It was solid but did feel like more reading than prior trails and more unnatural than prior trails when one character’s voiced in a cutscene and the rest aren’t because the voiced one seems to speak longer. I’m glad relationships remain platonic cuz I was a bit disturbed by the demo. Other trails games don’t really have technical issues but daybreak did have them during cutscenes
If you see something you want to know more about, chances are it’s something that’s been explored in another game! Hence why once you’re in the door, it’s easy to see why you’d want to go back and explore the other story arcs. That’s how they got me too.
Trails music is amazing, fam. My (unpopular) opinion is that the combat mechanics are actually the greatest strength of Trails overall, but if nothing else, if you never play a Trails game in your life, please give the OSTs a shot. Also, on the topic of graphics, do keep in mind that this is a _2021_ game being localized in 2024. Japan received this game almost 3 years ago and we're just now getting it in English. Unless Falcom upscales its employee count, Falcom's games will never be triple-A in terms of graphics anyway.
Cold Steel is waiting for you bro! The ending to the first game needs a reaction video from you. Cheers on your Trails journey because this is the best JRPG series hands down!
As whom hasn't played a single Trails game but known about the series for years, I think I'll wait until the rumored Sky Trilogy remasters release. Don't get me wrong, I would like to try this as my gateway into the series like I did with Tales of Arise, but I'm a person who likes knowing the whole story (or at least most of it). Another thing to acknowledge is the excellent localization in this game, and from Falcom of all companies. In the end, a solid entry in an overall great series. The support this series gets is well-earned.
Ya I'd say that's the better thing to do too (already mentioned why in my own separate comment). Unlike Arise which isn't connected to any other Tales game all of the Trails games are directly connected plot wise and occur in a 6 year or so period from Sky 1 to Daybreak (maybe a few more years from Daybreak 2/Kai onwards) and almost every character makes a reappearance as an npc/playable character in later games. With that said...even if Sky gets remastered i don't think it'll be a full on remake with new graphics and the like (like say FF7 to FF7 Remake), it'll probably just be a straight up port like Tales of Symphonia with at most some HD scaling and the like (which for Sky's art style likely won't make it look that much different than current Sky) since there's still 2 more games to localize and maybe another 2 to 4 games after that before the series ends which is when they'll likely start going with full scale remakes with new graphics if they ever do (I don't think they should waste their time doing that though, the games are fine enough with current graphics and so on and they'd be better off working on new projects instead). The only real reason a port may even come out is to make it available on modern consoles (PC doesn't really need it as Sky 1 thru 3 is already on it) or if they go with the Evolution version which released on Vita only in Japan that added a few additional quests and CG cutscenes and reworked the look of the character portraits (granted imo that rework looks worse than the OG artwork)...for example one CG cutscene added was one showing some of the characters in the hot spring (wearing towels so they don't go too crazy lol) with actual artwork on the Evolution version while in the original all that was shown were the 2D/2.5D pixel sprite model you use on the overworld soaking in the spring. They may also need to rework the translation a little if they weren't able to convince Xseed to re-localize it and the rights of the localization still lie with Xseed rather than being in Falcom's total control. I originally started the series with Sky 1 on PSP however dropped it early on in the game (chapter 2 or so) due to being more into action rpgs at the time but gave the series a shot again with Cold Steel 1 in 2015 and noticed a lot of references to Sky 1 which lead me to dropping CS1 in chapter 2 and going back to play through all of Sky 1 and 2 before coming back to CS 1 and then CS2 (Sky 3 didn't get localized at the time nor were Zero or Azure...I wound up playing all 3 of those right before CS3's release (the later 2 via fan sub, Sky 3 via steam) in the same year...granted playing 4 Trails games back to back did burn me out with the series though).
Great take. Trails is like a One Piece to anime. It's long but it's rewarding and great connection. Believe me when I say it's much better to see a grown-up character that you have seen in earlier title. It brings joy and sense of progression. Also, third game of this series is already showing the return of many main characters from previous games so you will have to go back sooner or later.
The part that sucks is that the games get a limited print run. So for people that like physical and end up liking the games, they will have a really hard time getting them. So now my question is, should I bother getting physical copies of what is currently available and start from the beginning if/when the sky series gets released?
You CAN start at the start of any arc, this is especially true of Kuro.. the hoty debated topic is whether you SHOULD, I any many other "elitests" would suggest starting with Sky regardless
While I do think this is a good starting point, the older games aren't nearly as badly paced as people make them out to be. They don't start out with the action and mystery of the later sections but they are fun introductions to the world that I enjoyed as much as the rest of the game so I would reccomend trying trails in the sky or trails into zero after daybreak (also because daybreak 2 and the upcoming next trails game leans heavily into older games).
I mentioned it in my own comment but the pacing feels exactly the same as the pacing layout of all past Trails games: -chapter based layout -chapters generally start out with 'main' quests that feel like side quests (the first quests you do in chapter 1 after getting Agnes for example as her introduction into Arkride Solutions) -have a morning/afternroon/night cycle with different quests/all npc dialogue change at that moment (yes they do...I know cause I'm one of those nuts that go around reading all npc dialogue as they get updated and they update it with a change to time of day/if a major event happens/before, during, and after side quests for a handful of npcs) -a more major quest occurs near the end of the chapter that could be considered the real 'meat' of said chapter and said event usually has a vague connection to the games final climax/antagonist's goals -rinse and repeat of the above until the final chapter with 1 intermission/break chapter midway through -the climax chapter where the game's antagonist attempt their goal and can be considered the highlight of the game's story, Ouroboros also may make an appearance at this point in a more substantial way or via a tease for the next game's (2nd one in an arc onward) plot where they're more relevant The only real change with this would be in the 2nd (or later game in an arc if there's more than 2) game in an arc the antagonist is usually Ouroboros/involved with Ouroboros in some way (at least as far as all games prior to Daybreak go) or the other major antagonist in said arc (not gonna say who but for all who played the series up to now we know who was the other major antagonist in arc 2 and while I haven't played the full game yet I already have an idea of who's likely the one in arc 3 (current arc)). The only real major difference with any of the games from this setup would be that Sky's arc didn't have anything that could be considered a main base to go back to at the start of each chapter (Crossbell you had the SSS building, Cold Steel the relevant school for CS1 and 3 and then 1 other location for CS2 and 4, Van's office for Daybreak)...well with the exception of Sky 3 anyway as that game's stetup was a bit different as it was kind of a dungeon crawler game unlike other Trails games. Reverie would be the only other one like Sky due to the start of each chapter taking you to a completely new location after a time skip and you swapped between 3 protagonists PoV..granted you still had something that could be considered a base via the reverie corridor but it played a minor part in the story in the end and was there more for post game content. But Sky you were constantly on the move from one region to the next without going back to a previous region/base (end chapters of Sky 2 had something similar to a base I guess but it was only relevant for that 1 final chapter and was needed to get around faster).
Cold Steel 1 doesn’t “get good at the end”. It’s great from the start. The buildup is what makes it hit when stuff happens. The buildup isn’t a slog IMO. It’s there for you to get to know the world and the characters. I wish more games would take as long to make you care about the world.
I actually started playing Cold Steel 1 and had no idea it's a long running series. I had low expectations of the game where I just goggled with great JRPG titles and CS1 popped up and I completely understand it doesn't stand out when it comes to graphics and just gave it a try and I'm so glad that I did it not only I finished CS1-3 but when I started CS4, it made me decide to drop it and more curious to check the Liberl Arc and to my surprise it ended as my personal favorite arc of the series. Until then I finished both Liberl and Crossbell games and when I finally catch up to continue Cold Steel 4, it was such a huge difference coming back to the game context wise.
