I do know one thing though,the ten commandments were given to Moses in the old covenant,Jesus made a new covenant with his blood, bringing us closer to God and he also gave us ,"A New commandment! (John 13:34),,so if we love one another than we are in the clear....the ten commandments are guidelines or warnings...peace y'all...one Love❤
@@JohnEricho-wj8zrJesus was deceived by the evil through Scriptures.. Oh Sabbath keeper, yupla againstim Jesus go na puttim em lo hand blo birua na ol hangamapim em na nau yupla still mekim same samting stap.. No one is blind here..!! What did Jesus said, Simple, (John 3:5) Unless a man is born of the water and the Spirit cannot enter God's kingdom.. (John 4:24) God is spirit. So the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth...
@@ignatiusdau3897 I would say Amen to most of the comments let's praise, honour and give thanks to our God for a simple and perfect plan of salvation through JESUS CHRIST our LORD and KING.lusim church doctrine or whatever it is.Preach Gospel of CHRIST.
Colossians 2:16-17 Let no one judge you in food or drink, or regarding a festival or new moon, or Sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the reality is Christ. Just give our life to Jesus and receive eternal life. Romans 6:23
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister. Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3. Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
Preach the good news about love peace and forgiveness.these are the things people must know and practice in their life's and not Sabbath, teach people to worship Jesus and God and live are holy life which Jesus teaches in the bible. Teach them about life after death.
What is good news, and who came up with that idea of good news. What is news? The news is something that recently happened, and what is good is something that is right. So when you put good and news together, you'll come up with recent right events. The meaning of good news is out of Bible context because Bible events are not new. Please stop using this word.
I totally agree. People are dying around us, either our families, friends or neighbours without Christ. We should preach Christ and his works, new life in Him. Direct people to Jesus our saviour, to follow him instead of debating which church is the true church. We are missing the mark . Study the scriptures properly and ask questions such as, who, why, what, when, and unpack, look at the history, the era when all these were recorded ,or written for what our and compare the old and the new Testament. The old Testament was a shadow of Christ fulfilling the in the new testament
To God be the Glory for his word which is live and active. Can someone please clear my doubt in which scripture does it say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday that now we say Saturday is the Sabbath day? During creation days the Bible only says first day, second day and so fourth and not Monday, Tuesday all the way to Saturday which we believe is the Sabbath day. Any day can be your Sabbath by worshipping him in truth and in spirit. Thank you and God bless us all.
@@covenantkeepers-q1h Bro highly appreciated the respond from you as fishers of men.However, my question is not answered but labelled as hypocrite which you are so judgemental which only Creator can judge and not us taking over God's work. My good brother in Christ God bless you and continue to do what
Few things to help us think. The question is (1) why Jesus Christ broke the sabbbart law while on earth, and said iam the God of sabbbart (2) Isnt Sabbart rest. Christ never rested on Saturday. He actually was working in spirit. For three days he was visiting the death and showing the death the way to the father. Christ rose on the third day and that's when he went to heaven. The place of eternal rest. The true Sabbart rest and not of Moses old covernant . Christ is the true Sabbart, God of Sabbart and the true rest. For instance, Christ said "Come to me all who have heavy burdans and you will find rest'. What rest does he refer to.? Heavenly rest with the father but you have to go true him and to the father. The aposels celebrated the feast by breaking the bread on the first day of the week because christ went to rest on the first day, the true Sabbart. The breaking of the bread is the interpretation of the jewish highest sacrifical worship of the lamb which Moses and others always do. Christ is the true lamb of God celebrated by breaking of bread and wine which melchisedek has done and so christ did and the oposels follow same. So the final question is (1), do we want to celebrate Christ death which he was alive in spirit and working for three days in hell or, (2) Celebrate christ biggest victory of all time by defeating the death and rose to heavily internal rest with the father on the first day. Toktok blo halpim thingting tasol. Cheers and God bless everyone.
@@GeoffreySikis Thank you for the inspirational message and God continue to bless you abundantly with his Word and you become blessing to us. God bless.
Sabbath Preacher: "Sabath tasol bai kisim yu go long haven." Answer: False: Sabath m wanpla commandment tasol apart from ol narapla 10 commandments. Before long time bilong moses long old testament. God m givim 10 commandments so people blong God need long following ogeta 10 commandments long go long haven na ino wanpla commandments tasol m Sabath. Lord jesus m lukim displa commandment osem m gudpla tasol planti man bai brukim na planti bai go long hell osem na m kam die long diwai cross na kisim onepla commandment tasol come bilong helpm yumi ogeta man meri long yumi noken lus lo hell. Displa commandment m Sunday pastor tok pinis long new testament long John 14: 6 “Jesus Christ m I rot bilong go inside long kingdom blong God, man I bilip long m tasol bai go inside long kingdom blong God.” Sabbath Preacher: "Sapos yu askim man no go lo lotu sapos yu bilip lo Jesus m bai tok m bilip long Jesus." Answer: False: atheist m ol line nogat any denomination na ol no save go lotu bcoz ol no bilip lo wanpla God including lord na savior blong yumi Christian lord Jesus Christ. Sabbath Preacher: "Yu askim any denomination, yu bilip long Jesus ol bai talk yes mi bilip long Jesus." Answer: False: Judaism denomination no bilip osem Jesus m messiah or pikini bilong God. Sabbath Preacher: "Wanpla liklik simple baby m lusim susu na stap 2 or 3 months m save long uncle Jesus." Answer: False: Jeremiah 1:5: God tokm Jeremiah osem b4 long yu born long bel blong mama, Mi save long yu pinis. God save long yumi tasol yumi no save long God before long yumi born. Answer: False: Galatians 6:7 m tok yumi noken makim mockery or funny long God. Sabath preacher usim name uncle lo addressim lord Jesus m mockery na God bai judgm m.
