Bringing Blue Back to Jewish Shawls

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • HOLY LAND UNCOVERED | The color blue, or in Hebrew "techellet," was a prominent color for Jews in ancient times. It was specified as the color to be used in the traditional prayer shawls worn by men. Today, an Israeli company is reviving traditional methods of creating this biblical hue. Our Shelby Weiner has the story.


  • @dadsonworldwide3238
    @dadsonworldwide3238 6 років тому +5

    Wonderful witnessing prophecy's come to flurisment.
    Praise god

  • @suriyanikkaran
    @suriyanikkaran 6 років тому +6

    From India and has been using Ptil Techelet in my tallit katan and tallit gadol!!! This is the true techelet.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 6 років тому

      Depends what you mean by "true techelet".
      I have already proved through my comments that the authentic Tekhelet, which also meets the actual Torah's own criteria for purity, is produced from the woad plant. So obviously, the product advertised in this clip cannot be it.

    • @suriyanikkaran
      @suriyanikkaran 6 років тому +3

      ZviJ1 No no,this is just a replacement used by Karaite Jews that they say was used. In this, I say they've gone wrong.
      The verse you have pointed says it is not kosher to eat. But using them as a dye is okay.
      Woad/Indigo might have been used for usual dying but for the mis'vah the techelet from chilazon was used.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 6 років тому +1

      Nathaniel Sam George If you have read even Dr. Curtis Ward's article (that I linked to) and are still convinced the dye from woad is merely a substitute used by Qaraite Jews rather than the authentic Tekhelet, you are slanted to the Rabbinic party line and accordingly refuse to accept objective evidence. You are also interpreting Wayiqra 11:11-12 too minimally; obviously the Peshaṭ declares such marine creatures impure and detestable in a blanket manner, for all uses.
      Your concluding sentence is unfortunately no more than Rabbinic wishful thinking, unsupported by concrete evidence of any type. Actually, the Children of Israel were given the Tekhelet commandments long after they had journeyed away from the Meditterainean Sea where Murex could be collected, not to mention in the huge quantites required for dyeing cords for at least 600,000 Israelites, especially considering the fact that odds are the females amongst them wore Ṣiṣiyot too, if the commandments were obeyed by their Peshaṭ.

    • @suriyanikkaran
      @suriyanikkaran 6 років тому +2

      ZviJ1 I ain't a rabbinic either but this seems to be the truth. The God who told not to make idols told to make two cherubim.
      The restriction is only on eating them. Won't you ride a horse or donkey, they too are unclean. Now, if He could give quails for all of them, He provided for what He commanded.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 4 роки тому +1

      @@suriyanikkaran The Cheruvim were not idols and were not intended to be by Elohim, so that's not comparable.
      The restriction is much more than on eating "snails". Riding animals is not pertinent at all since such living species are not impure and you cannot ride a dead animal.
      What's the quail got to do with the Tekhelet matter? You'e ignoring the reality that the Israelites had already journeyed very far away from the nearest seas, which means that a supposed miracle where the quantity of Murex would somehow suffice for so many people was totally irrelevant at the time.

    @SHAUL-YIRAH-MAAMIN. 4 роки тому +2

    Great company producing an even greater product. Good work!!!

  • @allenowens8842
    @allenowens8842 3 роки тому +3

    All I can say is. Wow praise God.

  • @jvarney64
    @jvarney64 6 років тому +10

    This is amazing. Another indication that we are in the end times.

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 6 років тому +1

      Not necessarily. See my comment.

  • @joeangelsantos8715
    @joeangelsantos8715 4 роки тому +5

    This is the color a Royal Bright Blue which is the color of the Ruach HaKodesh The Holy Spirit of GOD

  • @ZviJ1
    @ZviJ1 6 років тому +10

    It is not "fringes" that the Torah is referring to in B'Midbar 15:38, but _tassels_. The proper translation of Tekhelet is blue-violet.
    Secondly, the entire Rabbinic party line which this clip is based upon, whereby Tekhelet may only be produced from a specific marine species known as Ḥilazon is actually arbitrary and does not figure in Rabbinic Judaism's foundational text, the Mishna, but first appears within the Tosefta, which means the first rabbis did not rule out using plant sources altogether.
    Non-Rabbinic Jews kept observing the Miṣwah of incorporating a Tekhelet thread in their Ṣiṣit continuously from the Holy Temple's AD 70 destruction down to this very day, by extracting the dye from indigo and ultimately using synthetic dyes, which are not forbidden in the actual Torah.
    Moreover, there is a huge problem with the product hawked in this clip: the Torah (Wayiqra / Lev 11:11-12) considers the type of marine species it is extracted from impure and detestable. Therefore, those who wish to follow the actual Torah may not use it. It defeats the entire purpose of observing the commandment.