Thanks for the review! As a long time Trails-fan it is really hard to gauge if a new entry is a good starting point for new players so impressions from new players are very interesting to me. I personally am loving the game, but I am always asking myself: Do I just love playing this because I enjoy the continuity or is it just the icing on a delicious great game cake?! So thank you again for your perspective and have fun exploring the gargantuan trip that is the trails series!
I am new to Trails and just started Daybreak (I'm onto chapter 2 now). If you are also new, head this: I have to say the one thing people don't talk about in these videos is that if you aren't already into JRPGs, this is tough to pick up. I'll explain below. Me personally I don't play JRPGs so playing this was very overwhelming - the amount of nuance to the combat system is insane. It's possible to understand easily after some odd hours of play, but you have to force yourself to learn it otherwise you get destroyed by regular monsters. Also, the cooking system, the connection system, and the alignment system and its consequences aren't immediately clear and obvious so you may end up missing out on content that can only be seen on a second playthrough, which the average person isn't going to do. That being said, I think the main thing that might get a new person to walk away isn't even how complex the combat is, but moreso the plot and dialogue. I've seen that games like Cold Steel have more of a school setting - I do not like that. I don't want a coming of age story. I don't like it. I know its a common JRPG trope but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it. Daybreak, on the other hand, is that kind of grey area outcast that is already an adult. I like this approach and I like all of his interactions. This is nice and I'm glad I picked this game first for that. Another thing is, well, the dialogue - it's incredibly cringey. As a matter of fact, I turned off the English VA for the Japanese one right off the prologue because of how gross it felt to read and listen to. I don't see why people like this sort of thing. Too much overexplaining the obvious, saying odd shit. Ugh. Despite that, I am powering through it because I think the characters are generally likeable and the gameplay is a good mix of detective and fun monster-roaming combat.
The voice/no voice dialogue sections can be a bit jarring but then there are times it’s used to great effect such as when a big bad shows up or a character from a past game makes a cameo appearance and swoops in to save the day. Personally, I’d prefer full-on VA but that’s me nitpicking.
You're going to love this game! I'm actually surprised with how fast I fell in love with it as a new player. I may go back and actually try cold steel now when I get some free time.
As someone who first game was coldsteel . If this game is the first trails u interested in playing go ahead I’m pretty sure it’s going end up making u wanna go back and play the older ones like coldsteel did For me.
I really can't wait to play this. Over the last 4 months I have beaten Trails of Cold Steel I-IV and Trails Into Reverie and I plan on starting Trails Through Daybreak in like a month or so because after playing nothing but Trails games for the last 4 months I need a break even though I absolutely love them.
This comment is a month late, but I've become one of the biggest trails fans going! And I started with cold steel 1. I brought that just because I wanted to play an rpg on my ps4 at the time so I picked it up without knowing anything about the series. After I completed it, I was sucked into the whole trails universe. So when I was waiting for cold steel 2 to come out, I went back and played the sky games. And in all honesty I've never looked back. I didn't start from the beginning of the trails series, but I went back to the beginning to play through them all, and I am so glad I did. Each time a new game comes out, I get excited to see if they say anything about the older games. The series as a whole is incredible! I strongly suggest for anyone to give them all a go
I find funny he says this is a good entry to the series and then says he had to investigate who these characters from different organizations are...... People, obviously this isn't a good entry, this is like the 11 game and this is not Final Fantasy where you can skip 6 games and start with FF7 and nothing happened..... and i don't care if people get offended because someone told you it should be played in order.... Relax, i'm actually trying to do you a favor here by telling you you're making a HUGE mistake playing them backwards, so don't be lazy, don't be a graphic whore, just play them from the beggining, it worths it and you'll understand why is important.
I played Zero, then CS1, then Azure, and then I was hooked and went back to the beginning... now I've played all the way to the end of CS4 and Nayuta, and I'm gearing up to start Reverie. I played a bit of the demo of this and while there was some weirdness to try to wrap my head around (the combat and the fact that there are NPCs you cannot converse with, as well as suspending belief for the enormous jumps in technology being a bit hard to swallow), it looks great. I can't wait to get my day 1 preordered copy of the LE (still not here) and mosey through Reverie so I can play Daybreak.
Is me the toxic Trails fan who will tell you how you should have started from Trails in the Sky FC 🤣. Look I think is fine if you wanted to try Daybreak first but trust me the future sequels to Daybreak will confuse you specifically Kai no Kiseki the 3rd entry of Daybreak the final game to Daybreak where every single character comes back from Sky, Crossbell, Cold Steel pretty much everyone. Again I don't want to be the toxic guy but I know I am lol. I hope you enjoyed Daybreak enough to motivate you go back because honestly EVERY SINGLE Trails game is a 9/10 or 10/10 for me! You should definitely give the other games a go! ☺️
I started at cold steel, honestly i would prefer going back to the old trails to understand the storyline. I feel like daybreak is no different but thats just me. This is the Calvard Arc, it was mentioned in previous trails alot and it was shrouded in mystery but was mentioned several times until daybreak so it is a fresh storyline unlike Liberl, Crossbell and Erebonia
The various organizations, characters, etc is the reason i recommend playing past games rather than dropping into the newest game if it's available (Zero and Ao were impossible unless you played via a fan sub, which I did before CS3 came out, due to not releasing until after CS4 and before Reverie in the west (Zero and Ao occur at the same time as Cold Steel 1 and 2 and it's main storyline in Ao/CS2 play into the major plot of CS3 and 4)). Throw in when they mention events (usually they try to gloss over but they give said events names and a very very vague understanding of what happened in said events in the newer really understand what went on you basically need to play the game or watch a playthrough on youtube if you won't play them). As for you comments on pacing...let me be blunt if the pacing is the same as chapter 1 in the demo so far and they don't introduce Ouroboros's main goal in the game (they usually do that in the 2nd game of the arc...they do have 1 ouroboros character in the opening but I'm not sure how involved he's in in Daybreak 1 yet) than it's exactly the same as how it's been done in every past game so your complaints on pacing would be unfounded as it'd be exactly the same: all the games are chapter based with a major event occurring in each chapter with the final chapter/climax introducing a much more involved event focused on stuff being done in the country's underside (anything from dealing with the country's underworld or political corruption going on in that respective country's government/military/etc). The setup of each chapter is also generally 'main' quests that kinda feel more like side quests (the initial red quests you get in chapter 1 for example that Van and Agnes does to introduce her to what the company does on the September 6). The ONLY real outlier to this would probably be the Cold Steel games as the first day of each chapter occurred in the School for Cold STeel 1 and Cold Steel 3 (CS3 more or less was a rinse and repeat of CS1's setup)...Sky series didn't have a real 'hub' like the school that the characters always go back to (same for Crossbell's SSS station or Van's apartment) and each chapter occurred in a new region instead of going back to a base city (Crossbell for the Crossbell games, Thors Academy for CS 1, Leeves military Academy in CS3 (CS2 and CS4 they have a different base...not saying where due to spoilers though), the City of Edith for Daybreak). If you like the pacing of Daybreak 1 than there's literally no difference compared to past games as as of chapter 1 they use the same exact setup so far and will likely do the same for the rest of the game by the looks of it (hell even briefly looking at the walkthrough I'm using it's exactly the same as ever). At wore all the games have the same slow start for the prologue chapters up to about the end of chapter 2 or 3 or the intermission chapter before they all more or less pick up and the