Sabbath is not on Saturday. Sabath is the 7th day of a week set aside to worship GOD. God mention in the bible that you have 6 days that you can work on BUT the 7th day is mine. He santifiy the 7th day and NOT Saturday. [Genesis 2:2-3]All days cycle are the same. Sun down to sun rise/evening and morning. The cyle is the same.[Genesis 1:1-31] There was no name of days. That is why God mention sun down to sun rise. After counting sun down to sun rise 6 times, one should known that the 7th one in the Sabbath [Genesis 2:2-3]. So as long as you set the 7th day of your week to worship God you fullfill the commandment. It is not Saturday. The Sabbath does not deal with Names of the Week but deals with Numbers [Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] [Genesis 2:2-3]because there is no difference in the days cycle. Sun down to sun rise were given names [Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday] by men and not God. I believe from the text it self, SDA and Sunday worshipers are correct. Sunday is the 7th day for Sunday Worhipers and Saturday is the 7th day for SDA.
@@pidikkaminiel9551 Thank you very much for the truth and that needs to be preached to all our people about the Sabbath day where it seems to be a hot topic on the streets of Papua New Guinean where some preachers are preaching about the Sabbath day and not the Word of God which is supposed to be preached. God bless you.
Kolesia 2:16,17 Olsem na yupela I no Ken larim 1pla man I sutim tok lo yupela,na tk yupela I no behanim law bilong kai2 na drink na ol law bilong ol bikpela day bilong ol lotu blo ol nupela mun na bilong day Sabat.17dispela samting ol I olsem ol piksa nothing bilong ol santing I laik kamap behain.Tasol CHRIST EM I SAMTING TRU ❤
If every body choses their own sabbath day, the world will be in terrible chaos, wouldn't it? God does things in order, He does NOT create confusion and disorder. Disorder and confusion is the work of the enemy. Be careful. God does not say something here and does something else there. He sanctified the 7th day in Eden[genesis], wrote it in tables of stone on sinai[exodus] and will be kept in the new earth[isaiah & revelation]. Heb 13:13
What does sabbath mean? Sabbath means rest. Do you really received that rest or you have just received the day which is just a shadow but the reality is in Christ Jesus
God created the world and rested on 7th day but God's work doesn't ends there. His son has to come and live among us and do his work and rose from dead and went to the father on the 1st day. He was showing us the way to the father to receive eternal rest. The true sabbbart. Christ wasn't resting on Friday after his death and even on Saturday. He was working in spirit for three days in Abraham bossom . Christ is the true sabbath. That is why he broke the sabbath law and said he was the God of sabbath. He was trying to open the eyes of the Jews and sift their focus to him and not of Moses and his covanant and laws.
What is the commandment Christ talked about. Sabbath keepers used this to justify their doctrine. Christ summed up the commandment which is to love God and love others. There's no condition in the salvation but Sabbath keppers come up with the condition that you have to keep a day (Saturday) Holy for you to enter Heaven. Devil is really cunning so be careful
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister. Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3. Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
These Pastors are misguided ...We need to pray more for them so they'll come to the truth... Instead of wasting our time debating whether which one is correct, why don't we just preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not religion😒 Come on PNG stop this nonsense practice and open your eyes
@@TombalSumbo Where does it says that Sabbath is the church. Keep on fooling yourself. On the otherhand , All Christian churches probably worship on the wrong days. Go back to Genesis and work it out yourself. How does a day starts. One day too late.
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister. Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3. Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
When He was brought back to life, He was given all the authority of everything. In Mark 2:28 reads - THEREFORE THE SON OF MAN IS LORD " EVEN OF THE SABBATH". so why going back and forth with every scripture when it is being said very clearly to us that even He(JESUS) is the Lord of the Sabbath. For God has given us all free will to choose between good and evil so it all depends on what you choose. Simple, evil for hell fire and doing good with all your heart for everlasting life. Thank you and God bless you all.🙏👋
@SkabaSabadi-cx6zr Lord means Owner ,are we going to worhship the Lord of the Sabbath and preach about him and his Kingdom or Are we going to Still preaching about Sabbath and Ten Commandments and not SALVATION????
Exodus 12 : 16 - The First Day and the Last Day (6th and 7th Day) is the Day of Worship. STREET Preachers, are the ones that CONTEMPTS all other Sanday Worshipers (We are NOT Worshiping SUN God - we did NOT paint a SUN Picture and kneel down and worship it). Street Preachers, they are HYPOCRITES. Bible says DO NOT, judge people, I am the ONLY one will Charged people. Meaning He CREATED us, He alone will Charge. PREACHED, SALVATION Message. 🙏
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister. Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3. Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
@NMX-x2h the ten commandments has been already broken by Sabbath Keepers from the time of Moses, Sabbath Keepers made false God and Worship while waiting for Moses. God bless you brother, don't talk about ten commandments because ten commandments has been already thorn up by Moses, Jesus didn’t mention ten commandments in The New Testament. He said those who worshipping him in Spirit and in truth Father seeks such not Sabbath Keepers, God bless you 🙏 ❤️
@@NMX-x2h brother Jesus ino meanim Ten commandments em tok lo Tupla newpla commandments. olgeta tenpla hangamap lo tupla ino tupla Law hagamap lo Tenpla Law.
