuts yessir. And this can happen to ANYONE
This sounds dumb, I don't have a girlfriend now.
Like I care😑👈
@@Vivungisport why answer him though? Are you a woman?
@@nassera lol
This belongs in the Best of Alexander Grace category!
Wise words, my young friend, wise words.
All of this sounds like from David Deida, the way of superior man. Great stuff.
As the saying goes: " You can't have a discussion with a woman. Every answer You provide, is the start of a new discussion "
Another masterpiece!
You were flirting with that waitress!
Yes, yes I was . Bye
Wow.....impressive advice I've never heard before. I'm a 45 year old man having a happy marriage with a high quality woman for almost 20 years.....yet this perspective about argue handling with a woman has never been presented to me in the past. I always thought that with pure logic and reason you find the way out but it didn't work a lot of times.......and this is why! Thanks Alexander...appreciate your point of view...
3 Months ago when I started watching your videos I hat problems with understanding your videos. Because of the subtitles and my focus to listen carefully I have improved. I don’t need the subtitles anymore. Thanks for your videos. I have improved my English and learned a lot about woman.
Example 1: mom turns her back and walks away from the kid who was climbing a chair. Dad gets up from across the room to spot the kid, but doesn’t get there in time. Kid falls. Wife screams at dad because it’s Dad’s fault for not moving faster.
Example 2: husband informs wife to not plug in the new appliance because it’s a us appliance and not rated for 220v. Wife plugs it in some time later and calls husband when it doesn’t work. Husband informs her the motor has burned out because it’s not rated for 220v. Wife flies off the handle and blames husband for not telling her. When informed he did, indeed, tell her, she says it’s still his fault because he only told her once.
Just wanted to say thak you for your work. Not taking sides but describing the whole reality of a situation. This is really as close to truth and reality as words can describe. Bravo!
#1 reason she already made up her mind before you say anything. 😐
I ain't seen this whole video but I gotta shout out my mum on this one (and perhaps other Jamaican 🇯🇲 mothers out there) as she taught me when I was 11 to *NEVER* argue with a girl or woman. She reminded me of examples of when the men in my life walked away from the drama and came back when the woman was calm and taught me to do the exact same thing. Plus, I've learned from not doing that and truss me, it ends up being some bs!
As I have gotten older, more and more I struggle to find any minuscule amount of energy that wants to go through any of this. At this point I don't see any beneficial value in having a relationship with a woman.
Thank you for shearing. I don’t have trusted firends or father figures to tell me this. Thanks again!
I dont think its important to these type of things as long as we are happy, it should not matter.
Last time I argue with a women was with my ex wife, that was the 21 Decembre 2007, just before I ask for a divorce. Been living free and happy since then. Monk level IV is the only way to live in serenity.
I love the analogy. It puts things into a concise perspective. I can imagine as you’re talking about ships and islands.
You can be 100% factually correct and yet it won't go anywhere.
I would rephrase your opening statement. "You will lose" No. "You won't win." That's for sure. Women never want to be wrong even when they freaking KNOW they're wrong.
You’re so right, I was recently through exactly this example you talked about in this video, after alittle while she agreed to take a break, BUT ABOUT an hour later she went right back into it on a text to me, saying “ you won’t change and I (her) know I’m right so I’m not going to be friends with you or contact you anymore. 🤯🤷🏻♂️. The End.
Your pretty spot on. This is a fact that every boy learns from his father at a young age. Sometimes you just cant win.
No one is talking about this right here! You are helping me out here!
Always love your content! 99% on point. Keep up the work
Appreciate it!
You are absolutely brilliant in your analysis of women, and everything you've said hit a mark in my relationship, I wish I watched your video earlier, now you will get a new patreon subscriber as well.
You are so welcome
This is why I don’t argue online with sjws anymore. Even if it is a guy they ignore facts and think emotions mean something. Instead, make logical points when things are peaceful and let them see that when they are willing to listen
Walking away is the ultimate weapon against toxic behavior.
As the joke goes ...
I was married to Mrs Right.
I learnt that her 1st name was always.
And by definition my 1st name was never.
It's both a joke and also reality.
Truth is comedy
It's a common joke but it doesn't have to be a reality. Women dont want you to always be wrong. She might be fighting and upset if you LET her always be "right". Anyone that jokes about their wife as always having to be right, while socially acceptable, is actually revealing that the feminine/masculine dynamic of their relationship has been long out of healthy balance.
I agree it's not healthy.
That's why the joke has "WAS married" Not IS married.
That's part of the joke too
@@deanomarino31 From my experience I've actually heard it told mostly about their current marriage - and in a matter of fact way about what being married to a women is frustrating but never the less normal. That needs to change culturally with insights like this video.
