Responding to your statement about the different educational experiences between the Bronx and Scarsdale, I was sitting in a coffee shop just off the UC Berkeley campus. I had a conversation with a Vietnamese graduate student in mechanical engineering. During the conversation, I asked where he came from. With pride, he announced that he was raised in Watts, California.
Responding to your statement about the different educational experiences between the Bronx and Scarsdale, I was sitting in a coffee shop just off the UC Berkeley campus. I had a conversation with a Vietnamese graduate student in mechanical engineering. During the conversation, I asked where he came from. With pride, he announced that he was raised in Watts, California.
This interview has critical information for struggling schools and divisions.
Schools should not promote equity. Schools should promote meritocracy.
Equity allows you to reach someone else's potential, not your own.
Equity allows you to reach someone else's potential, not your own.