Drinking the wine of Babylon is not the same as taking the Mark of the Beast. One leads to the other. Unless you know specifically who the Beast is you can't get the clear picture. The Beast of Revelation 13 is the beast of Daniel 7. It contains elements of the four kingdoms represented in Daniel 7 and it acts like the Little Horn. That's the starting place to unravel the Mark of the Beast.
You need to get rid of your little gods of the OT and the trinity. You need to go by John 10:10 to see if your scriptures are being interpreted correctly. You need Jesus Spirit to be born again and the Fathers Spirit for power and evidenced by speaking in tongues
Drinking the wine of Babylon is not the same as taking the Mark of the Beast. One leads to the other. Unless you know specifically who the Beast is you can't get the clear picture. The Beast of Revelation 13 is the beast of Daniel 7. It contains elements of the four kingdoms represented in Daniel 7 and it acts like the Little Horn. That's the starting place to unravel the Mark of the Beast.
You need to get rid of your little gods of the OT and the trinity. You need to go by John 10:10 to see if your scriptures are being interpreted correctly. You need Jesus Spirit to be born again and the Fathers Spirit for power and evidenced by speaking in tongues