Did you do anything special? Are you active? Do you have a low or high body fat percentage? I quit less than a week ago but I'm trying to pads a test asap.
I’m a casual smoker on weekends I needed a new job so I quit weed apple cider vinegar iron desolve vitamin healthy eating passed two drug test plus home kits in just short two weeks I’ve done it and it works
@@jewel6214 I was in Thailand on holiday prior that I was on it almost everyday come back to find out I was being made redundant so had two weeks to get another job I gave it ago it worked I tried the test kits earlier with positive results my first negative one was ten days later
Just failed a home THC test after 53 days since I last smoked (Dec 4th, 2023). If I was awake, I was high. So heavy smoker about 4-5 times per day. And I was about 25 lbs overweight. Have since lost about 15lbs since quitting. I was highly caught off guard by failing the test today
Our stories are so identical. I quit my daily use on 1/22/24. Still testing positive as of yesterday (3/16/24). A job offer was rescinded since I wasn’t doing home testing as often as I should’ve been. I had to put my job search on hold while I chug water and wait it out. Crazy bcuz I’m addicted to painkillers but I have valid rx’s for them so it’s never an issue for new hire drug testing. I used THC to try to get off pills but I ended up using both every day. I hope to see an update from you and I hope ur testing negative now.
Haven't smoked in 25 days and can't pass a t.h.c. test from wall mart 12 pack test. I was a heavy smoker of flower top shelf for 10+ years. Have been fasting dieting and exercising 5'9 210 lbs have been taking everything from cranberry, niacin milk weed apple cider vinegar. Nothing helps. This is so demoralizing. I can't get a job without passing a test, I am going to loose my house and starve to death if something doesn't change soon. This is a neverending nightmare. Criminalize all t.h.c. drug testing today.
Try the test strips he has In description i bought a pack of undetectable under 50 & i have both lines showing negative but when i take a dollar tree one both lines just faint line with dollar tree one
I'm in same shape, just failed one today after 87 days, passed at 45 days, trying to get down below 15ng and tested today and failed the f 50ng. This is. Crazy,I'll be able to pass a hair test before I can pass a dam home UA test..
I just tested positive for thc after being clean for about a month. I only smoked a small amount daily. I only weight 145lbs and work in construction, so I sweat most of the day, sometimes the night as well.
Been 10 days and i was a one bowl a night smoker and still testing positive with at home test. Wish the test told you how much of it is left in your urine.
Expect to test positive for 3months minimum...daily users are absolutely effed in this society aslong as its some harmless weed,u can however be addicted to crack,meath,pcp,alcohol and every other drug known to man and within a week of abstinence ur clean.this world makes it so people are forced to become raging metheads or crackheads cuz nothing is beautifull in life...u work,eat,sleep and repeat until the day u die but dont u dare feel happy cuz u smoked a j
I have a friend - he was smoking about 5-10 times per day during his stay in other country and his test was positive 6 weeks after. He workouts, keeps clean diet but still positive 6 weeks after.
It's bloody criminal the fact that testing for TCH is not about whether you are actually under the influence of it, stoned. Alcohol your tested for a certain limit. Would it be ok to test for a marker for alcohol, ten days after drinking! Testing for a marker that simply says it's in your system but not actually under the influence of it is 100% wrong! Just about every driver would be off the road if they applied the same standards to alcohol.
yup i’m about to start doing cocaine and crack since it’s out my system in 1-4 days. I have missed out twice now on job opportunities that have opened even tho i stopped smoking 68 days ago… I’ve been drinking water like crazy working out! sitting in the sauna everyday nothing has happened.. Still positive. So from now on i will be doing crack im over waiting and missing out job opportunities bc the government is so worried about the most harmless drug. Even tho it’s 2024 and they should’ve made a drug test that could tell if the user has smoked in the month atleast. I’m glad all the crack heads and meth and cocaine users are all getting the jobs i want.
@@phduce It sure is ridiculous. The same people who look down on thc are the ones who are abusing rx and drinking to excess on the job. But that's somehow all good. Make it makes sense.
@@bluebutterfly244 yup i’m on day 89 now and still testing positive for THC and i’ve done every detox i’ve worked out and sweat my ass off… I drink a lot of water… And the job i wanted hired the guy who use to do Acid and Cocaine… and i’ve never in my life picked up any of that.. Not even a cigarette..
bro its been over 67 days since i smoked last i still p control. i smoked Everday and done dabs its been about. 90 days now ill update this comment when i p -
I smoked a quarter a day almost everyday for YEARS.. I smoked weed like it was cigarettes It took me over 6 months to pass the at home test I'm 6ft4 220lbs I work out everyday too. I even fasted for 2 weeks and still couldn't pass the test.
With urine test strips bought online I was 6-7 weeks before I was clean from daily cannabis use. Won’t be touching the stuff ever again. Stays in your system for weeks, gave me terrible withdrawal for weeks and disrupted my sleep for 3 months after giving up
@@fn00765 stick with it, it does get easier after a few weeks, sleep was the worse part with some serious vivid dreaming the first month or 2. I was a daily user for 25 years, evenings only but the stuff really is hard to give up for some. I am 8 months clean and feel absolutely great, exercising daily and sleeping so much better then I ever did.
@@AliAli-bc5ir just home test kits, got a potential for randoms at work but never had one. Home tests nearly always only show faint lines for a negative.
@@Daryl26543 I've quit for over 10 weeks now have an in person test coming up in about a week, I started getting faint lines at week 7 and still continue to get faint lines. Hoping for the best!!
Watch out for vape and live resins takes forever to get out. I cut out a meal used apple cider vinegar 🤮 dropped from 160 to 150lbs still took 35 days to get clean. I did vape every night for 2 months.
