TIP 1 - Never read a book without a pen in your hand 0:45 TIP 2 - Read the whole paragraph before highlighting 1:40 TIP 3 - Read out loud 2:47 TIP 4 - Read silently 4:28 TIP 5 - Internalise the paragraph or page you just read and say what you understand out loud 5:26 TIP 6 - Xray the book. Skim through and pick out certain chapters that pique your interest to read first. 6:19 TIP 7 - Pay attention to summary words 7:21 TIP 8 - Highlight, circle, and underline words or sentences that you think are important. 8:23 TIP 9 - Mark words you don't know and google them 9:42 TIP 10 - Read Mortimer J. Adlers "How to read a book" 10:54
+MUSLIM STRONG I\'m not sure but ,if anyone else is searching for best tips for study try Sarparder Speed Study Starter ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my brother in law got amazing results with it.
I’ve was the type of person who really disliked reading. The only time i would read is for school assignments, and I slugged through the books, unless it was something i was really passionate about, in that case i would persevere. Other than that, the one way that really helped me get through the books and comprehend them was to listen to the audio version while reading the book. That’s the only thing that got me through the assignments
@@mohammedamine9026 Why are you here Mohammed? I am here because I really feel that my reading comprehension is deterriorating 😬🤧 That is why I am here to at least gather informations for my beggining of practice 😓
Excellent strategies! Thank you for sharing. These are the strategies that I use with my second graders. As young readers, they will often be able to read many words and sentences with ease, however, when I ask them to summarize, they struggle. These strategies help them to read for comprehension. As a child, I remember going through elementary school as a student who had no reading concerns until I entered 7th grade. Then teachers began to realize that although I could read a paragraph quite quickly without errors, I was unable to retell what I read. It was a huge wake up call for me and I then received comprehension support and strategies. I also, became a slower reader. I share this story with my students so they understand that it's not a matter being smart enough or reading super fast. They are all capable to be good readers with the right strategies.
Tip 5 is great. Understanding how your memory works helps you to remembering more of what you read. When you fill your mind with too much information at once it either gets discarded or forgotten. So pauses or breaks in reading after 1-3 sentences helps information sink in as well as summarizing what you just read.
Always use a pen --> always comment or talk with the book Read out loud --> as you are the author Explain out loud --> as you help an imaginary friend Discuss with a Real friend Be attention to the KEY words
ahmed saleh Yes! For real understanding its always best to think, write in terms of "summary." Can I summarize what this person is saying to me? Can I summarize accurately? Ability to summarize accurately is evidence of basic comprehension.
I really like the way you speak. I usually have trouble focusing on a single task for long, but I was focused here. Thanks for this educational and enthusiastic video.
It took me a long time before I could bare writing in my books, in pencil. But now that I do, I'm far more grateful, It "auto-magically" makes me concentrate more (rather than going into a random daydream) and quicker to understand! I always skim a book, see if it has summaries on the end of chapters etc. So I don't have to read the book all the way through. Great tips & thank you.
Thank you for this interesting video. I am one of those readers who do not highlight when reading. I think the reason why I don't do that is I was thought to share books. Most of the books I've had the opportunity to read were not mine, they were either borrowed or from a public (or private) library. I think it's OK not to highlight when you read a book keeping in mind that the same book may have to be read by someone else, as what is important or relevant to you may not be relevant or important to the next reader of the same book. I also found out recently that it is very difficult for me to read a book with notes or marks made by someone else.
Thank you, Coqueta, for the very kind note. I'm glad you found the video helpful. I'm actually expanding these thoughts in an upcoming talk I'm giving on read comprehension, so it's been a lot of fun.
Watching this during 2020 on quarantine. I try to read often and sometimes feel disappointed or even kind of just dumb when I finish and feel like I can’t explain certain things. I was doing barely any of these tips and think this will really help. Great video! Hope you’re doing well right now.
I'm in the exact same situation. I read, and when I finish I feel I either can't explain or can't remember what I read. And its frustrating cause reading is what I like the most :(
Nicole Oré Kovacs completely feel for you there! I love reading too, sometimes I’ll continue to push myself to keep reading a book I don’t like just because I said I was gonna read it and I think I need to stop doing that because whenever I do I can’t even recall the book anyway. I’ve been taking notes now and after each chapter trying to summarize it out loud and that’s been helping me. I totally understand this struggle though! It feels really annoying to not be able to articulate things how you want to be.
