I am accustomed to the eloquent brilliance of my spiritual master, His Divine Grace Jayadvaita Swami. But I want to give equal credit here to Namarasa and Venkata Bhakta Prabhus For the excellent flow of discussion and pertinent questions. The absolute limit of nectar, amrtavadhi! 👌🏼🙏🔥
That is all that matters in Kali-yuga, eloquence and good english. Purity and power of attorney from Srila Prabhupada is not at all acquired. But want to pose as big gurus. Not surprising in Kali-yuga though.
Yes! The art of interviewing is masterfully expressed in every podcast Namarasa does! Truly the number one Hare Krsna media outlet! 😄 But this one in particular has inspired a desire to dive deeper into my bhajan. All glories to HH Jayadvaita Swami! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Hare Krsna! Harer nama eva kevalam! Chant and be happy.
Hare Krsna. I think the main problem is that too many kirtan leaders are not leading but performing. Kirtan is community chanting, but some leaders don't leave room for the room to respond, or they go off on so many vocal gymnastics that it is impossible to respond in kind and then the room goes quiet and it does become a performance. In my book this is a failure in carrying out Srila Prabhupada's instructions and in the purpose of kirtan. A kirtan led by an enthusiastic leader who chants clearly and simply and leads the room into joy and ecstatic worship of the Lord is perfect. They don't need to be a beautiful singer or that musical really as long as they can keep the timing and rhythm, if it makes people want to dance and get lost in the Holy Name then that is perfection.
I am personally more attracted to the less "sophisticated" and less complex-sounding kirtanas and bhajanas. I am though immensely impressed by the talent required for the more technical kirtana and bhajana styles. This in no way means I judge or assume to know the depth of anyone's devotion or sincerity. Unless it's outright sahajiya or intentionally "fake bhava" (I guess that means sahajiya), I appreciate and respect all devotees' kirtanas and bhajanas!
Amazing podcast to hear. It just came on my feed. This is the first time I am hearing Namarasa channel. Very good questions and amazing insights coming from Maharaj. I just couldn’t stop myself rewinding the video at several places. Thank you Hare Krishna🙏🏻
Here are two dozen Old time Hare Krishna Temple Kirtan Melodies. For easy comprehension of the melody and the exact notes as played on a temple harmonium. All these melodies are as I heard them, and so I am posting them for reference by those seeking to re-visit and refresh their recollection of those old time Kirtan tunes. These are very short videos of the old kirtan melodies, for posterity, without the choral responses. These melodies are used in the 'call and response' singing of kirtans, but here is the melodies only. m.youtube.com/@JohnnyBVA/videos
Thank you prabhuji for this absolutely wonderful talk. It is nectarean to listen to Jayadvaita Swami. My humble request please keep doing such interviews.
All I know and it’s not much is when I listen to aindra Prabhu kirtan i feel the connection almost instantly I can go days weeks months and not listen to aindra baba and be completely lost and as soon as I hear his kirtan it all comes back and as long as I keep listening to him I just get more and more enlivened…today with so much access to any kinds of music it’s so easy to get distracted from the holy name in my experience but I am vnot so advanced and fixed up yet
I was on AIndra Prabhu's 24 Hour Kirtan and would chant between 10 PM and 4 AM. His tunes are wonderful, but I have to catch myself and realize that I am negelcting hearing from the most pure of all sound vibrations , and that is SRila Prabhupada himself. Nobody else can compare to his purity. Also Srila Prabhupada's kirtans are very accesiible, and sometimes AIndra Prabhu changes the melodies so many times in one kirtan that new people would see it more as a performance rather tan something they can participate in.
Panca Tattva Mantra is a MUST, says Srila Prabhupada. “As preachers of the Kåñëa consciousness movement, we first offer our obeisances to Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu by chanting this Païca-tattva mantra; then we say Hare Kåñëa, Hare Kåñëa, Kåñëa Kåñëa, Hare Hare / Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare.” C.C. ADI 7.4 ppt ys Ajamila Dasa acbsp
I could sit and listen to hh jayadvaita swami recite the bhoga list for his personal deity's weekly lunch menu and be happy! I have such respect and adoration for his many many years of dedication and devotion to srila prabhupada's iskcon. I pray i have in some future birth (cuz it aint happening in this lifetime!) a fraction of a fraction of the kind of enthusiasm and fidelity maharaja has shown to this movement!
