Amen! I can't go to confession it causes panic attacks. I do first Friday and First Saturday I tried going once but, I wasn't allowed in due to Covid Rules.
@@frankianthony155 well well well then maybe the priests need to start acting better and start calling out sins!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz u Kno full well all they are saying is simply just love like Jesus which by the way is good but they have to start calling out abortion more homosexuality more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#metoo , Dear Lord Jesus Christ, we are in Great need of Divine Mercy. Thank You Jesus for Your Divine Mercy. December 6th is a Day of Reperation for the Church. Viva Cristo Rey 😎
Thank you Terry for commenting on my post, I had forgotten that you stated that you were home bound. I'm hoping that you are receiving pastoral visits from your parish ministers. Today is the final prayer for Christ the King Novena, I will dedicate my next Novena to you for strength and healing, grace and love from our Lord. God bless, Marie
Marie Dobbins - Thank you so much Marie!! Your thoughtfulness and consideration really mean a lot to me. I’ll keep you in my prayers too. Blessings!! 😊
Hellenback - Beautifully stated Hellenback. I hear ya! I too have health issues that make getting to Mass and confession, as often as I’d like, quite difficult. Father’s words do bring so much hope and as he said we all need to “keep fighting the good fight”, as we do our very best with the help of the Lord to persevere with humility and patience to grow in virtue. Praying for you. 🙏🏼 God bless you!!
My beloved Grandparents, my much-loved parents, my beautiful wife and I, and our lovely kids .. all of us love this priest - yes, I mean it, genuinely love .. are deeply affected by, interested in, pleased, concerned even loved by him; and yet we do not know him. Now that is one heck of a lot of love going around the otherwise chilly techno-world of the web; Thank God.
TheLeonhamm - That’s awesome!! Father Mark is his name, saving souls is his game. I ♥️ Father too. Let’s keep him and all priests in our prayers. 🙏🏼 God bless!!
@tony Tony need not look at others, singularly or as a whole. It's how are you keeping the 10 Commandments. First off you disrespected The Mother of God and her beloved Holy Rosary Prayers, ( not chants or anything to do with magic or evil ) Shame goes to you until you repent of such a vile disregard for Mary The Mother of Our Savior Jesus. It's shameful an sinful.
Yes indeed, RPF, for even Medjugore has a part in the divine outpouring of grace on a benighted world: Gather the Clans when possible, oppose the demons where necessary, tell the truth and shame the devil. For our duty is clear, we need only do it: Keep the Faith.
As someone who struggles with impurity daily, this really strikes a chord in my heart. That you Father Goring for sharing this with us. May lord be with you.
@@iroamalone6953 yea why is there a big cover up on masturbation in the Catholic Church?????!!!!!! A couple of times I went to a Protestant church and that's all they talked about was masturbation and how to defeat it and I was stunned cuz they are supposed to be talking about in the Catholic Church but they don't!!!!!!!!
@@tinag7506 ya Kno what though I really could care less about the lukewarm preaching cuz I Kno what the rosary is and that has been my weapon i use to fight sins of the flesh
Joachim Zachary, my late mother told me that Mary was the link between us humans and God. She told me that Mary will intercede for us, if we ask. This is a powerful link to salvation. God bless.
Joachim Zachary There have been a few times when I felt led towards impurity and immediately and without any explanation, an image of Our Lady popped into my head and it was as if the temptation dissolved! I’ve prayed to her about it many times, and I have to say, the Blessed Mother DOESNT disappoint!
@tony How are you a Christian if you don't believe in the eternal life that Our Lord promises? Mary isn't dead. She is ALIVE in Heaven. I don't know if you don't believe, or if you don't understand your own (whichever one of the thousands of Protestant denominations) Christian faith, but what you say makes zero logical sense by any standard.
tony it’s the resurrection of the BODY. And that’s if you don’t believe in the Assumption of Mary (body and soul) to Heaven. Tell me, what happened to Elijah if your biblical knowledge is so profound? I love when Protestants tell me they were once Christian. It’s nearly always untrue...or the Protestant has little to no knowledge of Catholicism because they never bothered to catechize properly before leaving the Church. You aren’t going to convince many people around here. Most of us have studied the faith too thoroughly to be taken in by an argument as simplistic as that.
@tony Lol so now Elijah only represents others and wasn't a man who was taken, body included, on a chariot to Heaven? I know you know better than that. Did the chariot drive him to the grave instead? Are you saying the Bible lied about Elijah being taken bodily to Heaven? Don't be dishonest by trying to take away Elijah's personhood unless you are willing to argue that Elijah himself didn't exist and was only some type of allegory. I'm sorry, but you really have no leg to stand on here. And yes, I've read Corinthians. I know all about the resurrection of the body. You can't use it to hedge the actual question.