This is so true, I also smoked vape cart pure thc and I usually become negative in 30 days if I only smoked flowers but with the vape cart I had to wait full 2 months to be negative and even than the line is faint
Good lord I hope not. I was a weekend pen guy. Just quit. I workout 7 days a week. Looking for work and prepping. I was a director of operations, this test is absurd to begin with, and yet it should be on work indicative of safety
that’s great to hear since i smoked 1 gram Live resin carts in two days everyday all day… Didn’t think there was a damn difference it didn’t even get me that high tbh
Before I got my CDL I smoked every day for 10 years. I'm in a legal state and my employer aloud it. I bought test from amazon and started checking at the 3 week mark, once a week. It took me 61 days to test clean from the day I quit. Then I shaved my head and grew it back for 4 months just to be safe lol. Seems like a lot of starter companies do hair follicle tests now and I wanted to be sure.. I also paid 75 dollars to the drug testing lab in my city to test my hair before I applied cause the last thing I wanted was a dirty test. Im 5'9 175
roughly 9 weeks after last smoke (Heavy Dab Session) and just tested positive. Granted i got hit with the test randomly and did not prepare accordingly but still i have never heard of anyone testing positive after 2 months. I am 5'10, 165lbs, workout 3+ times a week. Safe to say my tolerance was higher than just about anybody i Know...
Hey doc, I've had maybe 3 tokes of thc in 1 month . Will I metabolize pretty quick? I had to take a random after taking one toke 4 days ago. Without knowing I started working out 3 days a week too.
I last smoked was (February 20th,2024) I’ve taken a drug test recently and it said preliminary positive that means I still have in my system ? And a very faint “T” please help ?!😭
I was a chronic user for 5 months. Always had a slow metabolism. I’m still testing positive at day 81. I’m the highest number that I’ve seen. Somebody please take 1st place from me. Please.
I weigh 110 pounds,am 33yrs old,do alotta excercise and after 5damn months im still testing positive!u can get shitfaced drunk daily,u can become a meth or crackhead yet still keep ur job but smoking a joint after work makes u a literal pariah!i effing hate every government in this world,what i do in my free time has nothing to do with them!
Alright!!! I got my hands on 50ng tests. My results: I was a chronic user smoking 3.5-7 grams daily.. it took me 11-12 weeks to pass a urinalysis by using charcoal tablets and cologne cleanse tablets. On Tuesday 11th June I smoked a tiny spliff and tested myself today 15th June I’m still at 20-50ng.. I think the three day rule is accurate if you completely detox… if your a stoner like smoking weed daily you will definitely need at least 11 weeks to flush that shit out with charcoal tablets!!! I hope this helps you!!!
My first day in a sober living environment following 60 days of inpatient.. I tested positive for THC.. I am so confused and freaking out because I don't want to lose my residency. What do you think is going on? I also don't have a lot of body fat.. I've been inactive over the 60 days..
@@EasyDOTPhysicals question does US flagged cruise ships also follow DOT drug testing guidelines for crew? I basically want to know if the would test at 50ng/ml ?
I’ve got a test in a week. I only have taken delta 8 over the counter type gummies. Just one each night for sleep so I could come off the high dose of Xanax and Seroquel. I feel so much better since I removed the pharmaceutical drugs from my system. However, I was curious if the OTC gummies would show positive for marijuana. I’m at day 8 with no gummies and still testing positive. I bought a 7 day herbal detox kit that isn’t designed for drugs, several vitamins and supplements to support overall health, drinking nothing but water, cranberry juice and green tea, cardio and strength training an hour a day to burn off what I can but will stop exercising several days before the test, taking activated charcoal tablets too. Now I’m 7 days away and still testing positive. This is ridiculous as I do not smoke weed. This seems so unfair. It’s like big pharma is pushing their high profit drugs down our throats and personally think weed or OTC delta products are way more healthy options.
@@Zeodoe I did end up passing at day 26 of no gummies. That was a stressful experience and I’ve not taken them since because my career is more important.
Dr Nuesse, Just wanted to ask if you could answer a question. I use heavily multiple times a day. What are my odds of passing an oral saliva test if I quit smoking get hydrated and work out for just under a week. how long do you think it would take for my saliva to pass?
Quit weed cold turkey after using lots of thc everyday and still failed a drug test about 92 days after quitting. Be careful. I would like to add that the drug test I took was a very expensive one that even the cups are like 90 bucks but still it can stay for a while
@@lonsdaleslipons9570 not sure about anti detox foods. Took out almost all sugar and ate lots of pastas, chicken, ground beef, nuts and light vegetables. Drank almost a gallon a day
Dunno if u will see. I made the very wise decision of smoking a few times in the span of two days (Nov 23rd-24th) I never smoke and haven’t smoked since 2020 (until those days of course) I have taken some at home tests and the first one was a fail. Since then I’ve continued my usual routine of working out (lifting and running) and pretty good dieting. I have passed seven different tests (all with the same very visible but faint red line) would this pass in a lab based test??
I’m testing on the fith and I literally can not stop smoking… now I have but last I smoked was yesterday and idk if they’re gonna arrest me … I’m 16 on juvenile probation … please help
Is it possible to pass a follicle test for marijuana if I been clean for over 4 months but smoked 1 blunt and have to test in the next 2 months?? Please respond😩
Heavy users in good health (normal to athletic bmi) you can pass as little as 24 hours to up to a week. Step 1. If it is long notice (over 1 week) do workouts to sweat and burn fat. If short notice do not burn anything Step 2. Non stop water consumption, become a water hose no joke Step 3. Take a multivitamin something with b's and zincs. Take lots of creatine and l carnatine (you are an athlete wink wink) I have used this many times. Friends have used it with less than one day and pass. We are heavy users but closer to athletic than normal... This advice was given to us from a pharmacist who used this strat himself and with colleagues, six figure type people. Shit works and good luck, like this video says test yourself and there are thresholds involved, you'll probably have some THC in your pee still but it will be so diluted it won't matter and the creatine supp will make it seem normal. Last thing use your mid stream piss, gl all
I’m testing positive on 20ng test after 10 weeks abstinence, I would say I was a chronic smoker consuming 3.5 grams a day during my pothead career… I got drug test for driving license in 3 weeks.. hopefully I get this THC out of me by then.. not to convinced..