@@NMX-x2h brata mi no nap bihainim lo but ba mi bihainim lek mark blo Jisas na Kisim Laip,Law bring Dai na Jisas bring Laip,Apostles Paul traipla SABBATH keeper man tok ,I consider all rubbish and I want to know Christ and I want to know the what power that raised him from the death
This SDA Preacher thinks, he is doing the right thing?? What he is saying is that, Those of who you're worshipping on Sunday or any other days will not enter the kindom of God. So he is saying that man who wrote most of the new testament bible will not enter the kingdom of heaven, He's name is Apostle Paul, He preached the gosple and share break and wine as to remember Jesus's body and blood, this is call communion and it was on the first day of the week, which is Sunday.reference bible verse is Acts 20:7. Point 2. Those of us who worship on Sunday , We worship Jesus Christ, if you can preach and ask such disturbing questions like, Do you really know Jesus amd etc.. I want to tell you this, How and Why Would I waste my time worship him, if I don't know Jesus Christ. It is common sense...Jesus the Son of God, the Savior and the Salvation, the truth, the way and the life....without him you have no place in God's Kingdom....that is who Jesus is, was and will be forever. John 14:15, if you love me, keep my commandments. It does not means the ten commandments, Read the bible carefully and understand before you preach to the people, otherwise you mislead many souls, Jesus talks about his teachings and his ways of doing the ministry... His teachings and commandments are: Love God, Love your neighbors, give to the poor, help one and other, forgive those who do evil to you and etc.....this are his commandments and Jesus is the new covenant and his teachings and commandments are the one which will guide you to the Father.......Not Sabbath.
@estherpaulus318 I don't commit adultery because I fear being stoned to death or hellfire. No, it's because I love all men and women as Christ loves me. That's what writing the law on the heart means. Love being the motivation for keeping the law..not fear. That's the new covenant. And it does not nullify the keeping of the law..but fulfills.
He's doing the right thing. He's answering a question raised by and elderly person from a Sunday Church! My dear, some truths will hurt you and if this one does, please learnt from it. (1 Tim 3.16) All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for teaching, correcting rebuking etc...so it is my prayer that you will know the truth and be set free from the Master Deceiver. ❤
Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation. Keeping the Sabbath is irrelevant to salvation.
True the day after the full moon is the first day and also the Julian calendar we're using is not the calendar that was used in those days and yet were fighting over Sabbath as if our facts are correct We are truly blinded by religion
Amen 🙏 For those of you who argue about Ten Commandments (4th is Sabbath keeping Commandment). Listen, God will judge everyone, the devil 😈 Satan and his angels and the wicked people will be judged by the law of liberty. The ten commandments is the law of liberty. If we continue argue that means we are only fight against God our Creator Father in heaven. What did Jesus says_John 14:15 💯 Mathew 5:17-19🙏💯 Exo20:8-11💯 Eccl12:13🙏💯 1Jn3:4💯 Thanks 🙏
Thank you lord jesus 🙏 for this SDA pastor sharing messages quotes from the bible chapter and verse,I thought I know Jesus without these bible verses, thank you, thank you for the very important message.Amen
Street Preachers stop contradicting the WORD of the LORD. John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD and the word was with God and word was GOD himself. Only believe in the Lord's word not a preacher nor a Pastor. God Holy.
So God had a grandson, Jesus is God we are his children taking care of his children the Bible is the only book that speaks about one man who has children from Generation to generation.
Do not add to the finish work of Christ on the cross. Jesus is the Sabbath. Therefore, When we receive Jesus Christ as our personal saviour, we find rest (Sabbath) in Him . Do not add or take away. Do not misinterpret the scriptures. Study well before you preach unnecessary doctrine.
You are not saved by LAW by observing Sabath. You are saved by Grace through the Death and Reserrection of King Of Kings and the Lord Of Lords Jesus Christ. John Ch 14, Vs 6. No one, No one will enter the Kingdom of GOD through believing in Sabath but through Jesus Christ. Jesus says, He is the Lord of the Sabath.(Math Ch 12,Vs 1 - 8.) Apostle Paul's Letter to Colossians will give you perfect understanding, Colossians Ch 2, Vs 13 - 17. Sabbath Preacher is deceiving people. He is quoting scriptures regarding the Law but is far away from GOD's Saving Grace through his son Jesus Christ. GOD Bless.
Yupla inap long debate over Sabath. Yumi bai go lapun, skin wrinkle, sik, grey hair na kela tu na yet yumi debate yet long Sabbath day. Ol white man trikim yumi stap na yumi yet kros na ol waitman laf long yumi stap. Yumi need long under stadim ol Asian kantris how ol stap na lotu.
That was in Wewak, I saw the guy preaching at market area but coming back to point, let's not preach the day or our church, church nonap ksim man go lo heaven. Preach the word and word alone.
Quest to any Sabath keeper; 1- if jisas die long Friday na slip 3 days and night long grave, how em kirap long Sunday?Which is like 1 and half day spent in the grave? Na upla claiming Saturday as the Sabath? 2-If Sabath keeping Bai kisim you go long heaven how na jisas yet brukim Sabath, na bible tok em no sin? 3-Is Sabath mean to rest from physical labour or sin? Please any sda remnant can clarify. Thank you
Bro it's clear you didn't explain 1John 2 properly, the commandment here has nothing to do with Saturday, the commandment in 1 John 2 is actually talking about carrying one another's burden which unfolds "LOVE", All the others are fulfilled in this one thing. So you can't say that if a man don't keep Saturday holy he will not enter the kingdom, who told you that?? That's a cooked up theology of yours and blinding people. Love for God's people will qualify you into the Kingdom of God, because God is LOVE, and GOD is expressed through LOVE, NOT YOUR your theology.
