i can’t believe comments from years ago are more prospering than recent one, in fucking 2023. she’s living her truth and i support her for it, the same for many, many trans women and men.
That’s what I was thinking. The political atmosphere wasn’t toxic then like it is today and social media wasn’t a monster to bring so much force onto a subject and issues.
She is gorgeous. And more power to her. This couldn't have been easy. And shame on anyone who responds negatively. The world isn't black and white. If you refuse to accept that, oh well. No one needs to hear your comments. No one has the right to judge anyone.
I so totally agree with you! People are harping on about it being judgmental and discriminatory but it's so not. There are women all around the world who grow up dreaming of participating in these pageants and work hard and get there. He may look and sound like a woman, but at the end of the day he isn't. He was born a he, his DNA still says that he's a HE! He is very beautiful yes, and no doubt a lovely person, but it's just not fair. It's MISS not MISS WHO WAS A HE pageant! ugh
She wasn't attacking another woman she was attacking a MAN. It is insulting for men to try to be something they are not. I have a husband, who thinks that changing genders would solve all his problems but it won't, I am one problem he has that won't be solved I am determined to get him out of fantasy land.
Mr Pudding pop yeah. They take over our sports and now this? It’s Miss not miss/mister. Can’t women just have something men can’t touch besides ovarian cancer?
I feel that because of Jenna that people will open their minds more but only to people that they can safely identify with at first glance. Jenna looks just like a woman and acts like a woman but not all trans people are so convincing. I hope one day the world is more open minded and I commend this young lady for her pursuit of that
the rules of ms. universe should not be change...the contestant should be naturally born woman it is a prestigious contest therefore they should stick in the rule! well on the otherhand why not make ms. universe contest for transgender in this case it will be fair enough to all the contestant.
kelsey wood please seek medical attention immediately. What a way to waste the good brain that God gave you! You are incapable of reason! Lord have mercy on you!
since when did sports become an only-male activity? The idea of gender equality is aimed to things that can be performed/attained regardless of sex, like say; education. The pageant established itself to showcase the assets of a real woman. Disqualifying her is not an act of insult. It's merely to be fair to other female contestants and be true to its very technical foundation. She has been enhanced after all, right? Much better to create a transgender pageant. It's only fair to her as well.
Funny ... all this hate on here from all these guys. Know what that tells me? 1) They watched this video and found themselves sexually attracted to Jenna. 2) They think that makes them gay.
Vanessa P I remember seeing a pic of jenna and being attracted but once I found jenna to be transgender, I lost attraction. That might sound fucked up but it's the truth.
jar head It is fucked up, but I can at least appreciate your honesty. Transgender people have been treated as "men in dresses" or mentally unstable freaks for SO long in popular media, it's hard for people to look past the stereotypes and the right-wing misinformation to see these people as just ... people. As just the natural anomaly they have been for millennia. Maybe in a generation or 2, with social media and more exposure of the transgender community, most people won't think it's a big deal anymore. But there has been too much social upheaval for many people in this generation alone, with fights for gay marriage and expansion of anti-discrimination statutes. Now comes greater awareness of transgender persons, and a lot of people are just tired of it all. But as more women like Jenna, or Blaire White, or many other young transgender women come out and are seen in the world, I've a feeling the "ick" factor for a lot of guys will go away considerably.
Vanessa P Actually, I don't think it's so fucked up anymore. I respect people's decisions to make the change but it's just my preference when it comes to me being/shagging with someone.
This video is the first time I saw Jenna so knew she was transgender straight away and I am attracted to her. The fact she is transgender doesn't bother me. I seem to have developed a more open mind recently. Though I can understand why some men would be put off. I hope things will improve with time.
It's not the problem. They try to change themselves because they are confused. They think they're meant to be "this" or "that". Lies and confusion lead them the wrong way, just like you thinking "it's not a choice" and "it's ok to do it" Obviously me saying all this won't change it, I know that. But I thought I should just be heard. What goes on now-a-days with some people is just beyond me. I'm pretty much done with arguing on this video now. I hope your confusion goes away. You're dumped. Bye
What the hell is wrong with people now days. I could say i always felt like a potato instead of a guy and I'll be considered crazy but a guy could say i was meant to be a girl like Bruce Jenner and they'll get an award for having courage, i don't see any courage in that. You see how hypocriticle that seems
because we biologists discovered transwomen have the brains of women and transmen have the brains of men. i do however believe you in fact have the brain of a potato
By talking about "natural beauty" you could also say that make-up, hair-styling products and so on shouldn't be used, because that's also not natural and therefore cheating. Almost everything in a beauty-contest is fake.
PixieRealm yet she looks better then your big forehead ass lmao you mad 4 eyes? I bet you have a bad built body too dont ya jealous girl..oh and by the way theres surgery for the voice too if she wants that..you are ugly big nose and you have a masculine chin dear lol
+gottalovemystyle did you seriously get offended by that short little comment? wow, calm down psycho. I take no offense to your remarks, I'm natural without any alterations and natural is 100 times more beautiful then fake altered any day. :) You are the one that has a dog up instead of your face O.o she's gross.