I mainly took super dank edibles that were Rosin edibles which is super potent form of weed for like 7 months straight and got clean in 20 days. Body fat 10% I walked 1 hr a day and did Olympic lifting and track sprinting sessions a couple times a week.
In the video you mention thc levels go up to 180ng/ml but tests can show higher rates right? In Holland I know Some people that got their results and They came back 1000>
But how many gram a day is a heavy user ? Because everyone only talks about daily user whole day, but what if you smoke less than 1 gram a day splitted over they day, thats like 0,1 / 0,2 each spliff, there are people that drop 0,5 / 1 gram in a spliff, heavy spliffs, but there also people like me that have mostly tobaco in it and almost no green, stopped 2 weeks ago and have 2 weeks left, not even sure if they test to be honest, but just for the secure haha
Daily is a heavy user even if it’s a puff per day. You’re not giving your body a chance to eliminate the metabolites. You just keep loading that pistol so to speak
If you want to pass a urine test, then you will need 28-42 days of complete abstinence. Working out, drinking a ton of liquids etc etc is not the key. If you are a daily smoker, it is abstinence. Its a time table.
I quit smoking pot 4 days ago cuz I decided I am going to get my CDL after being a carpenter Foreman for 28 years. Probably smoked 3 to 4 times a day for the past 5 years and I am 175 lbs not a lot of body fat butt a little belly fat how much time before I should start testing myself and does that mean a clean lab test
A persons body composition and physical activity levels. I know someone that was a snoop dog level user and it took them just over three weeks to test clean. Normal hydration imo is also beneficial as most people don’t properly hydrate
After like 6 months of nearly daily use .. quit for a month and half to see if that pee got clean already , never did , always coming out dirty no matter what and I wasn’t in the mood of dropping 30 pounds nah , So since the “dreamed “job was smoke and ashes then came back to the bliss ( and my life and finances are in order )don’t really care and happy : currently full of +hc
i home tested at 50ng and passed it was negative.. then did my dot test and they called me and said i failed at 30ng... wtf..the cdl school told me to hometest and i did but how did i fail at 30?
I'm fat, but exercising and bodybuilding, drink lots water. Haven't vaped Delta8 distillate in 3 months. Still testing positive. Now brand new chronic pain Dr won't write me a script pain pills. I'm losing my mind with horrible pain. What do I do, I have a detox drink. Do I take activated charcoal? Please help!!
I have never used cannabis or any drugs. But a friend of mine mixed it with food and gave it to me. I have a medical exam in 3 months. Can this be removed from the body before three months?
Same question... I have never done anything normal smoking or drugs but my friends gave me half a pot brownie and i have a urine and blood test in 3weeks will it show up?
I did research and it looks like people with my consumption habit height and weight can take about 70-80 day to pass a ua, I saw you don’t recommend exercise if you have a test coming up but what about exercise just for the case of shorting the detox time. I need to find a job but in my area drug tests are extremely common so I don’t want to start looking until I can pass a ua. I’m pushing about a week of being clean right now
Yesterday my boy got tested at school because of taking marijuana so line appeared on T line and then they said he took marijuana so I don't know anything about the lines of test
Hey doc I have a question. Weigh in around 160 pounds and I am 5,8,21years old, not very overweight and workout daily . I smoked almost everyday my whole life(delta 8). I stopped smoking the first week of April and have a drug test may 31. Nearly 7 weeks. Do you think I will pass?
Does a faded line on a urine test state I have a small amount of THC in my system. Haven’t smoked for about 7 weeks. I weight 185, 6’ 1” and go swimming about 3 days a week for 45 min. to an hour.
My p.o. is going to send me to jail for continuing to test positive.used to smoke more than anyone you know, havent smoked for 2 months and i am 420 pounds.what can i do to get rid of the thc in my fat
Please help doc! I can't find any answers on whether or not someone can be prescribed suboxone and still get their cdl. We're afraid to go in and permanently destroy their chances of ever getting their cdl by disclosing their prescription or it showing up on a test. What panel tests do they do and is suboxone prescription ok? They've never had a single infraction or even a ticket or at fault accident so it obviously doesn't impair them or their driving but we're worried it even coming up could destroy all chance of a cdl. How does it usually go with a suboxone prescription? Thanks in advance for all your info and help
@@2SIKE I even was on probation for whole year and never popped for subs so idk what kinda special tests you took but I've never had a problem with them and I took a 5panel piss test a year ago and was still on subs and passed with flying colors bro
What if you eaten roughly 3 to 4 edibles low it’s been about 3 1/2 going on four weeks and what if you’ve tested at with an at-home test negative or what appear to be -2 lines, but one was darker than the other
Question: I've smoked a few joints 3 weeks ago prior to that nothing .. would i come out clean or worry?? Im 5,5 165lb..53yrs i ride a bike practically every day??.
So i quit smoking march 12 im 6.1 255 i brought at home test been testing for months still posotive i tested again in in june got a faint line then i did another got a faint line i wanna go back to work this is for cdl any insights would be appreciated thank you
I smoked for a whole week about 2 weeks ago. Before that I had been clean for months. I’m 5.10” 150lbs and have around 10% body fat. Do you think I’d pass because I have one coming up?
So I stopped smoking like august of last year...like 3 week ago I hit a blunt like 2 time 2 days in a row chilling with this girl...now im getting a new job and they hair test im a nervous reck...im temped to get test before hand so i dont mess this up...think ill pass?
My worry is that the labcorp does a test lower than 50. I can get a faint line for 50 but not passing 15 or 20nl. Have one week left. Its been 27 days...
