What the IMAGE of God Is NOT

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • So, what is the image? Okay. I mean, we kind of know what it's not. The meaning of "in" is actually crucial to comprehend what it is and what it isn't. It conveys function or status. And believe it or not, these are legitimate translations: «Let us create humankind to be our image.» Or «Let us create humankind as our image.» Check this out!
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    #Bible #Theology #MichaelHeiser


  • @DRMSH
    @DRMSH  Рік тому +7

    Hi everybody!
    I want to remind everyone to join our DRMSH exclusive community. We are going to have tons of exclusive content like weekly live sessions, protected articles, and more. So, sign up now!

    • @NARwarsgalaxy
      @NARwarsgalaxy Рік тому +1

      I thank God for using you to teach the word of God to people like me.

  • @austinapologetics2023
    @austinapologetics2023 2 роки тому +70

    Thank you. So many people in my church and friend groups automatically think the image of God means we have the physical appearance of a non-physical being.

    • @stumpintheearth1088
      @stumpintheearth1088 2 роки тому +2

      That's one way you know that man was first created a spiritual being as God is, but it's not the word image that indicates this, it is the word *likeness* that indicates man being first created in God's spirit nature.

    • @gaiusoctavius5935
      @gaiusoctavius5935 2 роки тому +4

      @@stumpintheearth1088 That sounds like a heresy men did not have a spirit form prior to creation.

    • @SlaveofGod
      @SlaveofGod 2 роки тому +3

      @@stumpintheearth1088 1 Corinthians 15:46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.

    • @stumpintheearth1088
      @stumpintheearth1088 2 роки тому +3

      @@gaiusoctavius5935 Here's some Scripture I've already given on an individual post, that show it's not conjecture or heresy, but Scripture.
      Man was first created as a spiritual being. The use of the word *likeness* in Genesis 1:26 indicates that man was made in the spiritual natural of God, who Scripture says is a spirit. After Adam's transgression in the garden, man is no longer described, in Scripture, as being in the likeness of God (spiritual nature). Scripture afterwards only describes man as being in the image of God. And yet Scripture says Jesus was sent in the likeness of sinful flesh (Romans 8:3).
      Do you see the connection between the word likeness and make up of the being?
      Genesis 1:26
      And God said, *Let us make man in our image, after our likeness* and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    • @stumpintheearth1088
      @stumpintheearth1088 2 роки тому +2

      @@SlaveofGod Amen, amen, amen. Yes that stumped me for a while also. Until you read back to 1 Corinthians 15:42, which shows that the natural body (which is corruptible and dishonorable) is the body that man received after the transgression and that man was sown in the earth in this now natural body. That is why Scripture says the natural comes before the spiritual. These verses of 1 Corinthians 15 are speaking specifically about the sown natural body, after the transgression and it's resurrection from the dead.
      Please, let's patiently compare theses verses of 1 Corinthians 15 with Romans 1:23-24 to prove these points.
      *1 Corinthians 15:*
      42 So also is the *resurrection of the dead* It is *sown in corruption* it is raised in incorruption:
      43 *It is sown in dishonour* it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
      44 *It is sown a natural body* it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
      45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
      46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
      *Romans 1:*
      23 And *changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man* and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
      24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to *dishonour their own bodies* between themselves:
      *Changed from the uncorruptible body, likeness of God. To the corruptible body, likeness of man with was sown in the earth. yet to die and receive again an uncorruptible body.*
      *That's why in Scripture there are many parables about the sower and Scripture say we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. You can only redeem something, that was lost and then recovered. Glory to God!*

  • @duriuswulkins4324
    @duriuswulkins4324 2 роки тому +39

    As a chess enthusiast I’m very happy you brought up the deep blue matches. That “unpredictable move” was actually quite controversial as Kasparov thought the human handlers were meddling with the algorithms.

    • @7hilladelphia
      @7hilladelphia 2 роки тому +10

      hence their transhumance agenda... chilling isn't it?

  • @allyahcash3063
    @allyahcash3063 2 роки тому +11

    Love you dr. Heiser.
    Praying for your recovery!

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +2

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

  • @alexbaptista8150
    @alexbaptista8150 2 роки тому +6

    I am speachless!! God bless you Dr. Heiser!!

  • @A.C-
    @A.C- 2 роки тому +12

    Awesome teaching as always! One day, when able, I will be taking these courses...

  • @Sundayschoolnetwork
    @Sundayschoolnetwork 2 роки тому +10

    That was frustrating to stop at this point...where can we hear the rest of what "in His image" means?

    • @davidkpaulson
      @davidkpaulson 2 роки тому

      It’s from the series supernatural, here is the link -

    • @shadrachification
      @shadrachification 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @Christopher_Mang
      @Christopher_Mang 6 місяців тому

      ​@@davidkpaulsonit says private ho do I access

    • @josiahsfriend9708
      @josiahsfriend9708 2 місяці тому +1

      Jesus is El in the flesh.

  • @suzanneflowers2230
    @suzanneflowers2230 2 роки тому +4

    I believe the image of God denotes our ability to pray to the Lord, read and study His Word, and exercise the choice of making Him our Lord and Savior and then living for Him.We are supposed to be stewards of His creation as well. Plus, we are going to be held accountable, while animals are not.

    • @MapleBoarder78
      @MapleBoarder78 2 роки тому +2

      Suzanne, that’s what I used to think as well before watching Dr. Heiser’s videos. But if you watch enough of his videos or read his books, he debunks the notion that the image of God denotes qualities, but rather is a status. I struggled with this too, but found it easier to understand when you take the example of a human being and remove those qualities you listed.
      For instance, what if someone is mentally handicapped or a baby in the womb and doesn’t have the ability to pray, read and study His Word, or exercise the choice of making Him our Lord and Savior? Does this mean the unborn or severely mentally handicapped are not human/in God’s image?
      This is the reason Dr. Heiser notes that the image of God is not denoted by a quality or qualities (that some people may or may not have) but rather is an intrinsic status given to us at the moment of conception. 👍🏼

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

  • @yasminelove3665
    @yasminelove3665 2 роки тому +8

    I agree with you, Dr. Heiser. But we still have the word tselem, which means image, form, likeness, phantom. We look like him, and if you consider that Jesus is the incarnate God and everything was made BY him and for him, then it doesn’t seem such a stretch to me that we look like Jesus the Creator. We were made to walk upright and have two eyes, ears, arms and legs, one mouth, one nose, one set of reproductive organs, etc. To me, it suggests we literally have His divine genome within us. The God-code.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +2

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @vivliforia2262
      @vivliforia2262 2 роки тому +1

      You know, in Genesis 3:8 the phrase used is BI RUACH which can be translated as "IN SPIRIT". So, The LORD taking a walk in spirit or spiritually.

    • @vivliforia2262
      @vivliforia2262 2 роки тому +2

      THE LORD walked in spirit, now THE LORD walks in flesh.

    • @vivliforia2262
      @vivliforia2262 2 роки тому +1

      Correct me if I'm wrong 🙂

  • @randyalanjones
    @randyalanjones Рік тому +1

    Where is the rest of the video? I want to know what he was saying at the end.

  • @DRMSH
    @DRMSH  2 роки тому

    Don't forget to attend today's WEBINAR, March 21, at 8:00 p.m. (ET).
    Facebook: facebook.com/DRMSHPhD

  • @HaleStorm49
    @HaleStorm49 8 місяців тому

    If you can't convince them... Confuse them. The scriptures say when He appears we shall be like Him...for we shall see Him as He is. We are made in His image and eventually will share in His glory.

  • @AngelPerez-yr1yi
    @AngelPerez-yr1yi 2 роки тому +7

    Love your videos!

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +2

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

  • @timberwolfdan5910
    @timberwolfdan5910 2 роки тому +5

    There’s also the possibility that there’s more to the bible than God told us or even wanted us to know.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @davepugh2519
      @davepugh2519 2 роки тому

      There's also the possibility that it is just Bronze-Age superstition.

    • @washedinhisblood.3906
      @washedinhisblood.3906 2 роки тому +1

      @@davepugh2519 That's impossible

    • @davepugh2519
      @davepugh2519 2 роки тому +1

      @@washedinhisblood.3906 Why?

  • @maximinocastro
    @maximinocastro 2 роки тому +1

    Where can I find the whole video

  • @rep3e4
    @rep3e4 Рік тому +2

    RIP Mike

  • @Kenneth-nVA
    @Kenneth-nVA Рік тому

    Okay UNSEEN REALM FELLOWSHIP I need your help… where can I find the entire video teaching that is this little 8 minute segment? I’m doing a deep dive and Dr Mike is my starting point 🙌🏻 blessings

  • @alfonsocantu9992
    @alfonsocantu9992 2 роки тому

    The capacity of God is to create life,us in his image would be to create life by conpetion...yours very truly Alfonso Cantu USMC

  • @RishPanjeetJr
    @RishPanjeetJr 8 місяців тому

    It’s remarkable how much of the Bible tells us NOT to fear…

  • @lukegaier9490
    @lukegaier9490 Рік тому +1

    Being in the image of God means to be placed in a position of authority. In our case it is authority over the inhabitants of the earth. It's no secret. God literally explains it in the very same breath:
    “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

    • @lazzi-droid1181
      @lazzi-droid1181 Рік тому

      I disagree

    • @lukegaier9490
      @lukegaier9490 Рік тому

      @@lazzi-droid1181 Based on what?