I used to be repulsed by the idea of transgendered women. Then, I actually got to know one as a friend, and that really opened my eyes. Now, I can accept people like Jenna as a woman. I came to realize that people like her are just as human as anyone else, and deserve to feel comfortable with who they really are. What is between the ears is much more important than what is or isn't between the legs, and Jenna made a great step forward by standing up for what is right. Way to go Jenna.
I'm gay and I TOTALLY disagree with her being in the Miss Universe pageant. Anyone can set their own rules for their own competition. You could have a pageant for transgender women only. The rule would state you HAD to be born male and then have transitioned into a female. If Jenna doesn't like the rule then she can start her own pageant with her own rules.
that does not change the fact that the LGBT community IS discriminated against. Pageants for trans* people seem to me to be reactionary to the fact that trans* people were rejected from 'ordinary' pageants. It's like setting up an LGBT exclusive school as a reaction to most schools in your area being discriminatory to LGBT students - it doesn't matter that an LGBT school can act as a substitute for any other school, what matters is the systemic discrimination that has led to its existence. So yes, having rules in a pageant that exclude trans* people (and further perpetuate the idea that woman is not a woman if 'she was previously a man', which is exactly one of the thought processes that causes anti-trans* discrimination and exclusion in the first place) IS very much like separate bathrooms for black people, as it sets up a minority group as 'other', second class, invalid. 'Hiding in the closet' is NOT a good excuse for saying they didn't suffer, being forced to hide your identity IS suffering. And I think you'll find that trans* people are made to use bathrooms which do not match their gender, which is hostile and discriminatory.
yeah, the LGBT community isn't a very unified entity like people believe it is. it's more like 'LG with a minor nod to BT' for the most part. and hate for T.
I'm obviously not prejudiced towards trans people, but I do have to admit that I find it very confusing and hard to get my head around. I feel that people like Jenna talking about these issues will be really helpful to the members of my generation who, unlike me, fear and hate what they do not fully understand.
Of course it happens. And there are exceptions. As for AIS, it is hereditary (runs in families), so yes, I believe genetic testing is warranted and justified in that case. Especially in cases where there are visible signs during examination of a newborn infant. IMO, testing should be done to rule out ANY possible hereditary condition, IF there are other instances in that family.
I am Christian. I just want to share that I believe God loves everyone. Not all Christian's are full of hate. I love inspirational stories like this one. She is beautiful, and I admire her confidence. :)
I am straight. I have a biologically female girlfriend, and I'm not attracted to her just because I said she's beautiful. I admit she has masculine features, but all I'm saying is they're still humans and people shouldn't discriminate.
True. When this little boy starts to get older, the man will show. You cannot hide it when you get older. This freak will find out the hard way, and suicide will come very soon.
As a straight man .. I can honestly say that she/he looks like an average attractive woman. I feel that most men are just threatened by the idea that she once had a penis. Come on guys ... Just admit that you think she/he looks decent as a woman. Not the prettiest but she's alright.
All I was saying was ... The average trans woman would still have masculine features such as the jaw line or the brow bone but I don't see in this one. SHE is beautiful and I have nothing against men who want to become women or women who want to become men.
You can choose to be a woman if you want. But it is unfair that you had your breasts implant and compete with other Miss Pageant beauty who really comes from naturally grown woman with natural breasts size. So, your breast size is desirably done by your wish, not from your born nature. That means your beauty is not from nature, and plastic surgery. Then, it's unfair to other contestants. You shouldn't mess up the Miss Pageant.
Men are born and grow with a height advantage. She's 6'1, height is a HUGE advantage in pageants. I disagree that trans women should be allowed to compete in beauty pageants.
the point was SEX is male or female and GENDER is man or woman, they're two different classifications. puppies and cats are a different species, so that argument doesn't make sense. we're not saying people can grow into lizards here, genius, we're saying sex is a physical state and gender is a social construct and goes a lot deeper than "features" and "fetishes" into things like ego, self esteem, identity, and social interaction.
I thought it was brave for her to continue wth the contest, because either way she's going to get criticism despite the outcome. Like if she had won it probably would have been bittersweet because there'd be the doubters that would say it was just all political. If she hadn't made the top group, she'd wonder if it was because of her situation, & even her making the top 12 people would say was political. So the whole thing would be bittersweet.
The amount of transphobic comments on this is absolutely disgusting! Leave the poor girl alone for God's sake! I'm so proud of Jenna for fighting for what she believes in. She's truly a role model for other trans people everywhere. You go, girl! :D
"Born a boy" merely means they had at least a partially formed penis, it doesn't mean that their voice dropped or that they went through male puberty. It also doesn't mean that they have XY chromosomes, nor does it mean they feel that they are a man. "Born a boy" is judging a book by its cover, something we're taught not to do; but our book is judged and written from the moment we're born... forcing us to fulfill gender roles that may not seem right until we break out of the gender prison.