This was a wonderful podcast. There were some parts at the end I didn’t agree with but overall most of what Mahārāja said really resonated with me. I’m excited to purchase this book.
I’ve never heard anything JS has said just because there is just so much bad press about him and what he did to Prabhupadas books. Whenever his name is mentioned it’s always with “oh he destroyed Prabhupadas books” so it was good to finally hear from him directly.
@@nityanandaramdas well we are entering a very deep rabbit hole here which I won’t engage in as I think it distracts from the discussion of what iskcon has authorized as bonafide appropriate Kirtan and what is not. I will say there are many many who disagree with what is written above, including many senior senior Prabhupada disciples (Ramesvara - bbt trustee etc). So I don’t think anything is set in stone.
@@nityanandaramdas “I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
@@malgorzataojoj4256 “I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
1:22:40 In my humble opinion,Exploring our own gaudiya tradition is alright as long as it doesn't lead us to 'disagreeing' with Srila Prabhupad's teaching or in some way thinking Srila Prabhupad didn't give it all.Srila Prabhupad gave us the essence,mood and practicality of the entire tradition and so whenever we come across a point that 'seems' to not sit right with prabhupad's teaching is simply due to our immaturity to understand the whole picture.
I like the comment from Namarasa about heaing older devotees, that does not happen enough now. Yadubara has lead Harinams in Watford and it is really nice and simple and potent as you say
Re: pancha tattva on japa, This is why you need guru, one mala one mantra, even though we all grew up learning to do that, chanting panca tattva between rounds, I’m actually glad he has called this out
JS did not introduce any mental concoctions. There was no loss or diminution of correct siddhanta. The “Progressive Values of Life” and the “Six Femine opulences” are two examples of changed lexicon….. there are Seven Femine Opulences Bg 10:34. Both editions are available via BBT. Lastly, world wide foreign ISKCON Gita as it is language Translations…. Will some one argue about the editing of those editions too?
Hare Krishna Another wonderful podcast it does give food for thought A fascinating conversation that could have gone on for another 2 hours But would it have been better to say Kirtan Guidance than Kirtan Standards?
Add around 30.00 the question about somebody having a style that seems a bit extravagant but may still have the depth was not directly answered from what I can tell
Chanting names of Deities (as well as differet add-ons to Āratī songs, like 'madhur madhur, madhur bāje) is okay and well, when we are so ecstatic, that it becomes irresistible. But when it becomes just a routine... 🙈 I've been at too many evening Āratīs, where the Gaura Āratī song, along with its embellishments, takes 25 minutes, but Hare Krishna - only 5 minutes...
There was a GBC Kirtan commettee organized years back with a lot of material produced and it's online. Jayananda Maharaja, Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Lokanath Swami, Haru Sauri Prabhu and others were on there...
46:10 Personally, I don't like to describe kirtan as enjoyable because kirtan is service done to bring enjoyment to the divine lordship and if we try to keep that attitude and check ,throughout our service then we can bring depth to our kirtan.