Sabbath is defined as the day of worship. Sunday is the day of worship too! Why Saturday and Sunday worshipers are arguing? It's more like someone is trying to get more power.
Anyday you can keep it holy,not only on Saturday. The day that you are keeping it holy is your sabbath. Sabbath is not the other name of Saturday. Saturday is the name of a day but sabbath is a language meaning a day you keep it holy/in silence with God Almighty
Thanks. Truth. How can we apply that? What is truth? What is Kingdom? Two gospels. 1. The gospel of Jesus Christ 2 The gospel of what Jesus preached. Can we define these ????
John:9.16 Some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath." But others asked, "How can a sinner do such miraculous signs?" So they were divided. My lord was accused of not keeping the Sabbath, So the accusers was now active....
Colossians 2:16 "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day". Colossians 2:17 "These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ". The Old Testament speaks for the Israelites and not us Gentiles. Then, there were 613 commandments given to them, which they had to keep to please God and not just the 10. We have to understand this.
Yangpla man Show off lo save na smartness blo u stp.Jesus killed because lo sabbath..Jesus ikinini blo God brukim sabbath na ol i kilim em.So upla sabbath keeprs going for sabbath not for Chriest..John 14.15.Talks about Love not the sabbath.Love was His great commandment apart from other Laws..Galasin5.14.Now a days yangpla ken winim lapun lo save saigo preaching, but they never do the action..Don't confused people. Specify Chriests commandment to people clearly..Simply meaning Sabbath or Love..Thank you.
It's not the command of ten laws that Jesus was talking about. Jesus was referring to the 2 commands: love God and love others where all the commands are hanged into
Amen😀God bless you❤The Bible is very very clear and its return in english and not in Japanese language,so we could argue or have doubts.We know that the scripture says in 2 timothy 3:16..read please, so if you are going against ,then ,that means you need no one .You want to leave on your own,yes God has given us the power of Choice ,So we should take this seriously as a correction,and put our choices 👉right with God.We must be perfect ,just as Christ is perfect.😊Thanks bro and I hope to follow you to spread the Gospel Amen.
Jesus himself is the Lord over Sabbath.
Yes but why does he say that?
I do know one thing though,the ten commandments were given to Moses in the old covenant,Jesus made a new covenant with his blood, bringing us closer to God and he also gave us ,"A New commandment! (John 13:34),,so if we love one another than we are in the clear....the ten commandments are guidelines or warnings...peace y'all...one Love❤
Jesus came not to change any laws but to fulfil the laws 🙏
Hebrew 8:13👍🏻
Well said..
Matthew 22:36-40
Colossians 2:16
[16]Then never let anyone criticise you for what you eat or drink, or about observance of annual festivals, New Moons or Sabbaths.
This is not about the 7th Sabbath. You are reading out of context.
@JohnEricho-wj8zr you are misleading souls
@@JohnEricho-wj8zrJesus was deceived by the evil through Scriptures..
Oh Sabbath keeper, yupla againstim Jesus go na puttim em lo hand blo birua na ol hangamapim em na nau yupla still mekim same samting stap..
No one is blind here..!!
What did Jesus said,
Simple, (John 3:5)
Unless a man is born of the water and the Spirit cannot enter God's kingdom..
(John 4:24)
God is spirit. So the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth...
@@philimonpalaDo you really understand John 14:24 to worship God in spirit and truth?
@@ignatiusdau3897 I would say Amen to most of the comments let's praise, honour and give thanks to our God for a simple and perfect plan of salvation through JESUS CHRIST our LORD and KING.lusim church doctrine or whatever it is.Preach Gospel of CHRIST.
Colossians 2:16-17
Let no one judge you in food or drink, or regarding a festival or new moon, or Sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the reality is Christ.
Just give our life to Jesus and receive eternal life.
Romans 6:23
Not even a pastor can keep the sabbath holy
Your worship is everyday...holiness is kept everyday....not Saturday only...
@Peterson-m6o you are still lost.
@@jamiedodinahhh your lost.
Amen. That's the simple truth that will enable us to enter the Kingdom of God.
Yes indeed Sabbath won't take us into the kingdom,
And he just believe in Jesus but Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments period 🙏
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister.
Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3.
Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them.
Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
If a Muslims debates with him, clearly he will join him immediately..🤦
Preach the good news about love peace and forgiveness.these are the things people must know and practice in their life's and not Sabbath, teach people to worship Jesus and God and live are holy life which Jesus teaches in the bible. Teach them about life after death.
You really need to read the Bible and understand it properly.
What is good news, and who came up with that idea of good news. What is news? The news is something that recently happened, and what is good is something that is right. So when you put good and news together, you'll come up with recent right events. The meaning of good news is out of Bible context because Bible events are not new. Please stop using this word.
I totally agree. People are dying around us, either our families, friends or neighbours without Christ. We should preach Christ and his works, new life in Him. Direct people to Jesus our saviour, to follow him instead of debating which church is the true church. We are missing the mark . Study the scriptures properly and ask questions such as, who, why, what, when, and unpack, look at the history, the era when all these were recorded ,or written for what our and compare the old and the new Testament. The old Testament was a shadow of Christ fulfilling the in the new testament
To God be the Glory for his word which is live and active.
Can someone please clear my doubt in which scripture does it say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday that now we say Saturday is the Sabbath day?
During creation days the Bible only says first day, second day and so fourth and not Monday, Tuesday all the way to Saturday which we believe is the Sabbath day.
