The City Animal Tier List

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 13 тис.

  • @TierZoo
    @TierZoo  4 роки тому +2394

    Check out the video of the squirrel escaping the cat ambush here:

    • @user-ts1cx1py7s
      @user-ts1cx1py7s 4 роки тому +17

      The best escaper in the entire history of the game

    • @empele10
      @empele10 4 роки тому +38

      @@user-ts1cx1py7s Wow, is that squirrel OP? I gotta comfort my cat, she had no chance 😂

    • @user-ts1cx1py7s
      @user-ts1cx1py7s 4 роки тому +11

      @@empele10 of course ur cat have no chance because this squirrel is more overpowered than humans themselves he is a god tier

    • @empele10
      @empele10 4 роки тому +7

      @@user-ts1cx1py7s OMG.. Cat outsquirrelled by god tier, maybe I should change the title

    • @Steamed_Ananab
      @Steamed_Ananab 4 роки тому +3

      Yes, squirrels might need some nerfs for their speed

  • @adonisparts1343
    @adonisparts1343 4 роки тому +3886

    Tier zoo: "supremely valuable food"
    Supremely valuable food: *FLOOR PIZZA*

    • @keksidy
      @keksidy 4 роки тому +305

      Floor pizza gives you health

    • @MrSponge56
      @MrSponge56 4 роки тому +140

      The best of all the loot you can find brotha

    • @Zackthedalj
      @Zackthedalj 4 роки тому +336

      Gotta remember, human players are pretty much the only build in the game that cares about where its food is when its consumed. This is because their high INT stat has made them aware of the microbiome players.

    • @benderisgreat95able
      @benderisgreat95able 4 роки тому +93

      It's tons of energy compared to most wild foods.

    • @mnemophage
      @mnemophage 4 роки тому +166

      I mean, I'm a human main with the Disposable Income perk, and I'm going to at least consider floor pizza.

  • @purplehaze2358
    @purplehaze2358 4 роки тому +3432

    I feel like the reason TZ didn’t discuss arthropod builds is because they’d be too good and take up most of the top tiers.

    • @anglecringe6917
      @anglecringe6917 4 роки тому +341

      The city is just a human griefed biome change my mind

    • @buldockschannel1528
      @buldockschannel1528 4 роки тому +371

      Insect builds such as cockroaches, termites and ants would dominate the S tier and push other animals down.

    • @scyobiempire4450
      @scyobiempire4450 4 роки тому +44

      Buldock's Channel Solenopsis Invertica (Red Invasive Fire Ant) and the Argentine Ant would be the top of S Tier.

    • @ephemeraldream73
      @ephemeraldream73 4 роки тому +17

      @@anglecringe6917 human-griefing* biome

    • @37robinb
      @37robinb 4 роки тому +47

      @@anglecringe6917 Its more like dungeons built by human guilts to lure more players to join them.

  • @vlrginizer927
    @vlrginizer927 4 роки тому +4487

    "Monkey socializing with humans"
    Tierzoo: Shows a monkey drop kicking a person to oblivion*

    • @melonscumpthin8643
      @melonscumpthin8643 4 роки тому +272

      Diddy side special

    • @AnInsideJoke
      @AnInsideJoke 4 роки тому +384

      To be fair, he never said that they socialised WELL, or that the interactions were POSITIVE...

    • @zivior1090
      @zivior1090 4 роки тому +42

      That has me creasing

    • @Dillarune
      @Dillarune 4 роки тому +143

      wait, you're saying that's not how u socialize?

    • @themockingdragon135
      @themockingdragon135 4 роки тому +36

      Had me in tears.

  • @matthewspencer5548
    @matthewspencer5548 Рік тому +712

    The city meta is also the only biome where stats like charm and persuasion can actually be used to acquire loot, just find the right human and pass a few checks and you'll have a near constant stream of XP. Too many builds are sleeping on this strategy.

    • @CiromBreeze
      @CiromBreeze Рік тому +89

      That strategy can easily backfire, though - you'll need good mobility to get away if the human is intimidated or has a randomly-assigned phobia. Though looking charming and non-threatening is likely how some builds, especially birds, can get some easy EXP. Quite often you'll find human mains with food placed outside their house in a cage specfiically designed for wild birds to access.

    • @Ag3nt0fCha0s
      @Ag3nt0fCha0s Рік тому +43

      As a roach build I can’t benefit from this strat but I do see the value of it

    • @ianharrison5758
      @ianharrison5758 Рік тому

      Humans are apex predators that have no guarantee they won’t just send you back to the class selection, it’s a high risk high reward strat

    • @urmybiscuit
      @urmybiscuit 11 місяців тому +14

      Realistically only stray cats use this methos

    • @captainryusugi1128
      @captainryusugi1128 11 місяців тому +27

      @@urmybiscuit I have heard of fox builds also using it, especially in British servers.

  • @this_is_patrick
    @this_is_patrick 4 роки тому +744

    7:50 Doing a drive by on a hog while flying a helicopter is the most Texan thing a human player can do lmao.

    • @oddacity5883
      @oddacity5883 4 роки тому +65

      How much would you bet that one singular Florida man player has the highest hog player kills?

    • @52flyingbicycles
      @52flyingbicycles 4 роки тому +52

      Suprisingly, that’s actually how they do it in most places. Attacking them on the ground is too slow

    • @intraterrestrial5035
      @intraterrestrial5035 4 роки тому +40

      There's some good clips of invasive hog control on YT... it's brutal but necessary, hogs will tear up the land, eat anything, and attack everything including humans. Nevermind how quickly they reproduce.

    • @justinmielsch5936
      @justinmielsch5936 4 роки тому +3

      This is Patrick yup and it’s fun

    • @marinusprimus7785
      @marinusprimus7785 4 роки тому +4

      To be fair, you can pay to do this. It's a hell of a lot of fun

  • @abbemartensson3850
    @abbemartensson3850 4 роки тому +2140

    Killing a cat as a coyote is like PvPing someone just under your lvl but then his friend who is a nolife grinder with broken stats comes and oneshots you from nowhere.

    • @amided3816
      @amided3816 4 роки тому +120

      I can confirm that experience

    • @edgardtucson6291
      @edgardtucson6291 4 роки тому +162

      Well, due to the human's strong grabbing skill that can rip off limbs, that's surely very powerful. limbs smaller than the human's arms can be easily ripped off, as it takes most of the attacked animal's blood, the humans can also stomp a downed creature, inflicting skull damage or destroying organs like the heart, or lungs, so the humans are very OP in city meta.

    • @minyu613
      @minyu613 4 роки тому +87


    • @toniotrussardi8126
      @toniotrussardi8126 4 роки тому +94

      @Mutated Pearl i mean he isnt wrong,humans can defeat small to mid size players without any equip,altho using said equip can secure a quick elimination,fighting said small to mid tier palyers ,can end up on the human player getting rabies or any other disease,so its safer to use equip,sharp ones and long ranged are a really good choice

    • @deeznuts-kw6yv
      @deeznuts-kw6yv 4 роки тому +91

      Edgard Tucson bro, human mains can easily one shot coyotes without even approaching them, also they do have an item called "cellphone" which can give them access to a unique universal chat to call in higher leveled player with better items to basically one shot you with ease.

  • @shifu5020
    @shifu5020 3 роки тому +4011

    When a raccoon picks locks, it’s called “smart”.
    But when I pick locks, I get called, “trespassing” and “going to jail”.

  • @CMZneu
    @CMZneu Рік тому +2995

    Roaches have so much stealth that even TierZoo forgot to place them in S tier.

    • @Hawk1sdead
      @Hawk1sdead Рік тому +57

      Its an animal tier list

    • @SoraTheMye
      @SoraTheMye Рік тому +623

      @@Hawk1sdead so I’m guessing you don’t know roaches are apart of the class insecta which is apart of the phylum Arthropoda, which are, ya know, in the kingdom Animalia? Aka…animals….?

    • @Jarednet1
      @Jarednet1 Рік тому +220

      @@Hawk1sdead Bugs are animals

    • @sofiipote7
      @sofiipote7 Рік тому +238

      Too op, that's probably why they weren't mentioned. Or maybe because no one wants to watch footage of roaches running around and being all disgusting.

    • @nikhilhumane5540
      @nikhilhumane5540 Рік тому +44

      @@sofiipote7 that are so op, they might just survive a nuclear explosion given some equipment and good camping sites

  • @WhatTheFnu
    @WhatTheFnu 4 роки тому +19520

    Nothing will change the way you look at nature more than watching a seagull consume a rabbit whole.

  • @RealHankShill
    @RealHankShill 4 роки тому +1791

    Never underestimate the importance of the "cuteness" quality, when living around humans it can come in clutch. Similar to how the luck mechanic works, but with a combination of the charisma metric. Can really save your skin.

    • @Ryodraco
      @Ryodraco 3 роки тому +59

      @OHGAS protecting panda habitat means protecting lots of other creatures too, so it's worthwhile in that sense. Besides, pandas aren't even on the endangered list anymore.

    • @susballmapping9521
      @susballmapping9521 3 роки тому +18

      If you don’t opt into it when your main is endangered your a noob, basically gives you mass protection from the strongest build in the game

    • @lightning_bishop260
      @lightning_bishop260 3 роки тому +11

      Pandas are fine. *Koalas, however...*

    • @faust507
      @faust507 3 роки тому +3

      except if the class you chose is a human also, then you have to find a special variant called "kidnapper" or "fetish-kink gf/bf" which is really troublesome

    • @ADAJ342
      @ADAJ342 3 роки тому +7

      Sometimes literally, I remeber a human taking my skin when I was playing as a mustelid. It was NOT fun.

