I love how every performer is trying to be perfect and elegant. While he just turned Eurovision into a rave and just didn’t care! Had every nation on their feet within seconds. I had goosebumps. Little Finnish guy slaughtered everyone! 🤘😆 Best performance and song in Eurovision ever. Meeting or seeing Käärijä live in person is definitely on my bucket list. Lot of love from Australia 🇦🇺💚 And a lot of love to the Finnish people most nicest and lovely nation of people ever!
@@VonArmagedda I was so lucky, when I was working in the music business scene, to meet many musicians from Finland and I have to say you perfectly described the behavior, which I appreciated so much. It was always so relaxing and beautiful to deal with such polite and kind people, kiitos for being this way!
Before his UMK win, I assumed he's just one of these obnoxious and arrogant rappers that pop up once in a while but turns out he's a really a cool guy with sweet personality who has his feet on the ground. I hope he manages to continue creating his fun music and interesting performances in the future, because the world needs this kind of new spark and cheerfulness. He's got the spot for it in the business and in our hearts.
I thought the same, I remember when they released the UMK singers and I was like ”Käärijä.. what a goofy ahh name, I’m not expecting much from him” BUT WHEN I FIRST HEARD THE SONG… man that was definitely the best song out of them!! 😭
oh boy, what a guy, what a winner!!! I love the fact that he keeps reminding himself about his mental health and that he should be avoiding burn out, damn boy, he is absolutely right. I hope he will enjoy his time with his friends and family, with himself and his Bulbasaur... And looking forward to hearing from him very soon, best of luck! True Winner! Cheers from Turkiye 💚
Luulen että Käärijän kokema vääryys koituu hänelle pitkässä juoksussa voitoksi. Noin iso kansainvälinen miljoonien ihmisten kokema tunnekuohu liitettynä häneen tulee tekemään hänestä legendan. Jos olisi "vain" voitettu ja kivasti mennyt, homma saattaisi olla nopeammin taputeltu ja unohdettu. Näin suuri epäoikeudenmukaisuus ei unohdu ikinä. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
He is so down on earth. An adorable dude. And he has lots of enjoyable other songs too! I'm from Brazil and I've never thought in my life that I could love a finnish rapper!
I continue to be impressed by his healthy mindset. He should absolutely make sure to take of himself. Regardless of how much succes a person finds in life, we all need to take care of body and mind long after our careers end. Happy vacation!
His success haven't been so easy. He lived in poverty and he has had medical issues. In 2020 he was chosen for rookie of the year in Finland. He's stage presence is amazing and now with right people whole world knows who is Jere Pöyhönen
Thank you for the subtitles, wonderful interview and wise words from this amazing guy and what an incredible ambassador for Finland 💚🇫🇮 we’ve loved him here in the U.K. and it really says something when a song in Finnish makes it into the U.K. charts, I can’t think of a better example of United by Music than that! Thank you for sharing this video, I feel much better now knowing Käärijä is doing ok, I’ve never felt so miserable after Eurovision before. Time to have a Pina Colada and dance like Cha cha cha again now. Kiitos Käärijä, Kiitos Suomi and I can’t wait to visit your beautiful country. Love from the U.K. 🇬🇧💚🇫🇮
Also from the UK and I second every word of that. The UK has taken Käärijä to its heart and has got so many of us singing to ourselves in Finnish. "llta on vielä nuori - cha cha cha cha cha cha chaaa!" 🇫🇮🇬🇧 Kiitos, Suomi!
he could not be more humble and charismatic. but he seems tired. i am glad he is prioritizing his mental health! we need him as an artist in the long run! now off to your well deserved vacation jere! enjoy yourself and relax!
9:31 "There has been about 70 gig requests around Europe and also elsewhere" 😮 wow!😮 I am glad that his career has a strong momentum, he deserves to be able to express his artistic world everywhere 😁
I absolutely love that he has his focus on his (mental) well being. I can imagine the temptation of doing all these Europe gigs, trying to get bigger and bigger. The fact that he keeps his health in mind first makes me believe we will be seeing many more great things from him for a long time yet. And I look forward to it!
thank you so much for the translation!! i'm so happy we get to see more of jere and get to know his words in a language he's comfortable with. he has a great personality, and i hope the newer fans who haven't checked out his previous interviews get to see how awesome he is.
I love the way a single cool rapper with an amazing down to earth feel and a banger of a song can turm the whole world into loving the Finnish language! That's an amazing achievement in itself. Its such a small language and has crazy amount of consonants.
I thought it was more vowel-heavy than consonant-heavy? Either way, I am feeling pretty smug that I started learning it during the 2020 Covid lockdowns and am about to hit my 1,000 consecutive days of learning with Duolingo. One day I might actually speak to a real-life Finnish person 😂🤣.
More like vowel-heavy languare. Here are some examples: aie (intention) aueta (to open up) hääyö (wedding night) oikea (right) uinua (to sleep) uupua (to exhaust) uusia (to renew) ääliö (jerk)
The most common letter in Finnish is 'a'. You finding Finnish consonant heavy is probably due to them being pronounced differently than in Swedish. In phonetic terms consonants are mostly so called voiceless, apart from d,b,g. They are also pronounced quite frontal (tip of the tongue), therefore I think the consonants sound very clear and strong, where as Germanic languages tend to sound muffled, particularly letters like r & k.