For those with time constraints just skip to 11:35. Personally I watched the whole video and learned a WHOLE lot. It's like reading a book, by skipping yes you are increasing speed (saving time) but you'll miss out on the thorough detail of each of the ten steps that Brian took the time to do, also you'll miss his wonderful personal experience that he was kind enough to share. Thank you so much Brian. It's great to know I'm not the only one who pretends to TEACH what I read by myself. it HELPS!
these tips are awesome; i already do most ... i just have some things to add that helps me a lot #4 - explain what you read as if you had to teach it to a class OR write it in your own words #9. Look up words then and there to make better sense of the sentence. I feel like using highlighters and pens would ruin a book so instead I use a pencil so i can erase .... but I'm going to try it the pen and highlighter...
Nice list. I am a Stroke survivor, and back in college in my mid-to-late forties, Evidently the stroke affected my reading comprehension and short to long term transfer centers. I have been in class and it will take me about 5-6 times as long to read a passage handed out in class as the other students. Some of these tips are already in my tool box, and they do help, others I will have to try. I have ordered a copy of the book you mentioned, Thanks.
You have a lot of great tips! I have my Book and my Pen in my hand now. Also being a college student I am a quick draw with my highlighter, I will slow down as you have suggested because your idea makes so much sense. Thank You for your video. Keep up the good work.
I am a reading specialist and certified book worm. I absolutely love this video. You have shared very effective strategies here. It is funny, I will not read without a pen in my hand. I have to underline or highlight to retain what I read. I also read aloud because I like to hear the words. Finally, this is the reason why I just cannot get into reading books on a Nook or iPad. I have to have my book in my hand. Thanks for the great content. ~ Blessings
I hope this great teacher will come back to his channel and makes more vids. I was really dissapointed when i saw that his video list only has two vids.
I am new to the concept of reading out loud to myself. I'm excited to see if this aspect will help me better understand and comprehend the context. Also I for one am against writing in books and I do, as you say, cringe and feel uncomfortable when I see any marking in books that are not part of the original text. Saying that, your opinion on the matter gave me great insight on why this is done. So even tho its agaisnt my rules, I'll give it a shot.
Okay, this is good. I am planning to develop my reading comprehension. I have 27 days to improve my comprehension. I’m putting every hour put in 10 minutes of reading passages then answering random questions about it
Never read a book without a pen at hand, I like this saying, a straightfotwrad way to deep comprehension. Thank you so much very helpful and meaty ideas👍👍👍
I am an avid reader, but when it comes to exams with reading comprehension, I suck. It’s not like I don’t understand, however there are always questions like “what is the sentiment in X paragraph?” or “what was the character’s purpose in line X?” I will continue to practice! thank you for the video.
Some days it’s a challenge for me to concentrate and focus all of my mental energy on reading a book. Sometimes I try rushing through it it really makes me not get much from the lesson or the information I’m processing. Other times if I’m in a relaxed state of being and I pray and ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding followed with having an grateful heart depending on what I’m reading I can zoom in a focus and grasp what’s being taught. Other than that I have to have an desire and an passion for learning through an open mind. God bless all my brothers and sisters who struggle with ADHD or anything special learning disorders that’s we’ve been labeled with. At the end of the day you are an genius only if you believe.
Exactly what I was afraid of. The process is so slow, that even if I do all ten steps, by the time it takes to get through a book, that time will have been sufficient for me to forget everything. I have learned a way to get A's, and function as an exceptional engineer for a career, by scanning books for the information I immediately need, buying the best books on any subject, and remembering where that information is. I have never been able to keep knowledge in my head, like many that I envy can. I think I am stuck with my method.
My reading is so bad. I have problems with vocabularies, in a paragraph or a text as well as an essay I was very bored with difficult words. And I want you all help me to build up my speed and understanding from reading skill. Thanks!
Hi Brian...thanx a lot for the video. i was searching the web for the past few day for a concise list. have noted down the 10 points..and will apply them with immediate effect
Thank you for sharing your ideals I will take your advise and hopefully I'll come back in the future and let you know the results. Keep up the good job - Bill
I really do thank you for posting this video. I have never been a reader as I had difficulty understanding now in university I am pulling my hair out. I really do feel a lot more confident. Now and buying how to read on my kindle I do appreciate you. Thank you 😊
Brian, WOW! Thank you for these suggestions! I have always forced myself to read silently thinking that to read "out loud" proves that I am not a good reader. Your suggestion to read out loud at times has freed me from this foolish thinking. Also, the tips to explain what you've read and circle words you do not know and then look them up are excellent! Thanks again, I can't wait to read my next book with pen and highlighter in hand!