With the chanting of Haribol…. I wonder how and when this was introduced. Did Acyutananda pick it up from Gaudiya Math when Prabhupada sent him to India to learn kirtana? I recall having a tape in the late 80s of kirtans led by Srila Prabhupada’s godbrother, Akincana Krishnadasa Babaji Maharaja. That had some Haribols in it. I don’t believe it’s a concocted practice even if Prabhupada indicated that he preferred just Maha Mantra
Haribolo. Mahahatma Das was also researching once why devotees actually chant Pancha-Tattva-Mantra before starting Hare Krishna chanting. He searched in Prabhupadas and others books and talked with some godbrothers but nobody could give an answer. But one devotee was able to remember, that there was a situation were some devotees and Praphupada were chanting Hare Krishna and one mataji (i guess it was Yamuna Devi), she recited Pancha Tattva Mantra before chanting Hare Krishna. And Praphupada commented this with: "Oh, thats nice"
actually, it's Lord Caitanya who said it in Siksastakam, but seems that it refers to rules time and place. Hari Parsad Prabhu is giving now seminars on Siksastam, perhaps he will elaborate. You can find links here www.youtube.com/@hpdrgg/videos
‘After 10,000 years, no more hare krsna’. Even ISKON is not unsusceptible to Kali Yuga degradation. Prabhupada led by example, so we should all just follow those examples and instructions. It’s simple! We’re already fallen, so why deviate and become even more fallen? Why over complicate kirtan or try to make it better or do it this way or that way? Prabhupada said that kirtan should be kept simple and not become a performance. The only kirtan I listen to is Prabhupada’s, Visnujana’s, Tribhuvanatha’s and Sri Vinod Bihari Das Babaji Maharaj. Period. Why? Because it’s the total purity that is projected from their hearts. It’s the purity, sincerity and love that makes me feel deeply connected. Too many devotees are now trying to become like ‘pop-star’ performers. Oh it’s 24hour kirtan…’he’s’ singing or ‘such and such’ person is singing. So, kirtan now has become in some way an ego pleaser, an event to attend rather than an a devotional practice to please the lord and to purify. SIMPLICITY IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF SOPHISTICATION. None of us are perfect though, and through our own limitations, sins, egos and minds, sometimes, we think we are doing the right thing, but in fact, we’re doing the opposite. This applies to everything in our devotional lives. All we need to do is just follow Prabhupada’s example, listen sincerely to what prabhupada is saying, and not to change or add anything to what he has done, said or written! It’s not very difficult! WHEN THE CREW OF A SHIP FAIL TO FOLLOW THE CAPTAINS ADVICE…what happens?
My guru does not fit the Guruvastakam verses... and its the simple truth. So i rather meditate on Srila Prabhupada because He fits the description. That's the simple truth.
What about , distributing Srila Prabupada's bonafide books and distributing prasad to the homeless and Hungary. This guy reminds of Joe Biden , false and fake. JAI SRILA PRABUPADA.Iskcon.has become a Joke .😊
Its funny i agree with him about some things but definitely never supported his attitude about book changes. Main reason i got all my books from Krishna books Inc.
@@malgorzataojoj4256“I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
@@malgorzataojoj4256 Prabhupada never said he can continue making changes without getting Srila Prabhupada's approval. That went for all editors. No one was free to act independently with Srila Prabhupada's books. Prabhupada was extremely careful with his books. I understand Prabhupada had many editors but don't think he meant for them to continue making changes after he left. That is just pure speculation. To say what the pure devotee writes has errors shows your immaturity
@@abhaymissack9870 Thanks again. Prabhupada was careful, Prabhupada was practical. Even after his departure some very 'funny' things were left in his books. So practical side, let's correct it. It basically started with translators working with translating Prabhupada's books into other languages who started asking questions. Working with translation brings up things which perhaps someone just reading English would never notice. Another thing, there will come time when for practical reason even English books will have to be 'translated' into English just due to the fact that languages change. Prabhupada's books will always stay in their original form, just like devotees still read the original 1st Canto. But for distribution in some hundreds years the books will most probably be 'translated.' So the best one can do is to really understand them. Devotionally, in the context of the tradition, but also when it comes to language. Thant's the way I see. But again, in any case, avoid offending devotees who dedicated their lives to serving Prabhupada's mission. Even if we think we are right in our offending them, it might be destructive for ourselves.
You were talking over each other regarding the pancha tattva mantra. I can’t hear it. What were you talking about? Is it that some people say to chant the panchatattva mantra before each round?
Hare Krishna 🙏I think the point is not that chanting these other mantras is “bad”. If I want to organize a private kirtan separate from ISKCON I can chant whatever I want. The issue is when I’m leading kirtan as part of an ISKCON event I’m effectively acting as a representative of Srila Prabhupada because ISKCON is his organization. Therefore I need to understand what his mood was and what he did and didn’t do. The danger of Introducing other elements into ISKCON is that we misrepresent Srila Prabhupada and begin to lose that strong guru/disciple connection and therefore lose the spiritual potency of what he gave us. That’s my understanding but please someone correct me if I’m wrong about that. 😊
An easy conclusion to arrive to by observing Jayadvaita Swami's concern about following standards Srila Prabhupada set for kirtans is he was just as fastidious in representing Prabhupada purely in his editing service. Those who have thoroughly researched the editing can see what was done was reasonable and appreciable. Personally, I questioned Jayadvaita Swami about numbers of edits and in each case he forwarded Prabhupada's transcripts to me to verify the authenticity of the edits. In my opinion those who are troubled by the editing either haven't researched it, they have a different concept of publication standards which were "violated" even though Prabhupada's publication approach didn't adhere to such standards, they are upset about inconsequential changes which don't divert from Prabhupada's intent, or they just have a fanatical unbased bias over it, which religion often does to people... they believe something is sacred and run with it in the face of all contrary evidence.