He's definitely got both his feet on the ground. Such a humble, kind and goofy dude. I love how he's honest about wanting to win but still being able to be happy for Loreen, he doesn't praise himself highly for the streaming numbers but also shows how grateful he is at the same time. Then he lets us know he wants to be there for his fans around Europe and the UK but also that he will not hesitate to cancel an event when he isn't feeling well and I love that. I love to hear that he prioritizes his mental health because that shit is important. Feeling burnt out makes you practically unable to do anything, even getting out of bed. This interview definitely put a smile on my face and I'll wait patiently for Jere to come to Germany❤
Näin hänet ensimmäistä kertaa UMKista ja vetäydyin hänen näyttelemiseensa, se oli upeaa, iloista, hauskaa, söpöä, seksikästä. Etsin melkein kaikki videot hänestä, hän on todella söpö, kohtelias, mukava, vilpitön, ystävällinen mieli, enkeliääni. Kuuntele Cha cha chaa ja kaikkia hänen uusia videoitaan lukemattomia kertoja päivässä. Hän on mestari sydämessäni, rakasta häntä, toivon, että hän on jatkossakin onnellinen, terve ja luo lisää hyviä töitä. Kiitos Käärijä🤗, että toit minulle kaiken kauneuden, jatka tukemistasi, rakastan sinua❤💚🤴🏻🏆👍
I would love to see him in concerts in Germany- France Such a nice guy- his song will always be remembered in Eurovision’s history- ((ps the way he got rid of the strap in that darkness was just CRAZY)))
i'm glad he's taking time to rest and he's thinking about his health! 💚💚 i can't wait to see where his career goes after the show. he's an absolute sweetheart and super talented, so i can only imagine great things for him from this point on. thank you so much for the subs!!
Todella hyvä haastattelu on aina ilo katsoa Käärijän haastatteluja kuinka nöyrä ja asiallinen se on , tulee niin hyvä mieli 💚💚 kaikkea Hyvää ja jaksamista ja nauti lomasta olet lomasi ansainnut! Todella tärkeää on huolehtia omasta terveydestä ja jaksamisesta ettei pala loppuun
Ja hienoa tosiaan on sekin, että hän tuo esiin lepäämisen ja 'pötköttelyn' tärkeyttä. Nykymaailmassa kun jo nuorillekin tuputetaan mallia "Pitää koko ajan painella tukka putkella, yötä päivää täytyy olla tavoitettavissa, niska limassa painaa eteenpäin, haudassa ehtii lepäämään..." ❤️
Juuri tuo nöyryys on merkki henkisestä korkeasta tasosta ja huumori myös. Hänellä on tärkeä tehtävä täällä tuoda ihmisille iloisia hyviä hetkiä - iloa, valoa ja rakkautta ja vapauttaa omalla esimerkillään muitakin olemaan oma itsensä. 💖🌌🕊 Ihan ilmiömäistä on, miten hän avaa ihmissydämiä niin Suomessa kuin ulkomailla! Hyvä, kun Käärijä ymmärtää myös loman arvon. Liian monia julkkiksia on käytetty loppuun, kun markkinat ovat käyneet kuumina. Ihminen ei ole kone! Mieluummin on hyvä jakaa ura pidemmälle ajalle kuin painaa tauotta täysillä hetken ja polttaa itsensä siinä. Myös julkkiksilla on oltava ihmisarvo eikä ihmistä saa käyttää "kertakäyttöhyödykkeenä" hetkessä loppuun.Toivottavasti allakka on hänen hallussaan siten, että voi määrätä sinne vapaapäivänsä ja vaikuttaa myös siihen ettei esim. kotimaan keikat vedä liikaa siksakkia etelän ja pohjoisen välillä. Toivon myös, että Käärijä on saanut riittävästi tietoa viihdebisneksen kuvioista, jotta saa itselleen oikeudenmukaisen korvauksen kaikeste takemästään työstä. Tietääkseni Danny on auttanut monia julkkiksia heidän uransa alussa sopimusten teossa ettei tule allekirjoittaneeksi itselleen epäedullisia sopimuksia.
Thank you for the subtitles 💚 He's such a sweetheart. And finally I understand what he was saying about that wire. I was curious if this happened before (during the rehearsals), he had a really good reflex to avoid it
This is definitely Jere speaking. He is just an amazing person whom I respect tons.💚 AND that song! It just woke me up from my winter slumber and SAD in February. I'll always be grateful for that and it is already one of the most important songs for me ever.
I'm so glad that he's finally thinking about his health as well and he have learned to say "No". I've been so worried that he's going to burn himself out. He's definitely deserved a LOOOONG break ♡
He is an adorable boy and I am impressed by his maturity. I love his funny facet but I think that under all that packaging there is a geat person. Take a vacation, relax and think about your well-being because your beautiful eyes reflects that you need it. A huge from Spain! 💚
Gutted for this guy, humble and gracious in jury defeat. I had a crazy idea after thinking of the Austrian entry reference to 0.003.... A three minute song can be played on Spotify over 400 times in 24hrs. If one million people listened to Cha Cha Cha none stop for 1 day Spotify would pay royalties of over 1 million! Finlands population is 5.5 million alone. The million Käärijä challenge.