story gets really good. Graphics complaint is to past games in comparison to this one is kinda iffy as they're hardly any better than CS 3 and 4 tbh (it's basically taking 1 shade of red and making it slightly brighter...basically going from red to scarlet which is almost indistinguishable)...CS1 and 2 I guess I can see why you'd complain but as for the Sky and Crossbell games they use a completely different art style and the graphics themselves were fine for their time (2006 to 2011 or so for Sky 1 to Azure) especially for PSP games...if you're gonna whine about graphics for games released nearly 20 years ago nowadays than I can't really take that point seriously tbh as it'd be obvious the graphics would be worse 20 years ago. And hell the only real change with graphics compared to the CS games (which is barely noticeable still) is with the characters and maybe the vehicles...the backgrounds and even most buildings are n par with what was in Cold Steel 3, 4, and Reverie as well as Tokyo Xanadu, Ys 8, and Ys 9. Your complaint about the voice acting just stopping or having 1 person only talking though is one I definitely share...especially for main story segments...either at least the main story segments should all be voiced or the game shouldn't be voiced at all (hell would at least save some of the budget for other stuff) or at most only combat voices. Biggest change with the series would be the combat system allowing you to more or less fight using a Ys like action combat system (another one of Falcom's games...granted may be closer to Ys Oath in Felghana/Origin or Tokyo Xanadu (another Falcom IP) more than modern Ys) that you can swap into turn based against mob enemies (but not for bosses/some story battles), this allows combat to be sped up quite a bit imo than just going pure TB...only real issue with it is I'd rather use it all the time (I prefer action over TB combat, granted Trails is imo the best TB combat system for the most part for all TB games...Azure in particular) and I feel they could've added more options (such as allowing us to use specials via holding one of the triggers plus a face button for at least 4 specials like many action rpgs do (modern Ys does this for example so they have used this sort of input before for their games))...if there's any issue with the action combat system besides the desire to use it all the time/have more stuff involved with it it'd be that unfortunately since it's done on the map stuff like trees, bushes, etc tend to get in the way of seeing what you/the enemy/your allies are doing quite a bit (I'm just in the demo and got into the road outside the first town we visit on September 7th and that was one thing that annoyed me). Biggest issue with Daybreak's TB system though is how close you need to be to allies to use link/combo attacks/effects as it makes it far too easy for enemies to deal damage to multiple characters at once. Music has always been good in Trails so looking forward to the OST...if there's anything i didn't like related to it it'd be that Daybreak's opening uses CG scenes that are likely from the game itself (which means watching the opening has spoilers) instead of the old hand drawn opening style that didn't really have scenes that occur in game and mainly just showed off characters, locations. etc (kinda like all of the Tales games openings)...granted this started with Trails into Reverie (the previous game) and not Daybreak so can't really blame Daybreak for that particular change. I would recommend going back tot he older games (either via playing or watching UA-cam videos) as the plot of Daybreak 2 will likely have far more references to the past games, especially Ouroboros characters as Ouroboros's plot generally in the focal point of the 2nd or later game in each arc of the series...and regardless it'll take about a year or before Daybreak 2 comes out anyway...I don't recommend playing them back to back though as you'd burn out of the series quickly doing that (happened to me when I played Sky 3, Zero, Azure, and then CS3 back to back as CS3 released that year)...may be better off just watching a playthrough due to that reason (Padfingo Trails has a bunch of good playthroughs that show the entire story, side quests, etc and cutting out anything else unnecessary such as mob fights/traveling so it'll cut down on watch time a little bit...granted it's still gonna be about 33 to 56 videos of about 30 minutes minimum to 50 minutes or even an hour max per game but it will cut down on time in comparison to laying all the games...if nothing else it's a perfect way to spend the day when you don't have a game you're playing and don't know what to do...granted won't won't get you any content as watching it on stream may be grounds for him to strike your video (granted....Falcom probably could if they wanted to for him too as it's just straight up cutscenes/boss fights/quests and no commentary so it's either violating copyright or skirting the lines as close as you could go...maybe if you add you reactions it'd be fine as content and may not be DMCA'd but who knows...I don't do content creation, especially on UA-cam so who knows how close you can get before other content creators/the companies themselves start coming after a person so that's up to you to risk it...I'd just watch it in my free time though without making a video if all you want is to understand the world lore of Trails up to that point without actually playing the game)).
Cold Steel 1 doesn't have "pacing issues". I have no idea who told you that, but that's definitely wrong. Setting up a story doesn't mean pacing issues.
I'd been buying Trails since Sky first came west but, bar a brief dalliance with Cold Steel I that didn't grab me, I hadn't played them. I'd also read that Daybreak could be a good entry point, so played that and it grabbed me in a way that CS didn't, although the sheer number of characters and organisations involved was a bit daunting at times. I loved it so much in fact that I went straight to Trails from Zero afterwards, and now Azure, and part of the fun of those two has been joining some of the dots that Daybreak left open.
I think you have a very narrow way of thinking when it comes to graphics. Graphics can improve a already great game but a bad game is still a bad game, at that point you are just adding sunshine and rainbow over crap. Trails has some of the best music, story telling, characters, world building that you really should play them even if you are a graphic fanatic because I think you shouldn't limit yourself that easily.
Comments like this deter people from starting the franchise. I’m going to be starting on this one because that way I can enjoy the series going forward. Adults with backlogs, games that’re going to release, and occasional comfort replays, having to go back might be a reason to NOT try this one. I might go play them if I love the series enough, or I might look stuff up to learn that way. But neither way is /wrong/. Don’t give people reasons not to try the franchise.
@ocoom8328 seems like you want me to lie to you The strength of this series is the world building. I wouldn't recommend someone to start here if they just gonna play one game and having zero context and then dip out. Then it's better to play another self contained rpg game instead Just being honest If you wanna get into this series and have the full trails experience it's gonna take a lot of time commitment playing thru 10 games.
@@dante19890 No one is asking you to lie, just to turn down the elitism. I’m not the first person to say this, but the story telling technique of “in medias res” is where you learn about the world when being dropped into it. Mad Max, Breaking Bad, and The Odyssey are all different examples across different mediums that have done this. This game, for newcomers, utilizes this method of story telling and world building. I’m not saying people SHOULDN’T go back and play them if they have the time and want to. My issue with your statement is you said that they HAVE to. People can read about the world, watch summaries, or just enjoy learning about the world as it comes up naturally in future entries. There are many ways to enjoy things. Yours is /a/ way, not /the/ way. Encouraging and being a part of a welcoming fanbase is a much better way to see a favorite series of yours thrive.
@ocoom8328 you are incorrect. You are gonna get a scuffed incomplete experience if you start with this with the intention of never play the previous games cause they all build upon each other. If you are OK with only getting 70% of this game then go ahead. But at that point you are better off spending your time and money on another rpg that you can get 100% of. It's neither cruel or elitist. Simply the truth
@@dante19890 it’s disappointing when people spend hundreds of hours on games that really try to emphasize open mindedness still refuse to see outside absolutes. Take care ✌️
go with gray, the best waifu Hime will join ur squad, and she will annoy Van in fun way, ( Hime is like myth character in prev series cold steel, only mention but we never meet her). go with law and bracer will join ur party.. if u go with chaos, uroboros ( main antagonist from 3 previous series ) will join ur party, enemy of the enemy is ur friend kind of thing.