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 8 місяців тому

      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

  • @jesusdeity2010
    @jesusdeity2010 2 роки тому +14

    The "image" of God.... on full display in Jesus.
    Through Christ, God gave us back the divine life mankind lost in its fall. Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons, we experience up to this day.
    To not see God in Christ.... is impossible.
    "The Father and I are one!"
    "If you see Me, you see the Father!"
    "Don't you believe that the Father is IN Me?"
    "ALL (!) AUTHORITY in heaven and earth has been given to Me!". (Only God has all authority).
    At healing the paralytic: "Your sins have been forgiven you!" (Only God can forgive sins).
    "I am THE (not a) light of the world"......: God.
    "I have come to give you Zoë (=divine life) in abundance".... Only God can give Zoë life.
    "I am from above, you are from beneath. You are from this world, I am not from this world".....
    Etc, etc, etc,
    When He explained these things, healed the sick, casted out demons, raised the dead, controlled nature for 3 years, they all worshipped Him as God/Messiah.... except for the critical scholars and farisees!
    He NEVER said: "Don't worship Me, I am just a prophet!". The Jews wanted to stone Him because: "You claim to be God".
    So Jesus is God manifesting in Human form. Period. Glad He did. So now we finally know the sayings and actions of God.
    Next step.
    To not see Jesus bringing the divine life of the ages back to you-manity.... is impossible.
    "I will send Holy Spirit, the same as Me, He will be IN you, guide you into truth and give you explosive power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, etc, etc"
    "Follow Me, the miracles I do, you will do too"
    "God is IN you"
    "The Kingdom of God is IN you"
    "He who meets you, meets Me".
    "You and I are one"
    "You will understand that the Father is IN Me and I am in you"
    "See, I have given you power over all the forces of the enemy"
    "I have come to give you Zoë (=divine life) in abundance!"
    Etc, etc, etc.
    Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons with His first 12+72 friends.
    As i understood these things, i experienced healing miracles and the casting out of demons already thousands of times and many other true believers do too. Yay!
    Conclusion of Paul after having revelation and healing all on Malta: "Jesus, the exact image of the invisible God. The fullness of deity dwells in Jesus bodily" and you have been made complete IN Him (the last Adam), who is the head of every principality and power".
    John (who had seen, touched, heard Jesus and walked in the same power and love): "the invisible God manifested in human form, in Christ and now in us".
    Thomas having revelation saying to Jesus: "My Lord and My God!". Jesus being God did NOT correct Him.
    Etc, etc, etc.
    His life totally proves He is God in human form. Begotten by the Spirit of God, filled with the spirit of God, healing all, raising the dead, casting out demons, controlling nature, raised from the dead, pouring out His Spirit for us to be indwelled by to be empowered to heal the sick and cast out demons, etc, etc, etc.
    Way to much to degrade Him to "just a prophet".
    So... Jesus is the manifestation of God in a human body.... "the Son" of God. He came to take the alienation away mankind got trapped in after the fall. He came to give us back the divine life Adam/mankind lost in its fall.
    Because of this fall, a perfect Holy sacrifice had to be made. That is what God did in Christ! It shows His deep, pure, affectionate passion from Him to you/His creation, to restore you back to origin: Christlikeness. Walking in divine power and unselfish divine love.
    Jesus walked flawless. Muhammed on the other hand....
    Muhammed came after Jesus. He unfortunately never understood God's resolve for mankind's fall, wrote another story, called it the only truth, cutting of the real truth, leading millions astray from their godly identity in Christ. Heartbreaking.
    But for those who take Jesus for who He is and ask to be filled by His godly Holy Spirit.....: divine life. Tangible presence of God, healings, demons running for cover, etc. Just as with His first 12+72 friends.
    God will make you experience the full (godly) Life made possible through Holy Spirit.
    So don't be afraid to leave islam. God can only be found in/through Jesus Christ.
    Ask Him to fill you with His/God's Holy Spirit so He can guide you into truth and transform your life. You and God/Jesus are finally one again. He will open your eyes and give you Zoë (divine life). You will be growing into Him in all things. The life you see in Him and His first 12+72 friends.
    I experience it since 25 years and so will you.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому +2

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @saulreyes2976
      @saulreyes2976 2 роки тому +1

      Well done. Also Jesus did not correct Thomas when he said , " My Lord and My God" Hebrews says when the first born came into the world the angels were to worship him . So if Jesus was just a man then that would have been an idol in heaven and violated the first a new you shall put no other Gods before or worship or BOW. DOWN .

    • @mahender6969
      @mahender6969 2 роки тому


    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      @@mahender6969 I suspect most follow.Mammon. hope you work hard in the world tomorrow and make lots of money.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      @@mahender6969 that kind 9f paganism?!

  • @edwardparkhurst9804
    @edwardparkhurst9804 2 роки тому +4

    Interesting video. Thanks for sharing.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

  • @Mercyme57
    @Mercyme57 7 місяців тому

    Anyone: where is the rest of this particular lecture..?

  • @gleasonparker1684
    @gleasonparker1684 2 роки тому +2


  • @chrissy1374
    @chrissy1374 2 роки тому +4

    This was so good! I want to hear the full message. Where can I hear the full version? Sorry if this is answered elsewhere and I just didn’t see.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +2

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @A.C-
      @A.C- 2 роки тому +2

      I believe these videos are just shorts from courses he teaches, AWKNG School of Theology... You can take them online, but they cost $

    • @chrissy1374
      @chrissy1374 2 роки тому +2

      @@A.C- Gottach, thank you so much! Maybe one day I'll be able to afford it.

    • @A.C-
      @A.C- 2 роки тому +2

      @@chrissy1374 Me too!

  • @Chancey464
    @Chancey464 2 роки тому +4

    Wasn't long enough.

  • @SB_McCollum
    @SB_McCollum Рік тому

    "in pencil" the writing is contained in the pencil graphite on the page.
    "In medicine" the work of the person is contained within the "field" of medicine.
    Both are locational the same way the dishes are in the sink.

  • @carminefragione4710
    @carminefragione4710 2 роки тому +1

    There is a Law of Heaven and a Natural Law in Creation for those who live on Earth. So it says "Honor your Father and Mother that you may live long in the land". King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 9:11
    I have seen something else under the sun, " The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant, or favor to the learned, BUT TIME AND CHANCE happen to them all"
    ( Ecclesiastes 9:11)
    So Abraham favored Isaac to be his Heir Apparent and receive the Covenant for the Land of Israel after him, as a Succession of Father to Son , repeatedly until Messiah, but as it was known "Kismet" or "Chaos" the bitter fact that a Blood Libel occurred when Cain slew Abel and the blood of Abel cried up to God for Justice, and God is not a Vain God. So Abraham , in the season of the New Year, around April 1st to April 15th , in the constellation of ARIES THE RAM, the way of time keeping observed by Abraham's kinfolk and much of the Fertile Crescent World. So the stroke of chance occurrence, though Abraham favored Isaac, yet the world is given over to Time and Chance, so that the Lord said "Vengeance Is Mine, I Shall Replay". So then it is not known if Isaac would be spared by the Atoning Act of Blood , to spare the son that Isaac may live and rule when Abraham died. But Abraham gave that reckoning to God at the Altar, and so it was a Law, TWO GOATS are chosen of equal pedigree , one will be slain and the other escapes the Blood Libel that interrupts the succession of Royal Lines. So the Priests standing in God's Place, CAST FOR THE LOTS, The "Urim and the Thummin" basically two bones, and like rolling the DICE or spinning a Wheel of Fortune, the Numbers go around and the Chips fall where they may, giving to God , outside of human understanding the OPTION at the moment of the Offering upon the Altar, if God would take Isaac's Life to account for a Blood Libel, given to the Angel of Death, or if perhaps, flipping a coin , the Warrant for the Blood Libels that bring the world to war and ruin , might fall upon the Lamb, as a victim that must shed it's blood, while the other goat, be it i the place of Isaac, in Abraham's case, be allow to escape "SUDDEN DEATH" for reasons we call "Chaos " or "Kismet" ( Blind irrational forces of Nature). Thus God provided a RAM to substitute for a Blood Libel, in the tradition of Genesis Law, since God marked CAIN with a curse " "If anyone strikes Cain, his blood will be avenged SEVEN FOLD". So we all suffer TIME AND CHANCE, no matter how good you are, you might die young and be denied to live a long life or a prolonged Days , escaping the Avengers of Blood Libels. The Angel of Death is the Bounty Hunter.
    So, though Abraham went to Heaven, and Isaac was spared , during the season of Aries the Ram, Abraham knew that eventually an Anointed Follower of the Way of the Lord , to succeed the Father as the Son with the Spirit, would be CUT OFF , and that it followed the Law of Genesis . Jesus was cut off, so he symbolically was the Lamb of God, rather than be like ARIES THE RAM the HORNED KING , with an OXHEAD, like Pharaoh , or a Canaanite Lord, Jesus was cut off from his earthly reign as Messiah and was taken to Heaven and the Tables were Turned. So Solomon said " TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO ALL MEN" and if God came from Heaven to sequester a human body and walk around among the People, even God was subject to the Natural Law as long as he was flesh, though you cannot kill God the SPIRIT within the flesh.
    So then Salvation means you enter Heaven and do not suffer the SECOND DEATH by the ANGEL OF DEATH who can not only destroy your physical body , but erase your memory and name from the Book of Life. So Death as a physical event is not the end of your existence, but you could be forgotten and it seems that a memorial to your life is something in God's Domain that persists to keep you alive in the Mind of God.
    So, even if you are the best saintly man ever to live, you are in danger of Kismet or Chaos, or Chance , that an aspect of this world was given over to the rolling of dice or as the Bible gives it "CASTING FORTH OF THE LOTS", We have a free will and to maintain a free will some aspect of irrational randomness must exist among the fixed laws and design , that it was possible that the Messiah came, and either he would see his days prolonged and rule on Abraham's Covenant Land as King of Israel or he would die and be a Propitiation for the Sin that takes us all the way back to Cain and Abel , where in that tragic outcome, the better son died, and the wicked son was given a chance to repent , under Law. This Law of Nature we do not escape from , though we are Born Again of the Spirit as taught to us by Jesus Christ, and even we bearing his Name "YESHUA". We are all sheep led to the slaughter, because when Cain killed Abel, the Blood of the Innocent cried up from the ground for JUSTICE, And God responded with a Law of VENGEANCE, and if we act foolishly , our faith cannot save us in this world. the Laws of this World, afflict our flesh with every moment we remain in this world.