@@X11X22-love I'm defending the swami in this way: by analogy as we can see that Jayadvaita Swami is protective about standards Prabhupada made for how kirtans are conducted, we can naturally conclude he was equally protective about presenting Prabhupada accurately in his editorial service. Some consider he tampered with Prabhupada's books. On closer analysis he rectified mistakes made by previous editors to better represent what Prabhupada said. That's my observation and experience.
But Prabhupada did not have us publish the dictation transcripts. He--and thus Krishna--desired that we publish the edited final manuscript versions, which he approved and lectured from Prabhupada's dictations are his first drafts. No author would ever want his publisher to revert his books to match his first draft!
@@tedwalford7615 the editors reviewed transcripts and manuscripts. Their service was to eliminate mistakes in the books by Prabhupada's ardent instruction. There is no reference of Prabhupada advising the editors to follow some ideal or rule at the expense of allowing errors in texts to remain. Conversely, there are several instructions Prabhupada gave the editors and publishers to root out mistakes in his books. Why some devotees prefer errors or questionable content in order to abide by some statute over accuracy is a mystery. That certainly wasn't in Prabhupada's interest. There is no record of him inquiring into what publication methods were to be adhered to.
“I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
People are more interested in the Junk BBT practices in Iskcon. That should be an interesting conversation Garuda Prabhu spoke out against Book Changes some years ago on "Let's Talk" podcast. There are some interesting information there
Garuda Prabhu’s opinion of the editing falls into this category I previously described of those who are bothered by it: “they have a different concept of publication standards which were “violated” even though Prabhupada’s publication approach didn’t adhere to such standards.” Prabhupada’s approach to book publication was getting the books out promptly and mistakes found later should be corrected in reprints. That was the methodology employed by the editors through referencing Prabhupada’s transcripts. Although that was Prabhupada’s clear and repeated instruction Garuda has stated that approach is unethical to an author. His view is tied into typical publication standards of keeping a finished product intact. That wasn’t Prabhupada’s view. This gets into the posthumous editing realm which bothers many devotees. There is no record of Prabhupada saying the editing should stop. As late as June 22, 1977 Prabhupada agreed that all of his books should be gone over again to correct mistakes in them. The editors simply carried on the service Prabhupada gave them after his departure.
@@sankarsanadas3026 “I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
@@abhaymissack9870 Boom and that's just one of the letters. Additionally There is NO record of SP giving JAS full authority to change his books, and if theses changes were in the plans, why didn't they address from 1972-1977???? Why was SP still giving class from his books and reading them!
Jai Gurudeva 😮 wow, never knew that was blacklisted. So gurvastakam is general Guru tattva, but Jai Gurudeva is “who is that Gurudeva?” There’s a cognitive dissonance there
Ok but my Gurudeva is not Prabhupada so what do I say? Do I say his name when doing Kirtan? Do I not? What about people with other gurus in the audience? Do I say everyone’s gurus names? Maybe at the time there was only one guru Prabhupada so it makes sense, maybe that order is not for all time and only for when he was here?
Let's talk about 5000 book changes and his faulty position as an editor. Why talk about kirtan? Because of people like you who defy and belittle Srila Prabhupada, everything else has been adulterated and watered down by standards established by Srila Prabhupada. How about you renting and raving about saying Pranams to Srila Prabhupada and your objections scornfully, twisting your face, yelling at others for putting Srila Prabhupada first? How about those topics Namaras? What happened to those valuable topics instead of pointing fingers at the young generation about kirtan? Bring in standards about code of behaviour about changing our jagad guru's books? He leads by example for others to become criminals.period. a waste of time and space in UA-cam.