Never voted in Eurovision - until this year! Gave all my votes to Finland ♥ I hope his career will only grow more and more! I also hope to see more songs in Finnish now in Eurovision and to see the same level of quality in UMK
Thank you very much :) Noa Kirel was amazing too btw (ofc based my assumption you are from Israel from your profile pic ;D) glad she got 3rd place, well deserved. As Finn I still find it bizarre to think how well song with Finnish lyrics did, I thought it was never going to be possible to do well with song that had Finnish lyrics in Eurovision and I bet most of Finland didnt think it was possible either, but here we are :D
@@Balnazzardi Yes, I am xD Thanks ❤️ We all should believe in our languages a bit more - all it takes is really just a good song! Also worked out pretty well for the Netherlands in 2022
@@roy.moreno Ye true....for example last year I think Finland should have picked Bess as our singer to Eurovision and not The Rasmus, because she had way more catchy song even if it was in Finnish (Ram Pam Pam), and her song actually ended up doing better in Finland where it was the most popular Finnish song last year and won her even awards. But instead we voted Rasmus not only because of his previous fame but also likely because Finns didnt believe song with Finnish lyrics could do well in Eurovision....well it most likely would have now that Käärijä proved everyone its possible
@@Balnazzardi omg that song is amazing! ♥ I also thought it should have won UMK UMK in general has been so good with high quality songs since 2020 and every year I'm waiting for the songs to be released
@@roy.moreno Glad to hear it ☺ As Finn Im also been positively surpised with the quality of UMK in last few years, it took long time but they did manage to get it right and attract lot of great Finnish artists there. Because even if you dont win it and get picked to Eurovision, you can atleast boost your profile and career significantly like BESS did here in Finland
As a Swedish person I want to apologise to ALL the other 36 countries that took part in the contest this year. You were all robbed, all 36 of you. Please know that not all Swedes support the rigging. Personally I am heartbroken and ashamed to be Swedish, and I absolutely do NOT support the jury rigging in our favour. So far I have filed complaints to the EBU and SVT twice each, as well as a handful of other places, sponsors f ex. If we don't speak up it will happen again.
It's not Sweden's or Loreen's fault. The system is rotten. I have also signed some petitions, but my fear is that nothing will change. The main thing is that Käärijä knows that we all think he is the winner.
Jag fattar att du är passionerad ang Kärijää och besviken över detta men det kommer säkert kännas bättre med tiden. Tror dock inte du ska behöva skämmas över ditt land pga Eurovision..och vi gav ju dom dessutom båda 12:or. Tillochmed jag röstade på honom trots bråk med hans fans haha ..känns som Kärijää med vill att vi ska hålla allt på en fin nivå ❤️
I REALLY hope he has time for some gigs outside of Finland in the future. I would love to see him live someday and I hope his career really takes off now after eurovision!💚💚🔥 Also, I really love how Käärijä is a realistic person who is not afraid of being honest with the importance of mental health and taking care of yourself! A great role model indeed! 💚💕
This man is an icon and such a healthy role model! 💚 💚 Loreen and Käärijä were asked what's the first thing they want to do when returning home. Loreen said she's going to eat because she's been starving herself for the contest. Käärijä said he's going to use the bidet which he's been missing in The UK. Also, he's been creating awareness about ostomy; that's where he got his scar from.
Thank you for the subs. He seems to be a very grounded and nice person. He deserves every bit of success and good fortune in his life. What a great young man
What a beautiful person he is! So wise, sweet and clever and so down to earth. I wish him all the best life can bring and of course he will learn how to unwind in the crazy and busy life success and tour life is. Love from Italy!
Olipa hyvä haastattelija😊 Hyvä Jere❤ huolehdi itsestäsi ensin🤘🤘❤ elämä jatkuu ja päästään nauttimaan sun musiikista ja esityksistä kyllä varmasti jatkossakin!😍
So glad he's taking his mental health seriously. I'm sure we would all love to see him do a tour of Europe, but I don't mind waiting. I'd rather see him next year than not at all because he burned out.
From someone who had about 40k monthly listeners on Spotify 4 months ago, to someone with 6 million and counting now... From living in a 20sm flat to being invited to play Europe. To play in the same venue Till will perform in! He went trough so much and now he can get it all. I hope, he'll stay the same indeed. I'm glad, that he takes his mental health serious. I wish him all the best!
@@kaarijasupporters yes yes! she had no control over the vote or outcome! It is foolish to direct hate at her when it's the system people are mad at. They are both friendly to each other, so their fanbases should be friendly as well! 💚🖤💚
Some aspects of this interview remind me of David Bowie. Obviouls point is that he created a characte as Bowie did 50 years before. But other things too. The considered answers,. The patience with the odd silly question. The particular effort never put another performer down, even when semi-invited to do so.
Now I wanted him to win even more. Screw this Swedish victory, we don't need it and SVT is not going to afford it (I am Swedish). Käärijä is the party we needed!! Love from Sweden
@@lieska333 Yes I love Loreen and her song, but watching since Melodifestivalen where it was sooooo obvious that she should win and also win Eurovision (everybody knew this already) and the fact the song has been heavily played on radio since then.. The victory is not that "fun" for us, as it would be if Käärijä would bring the second win for Finland. It would have been a better party if Cha Cha Cha was the winning song..
