Hi Dace, still love your videos!! I got a huge question, I'm really stuck here. When you talk about multiplying your week's consumption by two to obtain your pars level, I got it. Let's say I use 4 botlles of Jack during the week, my pars level is then 8 botlles. But here's where I'm stuck, does it mean having 4 botlles on hand at the bar station and 8 at the storage room or just 8 botlles for the full week, like 2 at the bar and 6 at the storage room ? Thanks a lot!
Par is defined as the number of bottles/kegs you need to have on-hand so you don't run out, while keeping your from overstocking. So if you go through 3 bottles of Jameson each week, you might set your par level at 6 so you have some back up. When you do an inventory count and see that you have 2 bottles of Jameson on-hand, you know that you need to order 4 bottles that week to reach the par level of 6. Hope that makes sense.
Why are you multiple weekly usage x2 ?
good videos Dave
Hi Dace, still love your videos!!
I got a huge question, I'm really stuck here.
When you talk about multiplying your week's consumption by two to obtain your pars level, I got it. Let's say I use 4 botlles of Jack during the week, my pars level is then 8 botlles.
But here's where I'm stuck, does it mean having 4 botlles on hand at the bar station and 8 at the storage room or just 8 botlles for the full week, like 2 at the bar and 6 at the storage room ?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Dave, love your videos. As French I’m quite lost in translation here, would you define « Pars » by what we call here, in Europe, Security stock ?
Je peux essayer d'interpreter pour vous. PAR leve (Niveau normal du produit) cad le stock minum dont vous avez besoin pour operer la semaine entiere.
Can you define "Par" please?
Par is defined as the number of bottles/kegs you need to have on-hand so you don't run out, while keeping your from overstocking. So if you go through 3 bottles of Jameson each week, you might set your par level at 6 so you have some back up. When you do an inventory count and see that you have 2 bottles of Jameson on-hand, you know that you need to order 4 bottles that week to reach the par level of 6. Hope that makes sense.
don’t know about your bar but i run through a case of peach schnapps a night
Haha, then that wouldn't be dead stock for you River. That was just my example.