That's okay as an entry point dude... My entry point was cold steel and I dint feel like I missed anything honestly.... People going with the you need to play everything from the start actually just makes new players not even try the new ones
So i watched like 5 Review Videos for this game and nobody is talking about that mysterious mech-suit (?!?) Transformation? Is it Not in the game? Is it only available in certain Fights? Why is it Not showcased in any Video i watched so far? What is the Deal with this Form. I want to know since im also New to the series and it would make the game more interesting for me if it would be a core gameplay mechanic.
I tried trails from zero and couldn't get into it, maybe I need to give it a second chance. I personally feel more enticed to play Ys. I played Ys8 last year and thought it was fun, the story was interesting but the world's traversal really clicked for me. Currently started playing Y9 and already pre-order Y10.
Tbh it is worth it but for someone who has only played the cold steel and azure games(just best the crossbell games). It took me about half way through the game to really warm up to the new characters aka the companions of the new protagonist. I would of preferred someone of the other characters that were guests in the party to be main companions but still it’s a very good next entry point and a good starting point if you haven’t played any of the trail games yet especially with the rumors about sky being remastered. Start with day break and wait until sky then play through the first 9-10 games lol 😂
Daybreak adresses some issues you mention but unfortunately fucks it up in the most crucial department : combat & difficulty. I have never struggled with a Kiseki title as much as i'm struggling with this one cause of plain boring the combat is, no other game in the franchise has allowed me to literally mash buttons without a single thought to it ( Specially on Nightmare difficulty ). A lot of people claim this is their favorite, i have no problem with story & characters but because of combat alone this will easily be bottom tier for me across all titles
i would love to play the games. sky was too slow but i loved steal, but the no voice acting mostly and no auto advancing dialogue was too much. Kinda wish I sticked with it, but the early voice overs were so amazing that I was just really sad to see most is not dubbed at all, although I get it is a small studio. But at least VO for the main story would have been nice.
Ngl im glad you enjoyed it and to each their own but if graphics of all things are stoping you from playing games your missing out on uncountable classics across all genres.
Idk who told you it gets better later but that is not true. Do you call Harry potter Sorcerers stone bad just because Goblet of Fire is Peak. All games are solid on their own.
Daybreak is honestly amazing, its such a breath of fresh air and a return to form for Falcom in my opinion. Reverie had C's route which was fantastic but beyond that the entire cs arc and even sadly the ending to Crossbell in Reverie was pretty underwhelming in terms of writing quality. But if you enjoyed Daybreak, I cant recommend Sky trilogy and Crossbell duology enough, they are older but the stories and characters are among the best out there, cs arc is more of an quired taste as its a bit more generic high school harem anime inspired with generic shounen niceguy mc but Reverie has some great moments and Daybreak is back to its best. Give it a go for sure.
The story and the music has been great since Sky FC (look up "Silver Will, Golden Wings" on youtube, or as trails fans call it, Loewe's theme) and the graphics have been sub-par since Sky FC. Trails started life as a playstation Vita title, and it shows. Trails has also had that thing were only some lines are voiced since Gold Steel 1. Falcom is a small business that has never employed more than 70 people; they pay top dollar for the highest quality voice actors, but the downside is that there is so much text that they can't afford to have voice acting for all of it. The music and the story being top-tier has been the case since Sky FC, and has carried through 10 previous games. If you liked Daybreak, give the older titles a try, great story and music will always be there.
Technically wrong in 1 aspect in your comment: sky FC was on windows/PC originally as far back as 2004 (Japan release, US didn't get PC until much later in 2014) and then on PSP for consoles in 2006, not Vita (Vita is the Evolution enhanced port that added some new side quests and CG artwork to some scenes...for both the Sky and Crossbell games they got reworked with Vita ports with the Evolution name. Sky Evo on Vita released in 2015). And they more or less used the Sky graphics for all Sky games as well as the 2 Crossbell games before swapping graphics (and probably engine) for Cold Steel 1 and 2 before swapping again in CS3, 4, and Reverie, and now Kuro uses another new engine (though graphics are not much different than Reverie imo...note the final cutscenes of Reverie also use this engine too). Rest of your comments right though.
I feel like the way they write the story is still the same on every arc. They just have different plot points. And because erebonia arc have the most games out of all the trilogy, the boring/slow part of introducing the world pov on cold steel 1 becomes something necesarry. Because if you mess the entry of CS1. It would disturb the experience you had with each of the game endings. And it's not even that long. You only need to go through i think 2 chapters to get good.
I had a similar experience starting with CS1, I found myself much more interested in playing earlier games after starting with CS1, because it was cool how you could see there was so many hints and lore to explore behind different moments and characters
Played all the arcs except Liberl, though I know the story. Daybreak is okay. But tying to compare it with previous arcs and with other characters leaves you in disappointment. Those who start out playing this trails without playing any of the others will likely be the ones who enjoy this game the most.
People that say it takes forever for the games to get good have no business giving advice.. they are all in their worst moments an 8/10. Then the hype moments are 10/10
It’s not bad and a great entry point for new characters. but the confusing voice acting with the game screws up the emergence of the game. The combat is fun and story is good.
@@mystic865 it’s still fine. Not everyone has 700hours to catch up to the latest game. The series won’t grow if people keep saying play 10 games before playing this one.
I just don't understand why it's so hard for people to start from the beginning to get the best Trails experience. Fans aren't telling people that to be toxic or "gatekeep", they genuinely want people to have the best Trails experience and show why they love it so much. It really always boils down to, "I want new game with shiny new graphics those other games are too old and ugly which is BS".
How did you like the Trails Through Daybreak Demo?
It was solid but did feel like more reading than prior trails and more unnatural than prior trails when one character’s voiced in a cutscene and the rest aren’t because the voiced one seems to speak longer.
I’m glad relationships remain platonic cuz I was a bit disturbed by the demo. Other trails games don’t really have technical issues but daybreak did have them during cutscenes
What was disturbing? 🎃
If you see something you want to know more about, chances are it’s something that’s been explored in another game! Hence why once you’re in the door, it’s easy to see why you’d want to go back and explore the other story arcs. That’s how they got me too.
Trails music is amazing, fam. My (unpopular) opinion is that the combat mechanics are actually the greatest strength of Trails overall, but if nothing else, if you never play a Trails game in your life, please give the OSTs a shot.
Also, on the topic of graphics, do keep in mind that this is a _2021_ game being localized in 2024. Japan received this game almost 3 years ago and we're just now getting it in English. Unless Falcom upscales its employee count, Falcom's games will never be triple-A in terms of graphics anyway.
Cold Steel is waiting for you bro! The ending to the first game needs a reaction video from you. Cheers on your Trails journey because this is the best JRPG series hands down!
Or the ending of Trails in the Sky. That one hits HARD.
Not sure why you're recommending this, I HATED the ending to Cold Steel 1.
As whom hasn't played a single Trails game but known about the series for years, I think I'll wait until the rumored Sky Trilogy remasters release. Don't get me wrong, I would like to try this as my gateway into the series like I did with Tales of Arise, but I'm a person who likes knowing the whole story (or at least most of it). Another thing to acknowledge is the excellent localization in this game, and from Falcom of all companies. In the end, a solid entry in an overall great series. The support this series gets is well-earned.