I totally support Jenna. I don't think this is the best interview though. Certainly it's understandable that people would be curious about how such a transformation takes place but for the media to fixate on the surgery, the hormones and not even to ask a single question that addresses her as a human being is quite frankly sickening. She's not a science experiment or some kind of side show to be poked and prodded with questions about things that are extremely personal. It would be nice if BW had asked about why she decided to compete, what it was like to participate, what she hoped to achieve etc etc. In other words, the kind of questions they would normally ask of a beauty contestant. There's a really inspiring story to be told here but unfortunately BW failed to get that story told.
Well, it's not like you can just ignore the male aspect of a person competing in a female role. There will obviously be questions...nothing wrong with that.
I didn't say there was anything wrong with those questions. I'm sure she anticipates being asked them. I said that it's disgusting that the only thing that BW was interested in was in her private parts as if Jenna herself were just a walking freak show and the only reason to interview her was to have her explain her gender.
no, but she's not a man. you could maybe make that argument if she transitioned late in life, but she didn't develop male physical characteristics since she started hormone therapy at an early age. she did not develop muscle tone, get facial hair, etc. she's honestly not any more fake than the other girls in the competition.
Around the same time this happened, a contestant from 'American Idol' named Jermaine Jones was disqualified from 'American Idol' for concealing the fact he had been arrested. He wrote "no" to the question, "have you ever been arrested" on his application. He was rightfully disqualified for breaking a rule. If Talackova answered "yes" on the application to the question, "are you a natural born female", then how is this situation different from what happened with Jones? I do not agree with breaking rules in contests and new policies should not be created as result of a situation like that.
Ok- that's a really bad analogy! For one, a criminal past is asked for the safety of others. Jenna didn't hurt nobody. Not is she at risk for potentially being a danger. If we kept everything exactly by the books, I am pretty sure that we'd all be following the Bible still wearing tassels on our clothing, never sharing contact besides your spouse of the opposite sex, and stoning adulterers. Not to mention how discriminatory this is- it's 2015 afterall. I didn't hear anything about her lying saying she lied about being a "naturally born female" either. She's legally a woman by law and within herself. If you want to talk about "rule breaking" let's talk about all the rules and laws that THEY broke with being discriminatory! Glad she won the case!
Elizabeth Arndt All crime is not involving victims. So if I bounce a check, miss my court date and get locked up, that means I'm dangerous? GTFO with that. This is the problem with stupid people, they are so stupid, they don't realize they are stupid.
***** Your reply reveals a level of misogyny. There are very many 'natal women' (born women) who have never bore children, breast fed, never had periods, do you consider them to be less than a woman too? If you do your proceeding under the askew notion that all it is to be a woman revolves around childbirth and their reproductive system. Like the old belief 'woman = mother, mother =woman'.....there is much more to us than that.
+Digest Laughter808 - so if a naturally born woman, can't have kids, but she adopts, does that mean she's not a real woman? or if a naturally born woman can't get her period, does that mean she's not a real woman? everything you said is weak. come up with a stronger argument. you say you support them, but you really don't. you would understand that they are 100% female. just because they weren't born how their brain is wired, doesn't make them less of a woman. ugh.
this girl was actually a girl, because she felt that she's a girl, so she has a feminin spirit, she may be a male,but she always had that girl inside her, it depends what's inside us, the outside doesn't matter.
What a beautiful and courageous young woman, Jenna. I am awed and inspired by trans people; they have tremendous courage and authenticity, in a world of ignorance and judgment, as many low level intellects and sad, deluded fools who believe they speak for "God" reveal below. God, by the way, would never judge such a thing; such people project their own narrow consciousness and meager intelligence onto God and create God in their own image. Jenna is much closer than they are, with her honesty and her obviously kind heart. Jenna may have had to face the surgical blade for her operation, but unfortunately she faces an interview style about as subtle here, from the lady in magenta. She's quite an amazing little human. Thanks for posting this.
Couldn't agree more with you. People who claim they speak for God worry me... and also annoy me. Also people who claim they have a "better" spiritual or religious path than yours REALLY worry me.
Sure she was born male, sure she grew up as a boy, but through hormone therapy and surgery, she became a beautiful young woman. That's what I see and that's what I wish everyone else would see.
To Blake Gildaphish: if you look at history you will see that many human rights issues have started with controversy, whether African American civil rights, women's rights, gay rights and now transgenders. If you look back at history a hundred years ago, women were struggling just for the right to vote, and provoking a lot of controversy with the status quo, which was mostly an objecting male dominated society and some women as well. The transgender struggle for recognition and acceptance to me is a civil rights issue. Controversy has always been a part of the struggle for humanity and dignity, and if what Jenna is doing provokes controversy SO BE IT. I also object to Barbara Walter's insensitive questions about Jenna's boyhood, and questions like "if I saw you undressed, would you look like a female or male?" Very unnecessary questions to ask.
