@Mark Edits i took two online, one was sketchy and said i had an 82 and one was similar to the one in the vid and i got an 150 and the i took this one and got a 97 im so confused i should take a real real one
I once took an IQ test and spent a while on it, don’t ask how long I’m not very proud of it. But then once I finished it, “Pay $19.99 to get your IQ score and a certificate!”.
Sam is the type of guy to get a 133 iq and instantly misuse standard deviation - edit: for clarification he mistook standard deviation for margin of error. probably about two percent of data falls where his score did on a bell curve
13:52 This one took me a while but I think I figured it out: Split each box into four parts: two elements on one side of the line and two elements on the other. Then add each element to the corresponding element of the box next to it to get the answer in the third box. Use the following rules: Square/dot + itself = opposite Square/dot + opposite = blank Square/dot + blank = itself Blank + blank = blank Thus the answer should be E.
I took the test a couple of months ago and once I finished it said that my intelligence is on a scale that the test can't read quite yet. So, either I miserably failed the test, or I passed smarter than anyone else has before.
15:23 I figured it out. On every row when there are 2 dots in the same place, the position of the dot is reflected over the middle line for the third square. Also whenever there is an item whose position is unique in its row(excluding third spot) it disappears for the third spot. That it 2 pieces of evidence to support that the answer is A
o quizas puedas traducirlo a numeros, ya que los numeros nos sirven para representar las logicas, entonces en la primera fila nos encontramos con 2 cuadrados y dos 1 los de la derecha componen el primero, en la segunda fila nos encontramos dos de 2 y 3 en el medio, esos dos componen el medio, abajo hay dos de 1, lo que significa que tienen que componer un 2, pero la logica no es asi de simple ya que notamos que el de arriba posee dos de 1 que exactamente forman un 2 , en cambio debajo tenemos que esos dos forman un 4 que es +1 que 3, por lo que si tomamos en cuenta que mientras mas numeros hay mas diferencia positiva entonces cuando haya menos cajas la diferencia sera negativa si es por debajo del 2. en la ultima fila finalmente tenemos dos de 1, lo que significa que por naturaleza la composicion sera de -1 por lo que no habria cajas, lo de los puntos es exactamento como lo planteas tu, pero hay muchas maneras de expresar la logica en estos test. en conclusion el examen a numeros se traduciria asi: 1=0 2=1 3=2 patron matematico, y sobre los puntos por repeticion o reflejo. Es increible la enseñanza que te dan estos test, sobre que a veces para encontrar la solucion a un patron podemos utilizar diferentes mecanismos que expresen logica dentro de nuestro cerebros, y dando a entender que segun la manera en la que lo expresemos ya sea matematicamente,linguisticamente o con sentido comun, esta sera mas o menos dificil, lo que me hace dudar sobre el conocimiento a posteriori que puede afectar el rendimiento de la prueba. Personalmente he sacado 145 en este test, lo que me hizo que pudiera conectar estos patrones con temas algo filosoficos, pero eso es otro tema que quizas este algo alejado a esto y no tenga mucho que ver, pero igualmente, considero que este texto se refleja bastante bien en la siguiente frase: "No existe nada en el lenguaje que exprese algo que no puedas imaginar. En este sentido, el lenguaje está “limitado” por nuestro mundo interior, es decir nuestra forma de interpretar y vivir el mundo."
@rulaibrahim5205 y aun asi, hay personas que me consideran un 1d10t4, debido a que no considero necesario aprender cosas, ya que se me vienen solas a la mente, de alguna forma, no me interesa en absoluto la escuela, aunque quizas sea mi percepcion, ya que es logico esto: imagina un individuo que se encuentra a otro con altas capacidades, eso doleria un poco en el ego, entonces, si yo no hago las tareas, ni siquiera estudio bien el tema y un compañero sabe la respuesta, su ego justificara de manera insolente que yo soy un 1d10t4 , de manera que vendria siendo un mecanismo de defensa considerar esa justificacion. tambien varias veces me paso que me sueltan comentarios pasivo-agresivo con la intencion de insult4r mi inteligencia, pero se que en el fondo, estan tratando de proteger su ego debido a que se sienten atacados. esto me hace pensar en como se potencia la inteligencia con los insult0s, todo se podria reducir a una lucha de egos, por lo que a una persona inteligente es mas probable que la quieran tratar de idiota, lo que haria que esta, en su lucha de ego, combata la opinion demostrando lo contrario, y finalmente, logrando ser mucho mas que una persona normal, no es mi caso. y diras: ¿quien te pregunto esto? bueno, posiblemente sea un tema de tu interes y sirva de algo la reflexion, ya que hablamos de iq queria contar mi experiencia. quizas esto suene un poco soberbio, pero bueno, yo voy al punto, nada de emociones, o quizas sea mi ego intentando justificar jaja
@rulaibrahim5205 y aun asi, hay personas que me consideran un 1d10t4, debido a que no considero necesario aprender cosas, ya que se me vienen solas a la mente, de alguna forma, no me interesa en absoluto la escuela, aunque quizas sea mi percepcion, ya que es logico esto: imagina un individuo que se encuentra a otro con altas capacidades, eso doleria un poco en el ego, entonces, si yo no hago las tareas, ni siquiera estudio bien el tema y un compañero sabe la respuesta, su ego justificara de manera insolente que yo soy un 1d10t4 , de manera que vendria siendo un mecanismo de defensa considerar esa justificacion. tambien varias veces me paso que me sueltan comentarios pasivo-agresivo con la intencion de insult4r mi inteligencia, pero se que en el fondo, estan tratando de proteger su ego debido a que se sienten atacados. esto me hace pensar en como se potencia la inteligencia con los insult0s, todo se podria reducir a una lucha de egos, por lo que a una persona inteligente es mas probable que la quieran tratar de idiota, lo que haria que esta, en su lucha de ego, combata la opinion demostrando lo contrario, y finalmente, logrando ser mucho mas que una persona normal, no es mi caso. y diras: ¿quien te pregunto esto? bueno, posiblemente sea un tema de tu interes y sirva de algo la reflexion, ya que hablamos de iq queria contar mi experiencia. quizas esto suene un poco soberbio, pero bueno, yo voy al punto, nada de emociones, o quizas sea mi ego intentando justificar jaja
@fraggle669 bro do you know how many people have written this comment. It is annoying to see. Also I come up with original comments or if I have nothing to say then I don't comment.
This may be the first video Sam took a test in that doesn’t have “failed” in the title that’s probably only because you literally cannot fail an iq test
Before this comment is viral here's some chairs 🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑 And some food 🥓🥓🍳🍳🌭🌭🥚🥚🥨🥨🥙🥙🥯🥯🧀🧀🦪🦪🍥🍥🍘🍘🍣🍣🍝🍝🍰🍰🍰🍰🎂🌮🍰🍫🍭🍣🍧🫙🍬🍩🦪🍮🥃🫗🍼🍴☕️🥃🥃🍺🥂🥃🫖🧉🍼🧊☕️🧊🫖🧉🍴🍼🍽️🧊🥢🥟🥟🎂🍨🦪🍦🍫🍰🦴🍣🍕🫙🫔🫓🫓🍟🫔🫙🍛🍤🥙🍘🥒🥓🥓🥕🌽🥯🥕🍉🌶️🍉🥒🥦🍇🥒🥭 🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊
14:47 is A. Any commonalities and you switch top or bottom. So for the top row, matching squares on top right gives square on bottom right and matching dot on bottom right gives dot on top right. Middle row shows common top left and bottom right sqaures which gives sqaures in the bottom left and top right. For the middle rows dots, the common dots on the left side technically "flips" but its the same thing, and common bottom right which gives top right dot. For last row, no common sqaures, so no squares in general, and only a common top right dot which gives bottom right dot when flipped
For question 32 here’s what I am thinking… We are adding the first box and second box of each row, and we need to go off of each individual symbol (meaning squares and dots should not be looked at together) If the position of one symbol, from the first box matches one from the second box, it will flip to the other side for the solution. An example, on the first diagram both the first and second boxes have a square on the TOP right, and so the solution flips it to have a square on the BOTTOM right. Likewise both boxes share a dot on the BOTTOM right, and so the solution holds a dot on the TOP right. This applies to the second row as well, if you want to check it on your own. With this is mind, I believe the correct answer to this problem would be A. No idea on many of the other ones but I think this is right?
