I absolutely hate when the spouse send the gift to their real spouse and you still try to bait them and mostly men. Just nonsense and not needed . That’s entrapment and I can’t believe you all still are alive messing with peoples lives and attempting to entrap mostly men. Just so not cool.
Jubal's voice is dreamy.
Glad he didnt cheat on her but hevshould tell his friend if hes a true friend about that girl kissing that other guy thsts not right either
I absolutely hate when the spouse send the gift to their real spouse and you still try to bait them and mostly men. Just nonsense and not needed . That’s entrapment and I can’t believe you all still are alive messing with peoples lives and attempting to entrap mostly men. Just so not cool.
Just dint listen to it then you feel.that way
Thsts how the show works
You mad cuz you’ve probably been caught
Are we a hit dog, sir?