Being gay is not a choice, and neither is your gender! Transgender people feel that they were born in a body whose physical sex does not match their gender identity. Homosexuals feel attracted to the same sex. Both are entirely natural possibilities of being human. Because both instances do indeed go against many people's typical notions of what is "normal", the idea of being transgender or non-heterosexual can be very uncomfortable. It is important that we show tolerance not only for non-heterosexual and transgender lifestyle choices, but also for heterosexuals who are troubled by such lifestyles. Ultimately, we are all human -- if what someone is doing does not cause serious physical or emotional damage to a fellow human being, we should live and let live.
Can a dog or a cat run in the miss universe. Great he wants to be a women that's fine. If every male did surgery and entered miss universe we wouldn't exist..
your defense isn't very clear... i kept having to re-read who said the first comments because i thought it was the other dude. that would have actually made much more sense.
Well, the thing is being a woman is not about looks. This woman was born in a body that was not the same as her mind. Some biologically born women can't get pregnant, my mom cant, doesn't make her less of a woman. Gender is in your mind. I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude but I'm only informing you things that I have researched and learned from the Transgender community. I think you should look into what Transgender is before making an opinion that someone is or is not a man or a woman.
Why a racist comment? It just doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with this video. You had nothing to say to her and decided to comment on being black? And I think you need to read the bible again.
I don't see why you felt the need to attack the lawyer...lawyers are what make our country fair and just, by helping people who feel they are being discriminated against, etc, get what they deserve. There is no reason that Jenna should not have been able to compete, because she obviously psychologically felt like a woman. It isn't up to you to decide what people are allowed to feel about themselves.
I get that these interviewers are trying to support her, but honestly asking about her birth name and about her "parts" is really not neccessary...
Her birth name was fair enough, but the part about her being naked was inappropriate.
i can’t believe comments from years ago are more prospering than recent one, in fucking 2023. she’s living her truth and i support her for it, the same for many, many trans women and men.
That’s what I was thinking. The political atmosphere wasn’t toxic then like it is today and social media wasn’t a monster to bring so much force onto a subject and issues.
my best friends mom use to work with jenna when she worked at vancity shes an amazing woman!!
What's kinda ironic is that she kinda looks like Doanld Trumps Daughter Ivkana trump she's hot)
+Tuna Jr i was thinking the same exact thing. i was wondering what was so familiar about her!!
Painful. xD
so beautiful how accepting the mother is.
She is gorgeous. And more power to her. This couldn't have been easy. And shame on anyone who responds negatively. The world isn't black and white. If you refuse to accept that, oh well. No one needs to hear your comments. No one has the right to judge anyone.
I so totally agree with you! People are harping on about it being judgmental and discriminatory but it's so not. There are women all around the world who grow up dreaming of participating in these pageants and work hard and get there. He may look and sound like a woman, but at the end of the day he isn't. He was born a he, his DNA still says that he's a HE! He is very beautiful yes, and no doubt a lovely person, but it's just not fair. It's MISS not MISS WHO WAS A HE pageant! ugh
She wasn't attacking another woman she was attacking a MAN. It is insulting for men to try to be something they are not. I have a husband, who thinks that changing genders would solve all his problems but it won't, I am one problem he has that won't be solved I am determined to get him out of fantasy land.
Thumbs up if you came here just to hear if she sounds like a man...
Truthfully she is prettier then many women and girls. Inside and out.
How is that rule discriminatory? We want real women in miss universe not men
Mr Pudding pop yeah. They take over our sports and now this? It’s Miss not miss/mister. Can’t women just have something men can’t touch besides ovarian cancer?
Jenna Talackova made history
I feel that because of Jenna that people will open their minds more but only to people that they can safely identify with at first glance. Jenna looks just like a woman and acts like a woman but not all trans people are so convincing. I hope one day the world is more open minded and I commend this young lady for her pursuit of that
She is a woman, beautiful and brave.
Women are not male.
Madness! his disqualification was justified.
This woman is amazing and an inspiration
Gender is defined by society, sex is defined by biology. If you want to argue your point, you can say sex, not gender. It's psychologically correct.
the rules of ms. universe should not be change...the contestant should be naturally born woman it is a prestigious contest therefore they should stick in the rule! well on the otherhand why not make ms. universe contest for transgender in this case it will be fair enough to all the contestant.
Lol Prestigious!
then women who are infertile should not be allowed either because its pretty much the same thing as a transgender woman they cannot have babies
That makes absolutely no sense. Whether she is cis or trans doesn't matter. She is a woman and should be competing against other women.
kelsey wood please seek medical attention immediately. What a way to waste the good brain that God gave you! You are incapable of reason! Lord have mercy on you!