  • @MrTVx99
    @MrTVx99 4 роки тому +422

    8:24 holy shit that squirrel is so smart. The way it kept strafing left and right to create distance and reach the tree was the only way it could've made it out safely

    • @alexh2717
      @alexh2717 4 роки тому +56

      yeah that player probably plays alot of shooters too where you have to strafe left and right to dodge.

    • @LashknifeTalon
      @LashknifeTalon 4 роки тому +22

      @@alexh2717 As I recall there are a few builds that can utilize the strafe dodge strategy in this game, not just squirrels. Gazelles sometimes strafe left and right (while continuously moving forward) to throw off attackers' aim and tracking in PvP.

    • @DoubleTime53
      @DoubleTime53 4 роки тому +22

      Definitely much smarter than the squirrel at 8:50.

    • @Drekromancer
      @Drekromancer 4 роки тому +14

      I've never seen someone get jebaited that hard. He juked that cat into next *year.*

    • @bernardo8993
      @bernardo8993 4 роки тому +5

      bruh that cat's ankles are all the way in canada

  • @loganb7059
    @loganb7059 Рік тому +454

    I think another hidden ability that is very useful in city biomes is cuteness or appealability toward humans. It’s best not to be seen by them, but if you are seen as cute by them you may be able to collect additional loot.

    • @JoseGonzalez-uj9qg
      @JoseGonzalez-uj9qg Рік тому +55

      As a cat main who is feral,I can confirm

    • @Crichjo32
      @Crichjo32 Рік тому +51

      Cuteness is definitely a hyper effective stat against humans, Animals that have maxed out their cute stats have seen great advantages in this regard.

    • @loganb7059
      @loganb7059 Рік тому +31

      @@Crichjo32 in fact, maxed out cuteness can even gain the player human allies if the player is in trouble. I posit with this alone, cuteness can in the right conditions be considered OP.

    • @Crichjo32
      @Crichjo32 Рік тому +6

      @@loganb7059 Cuteness definitelly needs a nerf patch, way too OP

    • @zerologic7912
      @zerologic7912 Рік тому +23

      One must be cautious with this strategy to avoid the trap of domestication

  • @cavareenvius7886
    @cavareenvius7886 4 роки тому +1369

    "There are no Crocodiles in the sewer. Silly you."
    *Gets knocked out by a bear and pulled in a men hole.*
    " See! It's a bear, not a crocodile!"

    • @dylanchristman978
      @dylanchristman978 4 роки тому +25

      Plenty of Florida cats and dogs in the sewers

    • @damianbisha6712
      @damianbisha6712 4 роки тому +6

      I'm not native English speaker but its manhole not men holes I'm pretty sure xD

    • @Fizz-Q
      @Fizz-Q 4 роки тому +1

      @@dylanchristman978 asshole*

    • @LesGrosPiedsDeDeejay
      @LesGrosPiedsDeDeejay 4 роки тому +1

      True story there was a crocodile in Paris' sewer system .
      There is a commerative plate in the sewers where it was found.

    • @RaceBandit
      @RaceBandit 5 місяців тому

      I get that the 3:28 mark literally shows a bear climbing out of a manhole, but: *_WHAT?!_*

  • @Itnasias
    @Itnasias 4 роки тому +1810

    “Generally socializing with them.”
    Monkey: kicks a human player.
    Now that’s socializing if I’ve ever seen it.

    • @brendonhavener
      @brendonhavener 4 роки тому +106

      I hate that emote, only toxic players use it.

    • @guyanon
      @guyanon 4 роки тому +34

      Extreme socializing

    • @Newbmann
      @Newbmann 4 роки тому +15

      spoken like a true socialite

    • @cimex7492
      @cimex7492 4 роки тому +22

      @@brendonhavener Taunt kills are always annoying.

    • @bificommander7472
      @bificommander7472 4 роки тому +5

      Typical UA-cam comment section socializing.

  • @SupremeMoose
    @SupremeMoose 4 роки тому +852

    "Monkeys combine the intelligence of a hog with the mobility of a squirrel" is a powerful statement

  • @austingibson806
    @austingibson806 6 місяців тому +48

    Loved it when he said
    "Human players dont take kindly to other players messing with their party" as a chopper is chasing the coyote😂😂😂

  • @fish8450
    @fish8450 4 роки тому +216

    4:39 Glad that dear flew away before it could get run over

  • @YatiAcharya
    @YatiAcharya 4 роки тому +769

    That squirrel dodging the cat was legendary

    • @ExtraVictory
      @ExtraVictory 3 роки тому +26

      Sick crossup

    • @ExtraVictory
      @ExtraVictory 3 роки тому +43

      He said give me your ankles

    • @Ajehy
      @Ajehy 3 роки тому +38

      I envy their connection speed, mine always lags and so I’ve got the ADD debuff... I spend a lot of time loading.

    • @Enigma-pj3co
      @Enigma-pj3co 3 роки тому +2


    • @YatiAcharya
      @YatiAcharya 3 роки тому +2

      @@Enigma-pj3co I edited the comment

  • @nickmarchak8943
    @nickmarchak8943 4 роки тому +581

    TZ: “Supremely valuable loot”
    Seagulls: *Eating a supreme pizza*

    • @BigBossMan538
      @BigBossMan538 4 роки тому +15

      Nick Marchak seagull players could choose better pizza brands

    • @Lacie9
      @Lacie9 4 роки тому +11

      @@BigBossMan538 no one can out pizza the hut

    • @mikedanielespeja6128
      @mikedanielespeja6128 4 роки тому

      @@Lacie9 Item Creation EX being used where it should be.

    • @joshuahunt3032
      @joshuahunt3032 Місяць тому

      I mean, it works. The gull build isn’t aware enough of Germ Theory to be grossed out by the microbial players, and pizza’s basically heavily-processed milk, grains, tomatoes, and any other bits of XP. Pretty XP-dense stuff by the standards of non-human builds

  • @cosmosveil9355
    @cosmosveil9355 Рік тому +197

    An excellent list! A small debuff you forgot to mention for rats is the "Innate Hatred" passive ability that many human mains are currently running.
    While most builds on the list don't draw aggro from humans unless they invade a human's base or directly attack one, Innate Hatred will often proc immediately when the rat's stealth even slightly fails. There are so many human mains with Innate Hatred in the Alberta level that rat builds are completely unviable there.

    • @mwbgaming28
      @mwbgaming28 Рік тому +15

      I have the innate hatred passive ability, but that triggers for pigeons, cockroaches, rats, and mice

    • @FluffyEclairs
      @FluffyEclairs Рік тому +23

      The innate hatred passive ability sucks as a human main.

    • @mileswright2706
      @mileswright2706 Рік тому +21

      Another example would be black cats, which trigger a special variant of the Innate Hatred passive called Superstition. This passive was a large contributing factor that almost wiped the European server in the Black Death seasonal event. There are even some extreme cases where human mains have the Innate Hatred passive triggered by other humans.

    • @amberkat8147
      @amberkat8147 Рік тому +5

      That's sad, I like rats. I have Innate Hatred of cockroaches, bedbugs, and ticks. Mosquitos are close.

    • @JakeKoenig
      @JakeKoenig Рік тому +13

      Rats also have a natural repellant against humans by instilling fear and revulsion, so the hatred doesn't really amount to much since few humans will actively chase a rat to kill it. Most people see a rat and they head in the opposite direction.

  • @kirtil5177
    @kirtil5177 4 роки тому +475

    4:36 can we just talk about this deer that just went straight into space

    • @e_4768
      @e_4768 4 роки тому +14

      yeah, we really need to.......

    • @ReformedSooner24
      @ReformedSooner24 4 роки тому +83

      How it be when you get hit by a giant in Skyrim

    • @bjarke7886
      @bjarke7886 4 роки тому +61

      Unity physics engine....

    • @ayonwahid8222
      @ayonwahid8222 4 роки тому +6

      Elon.....Musk. I'll show myself out

    • @thomasbishop3905
      @thomasbishop3905 4 роки тому +3

      He just went to the top of the blast zone 😂😂😂

  • @suffer3828
    @suffer3828 4 роки тому +20352

    We rat main are op. We once did a server raid and almost killed the entire European server

    • @gameboy3d943
      @gameboy3d943 4 роки тому +2817

      You’re stealing the flea’s credit. THEY were the ones who have the plague and that would mean you’d also die from it.

    • @suffer3828
      @suffer3828 4 роки тому +2809

      @@gameboy3d943 well we sort of formed a short alliance

    • @chaserboyfriend
      @chaserboyfriend 4 роки тому +2303

      @@gameboy3d943 yeah but god it was so funny to raid humans with that shit. best coop ive had

    • @haleffect9011
      @haleffect9011 4 роки тому +1854

      @@gameboy3d943 Well, it was a bit of a team-up to grief the humans a bit, but dare I say, it couldn't have been done without us.
      The funniest part was when they thought the cats were the griefers and started to exterminate the cat players! Biggest false flag operation I ever remember taking part in.
      30% of the human player-base rage-quit because of us!
      good times...

    • @lukilsn
      @lukilsn 4 роки тому +338

      @@gameboy3d943 And how did the fleas travel around? Exactly..

  • @juanmiguelfernandez7993
    @juanmiguelfernandez7993 4 роки тому +448

    We not gonna talk about how that squirrel completely f i n e s s e d that cat?