@@AliAli-bc5ir they still haven't called me back. Was last Thursday when I took the test but the holiday weekend is probably why. Faint line is still a pass tho on the home tests
Smoked last Sunday for the first time. Two puffs. That's it. Now a job I want called and is fast tracking the hiring process, i.e. drug testing. Yay, and I'm a fatty. I'm screwed.😅
@@Roquea.207 i accidentally ate half a pot brownie but have never done anything in my life not even regular smoking...i have a test in 3weeks for UAE visa will it be possible to pass?!
It's hard to pass that soon best thing to help is activated charcoal 10 gram's 3 time's a day before each meal papain enzymes with it lot's of clean water good luck
CBD is legal in most states. I was 100% THC clean.. Had not smoked for a year. I used some CBD gummies and tested hot for THC with a home test. My question is.. If CBD is legal, can jobs fail you for the trace amounts of THC for using a legal product?
I smoked for 23 years , near enough every day! Passed urine test after 28days .
Did you do anything special? Are you active? Do you have a low or high body fat percentage? I quit less than a week ago but I'm trying to pads a test asap.
He smoked 1 joint a year for 23years
My aunt quit and tested positive for 5 months after. It was due to her body fat percentage.. everyone is different
You didnt burn
Just wanna say I’m tryna pass a drug test but u seem like a chill ass dude
It's absolutely absurd that meth heads can get a job before a person who smokes a little after work.
Smdh they never catch crackheads, meth heads etc...
Man exactly 🤦🏽♀️
Exactly..the most harmless drug is demonized
Yet alcohol kills people all the time. This world is fucking nuts. It’s control. No wonder why some people commit suicide.
Yet alcohol kills people all the time. This world is fucking nuts. It’s control. No wonder why some people commit suicide.
I’m a casual smoker on weekends I needed a new job so I quit weed apple cider vinegar iron desolve vitamin healthy eating passed two drug test plus home kits in just short two weeks I’ve done it and it works
What are home kits?
Apple cider vinegar liquid mixed with water or pill?
@@Pritpal37 I mix apple cider liquid with cranberry juice
@@jewel6214 I was in Thailand on holiday prior that I was on it almost everyday come back to find out I was being made redundant so had two weeks to get another job I gave it ago it worked I tried the test kits earlier with positive results my first negative one was ten days later
@@rhysshine3804how much apple cider vinegar do you mix. 75% cranberry 25% apple cider. Or half n half?
Just failed a home THC test after 53 days since I last smoked (Dec 4th, 2023). If I was awake, I was high. So heavy smoker about 4-5 times per day. And I was about 25 lbs overweight. Have since lost about 15lbs since quitting. I was highly caught off guard by failing the test today
I was smoking an oz every 3 days I haven’t smoked for a month & 3week my test came out negative I bought the test strips he has
Our stories are so identical. I quit my daily use on 1/22/24. Still testing positive as of yesterday (3/16/24). A job offer was rescinded since I wasn’t doing home testing as often as I should’ve been. I had to put my job search on hold while I chug water and wait it out. Crazy bcuz I’m addicted to painkillers but I have valid rx’s for them so it’s never an issue for new hire drug testing. I used THC to try to get off pills but I ended up using both every day. I hope to see an update from you and I hope ur testing negative now.
I just tested positive 60 days after my last usage date. I am freaking out.
@@lamofonguera7807 mine is still clean I’m 230lb 5,10 I don’t work out after couple days it’s showing under the 50 testing he has
I can help you get clean man in less then 21 days
Haven't smoked in 25 days and can't pass a t.h.c. test from wall mart 12 pack test. I was a heavy smoker of flower top shelf for 10+ years. Have been fasting dieting and exercising 5'9 210 lbs have been taking everything from cranberry, niacin milk weed apple cider vinegar. Nothing helps. This is so demoralizing. I can't get a job without passing a test, I am going to loose my house and starve to death if something doesn't change soon.
This is a neverending nightmare.
Criminalize all t.h.c. drug testing today.
You may have to go 2-3 months.
Try the test strips he has In description i bought a pack of undetectable under 50 & i have both lines showing negative but when i take a dollar tree one both lines just faint line with dollar tree one
Do you ever end up passing any test and how long did it take ?
Quick fix
I'm in same shape, just failed one today after 87 days, passed at 45 days, trying to get down below 15ng and tested today and failed the f 50ng. This is. Crazy,I'll be able to pass a hair test before I can pass a dam home UA test..
I just tested positive for thc after being clean for about a month. I only smoked a small amount daily. I only weight 145lbs and work in construction, so I sweat most of the day, sometimes the night as well.
That sound about right based on the estimations I make in my individual testing times video
@@EasyDOTPhysicals Is this a common way for the court to get you into the system and get themselves and their affiliates more money?
Wow that’s crazy..looks like I’m doomed
@@oahts5906 did you pass?
Been 10 days and i was a one bowl a night smoker and still testing positive with at home test. Wish the test told you how much of it is left in your urine.
That's your million dollar idea. Get it done.
Expect to test positive for 3months minimum...daily users are absolutely effed in this society aslong as its some harmless weed,u can however be addicted to crack,meath,pcp,alcohol and every other drug known to man and within a week of abstinence ur clean.this world makes it so people are forced to become raging metheads or crackheads cuz nothing is beautifull in life...u work,eat,sleep and repeat until the day u die but dont u dare feel happy cuz u smoked a j
Crazy work it’s been 3 months and this shit still in my system
I have a friend - he was smoking about 5-10 times per day during his stay in other country and his test was positive 6 weeks after. He workouts, keeps clean diet but still positive 6 weeks after.
It's bloody criminal the fact that testing for TCH is not about whether you are actually under the influence of it, stoned. Alcohol your tested for a certain limit.
Would it be ok to test for a marker for alcohol, ten days after drinking!
Testing for a marker that simply says it's in your system but not actually under the influence of it is 100% wrong!