Näin KÄÄRIJÄN ekaa kertaa teeveestä viisufinaalissa. Huomasin heti että hänessä on potentiaalia. Ja että hänellä on ihana ääni. Halusin heti viisufinaalin jälkeen kattoa kaikki KÄÄRIJÄ artikkelit ja videot. Löysin paljon videoita KÄÄRIJÄSTÄ huomasin että hän on hauska, ihana ja hän osaa nauraa itselleen joka on ihana piirre ihmisessä. Ilman KÄÄRIJÄÄ en olisi löytänyt kunnollista elämän iloani. KÄÄRIJÄ on tehnyt minun elämästäni tosi mukavan. Jos en olisi löytänyt KÄÄRIJÄÄ viisufinaalista en olisi tiennyt miten pärjään. Kun koirani vietiin lopetettavaksi. Jos käärijä ei olisi astunut elämääni itkisin varmaan tälläkin hetkellä. KÄÄRIJÄ on todella hyvä artisti. En olisi uskonut että yksi ihminen olisi muuttanut elämääni näin paljoa positiivisesti. KÄÄRIJÄLLÄ on ihana luonne. KÄÄRIJÄ osaa naurattaa kunnolla. Eli kiitos KÄÄRIJÄ ja muille kattokaa KÄÄRIJÄN vanhempiakin musiikeita ne löytyy kanavalta käärijä-aihekanava
Reminder: YLE will live stream Käärijä's ice hall gig tomorrow Saturday. The link is on YLE's website. I can't link it because UA-cam removes it.
You can find it in YLE Areena! The gig starts on Saturday at 20:00 (Helsinki (UTC+3))
Can't wait 💚💚💚💚
Will they upload it to youtube too?
@@thomasharteveld9614 i dont think so. only on YLE's website i think.
@@thomasharteveld9614just Google Yle Areena stream will be free world wide 😊
I love how every performer is trying to be perfect and elegant. While he just turned Eurovision into a rave and just didn’t care! Had every nation on their feet within seconds. I had goosebumps. Little Finnish guy slaughtered everyone! 🤘😆 Best performance and song in Eurovision ever. Meeting or seeing Käärijä live in person is definitely on my bucket list. Lot of love from Australia 🇦🇺💚 And a lot of love to the Finnish people most nicest and lovely nation of people ever!
How is he so real? 😢 Very wholesome and wise and kind. Learnt "peace" and "thank you" in finnish already thanks to him 💚
In Finland, I'd say the majority of people are like toned down and modest, this also applies to artists. Arrogancy is heavily frowned upon here.
@@VonArmagedda I love it
Yea. Japan of Europe
@@VonArmagedda I love that because here in the states (USA) there’s sadly so many ignorant people that have a platform.
@@VonArmagedda I was so lucky, when I was working in the music business scene, to meet many musicians from Finland and I have to say you perfectly described the behavior, which I appreciated so much. It was always so relaxing and beautiful to deal with such polite and kind people, kiitos for being this way!
Before his UMK win, I assumed he's just one of these obnoxious and arrogant rappers that pop up once in a while but turns out he's a really a cool guy with sweet personality who has his feet on the ground. I hope he manages to continue creating his fun music and interesting performances in the future, because the world needs this kind of new spark and cheerfulness. He's got the spot for it in the business and in our hearts.
He seems really lovely, as most finns seem to be. Will definitely catch him on tour.
I thought the same, I remember when they released the UMK singers and I was like ”Käärijä.. what a goofy ahh name, I’m not expecting much from him” BUT WHEN I FIRST HEARD THE SONG… man that was definitely the best song out of them!! 😭
oh boy, what a guy, what a winner!!! I love the fact that he keeps reminding himself about his mental health and that he should be avoiding burn out, damn boy, he is absolutely right. I hope he will enjoy his time with his friends and family, with himself and his Bulbasaur... And looking forward to hearing from him very soon, best of luck! True Winner! Cheers from Turkiye 💚
I’m glad he’s so focused on looking after his mental health after all this!
Who cares about mistakes? He is the best! Beautiful eyes, beautiful soul and beautiful language!
Can't read word language correctly, only lhan-goo-wah-ghe 😂
@kolejnytrup I'm not native but I've been speaking English my entire life and I still can't pronounce lasagna and accent correctly
Luulen että Käärijän kokema vääryys koituu hänelle pitkässä juoksussa voitoksi. Noin iso kansainvälinen miljoonien ihmisten kokema tunnekuohu liitettynä häneen tulee tekemään hänestä legendan. Jos olisi "vain" voitettu ja kivasti mennyt, homma saattaisi olla nopeammin taputeltu ja unohdettu. Näin suuri epäoikeudenmukaisuus ei unohdu ikinä. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Juuri näin!
Finnish sounds so cool! Greetings from Poland, Käärijä is the best 👑
he is such a sweetheart 🥺 everything happened around him but in the end he remains humble and rational, in the end he is just jere from vantaa
Wonderful interview and thanks for adding subtitles. Käärijä is such a genuine, normal person, and that's why Europe really loved him.