    • @acethurman71
      @acethurman71 4 роки тому +43


    • @shot040
      @shot040 4 роки тому +33

      out fucking played

    • @tuttosalve8352
      @tuttosalve8352 4 роки тому +21

      Innit i came looking for this comment,
      Kept doing tighter circles to get towards the tree that squirrels going places

    • @blueberrysquid0950
      @blueberrysquid0950 4 роки тому

      I just had this playing in the background but I saw that and was like YOOOOOOHHHH and replayed it four times

    • @shetos1233
      @shetos1233 4 роки тому +2

      am more surprised by the cat my cat would just stand there on her lazy ass

  • @sphenixity2478
    @sphenixity2478 Рік тому +3

    As a human main, I just gotta say, the player who carried me and taught me how to play the game, yeah. She hates geese mains, they always steal her loot whether it be health restoring food, or stamina restoring food, or just normal food, they always try to take stuff from her! 😂 one time she got into an argument with one of them and she straight up said “get the hell back! Why do you steal from me?” And the goose main said “cause it’s easy”
    Edit: looking back at this a year later, it’s crazy

  • @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache
    @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 4 роки тому +511

    As a rat main, I'm glad to see it on top of the meta once again. The pre-nerf Bubonic Plague meta was where the best the rats have ever been though.

    • @yukalbert38
      @yukalbert38 4 роки тому +15

      why do i see you everywhere?

    • @THEshaggyrogers
      @THEshaggyrogers 4 роки тому +8

      Just Some Guy without a Mustache pfffffff. I main the best build. The bobbit worm is S tier easily

    • @thefaceofregret5416
      @thefaceofregret5416 4 роки тому +9

      Shaggy Rogers Bobbit worm camper, stop killing my friends that just wanna pass by.

    • @unclekanethetiberiummain1994
      @unclekanethetiberiummain1994 4 роки тому +19

      Classic rat mains. Taking credits from hard working tick and gerbil mains

    • @THEshaggyrogers
      @THEshaggyrogers 4 роки тому +2

      The Face of Regret its a legit strategy. Your just jealous of it’s power

  • @bradystead7480
    @bradystead7480 4 роки тому +641

    Old guys throwing bread to ducks at local parks are basically hackers dropping money in GTA

    • @charliesheen17
      @charliesheen17 4 роки тому +13

      Brady Stead bread kills ducks though lol

    • @asprinjuice425
      @asprinjuice425 4 роки тому +66

      @@charliesheen17 cursed money, then?

    • @umamifan
      @umamifan 4 роки тому +66

      @@charliesheen17 rockstar banning them for taking hacked loot

    • @suchomimustenerensis5302
      @suchomimustenerensis5302 4 роки тому +2

      @@charliesheen17 It doesn't kill them directly, but it does clog their digestive system in a way, while giving them little to no nutritional value.

    • @spartanwar1185
      @spartanwar1185 3 роки тому +1

      Even though for humans it's not that hard to get a hold of things other builds would kill for
      Because of a half wonderful and half horrible thing we created called society

  • @twaggytheatricks4960
    @twaggytheatricks4960 4 роки тому +659

    0:51 Something about the fact that the bear and the human had the exact same reaction makes this scene so wholesome to me XD

    • @blankflank3488
      @blankflank3488 4 роки тому +21

      I laughed so hard at that clip. Truly fantastic, and you're right - also wholesome.

    • @spindash64
      @spindash64 4 роки тому +34

      Mk6-TWAGGY a 180lb murder machine vs a fuzzy boi that’s also pretty gnarly. Yeah, that’s probably the right call

    • @wayward4657
      @wayward4657 4 роки тому +8

      @@spindash64 Definitely looks bigger than 180 lbs. Prob in 200s

    • @hugmonger
      @hugmonger 4 роки тому +16

      Honestly from what I hear bears pretty well try to avoid conflict because conflict between 2 bears often mean both die.

    • @spindash64
      @spindash64 4 роки тому +11

      Nick Lounsbury
      The human is the 180lb murder machine, in case I wasn’t clear

  • @craigrussell3062
    @craigrussell3062 Рік тому +106

    I think the premise of tierzoo, where animals are compared to each other as if they're characters you're going to play in a game, causes TZ to underrate creatures like the pigeon. Sure, INDIVIDUAL pigeons are pretty helpless, but by those standards, high-class builds like the ant and the bee should be F-tier. With eusocial insects like them, TZ recognizes the play style of trying to make the group survive rather than the individual, but ultimately that's the play style of every build, whether we know it or not. Even if individual pigeons are easily game-overed, I can't walk a block in New York City without seeing one, something that's definitely not true of the raccoon or coyote, which are supposedly higher tier.

    • @fluffysheap
      @fluffysheap Рік тому +11

      In suburbs you will see far more raccoons and in small towns there are more coyotes. Urban biome is diverse.
      Survival of the group is only relevant for some animals. Pigeons definitely not among them. Maybe you are right that they should be higher tier though because they are very common. They have poor stats but they spent enough evolution points on cuteness that humans tolerate or even help them, while humans attack all the other scavengers.

    • @craigrussell3062
      @craigrussell3062 Рік тому +6

      @@fluffysheap Survival of the group is the only thing that matters for any animal. That's how evolution works.

    • @EricEngle-f1q
      @EricEngle-f1q Рік тому

      This build is OFTEN used in Moscow!

    • @joao9017
      @joao9017 Рік тому +12

      @@craigrussell3062 The only thing that truly matters for any animal (except for a good part of the human playerbase) is reproducing, since that triggers the completion for the evolution main quest. By evolution stardards, the tier list shouldn't consider how easy it is to survive with a playstyle, but how easy it is to reach the point of reproducing. For the pigeons, that seems to be at least B or A tier.

    • @Cyberlisk
      @Cyberlisk Рік тому +9

      @@craigrussell3062 Agree that Pigeons should be higher up in the tier list, they're pretty successful in the city meta. They're masters of unlocking basically any area where humans drop loot. I've even seen Pigeon players in subway stations, were rarely any other birds get.

  • @bluerofl3145
    @bluerofl3145 4 роки тому +333

    8:27 That cat was thoroughly outplayed.

    • @allature
      @allature 4 роки тому +30

      Just broke his ankles

    • @nunya_bizniz
      @nunya_bizniz 4 роки тому +20

      Squirrel looking like Barry Sanders.

    • @lukestevens5470
      @lukestevens5470 4 роки тому +11

      @@nunya_bizniz that squirrel had jukebox and human joystick

    • @kaorn7419
      @kaorn7419 4 роки тому +44

      Squirrel out there dashing around like a competitive smash bros melee fox player

    • @jackyoh971
      @jackyoh971 4 роки тому +10

      That's what I call pro gamer move... GG

  • @Eugene_TEC
    @Eugene_TEC 4 роки тому +1889

    "Intelligence is the most important stat in the city meta."
    Insects: lol

    • @evoluxman9935
      @evoluxman9935 4 роки тому +234

      While insects build are S-tier in general due to their versatility, they still suffer from the human environnement. Human players will try to spawnkill them, spawn spots are much rarer, etc... Though still viable, I wouldnt like to be an insect main in a city biome.
      However rural town biome is one of the best. You can have large amount of loot stolen frome human farmers and a lot of space. Definitly better

    • @calvinanderson6603
      @calvinanderson6603 4 роки тому +4

      Evoluxman noob lol

    • @RetroFanGurl
      @RetroFanGurl 4 роки тому +9

      Evoluxman Cockroaches?

    • @sircuffington
      @sircuffington 4 роки тому +67

      Cockroaches are actually really smart. To the point that they know what humans are, and when they are close. They would try to get a better relationship with humans, but they find our skin revolting, often cleaning themselves after coming in contact with a human

    • @bigbadseed7665
      @bigbadseed7665 4 роки тому +79

      The only reason the insect player base has survived so well in the city servers is because of their frankly broken spawn rate.

  • @derweltenbauer269
    @derweltenbauer269 4 роки тому +439

    "Don't take kindly to coyotes attacking their vulnerable players"
    Of all the clips, the goddamn helicopter going after the lil' dog thing was perhaps the most spectacular to choose, and I applaud you slightly louder than I've been applauding the rest of this video for that.

    • @lxxar5431
      @lxxar5431 4 роки тому +6

      Pound town

    • @derweltenbauer269
      @derweltenbauer269 4 роки тому +8

      @@lxxar5431 FUCKIN' TURBO BRO

    • @jacobherrera4616
      @jacobherrera4616 4 роки тому +2

      SAME! Its like seeing manhunt finally end in a movie lol xD

    • @Zambicus
      @Zambicus 4 роки тому

      That clip had me laughing loudest as well. Substitute the hog for a dude and the gunners with some aliens and it's straight out of some dystopian sci-fi, where a slight misstep gets a flying fucking deathsquad on your tail.

  • @michaelpepin1103
    @michaelpepin1103 Рік тому +14

    Watching that seagull choke down it's food is honestly one of the funniest things I've seen.

  • @bakajanai.
    @bakajanai. 3 роки тому +4350

    Human mains really take care of their support mains, imagine bringing out a helicopter mount to hunt a single coyote.

    • @splendidmended9476
      @splendidmended9476 3 роки тому +195

      Sometimes they mount a gun on a truck to kill emus

    • @alex_3593
      @alex_3593 3 роки тому +337

      @@splendidmended9476 And they lose

    • @juice7212
      @juice7212 3 роки тому +361

      That coyote was wanted for 10k and is banned in 9 countries.

    • @grimm7507
      @grimm7507 3 роки тому +363

      Take out my cat.
      I bring out the gat

    • @splendidmended9476
      @splendidmended9476 3 роки тому +158

      @@grimm7507 take out My ferret
      And I bring out the berret
      Is there even a gun called berret

  • @VictorAmarante
    @VictorAmarante 4 роки тому +4379

    S+ Tier: Cockroaches.
    When the cockroach uses the fly ability, no human remains to pose a threat to them, leaving all the loot unnatended for them. Also, it posses the highest overall intimidation level of the game.