  • @jimpemberton
    @jimpemberton 2 роки тому

    I don't know precisely what the Hebrews in Moses' day were to understand from this passage. Rabbinic literature often indicates that man was made in the same form as angels. However, it's pretty clear in light of the coming of the Messiah that being made in the image of God, aside from perhaps intelligence or moral agency, that the image of God is necessary for the Incarnation of God to make atonement for us. While the fall hadn't happened by Genesis 1:26ff, God was clearly setting up the Incarnation for this eventual purpose.

  • @Losttoanyreason
    @Losttoanyreason 2 роки тому +1

    I have never, ever, ever, heard the image of God defined as intelligence.

  • @readtruth6670
    @readtruth6670 2 роки тому +1

    Could the Imago Dei concept have anything to do with the ‘observer’ phenomenon we find in the double slit experiment (and many similar) regarding things like position and particle behavior in quantum mechanics? Our existence, interaction, and even mere observation of the universe actually seems to affect and dictate outcomes of reality. Could an aspect of the Imago Dei include not so much our own image, but how our perception alone can actually dictate Creation on incredibly small (but fundamental) levels? Could man have a divine ‘sight’ similar to God’s in some manner? Our own effect would be subject to great limitation, but is it a possibility that there are certain aspects of the human consciousness that are unique and designed as an infinitesimal facsimile to that of God’s?

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @readtruth6670
      @readtruth6670 2 роки тому

      I don’t have a problem with that idea at all. I don’t have a problem with Heiser’s claim either, but I wouldn’t exclude physical appearance to also be an aspect. I do think he makes a good point with possible translation issues. I just wonder if the Imago Dei is a situation that is pervasive throughout our existence as humans.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @readtruth6670
      @readtruth6670 2 роки тому

      Christ Consciousness?

  • @stumpintheearth1088
    @stumpintheearth1088 2 роки тому +6

    Man was first created as a spiritual being. The use of the word *likeness* in Genesis 1:26 indicates that man was made in the spiritual nature of God, who Scripture says is a spirit. After Adam's transgression in the garden, man is no longer described, in Scripture, as being in the likeness of God (spiritual nature). Scripture afterwards only describes man as being in the image of God. And yet Scripture says Jesus was sent in the likeness of sinful flesh (Romans 8:3).
    Do you see the connection between the word likeness and make up of the being?
    Genesis 1:26
    And God said, *Let us make man in our image, after our likeness* and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    • @stumpintheearth1088
      @stumpintheearth1088 2 роки тому

      @@termination9353 John 21:24 was speaking of Judas, not Lazarus.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.🙏

    • @stumpintheearth1088
      @stumpintheearth1088 2 роки тому

      @@martinmartin1363 John 4:24
      *God is a Spirit* and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
      A non-physical spiritual body

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому +1

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @wandering_circles7487
      @wandering_circles7487 2 роки тому

      But if Adam was created as spirit, why did God the Father gave them the whole garden to eat except the one he forbid? Adam also rests/ sleeps.
      I agree they were created in his likeness but I say it is likeness of God that they are sinless.
      Because when they sinned, their "likeness" changed.

  • @willtherealrustyschacklefo3812
    @willtherealrustyschacklefo3812 2 роки тому

    Like it, just a note tho, created in his image means that just like God is a 3 part being, a mind a body and a spirit, you are a mind a body and a spirit. But if we're speaking about what the actual father, God. Looks like, your eyes cannot see him but if they could he is a magnetic field of electromagnetic energy essentially. Much like the electromagnetic pulses generated by your heart and brain.

  • @shaunsteele8244
    @shaunsteele8244 2 роки тому +1

    why was God so opposed to us having "knowledge of good and evil"?

  • @ghostgate82
    @ghostgate82 2 роки тому +3

    Soul (noun): Any toroidal system (a system designed with input and output as it’s primary function).
    Spirit (noun): Any outside energy or substance that enters a soul to be transformed or translated for a specific purpose.
    The human soul is the central nervous system (eyes, brain, spine, nerves). A radio or router soul is the internal components designed to receive the radio/wifi signal. “The eyes are the doorway to the soul” is quite literal. Is the central nervous system invisible? Yes. Is it designed to receive the spirit? Yes.

    • @AncientBert
      @AncientBert 2 роки тому +2

      It seems that you are conflating body and soul. The central nervous system is a part of the body.

    • @ghostgate82
      @ghostgate82 2 роки тому

      @@AncientBert Is the soul not part of the body? I am correct. Sorry you didn’t learn this in church. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @Tom-xg1kj
      @Tom-xg1kj 2 роки тому +2

      That is Western thinking. We became souls.

    • @ghostgate82
      @ghostgate82 2 роки тому

      @@Tom-xg1kj Correct. “We” (spirit) were placed into a soul upon conception to grow and have experiences. This isn’t “western thinking,” it’s merely “thinking.”

    • @lilchristuten7568
      @lilchristuten7568 2 роки тому +1

      No the soul is not part of the body. The soul is a part of the spirit. The souls is what can be referred to as the seat of our emotions, it encompasses our minds our wills and our emotions, things which can be affected by the condition of the body but they are not a part of the body. They are non physical elements of the human nature.

  • @jesussavesletyourgooddeeds3623
    @jesussavesletyourgooddeeds3623 2 роки тому

    God looks just like the son they are identical. And the look of Jesus is different ! For Isaiah 53 ; he came up like a root out of dry ground and he has no beauty that one should desire him but we are in his image he just has a fierce look about him .

  • @TheWhyisthatso
    @TheWhyisthatso 2 роки тому

    "For "IN" the day that you eat of it (Knowledge) your "eyes" will be open and you
    will be "AS" gods, KNOWING good and evil "

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 8 місяців тому

      The serpent said you will be AS gods.
      Jesus said you ARE gods.
      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

    • @TheWhyisthatso
      @TheWhyisthatso 8 місяців тому

      @@qwerty-so6ml ......The "serpent" is the "carnal mind" of man (adam) .
      Created mankind is BEING created in the SPIRITUAL "image" of God.......
      it's a process, not a done deal .
      This flesh and this created world of flesh is just the means to that end .
      "God is Spirit" ( John 4:24 )
      The word "spirit" is a metaphor .....it means "CONSCIOUSNESS" of mind and thought .
      "God" is MIND ( Thought and Consciousness ).....not some kind of "entity" out there somewhere .
      The word "angel" means "messenger"....and that is ALL that the word means .
      NOT some spooky creatures with literal wings flying around .
      The word "elohim" means "gods" individually or "God" collectively .