This is a man.always will be to the day he dies.
So brave, and an inspiration to many of us ♥
That's what you call brace, really
@@donwal2016 Brave yes not brace 🤨
Being a freak and acting proud of it sure is brave
Truer words have never been spoken before.
since when did sports become an only-male activity? The idea of gender equality is aimed to things that can be performed/attained regardless of sex, like say; education. The pageant established itself to showcase the assets of a real woman. Disqualifying her is not an act of insult. It's merely to be fair to other female contestants and be true to its very technical foundation. She has been enhanced after all, right? Much better to create a transgender pageant. It's only fair to her as well.
Funny ... all this hate on here from all these guys. Know what that tells me?
1) They watched this video and found themselves sexually attracted to Jenna.
2) They think that makes them gay.
Vanessa P I remember seeing a pic of jenna and being attracted but once I found jenna to be transgender, I lost attraction. That might sound fucked up but it's the truth.
jar head
It is fucked up, but I can at least appreciate your honesty.
Transgender people have been treated as "men in dresses" or mentally unstable freaks for SO long in popular media, it's hard for people to look past the stereotypes and the right-wing misinformation to see these people as just ... people. As just the natural anomaly they have been for millennia.
Maybe in a generation or 2, with social media and more exposure of the transgender community, most people won't think it's a big deal anymore. But there has been too much social upheaval for many people in this generation alone, with fights for gay marriage and expansion of anti-discrimination statutes. Now comes greater awareness of transgender persons, and a lot of people are just tired of it all.
But as more women like Jenna, or Blaire White, or many other young transgender women come out and are seen in the world, I've a feeling the "ick" factor for a lot of guys will go away considerably.
Vanessa P Actually, I don't think it's so fucked up anymore. I respect people's decisions to make the change but it's just my preference when it comes to me being/shagging with someone.
jar head
Absolutely, it's your preference and your right to know. I won't argue that.
This video is the first time I saw Jenna so knew she was transgender straight away and I am attracted to her. The fact she is transgender doesn't bother me. I seem to have developed a more open mind recently. Though I can understand why some men would be put off. I hope things will improve with time.
i closed my eyes and still i can hear a gay boy talking....
Can't even tell she was born male...doesn't matter though : ]
It's not the problem. They try to change themselves because they are confused. They think they're meant to be "this" or "that". Lies and confusion lead them the wrong way, just like you thinking "it's not a choice" and "it's ok to do it" Obviously me saying all this won't change it, I know that. But I thought I should just be heard. What goes on now-a-days with some people is just beyond me.
I'm pretty much done with arguing on this video now. I hope your confusion goes away. You're dumped. Bye
What the hell is wrong with people now days. I could say i always felt like a potato instead of a guy and I'll be considered crazy but a guy could say i was meant to be a girl like Bruce Jenner and they'll get an award for having courage, i don't see any courage in that. You see how hypocriticle that seems
because we biologists discovered transwomen have the brains of women and transmen have the brains of men. i do however believe you in fact have the brain of a potato
wt work u have done to get an award should u get an award for commenting this shit
By talking about "natural beauty" you could also say that make-up, hair-styling products and so on shouldn't be used, because that's also not natural and therefore cheating. Almost everything in a beauty-contest is fake.
these people are sick she can't even keep a straight face
I'm going to get so much hate for this. But as a Transwoman myself I have to say...Jenna's an inspiration to me.
but there is a trace..... it's in the voice
PixieRealm yet she looks better then your big forehead ass lmao you mad 4 eyes? I bet you have a bad built body too dont ya jealous girl..oh and by the way theres surgery for the voice too if she wants that..you are ugly big nose and you have a masculine chin dear lol
+gottalovemystyle did you seriously get offended by that short little comment? wow, calm down psycho. I take no offense to your remarks, I'm natural without any alterations and natural is 100 times more beautiful then fake altered any day. :) You are the one that has a dog up instead of your face O.o she's gross.
PixieRealm bitch you are fat and ugly period stop hating lmao big ford ass lmao
+PixieRealm i think your beautiful at least ur not filled with plastic
my mom's voice is deeper than hers
I used to be repulsed by the idea of transgendered women. Then, I actually got to know one as a friend, and that really opened my eyes. Now, I can accept people like Jenna as a woman. I came to realize that people like her are just as human as anyone else, and deserve to feel comfortable with who they really are. What is between the ears is much more important than what is or isn't between the legs, and Jenna made a great step forward by standing up for what is right. Way to go Jenna.
I'm gay and I TOTALLY disagree with her being in the Miss Universe pageant. Anyone can set their own rules for their own competition. You could have a pageant for transgender women only. The rule would state you HAD to be born male and then have transitioned into a female. If Jenna doesn't like the rule then she can start her own pageant with her own rules.