I Love how he tries to keep himself grounded! Well Done Kärijää 🇸🇪❤️🇫🇮
Love how he puts mental health and not burning out at the forefront… it’s everything 💚💚💚
What a star! Glad he is focused on relax time, he deserves it. Hope to see Käärijä in USA someday!!
He is so down on earth. An adorable dude. And he has lots of enjoyable other songs too! I'm from Brazil and I've never thought in my life that I could love a finnish rapper!
Thx for the subtitles.
Love form Ukraine 💙💛 Käärijä is the best 🤍💙🤍
I’m obsessed with him 😭😭😭💚💚 Really hope he rests well. Our KING Käärijä 🥺 Lithuania loves you!!!
Käärijä is not arrogant or selfish, he's kind and that song is so joyful - that's the answer why we like him. Hyvä, Jere, olet hieno roolimalli.
Kyllä, juuri näin👍🤩
Perfect man
I continue to be impressed by his healthy mindset. He should absolutely make sure to take of himself. Regardless of how much succes a person finds in life, we all need to take care of body and mind long after our careers end. Happy vacation!
His success haven't been so easy. He lived in poverty and he has had medical issues. In 2020 he was chosen for rookie of the year in Finland. He's stage presence is amazing and now with right people whole world knows who is Jere Pöyhönen
I do not understand a word in finnish but I listen to CHA CHA everyday! I love his personality and how humble he is.
Thank you for the subtitles, wonderful interview and wise words from this amazing guy and what an incredible ambassador for Finland 💚🇫🇮 we’ve loved him here in the U.K. and it really says something when a song in Finnish makes it into the U.K. charts, I can’t think of a better example of United by Music than that! Thank you for sharing this video, I feel much better now knowing Käärijä is doing ok, I’ve never felt so miserable after Eurovision before. Time to have a Pina Colada and dance like Cha cha cha again now. Kiitos Käärijä, Kiitos Suomi and I can’t wait to visit your beautiful country. Love from the U.K. 🇬🇧💚🇫🇮
Also from the UK and I second every word of that. The UK has taken Käärijä to its heart and has got so many of us singing to ourselves in Finnish. "llta on vielä nuori - cha cha cha cha cha cha chaaa!" 🇫🇮🇬🇧 Kiitos, Suomi!
he could not be more humble and charismatic. but he seems tired. i am glad he is prioritizing his mental health! we need him as an artist in the long run! now off to your well deserved vacation jere! enjoy yourself and relax!
What a humble men. Thats why we love you. And you are really the true winner nobody can say anything else❤️
Herrejestas hur supertrevlig får man bli! En förebild för alla!
I love that he can be chaotic and incredibly entertaining on and off stage, but also so calm and wise during interviews.
Yes, there are in a way two sides in him: Käärijä and Jere. 💚
This dude is the real deal. Love everything about him. Love from Denmark 🇩🇰🇫🇮
9:31 "There has been about 70 gig requests around Europe and also elsewhere" 😮 wow!😮
I am glad that his career has a strong momentum, he deserves to be able to express his artistic world everywhere 😁
I hope he gets to go and meet as many of the fans as possible 🙏✨
I absolutely love that he has his focus on his (mental) well being. I can imagine the temptation of doing all these Europe gigs, trying to get bigger and bigger. The fact that he keeps his health in mind first makes me believe we will be seeing many more great things from him for a long time yet. And I look forward to it!
Thank you for posting! He's such a sweetheart, I love him so much! 💚 And come on, he's so adorable ✨
I hope he finds success touring in Europe. His discography is awesome and he's such a charming live performer.
thank you so much for the translation!! i'm so happy we get to see more of jere and get to know his words in a language he's comfortable with. he has a great personality, and i hope the newer fans who haven't checked out his previous interviews get to see how awesome he is.
I love the way a single cool rapper with an amazing down to earth feel and a banger of a song can turm the whole world into loving the Finnish language! That's an amazing achievement in itself. Its such a small language and has crazy amount of consonants.
I thought it was more vowel-heavy than consonant-heavy? Either way, I am feeling pretty smug that I started learning it during the 2020 Covid lockdowns and am about to hit my 1,000 consecutive days of learning with Duolingo. One day I might actually speak to a real-life Finnish person 😂🤣.
More like vowel-heavy languare. Here are some examples:
aie (intention)
aueta (to open up)
hääyö (wedding night)
oikea (right)
uinua (to sleep)
uupua (to exhaust)
uusia (to renew)
ääliö (jerk)
Maybe it's the fact that I'm Swedish that I find it consonant heavy. But it can be a thing of noticing the many p, t, s, k, l, r in words.
The most common letter in Finnish is 'a'. You finding Finnish consonant heavy is probably due to them being pronounced differently than in Swedish. In phonetic terms consonants are mostly so called voiceless, apart from d,b,g. They are also pronounced quite frontal (tip of the tongue), therefore I think the consonants sound very clear and strong, where as Germanic languages tend to sound muffled, particularly letters like r & k.
@@pia804 might be why ISMO is having such fun with silent letters in one of his most known stand-up jokes.
