Little America in Korea: Take a look inside Yongsan US Army Garrison!
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- These brick townhouses were once home to American officers and their families, but South Korea has gained control of this tract of land on the southeastern tip of the Army’s Yongsan Garrison, nearly two decades after the U.S. and Korea set in motion a plan to relocate the bulk of America’s troops in the country to a location south of Seoul and return the property to the government.
The village, which consists of 18 buildings, is now open to the public, and it is crowded with people who came to get a glimpse of the inside of the garrison and to snap selfies against the backdrop of American-style, two- and three-story townhouses.
I grew up there. Attended Seoul American Elementary from 1st-4th grade. Now a West Point Cadet. It is super surreal and a real honor to a part of history
Sending ❤️ to our friends in 🇰🇷 from 🇺🇲.
Ur mom
@@saitama4410 a beautiful educated successful woman. 👍
@@twentyonegrams8617 Yes Indeed
@Cpl_nofuksgiven ❤️
As an American who was stationed in Yongsan (1973-1974), and with fond memories of the post and the Korean people I knew while serving there, I look forward to seeing what develops from this land returning to it's rightful owners after so many generations of being off limits. I hope it will become a beautiful park that I can visit someday.
Lived here from 2000-2002 at age 7-9. Weird to see it as a tourist attraction now
My father was assigned in Seoul from 1963-65. We lived next to Gate 19. I attended Seoul American elementary school there. I do not recognize anything in the videos. Glad to see the progress. "Many" memories from back then.
I lived there a few times and I had the best time of my life! Shout Out SAHS Sgt Maj Braswell
This brings back memories for me! My family lived in Yongsan for four years, from 1994-1998. We lived in one of those Blackhawk townhomes for 2 years, and then in the US Embassy housing for two more years after that. It was a great place to be a kid!
Amazing. It showed the building that I actually lived in. 5524J. My family was there when the townhouses first opened in 1986, and our unit specifically was the model shown to all the families;) great video
oh sigh so many memories. My daughter was conceived there. Lol crazy to think about an old home becoming a tourist attraction. It makes me feel nostalgic and a little homesick but thank you for sharing the video
Yongsan Garrison is also home to many KATUSA Soldiers. I was there in 2007-2009 for USFK Engineer. I found out later that many American soldiers who served in Yongsan and their family members also missed Yongsan. They call it HOMETOWN litterally, including not only the garrison, but also Itaewon area and nearby Seoul.
It was a small American town and literally a ‘global village’, where not only for U.S. military personnel, but also for KATUSAs, Korean employees, and even multinational soldiers belonging to the United Nations Command and their families lived together.
I remember the scenery at late afternoon of weekdays. When the yellow sunlight stretches across the base at 4 pm, the UNC Honor Guard is practicing at the sand filed in front of the headquarters, while students ride a school bus to Hannam village, and ROK military personnel and American fellows salute as they come and go. while saying hello. Sometimes it's in English... sometimes it's in Korean. On the main road in main post, the military police are directing traffic. I miss them so much… .
I would like to turn Yongsan base into a park, but leave the existing buildings as much as possible. Most of them are historical buildings, it will recall good memories from everyone who resided in the base for 60 years more.
용산기지는 수많은 카투사들의 고향이기도 하지요. 저는 07-09년에 있었습니다. 나중에 알아보니 용산에 근무했던 수많은 미군들과 그 가족들도 용산을 그리워하더라구요. hometown이라고 부르더라구요. 용산기지 뿐만 아니라 이태원 및 인근 서울까지 통틀어서요.
미군 뿐만 아니라 카투사, 한국인 직원들 심지어 유앤군사령부 소속의 다국적 군인들과 그 가족들이 모여 살면서 작은 미국 소도시이자 말그대로 ‘지구촌’이었습니다.
노란색 햇살이 길게 늘어지면 오후 4시되면 사령부 앞 연병장에 유엔군 의장대 한국군(동시에 국방부 의장대)가 총을 돌리며 연습을 하고 있고, 학생들은 스쿨버스를 타고 하교하고 카투사를 비롯한 미군과 한국군들이 서로 오가면서 경례하면서 인사를 합니다. 영어로 하기도 하고.. 한국어로 하기도 하고요. 주요 길목에는 헌병들이 교통정리를 하고 있구요. 참 그립습니다….
지금 용산기지를 공원화하되 기존 건물등은 되도록 남겼으면 합니다. 거의 대부분 근대 건축물이라 역사적 의의도 깊은 곳입니다.
I was stationed at Camp Howze in '88-'89 and visited Yongsan a few times, I wish I had spent more time there and really took it in and did more sightseeing. It was a very good looking post and had a cozy small town feel to it compared to the 2ID Camps up in the western corridor.
1984~1986 Katusa service member, I really miss those days.
At that time, the Army Headquarters became a war memorial and the golf course became a national museum.
I remember sweating to win the inter-unit soccer competition.
The many unique encounters at the nearby foreign embassies, tea houses, bars, and clubs.
The many stories we shared until late at night.
I wonder where many of the people I met while going back and forth with my fellow soldiers at that time are living now in the US and what they are doing?
1984~1986년 katusa근무자,그 시절이 참으로 그립습니다.
당시 육군본부는 전쟁기념관이 되었고 골프장은 국립박물관이 되었네요.
부대대항 축구대회서 우승하기위해 땀흘리던 기억이 나네요.
인근의 수많은 외국대사관과 찻집,술집,클럽에서의 이색적인 만남들.
밤늦게까지 나누던 많은 이야기들.
그 때의 군인동료들과 오가며 만났던 많은 분들이 지금은 지금은 미국 어디서 무엇을 하며 살고 있을까?
My best friend lived in Black Hawk village from 88 till 1991. I used to go play at his house after school. I played little league baseball there as well. So many nostalgic childhood memories runs through my mind as I watch this video.
Oh man. I remember the year of the typhoons when the place flooded. The train tracks in the back by a creek that would freeze over in the winter. The tiny Korean store on the corner when you left out the front gate. Walking to school. I used to work at the Burger King and then the Dragon Hill Lodge. I learned calculus in a quonset hut. Jeez, the years go by.
I was stationed there 1985-1987. Great times, great memories.
I lived in Yongsan 2012-2017. It was really sad to see everything move to Humphreys and Korea was no long the same for me after I moved to Humphrey. Seem kind of werid that Korea decided to keep the housing I thought they would tear it down like they did Hanam village. They use to protest a lot about the Army leaving so I'm confused, why keep it? Low key that area could use some parking.
용산에 계속 있었으면 좋겠다. 일정병력은 남아 있어야 돼. 수도에 그래도 미군이 주둔하는 의미가 큼
They have changed their minds and decided to make it the greatest golf course in asia
Was stationed their 03 04 with 1st sig Bde a lot has changed since then
I used to live there
The place reminds visitors of a foreign settlement. Korea as she appears to foreign eyes.
Isnt open every day
This is quite weird like an American amusement park. I'd love to see a french one. It would be fun if the USA had one of these mini towns for all the countries across the globe in the USA. I'd love to visit Little Estonia in the middle of Wyoming or something. Taiwan is pretty hype too -- I need a mini Taiwan.
I lived in Blackhawk village for 2 years and I think that it is BS that we are allowing people to roam the place freely
South Korea owns it....we just borrowed it
@@jermainenelson7647 Yeah, I think a part of the base is still with us though
I wonder what the fascination is to them@ArmyAviator
Well-presented by Minyoung-Lee.