Yes, if the dot or square are in both column one and two they remain, if they are only in one of the first two then it is deleted. Then the final column is just the answer inverted on the horizontal axis. For row three, as both squares with dots are not in the same position in the first two columns, they are both deleted. The only commonality is the dot on the top right. Therefore, it is inverted to the bottom right for the answer to be A. Btw, I got 142 on this. The only I didn’t get was the triangular flag looking one with some shaded in and others not
For question 30, for each of the “corners” of the line, we add each corner as if the point is equal to 1, the square is equal to 2 and nothing is equal to 0 and we just calculate mod3 then then the symbols so the answer is E
14:30 i think it's E because if you add a square and a ball it just disappears, if you add a ball with another ball it turns into a square, if you add 2 squares it makes sense to turn into a ball... therefore E, but I might be wrong tho
yeah, it would have to be. just doing the dot + dot and nothing + square for the top two gives us a square for both sides of the top which only gives us E. there isn't a situation where we have a dot inside a square so it can't be A, C, or D. the bottom left also works for E since its a dot + nothing gives us a dot. by process of elimination it must be E but you only need to do the top of both sides to get E
They made me do this in elementary school, it's a lot easier if you replace the different symbols with numbers and then add and subtract them. Then you can count by 2s (or whatever number you end up getting per box) and find the last box
the problem with almost all these free tests is that they have only one item type, mostly visua/spatial. Verbal items are actually an even better indicator of intelligence. Two item types are minimum what an I.Q. test should actually have. Most don't actual logic that well logic because it's soo much about spatial short term memory and pattern recognition, once the pattern is recognized, the logic to apply is actually easy. So please be very cautious about most free I.Q. tests. My scores on free online tests, even though they should have a pretty good reputation, are pretty much all over the place, with differences of up to 25 points.
The Mensa IQ challenge is considered one of the better IQ tests online. The IQ test used is a culture free IQ test which is considered to be superior to classical and regular IQ tests but with a higher margin of practice effect.
@@efslab Verbal items (items with language content) are among the item types with the highest g loadings, even when factor-analysed among all non-verbal tests. Non-verbal "culture-free" or "culture-fair" tests, which are mostly visual reasoning tests, may have high g loadings as well, but have also proved to be non-robust, that is, have undergone much score inflation over the twentieth century as people got more acquainted with the item type and solving strategies. Relying on these one-sided and inflationary tests for assessing "giftedness" or selecting for I.Q. society membership has been a major cause of inflation of "giftedness" and of I.Q. society membership. In addition, it has been observed that test candidates lost quite a bit of I.Q. points by avoiding (partly) verbal tests, misled by the prejudice of "it can not be a valid test if it contains verbal items". If verbal ability is your strongest side, you will be at an obvious disadvantage on a purely non-verbal test. When such people eventually try a partly verbal test, they discover with amazement that their scores get higher, not lower.
I took an IQ test on several sites on Google. Every time something is different. 114 times 66 times 145 times 119 times. They are different. Also, I am an Arab. I am 14 years old. I have never taken a real test.
Sam unintentionally created the "Sam is the type of guy" trend, can't believe we've witnessed this man from being a random shorts creator to a damn trend starter, truly incredible.
@@-1cosx176 8 billion people have not taken an IQ test, it's based on a much smaller subset of people, usually of a particular culture which also guarantees that the IQ test as it was created has more than one bias. Many people have taken different IQ tests, not the same one, which messes up all the IQ scores you hear online. UA-cam userbase does not consist of mostly high IQ individuals.
16:20 so basically the black dot moves clockwise by 3 spaces and the white dot moves by 2 spaces. On the first space they move to, they clone themself and leave their clone on that square. When a black dot and a white dot are on the same square the white dot is covered if they started on the same side of the square(left and right). If they started on opposite sides and they overlap the white dot covers the black dot.
Look at the puzzle diagonally, moving from top right to bottom left. The black dot is stationary across diagonals. The white dots move one space clockwise. The answer is therefore A.
17:17 I don't think you know how standard deviation works. Standard deviation have nothing to do with your error range. By using the standard deviation you are able to figure out the exact percentile you have.
30 is an E. shapes that overlap change their shape, so 2dots overlaping change to square and vice versa. 32 is A I think, the dot changes the position on every third square. Down down up. 33 i would say E, because as I see it each triangle flips once. In 34 i look the pattern diagonally, with each black dot staying at the position and two dots going counterclockwise, which makes it a C . And 35 I would say D, because we have 1 diagonal pattern, so it suggests that upside angle would be a pattern in last one, and side lines only occur twice, so I would say D. I hope I wrote it readable, english is not my first language. Edit 35 you see parallel lines go down right and far left, so side lines go down left, and logically far right so D remains
34 is A. It is a diagonal pattern it’s just that the black dots do not change their position and the 2 white dots go from the starting point counterclockwise 1 step each time. And the white dots are a layer below the black ones (in 3d) so they go under (That’s how I picture it lol)
The first time I took a test which isn't mensa, didn't gave me a definite value, just range between 126-146 IQ. But when I took the Mensa, I got 135 IQ. Also deciation or standard deviation means how much the standard can, well, deviate. For example, average IQ is 100, with σ = 15. Which means that value from -1σ to +1σ can also be average.
I took a IQ test in middle school and I failed it on purpose to get extra help in math so I got a 70 and I retook it my senior year and got a 120 lol trolled them hard
So the answers 1 - 29 was right, but 30 at 13:30 should be (E) because you add the dots in the place and you got a square, and since the square is the highest shape in value you will get nothing is you add a dot to it because of the restart pattern. So if you add 2 squares to each others you will get a dot. 31 is right bur 32 is probably not, is we get enough data we can see that the first one and the last one is always a reflection for each others and the square dot shapes always disappear so it's (A). It may be wrong or another way to solve it but it's probably right because of the different of out results (I got 142). I have no idea about 33 I just pick (E) because it looks similar to the last two cells. I don't know what is 34 to but it does make sense that it's (B) After some exclusions and conclusions (like how there's always a black dot in the left side for the 8 cells). And I just pick (E) at 35 because I get confused. So if anyone knows what is the right answers I will appreciate you help
I love how I randomly hear the music come on mid video. This is why I love thid youtuber and how he does content. His shorts are amazing. I dont know why but seeing the questions on shorts gives me a bit of trivia for the day. It is a blast. Other youtubers who do it just seem like a blatant rip off.
For exercise 30 the answer would have been E and the reason is because on the left side there is a dot on the top in both the first and second one. For this one when there is a dot in the same place on both of them it changes into a square and it works the same way if it’s 2 squares. There is also a square on the right on both sides which would change it into a dot. The square on the top right and the dot on the bottom left would remain the same therefore it would have to be E. (The rule is that if there is a dot in the same place on the first 2 it changes into a square, vise versa if it’s a square. However if there was a dot on one and a square in the same place as the dot on the other one it would cancel it out) Sorry if it’s complicated to understand.
Yeah I thought this was complicated but exercise 32 was much more complicated so I’m going to explain but I don’t want to add another paragraph comment so I’m replying to myself. The answer would be A. To break this down 2 shapes used in the one you need to solve, a dot and a dot inside a square. If a shape appears on one side on one and on the other appears on the other side (look at the first one the dot inside the square appears on top left while the other one it appears on top right) they will cancel eachother out. I’m the first one on the bottom a dot appears on the bottom right on both of them, this keeps the dot there. The square also will stay because there isn’t a square on the other one to cancel it out. After that is solved think of the line as a mirror, the squat will go from top right to bottom right and the dot will go from bottom right to top right. Using this I’m the one you need to answer the dot inside the square is on the bottom left on one and on the bottom right on the other one meaning it cancels that out. All that’s left is the dot on the top right then mirror it to the bottom right therefore A is the answer. (Rule is if a shape appears on one side of one and appears on the other side on the other it cancels eachother out. Nothing else will affect the shapes but when you cancelled everything that you need to put you flip the sides.) Again I’m sorry if this is hard to understand I tried my best to explain.
@@mr.normalguy69 I scored 125, although I was unable to make it to the last question and complete the whole thing before running out of time. I got to about question 30-32. I am perplexed why you would ask though
@@tomf0olery See!? Even you have scored above 120. The average IQ score being 100 is either due to some really bad apples lowering the average score. Or it's just there to make us feel better about ourselves. Maybe we could try and ask others if they have an IQ of higher or lower than 120, to prove or disprove (if I'm wrong) my theory about most people having an IQ higher than 120.
@@mr.normalguy69 Firstly, it is an online test which is not accurate most of the time. Secondly, I know people who have taken the test and have scored less- one of them got 95 and the other 115. And lastly its an average, ~50% will be below and likewise ~50% will be above. That is probably statistical bias, you have only seen scores > 100 so it appears more common. But those who got less would not want to share their score and so lower scores would be seen as less common
I took the Mensa test ages ago as well but I had to go into the 16-17 year old category since there was none that matched my age and surprisingly I ended up with 127, my logic isn’t good enough for Mensa but it’s still good to find out what it was. Later, I ended up taking the in real life one they covered a lot of categories and found out that i was excelling in processing speed.