***** like bathrooms for black people? yeah, that wasn't discriminatory at all either.
that does not change the fact that the LGBT community IS discriminated against. Pageants for trans* people seem to me to be reactionary to the fact that trans* people were rejected from 'ordinary' pageants. It's like setting up an LGBT exclusive school as a reaction to most schools in your area being discriminatory to LGBT students - it doesn't matter that an LGBT school can act as a substitute for any other school, what matters is the systemic discrimination that has led to its existence.
So yes, having rules in a pageant that exclude trans* people (and further perpetuate the idea that woman is not a woman if 'she was previously a man', which is exactly one of the thought processes that causes anti-trans* discrimination and exclusion in the first place) IS very much like separate bathrooms for black people, as it sets up a minority group as 'other', second class, invalid. 'Hiding in the closet' is NOT a good excuse for saying they didn't suffer, being forced to hide your identity IS suffering. And I think you'll find that trans* people are made to use bathrooms which do not match their gender, which is hostile and discriminatory.
yeah, the LGBT community isn't a very unified entity like people believe it is. it's more like 'LG with a minor nod to BT' for the most part. and hate for T.
thank you.. finally... you can be gay all you want.. but going for surgery bullshit and now doing this is just insanity...
I'm obviously not prejudiced towards trans people, but I do have to admit that I find it very confusing and hard to get my head around. I feel that people like Jenna talking about these issues will be really helpful to the members of my generation who, unlike me, fear and hate what they do not fully understand.
Well said, and please allow me to compliment you for being a great person.
i really love her. she's the beautiful trangender that i never seen EVERRR !
@Vero E mind your own business 🤬🤬🤬
What I stated is facts and not my opinion...
Of course it happens. And there are exceptions. As for AIS, it is hereditary (runs in families), so yes, I believe genetic testing is warranted and justified in that case. Especially in cases where there are visible signs during examination of a newborn infant.
IMO, testing should be done to rule out ANY possible hereditary condition, IF there are other instances in that family.
WOW shes beautiful!!!
She is the most beautiful women ever!
shes and ispiration to me i am just like her......shes is my idol
How can I argue with such a clear and valid point?
She is beautiful.
Respect the real woman period
go jenna! keep fighting!
I am Christian. I just want to share that I believe God loves everyone. Not all Christian's are full of hate. I love inspirational stories like this one. She is beautiful, and I admire her confidence. :)
You are not a Christian , you are a joke
What kind of "Christian" are you???
No real "Christian" would accept this.
Walter was born a man
Walter is still a man
Walter will die a man
Walter will always be a man
I am straight. I have a biologically female girlfriend, and I'm not attracted to her just because I said she's beautiful. I admit she has masculine features, but all I'm saying is they're still humans and people shouldn't discriminate.
he'll never be a girl don't fight with me its the truth hecando all this surgery but hell always be a boy he was born like that
daniella faithhope yeah but that makes her happy it's okay
True. When this little boy starts to get older, the man will show. You cannot hide it when you get older. This freak will find out the hard way, and suicide will come very soon.
I dont know how can u say that they are so successful in their stream u all are just jealous and they are wealthy too
Before we developed into guys, we were all females at one point.
You are just upset because this trans person looks better than you.
god she is stunning...
She's absolutely stunning.
As a straight man .. I can honestly say that she/he looks like an average attractive woman. I feel that most men are just threatened by the idea that she once had a penis. Come on guys ... Just admit that you think she/he looks decent as a woman. Not the prettiest but she's alright.
Jose Matele
Yea she is hot lol I can admit that
All I was saying was ... The average trans woman would still have masculine features such as the jaw line or the brow bone but I don't see in this one. SHE is beautiful and I have nothing against men who want to become women or women who want to become men.
dont do that. dont "she/he" it's she and only she
You can choose to be a woman if you want. But it is unfair that you had your breasts implant and compete with other Miss Pageant beauty who really comes from naturally grown woman with natural breasts size. So, your breast size is desirably done by your wish, not from your born nature. That means your beauty is not from nature, and plastic surgery. Then, it's unfair to other contestants. You shouldn't mess up the Miss Pageant.
Iff he can choose to be woman.. I can choose to be a Dog??? No right. So he can choose his sex
it's not a choice and it is fair. majority of these women have all had plastic surgery
Respect to Jenna. I admire her seeming so strong through the setbacks. Is it me or were Barbara's questions a bit blunt?
She's gorgeous
Men are born and grow with a height advantage. She's 6'1, height is a HUGE advantage in pageants. I disagree that trans women should be allowed to compete in beauty pageants.
It’s a man not a woman!!!
the point was SEX is male or female and GENDER is man or woman, they're two different classifications. puppies and cats are a different species, so that argument doesn't make sense. we're not saying people can grow into lizards here, genius, we're saying sex is a physical state and gender is a social construct and goes a lot deeper than "features" and "fetishes" into things like ego, self esteem, identity, and social interaction.
you can call that person what you want, and I will call the person what I want which is him for that person is a man in my eyes
+Troy Jones
Should have gone to Specsavers.