    • @יעקבמנדון
      @יעקבמנדון 4 роки тому +2

      Where would you get tekhelet from the plant I would like to know thanks

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 4 роки тому

      @@יעקבמנדון Please head on over to, or to
      If you receive no response within a reasonable time frame, let me know and I'll take care of it.

    • @Olivetreedisciples3887
      @Olivetreedisciples3887 3 роки тому +1

      Besides this, the israelites were in the desert wilderness, no where near the sea, in order to obtain snails.

    • @toosiyabrandt8676
      @toosiyabrandt8676 2 роки тому +2

      @@Olivetreedisciples3887 HI
      Maybe the Red Sea was nearby? Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua

  • @jeanduboucher7979
    @jeanduboucher7979 3 роки тому +3

    Yeshua hou hamashia'h leolam vaèd Hallelujah !

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 3 роки тому

      Please don't kid yourself. You believe that all your sins have been "forgiven" because you believe that Jesus Christ "the savior" died for, and instead of you!
      You are in real trouble! Not only are you still sin-laden, you have added a new, terrible sin to the old batch! You are guilty of idolatry for worshiping a false messiah, god and "savior". The word of YHWH plainly states that He (YHWH) alone is Savior; (Isaiah 43:11). He alone can forgive sin (Isaiah 43:25). He alone is the True Deity (Isaiah 43:10)!!
      Moreover, you cannot "believe away" sin! Magic plays absolutely no role in the system of sin and atonement established by YHWH, the sole Creator of this universe and pure God of Israel. Atonement by "faith" is not part of YHWH's setup. The only way a sinner can get his sins forgiven is by repenting and; by doing and fulfilling what YHWH wants him to do!! YHWH says: "Again, when I say to the wicked, you shall surely die; if he turn from his sin (repents) and do that which lawful and right ("good works")... he shall surely live, he shall NOT die!! NONE of his sins which he had committed shall be remembered against him! He has done that which is lawful and right! He shall surely LIVE!" (Ezekiel 33:14-16). Ezekiel was a prophet of YHWH. He wasn't a Christian preacher!
      In Moses's day, the repentant sinner usually (NOT ALWAYS) offered an animal sacrifice to symbolize his "giving" and YHWH's "accepting".
      Later prophets elaborated on how animal sacrifices are worthless without obedience:
      "Behold, to OBEY is BETTER than sacrifice!" (1 Samuel 15:22). "Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?" (Psalms 50:13).
      "By practicing mercy and truth is sin atoned for!" (Proverbs 16:6).
      HOW can you come to YHWH? YHWH provides the answer: "Return, O Israel, to YHWH your almighty, for you have stumbled in your iniquity! Take with you WORDS and return to YHWH! (WHAT words?) Say to Him: forgive all iniquity and accept GOODNESS (good works). Thus, will we offer, INSTEAD of bullocks (blood) the offerings of our LIPS!" (Hosea 14:2-3).
      According to the word of YHWH, NO ONE can die for you! If you don't believe me, read Deuteronomy 24:16; Ezekiel 18:3-4. But YHWH's demands can be met by you, if only you will know the truth. You can come to YHWH on your own! Read YHWH's word! "With what offering can I come before YHWH, and bow myself before the Mighty One on high? Should I come to him with burnt offerings, with year-old calves? Will YHWH be pleased by thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Should I give my first-born for my transgression (human sacrifice, like the crucifixion!), the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? It has been told you, O man, what is good, and what YHWH (not religious doctrine but YHWH!) requires of you: ONLY to DO what is just (YHWH's COMMANDMENTS) and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Almighty!" (Micah 6:6-8).
      Hallelu-Yahh, praise YHWH! His Salvation is open to all! No believing in fairy-stories, no bloody crucifixions! No "divine suicide" on a Roman Cross! Plain and simple is the Way of YHWH! Will you take Him at His Word today?
      Circumcise your heart, loosen your stiff neck and remove the JC scales from your eyes.
      Read at leisure with an open mind through

    • @CelineMystere
      @CelineMystere Рік тому

      Haleluyah my Friend !