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 8 місяців тому

      Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and SEAL UP THE BOOK, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
      This is Daniel's sealed scroll, unsealed.
      Genesis 1 is Lucifer and the fallen angels making man in their image. Man is an idol, a trap for angels. (tares)
      Genesis 1 only uses the word ELOHIM.
      Genesis 2:7 the Lord God forms His representative in THEIR system. (wheat)
      Genesis 2:4 is where the word Lord God (YHWH ELOHIM) is found.
      Exodus 20:4 YHWH ELOHIM forbids idols and likeness (embodiment = human host body).
      Jesus called you a god/angel.
      John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
      What law?
      Psalm 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods (H430); and all of you are children of the most High.
      7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
      Strongs H430 Elohim = angels, gods (little g).
      Right there, he called you a god (angel) that shall die like man, and fall. A fallen angel.
      Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
      No mention of unrepentant man in Matthew 25:41.
      Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
      Pray that your eyes are opened. Video from angel of Church of Philadelphia:

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 2 роки тому

    Rauch is the breath of God that gives us life. We are born spiritually dead. Thats why we must be born again. This birth give life to our dead spirit so we can have eternal life. That which was lost in the garden.

  • @boltrooktwo
    @boltrooktwo 2 роки тому +1

    Why would Jesus dying and being resurrected as a man, to be living as a man, have significance if the body we have is -- completely other -- from God?

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.🙏

  • @yahuahstar8212
    @yahuahstar8212 9 місяців тому

    Be ing meadow river flowing living waters from your heart

  • @rotasaustralis
    @rotasaustralis 2 роки тому

    So The Lord said he made us in his image but, not really?
    Why people make this subject so difficult is beyond me.
    The Lord states in the Bible that he sees the end from the beginning. He knows whose names are written in the book of life from before the creation.
    So The lord foreknew all that would happen & that Jesus would be born a man, to live amongst us, suffer & die for our transgressions. He knew this before the creation.
    The great & mighty Creator, The King & soul absolute owner of the universe & everything in it, knew He would come among us in the form He chose to come in. He said we were created in his image & He came in His own image, the image he chose before creation.
    I cannot understand why The Creator of all that is, would come among us looking anything but the way He wanted us to see Him. As The lord has already plainly stated, He made us in His image, male & female made He them.
    The Great & Mighty Creator does not come down & look like us. We were created like Him, so that He would look as He pleased.

  • @dougleon5929
    @dougleon5929 2 роки тому

    3:45 ... Not preached in any church I've ever been to, ... Needs to be!

  • @AprendeMovimiento
    @AprendeMovimiento 2 роки тому +1

    Here are the hebrew words used in Genesis 1:26
    (don't forget that Genesis must be read using the lenses of St. John 1:1-14)
    צלם (tselem)
    This word is derived from the parent root צל (tsal) meaning a shadow. Tselem is the outline or shape of a shadow.
    דמות (demut)
    The parent root דם (dam) is blood. One descended from the "blood" of another often resembles the one descended from. Derived from the parent root דם the child root דמה (damah) meaning "to resemble" The word דמות (demut) means a resemblance or to be like something else in action or appearance.

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 2 роки тому

    Isaiah 11:2. The image we were created in. Its spiritual not physical.

  • @krazo4Christ
    @krazo4Christ 2 роки тому

    Doesn't the image of God culminate in the incarnation? If the Lord Jesus is the ultimate revelation from God, the prism by which all things are perfected, should we not interpret these other revelations in light of God's highest revelation?

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

  • @Love-One-Another
    @Love-One-Another 2 роки тому +2

    The 6th day man creation is Lord God (Jesus Christ in a glorified body) as Adam and Eve were not created until the 8th day, by Lord God. Just watch the Creator's name change in Genesis. First it is God, then it changes to Lord God after His creation and rest, and finally just Lord after Adam and Eve have been expelled from the garden. As Adam and Eve have separated themselves from God and the garden.

    • @Love-One-Another
      @Love-One-Another 2 роки тому +1

      "in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them Genesis 1:27"
      He Him is Lord God (Jesus Cherist) and them (male and female) are the animals and so forth.

    • @Love-One-Another
      @Love-One-Another 2 роки тому

      @SAUL deGAUL Explain your self better. I don't get what you're getting at.

    • @Love-One-Another
      @Love-One-Another 2 роки тому +1

      @SAUL deGAUL God judges everyone fairly. Remember what Jesus said... If you were blind, you would be innocent but since you say you can see. So, those who don't or didn't know Jesus will be judge fairly based on their knowledge of Him and their actions. I don't understand why you are asking me this based on what I wrote but I'm glad to explain. If you would like to understand more mysteries, see the short and to the point videos on my channel.

    • @williminayatsallie1976
      @williminayatsallie1976 2 роки тому +1

      @@Love-One-Another oh my gosh! Finally that makes sense! Thank you. Never dawned on me it was the animals he was talking about.

    • @Love-One-Another
      @Love-One-Another 2 роки тому +1

      @@williminayatsallie1976 Glad you got it. For more mysteries, check out my youtube channel.

  • @urban_uec
    @urban_uec 2 роки тому

    Sin equals death. The less you sin the longer you live. Yahweh made it simple.

  • @kamerondonaldson5976
    @kamerondonaldson5976 2 роки тому

    image is in stasis. it is unchanging. the image of god is always flattering. the alternative is bearing false witness. accusing him of a crime he did not commit. slander. the function, the works of humanity, these inevitably change. we are unable to do anything as great as god. this video cannot contain the true meaning.

  • @TheWhyisthatso
    @TheWhyisthatso 2 роки тому

    You are mistaken, or at the very least, confused.
    "GOD IS SPIRIT" ( John 4:24 )
    "soul" and "spirit" are NOT the same thing as you allude to.
    "soul" is CREATED as the scripture says....but "spirit" ( WHAT GOD IS ) is
    UNcreated ( NEVER was created, but eternal, without beginning and without end )
    Very FEW in this world today know what "spirit" is, and this is why people
    are confused as well.

  • @BleachedWheat
    @BleachedWheat 3 місяці тому

    What other parts of scripture is an image not an image?
    Image means we look like him. We are his statues.
    Likeness means we are like him. When the son behaves similar to his father, we say he is LIKE his father.
    If he looks like him, then he is his spittin image.
    Heiser is more describing likeness than he is image.
    God is a spirit, as Jesus told us. But what does that mean?
    Angels are spirits too, invisible, unless they manifest visually or God grants you eyes to see; However, what does Jude (Jesus' brother) tell us the angels did, inorder to come down and take wives?
    They "disrobed" their "heavenly body", thereby taking onto themselves, PHYSICAL BODIES!!!
    Yall have a big theological problem here.
    How can an entity have sex with a physical woman, deposit seed in her, and produce offspring, UNLESS THEY WERE PHYSICAL!?
    These debates all come from misunderstanding scripture.
    Spirit is NOT airy-fairy make believe.
    Spirit is an ABSOLUTE aspect of physical reality, and there IS such a thing as eternal physical matter. Even IF it is made from faster than light particles!
    There are 10 dimensions, only 4 of which are knowable, by us. A dimension is, a mode of movement. Up down, left right, front back, and forward in time. These are all movement possibilities. Dimensions 5 thru 10, are ALSO modes of movement.
    Extra dimensions are the secret. Its where the angels powers come from. It IS the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Teleportation, such as philip with the eunuch, is quantum non-locality being made traversable. Quantum non locality, describes the effect where if you divide something in half, all the way to the bottom of smallness, and divide once more, then the particle does NOT divide further, but instead becomes everywhere at once, across the whole universe.
    If you are everywhere, and then choose a "where" out of the "every", then you will automatically be there, because you were already there, because you were everywhere to begin with. Teleportation.
    All spirit has to do to be physical is to "take it off" and they will be physical. Once they take off the extra dimensions of spirit, they reveal their physical bodies. Thus, image.
    We DO physically look like God, RIGHT NOW, and we will EVEN MORE, when were given our heavenly bodies at the resurrection.
    We were made in His image and likeness, meaning we physically LOOK like Him, and He made us to ACT like Him.
    We have chosen to NOT act like Him (aka sin), but when the mark of the beast comes, people who take it will be made like nephilim, willingly, thereby choosing also to no longer LOOK like him. Once they nolonger act and look like God, then they wont be considered humans anymore, whom Jesus died for, hence why accepting the mark of the beast is an unforgivable sin.
    If image didnt actually mean image, then this would not be possible, making scripture a lie.
    My people are destroyed for like of knowledge...

  • @lupevasquez2019
    @lupevasquez2019 2 роки тому

    Hdhaveto foto see the whole video?

  • @dadsonworldwide3238
    @dadsonworldwide3238 2 роки тому

    spirit of God hovers over the waters we are created in this image and it has to be shared by men and women .
    .spirit and soul is only likeness shared here.
    Leads one to think paradise is spiritual then a fall. I've read millions of ways this just seem to be the simple meaning.
    Spiritual network/demension with the soul dwelling in duality body and spiritually. Maybe it's even a spiritually.

  • @yourlastchance_
    @yourlastchance_ 2 роки тому +1

    Meaningless to tell what it's not..