Wow sir, thankyou so much for the great tips! I started reading lots of books last year and there was a thing that i noticed, that is that i feel so much smarter and i understand things way better than before i started reading books. I only read self developement books and later i will be reading the whole Sherlock holmes collection :D
Thank you my friend. After building a home library of about 1600 titles, I realized I wasn't reading efficiently. Thank you for recommending the book. I just ordered it from Amaxon.com. You're a helper. Thank you!
I love all the points you've made in this video as they're all good tips but I just can't bring myself to highlight and mark-up a novel because it would spoil the reading experience for the next person who might read one of my books. I would maybe mark-up the book I needed to study it, if it's a self-help or philosophy book but not for fiction. When I want to give books away to free up space, I put them out on a street library. Can always use a notepad beside me to jot down notes on paragraphs I like or want to refer back to later.
Dear Mr. D., Thank you for sharing these great tips! I'm taking an English course, and I will have to do a reading comprehension test soon, so I believe your tips will be very helpful. Take care. -Your viewer from Canada or Earth
Thank u. I am trying to learn english and its frustrating reading words that i can't understand and looking them up in the dictionary makes my reading extra slower.
Very nice summary, trying to get my reading speed from 205 words per minute to 350 something so I can prepare for college. I'm doing this one book a week challenge starting today, my first title is "Money: Mastering the Game" by Tony Robbins. I'm going to need 90 pages a day with this big of a book, wish me luck. :)
Hi there this was a great investment in time , as I was already using some of the tips but found new ones to add to my repertoire of reading tools, keep up the good work kind regards WF. Robinson
TIP 1 - Never read a book without a pen in your hand 0:45
TIP 2 - Read the whole paragraph before highlighting 1:40
TIP 3 - Read out loud 2:47
TIP 4 - Read silently 4:28
TIP 5 - Internalise the paragraph or page you just read and say what you understand out loud 5:26
TIP 6 - Xray the book. Skim through and pick out certain chapters that pique your interest to read first. 6:19
TIP 7 - Pay attention to summary words 7:21
TIP 8 - Highlight, circle, and underline words or sentences that you think are important. 8:23
TIP 9 - Mark words you don't know and google them 9:42
TIP 10 - Read Mortimer J. Adlers "How to read a book" 10:54
Just to add more for tip 4 make a check on a sentence that stands out
Thank you
Thanks man
king ty
are you muslim
ismail Subhanallah.
+MUSLIM STRONG I\'m not sure but ,if anyone else is searching for best tips for study try Sarparder Speed Study Starter ( search on google ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my brother in law got amazing results with it.
Its people like you who help others that really make the world a better place.
I’ve was the type of person who really disliked reading. The only time i would read is for school assignments, and I slugged through the books, unless it was something i was really passionate about, in that case i would persevere. Other than that, the one way that really helped me get through the books and comprehend them was to listen to the audio version while reading the book. That’s the only thing that got me through the assignments
Awesome man
@@mohammedamine9026 Why are you here Mohammed? I am here because I really feel that my reading comprehension is deterriorating 😬🤧
That is why I am here to at least gather informations for my beggining of practice 😓
I mean, your using I've for no reason.
Ille have to try that cause I suck at saying focuses and comprehending
Excellent strategies! Thank you for sharing. These are the strategies that I use with my second graders. As young readers, they will often be able to read many words and sentences with ease, however, when I ask them to summarize, they struggle. These strategies help them to read for comprehension. As a child, I remember going through elementary school as a student who had no reading concerns until I entered 7th grade. Then teachers began to realize that although I could read a paragraph quite quickly without errors, I was unable to retell what I read. It was a huge wake up call for me and I then received comprehension support and strategies. I also, became a slower reader. I share this story with my students so they understand that it's not a matter being smart enough or reading super fast. They are all capable to be good readers with the right strategies.
Tip 5 is great. Understanding how your memory works helps you to remembering more of what you read. When you fill your mind with too much information at once it either gets discarded or forgotten.
So pauses or breaks in reading after 1-3 sentences helps information sink in as well as summarizing what you just read.
Always use a pen --> always comment or talk with the book
Read out loud --> as you are the author
Explain out loud --> as you help an imaginary friend
Discuss with a Real friend
Be attention to the KEY words
ahmed saleh Yes! For real understanding its always best to think, write in terms of "summary." Can I summarize what this person is saying to me? Can I summarize accurately? Ability to summarize accurately is evidence of basic comprehension.