Well I sure needed that Father! As a wretched sinner we all need reassurance that we have to keep fighting the good fight. Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner! Viva Christo Rey! God bless you!
Father, thank you from my heart. You need to know how comforting your message is. I know it was to me! And there are countless souls out there who suffer thinking they have little hope, because sins of impurity are so addictive and “sticky”. Your message brought hope and the love of God flooded back in. Priests need to speak more like you do: in a where-the-rubber -meets-the-road-relevant way. The thirst out there is so great and growing by the day!
Ce que vous dites est tellement vrai! Depuis que je vais à la confesse tous les dimanches, le Seigneur m'a guérit du péché de l'impureté. Je suis tellement reconnaissant envers le Bon Dieu! Thank you for this wonderful video!
Fr. Mark thank you so much for your videos! I try to watch them every day! They lift me up and give me so much hope and joy. I'm so thankful for priests like you. Don't stop! We love you! Thank God for you!!
Amen I say to you and thank you from my heart as I struggle with my own mind and Flesh yet triumph is mine in his sacrifice, thank you for such strength surly you are blessed in our Lord and savior thank you. God bless.
Thank you I will keep fighting a good fight the best I can that's why I turn to you and watch every single day to inspire me to keep me going through all these trials and tribulations thank you Father how do you do it!?!?👏
Father, the timing on your beautiful comments here couldn’t have been more helpful. I have a teenage daughter who is trying to maintain her purity of body and mind and spirit. It is very difficult at times and a real source of anxiety for her. I will have her listen to your words of wisdom and encouragement. (Obviously, this was helpful for me as well.). Thank you for shepherding your Parish and your UA-cam parish as well! We need you!!!!
Scott, I'm a young man who harbors justified resentment and anger against the failing fathers of teenage girls in America because their failure to instruct their daughters in purity and chastity is making it extremely difficult for someone of my standards to find a wife. The end result is that a more-deserving, more godly suitor like me winds up getting punished with singleness for your (plural) daughter's sins, whereas if I were a loser, my standards for a meet and fit person who committed the same errors would make it much easier to find someone. Please don't underestimate the value of your instructing your daughter in purity or else she will never have a high quality Christian young man like me who has honored his future spouse unlike everybody else.
I am finding great healing in mental prayer and detaching from noise from the TV and the internet. Just focus on His Sacred Heart and whenever a thought of a beautiful woman passes? You know what? I acknowledge that beauty and praise God for it and let it go. I call it the black hole technique, acknowledge whatever weakness we have openly to the Lord and He will bring it to submission. He is the Creator of all things and is the ultimate Beauty and Good, so I have hope that one day He will fill me so completely so that I will have only holy desire. Maybe on Earth, God willing, but maybe in the fires of Purgatory.
Father I've been praying for my daughter she is going through an exorcism but even though she's had these incredible experiences in front of the Blessed Sacrament and has returned to church even got herself back to the Faith by getting confirmed she is beginning to go back to her old life and I don't know what to do because every time I tell her this it puts a wedge between us so I am praying for her and making small sacrifices throughout the day throughout the days I am in sanctifying Grace. I am reading St Teresa of Avila the interior castle and her autobiography. She explains to be very careful not to get in the way of what God does the way he works and even though my daughter says that she has had these incredible experiences but for God including getting the gift one evening of examination of conscience I question whether they were authentic because I do not see the fruit but who am I. I know these things we need to surrender I understand that God has his ways and I saw all this good fruit happening and now I see some sins of impurity that I am shocked that she's going back to her old ways please pray for her her name is Katie
Father Goring, I just wanted to thank you for putting this message out to us all. Oh how I have struggled and continue to struggle in this life of exile. I continue to hope and pray that I may be a vessel for God to bring others to him, one person at a time. How I pray that I too can develop virtue, feabile as my prayers are, I pray and continue to try. This message, as well as many others helps me to be hopeful. Thank you so much! All praise, glory and honor to our be to Jesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord and savior!
Thank you Father, this exact thing, with all 3 things you listed, is going on in my right. In talking with my spiritual director, he said stuff similar to you but the way you put it reached my heart my easily. Thanks be to the Spirit. In striving for saintliness, I have gotten too much anxiety over this problem of impurity that afflicts me.
" don't need to be anxious, you need to trust in the wonderful patience, and love, and mercy of God, and know that you are very pleasing to the Lord, even in your struggle..." Thank you for this, Father Goring. Your ministry here is a blessing from the Lord.
Thank you father Goring. I always wonder if God really notices my small sacrifices and attempts to be holy. After hearing you I feel like God gave me an answer. Thank you for bringing smile in my soul.