  • @animalcart4128
    @animalcart4128 Рік тому

    Nice video.

  • @rocko100able
    @rocko100able 2 роки тому

    SPIRIT SOUL AN BODY ,Humans are pneumatic tools, air driven, I should say Spirit driven.

  • @tom_bout
    @tom_bout 2 роки тому

    The pleiades are mentioned in The Bible so I believe there could be extra terrestrials as well under God. Shalom

    • @tom_bout
      @tom_bout 2 роки тому

      Amos 5:8 Job 9:9 Job 38:31

  • @nothyperbole4984
    @nothyperbole4984 2 роки тому +2

    As a Christian and Healthcare chaplain retired.
    If and when an alien shows up does not take away from the creation theory at all. That would show even more Glory to God. The Holy Bible states in GENESIS, God created the HEAVEN and the EARTH, not just the EARTH.
    When it comes to creation I use the Hebrew interpretation, not the Latin or Greek translations.
    If one believes God only created life on just one planet out of millions of planets, thats your choice.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 2 роки тому +1

      But God never mentions life outside the heavens and earth. The heavens are clearly defined as is the earth. To assume more than he has told us is just another attempt by man thinking he knows more than our creator. If he wanted us to know about other life, he would have told us.

  • @stevendedeian7774
    @stevendedeian7774 2 роки тому +1

    And how the hell,do you know,what it's not? You're certainly not Yah

  • @chimmy___
    @chimmy___ 2 роки тому

    Humans were created in the image and likeness of God.
    We were created to have the same character and appearance of God but male and female.

  • @carminefragione4710
    @carminefragione4710 2 роки тому

    When God brings Himself to DEATH to eradicate the Memorial of Sin , then not only is the sin covered until it is excised , but the time comes God behaves in Mind to DIE and cancel all Memory of the Past, regarding Sin, And so in that day, you may be reading the Bible reciting the memorial of the Sin of Judah, and Jacob, but as God dies to the Memorial of the past, the Past is malleable, not immutable, not God. The Past is no different than the Future , something done in the Future can alter the existence of the Past, so that God is not vain to bring God to Death , which is not the end of existence, but a punctuation of cancelling debts , to blot out of a book, so one moment you are reading Jeremiah 17 cursing Judah , then all of a sudden , the very words on the page disappear and the PAST is under revision by a Divine Oracle of Creation anew, which shows that all Materialism is an ILLUSION , and only what God by a Placebo of His Will to keep in Mind a s a Memorial of the Past, will be the Past itself, after God behaves as one dies , and forgets . So God forgives through the Blood Atoning by the Priestly Messiah, sparing sinners, until God pulls the floor away and what is imagined to be the fundamental substance of the world is exposed as trivial and God can make a Future as distinct as a Past, without limit. So God must first forgive you your sin , and then God must DIE and in doing so FORGET all the FACTS of HISTORY blotting out events which you think are immutable or indelible and showing that all this world is simply a stage and we are actors upon this stage. So , you read Jeremiah 17 " Their Names shall be written in the Dust". and you may FEAR GOD that tampering with the erasure of the PAST is even a threat to the ANGELS since any change in the Memorial of Facts of the Past, can cause even the Angels to suddenly dissolve and cease to exist , showing they were not eternal beings but mechanisms or devices used by God , but they only existed as part of the illusion of the temporal world, and only that which eats of the Tree of Life gains eternal life as God.

  • @grayman7208
    @grayman7208 2 роки тому

    actually ... you complicate it.
    god made us in his image.
    we are god's children.
    we have a body.
    we have a soul.
    we comprehend the difference between good and evil.
    since we are in god's image, it follows he also has these attributes.
    all living things create "images" of themselves.
    god is the template for all living things.
    god is the template for humans.
    jesus made it clear ... we are gods.
    when we die and are resurrected ... just like jesus was ...
    we will become perfected beings.
    just like our father.
    we are destined to be gods ourselves.
    god is simply creating more beings like himself.
    and that ... is why we are in his image.

  • @inihessien5420
    @inihessien5420 2 роки тому

    Angels are intelligent beings…are they made in the image of God in the way man is?
    I would posit that the image speaks to man being tripartite - Body, Soul and Spirit, just like God the Father, The Word and the Holy Spirit.
    Spirit is not the same Biblical Hebrew word as Soul. Nowhere in the KJV is nephesh translated as spirit.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

  • @savedbygrace6853
    @savedbygrace6853 2 роки тому

    Alot of people think that 'man' is quite a lofty being - I have had pastors tell me there aren't animals in heaven. Job declares God’s omnipotence in 12:7-10,
    “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.”
    Again the word “life” is in Hebrew nephesh while “breath” is ruah. It verifies, yet again, that animals have a soul as in Genesis 2;7 "living soul” is nephesh hayyah. Hayyah means “living” and nephesh means “soul.”
    Animals , originally made not to eat but as companions, know more than many humans about the one thing that matters the most: all life comes from God. I will see all my animal friends on that rainbow bridge

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.🙏

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

  • @logicrules3697
    @logicrules3697 2 роки тому

    Genesis is not wrong. It's interpreted wrong.
    Genesis 1:26 says "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: ... " God in this verse is not the self Existent, eternal Jehovah. God in this verse is 'ĕlôhı̂ym (eloheem), of the supreme God.
    Anyone who believes that we were made in the image of the LORD God is wrong.
    We were made in the image of eloheem.
    The word "image" means phantom, an idol.
    The LORD God does not like idols (Exodus 20:4-5).
    The following bible verses do not indicate an image of the LORD God?
    John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, ..."
    Luke 18:19 "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.
    Genesis 8:21 "...for the imagination of man's heart is evil ..."
    Philippians 3:21 "Who shall change our vile body, ..."
    We have to be born again. We must allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our lives. We must love our neighbor. We have a lot of work to do to even approach the image of the LORD God. We are all sinners.
    The Lord God is not a sinner.

  • @stompthedragon4010
    @stompthedragon4010 2 роки тому

    I dont think Ive ever heard that reasoning, that the image of God is intelligence. Pretty limited reasoning there.

    • @georgerigby2705
      @georgerigby2705 2 роки тому

      The image of god is intelligence, after what I read in most comments on Christian videos?
      Fuck no...

  • @BrandonGray
    @BrandonGray 2 роки тому

    This is all wrong. Adam is made in the image of God. Adam is unique in that in himself he consist of three coequal person: Man, Woman, and child (especially the firstborn)

  • @kahnquest_mK
    @kahnquest_mK 2 роки тому

    Then why use the word “image?” Are you saying an ancient hebrew didn’t mean image when he says image?

    • @georgerigby2705
      @georgerigby2705 2 роки тому

      To be fair, English doesn't describe ancient Hebrew very well. It's close enough but it also says likeness... And graven image... You... Yada yada, context.... God is merciful.... I win!
      I'm kidding. I kind of agree with you, if it isn't image, please change it in the bible, if it is image.... So much for your universal message... If you have to preach it to me for me to understand it.... You dead wrong.

    • @kahnquest_mK
      @kahnquest_mK 2 роки тому

      @@georgerigby2705 I’ve been interested in biblical, and biblical related stuff, for awhile now. And it seems to me that everything is a commentary of a commentary of a commentary lol.
      I’m no scholar but I’m pretty sure the ones who wrote Genesis weren’t scholars either. Lol. I do believe they didn’t really know what they were writing if that makes sense? And I don’t mean they were stupid.
      I just think we were in our infancy as a species (probably still are lol).
      Besides no one is omniscient. That explains why there are so many denominations. Lol
      We’re just exchanging doctrines(theories) about what the Bible “means” to say.
      But some theories are probably better then others. Lol

    • @georgerigby2705
      @georgerigby2705 2 роки тому

      @@kahnquest_mK To me it seems more like a record of morality that has been skewed by greed and control.
      Like if I made a list of values and let a million people decide how they are defined and then cherry picking what benefits me and my belief...

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      @@georgerigby2705 It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      @@kahnquest_mK It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

  • @FewPewPewRah
    @FewPewPewRah 5 місяців тому


  • @hershellcox5874
    @hershellcox5874 2 роки тому

    This man does not agree with genesis. That make no sense to me.

  • @luis4449
    @luis4449 2 роки тому

    the first 13 seconds are nothing hard to decipher even from a non believer point of view. unless the unbeliever is full of assumptions and misquotes and misuses scripture.

  • @yourlastchance_
    @yourlastchance_ 2 роки тому

    It's not an elephant.