Just about every driver would be off the road if they applied the same standards to alcohol.
yup i’m about to start doing cocaine and crack since it’s out my system in 1-4 days. I have missed out twice now on job opportunities that have opened even tho i stopped smoking 68 days ago… I’ve been drinking water like crazy working out! sitting in the sauna everyday nothing has happened.. Still positive. So from now on i will be doing crack im over waiting and missing out job opportunities bc the government is so worried about the most harmless drug. Even tho it’s 2024 and they should’ve made a drug test that could tell if the user has smoked in the month atleast. I’m glad all the crack heads and meth and cocaine users are all getting the jobs i want.
@@phduce It sure is ridiculous. The same people who look down on thc are the ones who are abusing rx and drinking to excess on the job. But that's somehow all good. Make it makes sense.
@@bluebutterfly244 yup i’m on day 89 now and still testing positive for THC and i’ve done every detox i’ve worked out and sweat my ass off… I drink a lot of water… And the job i wanted hired the guy who use to do Acid and Cocaine… and i’ve never in my life picked up any of that.. Not even a cigarette..
Stay hydrated, folks!
Dawg I’m cooked I got court the Judge Finna do me In 😂😂😂
Aye man you alright? 😂 Update us
It’s been 2 months and I’m still testing positive how is that even possible????
bro its been over 67 days since i smoked last i still p control. i smoked Everday and done dabs its been about. 90 days now ill update this comment when i p -
Dang still havnt passed 11 months later ?
@omygodish3 he have in 😅
Today is day 30 and I’m still failing for THC on a 50 nano gram at home urine test. Last time I quit smoking it took 40 days.
How old are you? body weight? Exercise rate?
@@Nick-yp6nv 32 years old. 5'11''. 185 LBS. I don't exercise but I have a manual labor job for what that's worth.
You were a daily smoker.
I smoked a quarter a day almost everyday for YEARS.. I smoked weed like it was cigarettes
It took me over 6 months to pass the at home test
I'm 6ft4 220lbs
I work out everyday too. I even fasted for 2 weeks and still couldn't pass the test.
With urine test strips bought online I was 6-7 weeks before I was clean from daily cannabis use. Won’t be touching the stuff ever again. Stays in your system for weeks, gave me terrible withdrawal for weeks and disrupted my sleep for 3 months after giving up
Just my second week and it's so so hard ... I want to fix my life so I stopped smoking... I can't wait to get this stuff off my system
@@fn00765 stick with it, it does get easier after a few weeks, sleep was the worse part with some serious vivid dreaming the first month or 2. I was a daily user for 25 years, evenings only but the stuff really is hard to give up for some. I am 8 months clean and feel absolutely great, exercising daily and sleeping so much better then I ever did.
@@Daryl26543 Did you only use home tests or actually had to go in person for a drug test? Also do the home tests always show up faint?
@@AliAli-bc5ir just home test kits, got a potential for randoms at work but never had one. Home tests nearly always only show faint lines for a negative.
@@Daryl26543 I've quit for over 10 weeks now have an in person test coming up in about a week, I started getting faint lines at week 7 and still continue to get faint lines. Hoping for the best!!
Watch out for vape and live resins takes forever to get out. I cut out a meal used apple cider vinegar 🤮 dropped from 160 to 150lbs still took 35 days to get clean. I did vape every night for 2 months.
how long had you been on smoking prior?
This is so true, I also smoked vape cart pure thc and I usually become negative in 30 days if I only smoked flowers but with the vape cart I had to wait full 2 months to be negative and even than the line is faint
Good lord I hope not. I was a weekend pen guy. Just quit. I workout 7 days a week. Looking for work and prepping. I was a director of operations, this test is absurd to begin with, and yet it should be on work indicative of safety
that’s great to hear since i smoked 1 gram Live resin carts in two days everyday all day… Didn’t think there was a damn difference it didn’t even get me that high tbh
Before I got my CDL I smoked every day for 10 years. I'm in a legal state and my employer aloud it. I bought test from amazon and started checking at the 3 week mark, once a week. It took me 61 days to test clean from the day I quit. Then I shaved my head and grew it back for 4 months just to be safe lol. Seems like a lot of starter companies do hair follicle tests now and I wanted to be sure.. I also paid 75 dollars to the drug testing lab in my city to test my hair before I applied cause the last thing I wanted was a dirty test. Im 5'9 175
Keep me updated on this im in the same boat as you right now
roughly 9 weeks after last smoke (Heavy Dab Session) and just tested positive. Granted i got hit with the test randomly and did not prepare accordingly but still i have never heard of anyone testing positive after 2 months.
I am 5'10, 165lbs, workout 3+ times a week. Safe to say my tolerance was higher than just about anybody i Know...
Hey doc, I've had maybe 3 tokes of thc in 1 month . Will I metabolize pretty quick? I had to take a random after taking one toke 4 days ago. Without knowing I started working out 3 days a week too.
Expect 90days… happened to me. Same height/weight
It took me over 3 months to test negative. I workout a lot, 120 lb, and hydrate a lot. I was a heavy smoker for 5+ years, smoked 3 times a day.
Day 19 still testing positive this is so frustrating
67 days still positive. 😢
thank you Aragorn
I last smoked was (February 20th,2024) I’ve taken a drug test recently and it said preliminary positive that means I still have in my system ? And a very faint “T” please help ?!😭
Can you make a video on over the counter thc pens ?
What is the most reliable at home test for thc.
Im at 79 days fixing to take at home test in morning i pretty sure im good but will see
let us know
I was a chronic user for 5 months. Always had a slow metabolism. I’m still testing positive at day 81. I’m the highest number that I’ve seen. Somebody please take 1st place from me. Please.
U drink one cup of water a week or what
@@alexflores518 I wish it was that simple lol. I have a ridiculously slow metabolism due to other meds that I’ve been on for years.
I weigh 110 pounds,am 33yrs old,do alotta excercise and after 5damn months im still testing positive!u can get shitfaced drunk daily,u can become a meth or crackhead yet still keep ur job but smoking a joint after work makes u a literal pariah!i effing hate every government in this world,what i do in my free time has nothing to do with them!
