Stop Falsely Accusing Artists of Using AI! | RANT

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024


  • @StoryGirl1128
    @StoryGirl1128 3 місяці тому +23

    Unfortunately, this is a widespread issue all over the internet…it seems like people assume these days that their opinions on everything are obviously right and everyone else should agree with them. 🙄 Thanks for speaking up! It’s ok to have opinions…but they’re for yourself, not for bullying other people.

  • @JonnyReads
    @JonnyReads 3 місяці тому +10

    Great job man on how you approached this topic. We definitely need more booktubers speaking out on things like this. I hope you are setting a trend here, people need to know this behavior isn't okay!

  • @GwenCooper-l1b
    @GwenCooper-l1b 3 місяці тому +11

    Great video, thank you. Sadly it isn't just artists that people are nasty too. I can hardly look at facebook/instagram/X anymore because of how mean people are. We need to remember this:
    Before you speak-
    Is it true?
    Is it necessary?
    Is it kind?

  • @therevanchist1123
    @therevanchist1123 3 місяці тому +5

    To put it bluntly I think a lot of people are ball baby 🐩s thinking anyone is owed anything by an artist, author, publisher, or press, either buy it or don’t or resell it or cancel your sub, no one’s holding them hostage and I don’t believe any artist should feel inclined to have to prove their artwork, who are we to demand that, I could imagine some random person coming into my place of work an demanding receipts for my quality work, I’d laugh them all the way to the security desk, have a nice day 👋 but seriously there is 💯 an entitlement issue going on.
    I can’t wait to get my Greenbone Saga, it’s still on my TBR and I loved the art work, it might not all meld but you can can’t display the cover and the edges at the same time 😂

  • @wespenre3418
    @wespenre3418 3 місяці тому +2

    Hej fellow Swede. Thank you for this compassionate video. What a great job you did. I completely agree with you. Comments like that are extremely toxic and narcissistic. Unfortunately, our society is getting more and more toxic, not because I say so; it comes from psychology. I will share this video because it's sooo important. I love all your videos, btw, being a writer myself. I feel incredibly sorry for the artists who have been drenched in this vomit.

  • @conifercrow
    @conifercrow 3 місяці тому +17

    I'm an illustrator, and I have to say two things about this: First, that I'm glad folks are being called out for using AI. While there are some who have been accused without it being true, there are FAR more times when some promptBro tries to pass off AI as hand-made. (Usually when caught, they spout off something about putting text in a box by hand, blah blah blah.). For those of us who have worked literally years to get to where we are, only to have these jerks come along and hide their (decidedly not hand-drawn) use of lazy-man's-software is galling, so I can understand fully why some of us are a little knee-jerk reactionary while we're all still navigating this new world of deceptive practices etc..
    And that said, secondly -- there is no good reason to be mean, regardless. The internet's got enough Mean Girls and basement-dwelling trolls, and even if it's for a valid reason, responding with anger or snarkiness or downright mean comments is never justified. The whole internet needs to grow up about three stages of human development, it seems. (We're collectively stuck in middle school mentality here, on average....but with the power to actually hurt people's lives. . Never a good combination.)
    (full disclosure: I'm not exempt from being an occasional bog troll. I don't think many of us are. It's still not okay to be mean.)

  • @cadillaceazy702
    @cadillaceazy702 3 місяці тому +6

    I've always thought the broken binding editions for books were always beautiful and was extremely excited for the Green Bone Saga editions. However, I was disappointed because of all the clashing of the covers/their designs put together. Everything is beautiful separately, but it seemed too much when all together. Honestly, an idea that they could've done is that the covers could have been more suited as illustrations inside the book with those edge designs being bookmarks. All while adding another design for the cover/edges.

  • @josiahsterling7308
    @josiahsterling7308 3 місяці тому +2

    The prarnoia has started and we are already acusing eachother of being a robot.... great.

  • @LeonC0704
    @LeonC0704 3 місяці тому +2

    The thing with broken binding was ridiculous. Since when do people get a say in the design of covers???? The broken binding is famous for listening to its customers and this is what a lot of them decide to do? It's sickening. It's ok to say you prefer a real art director that has studied and whatever, but the entitlement that the greenbone saga has received is insane. Regarding the "spoilers", if you haven't read it you wouldn't know. I haven't read it and I have no idea what spoiler they're talking about. It seems like someone dies, but I have no idea who.

  • @krzysamm7095
    @krzysamm7095 3 місяці тому +1

    Sometimes I think it all comes down to people are bored or are hurting so they want to stir the pot or hurt others. Unless I know for sure that it is AI generated I wouldn’t run the risk or damaging someone’s career or mental health.

  • @OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels
    @OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels 3 місяці тому +1

    I've never understood the mentality it takes for someone to attack another's hard work. I get it when a content creator does it, negativity sells and they'll get attention that way, but for a regular person to take the precious time out of their day just to belittle someone or something with a comment? Maybe I was just raised with better values or something.