  • @carminefragione4710
    @carminefragione4710 2 роки тому

    There does seem to be some correlation of design that reflects God as some uncaused cause, a substance , such as an eternal substance or matter, outside of time and space, which to our perspective seems to be a shalom or peace, something is there, but in total darkness and quiet , at peace, at rest, with no wrath to disturb the peace or restive status quo. But in the human design of the Golden Ratio, "1.68" it seems that DNA designs grow at a rate of influence of natural reason , at a ratio of 1.68 overall. So like a SPIRAL some cause or power is moving the organic development of life forms to grow out of a seed or design at a fixed rate, that reflects some surrounding the growth and ratio of expansion of a blueprint or design , into a form in which life is reasoned to exist in that matter. So , it seems that a universal reason , no matter where in the Universe , life forms appear, that forces acting upon them would force them to conform to a unknown cause of growth ratios , provided that the force is a power of life. So , all life forms follow a master blueprint , putting a head and tail on creatures from a spiral ratio aspect of growth known as the Golden Ratio, or 1.68. So any intelligent life form, would acquit form Chaos or Kismet, and proceed to follow instruction which is called "THE WAY OF THE LORD". So any intelligent being would end up looking humanoid, to attain the Glory , of a Design embedded universally in all living things, to wit we look the way we do because of the calling of life within us, and not by chance evolution , but a guided instruction written in the DNA.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.🙏

    • @carminefragione4710
      @carminefragione4710 2 роки тому +1

      @@martinmartin1363 When Adam and Eve saw God, it would be as yourself, having a conscience , to wit there is a companion spirit within you an entity within your bosom to wit you can hear the inner voice of God speaking to you and so you call that as having a conscience. God can cover all physical facts with purpose of deeds, such that when Moses saw the Burning Bush, the Voice of God came out of the Tree, ( Tree is a parable of the Holy Trinity, when a fires consumes the Tree, it is not vanquished ) So Jesus taught us that our mortal flesh bodies is a House for God, a place or aTemple into which comes the Holy Spirit, and when a man has the True Spirit of God, in his heart and mind, if that comes by Reason , or by Natural Causes, he has the same Spirit of God that is clean and holy by DESIGN God always intended Adam and Eve to be vessels that harbor in their Marriage Union of two bodies , become one flesh, a House of God, in Mystery. So once you are baptized in the Lord, it means you are educated to be sensitive that your body contains not just your own soul, but something of God is also indwelling you , making you first intelligent, then emotionally repentant , so you have a "Good Conscience Towards God". When Jesus said "In my Father's House are many Mansion" he was speaking of a mysticism about the Temple, and he own body was called the DOOR to the TEMPLE and so Jesus is GOD , HIS HEAVEN is a BODY and a HOUSE for SPIRITS .

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @carminefragione4710
      @carminefragione4710 2 роки тому

      @@klopchi6772 I understand much of what you say, but there was a legal precedent, a covenant between God and Abraham and what follows divines us and God as distinct apart, except through the processional legal way of the Lord, to wit that Jesus Christ fulfilled the Way of the Lord. So, while every man has the potential to be as God, though he has not eternity to act upon that power, yet he is available to God for salvation through Jesus Christ, to wit Jesus said any man who comes another way , is a thief and a robber. It is like a copyright infringement, there is originality in the Ancient of Days, and we are observers of those past days, having only a "Memorial" of the observance, and we cannot enact a new law, it is not about the scientific rationale of how a man is like God, but a Legal Precedent, where the time and place was settled as Law, and you cannot reinvent the wheel.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      @@carminefragione4710 those born of the spirit are not under the law. The covenant made with Abraham was fulfilled in Christ. We have been reconciled to the father by the blood of Christ and proclaim a new covenant. A new baptism and the Gospel of repentance AND reconciliation. To repent is to turn to the Truth and away from the world and its dead works. To be reconciled is to walk with the spirit in truth and do the will of the father and work of the spirit which is life. Doctrines of men declare right and wrong according to their understanding of a book(law) Those born of the spirit discern life from death as we walk with the living spirit. Come out of the world of mammon and worship the Living God. Be well.

  • @mo86r97
    @mo86r97 2 роки тому

    Theme of the bible is the kingdom, or government of god/godhead. Man is the Head/government . Let us make “man”, the Head, after the image of God, which is Christ, the Anointed to rule.
    Rom 8:29 For whom he foreknew, he also foreordained to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren:
    In him is the seed/image of a new nation. That image is hidden or has been hidden.
    Mat 13:13 Therefore speak I to them in parables; because seeing they see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
    The mystery of the kingdom, the theme, has been hidden from the Pharisees of today too.
    2Co 4:4 in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them.
    His theology tickles your mind but does nothing to impact nations/government.
    If anything, his nation, the state of it, is testimony of his…intelligence.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

  • @qwerty-so6ml
    @qwerty-so6ml 8 місяців тому

    Only one Gospel:
    The Gospel of Reconciliation.
    Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
    to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
    We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
    If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
    Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

  • @petemiller9865
    @petemiller9865 2 роки тому


  • @christconsciousministries4123
    @christconsciousministries4123 2 роки тому

    The image of GOD is SPIRITUAL NOT CARNAL

  • @Iampowerful8
    @Iampowerful8 2 роки тому

    Better preach the message of salvation, don't waste people's time on vanities.
    1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV
    1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
    2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
    4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.

  • @johngarvin8888
    @johngarvin8888 2 роки тому

    Jesus Said If You Have Seen Me ,Ya Have Seen God Himself.....
    Is That Literaly Figurative Of Human Form?

    • @davidkpaulson
      @davidkpaulson 2 роки тому

      Jesus was literally present with them when He made that statement.
      Col 1:15 Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @johngarvin8888
      @johngarvin8888 2 роки тому

      @@klopchi6772 I follow His Word sir.
      I thought the holy of holies was the heart.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому

      @@johngarvin8888 who can enter your mind but God. You are the high priest of your living Temple and have and immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God. And by your word and works you make know your invisible self.

    • @johngarvin8888
      @johngarvin8888 2 роки тому

      @@klopchi6772 people say I have a blue light in my chest.
      I will feed the sheep like He told me.
      Have A Good Day 👍😊☺🙂

  • @adamsandler1679
    @adamsandler1679 2 роки тому

    If aliens where real sure heiser if it that was the case how does God image look like a big meat up mash together it is like saying the sun is an image of God why bcs he gives of light 😂😂 come on man and what about Satan is he also a image of God or a bad image

  • @davepugh2519
    @davepugh2519 2 роки тому +1

    The great thing about god is that he can be anything you want - because he only exists in your imagination.

  • @Minotaur-ey2lg
    @Minotaur-ey2lg 2 роки тому

    The number of people taken in by this dude’s bs is staggering. Read the Bible yourself! Guess what, Ecclesiastes 12:7 has nothing to do with the spirits of animals. It’s Solomon ruminating on reaching old age. Throw out some OT verses and people jump on it like a dog in heat.

  • @stephaniemccoy8358
    @stephaniemccoy8358 2 роки тому

    technology is an entity I believe an evil one at that

  • @bobbytubbs5469
    @bobbytubbs5469 2 роки тому

    No one knows what God looks like

  • @LM-jz9vh
    @LM-jz9vh 2 роки тому

    "When we say…Jesus Christ…was produced without sexual union, and was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended to heaven, ***we propound nothing new or different*** *from what you believe regarding those whom you call Sons of God. [In fact]…if anybody objects that [Jesus] was crucified, this is in* ***common*** *with the sons of Zeus (as you call them) who suffered, as previously listed [he listed Dionysus, Hercules, and Asclepius].* Since their fatal sufferings are all narrated as not similar but different, so his unique passion should not seem to be any worse."
    *Note how Justin (Martyr) is less of a fool than modern Christian apologists. He admits that differences don’t matter.* Since each and every one of the suffering and dying gods are slain by different means, one cannot argue the mytheme requires exactly the same means of death. “But Osiris can’t have inspired the Jesus myth because Osiris wasn’t nailed to a cross” is a stupid argument. The mytheme is simply death. Being killed. Suffering and dying. The exact mode of death can vary freely. It makes no difference to the existence and influence of the mytheme. It’s simply the particular instantiation of a generic abstraction. *And Justin’s argument (that Satan invented these fake religions to confuse people) entails Justin agreed the mytheme existed: indeed, it was demonically promulgated, multiple times. Intentionally.*
    *Likewise, Justin notices the mytheme is not virgin birth, but sexless conception. Of which many examples had already been popularized in pagan mythology (there just happens to also have been examples of actual virgin born gods as well). And by his argument (that the Devil was deliberately emulating the Jesus mytheme, in advance), Justin clearly accepted the same principle for “rising again” after death:* the particular exact metaphysics of the resurrection could, like the exact method of death or conception, vary freely. The mytheme consists solely of the abstraction: returning to life. Somehow. Some way. We will say bodily, at the very least. But what sort of body (the same one, a new one, a mortal one, an immortal one), didn’t matter. *If it had, Justin would have made the argument that “those gods” weren’t really resurrected. But that argument, never occurs to him. Nor did it to any other apologist of the first three centuries.*
    *Ancient Christians well knew there was nothing new about their dying-and-rising god. Not in respect to the mytheme.* Their claims were solely that his particular instantiation of it was better, and the only one that actually happened. *They didn’t make up the stupid modern arguments that dying-and-rising god myths didn’t exist or weren’t part of a common mytheme everyone knew about. For example, in the same century, Tertullian, in Prescription against Heretics 40, makes exactly the same argument as Justin. Funny that. They had better access to the evidence than we do. They knew what was really and widely the case. We should listen to them.*
    Google *"Dying-and-Rising Gods: It's Pagan, Guys. Get Over It. • Richard Carrier"*
    Google *"Ehrman Errs: Yes, Bart, There Were Dying & Rising Gods - atheologica"*
    Watch *"Dying & Rising Gods: A Response to William Lane Craig"* by Derreck Bennett at Atheologica.
    Google *"Virgin Birth: It's Pagan, Guys. Get Over It. • Richard Carrier"*
    Google *"5 Pagan Parallels to Jesus That Actually Aren’t Bullshit - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Christian Apologetics: The Art of Deceit - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Defending the Resurrection: It’s Easy if You Lie! - Atheomedy"*
    Google *"Majority of Scholars agree: The Gospels were not written by Eyewitnesses - Escaping Christian Fundamentalism"*
    A good site written by an actual Biblical scholar.
    Google *"Contradictions in the Bible | Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them -- by Dr. Steven DiMattei"*
    Google *"How do we know that the biblical writers were* ***not*** *writing history? -- by Dr Steven DiMattei"*
    Google *"How Did The Gospel Writers Know? - The Doston Jones Blog"*
    Google *"Yes, the Four Gospels Were Originally Anonymous: Part 1 - The Doston Jones Blog"*
    Google *"Gospels Not Written By Matthew, Mark, Luke or John - The Church Of Truth"*