Any day can be your Sabbath by worshipping him in truth and in spirit.
Thank you and God bless us all.
Yu tu 1pka hypocrites askim osem longx2 stp pray lo yu yet na stp church nonap bring yu lo heaven,
@@covenantkeepers-q1h Bro highly appreciated the respond from you as fishers of men.However, my question is not answered but
labelled as hypocrite which you are so judgemental which only Creator can judge and not us taking over God's work.
My good brother in Christ God bless you and continue to do what
Few things to help us think. The question is (1) why Jesus Christ broke the sabbbart law while on earth, and said iam the God of sabbbart (2) Isnt Sabbart rest. Christ never rested on Saturday. He actually was working in spirit. For three days he was visiting the death and showing the death the way to the father. Christ rose on the third day and that's when he went to heaven. The place of eternal rest. The true Sabbart rest and not of Moses old covernant . Christ is the true Sabbart, God of Sabbart and the true rest. For instance, Christ said "Come to me all who have heavy burdans and you will find rest'. What rest does he refer to.? Heavenly rest with the father but you have to go true him and to the father. The aposels celebrated the feast by breaking the bread on the first day of the week because christ went to rest on the first day, the true Sabbart. The breaking of the bread is the interpretation of the jewish highest sacrifical worship of the lamb which Moses and others always do. Christ is the true lamb of God celebrated by breaking of bread and wine which melchisedek has done and so christ did and the oposels follow same. So the final question is (1), do we want to celebrate Christ death which he was alive in spirit and working for three days in hell or, (2) Celebrate christ biggest victory of all time by defeating the death and rose to heavily internal rest with the father on the first day. Toktok blo halpim thingting tasol. Cheers and God bless everyone.
@@GeoffreySikis Thank you for the inspirational message and God continue to bless you abundantly with his Word and you become blessing to us.
God bless.
Brother thanks for the message May God bless you
Sabbath is not Saturday or Sunday or days. It speaks deeper than just day. It speaks of God's presence.
Yeah you right ❤
Planti SDA no sawe keepim Sabbath day holy
Em true ol sa talk without action 🤝
Every denomination and church has its doctrines. So they comply
Sabbath Preacher: "Sabath tasol bai kisim yu go long haven."
Answer: False: Sabath m wanpla commandment tasol apart from ol narapla 10 commandments. Before long time bilong moses long old testament. God m givim 10 commandments so people blong God need long following ogeta 10 commandments long go long haven na ino wanpla commandments tasol m Sabath. Lord jesus m lukim displa commandment osem m gudpla tasol planti man bai brukim na planti bai go long hell osem na m kam die long diwai cross na kisim onepla commandment tasol come bilong helpm yumi ogeta man meri long yumi noken lus lo hell. Displa commandment m Sunday pastor tok pinis long new testament long John 14: 6 “Jesus Christ m I rot bilong go inside long kingdom blong God, man I bilip long m tasol bai go inside long kingdom blong God.”
Sabbath Preacher: "Sapos yu askim man no go lo lotu sapos yu bilip lo Jesus m bai tok m bilip long Jesus."
Answer: False: atheist m ol line nogat any denomination na ol no save go lotu bcoz ol no bilip lo wanpla God including lord na savior blong yumi Christian lord Jesus Christ.
Sabbath Preacher: "Yu askim any denomination, yu bilip long Jesus ol bai talk yes mi bilip long Jesus."
Answer: False: Judaism denomination no bilip osem Jesus m messiah or pikini bilong God.
Sabbath Preacher: "Wanpla liklik simple baby m lusim susu na stap 2 or 3 months m save long uncle Jesus."
Answer: False: Jeremiah 1:5: God tokm Jeremiah osem b4 long yu born long bel blong mama, Mi save long yu pinis. God save long yumi tasol yumi no save long God before long yumi born.
Answer: False: Galatians 6:7 m tok yumi noken makim mockery or funny long God. Sabath preacher usim name uncle lo addressim lord Jesus m mockery na God bai judgm m.
Sabbath is not on Saturday. Sabath is the 7th day of a week set aside to worship GOD. God mention in the bible that you have 6 days that you can work on BUT the 7th day is mine. He santifiy the 7th day and NOT Saturday. [Genesis 2:2-3]All days cycle are the same. Sun down to sun rise/evening and morning. The cyle is the same.[Genesis 1:1-31] There was no name of days. That is why God mention sun down to sun rise. After counting sun down to sun rise 6 times, one should known that the 7th one in the Sabbath [Genesis 2:2-3]. So as long as you set the 7th day of your week to worship God you fullfill the commandment. It is not Saturday. The Sabbath does not deal with Names of the Week but deals with Numbers [Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] [Genesis 2:2-3]because there is no difference in the days cycle. Sun down to sun rise were given names [Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday] by men and not God. I believe from the text it self, SDA and Sunday worshipers are correct. Sunday is the 7th day for Sunday Worhipers and Saturday is the 7th day for SDA.
Thank you very much for the truth and that needs to be preached to all our people about the Sabbath day where it seems to be a hot topic on the streets of Papua New Guinean where some preachers are preaching about the Sabbath day and not the Word of God which is supposed to be preached.
God bless you.
Sabbath na Sunday Bai nonap karim you go lo heaven, arim gut. Lotu strong believe lo God 3 in one na by you go lo heaven
Kolesia 2:16,17
Olsem na yupela I no Ken larim 1pla man I sutim tok lo yupela,na tk yupela I no behanim law bilong kai2 na drink na ol law bilong ol bikpela day bilong ol lotu blo ol nupela mun na bilong day Sabat.17dispela samting ol I olsem ol piksa nothing bilong ol santing I laik kamap behain.Tasol CHRIST EM I SAMTING TRU ❤
If every body choses their own sabbath day, the world will be in terrible chaos, wouldn't it? God does things in order, He does NOT create confusion and disorder. Disorder and confusion is the work of the enemy. Be careful.