    • @shishi6799
      @shishi6799 4 роки тому +692

      I swear that roaches could smell my fear. Whenever I try to scare one away, they always charge my way. Spray them with Raid? If on higher ground, they will still try to fly TOWARDS me. If on the floor, they will run and do circles near me, making me do this stupid dance.
      I'd rather encounter some large huntsman spiders. At least if you scare them, they run and hide. They kill the pesky roaches too.

    • @vshatriya5254
      @vshatriya5254 4 роки тому +423

      Cockroach: You're going down with me.

    • @Krescentwolf
      @Krescentwolf 4 роки тому +239

      @@vshatriya5254 Time to call the special Anti-Roach Guild PVP guild... Fumigators. Their gas attacks can be pretty dangerous... XD XD

    • @interviewwithdevin2902
      @interviewwithdevin2902 4 роки тому +183

      I thought S tier was going to be only rats and roaches. I mean they're the only ones humans run from on sight. And can live right along with you in your comfy house.

    • @gojirarex5138
      @gojirarex5138 4 роки тому +96

      The highest intimidation to humans in the game

  • @GoblinLord
    @GoblinLord 4 роки тому +1524

    You forgot the most op squirrel passive ability: They're immune to fall damage

    • @narwhallord4267
      @narwhallord4267 4 роки тому +61

      I know right? Easy S Tier.

    • @KristenRobertskris10lr
      @KristenRobertskris10lr 4 роки тому +42

      Sean Treadway I know right, I sometimes play squirrel, and there fall damage resistance is so OP

    • @melvint-p9500
      @melvint-p9500 4 роки тому +23

      Frogs are too and look where that got them

    • @pinkfridge3415
      @pinkfridge3415 4 роки тому +6

      Narwhal Lord42 introducing cats

    • @aurelien5747
      @aurelien5747 4 роки тому +38

      Yeet Bow cats have really high resistance to fall damage but if you play as squirrel you literally take nothing from any height

  • @TehJimlad
    @TehJimlad Рік тому +73

    I think you under rated the gulls, they are very sociable and are great at bullying other players (even humans) together.
    Also, I was sad to see that you neglected to mention the fox. The urban fox's play style is so different from its rural cousin that many consider it a completely different build (as I understand it, the main difference is in the teeth).

    • @maruchan_3479
      @maruchan_3479 Рік тому +1

      In which tier would you put the Fox build in the city biome?

    • @nyxcat3621
      @nyxcat3621 Рік тому +10

      True, I think gull should’ve been way higher. They are omnivores that scavenge/steal AND hunt (the two most effective ways to get food in cities) and will eat just about anything. They can fight surprisingly well and are known for getting food from humans, so they’re good in the social category. They can fly, walk, AND swim, which gives them access to almost all of a city (parks, beaches, reservoirs, buildings, sidewalks/alleys, telephone poles, etc.). They are practically the bird version of rats in the city context.

    • @cecie_fauna
      @cecie_fauna Рік тому +2

      I think we need a follow up video that includes foxes, feral cats or at least roaches/ants

  • @newyorkny5023
    @newyorkny5023 4 роки тому +1138

    "Squirrels have the highest arboreal mobility of any build in the game."
    Most insects: "We may be small but we matter darn it!"

    • @moralhazard8652
      @moralhazard8652 4 роки тому +63

      Which insect moves around faster ON a tree than a squirrel?

    • @newyorkny5023
      @newyorkny5023 4 роки тому +43

      @@moralhazard8652 Cockroach... *ahem* if a cockroach were the size of a squirrel...

    • @samsemerau6802
      @samsemerau6802 4 роки тому +115

      newyorkny5023 it doesn’t work that way. If a roach was scaled up to the size of a squirrel, its skinny limbs probably wouldn’t even be able to support its weight, let alone allow it to move fast

    • @astick5249
      @astick5249 4 роки тому +20

      @@samsemerau6802 well lets not forget the cockroach build's ability to traverse terrain squirrel builds cannot. like tight spaces and small holes. They also can fly if need be.

    • @petersmythe6462
      @petersmythe6462 4 роки тому +5

      Even Coconut crabs have OP arboreal mobility.

  • @denikehi4579
    @denikehi4579 4 роки тому +338

    4:40 that deer learned the ability to fly, pretty fast

    • @yashvangala
      @yashvangala 4 роки тому +51

      Deer secret flight ability: fly across road(single-use)
      cost: 100% max hp

    • @Literallyryangosling777
      @Literallyryangosling777 4 роки тому +29

      Deer: /gamemode creative

    • @denikehi4579
      @denikehi4579 4 роки тому +5

      @@sherbertgerbert9719 you're a good person :D

    • @trapmaster8458
      @trapmaster8458 4 роки тому

      169 like

    • @A.B.1441
      @A.B.1441 4 роки тому +6

      literally no-clipped into fucking heaven

  • @fishHater
    @fishHater 4 роки тому +1595

    Ants: this is exactly why I’m the best
    Everyone: but they didn’t mention you

    • @DomenBremecXCVI
      @DomenBremecXCVI 4 роки тому +119

      Are you saying ants are SS tier?

    • @mclains8362
      @mclains8362 4 роки тому +58

      @@DomenBremecXCVI exactly

    • @fukini2594
      @fukini2594 4 роки тому +156

      @@mclains8362 *Laughs in Cockroach*

    • @DorGreen1
      @DorGreen1 4 роки тому +64

      I'm battling a bunch of ants in my shower, and this is 100% correct

    • @ViltrumiteIsRite99
      @ViltrumiteIsRite99 4 роки тому +31

      DorGreen1 You fool, everyone knows water pump one-shots them.

  • @dabeastfromdaweast9788
    @dabeastfromdaweast9788 Рік тому +13

    As someone who has worked alongside them in the mountains, I'd argue the moose build belongs in high A if not S tier. While the general rule of bulk being a weakness in the city meta holds strong for the other deer builds, the moose has taken it to such a degree while pairing it with unparalleled aggression it's typically seen as more trouble to remove a moose from a given area rather then just letting them pass through. Removing them is costly, if you try to tranquilize their aggression is increased tenfold, and since their massive size makes the drug take longer than your typical animal in the city meta to fully have an effect, trying to remove them becomes a way that can lead to unnecessary casualties. Whenever a tourist would ask what can be done about the moose that set up shop in the area, the answer is almost always "nothing, just stay away"
    When you consider this mentality is held amongst the humans regardless of the moose having by far the highest body count against humans in the North American servers, coupled with the fact that they're able to pull this build off in even the wealthiest and most populated ski resorts where the humans have the most resources to handle the threat, it's hard to imagine the moose build being anywhere even close to F tier.

  • @mortache
    @mortache 4 роки тому +429

    -shows deer taking flight
    -says they cant fly

    • @DarshanBhambhani
      @DarshanBhambhani 4 роки тому +47

      mortaché de muerte the model rag doll physic was glitching

    • @victorstancu8548
      @victorstancu8548 4 роки тому +2


    • @mortache
      @mortache 4 роки тому +7

      @@DarshanBhambhani ah skyrim giants

    • @Aereto
      @Aereto 4 роки тому +3

      Deer launch confirmed.

    • @sangwiny4440
      @sangwiny4440 4 роки тому +24

      Nah bro, he was banned shortly after for cheating.

  • @Bimgus_The_Great
    @Bimgus_The_Great 4 роки тому +1000

    “They too can interface with humans with ease”
    *shows a crow player untying a human players shoes*

    • @AV_Action
      @AV_Action 4 роки тому +73

      Shoe untying is op and really needs to be nerfed, it feels like the devs never listen to the community :(

    • @nobodybroda3826
      @nobodybroda3826 4 роки тому +94

      Too be fair most human players would find that charming rather then hostile or even annoying.

    • @jonathanlovelace6717
      @jonathanlovelace6717 4 роки тому +57

      @@nobodybroda3826 Agreed. I give my corvid player friends peanuts, and every now and then they'll give me some random loot like soda caps or old pens.

    • @TheEmolano
      @TheEmolano 4 роки тому +30

      ​@@AV_Action there's a upgrade called Velcro Shoes but most humans reject them because it cause a slightly debuff to the charisma skill, which humans overrate.

    • @emmersoncockburn705
      @emmersoncockburn705 4 роки тому

      I agree with everyone hear except you’re username it’s a little transphobic

  • @random66849
    @random66849 4 роки тому +2339

    "Roads... require careful strategy to traverse."
    Deer: *YEET*

    • @CaptainJackMorenzo
      @CaptainJackMorenzo 4 роки тому +121

      "smash sounds" GAME!

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 4 роки тому +54

      More like
      Deer: stops in road "say what now?"

    • @zhongliangcai602
      @zhongliangcai602 4 роки тому +8

      Rabbit: ¥€€T!

    • @zhongliangcai602
      @zhongliangcai602 4 роки тому +55

      I know it’s wrong but f*** that deer, that was so funny XD
      That deer got ABSOLUTELY YEETED XD

    • @nocanseegreen3845
      @nocanseegreen3845 4 роки тому +12


  • @gwynjustice6664
    @gwynjustice6664 Рік тому +6

    Something cool I learned is the peregrine falcon was at one point heavily endangered but learned to acclimate to city terrain and fed primarily on pigeons and rats until their numbers exploded. The city buildings are even like the rocky cliffs they used to live on, like pigeons too.