I’m 5’10 and 165lb I smoked for 15 years every single day. I’m at day 90 and still testing positive.
Is this for urine or hair test?
I asked because my fiance is currently waiting his follicle test and has been a CDL driver for 20+ years.
So how long did it take for it to be out? I’m on day 91 still failed my test today for over 50mg. So damn frustrated
It took me about 100+ days to come out clean.
Alright!!! I got my hands on 50ng tests. My results: I was a chronic user smoking 3.5-7 grams daily.. it took me 11-12 weeks to pass a urinalysis by using charcoal tablets and cologne cleanse tablets. On Tuesday 11th June I smoked a tiny spliff and tested myself today 15th June I’m still at 20-50ng.. I think the three day rule is accurate if you completely detox… if your a stoner like smoking weed daily you will definitely need at least 11 weeks to flush that shit out with charcoal tablets!!! I hope this helps you!!!
My first day in a sober living environment following 60 days of inpatient.. I tested positive for THC.. I am so confused and freaking out because I don't want to lose my residency.
What do you think is going on? I also don't have a lot of body fat.. I've been inactive over the 60 days..
Just came across your videos..
I have 11 days to flush thc from my system whats my chances doc??
Did you do it?
@@mrpintu7456 yes I passed I was still testing positive on the night before but just went for it and everything was good
Good info, Doc.
Glad it was helpful!
@@EasyDOTPhysicals question does US flagged cruise ships also follow DOT drug testing guidelines for crew? I basically want to know if the would test at 50ng/ml ?
My dream job is gone and I haven’t smoked in 2 plus months I’m 5’8 175. Devastation
What was the job?
How often did you smoke?
Let it go, for many of us God has better plans , we humans have no idea of what situation or decision could be the optimal one for us
Ive never failed a thc test and ive done it as little as 4 days after
I haven't smoked heavy in 60 days plus I just did a home test and it still shows as positive
What about the new fingerprint drug scanner for all drugs
Does smoking tobacco slow down the detox process?
What about if you use disposables?
I’ve got a test in a week. I only have taken delta 8 over the counter type gummies. Just one each night for sleep so I could come off the high dose of Xanax and Seroquel. I feel so much better since I removed the pharmaceutical drugs from my system. However, I was curious if the OTC gummies would show positive for marijuana. I’m at day 8 with no gummies and still testing positive. I bought a 7 day herbal detox kit that isn’t designed for drugs, several vitamins and supplements to support overall health, drinking nothing but water, cranberry juice and green tea, cardio and strength training an hour a day to burn off what I can but will stop exercising several days before the test, taking activated charcoal tablets too. Now I’m 7 days away and still testing positive. This is ridiculous as I do not smoke weed. This seems so unfair. It’s like big pharma is pushing their high profit drugs down our throats and personally think weed or OTC delta products are way more healthy options.
I have a video on delta 8
Delta 8 can stay in system for 90 days or more. It typically stays way longer than THC does.
@@Zeodoe I did end up passing at day 26 of no gummies. That was a stressful experience and I’ve not taken them since because my career is more important.
Dr Nuesse, Just wanted to ask if you could answer a question. I use heavily multiple times a day. What are my odds of passing an oral saliva test if I quit smoking get hydrated and work out for just under a week. how long do you think it would take for my saliva to pass?
Not a doctor but I’ve been told 48 hrs
I just failed a job drug test after 55 days but I pass some home test strips so I’m confused
They must be using lab testing
Quit weed cold turkey after using lots of thc everyday and still failed a drug test about 92 days after quitting. Be careful. I would like to add that the drug test I took was a very expensive one that even the cups are like 90 bucks but still it can stay for a while
Did u eat anti detoxing foods etc and plenty fluids during the 92 days?
@@lonsdaleslipons9570 not sure about anti detox foods. Took out almost all sugar and ate lots of pastas, chicken, ground beef, nuts and light vegetables. Drank almost a gallon a day
@@inshallah4280 u gotta do about 2 weeks w/o meat "straight fruits" & potatoes. Pasta "may" be a problem also
@@marvin469he’s a heavy smoker no diet or shampoo is gonna speed up the process lol it’ll probably speed it up by like 2 days
@@BornGreatMikeonly 2 days ??????? Good lord , I was hoping by 30 days
smoking while watching this my drug test is next friday
Keep us posted lol
Mine is tomorrow 😂
Dunno if u will see. I made the very wise decision of smoking a few times in the span of two days (Nov 23rd-24th) I never smoke and haven’t smoked since 2020 (until those days of course) I have taken some at home tests and the first one was a fail. Since then I’ve continued my usual routine of working out (lifting and running) and pretty good dieting. I have passed seven different tests (all with the same very visible but faint red line) would this pass in a lab based test??
What about blood test ?
I’m testing on the fith and I literally can not stop smoking… now I have but last I smoked was yesterday and idk if they’re gonna arrest me … I’m 16 on juvenile probation … please help
Is it possible to pass a follicle test for marijuana if I been clean for over 4 months but smoked 1 blunt and have to test in the next 2 months?? Please respond😩
Heavy users in good health (normal to athletic bmi) you can pass as little as 24 hours to up to a week.
Step 1. If it is long notice (over 1 week) do workouts to sweat and burn fat. If short notice do not burn anything
Step 2. Non stop water consumption, become a water hose no joke
Step 3. Take a multivitamin something with b's and zincs. Take lots of creatine and l carnatine (you are an athlete wink wink)
I have used this many times. Friends have used it with less than one day and pass. We are heavy users but closer to athletic than normal... This advice was given to us from a pharmacist who used this strat himself and with colleagues, six figure type people.