He's definitely got both his feet on the ground. Such a humble, kind and goofy dude. I love how he's honest about wanting to win but still being able to be happy for Loreen, he doesn't praise himself highly for the streaming numbers but also shows how grateful he is at the same time. Then he lets us know he wants to be there for his fans around Europe and the UK but also that he will not hesitate to cancel an event when he isn't feeling well and I love that. I love to hear that he prioritizes his mental health because that shit is important. Feeling burnt out makes you practically unable to do anything, even getting out of bed. This interview definitely put a smile on my face and I'll wait patiently for Jere to come to Germany❤
Näin hänet ensimmäistä kertaa UMKista ja vetäydyin hänen näyttelemiseensa, se oli upeaa, iloista, hauskaa, söpöä, seksikästä. Etsin melkein kaikki videot hänestä, hän on todella söpö, kohtelias, mukava, vilpitön, ystävällinen mieli, enkeliääni. Kuuntele Cha cha chaa ja kaikkia hänen uusia videoitaan lukemattomia kertoja päivässä. Hän on mestari sydämessäni, rakasta häntä, toivon, että hän on jatkossakin onnellinen, terve ja luo lisää hyviä töitä. Kiitos Käärijä🤗, että toit minulle kaiken kauneuden, jatka tukemistasi, rakastan sinua❤💚🤴🏻🏆👍
I would love to see him in concerts in Germany- France Such a nice guy- his song will always be remembered in Eurovision’s history- ((ps the way he got rid of the strap in that darkness was just CRAZY)))
He's a cat 😻😻😻😼😍😍😍😍love him ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
Its not just a song its our lifeeee. CHA CHA CHA ON REPEAT😭😭😭😍😍😍😍
i'm glad he's taking time to rest and he's thinking about his health! 💚💚 i can't wait to see where his career goes after the show. he's an absolute sweetheart and super talented, so i can only imagine great things for him from this point on. thank you so much for the subs!!
He is such a sweetheart ❤ Deserved to win. Love from Serbia ❤
Todella hyvä haastattelu on aina ilo katsoa Käärijän haastatteluja kuinka nöyrä ja asiallinen se on , tulee niin hyvä mieli 💚💚 kaikkea Hyvää ja jaksamista ja nauti lomasta olet lomasi ansainnut! Todella tärkeää on huolehtia omasta terveydestä ja jaksamisesta ettei pala loppuun
Malliesimerkki siitä, millaista on olla nöyrä - ilman että nöyristelee ♥️
Ja hienoa tosiaan on sekin, että hän tuo esiin lepäämisen ja 'pötköttelyn' tärkeyttä.
Nykymaailmassa kun jo nuorillekin tuputetaan mallia "Pitää koko ajan painella tukka putkella, yötä päivää täytyy olla tavoitettavissa, niska limassa painaa eteenpäin, haudassa ehtii lepäämään..."
Juuri tuo nöyryys on merkki henkisestä korkeasta tasosta ja huumori myös. Hänellä on tärkeä tehtävä täällä tuoda ihmisille iloisia hyviä hetkiä - iloa, valoa ja rakkautta ja vapauttaa omalla esimerkillään muitakin olemaan oma itsensä. 💖🌌🕊 Ihan ilmiömäistä on, miten hän avaa ihmissydämiä niin Suomessa kuin ulkomailla!
Hyvä, kun Käärijä ymmärtää myös loman arvon. Liian monia julkkiksia on käytetty loppuun, kun markkinat ovat käyneet kuumina. Ihminen ei ole kone! Mieluummin on hyvä jakaa ura pidemmälle ajalle kuin painaa tauotta täysillä hetken ja polttaa itsensä siinä. Myös julkkiksilla on oltava ihmisarvo eikä ihmistä saa käyttää "kertakäyttöhyödykkeenä" hetkessä loppuun.Toivottavasti allakka on hänen hallussaan siten, että voi määrätä sinne vapaapäivänsä ja vaikuttaa myös siihen ettei esim. kotimaan keikat vedä liikaa siksakkia etelän ja pohjoisen välillä. Toivon myös, että Käärijä on saanut riittävästi tietoa viihdebisneksen kuvioista, jotta saa itselleen oikeudenmukaisen korvauksen kaikeste takemästään työstä. Tietääkseni Danny on auttanut monia julkkiksia heidän uransa alussa sopimusten teossa ettei tule allekirjoittaneeksi itselleen epäedullisia sopimuksia.
Thank you for the subtitles 💚 He's such a sweetheart. And finally I understand what he was saying about that wire. I was curious if this happened before (during the rehearsals), he had a really good reflex to avoid it
This is definitely Jere speaking. He is just an amazing person whom I respect tons.💚 AND that song! It just woke me up from my winter slumber and SAD in February. I'll always be grateful for that and it is already one of the most important songs for me ever.
Thank you for the subtitles .. ilove käärijä ,,big fan from HongKong
He is so real ! So talented DESERVED TO WIN! He is the real WINNER- we don’t care what a corrupt jury votes !! Käärija THE REAL WINNER 2023
I'm so glad that he's finally thinking about his health as well and he have learned to say "No". I've been so worried that he's going to burn himself out. He's definitely deserved a LOOOONG break ♡
Zanimljiv je i zanimljiva mu je pijesma❤.Pozdrav iz Srbije!