  • @darknation9424
    @darknation9424 4 роки тому +1615

    Coyote: *kills cat*
    Human players:

    • @9051team
      @9051team 4 роки тому +63

      I mean I would get the tank

    • @Mirro18
      @Mirro18 4 роки тому +47


    • @thiccnicc6848
      @thiccnicc6848 4 роки тому +9

      Serves the bastards right

    • @nekhlioudovbolkonsky2901
      @nekhlioudovbolkonsky2901 4 роки тому +8

      @@9051team *american player 😂

    • @seredahawke3207
      @seredahawke3207 4 роки тому +18

      I felt that. One of my cats got eaten by a coyote about a week ago. I am still very much in a, "kill all the coyotes", mood.

  • @volcanic3761
    @volcanic3761 4 роки тому +763

    “Or just generally socializing with them”
    *knocks over human*

  • @xlawxc
    @xlawxc 4 роки тому +426

    2:58 that moose is a bro for not wrecking that car.

    • @NoSoupForYouu
      @NoSoupForYouu 4 роки тому +26

      That agility was pretty legit

    • @paranormalphenomena563
      @paranormalphenomena563 4 роки тому +15

      It's satisfying lmao

    • @druid_zephyrus
      @druid_zephyrus 4 роки тому +2

      my immediate thought too, "oh no dont cut ur leg on gla-oh you goochi. GG moose.

    • @yaboosnubs
      @yaboosnubs 4 роки тому

      wouldnt be big lose, its just honda after all

    • @BvousBrainSystems
      @BvousBrainSystems 4 роки тому +1

      Imagine the dent/scratch from a moose hoof

  • @potatogamerman
    @potatogamerman Рік тому +11

    The city biome is also a surprisingly good spot for many classes to use the “training” ability through areas specifically created by humans to help facilitate the use of training (in case you didn’t know what training is, certain classes with high intelligence will get a permanent stat buff when doing an action whom’s effectiveness depends on a certain stat, although the stat buff only applies to the individual player that uses training.)

  • @atomic_crescentroll8054
    @atomic_crescentroll8054 4 роки тому +2569

    “Wait, it’s all intelligence”
    Human : *loads gun* “Always has been”

    • @carsonschmidt1980
      @carsonschmidt1980 4 роки тому +79

      Nice meme bro... I'm gonna have to take it. "Pulls out a gun" hand it over! Hand over the meme!

    • @carterdc3576
      @carterdc3576 4 роки тому +19

      carson schmidt if you want to portray action in text either use italics or * action *

    • @boogrs55
      @boogrs55 4 роки тому +30

      loads gun with religious intent

    • @The1AndOnlyNathan_M
      @The1AndOnlyNathan_M 4 роки тому +4

      Atomic_CrescentRoll I feel the only way to win is probably tanks and intelligence mains

    • @johgu92
      @johgu92 4 роки тому +11

      Useless without speech and opposable thumb.

  • @n0isyturtle
    @n0isyturtle 4 роки тому +9967

    Cockroach player base: "Oh look, a list of amateurs."

    • @mwperk02
      @mwperk02 4 роки тому +531

      My Aunt and Uncle constantly bring Cockroaches to my parents place they live in absolute filth.

    • @bladesofglory100
      @bladesofglory100 4 роки тому +975

      @@mwperk02 Thanks for sharing?

    • @Varsocona
      @Varsocona 4 роки тому +705

      @@mwperk02 Really needed to get that off your chest, huh?

    • @anissodon3714
      @anissodon3714 4 роки тому +51


    • @George-lt6jy
      @George-lt6jy 4 роки тому +404

      soo true, he totally ignored invertebrate builds. like flies and cockroaches.

  • @Matthew-iq1cl
    @Matthew-iq1cl 4 роки тому +817

    Dude the animal clips are hilarious

    • @user-jl6oc1wk8w
      @user-jl6oc1wk8w 4 роки тому +62

      Also Tier zoo: [Shows a squirrel and a monkey player being electrocuted]

    • @poweroffriendship2.0
      @poweroffriendship2.0 4 роки тому +6


    • @imveryangryitsnotbutter
      @imveryangryitsnotbutter 4 роки тому +31

      @@user-jl6oc1wk8w Hey, a Darwin Award is a Darwin Award.

    • @Gomikey_Gomikey
      @Gomikey_Gomikey 4 роки тому +10

      With the black ops 2 multiplayer theme in the background

    • @Wolfeson28
      @Wolfeson28 4 роки тому +12

      Ya, this video's clips were especially good (even if a few were the kind you sometimes feel a little guilty for laughing at).

  • @averagecitizen2263
    @averagecitizen2263 2 місяці тому +3

    7:52 It baffles me that dinosaurs got banned but humans are still allowed these instakill hitscan weapons.

  • @Keeperofsecrets93737
    @Keeperofsecrets93737 3 роки тому +2090

    "Or even just generally socializing with them"
    Monkey: *"breaks man's back"*

  • @josephy4936
    @josephy4936 4 роки тому +407

    smol animal: approaches officer human
    officer human: +5 stress

    • @XalphYT
      @XalphYT 4 роки тому +26

      Joseph Y
      Is it a honey badger? I hear those things don't give up.

    • @windhelmguard5295
      @windhelmguard5295 4 роки тому +33

      @@XalphYT there are only two ways to reliably slay a honey badger.
      -shotgun blast to the head
      -machete blow to the head
      everything else is a "maybe" at best.

    • @Savage.Doomer
      @Savage.Doomer 4 роки тому +10

      In the full video he shoots it several times.

    • @Timelost_Techpriest
      @Timelost_Techpriest 4 роки тому +7

      @@XalphYT Rabid raccoon, IIRC. Video looks familiar.

    • @richmcgee434
      @richmcgee434 4 роки тому +18

      @@Timelost_Techpriest Think so. Human intelligence stat is high enough that most will suffer stress gain when approached by a mammal that's not following the usual optimized avoidance behaviors. That Rabies debuff is super-communicable and no joy to get removed even after a bunch of iterations on the basic cure.

  • @larzanthony2275
    @larzanthony2275 4 роки тому +215

    3:28 holy shit that is terrifying. A juggernaut spawning out of nowhere.

    • @xxXXRAPXXxx
      @xxXXRAPXXxx 4 роки тому +16

      If you look closely, he comes from the hole in the ground.

    • @92bagder
      @92bagder 4 роки тому +18

      forget sewer gators, fear sewer bears that can [pop out

    • @OverFlowWater
      @OverFlowWater Рік тому

      3:27 bruh , imagine just chilling on the street and an absolute unit just come out from the sewer

  • @pnutbteronbwlz9799
    @pnutbteronbwlz9799 Рік тому +14

    Bro that cat at 8:30 got legitimately bamboozled and destroyed lol
    Also this video is amazing as usual great job!

    • @FLPhotoCatcher
      @FLPhotoCatcher 7 місяців тому +2

      It looks like the cat is chasing the elusive red dot.

    • @kylienielsen6975
      @kylienielsen6975 5 місяців тому +1

      That's how they train for that situation

  • @silentscales8631
    @silentscales8631 4 роки тому +1916

    "If your chilren can't fend off the feral hogs themselves, then your bloodline is too weak to continue" LMAOOO

    • @opukotieno6091
      @opukotieno6091 4 роки тому +44

      scrolled down looking for this comment !!!

    • @justaviewer8613
      @justaviewer8613 3 роки тому +29

      they didn't use the evolution point, should use it on something like increased power.

    • @3ybh3lloll3hby3
      @3ybh3lloll3hby3 3 роки тому +25

      @@justaviewer8613 true, at this point, they don't need to get more intelligent unless the human mains wants to achieve the rank Superhuman very easily or have Superpowers.

    • @maerski5171
      @maerski5171 3 роки тому +9

      @@3ybh3lloll3hby3 a rank like that exists?? i thought it was just a rumor

    • @yoniii5073
      @yoniii5073 3 роки тому +9

      @@maerski5171 sad that we wont live to experience it

  • @shreyassingh3236
    @shreyassingh3236 3 роки тому +1732

    6:37 coyote: attacks a single cat.
    Humans: peace was never an option

    • @798jeremy
      @798jeremy 3 роки тому +59

      Overly reacting, as usual from hyper agressive intelligent beings -_-

    • @cookieschocchips5551
      @cookieschocchips5551 3 роки тому +248

      As a human main, this is accurate.
      Sorry Coyotes, but our party members are off limits.

    • @Phantom-hopper
      @Phantom-hopper 3 роки тому +89

      @@cookieschocchips5551 dogs I choose you
      Coyote hits my dog
      Me:so you have chosen dead huh

    • @798jeremy
      @798jeremy 3 роки тому +8

      @@cookieschocchips5551 Sure is accurate, but still over reacting and overkill, by the way...

    • @798jeremy
      @798jeremy 3 роки тому +17

      @@Phantom-hopper Coyotes don't think that way, actually. A prey is a prey. On the other hand, premeditated revenge is a very specific human trademark...just saying.

  • @HellebrandCuriosity
    @HellebrandCuriosity 4 роки тому +1671

    Coyote: * Attacks human's party members *
    Humans: So you have chosen ... death

    • @demandred1957
      @demandred1957 4 роки тому +91

      yeah, unless it's took down there is a video of some guy going all john wick on some coyotes for killing his daughters cat.. good stuff. In fact here is the video..

    • @MaoRatto
      @MaoRatto 4 роки тому +35

      He forgot to mention the coyotes biggest strength... Can hybrid with wolves and dogs making hostile dog builds and mixed wolf

    • @richmcgee434
      @richmcgee434 4 роки тому +55

      Cat That Got Away: I'm getting my Human, then we'll see who's running for their life.