  • @momo_genX
    @momo_genX 3 місяці тому

    I like how you make content like this discussing the art world and not only book reviews.

  • @danielr7599
    @danielr7599 3 місяці тому +2

    As non native English speaker, its can see like I use AI for my writing, even when the only thing i use is fixing grammar- spellings.
    The painful truth, we cant really know what is AI and what is not AI anymore, even if AI use couple of "old words" or different "slang", and you read couple of items with it, the word will be back and fresh in your mind and you may use it later on, without noticing its "AI word".
    We got the weird place, where both AI and Humans writing is getting mixed up, if you adding nonnative, and the new "teaching" in apps (that moved to GPT powered chats over human content) we got mixed skilled, and people that learn to write English like the DATA the AI eats.
    With Ai drawing its the same, AI become so good, its hard to be an artiest, as most your content will look as AI at this point, if you fucked up something and decided to publish it (lets say you not the best with hands) you will get this "you used AI" or if some layer \ placement are fucked up same thing.
    Its just transition times...
    BTW , using spelling checker , or word checker(Grammarly) is also base on types of AI, and having the money for editors and tester, even if its not AI per say, we humans are type of living computers, and as such, if you use some talent to go over your books its like using AI.
    I am not positive or negative about AI , its more our economy not built for AI, and the value of skills - self fulfilment is missing in the latest years.

  • @Talking_Story
    @Talking_Story 3 місяці тому +1

    Great topic and very thoughtful as always.

  • @ithrahmunchswallow468
    @ithrahmunchswallow468 3 місяці тому +1

    This has been the problem with lazy, malicious people on the internet since it's Inception. I truly believe that we need a few valid lawsuits that end with artists winning some strong settlements for this to shift.
    Having said that, there seems to be no real urgency in our legislative bodies to lay the foundation 🤦‍♀️🤔🥺

  • @markofascribe9528
    @markofascribe9528 3 місяці тому

    I’d not heard of this trend before - and you’re right, seems a really nasty practice. I hope your wife never has to deal with this kind of thing!

  • @stuartmackay7220
    @stuartmackay7220 3 місяці тому

    I really like Petrik's videos and I do think he deserves recognition for what he does for the book community and working with TBB is a nice way of recognising that. On the other hand I do still feel that TBB, if they want to support artists further, should consider having a trained art director on the team to work alongside BOTH Petrik and the artists. There are so many creatives looking for this sort of work, and having somebody with experience can help prevent artists getting the brunt of this sort of reaction from consumers (obviously malicious comments are never warranted). With all that said, in these uncertain times for artists, a meaningful compliment on our work means even more to us than ever!

  • @goblintechies4396
    @goblintechies4396 2 місяці тому

    I really wish people would take the word "Ai" out of their mouths before accusing. How about instead: "Hey how did you make this particular work?" or "Did you save any earlier versions of it?"

  • @Caerulean
    @Caerulean 3 місяці тому +1

    2:57 - Just a nitpick: I think you meant 'horde'.

  • @joshuapierce3085
    @joshuapierce3085 3 місяці тому

    Okay, with that first pic from the D&D guide, the accusation came from the fact that D&D and Wizards of the Coasts have been caught using clearly identifiable AI pics in their materials while both claiming that they aren't and apologizing for doing that. I do feel sorry for the actual artists that unfortunately got caught up in the whole debacle. My problem with her pic was not the pic itself but that it felt more like art for Kingdom Hearts or FFIX rather than for D&D. Otherwise, I do like that pic. It is gorgeously done.
    Another aspect that I think is not being considered is how strongly "victim mindset" is. The reason I bring that up is that victim mindset is extremely negative by nature and people tend to project even the minorest flaw in themselves or grief in anything as this major slight that must be fixed BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE even if there's nothing ACTUALLY wrong. The way so much of society is structured as "us vs. them" (and not just in the political sphere, you even see it in lots of commercials) has fostered this mentality. I, myself, am working to get over it right now. I do think that mindset plays a large part in the witch hunts as it makes people become rather locked in their views that anything that doesn't agree with them is bad and evil and needs punishing.
    (Full disclaimer, I do use AI to help clarify my writing/improve my scene description skills and to make AI pics, which based on the fact that I do share the pics with friends for their enjoyment does fit my definition of art which is "intentional" and "trying to get an emotional reaction from other" but I classify it as the lowest tier of art.)

  • @allthekingsbooks
    @allthekingsbooks 3 місяці тому

    I understand some of the criticisms people are giving, but I agree that those are given way too harshly and people often jump too fast to conclusions. In this case the author of the tweet deleted it and apologized, but the damage was done and the artist had an extremely shitty time.