@@PrabeshzNP10That is a huge deviation in IQ. Unless you scored 110 and then you practices and got 126 that would be highly unlikely . even if it were it’s nearly impossible . nobody in all of time and history has improved there mental over 15+ iq points . the most common occurrence of this is False tests
for exercise 30, 2 dots add in to a square, dot and square add into a square since square is superior, and square plus nothing is square, dot plus nothing is dot, and square plus square is dot, so it would’ve been E (Top Right + Top Right, Bottom Right + Bottom Right, Top Left + Top Left, Bottom Left + Bottom Left)
Question 35 I think was actually impossible, however it's the only question that says you've finished all the exercises and can click finish or look back at previous questions on the bottom. If I'm not mistaken the last question is purely meant to waist time that you could have used to double check others but it also could have been intended that you finished the problem before reading that.
@@BBFHooly the answer is D If you look at the diagonals (from both sides) you'll see that there is always a common shape and the last one is a combination of the common shapes from both diagonals
13:30 ans is wrong, Here is my logic - Dot + Dot gives square square + square gives Dot Dot + square gives nothing Dot + nothing gives Dot Square + nothing gives Dot Using this logic, the ans should be E
I took an in-person iq test of some sort when I was in grade school. It had questions and pictures and if I'm remembering correctly I had some shapes to sort out. Like, actual blocks. It was super weird, but fun. This was at the end of third grade. They never gave me a score or anything; they just stuck me in MGM the following year, which was also a lot of fun. I got to keep doing that until the state I lived in cut the funding between seventh and eighth grade. Sadness. lol
13:52 took me about 2 seconds to figure it out Circle + Circle gives square Square + Square gives circle Whatever is left over not intersecting is left in the final one too According to that logic it's E
16:10 number 34 is A. There are 2 white dots in every photo that are snaking around the image counter clockwise, they'll get covered when behind a black dot. The black dots simply follow a pattern of 2 of the images having them on the left middle and 1 of them being right middle and bottom left.
I took an IQ test once because I was supposed to be tested for ADHD. Turns out, no ADHD but instead an IQ of 130 The average IQ here in Germany is exactly 100
I’m not ADHD myself but I do know that people with it have at least an above average iq, iq and ADHD have no correlation. As well as many learning disabilities, I got diagnosed with dyslexia in 1st grade and it was struggle but now I’m in college doing very well. My “Mensa” test came back as 135 but I’ve had other test range form 115-138 so who knows lol. 🙂
I've done a few over the past two years alongside a few brain scans and got a range of 133 - 167. Just for fun you can take certain medications and see what happens, highest I've ever hit was 177.
@@sIeepstudy for an iq test to guarantee that he has an iq off 177 the iq test creator must have the same number or above. Which we simply have no way off confirming.
@@Merkur320 hmm, how is it determined right now? I dont see a difference If a big amount of people are asked about the puzzles and there is only a low amount of people answering it correctly, it should be more difficult, right? Maybe some "experts" who are used to test IQ Tests (does this exist???lol) can also Take a look at those newer ones. Maybe there are other "tactics" to solve Computer-made ones
Sam, congratulations on your score. I knew you were smart. I took it once I found out what test it was but before I watched you do it and I got a score of 128. I'm only 15, so I hope when I'm your age, I get a higher score.
for 15:15 for every pattern( dot, square) that matches, it will remain but flips over to the other side of the line, other patterns that don't match are gone
Back in seventh grade I got a 144 but that was ten years ago so probably a bit lower now. Thankfully it’s mostly just related to reasoning ability which is trained through good education, so most people can achieve scores over 110 if they apply themselves.
I got a 129 in 6th grade but I think it has probably raised a bit by now, I really didn’t apply myself in middle school as much as I could’ve whereas now I will go out of my way to solve logical problems.
@@vinniecocco9932 144 is high but very possible. One of my friends got a 141 on a school test. Also IQ can change a lot based on preparation, education, even the amount of sleep you got before the day of the test. It’s completely believable to get a high score.
I took an IQ test to get into my elementary school, where the minimum is 138. I passed with 156 lol. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of my nerdiness
Are you sure that was an iq test? According to the number you gave, you have an iq close to that of Steven hawking, which doesn’t add up because you’re in a sambucha UA-cam comment section instead of advancing some field of study
For #34 I get C … My reasoning? To the left of the divider, the pattern seems to be based on the # of circles… To the right of the divider line, the pattern seems to be based on the presence of the assortment of the circles… so on the left, the number sequence is 212 212 12_ .. and that blank should be 1 because in every instance, the third digit matches the first digit… (and by digit I mean the # of circles to the left of the divider in each box)… Now, on the right hand side, it’s based on the assortment and it’s like this- blank white mixed-color, white mixed-color blank, mixed-color white ___ … Since the assortment is unique in each box in the right of the divider, that last row is missing a blank. HOWEVER, of the available options with a circle in the left side, there is no option that contains a blank-BUT, there is an option that doesn’t repeat exactly what already happened on the right and that option is C
Depends which mensa it is. The test is timed, but the time is not a factor in the score. For some of them yes time matters for example: You might can answer 222 x 222 in blink of an eye but some one with the knowledge of multiplication and addition will also be able to get to the answer if he is given 1 - 2 minutes. And someone who doesn’t know any maths can also solve it after learning the basics of mathematics for few hours/days/weeks/months. So time is really valued when it comes to measuring intelligence. Also different national Mensas may have different preferences for what kinds of tests to pick as the one they offer. Mensa Denmark, and European Mensas in general, have, as far as I've been informed, a preference for tests that are culture-neutral and education-neutral, whereas I have heard otherwise about Mensa USA in particular.
16:10 lmao in this question it’s kinda confusing. The answer is A. The pattern is diagonal, just imagine you rotate the grid and then rearrange the squares from top to bottom. Now u should see it better. The black dot in each new row stays in its place while the white dots move counterclockwise once each time, going under the black dots. Hope this helped!
bruh I got a 133 as well, we both started getting stuck at basically the same questions with super similar timings also for the standard deviation, it doesn’t mean you could be 118-148 i don’t think. i’m pretty sure they are using it to calculate the percentage range you fall into. so, if 0SD is 100, 1SD= 85-115 where 68% of people will fall into this range, 2SD= 70-130 where 95% of people will fall into this range, 3SD= 65-145 where 99.6% of people will fall into. so, 130+ is top 95%, and 132+ happens to be 98% and qualifying for mensa, placing us at about the top 98.8%.
Actually, the standard deviation is just 15 points in general; it doesn't say your iq could be 15 points lower or higher. It just refers to "categories" of iq. in different standard deviations, you could expect different societal outcomes.
There are a lot of different types of IQ tests, I got an 82 but there were only 20 questions. This one was obviously more so I’d be curious to see what I’d get
Same here, I got 136 score on my previous test, afterwards, I take a different test from other website which I scored below 80, idk I just didn't take it seriously or just dumb I guess
I took an in person one to get into a top school in my city. I got 125. This was done by a professional. For me, I can consistently make 90’s in every class with never ever doing any studying for anything, midterms or finals too. I think most of these websites fudge the iq and make everything either higher by 20 or lower. From what I can remember, the lady asked me literally every question in every category ever. Matching, puzzles, riddles, fun facts, math, geometry, geography, reading comprehension, essay writing, biology LITERALLY EVERYTHING. It took me 12 hours spread out over two days.
@@delantes8874I thinks it’s because there structured differently, some include mainly word problems and math problems. Then there’s this one that is mainly patterns.🙂
I think this test is highly biased toward mathematical and spatial intelligence. Someone like me who is verbally and linguistically intelligent probably would not do as well on this test. Yet, when I took an IQ test in the 1970s, I scored very high. It was much more logic and vocabulary oriented. It dealt with problem solving, reasoning, and analogies instead of simply pattern recognition. I would not recommend this as a diagnostic tool, and I am an educator. I have taught some very bright students who would probably not pass this test because they had other types of intelligences.
@@rory5780Im actually the opposite, I have a high spacial intelligence but a low verbal intelligence. I'm actually autistic and I have expressive language issues so that could explain why. People assume I'm dumb because I struggle with describing my thoughts in reality there's different forms of intelligence where people excell at.
Solution for Puzzle 34: A Reason: draw lines from 3rd item to 7th item, the black dots are same but white dots move clockwise Use the same logic for 2nd, 5th and 9th item and you get option A as answer
I went to a facility and took the WAIS IV test, scored a 136. Couldn't take it with my meds but i'm curious how much it actually affected my results as i kept getting sidetracked at some parts
17:14 No, no, The chart's deviation is 15, meaning it goes up from 100 to 115 to 130. Similarly, it goes down from 100 to 85 to 70. You're only 3 points above the 130 mark, other words the 99th percentile, and you have 12 points to enter the next deviation which is above 145 or the 99.7 percentile. Excuse my English I didn't study math in it.
