AoD Podcast | War Has Changed. We Didn’t. That Reality Will Cost Us (feat. Dr. Jerry Hendrix)

  • Опубліковано 7 тра 2024
  • War is rapidly changing. Countries like China are already moving force structure and planning towards a new type of conflict, all while the U.S. overspends and delays production of systems like aircraft carriers that could soon fall into the category of "a weapon that you can't afford to lose." The Sagamore Institute's Dr. Jerry Hendrix joins the show to explain how the U.S. and it's industrial base can change course to prepare for future conflicts before a dangerous "comeuppance" shocks us into action.


  • @defective6811
    @defective6811 2 місяці тому +1

    Marshall, you're quickly becoming one of my favorite geostrategic interviewers. You do fantastic work, and I'd like to thank you. Your effort is appreciated.

  • @theetiologist9539
    @theetiologist9539 2 місяці тому +2

    We are absolutely not ready. The US doesn't even have enough men who are in shape to keep it's current numbers up, The Zumwalt and Littoral combat vessels went way over budget and gave us lemons. South Korea is building better ships than we are, we have limited drone programs compared to what Ukraine has taught us will be needed, and even though the historical record is abundantly obviously clear, we need about 10x to 20x our current magazine depth of various kinds of ammo to deal with a real conflict and we are doing very little about it.
    Politicians are counting on things like US economic prominence and foreign demographic collapse to deter a real war. Generals and Admirals for too long have been counting on technological superiority alone to win the next war. No one seems to want to deal with the hard reality that it would still take boots on the ground and lots and lots of bullets to actually win another real war, which Iraq and Afghanistan were not.

    • @GeoScorpion
      @GeoScorpion Місяць тому

      Ok, stop talking about all the problems like a malcontent and start talking about solutions. We don't want to hear how smart you are because of your ability to list why we CAN'T do things. Show off your clear brilliance on the subject by saying, "first we have to do this, then we have to do that and we're going to need the other and such and such are the obstacles that will have to be removed and it should take 5 years, but I think we can do it in two and under budget." Otherwise, go home back to your TV dinners you're not useful.

  • @c-wd4bh
    @c-wd4bh 2 місяці тому +5

    I’m from China, I’m gonna join US Army. I really like a sentence that JDR said: “We must be Arsenal of Democracy.”

    • @defective6811
      @defective6811 2 місяці тому +1

      I'd like to offer you an early welcome to the brotherhood. Regardless of their birth origins, every man and woman willing to serve in the military exemplifies the values that keep this experiment of democracy able to continue, despite both internal and external pressures. I commend you, sir. You're a true American.

  • @GeoScorpion
    @GeoScorpion Місяць тому

    One big obstacle that keeps coming up when talking about the suppression of shipbuilding is The Jones Act. I'm pretty sure labor unions aren't going to like any modification of that job protection monolith. Further, discussions like these always take place as if there isn't major opposition that will come out of the woodwork from Labor who don't want wage competition, environmentalists who were shirked and ignored too often in the past and now are against everything, and the ideologues on both the Left and Right; one wants us to live in trees eating nuts and berries and the other in trailer parks burning books for warmth. Short of another sinking of the Lusitania or another Pearl Harbor, serious thought has to be given on how to sell to the inevitable opposition groups. If you don't have them in the room from the beginning, they will be the war we fight long before we see a kinetic one.
    The ones who can sell it are the ones who want and will get the jobs where before there weren't any. We should already be selling it to them and have them sell it to everyone else.

  • @kingcrazymani4133
    @kingcrazymani4133 2 місяці тому

    There should be a few copies of The Education of HBA within walking distance of my current home in Quincy, Massachusetts. Is Jerry suggesting that I find a Sharpie and correct the book title on all copies? What would the Park Service say at the Visitors’ Center? Hmmmm…. 22:30. The commercial ship idea is on point. Btw, HBA’s great grandson likes ships.

  • @danielgreenleaf
    @danielgreenleaf 2 місяці тому

    Democracy is always a stone’s throw away from communism.