Shit works and good luck, like this video says test yourself and there are thresholds involved, you'll probably have some THC in your pee still but it will be so diluted it won't matter and the creatine supp will make it seem normal. Last thing use your mid stream piss, gl all
I took 840 mg gummies first time i used in 36 days how long will it take to get out of my system
Shit ton of time unfortunately, like from 1-67 days just found out in multiple google searches so..feel you
I’m testing positive on 20ng test after 10 weeks abstinence, I would say I was a chronic smoker consuming 3.5 grams a day during my pothead career… I got drug test for driving license in 3 weeks.. hopefully I get this THC out of me by then.. not to convinced..
Did u pass?
I mainly took super dank edibles that were Rosin edibles which is super potent form of weed for like 7 months straight and got clean in 20 days. Body fat 10% I walked 1 hr a day and did Olympic lifting and track sprinting sessions a couple times a week.
Stopped using thc in June and still testing positive but lost 40 lbs in 3 months, help!!!
Same here! Been clean 91 days and still failed my 50mg test. Fml
@@christinetradewell3394 they should only do saliva test I did just pass that but urine is so different
Don't forget, if you're a tobacco user, tobacco increases metabolism, so you would have to be 100% sober to pass.
I am 195 lbs 64 age I smoked a one-hitter, 3 hits a day or less for 1-2 months, I hope I pass the urine test after 20 days no smoke?
Did you pass?
You need maximum 45 days to get it out of your system just drink water eat healthy Run run run!
Bullshit 3 months still pissing dirty.. i was a heavy smoker who dabbed used vapes and smoked an eighth to a quarter a day
@@reepa5399are you actually taking stuff and doing what your supposed too to piss clean
In the video you mention thc levels go up to 180ng/ml but tests can show higher rates right? In Holland I know Some people that got their results and They came back 1000>
They can be higher. We need more research.
So Im screwed.
But how many gram a day is a heavy user ? Because everyone only talks about daily user whole day, but what if you smoke less than 1 gram a day splitted over they day, thats like 0,1 / 0,2 each spliff, there are people that drop 0,5 / 1 gram in a spliff, heavy spliffs, but there also people like me that have mostly tobaco in it and almost no green, stopped 2 weeks ago and have 2 weeks left, not even sure if they test to be honest, but just for the secure haha
Daily user bro, you'll be good around 28-35 days
Daily is a heavy user even if it’s a puff per day. You’re not giving your body a chance to eliminate the metabolites. You just keep loading that pistol so to speak
Question, does it make a difference if you smoke, flower, smoke, THC dab, concentrate oil, and take edibles in a combination of a month and a half
If you want to pass a urine test, then you will need 28-42 days of complete abstinence. Working out, drinking a ton of liquids etc etc is not the key. If you are a daily smoker, it is abstinence. Its a time table.
bro has not done any research 💀
@@lb659 no it is not
I have 25 days to pass a test, I'm a heavy smoker, I'm 168lb 5'11 and I work a labor intensive job. Is there any chance I will be able to pass a test
@@lb659 lie
@@fordsallway Doubt it. Heavy by what smoking 2 joints daily?
I quit smoking pot 4 days ago cuz I decided I am going to get my CDL after being a carpenter Foreman for 28 years. Probably smoked 3 to 4 times a day for the past 5 years and I am 175 lbs not a lot of body fat butt a little belly fat how much time before I should start testing myself and does that mean a clean lab test
A persons body composition and physical activity levels. I know someone that was a snoop dog level user and it took them just over three weeks to test clean. Normal hydration imo is also beneficial as most people don’t properly hydrate
Im at that level and hydrate frequently and im still peeing dirty 💀
Its been 4 months and im still testing positive...wtf
How tf
After like 6 months of nearly daily use .. quit for a month and half to see if that pee got clean already , never did , always coming out dirty no matter what and I wasn’t in the mood of dropping 30 pounds nah ,
So since the “dreamed “job was smoke and ashes then came back to the bliss ( and my life and finances are in order )don’t really care and happy : currently full of +hc
What if you workout and burn fat, and you sweat as well, does that help for as body fat, if I’m wording it right????
Great information
Does Delta 9 has the same effect as regular marijuana ?
Hello doc!
which drug test to take clp is urine or hair?
i home tested at 50ng and passed it was negative.. then did my dot test and they called me and said i failed at 30ng... wtf..the cdl school told me to hometest and i did but how did i fail at 30?
must not have been a federal test. they are ALWAYS 50
I'm fat, but exercising and bodybuilding, drink lots water. Haven't vaped Delta8 distillate in 3 months. Still testing positive. Now brand new chronic pain Dr won't write me a script pain pills. I'm losing my mind with horrible pain. What do I do, I have a detox drink. Do I take activated charcoal? Please help!!
Negative yet?
I have never used cannabis or any drugs. But a friend of mine mixed it with food and gave it to me. I have a medical exam in 3 months. Can this be removed from the body before three months?
Hell yeah
Same question... I have never done anything normal smoking or drugs but my friends gave me half a pot brownie and i have a urine and blood test in 3weeks will it show up?
I did research and it looks like people with my consumption habit height and weight can take about 70-80 day to pass a ua, I saw you don’t recommend exercise if you have a test coming up but what about exercise just for the case of shorting the detox time. I need to find a job but in my area drug tests are extremely common so I don’t want to start looking until I can pass a ua. I’m pushing about a week of being clean right now
Yesterday my boy got tested at school because of taking marijuana so line appeared on T line and then they said he took marijuana so I don't know anything about the lines of test
@@NTHABIGAL-mk3hbHmmmm...the line by the T, no matter how faint, is a negative from what I've read.
Is a faint line on a urine test a negative?
They consider mines positive smh
Hey doc I have a question. Weigh in around 160 pounds and I am 5,8,21years old, not very overweight and workout daily . I smoked almost everyday my whole life(delta 8). I stopped smoking the first week of April and have a drug test may 31. Nearly 7 weeks. Do you think I will pass?
Did u pass?
Does a faded line on a urine test state I have a small amount of THC in my system. Haven’t smoked for about 7 weeks. I weight 185, 6’ 1” and go swimming about 3 days a week for 45 min. to an hour.