14:32 I think the answers E because when there two of the same it switches shape and when there isn't it stays the same :) Same as 15:30, just it deletes it when there's only one, and on the top it deletes it, but on the bottom it flips the shape, kinda ;)
14:29 It was E because: First line : nothing / nothing on the left - dot / dot on the right + nothing / square on the left - dot / nothing on the right --> nothing + nothing = nothing / dot + dot = square / square + square = dot / dot + square = nothing / nothing + square = square / nothing + dot = dot so --> nothing / square on the left - square / dot on the right The same for the second line And for the third line : top left : dot + dot = square bottom left : nothing + dot = dot top right : nothing + square = square bottom right : square + square = dot So the answer was E
Sam the type of guy to say Liefde is ons niet vreemd Jij kent de regels en ik ook (ik ook) Een volledige inzet is waar ik aan denk Dit krijg je van geen enkele andere man Ik wil je gewoon vertellen hoe ik me voel Ik moet je het laten begrijpen Ik ga jou nooit op geven Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen We kennen elkaar al zo lang Je hart doet pijn, maar je bent te verlegen om het te zeggen (zeg het) Van binnen weten we allebei wat er aan de hand is (aan de hand is) We kennen het spel en we gaan het spelen En als je me vraagt hoe ik me voel Zeg me niet dat je te blind bent om te zien Ik ga jou nooit op geven Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen Ik ga jou nooit op geven Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen We kennen elkaar al zo lang Je hart doet pijn, maar je bent te verlegen om het te zeggen (om het te zeggen) Van binnen weten we allebei wat er aan de hand is (aan de hand is) We kennen het spel en we gaan het spelen Ik wil je gewoon vertellen hoe ik me voel Ik moet je het laten begrijpen Ik ga jou nooit op geven Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen Ik ga jou nooit op geven Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen Ik ga jou nooit op geven Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen
For #23 … I get A (NOT F which you got)… Here’s why I think… in each row, the first shape in each box never repeats in that row. Since each box in the bottom row already used a circle and triangle in the first shape option, the first square in the final box should be a square. If you look at the second shape in box 1 of row 1 and follow its pattern, you’ll see that it’s constantly moving left. The circle repeats the position it was in in the previous box at the beginning of each row. From there, it continues to move left… Therefore, since the circle in the second to last box is on the far right, according to this pattern, it should be in the center. No need to look any further at this point because A is the only option starting with square and then circle, which is what the pattern is indicating.
I took an IQ test once. The results said "No."
I also took an IQ test
I got 120 IQ
i don't mean to be rude but how tf does that happen
@Mark Edits i took two online, one was sketchy and said i had an 82 and one was similar to the one in the vid and i got an 150 and the i took this one and got a 97 im so confused i should take a real real one
No i took a real iq test actually
But yes take a real test
@@SirXtra idk
This guy could stare at a brick wall for 10 hours and I’d watch it
@@Burple2 thanks for your opinion purplegalaxy8331
For some reason this felt like another “Sam is the type of guy” comment without even saying it
@@DeadChan67 Sam is the type of guy to stare and at a brick wall for 10 hours and I'd watch it. Same feeling and meaning.
Thats actually gay
@@koen4261 I am gay
I once took an IQ test and spent a while on it, don’t ask how long I’m not very proud of it. But then once I finished it, “Pay $19.99 to get your IQ score and a certificate!”.
If you paid, your IQ is subpar to average. If you laughed and clicked close window you’re a genius.
SAME OMFG but instead it was pay $10 a week/month to see my results
"Sameee it said i had a really rare iq score, finished it above 98% of the people but dint gave me access to my score until i pay up..."
It even tells on the website it's free
Sam is the type of guy to get a 133 iq and instantly misuse standard deviation
edit: for clarification he mistook standard deviation for margin of error. probably about two percent of data falls where his score did on a bell curve
@@Meastroooobut he did completely use it wrong. Standard deviation is just the average distance from the mean
man thought it was a 95% CI 💀
@@superguy111he's somewhat above average😊
@@superguy111u guys r dumb if his iq was 15 standard deviations from the mean he would be the smartest person ever
Sam just seems like a good guy to be around. He would probably be a cool friend.
@@Burple2 how was that a joke
@@Burple2 your dad. oh wait... you don't have a dad
Not to jinx it but is this the first Sam video where barley anyone doesn’t talk about him being the type of guy?
But his body
@@Siromuse it's usually on his shorts videos where he gets those comments.
13:52 This one took me a while but I think I figured it out:
Split each box into four parts: two elements on one side of the line and two elements on the other. Then add each element to the corresponding element of the box next to it to get the answer in the third box. Use the following rules:
Square/dot + itself = opposite
Square/dot + opposite = blank
Square/dot + blank = itself
Blank + blank = blank
Thus the answer should be E.
Yeah i did the same way
Took you long enough
In my case it was second last and i had some time left so yeah i took all the time
That's what I thought too
Sam is such a chill dude man.
Edit: thanks you all the likes! i’ve never gotten this many!
This is the type of comment that us dedicated Sambuchians prefer over the “Sam is the type of guy” comments.
@@OverlordDogz indeed
@@OverlordDogz same bruh
@@OverlordDogz true
@@OverlordDogz Sam is the type of guy to be a chill dude, man.
I took the test a couple of months ago and once I finished it said that my intelligence is on a scale that the test can't read quite yet. So, either I miserably failed the test, or I passed smarter than anyone else has before.
Same I just did it I have no idea either
can you send the link to the test?
if you get all of them right it says 145+, so im sorry to tell but uh
@@NanSea age doesn't really affect iq, the younger should be better actually
Your profile picture tells you which one
15:23 I figured it out. On every row when there are 2 dots in the same place, the position of the dot is reflected over the middle line for the third square. Also whenever there is an item whose position is unique in its row(excluding third spot) it disappears for the third spot. That it 2 pieces of evidence to support that the answer is A
You're a genius my boy
o quizas puedas traducirlo a numeros, ya que los numeros nos sirven para representar las logicas, entonces en la primera fila nos encontramos con 2 cuadrados y dos 1 los de la derecha componen el primero, en la segunda fila nos encontramos dos de 2 y 3 en el medio, esos dos componen el medio, abajo hay dos de 1, lo que significa que tienen que componer un 2, pero la logica no es asi de simple ya que notamos que el de arriba posee dos de 1 que exactamente forman un 2 , en cambio debajo tenemos que esos dos forman un 4 que es +1 que 3, por lo que si tomamos en cuenta que mientras mas numeros hay mas diferencia positiva entonces cuando haya menos cajas la diferencia sera negativa si es por debajo del 2. en la ultima fila finalmente tenemos dos de 1, lo que significa que por naturaleza la composicion sera de -1 por lo que no habria cajas, lo de los puntos es exactamento como lo planteas tu, pero hay muchas maneras de expresar la logica en estos test. en conclusion el examen a numeros se traduciria asi: 1=0 2=1 3=2 patron matematico, y sobre los puntos por repeticion o reflejo.
Es increible la enseñanza que te dan estos test, sobre que a veces para encontrar la solucion a un patron podemos utilizar diferentes mecanismos que expresen logica dentro de nuestro cerebros, y dando a entender que segun la manera en la que lo expresemos ya sea matematicamente,linguisticamente o con sentido comun, esta sera mas o menos dificil, lo que me hace dudar sobre el conocimiento a posteriori que puede afectar el rendimiento de la prueba.
Personalmente he sacado 145 en este test, lo que me hizo que pudiera conectar estos patrones con temas algo filosoficos, pero eso es otro tema que quizas este algo alejado a esto y no tenga mucho que ver, pero igualmente, considero que este texto se refleja bastante bien en la siguiente frase:
"No existe nada en el lenguaje que exprese algo que no puedas imaginar. En este sentido, el lenguaje está “limitado” por nuestro mundo interior, es decir nuestra forma de interpretar y vivir el mundo."