The imaginary friend helps me so much thank you! I always have trouble explaining it
thanks for this comment, now i dont have to watch a fcking 12 min vid of some dude talking. honestly this is more helpful.
ahmed saleh thank you
Thanks a lot
My tip:
1 .Write everything you have read for ten minutes for every 30 minutes of study session
Thanks for this tip
Depends on what type of book.what about encyopedias
That a true
I think we should follow the pomodoro technique. 25 minutes of learning and 5 minutes of rest in which you'd write what you've learnt/read.
I really like the way you speak. I usually have trouble focusing on a single task for long, but I was focused here. Thanks for this educational and enthusiastic video.
It took me a long time before I could bare writing in my books, in pencil. But now that I do, I'm far more grateful, It "auto-magically" makes me concentrate more (rather than going into a random daydream) and quicker to understand! I always skim a book, see if it has summaries on the end of chapters etc. So I don't have to read the book all the way through. Great tips & thank you.
Thank you for this interesting video.
I am one of those readers who do not highlight when reading. I think the reason why I don't do that is I was thought to share books. Most of the books I've had the opportunity to read were not mine, they were either borrowed or from a public (or private) library. I think it's OK not to highlight when you read a book keeping in mind that the same book may have to be read by someone else, as what is important or relevant to you may not be relevant or important to the next reader of the same book. I also found out recently that it is very difficult for me to read a book with notes or marks made by someone else.
Woot! Woot! Number 10 should be number 1! How to Read a Book was one of the greatest books for me in terms of becoming a better reader.
Thank you, Coqueta, for the very kind note. I'm glad you found the video helpful. I'm actually expanding these thoughts in an upcoming talk I'm giving on read comprehension, so it's been a lot of fun.
loved this, thank you
Watching this during 2020 on quarantine. I try to read often and sometimes feel disappointed or even kind of just dumb when I finish and feel like I can’t explain certain things. I was doing barely any of these tips and think this will really help. Great video! Hope you’re doing well right now.
I'm in the exact same situation. I read, and when I finish I feel I either can't explain or can't remember what I read. And its frustrating cause reading is what I like the most :(
Nicole Oré Kovacs completely feel for you there! I love reading too, sometimes I’ll continue to push myself to keep reading a book I don’t like just because I said I was gonna read it and I think I need to stop doing that because whenever I do I can’t even recall the book anyway. I’ve been taking notes now and after each chapter trying to summarize it out loud and that’s been helping me. I totally understand this struggle though! It feels really annoying to not be able to articulate things how you want to be.
Actually, I have to force myself to read silently most of the time! :)
I am glad you found the video to be helpful. Happy reading!
Great tips, extra points for adding them in the description as well! Thank you.
Excellent recomendations. There are only a few videos this precise. Like it
I agree with many of your points and I gained some new insight! Thanks for the video.
my god you you saved me from flunking English class
This is one of the best videos i've seen, I hope you make more in the future.
Im in the 10th grade my reading comprehension is shit. I needed this
My class loved your video! Thanks for posting.
For those with time constraints just skip to 11:35. Personally I watched the whole video and learned a WHOLE lot. It's like reading a book, by skipping yes you are increasing speed (saving time) but you'll miss out on the thorough detail of each of the ten steps that Brian took the time to do, also you'll miss his wonderful personal experience that he was kind enough to share. Thank you so much Brian. It's great to know I'm not the only one who pretends to TEACH what I read by myself. it HELPS!
i like how he talks and he's very firm talkative . thanks
Best video I've come across so far for reading comprehension
This guy is amazing. I’m so thankfull with your video. That’s very useful. for my growth in this learning.
not only speaking out loud what you read helps but also speaking out what's in my mind helps
and i think that indicates explaining what you've read
The most helpful video you can get on the internet , BY FAR
these tips are awesome; i already do most ... i just have some things to add that helps me a lot #4 - explain what you read as if you had to teach it to a class OR write it in your own words #9. Look up words then and there to make better sense of the sentence.
I feel like using highlighters and pens would ruin a book so instead I use a pencil so i can erase .... but I'm going to try it the pen and highlighter...