... listen SHIVA Him who is form of VISHNU... AUM KRISHNAAYA NAMAH means SHIVA Him who is always happy... AUM KRISHNAVARNAYA NAMAH Him who is black in colour... KRSNA (without hyphen on A) is a sanskrit name of SHIVA... THE GREAT BHAIRAVA! On His Lap sits His wife KALI sanskrit names NARAYANI LAKSMI LALITHA MOHINI PARVATI DURGA SATI SITA KALI KALEE... also RADHA RADHYA RADIKA RUKMINI JAGANMATA... also KRSNA (hyphen on the A)...THE GREAT BHAIRAVI! ... SHIVA IS BHAGAWAN ... In gita KRSNA says 'Of Rudras I am Sankara.' SANKARA is a sanskrit name of SHIVA... In tantra SHIVA says 'I am selfsame RAMA' ... SELFSAME VIRABHADRA! ... VIRABHADRA! HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA ...
Because they want to be like all the "cool" organized religions! And you have demons in charge who eventually want to CONTROL everything. Have they not read chapt 16 of the Gita of pious and impious behavior? "I am in control, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, I am powerful..."
Hmm i get his points, maybe he should apply that to editing. The double standard! I was in a class with him one time and he got so upset that there wasn't the new version of the Gita. As a witness to that i saw that as a disgrace and redflag to Srila Prabhupada. First he's not the author he has no right to edit someone else's book!!!
At least have the courage to present the truth with no bias !! I have seen maharaja with old version of Bhagvad Gita as it is, if at all he maybe furious, it would be because that Gita must have been produced by Krishna Inc rather than BBT.
@ganeshbasera2205 the 1972 edition works for me. Its perfection in book form & flawless. It is charming, wonderful & radiating love of God. Why change it? 😊
I am accustomed to the eloquent brilliance of my spiritual master, His Divine Grace Jayadvaita Swami.
But I want to give equal credit here to Namarasa and Venkata Bhakta Prabhus For the excellent flow of discussion and pertinent questions. The absolute limit of nectar, amrtavadhi! 👌🏼🙏🔥
His Divine Grace?.Please, your having a laugh .Demon.😂😂😂😅😅.😊
@@radheyafournier8771 thanks Radheya 🙏🏽🙏🏽
That is all that matters in Kali-yuga, eloquence and good english. Purity and power of attorney from Srila Prabhupada is not at all acquired. But want to pose as big gurus. Not surprising in Kali-yuga though.
Yes! The art of interviewing is masterfully expressed in every podcast Namarasa does! Truly the number one Hare Krsna media outlet! 😄
But this one in particular has inspired a desire to dive deeper into my bhajan. All glories to HH Jayadvaita Swami! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Hare Krsna!
Harer nama eva kevalam! Chant and be happy.
You must be under illusion .😊
Hare Krsna. I think the main problem is that too many kirtan leaders are not leading but performing. Kirtan is community chanting, but some leaders don't leave room for the room to respond, or they go off on so many vocal gymnastics that it is impossible to respond in kind and then the room goes quiet and it does become a performance. In my book this is a failure in carrying out Srila Prabhupada's instructions and in the purpose of kirtan. A kirtan led by an enthusiastic leader who chants clearly and simply and leads the room into joy and ecstatic worship of the Lord is perfect. They don't need to be a beautiful singer or that musical really as long as they can keep the timing and rhythm, if it makes people want to dance and get lost in the Holy Name then that is perfection.
I am personally more attracted to the less "sophisticated" and less complex-sounding kirtanas and bhajanas. I am though immensely impressed by the talent required for the more technical kirtana and bhajana styles. This in no way means I judge or assume to know the depth of anyone's devotion or sincerity. Unless it's outright sahajiya or intentionally "fake bhava" (I guess that means sahajiya), I appreciate and respect all devotees' kirtanas and bhajanas!
Amazing podcast to hear. It just came on my feed. This is the first time I am hearing Namarasa channel. Very good questions and amazing insights coming from Maharaj. I just couldn’t stop myself rewinding the video at several places. Thank you Hare Krishna🙏🏻
Here are two dozen Old time Hare Krishna Temple Kirtan Melodies.
For easy comprehension of the melody and the exact notes as played on a temple harmonium. All these melodies are as I heard them, and so I am posting them for reference by those seeking to re-visit and refresh their recollection of those old time Kirtan tunes. These are very short videos of the old kirtan melodies, for posterity, without the choral responses. These melodies are used in the 'call and response' singing of kirtans, but here is the melodies only.