    • @servicosliturgicosjudaicos6774
      @servicosliturgicosjudaicos6774 7 місяців тому

      Really? Is he your Messiah? If it is yours, that's fine, but not the Jewish Messiah.

  • @ramNjam
    @ramNjam 4 роки тому +1

    The blueing has commenced...

  • @pepercat17
    @pepercat17 8 місяців тому

    Yet there is no link to purchase this blue 😡. I wanna purchase something with this blue 😰

    • @CounterClaws
      @CounterClaws 2 місяці тому

      They have a website, its called tekhelet

    • @CounterClaws
      @CounterClaws 2 місяці тому

      Look up the name of the company and you will find it

  • @MartaOspina-l5t
    @MartaOspina-l5t 6 місяців тому

    Español por favor

  • @miekadegerness67
    @miekadegerness67 4 роки тому +1

    Then they Need to Become a Nation of Priests , As Told By GOD . And Treat their Neighbors as They Want to be Treated .

  • @gravityfallscanada
    @gravityfallscanada 5 місяців тому

    Tekayleth is violet/purple. Not blue... 🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @gravityfallscanada
      @gravityfallscanada 5 місяців тому

      This isn't true they add acid in the liquid mix to force it to become blue...



  • @tinkercooper1332
    @tinkercooper1332 3 роки тому

    Isn't the blue used a ribbon not a string..

  • @ZviJ1
    @ZviJ1 6 років тому +3

    In addition to my first comment, I learned that the original Tekhelet dye was produced from the Isatis Tinctoria plant (woad). See (this will be extremely well worth the time invested in reading it).
    In the channel's description it is billed as "the global news network bringing unfiltered, *unbiased*, global news from where it happens." How does a presentation of this subject matter from the Rabbinic perspective to the exclusion of the entire range of scientific (archeaological and historic) perspectives and non-Rabbinic perspectives in Judaism register as unbiased ??
    I call upon every fair minded individual who has been sufficiently diligent to read my comments to thumb down this clip. Rewriting history should be penalized, not rewarded by marking likes and thumbs up.

    • @sleeexs
      @sleeexs 3 роки тому

      It doesn't really matter though, Yahawah host of hosts commanded us to wear blue treads on the corners of our garments

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 3 роки тому +1

      @@sleeexs It matters if one aspires to observe the Torah in the way its Giver intended. In this case it means shunning impure strings dyed with impure extracts from marine creatures.

    • @sleeexs
      @sleeexs 3 роки тому

      @@ZviJ1 Where does it say what kind of blue it must be? What does Deuteronomy/Devarim 4:2 say?

    • @Olivetreedisciples3887
      @Olivetreedisciples3887 3 роки тому

      If one would stop to think of the area the israelites were in. It was a desert. No where near the sea in order to obtain snails.
      It makes perfect sense! Heavenly Father would not say a thing us unclean just to say use it in my Holy garments...

    • @urielprince12
      @urielprince12 3 роки тому

      @@Olivetreedisciples3887 not all the command's were kept right away some of them where only started to be kept when Joshua entered the land

  • @anonymousperson4363
    @anonymousperson4363 Рік тому

    A snail would not be. It's an unclean creature.

    • @beeinthebodytorahclass2002
      @beeinthebodytorahclass2002 8 місяців тому +1

      We don't eat the dye

    • @anonymousperson4363
      @anonymousperson4363 5 місяців тому

      Irrelevant! Touching it still makes us unclean and if we are unclean, we are not supposed to be at the Feast of Tabernacles.

    • @beeinthebodytorahclass2002
      @beeinthebodytorahclass2002 5 місяців тому

      @@anonymousperson4363 nonsense. Bees are unclean but we eat the honey their unclean body produces and it does not render us unclean. The dye that comes from the body of the snail does not make us unclean because apparently God approved it thousands of yrs ago. Orthodox Jews know what is clean and what is not and many of them are now using this blue dye for tzitzis.