    • @GeoScorpion
      @GeoScorpion Місяць тому

      That seemed to take a lot of effort, copying and pasting a fortune cookie message onto a conversation about geostrategy. Did the fortune cookies come to you 'special delivery' from Beijing? Do they still pay you 0.50RMB, or is it 0.25 now with the budget cuts and withheld paychecks?🙄

  • @user-dv5sn2xv2y
    @user-dv5sn2xv2y 2 місяці тому +1

    Democratic-Republican Party is wrong. War has never changed. This way is part of socialism warfare since the announcement of Communist Manifesto, wrong monetary policies and national education have only helped socialism Parties win this religious war. Even if we have mass damage weapons, we are still fighting a war of attrition, and a war of attrition is the most likely to cause socialism parties to win this religious war, so we should remember Korea Civil War and Vietnam Civil War. So China Civil war and Israel Civil war are the past, present, and future. may God has mercy on us.

    • @GeoScorpion
      @GeoScorpion Місяць тому

      Wow. You must be the supervisor of the WuMao. (1) War has changed and it is always changing. That is the nature of war. Preparing for war means trying to forecast 10-, 20-, 30-years out, so seeing that the nature of how wars are fought has changed and that the balance of powers have changed, your first couple of statements is as ignorant as it is self-serving for your country. (2) Neither Russia, nor China is communist or socialist. Both countries more closely resemble Hitler's version of fascism and even he and the Nazi regime pretended to be Socialist. To be fair, though, China in particular isn't even a fascist state. It is a slave-owning Mafia Cartel and is not a thing that has ever been named, yet. Historians will have to name the robber baron form of government you have created. (3) A kinetic war with China and/or Russia will not be a war of attrition and the Geneva Convention will play no part in it. The West will not play with one arm tied behind its back with a near-peer adversary the way we did with smaller countries. You don't want to compare a future war with our past ones. They won't be in the same league and they won't be played with gentlemen's rules.

    • @user-dv5sn2xv2y
      @user-dv5sn2xv2y Місяць тому

      @@GeoScorpion Because LORD is righteous and justice, you are wrong. Who lost China? Then comparing the debates about the Korea Civil War and the Vietnam Civil War with the debates about this war, people will find that policy scholars have made many wrong judgments, because they don't confess the war is another socialism war after Communist Manifesto, so Dr. Kissinger makes the right judgment on Ukraine socialism warfare. Since the Democratic Party and the Communist Party have provoked each other and started another socialism war, we should defeat enemy quickly with all weapons, and not be afraid of the enemy's all weapons, because we have to defeat socialism parties. In terms of constitutional thought, gnosticism, liberation theology, and jihad promoted by communist party is going to be joined by people who believe the war between light and darkness, by people who believe socialism, so communist party has no shortage of volunteers; Regarding defense procurement, the socialism warfare has caused moral issues to us, such as CPI and interest rate, is the same as the China Civil War before 1945; As for tactics, the muddy in Ukraine is like the Korea Civil War and the Vietnam Civil War with terrain conditions. But this is an opportunity for other people, even if it will be with major damage. LORD bless us, may LORD has mercy on us.

    • @GeoScorpion
      @GeoScorpion Місяць тому

      @@user-dv5sn2xv2y Uff. I would like to read your argument and debate with you, but Google Translate is making your statements unintelligible. What language do you speak natively? We may be able to speak in that language. Also, if you're drinking or on drugs, it doesn't help with communication, so if that is an issue for you, just sleep it off and come back later to revise and resubmit your comment. At present, you are making no sense.

    • @user-dv5sn2xv2y
      @user-dv5sn2xv2y Місяць тому

      @@GeoScorpion You are wrong again. The origin of the China Civil War is the cooperation of socialism parties. Democratic Party helps Communist Party to promote atheism in world since the policy of national self-determination, so the thought of Democratic-Communist Party is socialism and evolution. Then Communist Party promotes liberation theology to people in world, and the Democratic Party helps the Communist Party, so the Ivy League is also the standard bearer in socialism warfare. That is why we lost China and the U.S. Navy will have major damage in the socialism warfare.

    • @GeoScorpion
      @GeoScorpion Місяць тому

      @@user-dv5sn2xv2y I rarely write things that I'm wrong about. I doubt that I was wrong the first time let alone being wrong 'again'. I don't know where you went to school, but the origin of the China civil war after the Q'ing dynasty is pretty much known by everyone and there is no point in the CCP trying to hide it the way they hide fallen bridges. Pretty much everything you wrote after China Civil War looked like random words that you threw together hoping we would pretend they were sentences. You are literally throwing random phrases together and therefore you are a bad, bad, AI. Go home. Sleep it off and stop trying to use Google Translate: It doesn't work for you. Clown. 🙄🤡🤡🤡