  • @daysofnoah
    @daysofnoah 2 роки тому

    Heiser the heretic

  • @HH_3296
    @HH_3296 2 роки тому

    Please everyone go watch the videos by CJ. He has done some incredible work regarding the Shemtah cycle. Acct name is Rockislandbooks. Don't let the name fool you. This is not a joke. His videos will bless you immensely and help you understand the breakdown. This guy is numerological genius. Maranatha everyone! See you in the air. We are going home soon!!! Amen!

  • @Roseredeemed
    @Roseredeemed 2 роки тому +26

    The image of God to me means we are the projectors of Gods attributes out into the world. Intelligence isn’t the attribute that matters its Love that’s the key.

    • @lilchristuten7568
      @lilchristuten7568 2 роки тому

      The image of God means we look like Him, the likeness of God means we have His qualities.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +5

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @klopchi6772
      @klopchi6772 2 роки тому +3

      It is by the works of your living presence and the testimony of your Living Word that you make known the invisible self of your mind. You are a living Temple with an immeasurable mind to commune with an immeasurable God in an immeasurable creation. So let what you think what you say and what you do be one and you will walk in truth. And when the Living God resides in the holy of holies of your mind you will walk in righteousness. Come out of the world and the doctrines of men and follow and worship the Living God.

    • @animalcart4128
      @animalcart4128 Рік тому

      @@lilchristuten7568 God (in his transcendental essence) is a non-physical being. He doesn't look like anything.
      1. What Is The Image Of God?

    • @lilchristuten7568
      @lilchristuten7568 Рік тому

      God made Man in His image therefore we look like Him, so He does look like a human.
      What's more even apart from the times that people saw God with their eyes, He is described as having eyes, ears, a mouth, a nose, hands, feet, hair, a bosom, and a back.
      If He has a bosom it follows that He has a belly, if He has feet it follows that He has legs and thighs, if He has a throne on which He sits it follows that He has a butt.

  • @markthomas36
    @markthomas36 2 роки тому +31

    Hey Dr B, I love the way that you always attack each subject from a totally different angle to every other theologian. Absolutely fascinating and really makes me think.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +2

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @jmckasyru
      @jmckasyru 10 місяців тому

      The connections that you're making and the "logic" that your following are somewhat flawed. Your assumptions don't apply to the text. For starters, anthropomorphisms are a figure of speech; their usage does not lead to the necessary conclusion that the Almighty has a physical form. Using Greek logic (as you evidenced) for understanding an ancient text originally written in a semitic language results in faulty conclusions. But that's easy to do; it's best to acknowledge that we don't understand the Scriptures fully due to the distance of language, culture, history, time, etc. We will always be learning both the Bible and humility in the process. Thanks!

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 10 місяців тому

      Sorry but god does have a physical from, from the beginning of time the only begotten Son entered into creation as the light of the world, he walked in the garden looking for Adam, he appeared to Abraham to Moses in the burning bush and to Israel when he led them out of Egypt in Daniels visions etc etc, and then he became man for our salvation, he is the door and there is no name under heaven and earth by which we may enter.
      Jesus is God this is an absolute truth.
      God bless

  • @terahtexas3529
    @terahtexas3529 2 роки тому +8

    Animals do have intelligence, and problem solving capabilities. If they can figure out how to open doors and open cat food boxes...then invite their buddies over to partake of that food....they have intelligence. Or maybe I adopted the Mensa ones...😂

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @jeffkelly9197
      @jeffkelly9197 2 роки тому

      @Chris Cuomo Animals have spirits but they are not in the image of God,when an animal dies the spirit dies with it.

    • @jeffkelly9197
      @jeffkelly9197 2 роки тому

      @Chris Cuomo It's the only reason why animals were a temporary sacrifice for sins because they have a temporary spirit that dies with the body. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice because he came in our likeness and he is obviously eternal value in nature, meaning no more sacrifices. Also demons begged to be in the pigs not the trees; this concludes that a body with blood is designed to have a host body (spirit that is designed specifically for that creation). This isn't a hill I will die on, doesn't really matter as long as you believe in Jesus as the only way to the Father. But just because something isn't made in the image of God doesn't mean it can't have a spirit; just means it isn't eternal and not designed to be an image bearer of God with fellowship. Also spirit and soul are two different things Thessalonians 5:23 says:
      “And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
      Animals don't have souls they have a spirit and body, where humans have all three

  • @reasonforge9997
    @reasonforge9997 2 роки тому +8

    The term "artificial intelligence" is a real thing only as a metaphor. Deep Blue had no idea it was winning a chess game. Even that last sentence was metaphorically ascribing to Deep Blue a self--as the metaphor was useful in conveying the idea. The only intelligence that won the chess match was those that built and programmed Deep Blue. When "Artificial Intelligence" does something not expected its because its programmed to try different things and keep track of what gets it closer or further from its goal in the long run. This is quite useful sometimes in solving logical problems that are so complex that people can not follow them with our minds. However, no matter how complex the problem, it does not mean that the so called "AI" has a mind or a self that is following along. It is a physical process that is designed to sort out complexity for us.

    • @georgerigby2705
      @georgerigby2705 2 роки тому +1

      A.I. will always be limited by human interpretation.
      Until an A.I. can define things by its own discovery it will always be limited by the way in which we have programmed it to define things.
      Something you can start, won't stop and has the ability to decide for itself what it's purpose or goal is. That's when it will be an A.I.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @georgerigby2705
      @georgerigby2705 2 роки тому

      @@martinmartin1363 why do you think it's clear?
      It's only clear if you take it literally. As in: Defined in diction to the understanding of the words as a linier sentence.
      If that's the case, cut and dry...
      Your logic is sound enough to reason with. But that process doesn't work for the entire bible. But you are leaving out a lot of information that could easily say otherwise.
      I think it's a bit limited, in the fact that Jesus was born on earth as a baby. He wasn't born the word of god. He was born a vessel to carry the word of god. His perfect vessel was preserved according to the bible for the very reason that if the body died then the word of god would not be absolute in whole.
      I could understand more if you explained that Jesus was the breeze that carried the voice of god with it. I could also understand better if you explained that Adam and his wife hid themselves in the "nature surrounding them" from having to face the word of god...
      But Jesus walking in Eden is kind of a stretch... Remember that's the Jewish stuff... They still believe they killed a false prophet... Idk it's whatever

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      George @ genesis is a poetic poem of creation and this is how God the divine creator explained creation to mere children
      For example if Stephen Hawkins was teaching a class of five year olds quantum physics, would he explain as if he was in a room full of likewise professors, or would he explain in basic terms.
      There are no fairytales or myths in the bible, but it is told in a poetic form so that mankind who are mere children to God may understand.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      George @ the breeze or wind is the Holy Spirit and is always with the word of god, the angel of god, the only begotten son of God, who is Jesus.🙏

  • @DRMSH
    @DRMSH  2 роки тому +10

    Vean también este video con Subtítulos en Español en nuestro canal de habla hispana

    • @12cunow
      @12cunow 2 роки тому +1

      I love what you are doing, it has helped me a bunch.
      (I hope you beat this cancer thing they say cancer lives on sugar-- stop eating all sugar and carbs -- no matter how minute the quantity)
      I got one question that you never seem to quite address directly : What can the gods no longer do and what can they still do --- what was actually changed after the work of Jesus?
      If/since Jesus was victorious, and "the gods" are out of business, what do we make of the vast network of Satanists that seem to make contact with the demons and get directions/instructions and have basically got control of the entire world ... ?
      Are we already in the times where restraint has been removed..?