I thought it was brave for her to continue wth the contest, because either way she's going to get criticism despite the outcome. Like if she had won it probably would have been bittersweet because there'd be the doubters that would say it was just all political. If she hadn't made the top group, she'd wonder if it was because of her situation, & even her making the top 12 people would say was political. So the whole thing would be bittersweet.
The amount of transphobic comments on this is absolutely disgusting! Leave the poor girl alone for God's sake! I'm so proud of Jenna for fighting for what she believes in. She's truly a role model for other trans people everywhere. You go, girl! :D
That's a dude. Unless I can classify myself as a turtle or skyscraper, then it was born a dude and will die a dude.
"Born a boy" merely means they had at least a partially formed penis, it doesn't mean that their voice dropped or that they went through male puberty. It also doesn't mean that they have XY chromosomes, nor does it mean they feel that they are a man. "Born a boy" is judging a book by its cover, something we're taught not to do; but our book is judged and written from the moment we're born... forcing us to fulfill gender roles that may not seem right until we break out of the gender prison.
aww she's adorable :))
Good GOD she is beautiful!
I totally support Jenna. I don't think this is the best interview though. Certainly it's understandable that people would be curious about how such a transformation takes place but for the media to fixate on the surgery, the hormones and not even to ask a single question that addresses her as a human being is quite frankly sickening. She's not a science experiment or some kind of side show to be poked and prodded with questions about things that are extremely personal. It would be nice if BW had asked about why she decided to compete, what it was like to participate, what she hoped to achieve etc etc. In other words, the kind of questions they would normally ask of a beauty contestant. There's a really inspiring story to be told here but unfortunately BW failed to get that story told.
Well, it's not like you can just ignore the male aspect of a person competing in a female role. There will obviously be questions...nothing wrong with that.
I didn't say there was anything wrong with those questions. I'm sure she anticipates being asked them. I said that it's disgusting that the only thing that BW was interested in was in her private parts as if Jenna herself were just a walking freak show and the only reason to interview her was to have her explain her gender.
She is gorgeous regardless of what gender she was born as!
So unfair to real women that male to female transgenders compete in women's sports.
Why would it be unfair? What’s the advantage of transgender women over cis women?
no, but she's not a man. you could maybe make that argument if she transitioned late in life, but she didn't develop male physical characteristics since she started hormone therapy at an early age. she did not develop muscle tone, get facial hair, etc. she's honestly not any more fake than the other girls in the competition.
Around the same time this happened, a contestant from 'American Idol' named Jermaine Jones was disqualified from 'American Idol' for concealing the fact he had been arrested. He wrote "no" to the question, "have you ever been arrested" on his application. He was rightfully disqualified for breaking a rule. If Talackova answered "yes" on the application to the question, "are you a natural born female", then how is this situation different from what happened with Jones? I do not agree with breaking rules in contests and new policies should not be created as result of a situation like that.
Ok- that's a really bad analogy! For one, a criminal past is asked for the safety of others. Jenna didn't hurt nobody. Not is she at risk for potentially being a danger. If we kept everything exactly by the books, I am pretty sure that we'd all be following the Bible still wearing tassels on our clothing, never sharing contact besides your spouse of the opposite sex, and stoning adulterers. Not to mention how discriminatory this is- it's 2015 afterall. I didn't hear anything about her lying saying she lied about being a "naturally born female" either. She's legally a woman by law and within herself. If you want to talk about "rule breaking" let's talk about all the rules and laws that THEY broke with being discriminatory! Glad she won the case!
Elizabeth Arndt All crime is not involving victims. So if I bounce a check, miss my court date and get locked up, that means I'm dangerous? GTFO with that.
This is the problem with stupid people, they are so stupid, they don't realize they are stupid.
***** Your reply reveals a level of misogyny. There are very many 'natal women' (born women) who have never bore children, breast fed, never had periods, do you consider them to be less than a woman too? If you do your proceeding under the askew notion that all it is to be a woman revolves around childbirth and their reproductive system. Like the old belief 'woman = mother, mother =woman'.....there is much more to us than that.
+Digest Laughter808 - so if a naturally born woman, can't have kids, but she adopts, does that mean she's not a real woman? or if a naturally born woman can't get her period, does that mean she's not a real woman? everything you said is weak. come up with a stronger argument. you say you support them, but you really don't. you would understand that they are 100% female. just because they weren't born how their brain is wired, doesn't make them less of a woman. ugh.
this girl was actually a girl, because she felt that she's a girl, so she has a feminin spirit, she may be a male,but she always had that girl inside her, it depends what's inside us, the outside doesn't matter.