Great video Father Goring! I think Our Lord prophesied the rise of pornography when he said any man who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in his heart. Our common enemy, Satan, also deceives us into thinking that sexual purity is a very difficult, if not impossible task to accomplish...and it is if we don't let God do this for us. The daily Rosary and more frequent reception of the Eucharist and Confession prove that "His yoke is easy and His burden is light," in short, only The Holy Spirit can win this and any other battle decisively for us, if we have faith that He will do this for us. Our job is to stay open to the influence of The Holy Spirit on a daily basis and never give up hope. Jesus and His Mother Mary are perfect models of chastity and we can live this way of perfection too if we truly want to do this. A good icon/print of Jesus and Mary as a focal point for prayer time is also a strong antidote for overcoming temptations of the flesh.
Ty Father Goring. I have been struggling with this for a while. I am trying to become more Holy every day. I I'm so thankful that we have a patient God and even though I feel him daily I can try again and pray and say the rosary and do some penance and that he still loves me. Thank you for your message God bless you.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Prayer, prayer, prayer." especially for others" is a powerful weapon against our imperfections. Lord Jesus, I offer You this day 9 prayer of the Christ The King Novena in reparation and petition for those who are suffering with anxiety and sins of impurity. Comfort them Lord with calmness and peace, place in their hearts Lord, that their bodies are temples of Your Holy Spirit. Amen
I been talking to God about this and this pops up. God talks to me by sending UA-cam videos via Catholic priest and channels, you and bishop barron. I struggle no matter how hard i try I fall. Christ has been nothing but kind to me and has giving me many privileges since I was born. No matter what I do I fail. I say I won’t do it again and do it again. Thank you father for bringing this message to me. I gave me hope. This is how I imagine God is kind with us. Like this video.
@@anneschofield9726 another thing that I find interesting is have u noticed how corageous priests like this father goring are willing to talk about the subject of purity in this forum!!!!!!!!!! I commend him for that!!!!!!! However it seems like other priests won't talk about purity come pulpit time on Sunday????????? Kinda odd????? I guess the rule is u can talk about the touchy subjects on private forums but not to the congregation on Sunday??????
Pray everyday to our Father in Heaven to rescue us and our loved ones from sin because it's a sinfull world. Lord Jesus please hear our prayers. Blessed Mother Mary pray for us. Amen 🙏
Thank you Fr. Mark. Now I understand why despite my sins of impurity, GOD still keeps on showering me so many blessings. I feel guilty because I don't deserve them because I'm a sinner. However, as you stated, it's because as long as we tried our very best to win our battles against temptations that lead to sins of impurity, our ever-loving GOD still acknowledges our struggle to resist. I will still keep on fighting this war til the end as exemplified by Saint Paul. GOD bless you Fr. Mark. PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY.
Good morning Father, brothers and sisters. . You are correct on these three signs of grace from God. God wants us to be aware and take responsibility for actions that offend Him. Knowing our weakness and understanding our wretchedness, God gives us the grace to run to Him in the sacrament of confession. Which Satan hates because we are now back in the state of grace and the wounds that Satan impelled us with, that are his window to our soul are being heal in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. With time that wound is healed and God with His infinite mercy starts healing other wounds, ( active sins into spiritual sins.) These signs are leading you into the purgatory phase of your holiness.....Jaime
I really needed these words. Thank you Fr Mark Goring. I’ve been fighting sins of impurity, and I have done much better in the past few months thanks to Jesus. But when I fall, sometimes I cry because of how repentent I feel. I know that God loves me even when I fall, and therefore it’s simply a matter of standing back up and continuing to follow Jesus through prayer, especially the Rosary.
The prayer of the Rosary has delivered me from the sin of impurity. Every single day, I pray the rosary solely to ask the good Lord for the grace of not falling into lust even in my mind alone. I don't ask for any grace in that prayer of the rosary except the grace not to fall into lust. I pray another rosary or rosaries for other graces that I want to ask from God. True enough, I don't commit lust even in my mind if I pray a rosary for a day asking for the sole grace of not committing lust. If the temptation is stronger, I pray 2 rosaries asking for the sole grace of not falling into lust and I am successful again. I have a great fear of offending God that is why I am persevering in praying the rosary or many rosaries every day. Praise God!
Here's a video of Bo Sanchez: : Are you keeping dark secrets? Truth: All secrets will come out. In this video, Bo told that he was addicted to porn FOR YEARS and he related how he was healed from lust (this can be applied not only to our lust but to all our sins, vices and weaknesses as well). Just watch the video from start to finish and pray with him at the end of this video. Usually, total healing from lust is difficult to achieve in a short time because I told you this vice recurs frequently. But aside from confessing your sins of lust to priest, confess it also to people whom you trust to ask for their prayers.