@rulaibrahim5205 y aun asi, hay personas que me consideran un 1d10t4, debido a que no considero necesario aprender cosas, ya que se me vienen solas a la mente, de alguna forma, no me interesa en absoluto la escuela, aunque quizas sea mi percepcion, ya que es logico esto: imagina un individuo que se encuentra a otro con altas capacidades, eso doleria un poco en el ego, entonces, si yo no hago las tareas, ni siquiera estudio bien el tema y un compañero sabe la respuesta, su ego justificara de manera insolente que yo soy un 1d10t4 , de manera que vendria siendo un mecanismo de defensa considerar esa justificacion.
tambien varias veces me paso que me sueltan comentarios pasivo-agresivo con la intencion de insult4r mi inteligencia, pero se que en el fondo, estan tratando de proteger su ego debido a que se sienten atacados.
esto me hace pensar en como se potencia la inteligencia con los insult0s, todo se podria reducir a una lucha de egos, por lo que a una persona inteligente es mas probable que la quieran tratar de idiota, lo que haria que esta, en su lucha de ego, combata la opinion demostrando lo contrario, y finalmente, logrando ser mucho mas que una persona normal, no es mi caso.
y diras: ¿quien te pregunto esto? bueno, posiblemente sea un tema de tu interes y sirva de algo la reflexion, ya que hablamos de iq queria contar mi experiencia. quizas esto suene un poco soberbio, pero bueno, yo voy al punto, nada de emociones, o quizas sea mi ego intentando justificar jaja
@rulaibrahim5205 y aun asi, hay personas que me consideran un 1d10t4, debido a que no considero necesario aprender cosas, ya que se me vienen solas a la mente, de alguna forma, no me interesa en absoluto la escuela, aunque quizas sea mi percepcion, ya que es logico esto: imagina un individuo que se encuentra a otro con altas capacidades, eso doleria un poco en el ego, entonces, si yo no hago las tareas, ni siquiera estudio bien el tema y un compañero sabe la respuesta, su ego justificara de manera insolente que yo soy un 1d10t4 , de manera que vendria siendo un mecanismo de defensa considerar esa justificacion.
tambien varias veces me paso que me sueltan comentarios pasivo-agresivo con la intencion de insult4r mi inteligencia, pero se que en el fondo, estan tratando de proteger su ego debido a que se sienten atacados.
esto me hace pensar en como se potencia la inteligencia con los insult0s, todo se podria reducir a una lucha de egos, por lo que a una persona inteligente es mas probable que la quieran tratar de idiota, lo que haria que esta, en su lucha de ego, combata la opinion demostrando lo contrario, y finalmente, logrando ser mucho mas que una persona normal, no es mi caso.
y diras: ¿quien te pregunto esto? bueno, posiblemente sea un tema de tu interes y sirva de algo la reflexion, ya que hablamos de iq queria contar mi experiencia. quizas esto suene un poco soberbio, pero bueno, yo voy al punto, nada de emociones, o quizas sea mi ego intentando justificar jaja
sam is the type of guy who definitely deserves a new comment section☠💀
@fraggle669why u trying to pick a fight
@fraggle669 bro do you know how many people have written this comment. It is annoying to see. Also I come up with original comments or if I have nothing to say then I don't comment.
@fraggle669 oh sorry. Who were you talking to?
My iq is 103
This may be the first video Sam took a test in that doesn’t have “failed” in the title
that’s probably only because you literally cannot fail an iq test
Before this comment is viral here's some chairs
And some food
@@IcantThinkOf_A_Name Thanks, we might be here for a while.
Also i call front row
@@IcantThinkOf_A_Name I love to eat food on chairs
@@IcantThinkOf_A_Name i love to eat chairs on food
yea it wouldn’t be the best thing to post that he failed an iq test lol
Bro's brain is moving faster than the speed of light I can't even follow him
Looks like he just pretending like he just pretending to be stuck at easy questions
14:47 is A. Any commonalities and you switch top or bottom. So for the top row, matching squares on top right gives square on bottom right and matching dot on bottom right gives dot on top right. Middle row shows common top left and bottom right sqaures which gives sqaures in the bottom left and top right. For the middle rows dots, the common dots on the left side technically "flips" but its the same thing, and common bottom right which gives top right dot. For last row, no common sqaures, so no squares in general, and only a common top right dot which gives bottom right dot when flipped
oh I see, it's so simple to see now. If they match flip it vertically if they don't match void.
For question 32 here’s what I am thinking…
We are adding the first box and second box of each row, and we need to go off of each individual symbol (meaning squares and dots should not be looked at together)
If the position of one symbol, from the first box matches one from the second box, it will flip to the other side for the solution.
An example, on the first diagram both the first and second boxes have a square on the TOP right, and so the solution flips it to have a square on the BOTTOM right. Likewise both boxes share a dot on the BOTTOM right, and so the solution holds a dot on the TOP right. This applies to the second row as well, if you want to check it on your own.
With this is mind, I believe the correct answer to this problem would be A.
No idea on many of the other ones but I think this is right?
I was thinking the same thing, also seems plausible.
This is it yeah it seems 100% logically consistent
I got A as well
It's literally each symbol that matches up is switch to the other side💀💀💀
Yes, if the dot or square are in both column one and two they remain, if they are only in one of the first two then it is deleted. Then the final column is just the answer inverted on the horizontal axis.
For row three, as both squares with dots are not in the same position in the first two columns, they are both deleted. The only commonality is the dot on the top right. Therefore, it is inverted to the bottom right for the answer to be A.
Btw, I got 142 on this. The only I didn’t get was the triangular flag looking one with some shaded in and others not
For question 30, for each of the “corners” of the line, we add each corner as if the point is equal to 1, the square is equal to 2 and nothing is equal to 0 and we just calculate mod3 then then the symbols so the answer is E
Albert Einstein
or two points become a square, two squares become a point, a point and a square becomes nothing
@@emad3241Lmao that's what I did when I got the test
14:30 i think it's E because if you add a square and a ball it just disappears, if you add a ball with another ball it turns into a square, if you add 2 squares it makes sense to turn into a ball... therefore E, but I might be wrong tho
I agree
yeah, it would have to be. just doing the dot + dot and nothing + square for the top two gives us a square for both sides of the top which only gives us E. there isn't a situation where we have a dot inside a square so it can't be A, C, or D. the bottom left also works for E since its a dot + nothing gives us a dot. by process of elimination it must be E but you only need to do the top of both sides to get E
This is correct yeah
yea bro, i got E too and came to see if anyone had commented it, glad there are other great minds in the comments section 😁
dot + dot = square, dot + square equal nothing, square + square = dot
They made me do this in elementary school, it's a lot easier if you replace the different symbols with numbers and then add and subtract them. Then you can count by 2s (or whatever number you end up getting per box) and find the last box
its the gifted test and what did you get
I got 99.8%
@@Deadfish83 i got 100%
the problem with almost all these free tests is that they have only one item type, mostly visua/spatial. Verbal items are actually an even better indicator of intelligence. Two item types are minimum what an I.Q. test should actually have. Most don't actual logic that well logic because it's soo much about spatial short term memory and pattern recognition, once the pattern is recognized, the logic to apply is actually easy. So please be very cautious about most free I.Q. tests. My scores on free online tests, even though they should have a pretty good reputation, are pretty much all over the place, with differences of up to 25 points.
The Mensa IQ challenge is considered one of the better IQ tests online. The IQ test used is a culture free IQ test which is considered to be superior to classical and regular IQ tests but with a higher margin of practice effect.
@@efslab Verbal items (items with language content) are among the item types with the highest g loadings, even when factor-analysed among all non-verbal tests. Non-verbal "culture-free" or "culture-fair" tests, which are mostly visual reasoning tests, may have high g loadings as well, but have also proved to be non-robust, that is, have undergone much score inflation over the twentieth century as people got more acquainted with the item type and solving strategies. Relying on these one-sided and inflationary tests for assessing "giftedness" or selecting for I.Q. society membership has been a major cause of inflation of "giftedness" and of I.Q. society membership. In addition, it has been observed that test candidates lost quite a bit of I.Q. points by avoiding (partly) verbal tests, misled by the prejudice of "it can not be a valid test if it contains verbal items". If verbal ability is your strongest side, you will be at an obvious disadvantage on a purely non-verbal test. When such people eventually try a partly verbal test, they discover with amazement that their scores get higher, not lower.
I took an IQ test on several sites on Google. Every time something is different. 114 times 66 times 145 times 119 times. They are different. Also, I am an Arab. I am 14 years old. I have never taken a real test.
@@abdogames5975 dont take care about iq tests.
No it's not. The culture free shit is irrelevant since hes a westerner anyway @@efslab
Sam unintentionally created the "Sam is the type of guy" trend, can't believe we've witnessed this man from being a random shorts creator to a damn trend starter, truly incredible.
Stopping kids from saying "66 likes and no comments?Let me fix that.
@@YubskirReal Chain ends here with my custom uno card: *"STOP!"*
for some reason sam is always so serious and im the type of person to like more ppl that are very jokey and funny but i still love sams vids
You're the type of 10 year old. Why don't you go clap your hooves at Cocomelon.
I took an IQ test and got a C.