Ya I'd say that's the better thing to do too (already mentioned why in my own separate comment). Unlike Arise which isn't connected to any other Tales game all of the Trails games are directly connected plot wise and occur in a 6 year or so period from Sky 1 to Daybreak (maybe a few more years from Daybreak 2/Kai onwards) and almost every character makes a reappearance as an npc/playable character in later games.
With that said...even if Sky gets remastered i don't think it'll be a full on remake with new graphics and the like (like say FF7 to FF7 Remake), it'll probably just be a straight up port like Tales of Symphonia with at most some HD scaling and the like (which for Sky's art style likely won't make it look that much different than current Sky) since there's still 2 more games to localize and maybe another 2 to 4 games after that before the series ends which is when they'll likely start going with full scale remakes with new graphics if they ever do (I don't think they should waste their time doing that though, the games are fine enough with current graphics and so on and they'd be better off working on new projects instead). The only real reason a port may even come out is to make it available on modern consoles (PC doesn't really need it as Sky 1 thru 3 is already on it) or if they go with the Evolution version which released on Vita only in Japan that added a few additional quests and CG cutscenes and reworked the look of the character portraits (granted imo that rework looks worse than the OG artwork)...for example one CG cutscene added was one showing some of the characters in the hot spring (wearing towels so they don't go too crazy lol) with actual artwork on the Evolution version while in the original all that was shown were the 2D/2.5D pixel sprite model you use on the overworld soaking in the spring. They may also need to rework the translation a little if they weren't able to convince Xseed to re-localize it and the rights of the localization still lie with Xseed rather than being in Falcom's total control.
I originally started the series with Sky 1 on PSP however dropped it early on in the game (chapter 2 or so) due to being more into action rpgs at the time but gave the series a shot again with Cold Steel 1 in 2015 and noticed a lot of references to Sky 1 which lead me to dropping CS1 in chapter 2 and going back to play through all of Sky 1 and 2 before coming back to CS 1 and then CS2 (Sky 3 didn't get localized at the time nor were Zero or Azure...I wound up playing all 3 of those right before CS3's release (the later 2 via fan sub, Sky 3 via steam) in the same year...granted playing 4 Trails games back to back did burn me out with the series though).
Great take. Trails is like a One Piece to anime. It's long but it's rewarding and great connection. Believe me when I say it's much better to see a grown-up character that you have seen in earlier title. It brings joy and sense of progression. Also, third game of this series is already showing the return of many main characters from previous games so you will have to go back sooner or later.
The part that sucks is that the games get a limited print run. So for people that like physical and end up liking the games, they will have a really hard time getting them.
So now my question is, should I bother getting physical copies of what is currently available and start from the beginning if/when the sky series gets released?
You CAN start at the start of any arc, this is especially true of Kuro.. the hoty debated topic is whether you SHOULD, I any many other "elitests" would suggest starting with Sky regardless
While I do think this is a good starting point, the older games aren't nearly as badly paced as people make them out to be. They don't start out with the action and mystery of the later sections but they are fun introductions to the world that I enjoyed as much as the rest of the game so I would reccomend trying trails in the sky or trails into zero after daybreak (also because daybreak 2 and the upcoming next trails game leans heavily into older games).
I mentioned it in my own comment but the pacing feels exactly the same as the pacing layout of all past Trails games:
-chapter based layout
-chapters generally start out with 'main' quests that feel like side quests (the first quests you do in chapter 1 after getting Agnes for example as her introduction into Arkride Solutions)
-have a morning/afternroon/night cycle with different quests/all npc dialogue change at that moment (yes they do...I know cause I'm one of those nuts that go around reading all npc dialogue as they get updated and they update it with a change to time of day/if a major event happens/before, during, and after side quests for a handful of npcs)
-a more major quest occurs near the end of the chapter that could be considered the real 'meat' of said chapter and said event usually has a vague connection to the games final climax/antagonist's goals
-rinse and repeat of the above until the final chapter with 1 intermission/break chapter midway through
-the climax chapter where the game's antagonist attempt their goal and can be considered the highlight of the game's story, Ouroboros also may make an appearance at this point in a more substantial way or via a tease for the next game's (2nd one in an arc onward) plot where they're more relevant
The only real change with this would be in the 2nd (or later game in an arc if there's more than 2) game in an arc the antagonist is usually Ouroboros/involved with Ouroboros in some way (at least as far as all games prior to Daybreak go) or the other major antagonist in said arc (not gonna say who but for all who played the series up to now we know who was the other major antagonist in arc 2 and while I haven't played the full game yet I already have an idea of who's likely the one in arc 3 (current arc)).
The only real major difference with any of the games from this setup would be that Sky's arc didn't have anything that could be considered a main base to go back to at the start of each chapter (Crossbell you had the SSS building, Cold Steel the relevant school for CS1 and 3 and then 1 other location for CS2 and 4, Van's office for Daybreak)...well with the exception of Sky 3 anyway as that game's stetup was a bit different as it was kind of a dungeon crawler game unlike other Trails games. Reverie would be the only other one like Sky due to the start of each chapter taking you to a completely new location after a time skip and you swapped between 3 protagonists PoV..granted you still had something that could be considered a base via the reverie corridor but it played a minor part in the story in the end and was there more for post game content. But Sky you were constantly on the move from one region to the next without going back to a previous region/base (end chapters of Sky 2 had something similar to a base I guess but it was only relevant for that 1 final chapter and was needed to get around faster).
Cold Steel 1 doesn’t “get good at the end”. It’s great from the start. The buildup is what makes it hit when stuff happens. The buildup isn’t a slog IMO. It’s there for you to get to know the world and the characters. I wish more games would take as long to make you care about the world.
He said the pacing in Daybreak is perfect, is it just me or is the pacing in Daybreak similar to Cold Steel 1.
I actually started playing Cold Steel 1 and had no idea it's a long running series. I had low expectations of the game where I just goggled with great JRPG titles and CS1 popped up and I completely understand it doesn't stand out when it comes to graphics and just gave it a try and I'm so glad that I did it not only I finished CS1-3 but when I started CS4, it made me decide to drop it and more curious to check the Liberl Arc and to my surprise it ended as my personal favorite arc of the series. Until then I finished both Liberl and Crossbell games and when I finally catch up to continue Cold Steel 4, it was such a huge difference coming back to the game context wise.
Thanks for the review!
As a long time Trails-fan it is really hard to gauge if a new entry is a good starting point for new players so impressions from new players are very interesting to me.
I personally am loving the game, but I am always asking myself: Do I just love playing this because I enjoy the continuity or is it just the icing on a delicious great game cake?!
So thank you again for your perspective and have fun exploring the gargantuan trip that is the trails series!
I am new to Trails and just started Daybreak (I'm onto chapter 2 now). If you are also new, head this:
I have to say the one thing people don't talk about in these videos is that if you aren't already into JRPGs, this is tough to pick up. I'll explain below.
Me personally I don't play JRPGs so playing this was very overwhelming - the amount of nuance to the combat system is insane.
It's possible to understand easily after some odd hours of play, but you have to force yourself to learn it otherwise you get destroyed by regular monsters.
Also, the cooking system, the connection system, and the alignment system and its consequences aren't immediately clear and obvious so you may end up missing out on content that can only be seen on a second playthrough, which the average person isn't going to do.
That being said, I think the main thing that might get a new person to walk away isn't even how complex the combat is, but moreso the plot and dialogue.