Thank you father Mark for this beautiful advice and support for us whom battle constantly and go to confession weekly for this sin of impurity....thank you father Mark. Pls pray for me. 🙏
Any person, no matter their age, can struggle with sins of impurity. Take your Rosary, pray, and our Blessed Mother will come to your aid! The devil will flee from you! Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Father Mark, this is my struggle, and this is my life. Thank you, I just failed very badly. But this was the next video that came up on youtube for me. Thank you Jesus, and thank you, Father.
Great message fr. Mark. It is true. If we walk with Jesus in our heart we should not be scared. Yes, we are all sinners but when we fall, Jesus will be the First standing already with His hands teaching out to help us get up. His love to us is without end. He loves us how we are only we need to accept ourselves how we are. Remember what Jesus said to St. Faustina. "the bigger the sinner, the more right he has on my mercy." So don't be scared If you fall. Get back up through Jesus in the confession and try to live with a pure heart. He is always with us. Amen.
I fear hell. I fear the Lord and hate hurting him but I am weak. I pray for strength, I sacrifice yet I fall short at times. Ty for helping me to realize that God is patient and loves me. With HIm I will overcome sin!!
When i fall i sure have the evil one not wasting time trying to keep me down before i get back up. He is good at what he does.luckly God gives us his hand just like he did to Peter.! Viva Cristo Rey!
We need more priests like this.
We don't need priests we need the rosary!!!!!!!!!
Amen! I can't go to confession it causes panic attacks. I do first Friday and First Saturday I tried going once but, I wasn't allowed in due to Covid Rules.
@@carlswindelliv2701 Without eucharist 😢
@@cindymmc.2869 Go to confession...eternal panic attacks are worse🥺
@@frankianthony155 well well well then maybe the priests need to start acting better and start calling out sins!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz u Kno full well all they are saying is simply just love like Jesus which by the way is good but they have to start calling out abortion more homosexuality more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” 🙏🏼
#metoo , Dear Lord Jesus Christ, we are in Great need of Divine Mercy. Thank You Jesus for Your Divine Mercy. December 6th is a Day of Reperation for the Church. Viva Cristo Rey 😎
Thank you Terry for commenting on my post, I had forgotten that you stated that you were home bound. I'm hoping that you are receiving pastoral visits from your parish ministers.
Today is the final prayer for Christ the King Novena, I will dedicate my next Novena to you for strength and healing, grace and love from our Lord.
God bless,
Marie Dobbins - Thank you so much Marie!! Your thoughtfulness and consideration really mean a lot to me. I’ll keep you in my prayers too. Blessings!! 😊
Hellenback - Beautifully stated Hellenback. I hear ya! I too have health issues that make getting to Mass and confession, as often as I’d like, quite difficult. Father’s words do bring so much hope and as he said we all need to “keep fighting the good fight”, as we do our very best with the help of the Lord to persevere with humility and patience to grow in virtue. Praying for you. 🙏🏼 God bless you!!
Amen! all kinds of you tube videos popping up! So I figure God wants me to hear timeless.
For those who struggle with pornograhy that they see your message, execute your 3 steps, and live to overcame, we pray!
Yer, we pray!
Yes, we pray!
@@mariedobbins5281 You know you can either edit, or delete your comments.
@@ItsNotAllRainbows_and_Unicorns Thanks
@@ItsNotAllRainbows_and_Unicorns my first name is Yer. I thought she was talking about me
Sacred Heart of Jesus we trust in you. Viva Cristo Rey!!!
Today is the Solemnity of Christ the King - The King of the Universe. Viva Christo Rey!
My favorite feast Day, AWESOME! CAN'T WAIT TO GET TO MASS!
Today is also the day i was received into the church!finally!
@@CatholicCristero I feel the same way!
@@kodingkrusader2765 Congratulations!
My beloved Grandparents, my much-loved parents, my beautiful wife and I, and our lovely kids .. all of us love this priest - yes, I mean it, genuinely love .. are deeply affected by, interested in, pleased, concerned even loved by him; and yet we do not know him. Now that is one heck of a lot of love going around the otherwise chilly techno-world of the web; Thank God.
TheLeonhamm - That’s awesome!! Father Mark is his name, saving souls is his game. I ♥️ Father too. Let’s keep him and all priests in our prayers. 🙏🏼 God bless!!
I’d love to meet him to tell him how inspirational he is.
Indeed he is a wonderful Man of God!
"Those who have kept their mind on Me, I will keep them in perfect peace. Because you Trust in Me.".
Isaiah 26:3
Tony need not look at others, singularly or as a whole.