He is an adorable boy and I am impressed by his maturity. I love his funny facet but I think that under all that packaging there is a geat person. Take a vacation, relax and think about your well-being because your beautiful eyes reflects that you need it. A huge from Spain! 💚
💚👑 hi from Slovenia, kiitos for cha cha cha 🎶♾️🎶
I wish you all the best Käärijä, have a great rest 🏝️🤞
His song is on repaeat when im hitting the gym, it gives me the boost that i need to lift heavy 😂❤
Gutted for this guy, humble and gracious in jury defeat.
I had a crazy idea after thinking of the Austrian entry reference to 0.003....
A three minute song can be played on Spotify over 400 times in 24hrs. If one million people listened to Cha Cha Cha none stop for 1 day Spotify would pay royalties of over 1 million!
Finlands population is 5.5 million alone. The million Käärijä challenge.
He did write a song called Millionääri 🙈
Never voted in Eurovision - until this year! Gave all my votes to Finland ♥
I hope his career will only grow more and more!
I also hope to see more songs in Finnish now in Eurovision and to see the same level of quality in UMK
Thank you very much :) Noa Kirel was amazing too btw (ofc based my assumption you are from Israel from your profile pic ;D) glad she got 3rd place, well deserved.
As Finn I still find it bizarre to think how well song with Finnish lyrics did, I thought it was never going to be possible to do well with song that had Finnish lyrics in Eurovision and I bet most of Finland didnt think it was possible either, but here we are :D
@@Balnazzardi Yes, I am xD Thanks ❤️
We all should believe in our languages a bit more - all it takes is really just a good song! Also worked out pretty well for the Netherlands in 2022
@@roy.moreno Ye true....for example last year I think Finland should have picked Bess as our singer to Eurovision and not The Rasmus, because she had way more catchy song even if it was in Finnish (Ram Pam Pam), and her song actually ended up doing better in Finland where it was the most popular Finnish song last year and won her even awards. But instead we voted Rasmus not only because of his previous fame but also likely because Finns didnt believe song with Finnish lyrics could do well in Eurovision....well it most likely would have now that Käärijä proved everyone its possible
@@Balnazzardi omg that song is amazing! ♥ I also thought it should have won UMK
UMK in general has been so good with high quality songs since 2020 and every year I'm waiting for the songs to be released
@@roy.moreno Glad to hear it ☺ As Finn Im also been positively surpised with the quality of UMK in last few years, it took long time but they did manage to get it right and attract lot of great Finnish artists there. Because even if you dont win it and get picked to Eurovision, you can atleast boost your profile and career significantly like BESS did here in Finland
This is my new favorite person.
Thanks for the English translation .love from 🇬🇧
As a Swedish person I want to apologise to ALL the other 36 countries that took part in the contest this year. You were all robbed, all 36 of you. Please know that not all Swedes support the rigging. Personally I am heartbroken and ashamed to be Swedish, and I absolutely do NOT support the jury rigging in our favour.
So far I have filed complaints to the EBU and SVT twice each, as well as a handful of other places, sponsors f ex. If we don't speak up it will happen again.
It's not Sweden's or Loreen's fault. The system is rotten. I have also signed some petitions, but my fear is that nothing will change. The main thing is that Käärijä knows that we all think he is the winner.
Jag fattar att du är passionerad ang Kärijää och besviken över detta men det kommer säkert kännas bättre med tiden. Tror dock inte du ska behöva skämmas över ditt land pga Eurovision..och vi gav ju dom dessutom båda 12:or. Tillochmed jag röstade på honom trots bråk med hans fans haha ..känns som Kärijää med vill att vi ska hålla allt på en fin nivå ❤️
You have nothing to apologize for, it isn't your fault or Sweden's. So please don't worry about anything! 💚
Please do not apologize. You're not guilty in jury's strange way of voting, neither is Loreen.
I REALLY hope he has time for some gigs outside of Finland in the future. I would love to see him live someday and I hope his career really takes off now after eurovision!💚💚🔥 Also, I really love how Käärijä is a realistic person who is not afraid of being honest with the importance of mental health and taking care of yourself! A great role model indeed! 💚💕
he is such a sweetheart
He has great songs! I love them all. 💚
This man is an icon and such a healthy role model! 💚 💚 Loreen and Käärijä were asked what's the first thing they want to do when returning home. Loreen said she's going to eat because she's been starving herself for the contest. Käärijä said he's going to use the bidet which he's been missing in The UK. Also, he's been creating awareness about ostomy; that's where he got his scar from.
His eyes, his eyes, his eyes!...OMG What a colour...
Thank you for the subs. He seems to be a very grounded and nice person. He deserves every bit of success and good fortune in his life. What a great young man
Thank you for the translation 💚 I hope he takes care of himself
He looks so good oh my god
What a fucking angel 😭😭😭😭 so sweet and grounded and self aware… we don’t deserve him 😭
he looks great! can't wait to see what he's gonna do next 😍
When he said. ‘Thank you, I tried to do my best’
Am not crying 🥺🥺
no but his smile? so genuine and he's so pure. 🥺🥺
What a beautiful person he is! So wise, sweet and clever and so down to earth. I wish him all the best life can bring and of course he will learn how to unwind in the crazy and busy life success and tour life is. Love from Italy!