Nice list. I am a Stroke survivor, and back in college in my mid-to-late forties, Evidently the stroke affected my reading comprehension and short to long term transfer centers. I have been in class and it will take me about 5-6 times as long to read a passage handed out in class as the other students. Some of these tips are already in my tool box, and they do help, others I will have to try. I have ordered a copy of the book you mentioned, Thanks.
This is such a refreshing bit of information thanks for the insight
Your second point was especially helpful. That's the first time I've heard somebody say that. Thank you.
I believe Ben Franklin would also rewrite the things he read. That would also help with comprehension and writing skills.
You have a lot of great tips! I have my Book and my Pen in my hand now. Also being a college student I am a quick draw with my highlighter, I will slow down as you have suggested because your idea makes so much sense. Thank You for your video. Keep up the good work.
Thanks you are very much informative about reading & taking notes. Your video will encourage a lot of people.
The tips he gave are very helpful, I had a problem, grasping on to what I've read, this has helped me.
I love how you put the tips in the notes section. This was awesome. Thanks!
I am a reading specialist and certified book worm. I absolutely love this video. You have shared very effective strategies here. It is funny, I will not read without a pen in my hand. I have to underline or highlight to retain what I read. I also read aloud because I like to hear the words. Finally, this is the reason why I just cannot get into reading books on a Nook or iPad. I have to have my book in my hand. Thanks for the great content. ~ Blessings
Very helpful
I hope this great teacher will come back to his channel and makes more vids. I was really dissapointed when i saw that his video list only has two vids.
Thanks for your contribution and your help.
Good Ideas! I wish I knew about these back in the 60's and 70's when I was in school.
It is never late to restart and learn new practices, just try, test and modify for better.
@@balhallak don't be so cheesey
Same here. And i wish i wasn't so rebellious and actually paid attention.
Thanks for sharing this. I will be sharing this with the rest of my cohort.
I am new to the concept of reading out loud to myself. I'm excited to see if this aspect will help me better understand and comprehend the context. Also I for one am against writing in books and I do, as you say, cringe and feel uncomfortable when I see any marking in books that are not part of the original text. Saying that, your opinion on the matter gave me great insight on why this is done. So even tho its agaisnt my rules, I'll give it a shot.
Okay, this is good.
I am planning to develop my reading comprehension. I have 27 days to improve my comprehension. I’m putting every hour put in 10 minutes of reading passages then answering random questions about it
Never read a book without a pen at hand, I like this saying, a straightfotwrad way to deep comprehension. Thank you so much very helpful and meaty ideas👍👍👍
Don't you think taking notes slows you down though? You could take weeks to read a single 400 page text.
Great video. I love the summary in the description. Very useful. 👍🏾👍🏾
I am an avid reader, but when it comes to exams with reading comprehension, I suck. It’s not like I don’t understand, however there are always questions like “what is the sentiment in X paragraph?” or “what was the character’s purpose in line X?” I will continue to practice! thank you for the video.
Very helpful. I always make a mess of any book I read. Glad to know it is not only OK but heralded!
Some days it’s a challenge for me to concentrate and focus all of my mental energy on reading a book. Sometimes I try rushing through it it really makes me not get much from the lesson or the information I’m processing. Other times if I’m in a relaxed state of being and I pray and ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding followed with having an grateful heart depending on what I’m reading I can zoom in a focus and grasp what’s being taught. Other than that I have to have an desire and an passion for learning through an open mind. God bless all my brothers and sisters who struggle with ADHD or anything special learning disorders that’s we’ve been labeled with. At the end of the day you are an genius only if you believe.
Exactly what I was afraid of. The process is so slow, that even if I do all ten steps, by the time it takes to get through a book, that time will have been sufficient for me to forget everything. I have learned a way to get A's, and function as an exceptional engineer for a career, by scanning books for the information I immediately need, buying the best books on any subject, and remembering where that information is. I have never been able to keep knowledge in my head, like many that I envy can. I think I am stuck with my method.
My reading is so bad. I have problems with vocabularies, in a paragraph or a text as well as an essay I was very bored with difficult words. And I want you all help me to build up my speed and understanding from reading skill. Thanks!
Never ever ever skip a word you don’t know. look it up !!!
@@factbeaglesarebest Or skip the word and maybe it will be repeated often enough that you learn what it means from the context of its use.
Fact: Beagles Are Best that is a brilliant tip i just realised i skip all the words i don’t know and i should learn definitions.
This was really helpful. Thank you so much Sir.
In addition I recommend using colored sticky tabs to help finding underlined/highlighted sentences and paragraphs, thanks for the useful video.