God does not say something here and does something else there.
He sanctified the 7th day in Eden[genesis], wrote it in tables of stone on sinai[exodus] and will be kept in the new earth[isaiah & revelation].
Heb 13:13
@pidikkaminiel9551 no bro it doesn't work like that. God works in order. What you propose is disorderliness and confusion. Think again.
That's the best explanation that I've ever heard 💯🙏
Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. Papa you tok tru.
What does sabbath mean? Sabbath means rest. Do you really received that rest or you have just received the day which is just a shadow but the reality is in Christ Jesus
Amen 🙏
Amen with your answer
God created the world and rested on 7th day but God's work doesn't ends there. His son has to come and live among us and do his work and rose from dead and went to the father on the 1st day. He was showing us the way to the father to receive eternal rest. The true sabbbart. Christ wasn't resting on Friday after his death and even on Saturday. He was working in spirit for three days in Abraham bossom . Christ is the true sabbath. That is why he broke the sabbath law and said he was the God of sabbath. He was trying to open the eyes of the Jews and sift their focus to him and not of Moses and his covanant and laws.
What is the commandment Christ talked about. Sabbath keepers used this to justify their doctrine. Christ summed up the commandment which is to love God and love others. There's no condition in the salvation but Sabbath keppers come up with the condition that you have to keep a day (Saturday) Holy for you to enter Heaven. Devil is really cunning so be careful
God bless you, preacher. God will continue to fill you with the wisdom of truth and use you for His glory. I am blessed with your answers.
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister.
Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3.
Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them.
Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
These Pastors are misguided ...We need to pray more for them so they'll come to the truth... Instead of wasting our time debating whether which one is correct, why don't we just preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not religion😒 Come on PNG stop this nonsense practice and open your eyes
The preacher is totally a lier, becoz he doesn't not even keep the law. Don't act like a holy person
Brother that's really nice.god bless you 🙏 and keep going on that... sabbath is the real church of god.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ God bless you...
@@TombalSumbo Where does it says that Sabbath is the church. Keep on fooling yourself. On the otherhand , All Christian churches probably worship on the wrong days. Go back to Genesis and work it out yourself. How does a day starts. One day too late.
Sabbath is not the Church, Sabbath is the day of WORSHIP.
Get this meaning right.
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister.
Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3.
Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them.
Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
When He was brought back to life, He was given all the authority of everything. In Mark 2:28 reads - THEREFORE THE SON OF MAN IS LORD " EVEN OF THE SABBATH". so why going back and forth with every scripture when it is being said very clearly to us that even He(JESUS) is the Lord of the Sabbath. For God has given us all free will to choose between good and evil so it all depends on what you choose. Simple, evil for hell fire and doing good with all your heart for everlasting life. Thank you and God bless you all.🙏👋
@SkabaSabadi-cx6zr Lord means Owner ,are we going to worhship the Lord of the Sabbath and preach about him and his Kingdom or Are we going to Still preaching about Sabbath and Ten Commandments and not SALVATION????
Amen simply the are lost there is no space for them in their church so that's why they seek opportunity on the street.
Exodus 12 : 16 - The First Day and the Last Day (6th and 7th Day) is the Day of Worship.
STREET Preachers, are the ones that CONTEMPTS all other Sanday Worshipers (We are NOT Worshiping SUN God - we did NOT paint a SUN
Picture and kneel down and worship it). Street Preachers, they are HYPOCRITES. Bible says DO NOT, judge people, I am the ONLY one will Charged people. Meaning He CREATED us, He alone will Charge. PREACHED, SALVATION Message. 🙏
Preach about gospel of Jesus Christ who died for our sins and not Sabbath and Sunday
God really bless you man of God 🙏🙏🙏
Please Read and understand all chapters in the BIBLE properly before minister.
Okay Lets read Mathew 12:1-11, Mark 2:23-28 & Luke 6:1-3.
Mat 12:1 At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them.
Mat 12:2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath." Mat 12:3 He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?Mat 12:4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread--which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.Mat 12:5 Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? Mat 12:6 I tell you that one greater than the temple is here. Mat 12:7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent. Mat 12:8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
Nogat wanpla day ba kisim yu go lo heaven, bikpla samtin osem you believe lo Jesus Christ na bihain ten commandments blem.
@NMX-x2h the ten commandments has been already broken by Sabbath Keepers from the time of Moses, Sabbath Keepers made false God and Worship while waiting for Moses. God bless you brother, don't talk about ten commandments because ten commandments has been already thorn up by Moses, Jesus didn’t mention ten commandments in The New Testament. He said those who worshipping him in Spirit and in truth Father seeks such not Sabbath Keepers, God bless you 🙏 ❤️
@mykeyboten9460 you wrong, you won't enter the kingdom of heaven if you don't follow the ten commandments My friend
@@NMX-x2h brother Jesus ino meanim Ten commandments em tok lo Tupla newpla commandments. olgeta tenpla hangamap lo tupla ino tupla Law hagamap lo Tenpla Law.
@mykeyboten9460 ya.but these two laws are, love your brothers as you love yourself.thats it, that covers all the laws
@@NMX-x2h brata mi no nap bihainim lo but ba mi bihainim lek mark blo Jisas na Kisim Laip,Law bring Dai na Jisas bring Laip,Apostles Paul traipla SABBATH keeper man tok ,I consider all rubbish and I want to know Christ and I want to know the what power that raised him from the death
Thank you God amen open the truth
Papa yu rait...