    • @geo1504
      @geo1504 4 роки тому +1

      demandred1957 Omd if you find it again pls link it here :)

    • @anjamo2520
      @anjamo2520 4 роки тому


  • @SebHaarfagre
    @SebHaarfagre Рік тому +30

    7:27 What an excellent find, the question and reply made me laugh out loud 😂😂

  • @dreayth
    @dreayth 4 роки тому +2536

    I would be absolutely *mortified* if I just saw a bear come crawling out of a sewer in the middle of my neighborhood.

    • @josephdedrick9337
      @josephdedrick9337 4 роки тому +123

      litteraly i was crolling to see if anyone commented on that like wtf sewer bears

    • @clinton8421
      @clinton8421 4 роки тому +177

      @@josephdedrick9337 Gotta love the Sewer Bear playerbase.

    • @waxocelot9395
      @waxocelot9395 4 роки тому +154

      "Pick your bags kids were moving"
      "we just moved here yesterday!?"
      "Sewer bears"

    • @Bimgus_The_Great
      @Bimgus_The_Great 4 роки тому +45

      Then you could take advantage of the human’s “tool use” ability to shoot it with your rifle.

    • @clinton8421
      @clinton8421 4 роки тому +64

      @@Bimgus_The_Great But my usual server banned guns because they were too op.

  • @AustinJASMR
    @AustinJASMR 3 роки тому +313

    9:58 "Or even just generally socializing with them."
    Yes, a dropkick. Most polite way to greet someone in my opinion.

  • @arcanian3610
    @arcanian3610 3 роки тому +3422

    The city biome is so hard, that even humans struggle in this biome.

    • @zulephizus1212
      @zulephizus1212 3 роки тому +547

      mostly because of clan politics and hierarchies, and the hidden PVP structure

    • @AK-jt7kh
      @AK-jt7kh 3 роки тому +202

      I agree - it’s the PvP that makes it hard

    • @ih84runners
      @ih84runners 3 роки тому +139

      @@AK-jt7kh It's sad that sometimes, even clan members participate in pvps which makes it more difficult to survive

    • @AK-jt7kh
      @AK-jt7kh 3 роки тому +48

      @@ih84runners Well. That got dark with a quickness.

    • @ih84runners
      @ih84runners 3 роки тому +61

      @@AK-jt7kh Yep, nothing darker than getting PK'd by someone you trust

  • @theperfectbotsteve4916
    @theperfectbotsteve4916 Рік тому +1

    9:58 I love how in the monkey part where hes saying or "just Generally socializing with them" there's a clip of a monkey just drop kicking a dude lol

  • @saranshgautam6551
    @saranshgautam6551 4 роки тому +153

    I lost it at 6:45 when a Frickin helicopter was chasing a Coyote who had 5 GTA police stars on.

    • @cyberspino6277
      @cyberspino6277 4 роки тому +4

      And the hog getting sniped at 7:50

    • @martinxy1291
      @martinxy1291 4 роки тому

      @@cyberspino6277 Thats an avrage day in rust

  • @Marauder99991
    @Marauder99991 3 роки тому +1275

    "The human players might start calling for bans..." Now there's a mild phrase that carries a lot of euphemistic weight.

    • @plasmakitten4261
      @plasmakitten4261 3 роки тому +78

      Hey we got the variola build banned directly and we're a key part of the meta that nerfed a bazillion other builds out of existence and is continuing to do so, so it wouldn't be without precedent

    • @gamerdiorama
      @gamerdiorama 2 роки тому

      see the attacks from monkeys (to children,babies) in videos and you wonder why they're not hit with a ban wave lol

    • @nixtunes1
      @nixtunes1 2 роки тому +13

      @@plasmakitten4261 We didn't just get that one variola build banned, we went out and straight up banned them ourselves. We're basically the devs at this point

    • @ElGranPanda
      @ElGranPanda Рік тому +1

      @@nixtunes1 until a big enough asteroid crashes

    • @twiwatchesvocaloidstuff7159
      @twiwatchesvocaloidstuff7159 Рік тому +3

      @@ElGranPanda human mains live on 6/7 continents, i doubt there could be a big enough asteroid to knock them out. with their high int stat, they're way too op, but i think they will knock themselves out if anything

  • @16thnotegaming16
    @16thnotegaming16 4 роки тому +1007

    "I expect the human playerbase to react quite aggressively whenever a hogs presence is discovered."
    *shows a clip of a helicopter gunning down a hog*
    You don't say

    • @clayxros576
      @clayxros576 4 роки тому +99

      Considering it would take a party of roughly 5 or more humans back in the day to safely eliminate one Hog main(typically more, and they might still take high amounts of damage), taking the high ground where possible seems like one of the few occasions human players remember the metas of the past.

    • @robertczimmerman3774
      @robertczimmerman3774 4 роки тому +57

      USA's favorite solution for everything

    • @nonec384
      @nonec384 4 роки тому +7

      @@robertczimmerman3774 its how ecuador kill all those sheep

    • @pureendermen7902
      @pureendermen7902 4 роки тому +6


    • @SpaceMissile
      @SpaceMissile 4 роки тому +9

      that hog got 3 stars somehow.

  • @jasonadams7617
    @jasonadams7617 5 місяців тому +4

    Cockroach main here, you seem to have forgotten about us. Since we’re basically the insect version of rats, at minimum we should be in the a tier imo.

  • @shiinie117
    @shiinie117 4 роки тому +1219

    TierZoo: Geese are D-Tier in the city
    Untitled Goose: *Peace was never an option*

    • @TallicaMan1986
      @TallicaMan1986 4 роки тому +30

      Canadian Geese basically rule the area they're in. Whether its parks or in the middle of the street.

    • @jimmyjohnny8498
      @jimmyjohnny8498 4 роки тому +19

      Yeah it’s true that here in Canada they rule the lakes
      They are extremely scary and loud

      @SPAZTICCYTOPLASM 4 роки тому +9

      @@jimmyjohnny8498 "Rule" It's just because they're protected national bird. We just shoot them with 22s otherwise they'll take over the lake and are a pain for fishing.

    • @TallicaMan1986
      @TallicaMan1986 4 роки тому +5

      @@SPAZTICCYTOPLASM We're talking about the City Meta, genius. They also arent protected in British Columbia, sherlock.
      We can kill 10 a day, but we cannot conceal or carry guns in the middle of a large city in which they frequently hang out. We've had cases of peope killing with sticks. They didnt get arrested for the killing of the birds, but how they did it. They were carrying a weapon.
      Some times we have 10+ hanging out in the middle of a busy road or 20+ hanging out in a random park.
      And the fact we even have to reduce their numbers is a testament to how successful they are. Other animals generally stay away unless they're starved.

      @SPAZTICCYTOPLASM 4 роки тому +5

      @@TallicaMan1986 "They also arent protected in British Columbia, sherlock."
      Canadian Geese are protected under the migratory bird act of 1994.
      "We can kill 10 a day,"
      Only if you have completed your CORE hunting course and have your licence, and they are in season, which is October to December or so for migratory birds.
      So yes, they're common in cities, because you can't hunt them with all the weapon laws, and you can't discharge weapons (including bows) a certain distance from the roads and buildings and so on. And you can't can't cull them as pests since they're protected as migratory birds. It's artificial, you let us shoot the fuckers in the city and they'll be gone.
      "And the fact we even have to reduce their numbers is a testament to how successful they are."
      It's artificial, what you see is an obnoxious animal that spawns quickly and is protected. Same reason Raccoons and skunks are still around here. You need all sorts of permits and licences to get rid of them in the city.

  • @LamnOfficial
    @LamnOfficial 4 роки тому +876

    In Chicago, we have one of the largest populations of Peregrine falcons in the world! The large buildings and abundance of pigeons makes it a perfect home for them! :3

    • @epic.ant_fanpeters4773
      @epic.ant_fanpeters4773 4 роки тому +16

      Chicagoland sever player here to,
      Barred owl main

    • @librathebeautifulwarmonk1283
      @librathebeautifulwarmonk1283 4 роки тому +6

      Down here in Texas we have big ass eagles and vultures

    • @augustusvillanueva2008
      @augustusvillanueva2008 4 роки тому +2

      where would they rank?

    • @l-i-am
      @l-i-am 4 роки тому +4

      We have a family of them in my town, they are the coolest thing

    • @derangedbabykraken4803
      @derangedbabykraken4803 4 роки тому +5

      @@augustusvillanueva2008 They’d be B tier in my opinion. Everything about them is specialized for super fast flight. However they aren’t that intelligent and are solely carnivorous.

  • @eatyourvegetables1449
    @eatyourvegetables1449 Рік тому +9

    I would love a game to be developed where its servers of up to like a thousand people or more (if possible). And anyone can choose any animal that lives in that area, and everyone would just have to survive, they could be a bird, or a leopard. I think it would be cool to see which animals come out on top and are able to reproduce.

  • @TitoTheRaccoon
    @TitoTheRaccoon 4 роки тому +5062

    Woooo A tier!

    • @lobster1014
      @lobster1014 4 роки тому +286

      Your pool party was S tier though!

    • @star_duck
      @star_duck 4 роки тому +25

      I wish i was you

    • @SunsetEnvy
      @SunsetEnvy 4 роки тому +25

      There was no human tier .__.