Hi Brian...thanx a lot for the video. i was searching the web for the past few day for a concise list. have noted down the 10 points..and will apply them with immediate effect
Thank you for sharing your ideals I will take your advise and hopefully I'll come back in the future and let you know the results. Keep up the good job - Bill
Thanks for your video. Very clear, well done and with valuable tips.
These were awesome tips... Thanks!
Will do think you alot for the reply
Thanks so much sir.. This video helps a lot. Reading out loud is what I always recommend to my Japanese students. ..
I really do thank you for posting this video. I have never been a reader as I had difficulty understanding now in university I am pulling my hair out. I really do feel a lot more confident. Now and buying how to read on my kindle I do appreciate you.
Thank you 😊
Thank you for all your time and effort
Thanks for this vlog this will helps a lot!
Awesome video and tips. Thanks.
Excellent video. Really clear Explanation, how to read a book. it’s better hear Audible.
Thank you so much. Really valuable
Still helpful 5yrs later...thanks sir.
Very interesting.
Brian, WOW! Thank you for these suggestions! I have always forced myself to read silently thinking that to read "out loud" proves that I am not a good reader. Your suggestion to read out loud at times has freed me from this foolish thinking. Also, the tips to explain what you've read and circle words you do not know and then look them up are excellent! Thanks again, I can't wait to read my next book with pen and highlighter in hand!
I'm currently trying to read more effectively in a foreign language, and these tips are very useful for that too! Thank you :-)
Thank you for sharing the those tips! This is very useful, I will start trying them out!
Wow sir, thankyou so much for the great tips! I started reading lots of books last year and there was a thing that i noticed, that is that i feel so much smarter and i understand things way better than before i started reading books. I only read self developement books and later i will be reading the whole Sherlock holmes collection :D
+euphoriassy bloom good job!!
Flower of Life Hi fri! Please recommend me some kind of good Self development books. Thanks in advance!
What are some of the self-development books you read? I am trying to collect a few and just curious to know which ones had the most impact on you.
@@jdolores11 there is a good book called dragon idk if you have ever heard about it.
very interesting!
Very informative sir thank you so much! I'm going to study at home due to quarantine events.
Wish me luck im retaking my reading FSA in a couple of months
Thank you so much,and this video is very helful with me
Thank you very much Sir, on your commitment in order to help current and future students.
Thank you so much for an awesome & thorough video. Great great tips. Will put them to use.
Thank you my friend. After building a home library of about 1600 titles, I realized I wasn't reading efficiently. Thank you for recommending the book. I just ordered it from Amaxon.com. You're a helper. Thank you!
Great. Thanks for helping.
I love all the points you've made in this video as they're all good tips but I just can't bring myself to highlight and mark-up a novel because it would spoil the reading experience for the next person who might read one of my books. I would maybe mark-up the book I needed to study it, if it's a self-help or philosophy book but not for fiction. When I want to give books away to free up space, I put them out on a street library. Can always use a notepad beside me to jot down notes on paragraphs I like or want to refer back to later.
Dear Mr. D.,
Thank you for sharing these great tips! I'm taking an English course, and I will have to do a reading comprehension test soon, so I believe your tips will be very helpful.
Take care.
-Your viewer from Canada or Earth
Your words are very relatable and applicable. Thank you for sharing them!
Thank u. I am trying to learn english and its frustrating reading words that i can't understand and looking them up in the dictionary makes my reading extra slower.
thankyou man god bless :)
Thank you for posting. These tips were helpful
Very nice summary, trying to get my reading speed from 205 words per minute to 350 something so I can prepare for college. I'm doing this one book a week challenge starting today, my first title is "Money: Mastering the Game" by Tony Robbins. I'm going to need 90 pages a day with this big of a book, wish me luck. :)
Thanks for your tips and great video. Need to try number 3 more often..
Brilliant! Thank you so much for your insight! Added a few tips to turn it up the memorypower.
Thank you! Thank you! 🙏 I am so happy I found this video!
Thanks for the tips! I really wanted to become a better reader so thank you!
Very, Very nice video. THANK YOU!
i read a lot at school, this video really helped me men, thank you
Thank you this was very helpful and informative 👍👍
this is so true it helped me a lot thank you.
Gave me a lot of help in my test. Thanks a lot!
Hi there this was a great investment in time , as I was already using some of the tips but found new ones to add to my repertoire of reading tools, keep up the good work kind regards WF. Robinson
Very helpfull 😄