Glad to have passed such a hard test
Sam is the type of guy to fail a blood test
Your the type of guy to have a Roblox character in your pf
@@Zay_plays_ball you're
you're the type if guy thats just purely unfunny
@@carrot2981 *of
So many people in comments claiming around 130+ IQ which by definition makes 130 NOT the top 2%. What the heck.
@@-1cosx176 8 billion people have not taken an IQ test, it's based on a much smaller subset of people, usually of a particular culture which also guarantees that the IQ test as it was created has more than one bias. Many people have taken different IQ tests, not the same one, which messes up all the IQ scores you hear online. UA-cam userbase does not consist of mostly high IQ individuals.
that hurt.
maybe because people want to talk about a high iq score or people who have access to internet are smarter
they’re lying bud
Sample bias. The correlation with high IQ and people interested in UA-cam videos talking about Mensa testing is probably pretty high.
six seconds into the video: "For an american is 98" " For japenese people its 106"
Yeah it's talking about global average
6:01 Sam is the type of guy to say that a rhombus is a triangle
Imagine if the first 30 questions weren't multiple choice and you had to draw the shape of the answer now that would get tough a lot quicker
do you really think im gonna watch sam solve an IQ test for 17:29 mins because yes i am
16:20 so basically the black dot moves clockwise by 3 spaces and the white dot moves by 2 spaces. On the first space they move to, they clone themself and leave their clone on that square. When a black dot and a white dot are on the same square the white dot is covered if they started on the same side of the square(left and right). If they started on opposite sides and they overlap the white dot covers the black dot.
Look at the puzzle diagonally, moving from top right to bottom left. The black dot is stationary across diagonals. The white dots move one space clockwise. The answer is therefore A.
I think this is wronf
17:17 I don't think you know how standard deviation works. Standard deviation have nothing to do with your error range. By using the standard deviation you are able to figure out the exact percentile you have.
30 is an E. shapes that overlap change their shape, so 2dots overlaping change to square and vice versa.
32 is A I think, the dot changes the position on every third square. Down down up.
33 i would say E, because as I see it each triangle flips once.
In 34 i look the pattern diagonally, with each black dot staying at the position and two dots going counterclockwise, which makes it a C . And 35 I would say D, because we have 1 diagonal pattern, so it suggests that upside angle would be a pattern in last one, and side lines only occur twice, so I would say D.
I hope I wrote it readable, english is not my first language.
Edit 35 you see parallel lines go down right and far left, so side lines go down left, and logically far right so D remains
Is 17 B instead D which is what he put down? Just curious 🧐
@@neel1599no it’s D
34 is A. It is a diagonal pattern it’s just that the black dots do not change their position and the 2 white dots go from the starting point counterclockwise 1 step each time. And the white dots are a layer below the black ones (in 3d) so they go under (That’s how I picture it lol)
u got 34 wrong its not c i know the answer but u guess it before i tell u
@@guti9709 wrong its not a and c
The first time I took a test which isn't mensa, didn't gave me a definite value, just range between 126-146 IQ. But when I took the Mensa, I got 135 IQ.
Also deciation or standard deviation means how much the standard can, well, deviate. For example, average IQ is 100, with σ = 15. Which means that value from -1σ to +1σ can also be average.
If only IQ was actually an indicator of absolute intelligence
@@yayag.8990 Forgot to mention, I'm actually gifted, I found this out when I'm 14.
@@justacatinprofilebro nobody asked
@@nemidoonam6963 did not ask for someone to ask
@justacatinprofile I feel bad because I'm stupider than you, I'm 14, and I'm only 118. Maybe bcs I skipped school a lot.......
Sam is the type of guy that needs a new comment section
Can we not spam this same comment in the videos keep it to the shorts with the whole bunch of people saying the same thing for likes
Alr but u gotta be real with me he does need a new comment section
@@30HOF well yeah a new shorts comment section the comments on the videos are barely as bad as the comments on shorts
@@Gold-qt9xm true
@@Gold-qt9xm Sam is the type of guy that needs a new comment section
I took a IQ test in middle school and I failed it on purpose to get extra help in math so I got a 70 and I retook it my senior year and got a 120 lol trolled them hard
So the answers 1 - 29 was right, but 30 at 13:30 should be (E) because you add the dots in the place and you got a square, and since the square is the highest shape in value you will get nothing is you add a dot to it because of the restart pattern. So if you add 2 squares to each others you will get a dot.
31 is right bur 32 is probably not, is we get enough data we can see that the first one and the last one is always a reflection for each others and the square dot shapes always disappear so it's (A). It may be wrong or another way to solve it but it's probably right because of the different of out results (I got 142).
I have no idea about 33 I just pick (E) because it looks similar to the last two cells.
I don't know what is 34 to but it does make sense that it's (B) After some exclusions and conclusions (like how there's always a black dot in the left side for the 8 cells).
And I just pick (E) at 35 because I get confused.
So if anyone knows what is the right answers I will appreciate you help
I also still cant figure out 33-35, I asked some guys in the comments here who claim to have 160 IQs maybe they know lmao
@R if they mean this test then they differently cappin, the limit is 160
@@Sharon-rr1li oh yeah I know lmao alsp the standard IQ tests only go up to 145
I think 35 is D cuz the opposite vertical and horizontal boxes always have nothing in common
@@Ryzasuso they’re saying that they are as smart as Albert Einstein? Imagine lying that much about your IQ because of your insecurities.
11:49 A, there are three shapes, those shapes rotate, all three are different rotations so A
I'm afraid to take an IQ test. Because the one thing I do know for certain is that I don't know anything.
Knowledge is power
@@michaelfrego7704Francis 🥓
I love how I randomly hear the music come on mid video. This is why I love thid youtuber and how he does content. His shorts are amazing. I dont know why but seeing the questions on shorts gives me a bit of trivia for the day. It is a blast. Other youtubers who do it just seem like a blatant rip off.
Sam the kind of guy to take your mom out to dinner but have no ulterior motives 🥺🥺🥺
For exercise 30 the answer would have been E and the reason is because on the left side there is a dot on the top in both the first and second one. For this one when there is a dot in the same place on both of them it changes into a square and it works the same way if it’s 2 squares. There is also a square on the right on both sides which would change it into a dot. The square on the top right and the dot on the bottom left would remain the same therefore it would have to be E. (The rule is that if there is a dot in the same place on the first 2 it changes into a square, vise versa if it’s a square. However if there was a dot on one and a square in the same place as the dot on the other one it would cancel it out)
Sorry if it’s complicated to understand.
Yeah I thought this was complicated but exercise 32 was much more complicated so I’m going to explain but I don’t want to add another paragraph comment so I’m replying to myself.
The answer would be A. To break this down 2 shapes used in the one you need to solve, a dot and a dot inside a square. If a shape appears on one side on one and on the other appears on the other side (look at the first one the dot inside the square appears on top left while the other one it appears on top right) they will cancel eachother out. I’m the first one on the bottom a dot appears on the bottom right on both of them, this keeps the dot there. The square also will stay because there isn’t a square on the other one to cancel it out. After that is solved think of the line as a mirror, the squat will go from top right to bottom right and the dot will go from bottom right to top right. Using this I’m the one you need to answer the dot inside the square is on the bottom left on one and on the bottom right on the other one meaning it cancels that out. All that’s left is the dot on the top right then mirror it to the bottom right therefore A is the answer. (Rule is if a shape appears on one side of one and appears on the other side on the other it cancels eachother out. Nothing else will affect the shapes but when you cancelled everything that you need to put you flip the sides.)
Again I’m sorry if this is hard to understand I tried my best to explain.
Being above the IQ of 120 seems pretty normal for most people nowadays. I once took an IQ test from Mensa, and got 135 on the IQ score.
Well its not normal since IQ is designed to be about 100 average
@@tomf0olery What's your IQ score? (If you don't mind me asking)
@@mr.normalguy69 I scored 125, although I was unable to make it to the last question and complete the whole thing before running out of time. I got to about question 30-32. I am perplexed why you would ask though
@@tomf0olery See!? Even you have scored above 120.
The average IQ score being 100 is either due to some really bad apples lowering the average score. Or it's just there to make us feel better about ourselves.
Maybe we could try and ask others if they have an IQ of higher or lower than 120, to prove or disprove (if I'm wrong) my theory about most people having an IQ higher than 120.
@@mr.normalguy69 Firstly, it is an online test which is not accurate most of the time. Secondly, I know people who have taken the test and have scored less- one of them got 95 and the other 115.