Keeping the commandment is love, and love is the greatest commandment, not a ten commandment
This sabbath pastor is misleading the people.
Sabbath was never made for man. Man was made for Sabbath.
This SDA Preacher thinks, he is doing the right thing?? What he is saying is that, Those of who you're worshipping on Sunday or any other days will not enter the kindom of God. So he is saying that man who wrote most of the new testament bible will not enter the kingdom of heaven, He's name is Apostle Paul, He preached the gosple and share break and wine as to remember Jesus's body and blood, this is call communion and it was on the first day of the week, which is Sunday.reference bible verse is Acts 20:7. Point 2. Those of us who worship on Sunday , We worship Jesus Christ, if you can preach and ask such disturbing questions like, Do you really know Jesus amd etc.. I want to tell you this, How and Why Would I waste my time worship him, if I don't know Jesus Christ. It is common sense...Jesus the Son of God, the Savior and the Salvation, the truth, the way and the life....without him you have no place in God's Kingdom....that is who Jesus is, was and will be forever. John 14:15, if you love me, keep my commandments. It does not means the ten commandments, Read the bible carefully and understand before you preach to the people, otherwise you mislead many souls, Jesus talks about his teachings and his ways of doing the ministry... His teachings and commandments are: Love God, Love your neighbors, give to the poor, help one and other, forgive those who do evil to you and etc.....this are his commandments and Jesus is the new covenant and his teachings and commandments are the one which will guide you to the Father.......Not Sabbath.
@estherpaulus318 I don't commit adultery because I fear being stoned to death or hellfire. No, it's because I love all men and women as Christ loves me.
That's what writing the law on the heart means. Love being the motivation for keeping the law..not fear.
That's the new covenant. And it does not nullify the keeping of the law..but fulfills.
He's doing the right thing. He's answering a question raised by and elderly person from a Sunday Church! My dear, some truths will hurt you and if this one does, please learnt from it. (1 Tim 3.16) All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for teaching, correcting rebuking etc...so it is my prayer that you will know the truth and be set free from the Master Deceiver.
Amen.. this people are born from lies and will always speak lies no truth in them.
Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
Keeping the Sabbath is irrelevant to salvation.
Salvation is not about the commandments.
True the day after the full moon is the first day and also the Julian calendar we're using is not the calendar that was used in those days and yet were fighting over Sabbath as if our facts are correct
We are truly blinded by religion
For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the Law, but under grace.
Romans 6:14
Amen to the word of 'God as it speak
Excellent response from the SDA Pastor
Salvation is not promised on the day Sunday or Saturday.Salvation is promised in Gospel.What is the meaning of Gospel? Galatians 3:8.
Amen 🙏
For those of you who argue about Ten Commandments (4th is Sabbath keeping Commandment). Listen, God will judge everyone, the devil 😈 Satan and his angels and the wicked people will be judged by the law of liberty.
The ten commandments is the law of liberty.
If we continue argue that means we are only fight against God our Creator Father in heaven.
What did Jesus says_John 14:15 💯
Mathew 5:17-19🙏💯
Thanks 🙏
The truth will set us free,, not knowing that we will keep it holy and enter the kingdom of God.
Thank you lord jesus 🙏 for this SDA pastor sharing messages quotes from the bible chapter and verse,I thought I know Jesus without these bible verses, thank you, thank you for the very important message.Amen
Uncle Jesus 😂😂😂😂😂 wonem lonlong ya. Husait recruitim disla recruit ya😂😂😂
A stupid preacher who worship a day Saturday than Jesus Christ who is GOD.
Em wanpla nupla graduate yah hahaha. Ol Apo bai understand.
Street Preachers stop contradicting the WORD of the LORD. John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD and the word was with God and word was GOD himself.
Only believe in the Lord's word not a preacher nor a Pastor. God Holy.
Well explanation Sunday pastor
Jesus is not talking about ten commanment he is talking about his commanment of love one another. His new commanment.
Uncle Jesus?? First time to hear this.
Bro true I kinda had my eyes n mouth open in awe,,,😂😂...Bata Jesus sound better which is right..
So God had a grandson, Jesus is God we are his children taking care of his children the Bible is the only book that speaks about one man who has children from Generation to generation.
@rexenai2197 he discriminate the name of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords .
Amen and Amen brother 🙏 ❤
Gospel truth, Jesus will be with you even unto the end of the world 🌎.
Love the interpretation ❤❤
The more we think we know, we tend to forget our place and pass judgements.
Sabbath is not the way..Jesus is the way 🙏
Harmony, peace and grace must prevail.Onu
Amen , TO GOD BE THE GLORY ,THY WILL BE DONE. Disobedience to the 10 Commandments will not enter the Kingdom of GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
Devil is smiling at you, both Pastors and your beloved CONFUSED CONGREGATION😂😂
When this begins to happen, it's evident enough that Jesus is coming very soon.
Exodus 20:8 Remember the SABBATH day to keep it HOLY
Do not add to the finish work of Christ on the cross. Jesus is the Sabbath. Therefore, When we receive Jesus Christ as our personal saviour, we find rest (Sabbath) in Him . Do not add or take away. Do not misinterpret the scriptures. Study well before you preach unnecessary doctrine.
Sabbath is the remarkable sign will stannd forever.. Amen
❤if you break one commandment, you break all .
Very well explained
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world as a testimony and the end will come.