Olipa hyvä haastattelija😊 Hyvä Jere❤ huolehdi itsestäsi ensin🤘🤘❤ elämä jatkuu ja päästään nauttimaan sun musiikista ja esityksistä kyllä varmasti jatkossakin!😍
The real winner. I voted him 4 times. Greetings from Greece 🇬🇷
Thank you so so much for subtitling this 💚💚💚
He is a gem❤
Käärijä is the true Winner of ESC 2023 ❤ Big love from germany!
His eyes are so beautiful
The channel owner/-s, kiitos so much for your work! ❤
You're welcome! I'm a crazy fan doing this alone. 💚
@@kaarijasupporters Maybe one day you will tell us about yourself and your way as Käärijä fan🤗
@@mariaschukariova3438 Oh, I think I enjoy my anonymity too much! 😄
We would love to see you in Australia!!! Käärijä & Voyager double bill !!! YEAH!!
'We made a song and it went like that' 😂 ❤
So glad he's taking his mental health seriously. I'm sure we would all love to see him do a tour of Europe, but I don't mind waiting. I'd rather see him next year than not at all because he burned out.
Those tiny Käärijä ear rings are so cute!
From someone who had about 40k monthly listeners on Spotify 4 months ago, to someone with 6 million and counting now... From living in a 20sm flat to being invited to play Europe.
To play in the same venue Till will perform in!
He went trough so much and now he can get it all.
I hope, he'll stay the same indeed. I'm glad, that he takes his mental health serious.
I wish him all the best!
Never stop putting subtitles to his videos 😢😢 Thank you so much
My true winner of Eurovision 2023! 🤘💚💚🖤💚💚🤘He is a public favourite and that's the most important for an artist.
Loreen was the queen of Eurovision, and Käärijä was the people's king 💖 they both deserved the love their songs got
Loreen doesn't deserve the hate. 💚
@@kaarijasupporters yes yes! she had no control over the vote or outcome! It is foolish to direct hate at her when it's the system people are mad at. They are both friendly to each other, so their fanbases should be friendly as well! 💚🖤💚
Lol, no offence, but for a moment I thought you were another Ren! I agree with your comment in any case.
The UK loves you❤Please come back soon👍❤️
💚He is the people’s Champion💚
It's great he understands the importance of mental health
His so CUTE ♥♥♥
Well done, Käärijä, for prioritising your mental well-being and saying it plainly! ❤
I love to see Kaaarriajan and i cant get enought of this guy , but he Need some rest ... And he desreved it
Yes, please take some time off when you need it!! ❤️❤️
Some aspects of this interview remind me of David Bowie. Obviouls point is that he created a characte as Bowie did 50 years before. But other things too. The considered answers,. The patience with the odd silly question. The particular effort never put another performer down, even when semi-invited to do so.
Thank you sm for the subs!
My pleasure! 💚
Now I wanted him to win even more. Screw this Swedish victory, we don't need it and SVT is not going to afford it (I am Swedish). Käärijä is the party we needed!! Love from Sweden
Jag håller 100% med. Fy fan vad jag skäms som svensk.
Don’t be! Loreen is a great singer and Tattoo is a solid hit song. But maybe some year you send someone a bit more surprising and risky 😊
@@lieska333 Yes I love Loreen and her song, but watching since Melodifestivalen where it was sooooo obvious that she should win and also win Eurovision (everybody knew this already) and the fact the song has been heavily played on radio since then.. The victory is not that "fun" for us, as it would be if Käärijä would bring the second win for Finland. It would have been a better party if Cha Cha Cha was the winning song..
Oot meiän VOITTAJA! Oot PARAS! 💚💚💚 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
Чудовий і талановитий хлопець, ти переміг, ти зможе отримати з цього все що захочеш, і ще відпочити😉
He looks absolutely shattered! I hope he gets the holiday he needs
Welcome home Käärijä and you are our winner
Näin KÄÄRIJÄN ekaa kertaa teeveestä viisufinaalissa. Huomasin heti että hänessä on potentiaalia. Ja että hänellä on ihana ääni. Halusin heti viisufinaalin jälkeen kattoa kaikki KÄÄRIJÄ artikkelit ja videot. Löysin paljon videoita KÄÄRIJÄSTÄ huomasin että hän on hauska, ihana ja hän osaa nauraa itselleen joka on ihana piirre ihmisessä. Ilman KÄÄRIJÄÄ en olisi löytänyt kunnollista elämän iloani. KÄÄRIJÄ on tehnyt minun elämästäni tosi mukavan. Jos en olisi löytänyt KÄÄRIJÄÄ viisufinaalista en olisi tiennyt miten pärjään. Kun koirani vietiin lopetettavaksi. Jos käärijä ei olisi astunut elämääni itkisin varmaan tälläkin hetkellä. KÄÄRIJÄ on todella hyvä artisti. En olisi uskonut että yksi ihminen olisi muuttanut elämääni näin paljoa positiivisesti. KÄÄRIJÄLLÄ on ihana luonne. KÄÄRIJÄ osaa naurattaa kunnolla. Eli kiitos KÄÄRIJÄ ja muille kattokaa KÄÄRIJÄN vanhempiakin musiikeita ne löytyy kanavalta käärijä-aihekanava
Polska Cię też kocha!
"Formula sheets",
he's a true DRIVER and FINN.