I've seen that games like Cold Steel have more of a school setting - I do not like that. I don't want a coming of age story. I don't like it. I know its a common JRPG trope but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it.
Daybreak, on the other hand, is that kind of grey area outcast that is already an adult. I like this approach and I like all of his interactions. This is nice and I'm glad I picked this game first for that.
Another thing is, well, the dialogue - it's incredibly cringey. As a matter of fact, I turned off the English VA for the Japanese one right off the prologue because of how gross it felt to read and listen to. I don't see why people like this sort of thing. Too much overexplaining the obvious, saying odd shit. Ugh.
Despite that, I am powering through it because I think the characters are generally likeable and the gameplay is a good mix of detective and fun monster-roaming combat.
The voice/no voice dialogue sections can be a bit jarring but then there are times it’s used to great effect such as when a big bad shows up or a character from a past game makes a cameo appearance and swoops in to save the day. Personally, I’d prefer full-on VA but that’s me nitpicking.
To answer your question: yes, all the organizations you see in Daybreak are from previous games like Ouroborus, the DG cult, the Bracers and so on...
The bracer guild was the very first organization in trails, they go all the way back to the prologue of Sky FC.
@@SuperSupersoda Yes exactly same for Ouroborus although they introduce them near the end of Sky FC and we see them in SC.
I cannot wait for July 5th love this series been playing since cold steel
You're going to love this game! I'm actually surprised with how fast I fell in love with it as a new player. I may go back and actually try cold steel now when I get some free time.
@TagTheLegend oh now I'm even more hyped after hearing that review and this been such a great year for jrpgs and it just keeps getting better
As someone who first game was coldsteel . If this game is the first trails u interested in playing go ahead I’m pretty sure it’s going end up making u wanna go back and play the older ones like coldsteel did For me.
Who told you that Cold Steel only get good at the end? What a nonsense.... Jsis
good start from here, dont let toxic fans stop you
I really can't wait to play this. Over the last 4 months I have beaten Trails of Cold Steel I-IV and Trails Into Reverie and I plan on starting Trails Through Daybreak in like a month or so because after playing nothing but Trails games for the last 4 months I need a break even though I absolutely love them.
This comment is a month late, but I've become one of the biggest trails fans going! And I started with cold steel 1. I brought that just because I wanted to play an rpg on my ps4 at the time so I picked it up without knowing anything about the series. After I completed it, I was sucked into the whole trails universe. So when I was waiting for cold steel 2 to come out, I went back and played the sky games. And in all honesty I've never looked back. I didn't start from the beginning of the trails series, but I went back to the beginning to play through them all, and I am so glad I did. Each time a new game comes out, I get excited to see if they say anything about the older games. The series as a whole is incredible! I strongly suggest for anyone to give them all a go
I find funny he says this is a good entry to the series and then says he had to investigate who these characters from different organizations are......
People, obviously this isn't a good entry, this is like the 11 game and this is not Final Fantasy where you can skip 6 games and start with FF7 and nothing happened..... and i don't care if people get offended because someone told you it should be played in order.... Relax, i'm actually trying to do you a favor here by telling you you're making a HUGE mistake playing them backwards, so don't be lazy, don't be a graphic whore, just play them from the beggining, it worths it and you'll understand why is important.
I played Zero, then CS1, then Azure, and then I was hooked and went back to the beginning... now I've played all the way to the end of CS4 and Nayuta, and I'm gearing up to start Reverie. I played a bit of the demo of this and while there was some weirdness to try to wrap my head around (the combat and the fact that there are NPCs you cannot converse with, as well as suspending belief for the enormous jumps in technology being a bit hard to swallow), it looks great. I can't wait to get my day 1 preordered copy of the LE (still not here) and mosey through Reverie so I can play Daybreak.
Is me the toxic Trails fan who will tell you how you should have started from Trails in the Sky FC 🤣. Look I think is fine if you wanted to try Daybreak first but trust me the future sequels to Daybreak will confuse you specifically Kai no Kiseki the 3rd entry of Daybreak the final game to Daybreak where every single character comes back from Sky, Crossbell, Cold Steel pretty much everyone.
Again I don't want to be the toxic guy but I know I am lol. I hope you enjoyed Daybreak enough to motivate you go back because honestly EVERY SINGLE Trails game is a 9/10 or 10/10 for me! You should definitely give the other games a go! ☺️
I started at cold steel, honestly i would prefer going back to the old trails to understand the storyline. I feel like daybreak is no different but thats just me. This is the Calvard Arc, it was mentioned in previous trails alot and it was shrouded in mystery but was mentioned several times until daybreak so it is a fresh storyline unlike Liberl, Crossbell and Erebonia
The various organizations, characters, etc is the reason i recommend playing past games rather than dropping into the newest game if it's available (Zero and Ao were impossible unless you played via a fan sub, which I did before CS3 came out, due to not releasing until after CS4 and before Reverie in the west (Zero and Ao occur at the same time as Cold Steel 1 and 2 and it's main storyline in Ao/CS2 play into the major plot of CS3 and 4)). Throw in when they mention events (usually they try to gloss over but they give said events names and a very very vague understanding of what happened in said events in the newer really understand what went on you basically need to play the game or watch a playthrough on youtube if you won't play them).
As for you comments on pacing...let me be blunt if the pacing is the same as chapter 1 in the demo so far and they don't introduce Ouroboros's main goal in the game (they usually do that in the 2nd game of the arc...they do have 1 ouroboros character in the opening but I'm not sure how involved he's in in Daybreak 1 yet) than it's exactly the same as how it's been done in every past game so your complaints on pacing would be unfounded as it'd be exactly the same: all the games are chapter based with a major event occurring in each chapter with the final chapter/climax introducing a much more involved event focused on stuff being done in the country's underside (anything from dealing with the country's underworld or political corruption going on in that respective country's government/military/etc). The setup of each chapter is also generally 'main' quests that kinda feel more like side quests (the initial red quests you get in chapter 1 for example that Van and Agnes does to introduce her to what the company does on the September 6). The ONLY real outlier to this would probably be the Cold Steel games as the first day of each chapter occurred in the School for Cold STeel 1 and Cold Steel 3 (CS3 more or less was a rinse and repeat of CS1's setup)...Sky series didn't have a real 'hub' like the school that the characters always go back to (same for Crossbell's SSS station or Van's apartment) and each chapter occurred in a new region instead of going back to a base city (Crossbell for the Crossbell games, Thors Academy for CS 1, Leeves military Academy in CS3 (CS2 and CS4 they have a different base...not saying where due to spoilers though), the City of Edith for Daybreak). If you like the pacing of Daybreak 1 than there's literally no difference compared to past games as as of chapter 1 they use the same exact setup so far and will likely do the same for the rest of the game by the looks of it (hell even briefly looking at the walkthrough I'm using it's exactly the same as ever). At wore all the games have the same slow start for the prologue chapters up to about the end of chapter 2 or 3 or the intermission chapter before they all more or less pick up and the story gets really good.
Graphics complaint is to past games in comparison to this one is kinda iffy as they're hardly any better than CS 3 and 4 tbh (it's basically taking 1 shade of red and making it slightly brighter...basically going from red to scarlet which is almost indistinguishable)...CS1 and 2 I guess I can see why you'd complain but as for the Sky and Crossbell games they use a completely different art style and the graphics themselves were fine for their time (2006 to 2011 or so for Sky 1 to Azure) especially for PSP games...if you're gonna whine about graphics for games released nearly 20 years ago nowadays than I can't really take that point seriously tbh as it'd be obvious the graphics would be worse 20 years ago. And hell the only real change with graphics compared to the CS games (which is barely noticeable still) is with the characters and maybe the vehicles...the backgrounds and even most buildings are n par with what was in Cold Steel 3, 4, and Reverie as well as Tokyo Xanadu, Ys 8, and Ys 9.