    • @yazurai4667
      @yazurai4667 4 роки тому +24

      @@SunsetEnvy *animal* tier list

    • @WinduWaika
      @WinduWaika 4 роки тому +5

      Nice 👍🏾

  • @IAmSplate
    @IAmSplate 4 роки тому +338

    10:00 “or just generally socializing with them” that had me cracking up lmaooooo

  • @NonRandomUser
    @NonRandomUser 4 роки тому +1208

    Humans when team killing occurs: I sleep
    Humans when they see Cat/Dog getting griefed: *REAL SHIT*

    • @renookami4651
      @renookami4651 4 роки тому +53

      To be fair, team-kill is almost a sport at this point in human playerbase...
      Or a way to test new item recipes in "real situations". Can't blame them craft specialists much because how in *hack* is a bird supposed to compete against a human-operated plane? Or an elephant againt a tank? Or even the gigantic whales when they have to face a submarine?
      But hey, I heard an interesting rumor...
      It seems that the devs are so tired of human BS that a future update may turn their preciously crafted "Robots" npc project in a new playable race out of human's control. And you know the human playerbase, right? When an engeeneer ceate a thing they love to implement it in former craft recipes like the monsters cited above.
      Oooh, I can't wait for all the other specie's salty playerbase to re-roll as these OP machines and take revenge on the "kill for sports" mindset human mains have. The despicable "cheat-hunters" becoming preys again, PvP outside of team-kill will become such a thrill!

    • @bob_the_ninja6456
      @bob_the_ninja6456 4 роки тому +64

      As a racoon main i can say that griefing their companions is sometimes riskier than griefing humans themselves.

    • @hainleysimpson1507
      @hainleysimpson1507 4 роки тому +22

      @@renookami4651 You do realize all predators kill for sport right? Especially canines. And felines.

    • @2008davidkang
      @2008davidkang 4 роки тому +23

      **They avoided the entire insect player base!! Biased tierlist!!**
      TheFlyingFly, TrailingAnts, Mos"Bloody"quitoes, BugsInYourBed, MentalMoth, XxCockXXRoachxX and NotTheBeeees liked this post.
      Banned from BugBuggers thread: iBitSpiderman

    • @tiziobello5974
      @tiziobello5974 4 роки тому +16

      @@renookami4651 Hey human player you seem to have the "misantropic" debuff. I suggest to you, to try to remove this characteristic since not only lowers your INT and CHAR statistics, but also reduces your chances of successful team play which no human can totally obstain from. Try to see the good other than the bad, instead of advocating the removal of an entire player base Just because our position in the top list

  • @Djrealfake
    @Djrealfake 2 місяці тому

    We have seagulls that live in a big shopping center here in Columbus, Ohio. They blew in with a hurricane years ago. I think in the '90s and never left and because they've been here for so long they've actually started adapting to living in a parking lot, their feet are getting thicker and they're losing the glands that they have to process salt water.

  • @huskytzu7709
    @huskytzu7709 4 роки тому +228

    Monkey trying to snatch human food to assert territorial dominance
    Humans: “hehe funny monkey”

    • @rorrim0
      @rorrim0 4 роки тому +28

      It's all funny until the monkey learns how to use guns and sell drugs.

    • @belisarius6949
      @belisarius6949 4 роки тому

      haha poopyyyy hahaha

    • @campi832
      @campi832 4 роки тому +2

      @@rorrim0 I hope you don't mean what I think you mean

    • @bootymagician
      @bootymagician 4 роки тому +1

      Campi ' i hope he does

    • @KJV7154
      @KJV7154 4 роки тому

      @@rorrim0 Haha that's true we all know the biggest drug dealers are the monkeys that wear suits.

  • @creatifproduction
    @creatifproduction 4 роки тому +352

    "recognizing the human mains that tend to host drop parties the most frequently"

    • @TheB0sss
      @TheB0sss 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah that one got me good as well lol

  • @chasemohrman5712
    @chasemohrman5712 4 роки тому +244

    "...and for recognizing the Human mains that tend to host drop parties most frequently"
    HAHAHA excellent! Never change, TierZoo. Great video!

    • @LegendStormcrow
      @LegendStormcrow 4 роки тому +7

      Funny how crows use it to pick out jerks.

  • @annonion2612
    @annonion2612 Рік тому +1

    1:08 I love you for this Darkest Dungeon reference

  • @Rainyjax
    @Rainyjax 4 роки тому +406

    "Monkeys are one of the few builds with an intelligence level high enough to directly interact with humans. Whether that be stealing from them, trading with them, or even just generally socializing with them."
    *shows monkey drop-kicking a human for socializing*
    Yep, checks out. That's how we're supposed to socialize, right?

  • @ConradTheLonelyStump
    @ConradTheLonelyStump 3 роки тому +592

    4:36 This is why having the "Driver's License" ability is so OP for a Human build: any other build just gets destroyed, intentionally or not.

    • @art-cs6us
      @art-cs6us 3 роки тому +97

      Humans are kinda banned for doing pvp with other humans with cars tho

    • @AnInsideJoke
      @AnInsideJoke 3 роки тому +70

      @@art-cs6us Sort of. You ever see a human guild hold a "Demolition Derby" or "Monster Truck" mini-event? It's all humans finding a loophole in the "no pvp with cars" rule by having them do matchups with other humans in cars, it's wild. Really good loot drops for some non-Human mains like birds, rats, and racoons too, because of how much extra xp gets accidentally left behind or dropped when humans do a stamina refuel via eating.

    • @mauer594
      @mauer594 3 роки тому +32

      @@AnInsideJoke That's true, but outside of those events using car mounts for PvP isn't a great idea because (especially against forts or other mounts) it will deal damage through the "blunt force trauma" effect and the mount's hp is depleted.

    • @Raptorman0205
      @Raptorman0205 3 роки тому +20

      You've clearly never seen what a suicide run by a moose player can do to a human in a car mount. The twitch clips are pretty brutal to say the least

    • @ConradTheLonelyStump
      @ConradTheLonelyStump 3 роки тому +11

      @@Raptorman0205 Oh no, I have. It's just that most of the time, the humans are either very low-level or don't have experience dealing with moose players while on car mounts. Any human player worth their salt and a good car mount can handle themselves against a moose player, but most of the time, it's a crapshoot.

  • @sebastianquintana5462
    @sebastianquintana5462 4 роки тому +1813

    Ah yes, the most sofisticated method of socialization: the drop kick

    • @narwhallord4267
      @narwhallord4267 4 роки тому +131

      How do YOU greet people? A handshake like a loser?

    • @mikshin9825
      @mikshin9825 4 роки тому +26

      @@narwhallord4267 I believe it's the elbow bump now. At least that's what the UE politicians are doing. And if someone knows how to survive the pandemic, it's politicians.

    • @MrCoolguy416
      @MrCoolguy416 4 роки тому +42

      I religiously prefer of the drop kick as the greatest method For socializing with humans

    • @Bimgus_The_Great
      @Bimgus_The_Great 4 роки тому +38

      I mean, it gets the point across

    • @primalreversion7034
      @primalreversion7034 4 роки тому +11


  • @EliseFeure
    @EliseFeure Рік тому +1

    This is the best video I saw in the last 3 years on UA-cam. Great Work.

  • @cake2806
    @cake2806 4 роки тому +3233

    so when a monkey hits a human its called "socialising"
    but when i hit a human its called "assault"

    • @HMNCLunar
      @HMNCLunar 3 роки тому +377

      We truly live in a society

    • @martinamedina6143
      @martinamedina6143 3 роки тому +133

      @@HMNCLunar omg so deep 😭😭😭😭😭

    • @TheOpalHammer
      @TheOpalHammer 3 роки тому +282

      The solution is simple:
      Return to monkey

    • @sharkbitesback2749
      @sharkbitesback2749 3 роки тому +26

      @@HMNCLunar hi homunculus

    • @jamesbaker9500
      @jamesbaker9500 3 роки тому +62

      That's the difference between PVP servers and PVE servers.

  • @imjustjohn2223
    @imjustjohn2223 4 роки тому +1363

    *Coyote kills cat
    Humans: “oh so you’ve chosen death”

    • @LegendStormcrow
      @LegendStormcrow 4 роки тому +131

      That coyote just got 2 different player bases on it. Coyotes can't 1v1 Canines either. My party member avenged the neighborhood cats and soloed a whole pack. She got loot from the whole neighborhood until we switched servers. Funny how she had more human friends than the neighbor we moved to get away from.

    • @AnInsideJoke
      @AnInsideJoke 4 роки тому +83

      Coyote: "Why do I hear boss musi-...OH SHIT!"

    • @NucleaRaptor
      @NucleaRaptor 4 роки тому +48

      >letting cat mains go out into the PvP areas
      Ain't no one's fault but their own.

    • @danilooliveira6580
      @danilooliveira6580 4 роки тому +40

      I'm saddened but I can't do much about it, people don't take care of their cats, think they are free to roam anywhere, multiplying and killing the local fauna, and then the owners cry when something bad happens. sadly in some places cats are turning into a urban plague because of those people.

    • @latioswarshowdown1202
      @latioswarshowdown1202 4 роки тому +11

      @@danilooliveira6580 yh honestly cats are a plague and we need more coyotes to hunt them

  • @chasedownall6492
    @chasedownall6492 4 роки тому +228

    The best joke today: The pigeons looking for Drop parties.

    • @bificommander7472
      @bificommander7472 4 роки тому +12

      Pigeon: Is this the drop party?
      Turtle: Now it is!

    • @Drekromancer
      @Drekromancer 4 роки тому +1

      Drop party? I haven't heard that name in years...