  • @kurjan1
    @kurjan1 3 місяці тому +1

    I work in the film industry with digital compositing. I have very close and dear friends in the music industry. On this topic... BE ALARMED!
    I think people have every right to call out the use of AI in art and I honestly see this, as uncomfortable as it appears, as a net positive to protect artists and their talent. AI is wreaking havoc in the arts with a lot of extremely talented artists loosing their jobs/work to AI. You talk about illustrators... just think most of them will be gone in a few years due to publishing and marketing companies wanting to save money by deploying AI. Sadly we are going to have to go through this time to try and come up with a positive solution. In the meantime, artists must continue to defend their work, because very soon, if not already, it will be AI making the accusations and creating these nasty social media comments.

  • @Tarantella.Serpentine
    @Tarantella.Serpentine 3 місяці тому +2

    I believe this entire video was made with Generative AI, What was your "Prompt" Sir. 😼

  • @stillbuyvhs
    @stillbuyvhs 3 місяці тому +5

    AI passed the Turning test, & a lot of people are panicking, picking out any little inconsistency to declare something AI generated. But little inconsistencies are what make us, & our works, human. That computers can imitate them only mean the programmers did their jobs well.

  • @spookyfirst9514
    @spookyfirst9514 3 місяці тому +1

    The only time I'd be questioning an artist on AI is if I were intending to buy a piece or commission one, and that would only happen if I couldn't make it myself.
    I loved the new covers of the Green Bone Saga. The end edges are jarring to me, but on a bookshelf I doubt I'd be bothered by them.

  • @cataliaishere
    @cataliaishere 15 днів тому

    Sadly my book got added on a list as being an AI cover. I hired and paid an artist - yep got all the sketches from beginning to end showing the process. But some dude with a fake name decided no - must be AI. She has apparently had a lot of negative messages recently - guess we know why now. Also explains the 1-star review b going on. Accusing is never going to end well - and all it does it make me cross those people off my list of people to ever work with.

  • @dorgeousmac9478
    @dorgeousmac9478 3 місяці тому

    Well said. Becomes a hard road for new artists. Your one of the best mate, look forward to some more reviews

  • @JamesIronhawk
    @JamesIronhawk 3 місяці тому

    On the wotc art being accused of being made with AI I understand why the DnD 'community' is very skeptical, as wotc has been caught hiring artists who use AI while saying that they never will multiple times, (not that that makes what happened any better).
    And on the Greenbone saga art, it looks like a young-adult book, (at least Jade City, though I like the edges,) if I was really looking forward to a special edition of a book and its are felt like it was made for a young-adult book I would be disappointed, not mad, just disappointed.

  • @SenneW
    @SenneW 3 місяці тому

    Louder for the people in the back! 😁

  • @Viksbelle
    @Viksbelle 2 місяці тому

    People need to keep in mind that AI was trained by COPYING the styles of EXISTING ARTISTS. Just because art is well executed does not mean some computer program generated it.

  • @andyontheinternet5777
    @andyontheinternet5777 3 місяці тому

    I tried to make a book cover with AI once. It was terrible.

  • @ithrahmunchswallow468
    @ithrahmunchswallow468 3 місяці тому

    You would think that the world was a Utopia with how much energy these silly people put toward non crises. I'm too busy just trying to survive 🤪

  • @Ayatron34
    @Ayatron34 11 днів тому

    When AI bros are actively trying to defraud people and not properly labelling their prompted images as AI, then the only thing left to do is make subjective claims and witch hunts. Thats why digital art is a sinking ship.

  • @IanTerronesReads
    @IanTerronesReads 3 місяці тому

    Eventually ai is going to be better than us at pretty much every art, and the only way we can stay relevant is by accepting the imperfections in our art, because ai will get as perfect as possible.

  • @torbjornlekberg7756
    @torbjornlekberg7756 3 місяці тому

    Wich book is that on the shelf just right of the Branson Sanderson ones?

    • @bripost
      @bripost 3 місяці тому

      That appears to be the Grim Oak Press edition of The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams.

    • @torbjornlekberg7756
      @torbjornlekberg7756 3 місяці тому

      @@bripost Thank you.

  • @focusrelax8838
    @focusrelax8838 3 місяці тому +2

    It’s ridiculous!! Why do people even care if AI was involved in some art? So petty of people hating!

  • @flowerpixel
    @flowerpixel 3 місяці тому +2

    Thank you, this is so obnoxious. Artists are shamed for using Photoshop now???

  • @Kaibrary
    @Kaibrary 2 місяці тому

    Hmmm this video feels like Ai

  • @safinan8008
    @safinan8008 3 місяці тому

    An interesting video 🎥🎥🎥 what are you currently reading??

  • @realce666
    @realce666 3 місяці тому

    AI aesthetic is disgusting and its defenders are slime.

  • @AndrewFrancisIlyrian
    @AndrewFrancisIlyrian 3 місяці тому +1

    Considering that AI is much better then their twee driwel, I understand why they're scared.