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

    • @12cunow
      @12cunow 2 роки тому +2

      @@thetriplenegative seems like you are right

    • @jesusdeity2010
      @jesusdeity2010 2 роки тому +2

      The "image" of God....: Jesus.
      Through Christ, God gave us back the divine life mankind lost in its fall. Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons, we experience up to this day.
      To not see God in Christ.... is impossible.
      "The Father and I are one!"
      "If you see Me, you see the Father!"
      "Don't you believe that the Father is IN Me?"
      "ALL (!) AUTHORITY in heaven and earth has been given to Me!". (Only God has all authority).
      At healing the paralytic: "Your sins have been forgiven you!" (Only God can forgive sins).
      "I am THE (not a) light of the world"......: God.
      "I have come to give you Zoë (=divine life) in abundance".... Only God can give Zoë life.
      "I am from above, you are from beneath. You are from this world, I am not from this world".....
      Etc, etc, etc,
      When He explained these things, healed the sick, casted out demons, raised the dead, controlled nature for 3 years, they all worshipped Him as God/Messiah.... except for the critical scholars and farisees!
      He NEVER said: "Don't worship Me, I am just a prophet!". The Jews wanted to stone Him because: "You claim to be God".
      So Jesus is God manifesting in Human form. Period. Glad He did. So now we finally know the sayings and actions of God.
      Next step.
      To not see Jesus bringing the divine life of the ages back to you-manity.... is impossible.
      "I will send Holy Spirit, the same as Me, He will be IN you, guide you into truth and give you explosive power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, etc, etc"
      "Follow Me, the miracles I do, you will do too"
      "God is IN you"
      "The Kingdom of God is IN you"
      "He who meets you, meets Me".
      "You and I are one"
      "You will understand that the Father is IN Me and I am in you"
      "See, I have given you power over all the forces of the enemy"
      "I have come to give you Zoë (=divine life) in abundance!"
      Etc, etc, etc.
      Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons with His first 12+72 friends.
      As i understood these things, i experienced healing miracles and the casting out of demons already thousands of times and many other true believers do too. Yay!
      Conclusion of Paul after having revelation and healing all on Malta: "Jesus, the exact image of the invisible God. The fullness of deity dwells in Jesus bodily" and you have been made complete IN Him (the last Adam), who is the head of every principality and power".
      John (who had seen, touched, heard Jesus and walked in the same power and love): "the invisible God manifested in human form, in Christ and now in us".
      Thomas having revelation saying to Jesus: "My Lord and My God!". Jesus being God did NOT correct Him.
      Etc, etc, etc.
      His life totally proves He is God in human form. Begotten by the Spirit of God, filled with the spirit of God, healing all, raising the dead, casting out demons, controlling nature, raised from the dead, pouring out His Spirit for us to be indwelled by to be empowered to heal the sick and cast out demons, etc, etc, etc.
      Way to much to degrade Him to "just a prophet".
      So... Jesus is the manifestation of God in a human body.... "the Son" of God. He came to take the alienation away mankind got trapped in after the fall. He came to give us back the divine life Adam/mankind lost in its fall.
      Because of this fall, a perfect Holy sacrifice had to be made. That is what God did in Christ! It shows His deep, pure, affectionate passion from Him to you/His creation, to restore you back to origin: Christlikeness. Walking in divine power and unselfish divine love.
      Jesus walked flawless. Muhammed on the other hand....
      Muhammed came after Jesus. He unfortunately never understood God's resolve for mankind's fall, wrote another story, called it the only truth, cutting of the real truth, leading millions astray from their godly identity in Christ. Heartbreaking.
      But for those who take Jesus for who He is and ask to be filled by His godly Holy Spirit.....: divine life. Tangible presence of God, healings, demons running for cover, etc. Just as with His first 12+72 friends.
      God will make you experience the full (godly) Life made possible through Holy Spirit.
      So don't be afraid to leave islam. God can only be found in/through Jesus Christ.
      Ask Him to fill you with His/God's Holy Spirit so He can guide you into truth and transform your life. You and God/Jesus are finally one again. He will open your eyes and give you Zoë (divine life). You will be growing into Him in all things. The life you see in Him and His first 12+72 friends.
      I experience it since 25 years and so will you.

  • @ishiftfocus7295
    @ishiftfocus7295 2 роки тому +3

    Man’s image changed when sin entered by that one man. By sin, the image of God that man was made in was ruined. God was righteous, but man was sinful. God was life, but now man must die.
    In Adam all die, and every man born in Adam is now made in Adam’s sinful fallen image.
    “And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image…” - Genesis 5:3
    We were born in Adam’s image. We are destined to die in this image unless we get a new likeness. Only God can perform this transformation.
    God is able to put us in his image again through Christ: the image of God. This transformation takes place by grace through faith in the gospel.
    God made man in his image. Man remade himself in his own image with sin. Christ came to manifest the image of God to save us from sin. Salvation occurs when you trust God in Christ to pay for your sins and his resurrection to make a new creature.

    • @Andromedon777
      @Andromedon777 2 роки тому

      No... Man is always in God's image. This is demonstrated in the new testament when speaking on praising the Lord with the same tongue we curse others who are made in the image of God. There's no indication there's any other meaning than default human who isn't saved at the moment.

  • @larrycarter3765
    @larrycarter3765 2 роки тому +2

    there are no gods.

  • @awaitingthetrumpetcall4529
    @awaitingthetrumpetcall4529 2 роки тому +3

    I was hoping the topic would be developed a bit more. I still don't think I have a good understanding of the concept.

  • @allimohan7186
    @allimohan7186 Рік тому +3

    love your teaching .we need your presence

  • @eleonoraresets3460
    @eleonoraresets3460 2 роки тому +7

    Really love the way you do bible research , Dr.Heiser😊 is it possible to see your next videos with english subtitles ?

    • @aprilelizabeth9967
      @aprilelizabeth9967 2 роки тому +1

      Turn captions on

    • @eleonoraresets3460
      @eleonoraresets3460 2 роки тому

      @@aprilelizabeth9967 enormously grateful to U for the piece of advice

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.

  • @nonnie2428
    @nonnie2428 2 роки тому +5

    Mike!!!Why’d you stop???? I was getting a good chew on that piece of meat & it just cut off !😱🤨 Will there be a continuation of this lesson ? Plz ?

    • @Sundayschoolnetwork
      @Sundayschoolnetwork 2 роки тому

      Seriously 😉

    • @davidkpaulson
      @davidkpaulson 2 роки тому +2

      This is part of the supernatural series, those messages are about an hour long

    • @davidkpaulson
      @davidkpaulson 2 роки тому +1

      Here is the link

    • @Sundayschoolnetwork
      @Sundayschoolnetwork 2 роки тому +1

      @@termination9353 there's is no evidence of this.

    • @Sundayschoolnetwork
      @Sundayschoolnetwork 2 роки тому +1

      @@termination9353 that shows no such thing. Jesus' love for you doesn't negate his love for me.

  • @tomcollins3972
    @tomcollins3972 2 роки тому +1

    Hello Mr. "Scribe", will you expound on baptism and why so many don't believe it is necessary for salvation and please address EVERY INSTANCE IT OCCURS IN THE NT! Ya know, the exact words from the original Greek! And please Sir, just because you're an educated theologian don't elaborate and confuse us like you do in most of your 3-minute lessons! And tell us why someone who is teaching the Bible must sell t-shirts? Are you really that much in debt from your stack of extremely confusing books that never come to the point but only go on and on and on in a rabbit hole of confusion? just sayin

  • @michaelcham8822
    @michaelcham8822 2 роки тому +1

    Genesis 1:27, “in his own image” the Word is God in the beginning, the Word is Jesus. God the Father created all things through Jesus. Jesus created them male and female in his own image, without sin. Although both animals and humans have a body, spirit and soul, only Adam was created in the image of Jesus. Once Adam sinned, he lost that image and his son Seth is born in his own sinful image Genesis 5:3. Jesus came to restore His image back to men by washing away his sin.

  • @georgeins.c.494
    @georgeins.c.494 2 роки тому +4

    Get well soon Dr Mike
    Prayerful for healing grace to you

    • @martinmartin1363
      @martinmartin1363 2 роки тому +1

      3:8 Et cum audissent vocem Domini Dei deambulantis in Paradiso ad auram post meridiem, abscondit se Adam et uxor eius a facie Domini Dei in medio ligni Paradisi.
      3:8 And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise.
      Clearly God has a physical form because he takes a walk in the garden, but nobody has seen the father except the son, the voice of God is the word of god and the word of god is Jesus, therefore the lord god who is walking in the garden is the Son of god Jesus.