    • @gruntage95
      @gruntage95 4 роки тому

      @@bificommander7472 "Yes. For me." *nom*

  • @cyberware5323
    @cyberware5323 Рік тому +5

    Missing the wood pigeon, they are often seen in cities too, and they are way more competitive than the normal pigeon. They have more strength and stamina. That means they can hold their ground well enough to justify B Tier

  • @claysoggyfries
    @claysoggyfries 4 роки тому +103

    On the New York level, there’s an Easter egg located in a hidden sewer where there is a dead rat, 4 dead turtles, and a rotten slice of pizza. It’s most likely referring to the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”

  • @shaggythewriter8185
    @shaggythewriter8185 4 роки тому +649

    "Mr Rat how do you feel about..."
    "Let me stop you right there April. I'm a single, elderly father to four insatiable turtles so I don't give a damn about some meta. I have to raise them to be ninja to keep them from being exposed by snoops like you. I'm s tier? Tell me something I don't know." *smokes a Newport

    • @shaggythewriter8185
      @shaggythewriter8185 4 роки тому +6

      Come sub to me so I'm motivated to make content lmao

    • @Alex-xg9xt
      @Alex-xg9xt 4 роки тому +10

      You only got my sub because you literally look 100% like shaggy from far away

    • @bonkersbunker3793
      @bonkersbunker3793 4 роки тому +1


  • @dracomet2097
    @dracomet2097 4 роки тому +1281

    Coyote: “Mm, a cat, easy target”
    Human owner: “So you chose death”

    • @smaragdwolf1
      @smaragdwolf1 4 роки тому +126

      To all Coyote-Players: When you target our Cats, we will start a Crusade on every Member of your Playerbase, until you went extinct.

    • @krisp1871
      @krisp1871 4 роки тому +57

      So you have chosen death*

    • @alexisbaz8746
      @alexisbaz8746 4 роки тому +47

      *The Cat has a dog as team member*
      Dog: hum...

    • @furjaden8553
      @furjaden8553 4 роки тому +16

      Duel of the Fates begins*

    • @MaoRatto
      @MaoRatto 4 роки тому +38

      @@alexisbaz8746 Coyote: Who are you
      Dog: I'm you, but better
      I am surprised Tier Zoo didn't mention that Coyote's can join parties with dogs and wolves to make unique spawned players?

  • @SebHaarfagre
    @SebHaarfagre Рік тому

    2:58 Can we just appreciate that something that weighs about the same amount as a freaking CAR just perfectly jumped OVER more than the entire width of that car just like that?!?
    (Imagine how graceful it'd have looked if smaller)

  • @datheck2222
    @datheck2222 4 роки тому +314

    6:44 Grandma: he killed mr whiskers
    The feds: SEND IN THE CHOPPER!

    • @BrianZuma
      @BrianZuma 4 роки тому +38

      “At that moment he knew....
      He fucked up”

    • @axeties
      @axeties 4 роки тому +8

      Kill cat and you get The MAT(-49)

    • @devonking8727
      @devonking8727 4 роки тому +4

      i read that in schwarzenegger lol

  • @irvino6631
    @irvino6631 2 роки тому +555

    8:26 the squirrel basically slide canceled like a pro to avoid the cat

    • @G4lacta
      @G4lacta Рік тому +14


    • @TY40.
      @TY40. Рік тому +24

      That squirrel actually just took the cat's ankles

    • @kiskililla9126
      @kiskililla9126 Рік тому +16

      He/She is probably a global ranking player.

    • @6Persona6Ignotus6
      @6Persona6Ignotus6 Рік тому +6

      Ayo that squirrel is intelligent as fuck, look at the last slide to the right, If you observe his previous actions. You will see that he made a emphasis on creating a lager distance at the last slide.

    • @ineedeldenring6807
      @ineedeldenring6807 Рік тому +1

      He invested his skill points in the "+3 ss(superslide)cancel" i would say a wise choice for a city server.

  • @secondsun6963
    @secondsun6963 4 роки тому +437

    Rat mains even have a special ability to learn how to cook, though it’s region locked for France
    - edit- didn’t even think about the legendary NY rat build, which if you bring from Japan can teach four young mutant turtles ninjitsu

    • @alterinam6791
      @alterinam6791 4 роки тому +5


    • @gbong802
      @gbong802 4 роки тому +30

      Oh that’s why my rat run didn’t go as planned

    • @mrmunch5615
      @mrmunch5615 4 роки тому +16


    • @dman4897
      @dman4897 4 роки тому +29

      I asked a French man if he played games? He said wii

    • @seafoam6119
      @seafoam6119 4 роки тому +1

      10K Subscribers With Some Videos yes

  • @bigbirdyboiz
    @bigbirdyboiz 5 місяців тому +1

    1:00 Bro took that middle finger too seriously 💀💀💀

  • @superspider64
    @superspider64 4 роки тому +645

    "Ranks at high C Tier"
    Immediately crashes into a window

    • @ttd0000
      @ttd0000 4 роки тому +44

      High C is still just C.

    • @donbionicle
      @donbionicle 4 роки тому +27

      There's a reason C is the top of the bottom half.

    • @robpiy91
      @robpiy91 4 роки тому +9

      Guess it just couldn't C it..

    • @Aveture
      @Aveture 4 роки тому

      That's why they're C and not higher.

    • @ekinteko
      @ekinteko 4 роки тому +5

      The Deer is a E-Tier in the City Meta. Analysis is accurate.
      Goose are D-Tier here, another accurate assessment.
      The Coyote should be downgraded to D-Tier as it's a bad match with Dogs and even some Cats. It's also mistaken for a Wolf which has a negative perception, so it's hunted more actively. They're not very successful or common in most cities around the world.
      Pigeons are really "flying mice" but they've been quite successful. They're actually a High-C Tier. What they lack in intelligence and bulk, they more than make up for in respawn rates and flight. Tier Zoo could not be more wrong here.
      Feral Hogs are not good at City Meta. They're overpowered at the outskirts and forests, but suck at traversing. Not to mention they also get hunted, culled, and eaten by Humans. In fact have a look around most cities in the world and ponder how many have feral hogs. They're a solid C-Tier at best.
      Whereas Seagulls are a High-B Tier. They're much more social, intelligent, and capable than Pigeons. They're found across the world, around all cities, but are almost always limited to the sea coasts.
      Squirrels are B-Tier. They're very impressive build for the City Meta since they're very capable, and are seen as "cute" or non-pests by Humans. However they're limited to the North American server, limiting their total success.
      Raccoons and Monkeys are A-Tier builds. Like the Squirrel build, these buys have limited demographics. The more successful Monkey build is stuck mostly on the South/East Asian servers. The capable Racoon is on the North American server. And a similar Possum in the Australian server. Europe doesn't really have an equivalent, which is why all three of these builds are not S-Tier.
      The crow/raven are deservedly S-Tier. They're found on all the continents with cities. Their flight and omnivorous diet helps them survive. Yet their social skills, high intelligence allows them to thrive.
      The mice is a S-Tier as was omitted in this video. Whereas rats are actually the highest S-Tier due to their size and capabilities. If all humans and their food reserves vanished overnight, mice populations will tank, however the Rat population would continue as they move into forests as well.
      Other animal builds not mentioned here, which are very invasive but perhaps don't thrive in dense Metro City biomes are; Bats, Feral Dogs, Street Cats, Feral Fox, Feral Goat, Pythons, Bullfrog, Common Carp, Tilapia, Scorpion Fish, Green Crab, Bay Mussel, Gypsy Moth, Aphids, Fire Ants.

  • @w91238
    @w91238 4 роки тому +541

    "If your children can't fend off the feral hogs themselves then your bloodline is too weak to be allowed to continue"

    • @wintertheampharos4725
      @wintertheampharos4725 4 роки тому +12

      Top of the food chain, huh, Humans?

    • @mrmunch5615
      @mrmunch5615 4 роки тому +24

      @wintertheAmpharos yeah without weapons, humans aren’t that good at combat with other players.

    • @wintertheampharos4725
      @wintertheampharos4725 4 роки тому +4

      10K Subscribers With Some Videos no wonder they end up dying in battles that they instigated.

    • @mace2394
      @mace2394 4 роки тому +1

      Absolutely barbaric

    • @dank_smirk2ndchannel200
      @dank_smirk2ndchannel200 4 роки тому +7

      10K Subscribers With Some Videos so without weapons, how do human mains kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into their yard within 3-5 mins while their small kids play?

  • @haymyellow1880
    @haymyellow1880 4 роки тому +419

    okay so, is nobody going to talk about how valuable it is to be able to interact and appeal to human players? i know its seen as an underhanded play, but theres a reason dogs and house cats are so well-liked, and its the 'cuteness' and 'social' buffs

    • @haruhirogrimgar6047
      @haruhirogrimgar6047 4 роки тому +56

      The only reason Panda players and eventually Koala players are still playable is because of how attractive they are to humans. Cats would dominate cities if humans disappeared, and dogs would have their place. But there wouldn't be any panda players left without humans.

    • @seanhartnett79
      @seanhartnett79 4 роки тому


    • @vksasdgaming9472
      @vksasdgaming9472 4 роки тому +19

      It's the hidden trait Charismatic. It attracts Humans and of course it may be bad thing if that means humans killing those players because of generated loot and traits. Most large animals have it as well and Giant panda survives with it so it ain't worthless. Risky, but usually worth it.

    • @seanhartnett79
      @seanhartnett79 4 роки тому

      @@vksasdgaming9472 true.

    • @namesarefortheweak
      @namesarefortheweak 4 роки тому +13

      Yeah, as a hamster main I put EVERYTHING into my cuteness buff. It’s so helpful when trying to find a party.

  • @El_Omar2203
    @El_Omar2203 Рік тому +85

    Other players very common on cities biomes: parrots, cockroaches, lizards, spiders, flies.
    Parrots are extremely smart and with relatively long lifespans, they live in city biomes that have plenty of trees with loot and can easily avoid interaction with most predators, and they also live in large groups.

    • @Freeaviator
      @Freeaviator Рік тому

      Parrots are deliberately added to human player parties so he didn't include them

    • @thenamesianna
      @thenamesianna 11 місяців тому +2

      They've even invaded the city biomes on the Europe server somehow ! And nobody is trying to stop them.