Your complaint about the voice acting just stopping or having 1 person only talking though is one I definitely share...especially for main story segments...either at least the main story segments should all be voiced or the game shouldn't be voiced at all (hell would at least save some of the budget for other stuff) or at most only combat voices.
Biggest change with the series would be the combat system allowing you to more or less fight using a Ys like action combat system (another one of Falcom's games...granted may be closer to Ys Oath in Felghana/Origin or Tokyo Xanadu (another Falcom IP) more than modern Ys) that you can swap into turn based against mob enemies (but not for bosses/some story battles), this allows combat to be sped up quite a bit imo than just going pure TB...only real issue with it is I'd rather use it all the time (I prefer action over TB combat, granted Trails is imo the best TB combat system for the most part for all TB games...Azure in particular) and I feel they could've added more options (such as allowing us to use specials via holding one of the triggers plus a face button for at least 4 specials like many action rpgs do (modern Ys does this for example so they have used this sort of input before for their games))...if there's any issue with the action combat system besides the desire to use it all the time/have more stuff involved with it it'd be that unfortunately since it's done on the map stuff like trees, bushes, etc tend to get in the way of seeing what you/the enemy/your allies are doing quite a bit (I'm just in the demo and got into the road outside the first town we visit on September 7th and that was one thing that annoyed me). Biggest issue with Daybreak's TB system though is how close you need to be to allies to use link/combo attacks/effects as it makes it far too easy for enemies to deal damage to multiple characters at once.
Music has always been good in Trails so looking forward to the OST...if there's anything i didn't like related to it it'd be that Daybreak's opening uses CG scenes that are likely from the game itself (which means watching the opening has spoilers) instead of the old hand drawn opening style that didn't really have scenes that occur in game and mainly just showed off characters, locations. etc (kinda like all of the Tales games openings)...granted this started with Trails into Reverie (the previous game) and not Daybreak so can't really blame Daybreak for that particular change.
I would recommend going back tot he older games (either via playing or watching UA-cam videos) as the plot of Daybreak 2 will likely have far more references to the past games, especially Ouroboros characters as Ouroboros's plot generally in the focal point of the 2nd or later game in each arc of the series...and regardless it'll take about a year or before Daybreak 2 comes out anyway...I don't recommend playing them back to back though as you'd burn out of the series quickly doing that (happened to me when I played Sky 3, Zero, Azure, and then CS3 back to back as CS3 released that year)...may be better off just watching a playthrough due to that reason (Padfingo Trails has a bunch of good playthroughs that show the entire story, side quests, etc and cutting out anything else unnecessary such as mob fights/traveling so it'll cut down on watch time a little bit...granted it's still gonna be about 33 to 56 videos of about 30 minutes minimum to 50 minutes or even an hour max per game but it will cut down on time in comparison to laying all the games...if nothing else it's a perfect way to spend the day when you don't have a game you're playing and don't know what to do...granted won't won't get you any content as watching it on stream may be grounds for him to strike your video (granted....Falcom probably could if they wanted to for him too as it's just straight up cutscenes/boss fights/quests and no commentary so it's either violating copyright or skirting the lines as close as you could go...maybe if you add you reactions it'd be fine as content and may not be DMCA'd but who knows...I don't do content creation, especially on UA-cam so who knows how close you can get before other content creators/the companies themselves start coming after a person so that's up to you to risk it...I'd just watch it in my free time though without making a video if all you want is to understand the world lore of Trails up to that point without actually playing the game)).
Cold Steel 1 doesn't have "pacing issues". I have no idea who told you that, but that's definitely wrong. Setting up a story doesn't mean pacing issues.
Welcome to the familia!
I'd been buying Trails since Sky first came west but, bar a brief dalliance with Cold Steel I that didn't grab me, I hadn't played them. I'd also read that Daybreak could be a good entry point, so played that and it grabbed me in a way that CS didn't, although the sheer number of characters and organisations involved was a bit daunting at times. I loved it so much in fact that I went straight to Trails from Zero afterwards, and now Azure, and part of the fun of those two has been joining some of the dots that Daybreak left open.
I think you have a very narrow way of thinking when it comes to graphics. Graphics can improve a already great game but a bad game is still a bad game, at that point you are just adding sunshine and rainbow over crap. Trails has some of the best music, story telling, characters, world building that you really should play them even if you are a graphic fanatic because I think you shouldn't limit yourself that easily.
And I think all the older games hold up very well including Sky trilogy, the chibi sprites on a 3D enviornment has it's own charm.
short answer
should just give up on games and make it a series at this point
90% is dialogue, 10% repetitive battles
Welcome the the family man 🙏🏾
Gonna downvote this one. There's no way I can respect or care about a review from someone who didn't finish the game!
This is a good entry point, but only if you actually go back and play the previous games.
The correct way is always in order tho
Comments like this deter people from starting the franchise. I’m going to be starting on this one because that way I can enjoy the series going forward. Adults with backlogs, games that’re going to release, and occasional comfort replays, having to go back might be a reason to NOT try this one. I might go play them if I love the series enough, or I might look stuff up to learn that way. But neither way is /wrong/. Don’t give people reasons not to try the franchise.
@ocoom8328 seems like you want me to lie to you
The strength of this series is the world building.
I wouldn't recommend someone to start here if they just gonna play one game and having zero context and then dip out.
Then it's better to play another self contained rpg game instead
Just being honest
If you wanna get into this series and have the full trails experience it's gonna take a lot of time commitment playing thru 10 games.
@@dante19890 No one is asking you to lie, just to turn down the elitism. I’m not the first person to say this, but the story telling technique of “in medias res” is where you learn about the world when being dropped into it. Mad Max, Breaking Bad, and The Odyssey are all different examples across different mediums that have done this. This game, for newcomers, utilizes this method of story telling and world building.
I’m not saying people SHOULDN’T go back and play them if they have the time and want to. My issue with your statement is you said that they HAVE to. People can read about the world, watch summaries, or just enjoy learning about the world as it comes up naturally in future entries. There are many ways to enjoy things. Yours is /a/ way, not /the/ way.
Encouraging and being a part of a welcoming fanbase is a much better way to see a favorite series of yours thrive.
@ocoom8328 you are incorrect.
You are gonna get a scuffed incomplete experience if you start with this with the intention of never play the previous games cause they all build upon each other.
If you are OK with only getting 70% of this game then go ahead.
But at that point you are better off spending your time and money on another rpg that you can get 100% of.
It's neither cruel or elitist. Simply the truth
@@dante19890 it’s disappointing when people spend hundreds of hours on games that really try to emphasize open mindedness still refuse to see outside absolutes. Take care ✌️
How can you know that Sky or Cold steel gets good at end without even playing them.
He watched the videos, like many tourists.
Sweeeet! Been a big fan of the series, since i got into them in 2020
This kinda nice ngl lol might check it out
It's a great entry point for newcomers to the franchise like us.
go with gray, the best waifu Hime will join ur squad, and she will annoy Van in fun way, ( Hime is like myth character in prev series cold steel, only mention but we never meet her). go with law and bracer will join ur party.. if u go with chaos, uroboros ( main antagonist from 3 previous series ) will join ur party, enemy of the enemy is ur friend kind of thing.