Jesus givim wanpela commandment
Love one another. Moses givim ten commandment. No ken mixim.
@@Viewer1245-b3t read Mark 12:31, Jesus commandments has two parts , the first and the second. In plural "commandments".
The Sabbath is not made for SDA is made for God himself
Man is not justified by the law buy by faith in Jesus . Thanks for both of you
You are not saved by LAW by observing Sabath.
You are saved by Grace through the Death and Reserrection of King Of Kings and the Lord Of Lords Jesus Christ.
John Ch 14, Vs 6. No one, No one will enter the Kingdom of GOD through believing in Sabath but through Jesus Christ.
Jesus says, He is the Lord of the Sabath.(Math Ch 12,Vs 1 - 8.)
Apostle Paul's Letter to Colossians will give you perfect understanding, Colossians Ch 2, Vs 13 - 17.
Sabbath Preacher is deceiving people.
He is quoting scriptures regarding the Law but is far away from GOD's Saving Grace through his son Jesus Christ.
GOD Bless.
Yupla inap long debate over Sabath. Yumi bai go lapun, skin wrinkle, sik, grey hair na kela tu na yet yumi debate yet long Sabbath day. Ol white man trikim yumi stap na yumi yet kros na ol waitman laf long yumi stap. Yumi need long under stadim ol Asian kantris how ol stap na lotu.
Saturday is the Sabbath for SDA and Sunday is the Sabbath for Sunday worshippers
That was in Wewak, I saw the guy preaching at market area but coming back to point, let's not preach the day or our church, church nonap ksim man go lo heaven. Preach the word and word alone.
Very true indeed brother ❤❤
Quest to any Sabath keeper;
1- if jisas die long Friday na slip 3 days and night long grave, how em kirap long Sunday?Which is like 1 and half day spent in the grave? Na upla claiming Saturday as the Sabath?
2-If Sabath keeping Bai kisim you go long heaven how na jisas yet brukim Sabath, na bible tok em no sin?
3-Is Sabath mean to rest from physical labour or sin?
Please any sda remnant can clarify.
Thank you
Amen .....pray with you brother ❤
Sabbath or Sunday we still worship the same God.
Bro it's clear you didn't explain 1John 2 properly, the commandment here has nothing to do with Saturday, the commandment in 1 John 2 is actually talking about carrying one another's burden which unfolds "LOVE", All the others are fulfilled in this one thing.
So you can't say that if a man don't keep Saturday holy he will not enter the kingdom, who told you that?? That's a cooked up theology of yours and blinding people. Love for God's people will qualify you into the Kingdom of God, because God is LOVE, and GOD is expressed through LOVE, NOT YOUR your theology.
Jesus Christ is the lord of sabbath
Sabbath is defined as the day of worship. Sunday is the day of worship too! Why Saturday and Sunday worshipers are arguing? It's more like someone is trying to get more power.
Stop, preaching stupid things, let the people decide. You preach the good news
Anyday you can keep it holy,not only on Saturday. The day that you are keeping it holy is your sabbath. Sabbath is not the other name of Saturday. Saturday is the name of a day but sabbath is a language meaning a day you keep it holy/in silence with God Almighty
The law that is inspired by love and not the ten commandments.
Thanks. Truth. How can we apply that? What is truth? What is Kingdom? Two gospels. 1. The gospel of Jesus Christ 2 The gospel of what Jesus preached. Can we define these ????
True, IAM the way, the true and way ♥️♥️
Empty drums...
Some of the Pharisees said, "This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath." But others asked, "How can a sinner do such miraculous signs?" So they were divided.
My lord was accused of not keeping the Sabbath, So the accusers was now active....
Amen brethren thomas 🙏
Colossians 2:16
"Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day".
Colossians 2:17
"These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ".
The Old Testament speaks for the Israelites and not us Gentiles. Then, there were 613 commandments given to them, which they had to keep to please God and not just the 10. We have to understand this.
yu tok uncle Jesus yu criticizing the truth not your ten commandments, Jesus tok lo tupla commandments miss interpret the Gospel SDA preacher😢
Jesus is the boss of the sabbath, yes sabbath will not take you to heaven.
Not debate but question and answer. Toktok good.
Yangpla man Show off lo save na smartness blo u stp.Jesus killed because lo sabbath..Jesus ikinini blo God brukim sabbath na ol i kilim em.So upla sabbath keeprs going for sabbath not for Chriest..John 14.15.Talks about Love not the sabbath.Love was His great commandment apart from other Laws..Galasin5.14.Now a days yangpla ken winim lapun lo save saigo preaching, but they never do the action..Don't confused people. Specify Chriests commandment to people clearly..Simply meaning Sabbath or Love..Thank you.
It's not the command of ten laws that Jesus was talking about. Jesus was referring to the 2 commands: love God and love others where all the commands are hanged into
That Sunday PREACHER is 💯 correct
To be honest people the truth is already here you will only know when you are called by the Eternal God.
Amen😀God bless you❤The Bible is very very clear and its return in english and not in Japanese language,so we could argue or have doubts.We know that the scripture says in 2 timothy 3:16..read please, so if you are going against ,then ,that means you need no one .You want to leave on your own,yes God has given us the power of Choice ,So we should take this seriously as a correction,and put our choices 👉right with God.We must be perfect ,just as Christ is perfect.😊Thanks bro and I hope to follow you to spread the Gospel Amen.
Simple question
Which verses of the Bible says SABBATH is worship day??
Amen Bata
My brother love you in Jesus name, please can you explain to me in your own understanding regarding the cripture, Colossians chapter 2 vs 16 to 17.