It's how are you keeping the 10 Commandments. First off you disrespected The Mother of God and her beloved Holy Rosary Prayers, ( not chants or anything to do with magic or evil ) Shame goes to you until you repent of such a vile disregard for Mary The Mother of Our Savior Jesus. It's shameful an sinful.
God bless you Fr. Goring. I really needed this.
So did I
Big time
Divine Mercy chaplet was given by Jesus to Sister Faustina for a reason.
Yes indeed, RPF, for even Medjugore has a part in the divine outpouring of grace on a benighted world: Gather the Clans when possible, oppose the demons where necessary, tell the truth and shame the devil. For our duty is clear, we need only do it: Keep the Faith.
Very helpful. Funny how I came upon this when I needed to. The Holy Spirit!
Good priest Father Goring
Good preaching. God bless you and protect you
I'll keep fighting the good fight. Viva Christo Rey!
Viva Cristo Rey!
As someone who struggles with impurity daily, this really strikes a chord in my heart.
That you Father Goring for sharing this with us. May lord be with you.
Amen brother. Me too
@@iroamalone6953 yea why is there a big cover up on masturbation in the Catholic Church?????!!!!!! A couple of times I went to a Protestant church and that's all they talked about was masturbation and how to defeat it and I was stunned cuz they are supposed to be talking about in the Catholic Church but they don't!!!!!!!!
@@carlswindelliv2701 they do...a probably had the misfortune of going to a church with lukewarm Catholics
@@tinag7506 ya Kno what though I really could care less about the lukewarm preaching cuz I Kno what the rosary is and that has been my weapon i use to fight sins of the flesh
Thank you, father. We are all sinners of one kind or another, and trying to become more perfect for The Lord. I think prayers to Mary help.
Joachim Zachary, my late mother told me that Mary was the link between us humans and God. She told me that Mary will intercede for us, if we ask. This is a powerful link to salvation. God bless.
Joachim Zachary There have been a few times when I felt led towards impurity and immediately and without any explanation, an image of Our Lady popped into my head and it was as if the temptation dissolved! I’ve prayed to her about it many times, and I have to say, the Blessed Mother DOESNT disappoint!
@tony How are you a Christian if you don't believe in the eternal life that Our Lord promises? Mary isn't dead. She is ALIVE in Heaven. I don't know if you don't believe, or if you don't understand your own (whichever one of the thousands of Protestant denominations) Christian faith, but what you say makes zero logical sense by any standard.
tony it’s the resurrection of the BODY. And that’s if you don’t believe in the Assumption of Mary (body and soul) to Heaven. Tell me, what happened to Elijah if your biblical knowledge is so profound? I love when Protestants tell me they were once Christian. It’s nearly always untrue...or the Protestant has little to no knowledge of Catholicism because they never bothered to catechize properly before leaving the Church. You aren’t going to convince many people around here. Most of us have studied the faith too thoroughly to be taken in by an argument as simplistic as that.
@tony Lol so now Elijah only represents others and wasn't a man who was taken, body included, on a chariot to Heaven? I know you know better than that. Did the chariot drive him to the grave instead? Are you saying the Bible lied about Elijah being taken bodily to Heaven? Don't be dishonest by trying to take away Elijah's personhood unless you are willing to argue that Elijah himself didn't exist and was only some type of allegory. I'm sorry, but you really have no leg to stand on here. And yes, I've read Corinthians. I know all about the resurrection of the body. You can't use it to hedge the actual question.
“Keep fighting the good fight.”
Thank you, Father!!
"Little by little, there will be growth in virtue." Everything Fr. Mark says in this video is true. Many of us speak from experience.
Thanks for sharing, Father.
Ask your guardian Angel to help you when tempted. Thank you Father
Father forgive our sins, we are weak but we love you so much.
How blessed we are to wake up to one of Fr. Mark's messages. It inspires me to hear his poignant messages. Thanks, Fr. Mark.
Yes, it's kind of like a virtual confessional booth. Thank you, Father.
Fr. Goring, you are what a priest should be. Thank you ! 🙏
Well I sure needed that Father! As a wretched sinner we all need reassurance that we have to keep fighting the good fight. Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner! Viva Christo Rey! God bless you!
Father, thank you from my heart. You need to know how comforting your message is. I know it was to me! And there are countless souls out there who suffer thinking they have little hope, because sins of impurity are so addictive and “sticky”. Your message brought hope and the love of God flooded back in. Priests need to speak more like you do: in a where-the-rubber -meets-the-road-relevant way. The thirst out there is so great and growing by the day!
Ce que vous dites est tellement vrai! Depuis que je vais à la confesse tous les dimanches, le Seigneur m'a guérit du péché de l'impureté. Je suis tellement reconnaissant envers le Bon Dieu!
Thank you for this wonderful video!
Daniel Fortier : Bravo. Continue.