But she looks better than real women 😄
Akira Ahu Maipi better than those fucking Kardashians
Taylor Knight yessss that's right :)
that's plastic surgery is not real beauty
Slava yeah it definitely looks better than you that's why you're salty I guess
So ur saying let them cheat with surgery
What a beautiful and courageous young woman, Jenna. I am awed and inspired by trans people; they have tremendous courage and authenticity, in a world of ignorance and judgment, as many low level intellects and sad, deluded fools who believe they speak for "God" reveal below. God, by the way, would never judge such a thing; such people project their own narrow consciousness and meager intelligence onto God and create God in their own image. Jenna is much closer than they are, with her honesty and her obviously kind heart. Jenna may have had to face the surgical blade for her operation, but unfortunately she faces an interview style about as subtle here, from the lady in magenta. She's quite an amazing little human. Thanks for posting this.
Tristan Luke that's a man, in a dress bub. (hope this helps)
got a vagina, technically now a woman
Yeah. Created from a small bowel. Good luck with that.
Couldn't agree more with you. People who claim they speak for God worry me... and also annoy me. Also people who claim they have a "better" spiritual or religious path than yours REALLY worry me.
Tristan Luke - trans woman*
I don't have anything against transgender people, but now I'm kind of afraid of meeting girls...
She's alot more deserving of being a transexual hero than Caitlyn Jenner
+Evan Gragg both are far from heroes. They should both be in a Mental Institution
Really Walter?
still more surgery necessary to alter the top half of the skull to fool a skeptic
she looks more feminine than most women
you are fantastic and I wish more people were like you
Sure she was born male, sure she grew up as a boy, but through hormone therapy and surgery, she became a beautiful young woman. That's what I see and that's what I wish everyone else would see.
good luck with that one, poppo.
raeraefilms I wish Jenna was born a girl but I see a transgender person tbh.
All right, just as long as you don't discriminate against her like these other assholes
As a trans woman competing in a all female pageant congrats but to do a interview and identify as Walter that was a huge hell no
WOW THIS IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To Blake Gildaphish: if you look at history you will see that many human rights issues have started with controversy, whether African American civil rights, women's rights, gay rights and now transgenders. If you look back at history a hundred years ago, women were struggling just for the right to vote, and provoking a lot of controversy with the status quo, which was mostly an objecting male dominated society and some women as well. The transgender struggle for recognition and acceptance to me is a civil rights issue. Controversy has always been a part of the struggle for humanity and dignity, and if what Jenna is doing provokes controversy SO BE IT. I also object to Barbara Walter's insensitive questions about Jenna's boyhood, and questions like "if I saw you undressed, would you look like a female or male?" Very unnecessary questions to ask.
They should have their own Trandsgender Pageant.
They do have that in other countries. I don't understand why it's NOT feasible here.
this is not the issue of discriminating..this is the issue of individuality...
damn... maybe if i become a guy i will become hot
Being gay is not a choice, and neither is your gender! Transgender people feel that they were born in a body whose physical sex does not match their gender identity. Homosexuals feel attracted to the same sex. Both are entirely natural possibilities of being human. Because both instances do indeed go against many people's typical notions of what is "normal", the idea of being transgender or non-heterosexual can be very uncomfortable. It is important that we show tolerance not only for non-heterosexual and transgender lifestyle choices, but also for heterosexuals who are troubled by such lifestyles. Ultimately, we are all human -- if what someone is doing does not cause serious physical or emotional damage to a fellow human being, we should live and let live.
Can a dog or a cat run in the miss universe. Great he wants to be a women that's fine. If every male did surgery and entered miss universe we wouldn't exist..
Can you stop
Hahahahaha great point!
But not every male will do that cause u and many other are straight
your defense isn't very clear... i kept having to re-read who said the first comments because i thought it was the other dude. that would have actually made much more sense.
ahhh she's so skinny! but shes so adorable! :)
not 1 highschool pic or any friends coming out to support this. people will believe anything on tv
God bless Canada.
Well, the thing is being a woman is not about looks. This woman was born in a body that was not the same as her mind. Some biologically born women can't get pregnant, my mom cant, doesn't make her less of a woman. Gender is in your mind. I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude but I'm only informing you things that I have researched and learned from the Transgender community. I think you should look into what Transgender is before making an opinion that someone is or is not a man or a woman.
I respect walter's opinion to be trying to be a girl.
Michael Carranza Walter is insane Lol
that's not her name and she already is a girl
Why a racist comment? It just doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with this video. You had nothing to say to her and decided to comment on being black? And I think you need to read the bible again.
Im going to enter my dog into a showjumping competition next year because he thinks hes a horse. Wish me luck😁😅.
?????????????? Insensitive much?
Blatantly discriminatory for beauty pagent contestants to be of the same sex. We need to get our fucking society back.
did she end up doing the pagent?
Walter is a man
I don't see why you felt the need to attack the lawyer...lawyers are what make our country fair and just, by helping people who feel they are being discriminated against, etc, get what they deserve.
There is no reason that Jenna should not have been able to compete, because she obviously psychologically felt like a woman. It isn't up to you to decide what people are allowed to feel about themselves.