And lastly its an average, ~50% will be below and likewise ~50% will be above. That is probably statistical bias, you have only seen scores > 100 so it appears more common. But those who got less would not want to share their score and so lower scores would be seen as less common
I took the Mensa test ages ago as well but I had to go into the 16-17 year old category since there was none that matched my age and surprisingly I ended up with 127, my logic isn’t good enough for Mensa but it’s still good to find out what it was. Later, I ended up taking the in real life one they covered a lot of categories and found out that i was excelling in processing speed.
Same here but it says it can't measure my iq what does it mean?😅
How much did you score in the real life one?
@@famalki1619 blud I have done it again and it shows 110-126.
@@PrabeshzNP10That is a huge deviation in IQ. Unless you scored 110 and then you practices and got 126 that would be highly unlikely . even if it were it’s nearly impossible . nobody in all of time and history has improved there mental over 15+ iq points . the most common occurrence of this is False tests
@@trash6960 People have and do increase IQ by 15 or more points. IQ is, contrary to popular belief, not fixed.
for exercise 30, 2 dots add in to a square, dot and square add into a square since square is superior, and square plus nothing is square, dot plus nothing is dot, and square plus square is dot, so it would’ve been E (Top Right + Top Right, Bottom Right + Bottom Right, Top Left + Top Left, Bottom Left + Bottom Left)
I thought this, but this logic fails on the middle row.
you're really close, but square + square is dot, and square + dot is nothing, therefore the answer is e
I low key enjoy Sam’s long videos more than the short ones
You DO know that's genius, right? I lowkey thought it would be a 114 or something. I got 119.
Question 35 I think was actually impossible, however it's the only question that says you've finished all the exercises and can click finish or look back at previous questions on the bottom. If I'm not mistaken the last question is purely meant to waist time that you could have used to double check others but it also could have been intended that you finished the problem before reading that.
The answer is c
@@BBFHooly the answer is D
If you look at the diagonals (from both sides) you'll see that there is always a common shape and the last one is a combination of the common shapes from both diagonals
The answer is fuck me
@@TheCookiesManit could also be E
@@Atrobyte how?
Pov: When you are trying to pass a test but keeps failing 😅
13:30 ans is wrong,
Here is my logic -
Dot + Dot gives square
square + square gives Dot
Dot + square gives nothing
Dot + nothing gives Dot
Square + nothing gives Dot
Using this logic, the ans should be E
I took an in-person iq test of some sort when I was in grade school. It had questions and pictures and if I'm remembering correctly I had some shapes to sort out. Like, actual blocks. It was super weird, but fun. This was at the end of third grade. They never gave me a score or anything; they just stuck me in MGM the following year, which was also a lot of fun. I got to keep doing that until the state I lived in cut the funding between seventh and eighth grade. Sadness. lol
13:52 took me about 2 seconds to figure it out
Circle + Circle gives square
Square + Square gives circle
Whatever is left over not intersecting is left in the final one too
According to that logic it's E
thought the same but it took me 2 days to realise
@@valentinleguizamon9957 lmfaoo
Bro my name is Sam too and when he said “I dunno SAM” it caught me off guard.
Sam is the type of guy to call a diamond a triangle on question 19
17:12 that is not what standard deviation means 😅
Correct. Standard deviation is from the mean. Sambucha conflated that with margin of error.
16:10 number 34 is A.
There are 2 white dots in every photo that are snaking around the image counter clockwise, they'll get covered when behind a black dot.
The black dots simply follow a pattern of 2 of the images having them on the left middle and 1 of them being right middle and bottom left.
I literally can’t stop watching you. My grandma was about to spank me, but I covered the iPad so I could keep watching you.😂
I took an IQ test once because I was supposed to be tested for ADHD. Turns out, no ADHD but instead an IQ of 130
The average IQ here in Germany is exactly 100
I’m not ADHD myself but I do know that people with it have at least an above average iq, iq and ADHD have no correlation. As well as many learning disabilities, I got diagnosed with dyslexia in 1st grade and it was struggle but now I’m in college doing very well. My “Mensa” test came back as 135 but I’ve had other test range form 115-138 so who knows lol. 🙂
9:55 bro didn't know there's 35 questions 😭💀💅🏿
I've done a few over the past two years alongside a few brain scans and got a range of 133 - 167. Just for fun you can take certain medications and see what happens, highest I've ever hit was 177.
@@sIeepstudy for an iq test to guarantee that he has an iq off 177 the iq test creator must have the same number or above. Which we simply have no way off confirming.
@@Merkur320Maybe a Computer or whatever could make new puzzles that need a longer runtime to solve idk
@@Fire_Pleasant then how can we identify that those question needs you 177 iq to solve
@@Merkur320 hmm, how is it determined right now? I dont see a difference
If a big amount of people are asked about the puzzles and there is only a low amount of people answering it correctly, it should be more difficult, right? Maybe some "experts" who are used to test IQ Tests (does this exist???lol) can also Take a look at those newer ones. Maybe there are other "tactics" to solve Computer-made ones
Sam doesn’t need an Oscar he needs a new comment section
This ain’t shorts man
Bro q=21 is all about adding it putting 1 and 2 object together the to form a complete object😅😅😅😅
I love how IQ-Tests just prove how good you are at IQ-Tests. Kinda ironic 😂
That's what low iq plebs usually say
Sam, congratulations on your score. I knew you were smart. I took it once I found out what test it was but before I watched you do it and I got a score of 128. I'm only 15, so I hope when I'm your age, I get a higher score.
Dang seems like ur calling him old
@@owenfeildsI'm not calling him old. I'm just saying he's an adult and I'm just a teenager, so he's older than me.
The minimum age for the mensa iq test is 16 so I just chose the 16-18 age option so I'll try again next year to see if I do better
@@davidcfun lol I'm joking but ya I see you're point
@@owenfeilds I figured you were, but I just said it in case you were being serious
for 15:15 for every pattern( dot, square) that matches, it will remain but flips over to the other side of the line, other patterns that don't match are gone
Sam is the type of guy to take an iq test
Not funny
@@Ie8dnsA dont care
The one with the dot and squares.
Dot + Dot = Square
Dot + nothing = Dot
Square + Square = Dot
Square + nothing = Square
Dot + Square = nothing
Yeah, because it's Re-Set after the highest shape and the square equal to 2, and the dot is 1
don't know why, but the results says "iq lies beyond range, it needs further studies"
i scored a 145 on that test i am taking the official test to get into mensa this fall hopefully i get in
Good luck man. That's such a high score
The most current IQ test is accurate since 2013, and my IQ was 200. I'm only 10 years old 😱😱😱
@@OmarAlfaress its a different type of iq test you took
@@domtwYT True
Stop the cap what test was that? Like the current is from 2014 and it can only measure up to 160 so...
Sam is so lovely I like his personality 🙂 keep up the good work Sam ! 💙
Being gifted myself, Sam is very bright and I really enjoyed this quiz
I got 132🎉
Back in seventh grade I got a 144 but that was ten years ago so probably a bit lower now. Thankfully it’s mostly just related to reasoning ability which is trained through good education, so most people can achieve scores over 110 if they apply themselves.
I got 144 when I was young and last year I took a test, I still got 144. So maybe IQ stays the same?
You are both lying
@@vinniecocco9932why would you say that? That you can't reach those scores doesn't mean that they can't.
I got a 129 in 6th grade but I think it has probably raised a bit by now, I really didn’t apply myself in middle school as much as I could’ve whereas now I will go out of my way to solve logical problems.
@@vinniecocco9932 144 is high but very possible. One of my friends got a 141 on a school test. Also IQ can change a lot based on preparation, education, even the amount of sleep you got before the day of the test. It’s completely believable to get a high score.
I took an IQ test to get into my elementary school, where the minimum is 138. I passed with 156 lol. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of my nerdiness
That’s so cool! Nice to know that you’re gifted with a 1 in a million, but precisely over 1/800,000!
btw: what elementary school did you go to?
i dont think what you took was an IQ test tbh - or it was personalised for your school
an entry score of 138 for an ELEMENTARY school is quite insane
people wish to be that nerdy
Are you sure that was an iq test? According to the number you gave, you have an iq close to that of Steven hawking, which doesn’t add up because you’re in a sambucha UA-cam comment section instead of advancing some field of study
@@diyasanjay8208 probably a custom iq test like not actual scores
For #34 I get C … My reasoning? To the left of the divider, the pattern seems to be based on the # of circles… To the right of the divider line, the pattern seems to be based on the presence of the assortment of the circles… so on the left, the number sequence is 212 212 12_ .. and that blank should be 1 because in every instance, the third digit matches the first digit… (and by digit I mean the # of circles to the left of the divider in each box)… Now, on the right hand side, it’s based on the assortment and it’s like this- blank white mixed-color, white mixed-color blank, mixed-color white ___ … Since the assortment is unique in each box in the right of the divider, that last row is missing a blank. HOWEVER, of the available options with a circle in the left side, there is no option that contains a blank-BUT, there is an option that doesn’t repeat exactly what already happened on the right and that option is C
Depends which mensa it is. The test is timed, but the time is not a factor in the score. For some of them yes time matters for example:
You might can answer 222 x 222 in blink of an eye but some one with the knowledge of multiplication and addition will also be able to get to the answer if he is given 1 - 2 minutes. And someone who doesn’t know any maths can also solve it after learning the basics of mathematics for few hours/days/weeks/months.