Fr. Mark thank you so much for your videos! I try to watch them every day! They lift me up and give me so much hope and joy. I'm so thankful for priests like you. Don't stop! We love you! Thank God for you!!
Thanks so much I love God❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Such a great message of hope in our journey. Just love Fr Goring. 🙏❤️
Am exactly in dis category. I was in tears listening to dis. God bless you for us padre. I follow u closely, may God continue to bless and keep you
Please pray for me a sinner, with impure thoughts
@@lukesalmo7136 thank you
You are a wonderful holy priest. So many are blessed to hear your words. God's love and protection Fr.
There are some priests who just radiate the joy and trust in the Lord. Fr. Goring is this. And yes growing in virtue is a long but worthwhile road.
Amen I say to you and thank you from my heart as I struggle with my own mind and Flesh yet triumph is mine in his sacrifice, thank you for such strength surly you are blessed in our Lord and savior thank you. God bless.
A beautiful word from you, Fr. Mark! Thank you. 🙏
Thank you I will keep fighting a good fight the best I can that's why I turn to you and watch every single day to inspire me to keep me going through all these trials and tribulations thank you Father how do you do it!?!?👏
Father, the timing on your beautiful comments here couldn’t have been more helpful. I have a teenage daughter who is trying to maintain her purity of body and mind and spirit. It is very difficult at times and a real source of anxiety for her. I will have her listen to your words of wisdom and encouragement. (Obviously, this was helpful for me as well.). Thank you for shepherding your Parish and your UA-cam parish as well! We need you!!!!
Scott, I'm a young man who harbors justified resentment and anger against the failing fathers of teenage girls in America because their failure to instruct their daughters in purity and chastity is making it extremely difficult for someone of my standards to find a wife. The end result is that a more-deserving, more godly suitor like me winds up getting punished with singleness for your (plural) daughter's sins, whereas if I were a loser, my standards for a meet and fit person who committed the same errors would make it much easier to find someone. Please don't underestimate the value of your instructing your daughter in purity or else she will never have a high quality Christian young man like me who has honored his future spouse unlike everybody else.
I am finding great healing in mental prayer and detaching from noise from the TV and the internet. Just focus on His Sacred Heart and whenever a thought of a beautiful woman passes? You know what? I acknowledge that beauty and praise God for it and let it go. I call it the black hole technique, acknowledge whatever weakness we have openly to the Lord and He will bring it to submission. He is the Creator of all things and is the ultimate Beauty and Good, so I have hope that one day He will fill me so completely so that I will have only holy desire. Maybe on Earth, God willing, but maybe in the fires of Purgatory.
Father I've been praying for my daughter she is going through an exorcism but even though she's had these incredible experiences in front of the Blessed Sacrament and has returned to church even got herself back to the Faith by getting confirmed she is beginning to go back to her old life and I don't know what to do because every time I tell her this it puts a wedge between us so I am praying for her and making small sacrifices throughout the day throughout the days I am in sanctifying Grace. I am reading St Teresa of Avila the interior castle and her autobiography. She explains to be very careful not to get in the way of what God does the way he works and even though my daughter says that she has had these incredible experiences but for God including getting the gift one evening of examination of conscience I question whether they were authentic because I do not see the fruit but who am I. I know these things we need to surrender I understand that God has his ways and I saw all this good fruit happening and now I see some sins of impurity that I am shocked that she's going back to her old ways please pray for her her name is Katie
Thank you Father; your insights in this matter are very helpful and give me hope. Progress is being made.
Thank you father Goring. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Very me a lot of comfort in this seemingly life-long's world is NOT friendly to this virtue...
Father Goring, I just wanted to thank you for putting this message out to us all. Oh how I have struggled and continue to struggle in this life of exile. I continue to hope and pray that I may be a vessel for God to bring others to him, one person at a time. How I pray that I too can develop virtue, feabile as my prayers are, I pray and continue to try. This message, as well as many others helps me to be hopeful. Thank you so much! All praise, glory and honor to our be to Jesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord and savior!
Thank you Father, this exact thing, with all 3 things you listed, is going on in my right. In talking with my spiritual director, he said stuff similar to you but the way you put it reached my heart my easily. Thanks be to the Spirit.
In striving for saintliness, I have gotten too much anxiety over this problem of impurity that afflicts me.
" don't need to be anxious, you need to trust in the wonderful patience, and love, and mercy of God, and know that you are very pleasing to the Lord, even in your struggle..." Thank you for this, Father Goring. Your ministry here is a blessing from the Lord.
Thank you father Goring. I always wonder if God really notices my small sacrifices and attempts to be holy. After hearing you I feel like God gave me an answer. Thank you for bringing smile in my soul.