It may mean that
@@EasyDOTPhysicals If taking a 9 panel urine screen will high cholesterol and diabetes show up on the screening?
@@franciscomurillo1081 No.
My p.o. is going to send me to jail for continuing to test positive.used to smoke more than anyone you know, havent smoked for 2 months and i am 420 pounds.what can i do to get rid of the thc in my fat
Please help doc! I can't find any answers on whether or not someone can be prescribed suboxone and still get their cdl. We're afraid to go in and permanently destroy their chances of ever getting their cdl by disclosing their prescription or it showing up on a test. What panel tests do they do and is suboxone prescription ok? They've never had a single infraction or even a ticket or at fault accident so it obviously doesn't impair them or their driving but we're worried it even coming up could destroy all chance of a cdl. How does it usually go with a suboxone prescription? Thanks in advance for all your info and help
In my office you would need a clearance letter to pass the physical if on suboxone. Many doctors will disqualify immediately if taking it however
DOT 5 panel they dont test for that
I'm on subs and it does show up on drug test. What I did was just get a note saying your under the care of a Dr. And that should help
@@2SIKE no way it shows on a 5 panel test tho I've taken many and never had a problem with subs bro
@@2SIKE I even was on probation for whole year and never popped for subs so idk what kinda special tests you took but I've never had a problem with them and I took a 5panel piss test a year ago and was still on subs and passed with flying colors bro
What about if you smoke 1 time
Literally one blunt no more like 4-5 puffs
@quantypeshitq.t.s3550 I'm in the same boat, but no one answers the one time usage question for some reason. I'm screwed.😅
3 days
I passed at drug test in 9 days smoked my ass off. Started smoking again and quit now I’m a month in and still failing lol fml
after two month of quiting meth ..am i still positive for hair drug test??
You are joking right...
Hey doc. Really enjoy watching your videos. I have one specific question. Does drinking alcohol affect with thc the detox? (I only drink once a week)
There is no direct evidence of this but I would assume that it might because the alcohol needs to also be metabolized.
What happens if you took a old prescription and tested positive? Will it disqualify you?
yes, it would likely be a recorded as a positive test
@@EasyDOTPhysicalshow long does it take for a couple of bowl hits to leave the body?
What if you eaten roughly 3 to 4 edibles low it’s been about 3 1/2 going on four weeks and what if you’ve tested at with an at-home test negative or what appear to be -2 lines, but one was darker than the other
I used the link to buy the drug test and the website charged my card twice.
Question: I've smoked a few joints 3 weeks ago prior to that nothing .. would i come out clean or worry?? Im 5,5 165lb..53yrs i ride a bike practically every day??.
So i quit smoking march 12 im 6.1 255 i brought at home test been testing for months still posotive i tested again in in june got a faint line then i did another got a faint line i wanna go back to work this is for cdl any insights would be appreciated thank you
Dude I'm 5'10 180 a heavy user stopped in February and I'm still testing positive...I don't get it
@@koolaidjammerz91yeah man it's crazy gonna go test tomorrow I been taking alot of at home test
Dr. Nuesse, Question: Does that also applies to a Rapid Drug Test (saliva tests)? or Is it the same amount of time as a urine test to be clean?
Saliva is usually cake, 24hrs
How about a daily user (1 times a day), and stop for 1 week with straight exersice running and drink much water, would it be pass for urine test ?
Being fat sucks i can never win
I smoked for a whole week about 2 weeks ago. Before that I had been clean for months. I’m 5.10” 150lbs and have around 10% body fat. Do you think I’d pass because I have one coming up?
Did u pass
So I stopped smoking like august of last year...like 3 week ago I hit a blunt like 2 time 2 days in a row chilling with this girl...now im getting a new job and they hair test im a nervous reck...im temped to get test before hand so i dont mess this up...think ill pass?
My worry is that the labcorp does a test lower than 50. I can get a faint line for 50 but not passing 15 or 20nl. Have one week left. Its been 27 days...
Drink a quick Carbo 32 and about three bottles of water the morning of test and pee five or six times and you will be fine
Hey, updates did you pass?? I've also been receiving faint lines on my home tests??
@@AliAli-bc5ir they still haven't called me back. Was last Thursday when I took the test but the holiday weekend is probably why. Faint line is still a pass tho on the home tests
Keep us updated cuzzo 😅 same boat but I got 2.5 weeks left till I test gettin nervous 😂
@@MichaelPittmanJr. Any luck on results buddy?
If you take 2 small hits of thc 1s in a month and your very invested in cardio and gym. How long will it last?
I have several videos on this
2 days
Smoked last Sunday for the first time. Two puffs. That's it. Now a job I want called and is fast tracking the hiring process, i.e. drug testing. Yay, and I'm a fatty. I'm screwed.😅
No, you good
@@Roquea.207 i accidentally ate half a pot brownie but have never done anything in my life not even regular smoking...i have a test in 3weeks for UAE visa will it be possible to pass?!
tell me something that i already don't know
I'm at day 75 and still tests positive...... Yeah
Hey Doc I took a genius thc pill in February. Haven’t smoke before then and haven’t smoked after. Do I have a chance of passing hair follicle test?
There's always a chance
Get a short haircut buzz it all down
@JJDoggie if you have a buzzcut, then they will pluck a nose hair from deep in your nostril.
Can I detox over the weekend and pass?
It's hard to pass that soon best thing to help is activated charcoal 10 gram's 3 time's a day before each meal papain enzymes with it lot's of clean water good luck
Hey look for my comment on the vid
Ima light user I only hit onces in that’s it
CBD is legal in most states. I was 100% THC clean.. Had not smoked for a year. I used some CBD gummies and tested hot for THC with a home test.
My question is.. If CBD is legal, can jobs fail you for the trace amounts of THC for using a legal product?
Yes they can
Alot of test can't tell how much THC is in your system. If you have any THC in your system it will just show up as positive.