So time is really valued when it comes to measuring intelligence.
Also different national Mensas may have different preferences for what kinds of tests to pick as the one they offer. Mensa Denmark, and European Mensas in general, have, as far as I've been informed, a preference for tests that are culture-neutral and education-neutral, whereas I have heard otherwise about Mensa USA in particular.
I got 130 IQ. Tbh I really don’t see the validity in the tests :|
same, you gotta take a professional test, this one is too short sighted
16:10 lmao in this question it’s kinda confusing. The answer is A. The pattern is diagonal, just imagine you rotate the grid and then rearrange the squares from top to bottom. Now u should see it better. The black dot in each new row stays in its place while the white dots move counterclockwise once each time, going under the black dots.
Hope this helped!
bruh I got a 133 as well, we both started getting stuck at basically the same questions with super similar timings
also for the standard deviation, it doesn’t mean you could be 118-148 i don’t think. i’m pretty sure they are using it to calculate the percentage range you fall into. so, if 0SD is 100, 1SD= 85-115 where 68% of people will fall into this range, 2SD= 70-130 where 95% of people will fall into this range, 3SD= 65-145 where 99.6% of people will fall into. so, 130+ is top 95%, and 132+ happens to be 98% and qualifying for mensa, placing us at about the top 98.8%.
Me taking the test
the test: you got a IQ of 2000 me:🎉
The test:oh I forget to put a minus at the start
Actually, the standard deviation is just 15 points in general; it doesn't say your iq could be 15 points lower or higher. It just refers to "categories" of iq. in different standard deviations, you could expect different societal outcomes.
Last time I took an IQ test, it was 125. And it seems I may need a re test...
Nah don't retest bro take another test
I got 125 too,
I got 125 too lol
There are a lot of different types of IQ tests, I got an 82 but there were only 20 questions. This one was obviously more so I’d be curious to see what I’d get
uh actually we can already see that your IQ is 82 from this comment-
Same here, I got 136 score on my previous test, afterwards, I take a different test from other website which I scored below 80, idk I just didn't take it seriously or just dumb I guess
take it
I took an in person one to get into a top school in my city. I got 125. This was done by a professional.
For me, I can consistently make 90’s in every class with never ever doing any studying for anything, midterms or finals too.
I think most of these websites fudge the iq and make everything either higher by 20 or lower.
From what I can remember, the lady asked me literally every question in every category ever.
Matching, puzzles, riddles, fun facts, math, geometry, geography, reading comprehension, essay writing, biology LITERALLY EVERYTHING. It took me 12 hours spread out over two days.
@@delantes8874I thinks it’s because there structured differently, some include mainly word problems and math problems. Then there’s this one that is mainly patterns.🙂
13:28 dot + dot = box, box + dot = nothing, and if box + box = dot, then the answer is "e"
My IQ is 127, took one last konth, and I am only a teenager!!! Great job Sam!
I got 126 in second grade they thought I was slow and made me take one
You know IQ never changes throughout your life, right? It should be the same when you are 10 as when you are 50.
It can change by a couple points but nothing major
it doesnt matter if you are a teenager or not
@@Xayzas you could still be slow
I think this test is highly biased toward mathematical and spatial intelligence. Someone like me who is verbally and linguistically intelligent probably would not do as well on this test. Yet, when I took an IQ test in the 1970s, I scored very high. It was much more logic and vocabulary oriented. It dealt with problem solving, reasoning, and analogies instead of simply pattern recognition. I would not recommend this as a diagnostic tool, and I am an educator. I have taught some very bright students who would probably not pass this test because they had other types of intelligences.
You are just mad because you did not do well.
@@rory5780Im actually the opposite, I have a high spacial intelligence but a low verbal intelligence. I'm actually autistic and I have expressive language issues so that could explain why. People assume I'm dumb because I struggle with describing my thoughts in reality there's different forms of intelligence where people excell at.
The center image in exercise 30 💀💀
my IQ is 134
Mine’s 134.1
Guess I’m better
@@Larry_Bird1 Nah I’d win (I’m 145
Who’s here at 2024
Solution for Puzzle 34: A
Reason: draw lines from 3rd item to 7th item, the black dots are same but white dots move clockwise
Use the same logic for 2nd, 5th and 9th item and you get option A as answer
Yessir, the white dots rotate clockwise 2/3 of a full rotation each iteration. Left to right, resets per new row. Black dots are a set visual pattern
bro is moderately gifted man. u could go to mensa
I went to a facility and took the WAIS IV test, scored a 136. Couldn't take it with my meds but i'm curious how much it actually affected my results as i kept getting sidetracked at some parts
below average for UA-cam comment section unfortunately
No, no, The chart's deviation is 15, meaning it goes up from 100 to 115 to 130. Similarly, it goes down from 100 to 85 to 70.
You're only 3 points above the 130 mark, other words the 99th percentile, and you have 12 points to enter the next deviation which is above 145 or the 99.7 percentile.
Excuse my English I didn't study math in it.
14:32 I think the answers E because when there two of the same it switches shape and when there isn't it stays the same :) Same as 15:30, just it deletes it when there's only one, and on the top it deletes it, but on the bottom it flips the shape, kinda ;)
I guess for 32, anything in common between the first two diagrams flips to create the third one
14:29 It was E because:
First line : nothing / nothing on the left - dot / dot on the right + nothing / square on the left - dot / nothing on the right
--> nothing + nothing = nothing / dot + dot = square / square + square = dot / dot + square = nothing / nothing + square = square / nothing + dot = dot
so --> nothing / square on the left - square / dot on the right
The same for the second line
And for the third line :
top left : dot + dot = square
bottom left : nothing + dot = dot
top right : nothing + square = square
bottom right : square + square = dot
So the answer was E
I took this exact test and got 138. My iq is closer to 121.
Commonality what about similarity 😪jk you did really good dude
i did an IQ test when i was 12 for fun and got 131, this was 2 years ago and im still very confused
Sam the type of guy to say
Liefde is ons niet vreemd
Jij kent de regels en ik ook (ik ook)
Een volledige inzet is waar ik aan denk
Dit krijg je van geen enkele andere man
Ik wil je gewoon vertellen hoe ik me voel
Ik moet je het laten begrijpen
Ik ga jou nooit op geven
Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen
Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten
Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken
Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen
Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen
We kennen elkaar al zo lang
Je hart doet pijn, maar je bent te verlegen om het te zeggen (zeg het)
Van binnen weten we allebei wat er aan de hand is (aan de hand is)
We kennen het spel en we gaan het spelen
En als je me vraagt hoe ik me voel
Zeg me niet dat je te blind bent om te zien
Ik ga jou nooit op geven
Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen
Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten
Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken
Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen
Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen
Ik ga jou nooit op geven
Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen
Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten
Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken
Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen
Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen
We kennen elkaar al zo lang
Je hart doet pijn, maar je bent te verlegen om het te zeggen (om het te zeggen)
Van binnen weten we allebei wat er aan de hand is (aan de hand is)
We kennen het spel en we gaan het spelen
Ik wil je gewoon vertellen hoe ik me voel
Ik moet je het laten begrijpen
Ik ga jou nooit op geven
Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen
Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten
Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken
Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen
Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen
Ik ga jou nooit op geven
Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen
Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten
Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken
Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen
Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen
Ik ga jou nooit op geven
Ik zal je nooit teleurstellen
Ik zal nooit rondrennen en je in de steek laten
Ik zal je nooit aan het huilen maken
Ik zal nooit vaarwel zeggen
Ik ga nooit liegen en je pijn doen
I did the exactly same test and got 139 and I'm 11 years old
For #23 … I get A (NOT F which you got)… Here’s why I think… in each row, the first shape in each box never repeats in that row. Since each box in the bottom row already used a circle and triangle in the first shape option, the first square in the final box should be a square. If you look at the second shape in box 1 of row 1 and follow its pattern, you’ll see that it’s constantly moving left. The circle repeats the position it was in in the previous box at the beginning of each row. From there, it continues to move left… Therefore, since the circle in the second to last box is on the far right, according to this pattern, it should be in the center. No need to look any further at this point because A is the only option starting with square and then circle, which is what the pattern is indicating.
I took three internet iq tests and got 30 35 and 33 but I’m autistic… I don’t think