Great video Father Goring! I think Our Lord prophesied the rise of pornography when he said any man who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery in his heart. Our common enemy, Satan, also deceives us into thinking that sexual purity is a very difficult, if not impossible task to accomplish...and it is if we don't let God do this for us. The daily Rosary and more frequent reception of the Eucharist and Confession prove that "His yoke is easy and His burden is light," in short, only The Holy Spirit can win this and any other battle decisively for us, if we have faith that He will do this for us. Our job is to stay open to the influence of The Holy Spirit on a daily basis and never give up hope. Jesus and His Mother Mary are perfect models of chastity and we can live this way of perfection too if we truly want to do this. A good icon/print of Jesus and Mary as a focal point for prayer time is also a strong antidote for overcoming temptations of the flesh.
God bless you Fr. Mark! 🙏🏻❤️
Beautiful message!! Thank you Father!! 💕🙏🏻👍🏻
Thank you Fr. Mark for your words of wisdom.
Dios gracias por sacerdotes como el padre Goring. VIVA CRISTO REY !!
We have only but always hope
Ty Father Goring. I have been struggling with this for a while. I am trying to become more Holy every day. I I'm so thankful that we have a patient God and even though I feel him daily I can try again and pray and say the rosary and do some penance and that he still loves me. Thank you for your message God bless you.
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Prayer, prayer, prayer." especially for others" is a powerful weapon against our imperfections. Lord Jesus, I offer You this day 9 prayer of the Christ The King Novena in reparation and petition for those who are suffering with anxiety and sins of impurity. Comfort them Lord with calmness and peace, place in their hearts Lord, that their bodies are temples of Your Holy Spirit.
Amen 🙏
Excellent message Father. God bless.
Thank you father Mark these words were for me. Amen 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Love in d waiting and suffering..that he will come through..
Mi presente.
This is exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you!!
I been talking to God about this and this pops up. God talks to me by sending UA-cam videos via Catholic priest and channels, you and bishop barron. I struggle no matter how hard i try I fall. Christ has been nothing but kind to me and has giving me many privileges since I was born. No matter what I do I fail. I say I won’t do it again and do it again. Thank you father for bringing this message to me. I gave me hope. This is how I imagine God is kind with us. Like this video.
Beloved!! Confession and often, will free you from them. You will receive supernatural Graces which allow us to go above the flesh.
I confessed masturbation to a priest and he told me masturbation is normal!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Carl. Normal as human nature, sure. Same as having an affair while married, stealing a pen in the office and so on. But, a sin.
@@anneschofield9726 yeah but deep down I knew masturbation was a sin it just shocked me that the priest said it's normal
That is due to poor training in the Seminaries. Yet, our souls have that guard where we just know that something is sinful.
@@anneschofield9726 another thing that I find interesting is have u noticed how corageous priests like this father goring are willing to talk about the subject of purity in this forum!!!!!!!!!! I commend him for that!!!!!!! However it seems like other priests won't talk about purity come pulpit time on Sunday????????? Kinda odd????? I guess the rule is u can talk about the touchy subjects on private forums but not to the congregation on Sunday??????
Thanks Fr Mark. And like the Three Musketeers would say "All For One and One For All."
GOD Bless You and Everyone,
Fr Mark. 🤗💖🤗🙏✨✨✨💒
Thank you father Mark! You are so wonderful in your speaking
Thank you Father for this message filled with HOPE!
Thank you Father for easing the conscience of us sinners.
Thank you fr mark I’m a sinner and I am discouraged by organized ( church ) condemnation but you give me hope to keep trying
Thank you Fr. Mark for clarifying. I look forward to more videos. GOD bless you Fr. Mark.
Ohhhhh if I needed this thank you Father Mark God bless you and my brothers and sisters.
Viva Cristo Rey
Please come and help us drear Jesus i am praying my rosary and worrying about the world my children and grandchildren are growing up in xxxl
Thank you Fr.Mark
Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Holy Mother Mary amen ✝️
Oh Lord. Have a mercy on us. Thank you Fr Mark. God bless you.
Thank you so much for this- really helpful for so many including me - from a seminarian
Pray everyday to our Father in Heaven to rescue us and our loved ones from sin because it's a sinfull world. Lord Jesus please hear our prayers. Blessed Mother Mary pray for us. Amen 🙏
Father Mark, thank you for this teaching. It hit home.
Thank you Fr. Mark. Now I understand why despite my sins of impurity, GOD still keeps on showering me so many blessings. I feel guilty because I don't deserve them because I'm a sinner. However, as you stated, it's because as long as we tried our very best to win our battles against temptations that lead to sins of impurity, our ever-loving GOD still acknowledges our struggle to resist. I will still keep on fighting this war til the end as exemplified by Saint Paul. GOD bless you Fr. Mark. PRAISE AND GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY.