That's okay as an entry point dude...
My entry point was cold steel and I dint feel like I missed anything honestly....
People going with the you need to play everything from the start actually just makes new players not even try the new ones
So i watched like 5 Review Videos for this game and nobody is talking about that mysterious mech-suit (?!?) Transformation? Is it Not in the game? Is it only available in certain Fights? Why is it Not showcased in any Video i watched so far? What is the Deal with this Form. I want to know since im also New to the series and it would make the game more interesting for me if it would be a core gameplay mechanic.
I tried trails from zero and couldn't get into it, maybe I need to give it a second chance. I personally feel more enticed to play Ys. I played Ys8 last year and thought it was fun, the story was interesting but the world's traversal really clicked for me.
Currently started playing Y9 and already pre-order Y10.
trail of zero and azure have a good twist story you have tried ❤
Zero and Azure are some of the worse starting points because of how involved it is with Trails in the Sky.
Tbh it is worth it but for someone who has only played the cold steel and azure games(just best the crossbell games). It took me about half way through the game to really warm up to the new characters aka the companions of the new protagonist. I would of preferred someone of the other characters that were guests in the party to be main companions but still it’s a very good next entry point and a good starting point if you haven’t played any of the trail games yet especially with the rumors about sky being remastered. Start with day break and wait until sky then play through the first 9-10 games lol 😂
I hope you do a review for Visions of Mana when it comes out 🙏🏼
I thought cold steel was fun the whole time but the main conflict comes into play at the end
Daybreak adresses some issues you mention but unfortunately fucks it up in the most crucial department : combat & difficulty. I have never struggled with a Kiseki title as much as i'm struggling with this one cause of plain boring the combat is, no other game in the franchise has allowed me to literally mash buttons without a single thought to it ( Specially on Nightmare difficulty ). A lot of people claim this is their favorite, i have no problem with story & characters but because of combat alone this will easily be bottom tier for me across all titles
i would love to play the games. sky was too slow but i loved steal, but the no voice acting mostly and no auto advancing dialogue was too much. Kinda wish I sticked with it, but the early voice overs were so amazing that I was just really sad to see most is not dubbed at all, although I get it is a small studio. But at least VO for the main story would have been nice.
Been looking forward to this review 🎃
Ngl im glad you enjoyed it and to each their own but if graphics of all things are stoping you from playing games your missing out on uncountable classics across all genres.
Idk who told you it gets better later but that is not true. Do you call Harry potter Sorcerers stone bad just because Goblet of Fire is Peak. All games are solid on their own.
Daybreak is honestly amazing, its such a breath of fresh air and a return to form for Falcom in my opinion. Reverie had C's route which was fantastic but beyond that the entire cs arc and even sadly the ending to Crossbell in Reverie was pretty underwhelming in terms of writing quality.
But if you enjoyed Daybreak, I cant recommend Sky trilogy and Crossbell duology enough, they are older but the stories and characters are among the best out there, cs arc is more of an quired taste as its a bit more generic high school harem anime inspired with generic shounen niceguy mc but Reverie has some great moments and Daybreak is back to its best. Give it a go for sure.
2:24 Cornwall. It's from Cornish folklore.
You could just google it, if don't know a word.😆 (I just did it.)
The story and the music has been great since Sky FC (look up "Silver Will, Golden Wings" on youtube, or as trails fans call it, Loewe's theme) and the graphics have been sub-par since Sky FC. Trails started life as a playstation Vita title, and it shows. Trails has also had that thing were only some lines are voiced since Gold Steel 1. Falcom is a small business that has never employed more than 70 people; they pay top dollar for the highest quality voice actors, but the downside is that there is so much text that they can't afford to have voice acting for all of it.
The music and the story being top-tier has been the case since Sky FC, and has carried through 10 previous games. If you liked Daybreak, give the older titles a try, great story and music will always be there.
Technically wrong in 1 aspect in your comment: sky FC was on windows/PC originally as far back as 2004 (Japan release, US didn't get PC until much later in 2014) and then on PSP for consoles in 2006, not Vita (Vita is the Evolution enhanced port that added some new side quests and CG artwork to some scenes...for both the Sky and Crossbell games they got reworked with Vita ports with the Evolution name. Sky Evo on Vita released in 2015). And they more or less used the Sky graphics for all Sky games as well as the 2 Crossbell games before swapping graphics (and probably engine) for Cold Steel 1 and 2 before swapping again in CS3, 4, and Reverie, and now Kuro uses another new engine (though graphics are not much different than Reverie imo...note the final cutscenes of Reverie also use this engine too).
Rest of your comments right though.
@@ifrit1937The PSP version of Sky FC was released in 2005. It was SC what released in 2006.
I feel like the way they write the story is still the same on every arc. They just have different plot points. And because erebonia arc have the most games out of all the trilogy, the boring/slow part of introducing the world pov on cold steel 1 becomes something necesarry. Because if you mess the entry of CS1. It would disturb the experience you had with each of the game endings. And it's not even that long. You only need to go through i think 2 chapters to get good.
If you play the demo, will the progress carry over once you buy?
Trails in the sky and crossbell saga games are still my favourites, sad that graphics mean so much to you
I had a similar experience starting with CS1, I found myself much more interested in playing earlier games after starting with CS1, because it was cool how you could see there was so many hints and lore to explore behind different moments and characters
Played all the arcs except Liberl, though I know the story. Daybreak is okay. But tying to compare it with previous arcs and with other characters leaves you in disappointment. Those who start out playing this trails without playing any of the others will likely be the ones who enjoy this game the most.
People that say it takes forever for the games to get good have no business giving advice.. they are all in their worst moments an 8/10. Then the hype moments are 10/10
The thunder strike spell is the best Gokou uses
It’s not bad and a great entry point for new characters. but the confusing voice acting with the game screws up the emergence of the game. The combat is fun and story is good.
My biggest problem with trails series. This series just big no no to newcomer who doesn't have much time to play all of the trails games.
Did you play Japan voice acting cause I swear these pronunciations are killing me
Spriggan is gaelic I believe. Comes through celtic and gael culture.
To everyone saying play all the other games first, y'all realize how much some of those go for yeah? Lol.
Playing Trails games in wrong order is very terrible idea. You will lose a lot of fun and important things.
No it’s fine
@@LOLxUnique fine but you will lose a lot of fun. It's like playing new yakuza games without knowledge of previous ones.
@@mystic865 it’s still fine. Not everyone has 700hours to catch up to the latest game. The series won’t grow if people keep saying play 10 games before playing this one.
@@LOLxUnique you can always play older games first and wait with new ones for later.
@@mystic865 which means less people buy the new games and they don’t make as much sales….
Cab you start here yes
Cold steel is not good filled with non stop cliches and fake deaths. Third and fourth game being terrible.
Funny this pirate liked cold steal better the the sky trilogy 😂 everyone has their likes and dislikes that’s what makes gaming enjoyable and fun
I just don't understand why it's so hard for people to start from the beginning to get the best Trails experience. Fans aren't telling people that to be toxic or "gatekeep", they genuinely want people to have the best Trails experience and show why they love it so much. It really always boils down to, "I want new game with shiny new graphics those other games are too old and ugly which is BS".
perfect entry point? Really? meh probably won't watch anymore of your content thanks
Good for you?
Play the sky FC first. That's all