Chako Barbecue & Izakaya AYCE🍣壽司刺身燒肉放題🔥可能係最抵任食😎 [遊戲已結束]謹記訂枱 Chako Barbecue & Izakaya
- Опубліковано 6 лют 2025
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Toronto under pandemic
[抗疫時期] 餐館室內堂食重啟
Chako Barbecue & Izakaya
163 York Blvd, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4A7
(905) 889-7898
你有冇去 過 matsuda on sheppard Ave. ? It’s my favorite Japanese BBQ. 😀
未試過喎😊 我反而想試吓Lawrence嗰間matsuda,有機會去拍片分享🤩
@@ECeasyClaraLiu it’s all-you-can-eat Japanese bbq at sheppard location only….Add $3 unlimited sushi sashimi…. Very busy, must reserve….! 😎
Matsuda on Sheppard is really good, go try:)
Thanks Lawrence 🙏🙏
我哋Anniversary 去了!超失望,好差!除了冇骨牛仔骨比較好啲之外,其他野都唔好食,Shepherd 果間松田好食好多,有機會去試吓
玩遊戲送Coupons 買三送一 謹記訂枱
Prime rib steak and Triple A strip sirlon
Premium items 1. AAA Strip Loin 2. Prime Rib Steak
Premium items 1. AAA Strip loin, 2. Prime rib steak
Premium items 1. Prime rib, 2. Red snapper
Answer: 1. AAA Strip Sirloin, 2. Red Snapper
@@ECeasyClaraLiu Thx!
AAA Strip Loin and Prime Rib Steak
1. AAA strip sirloin 2. Prime rib steak 😀😋
1. Prime Rib Steak
2. AAA Striploin
Prime Rib Steak & AAA Striploin
Prime Rib Steak and AAA Striplion.
AAA Strip loin and Prime rib
Sashimi & prime rib steak
Salmon, butterfish sashimi
Rainbow crab and dynamite roll
AAA strip loin 2. Prime rib steak
Prime rib steak and sashimi
Triple A strip sirloin and Prime rib steak
AAA strip loin and prime rib steak
Prime rib steak, aaa striploin
AAA striplion & Prime rib steak
AAA strip sirloin and prime rib steak
Premium has prime rib steak, AAA striploin
Prime rib and sashmi only in premium manual
Pork belly, asparagus
prime rib steak and AAA striploin
@@ECeasyClaraLiu 多謝你, 我會繼續支持你
好中意伓貼地。 去外面吾捨得叫飲料。me too ha ha
AAA striplion and primr rib steak.
Prime ribs steak and AAA striplion
Prime Rib Steak
Pork Belly
多謝 Clara! 已經取了coupon 🥰
Premium has Pork Belly and Crab Stick
@@ECeasyClaraLiu How to get the discount coupon?
@@ECeasyClaraLiu How and where can I get the coupon?
We posted it in the community post.
@@ECeasyClaraLiu how can I get to the community post from my desk top computer
, please.
Their three A steak eat like two A only.,,,,,,,,
premium: asparagus + sashimi
@@ECeasyClaraLiu 多謝, 不過我唔須要 coupon, 留俾其他參賽者。
2天前去了 Chako 非常失望 除了2款牛扒睇得吓 其他由刺生 燒物到 甜品(只有一小杯平宜雪糕 重要温度不足 有李斯特茵的 ) 全部輸哂 全部食品用的食物質素好差 好省
1)職員最重要是如何在12%貼士後再叫你盡量多付些 我看見由門囗到招呼你的員工 對每個客人一樣 最後我谷住共付了20%😰
2)品種選擇小 而且質素全是低一級的材料(所以跟其他燒烤店生意相比差這麽遠)例如魷魚及白虾全部無味 無味好難食 你試下就知 又没有醬料 檯面只有咸鼓油及一瓶怪味粉
刺生的三文魚叫了2次都不生鮮 其他刺生嚇死你 食到肚疴 你去他們厠所看看便知道 用差不多價錢 任何選擇都好過它。 真的很差 不作推介
3)其實看完你的片亦沒有心動 但看你生日都來吃 便去試下改變有多少?真的很失望 連 sp drink 都是syrup 糖水加水(酥妃都用鮮果啦) 喝了一口便放在一旁 不喝不是損失喝了才損失
全部感覺差 差 差 非常差
多謝Wella分享🙏🙏 希望餐館負責人看到此留言,多加注意。至於我生日都去食,如我們片中所講,之前同朋友食,我老公要拍片,加上同朋友交談,又要限時,所以老公投訴,他食得很小,所以趁我生日再去😊 當日我們主攻各類牛肉、豬五花、prime rib、3A strip loin等。
鷄肉定牛肉呀?prime ribs 🤔講笑咋😂
How much per person?
Details shown at 1:30. For adult , senior, child in weekday and weekend.
This restaurant is not honest. And service is not good ,just try yesterday. ,,
Thanks Eva for sharing 🙏🙏
Premium items 1 . AAA Strip Loin. 2.Prime Rib Steak
Prime Rib steak and AAA striploin
Prime rib steak and AAA striplion
Prime Rib steak and AAA striploin
Prime rib steak and AAA striplion
Prime rib steak and AAA striplion