Have mercy on me, Dear Jesus.
God bless this priest. He’s given me great comfort during Covid. Saying the Rosary helps a lot with this sin.
Father it means a lot for me as a catholic and servant of god to have you preaching. Please pray for me. Veni Sancte Spiritus.
Thank you for such words of encouragement, today and everyday. God bless you always!
Thank you, we all should seek virtue of cleanness, we are Gods children and He loves us.
Good morning Father, brothers and sisters. .
You are correct on these three signs of grace from God. God wants us to be aware and take responsibility for actions that offend Him. Knowing our weakness and understanding our wretchedness, God gives us the grace to run to Him in the sacrament of confession. Which Satan hates because we are now back in the state of grace and the wounds that Satan impelled us with, that are his window to our soul are being heal in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. With time that wound is healed and God with His infinite mercy starts healing other wounds, ( active sins into spiritual sins.) These signs are leading you into the purgatory phase of your holiness.....Jaime
I really needed these words. Thank you Fr Mark Goring. I’ve been fighting sins of impurity, and I have done much better in the past few months thanks to Jesus. But when I fall, sometimes I cry because of how repentent I feel. I know that God loves me even when I fall, and therefore it’s simply a matter of standing back up and continuing to follow Jesus through prayer, especially the Rosary.
Amen🙏🏻Father Mark God Bless You thank you for you love for The Lord and his children . 💞😘🙏🏻Shalom🙏🏻
Thank you Father
You are a holy priest and love your talks.
Great message Father. Much appreciated. I would add to pray the Rosary. Vice must be replaced with Virtue.
The prayer of the Rosary has delivered me from the sin of impurity. Every single day, I pray the rosary solely to ask the good Lord for the grace of not falling into lust even in my mind alone. I don't ask for any grace in that prayer of the rosary except the grace not to fall into lust. I pray another rosary or rosaries for other graces that I want to ask from God. True enough, I don't commit lust even in my mind if I pray a rosary for a day asking for the sole grace of not committing lust. If the temptation is stronger, I pray 2 rosaries asking for the sole grace of not falling into lust and I am successful again. I have a great fear of offending God that is why I am persevering in praying the rosary or many rosaries every day. Praise God!
Here's a video of Bo Sanchez: : Are you keeping dark secrets? Truth: All secrets will come out.
In this video, Bo told that he was addicted to porn FOR YEARS and he related how he was healed from lust (this can be applied not only to our lust but to all our sins, vices and weaknesses as well). Just watch the video from start to finish and pray with him at the end of this video. Usually, total healing from lust is difficult to achieve in a short time because I told you this vice recurs frequently. But aside from confessing your sins of lust to priest, confess it also to people whom you trust to ask for their prayers.
Thank you father Mark for this beautiful advice and support for us whom battle constantly and go to confession weekly for this sin of impurity....thank you father Mark. Pls pray for me. 🙏
Thank you Father Mark. God Bless you always
Any person, no matter their age, can struggle with sins of impurity. Take your Rosary, pray, and our Blessed Mother will come to your aid! The devil will flee from you! Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Awesome video Fr. Mark . Miss not having you here in Houston. Thanks again
Lord have mercy on us 🙏
Thank you very much Father you help so very much, please keep sending these messages
Father Mark, this is my struggle, and this is my life. Thank you, I just failed very badly. But this was the next video that came up on youtube for me. Thank you Jesus, and thank you, Father.
That's clearly the Holy Spirit speaking through ya Father .. fire after fire! Thanks for it, LOADS! 🙌🔥🙏
You're so sweet and encouraging, Father.
You bring tears to my eyes.
Thank you, Father Mark!
Great message fr. Mark. It is true. If we walk with Jesus in our heart we should not be scared. Yes, we are all sinners but when we fall, Jesus will be the First standing already with His hands teaching out to help us get up. His love to us is without end. He loves us how we are only we need to accept ourselves how we are. Remember what Jesus said to St. Faustina. "the bigger the sinner, the more right he has on my mercy." So don't be scared If you fall. Get back up through Jesus in the confession and try to live with a pure heart. He is always with us. Amen.
I fear hell. I fear the Lord and hate hurting him but I am weak. I pray for strength, I sacrifice yet I fall short at times. Ty for helping me to realize that God is patient and loves me. With HIm I will overcome sin!!
🙏🏻Amen&Amen 🙏🏻Father Mark God Bless You 😘🙏🏻 Shalom🙏🏻
When i fall i sure have the evil one not wasting time trying to keep me down before i get back up. He is good at what he does.luckly God gives us his hand just like he did to Peter.! Viva Cristo Rey!