Wish I would've known all this stuff 10 years ago. Thanks for all of the videos man, it's helped very much.
Just tell them: no, that is not true and ignore her afterwards. Don't start explaining anything. She will cool down eventually.
I learned this the hard way. It’s the most infuriating thing ever if you’re a logical and reasonable person. They definitely get more upset the more valid points you bring up.
"Is something making you insecure?" 😂 I can see how this could easily backfire
dude... so many good points here. Thanks for the info!
Shawn T. Smith's Tactical Guide to Women addresses this topic rather well. The first step is prevention: find a girl who has good conflict management skills. She's mature enough to articulate how she's feeling in a calming matter (at least the majority of the time) and is also forgiving when you own up to your mistakes, should ab apology actually be warranted. Saying sorry when you shouldn't be is a sign of weakness, so never default to an apology, but dont let it stop you from expressing empathy. At the same time, she's also mature about owning up to her mistakes, especially if you bring them to her attention. Men shouldn't tolerate anything less than that. Contrary to popular belief, some women are capable of good conflict resolution, some naturally, some struggle but are teachable into this habit, the rest are trash that should be thrown away immediately.
Master psychologist right there 👍 good job!
Oh boy, now I understand my girlfriend
I’d love for you to make a video about yourself and how you got to this level of understanding. Thanks for the content!
This is why it is very difficult for men and women to work side by side at companies.
Glad to have found this channel.
"You were looking at that other woman. You want to sleep with her."
The correct response should be, "No, but that's not a bad suggestion."
Yes, we call this "amused mastery".
What's funny is that a lot of people would consider this gaslighting.
Women would mostly because they see any kind of quarrel as a contradiction of them, or a personal attack on their feelings. They're just stupid and immature like that
I'm watching this video 8 years too late. THIS could have literally helped me save my previous relationship with my borderline ex. Well, it's never too late to learn and understand! Thanks for this video !
Girlfriend: you were flirting with that waitress
Me: I want to break up walks away
Alexander, you are truly brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what you're describing is daddy issues. this is a relationship type to stray away from at. all. costs.
Great advice. Arguing w her is like being a defense lawyer when she is the plaintiff and judge. Therapists may also help w the judge part and shift her thinking. IE a man wanting personal time isnt always about getting away from his partner.
A little useful tip: Avoid women who's ring finger is longer than her index finger. It's a sign that she was exposed to more testosterone in utero and/or produces more of it herself, which means she's more aggressive like a man but without the accompanying logic and reason, which is a terrible combo.
Edit: it also lowers her fertility as well as increase her risk of developing PCOS (polycystic overian syndrome) which also lowers fertility.
@@gundam0039 There are all sorts of interesting studies on digit ratio. Search Pubmed "digit ratio". I went to medical school so I'm used to reading stuff there.
Title of one study you can start with: "On the relation between 2D:4D and sex-dimorphic personality traits"
100% true. Cudos, another great upload
Thank you kindly
There is no argument to lose. There is no way to lose. She's a hot mess, doesn't mean you have to be, but if she baits you into it - so what? I love being as irrational as them, I love deliberately changing my mind even when I don't have to just to stick 'em, I claim manly intuition as any explanation I don't feel like giving her. Seeing the utter confusion on their faces when you act as illogical and irrational as they do is priceless. Enjoy the game.
I found it telling that the two women danced around then actually said it depends on the way they see the facts, same as having their own set of facts and at that point you lose! And that is how they bring you down to their level because Their Facts are never wrong - you are! Like Alex says, you have to change the frame, regain the power of the moment, don't play on their field, shift play to your field but be careful because if all they enjoy is arguing then they are NOT a Quality woman! Run or walk away, just get out.
"it's the way you see the facts, what it means to you" 😑
I love the chaos analogy. Most of the time they are testing you and seeing if any of their chaos is logical. They hope you will feed their feelings and legitimize them.
I look for companionship with someone who sees the world for what it is, not someone who lives and breathes by emotion and will utterly exhaust me by being unreasonable. Someone who I can't reason with is someone I find it really difficult to respect and want to spend time with. I find myself constantly being attracted to the mental processes of other men, while being biologically programmed to like women physically. I guess it kind of comes off as a cruel joke of our reality.
Woman Nature is a pain in the A$ s. Cant argue because they never admit their wrong. Get aggressive they come Back for more . Dont argue they come Back aswell. The mind of a man's is much more appealing Then a womans i admit. But unfortunatly we are attracted to their Hourglass shape.
Excellent information. I'm looking forward to utilizing this in my personal repertoire.