Wow thank you prabhu! 🙏🏼☺️
Thank you prabhuji for this absolutely wonderful talk. It is nectarean to listen to Jayadvaita Swami.
My humble request please keep doing such interviews.
All I know and it’s not much is when I listen to aindra Prabhu kirtan i feel the connection almost instantly I can go days weeks months and not listen to aindra baba and be completely lost and as soon as I hear his kirtan it all comes back and as long as I keep listening to him I just get more and more enlivened…today with so much access to any kinds of music it’s so easy to get distracted from the holy name in my experience but I am vnot so advanced and fixed up yet
I was on AIndra Prabhu's 24 Hour Kirtan and would chant between 10 PM and 4 AM. His tunes are wonderful, but I have to catch myself and realize that I am negelcting hearing from the most pure of all sound vibrations , and that is SRila Prabhupada himself. Nobody else can compare to his purity. Also Srila Prabhupada's kirtans are very accesiible, and sometimes AIndra Prabhu changes the melodies so many times in one kirtan that new people would see it more as a performance rather tan something they can participate in.
Well it is a performance ….for the lord
Panca Tattva Mantra is a MUST, says Srila Prabhupada.
“As preachers of the Kåñëa consciousness movement, we first offer our obeisances to Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu by chanting this Païca-tattva mantra; then we say Hare Kåñëa, Hare Kåñëa, Kåñëa Kåñëa, Hare Hare / Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare.”
C.C. ADI 7.4 ppt
ys Ajamila Dasa acbsp
I could sit and listen to hh jayadvaita swami recite the bhoga list for his personal deity's weekly lunch menu and be happy! I have such respect and adoration for his many many years of dedication and devotion to srila prabhupada's iskcon. I pray i have in some future birth (cuz it aint happening in this lifetime!) a fraction of a fraction of the kind of enthusiasm and fidelity maharaja has shown to this movement!
Hare Krishna, Very wonderful and much needed conversation. Thank you, Prabhus 🙏🙏🙏
Excellent interview, you guys are good , Hare Krishna
This was a wonderful podcast. There were some parts at the end I didn’t agree with but overall most of what Mahārāja said really resonated with me. I’m excited to purchase this book.
His Divine Grace Jayadvaita Swami.
wonderful podcast
thank u for sharing this
@@UdtaAkash thank you Prabhuji 🙏🏽
Hare Krishna Prabhu dandwat Pranams
Sorry to correct but 'Divine' word we can only use for Shrila Prabhupada in ISKCON.
I’ve never heard anything JS has said just because there is just so much bad press about him and what he did to Prabhupadas books. Whenever his name is mentioned it’s always with “oh he destroyed Prabhupadas books” so it was good to finally hear from him directly.
well, that's just a press. Prabhupada trusted him when it came to editing his books. Some others don't.
@@nityanandaramdas well we are entering a very deep rabbit hole here which I won’t engage in as I think it distracts from the discussion of what iskcon has authorized as bonafide appropriate Kirtan and what is not. I will say there are many many who disagree with what is written above, including many senior senior Prabhupada disciples (Ramesvara - bbt trustee etc). So I don’t think anything is set in stone.
“I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
“I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
Yes very helpful thank you
1:22:40 In my humble opinion,Exploring our own gaudiya tradition is alright as long as it doesn't lead us to 'disagreeing' with Srila Prabhupad's teaching or in some way thinking Srila Prabhupad didn't give it all.Srila Prabhupad gave us the essence,mood and practicality of the entire tradition and so whenever we come across a point that 'seems' to not sit right with prabhupad's teaching is simply due to our immaturity to understand the whole picture.
I like the comment from Namarasa about heaing older devotees, that does not happen enough now. Yadubara has lead Harinams in Watford and it is really nice and simple and potent as you say
Re: pancha tattva on japa, This is why you need guru, one mala one mantra, even though we all grew up learning to do that, chanting panca tattva between rounds, I’m actually glad he has called this out
JS did not introduce any mental concoctions. There was no loss or diminution of correct siddhanta.
The “Progressive Values of Life” and the “Six Femine opulences” are two examples of changed lexicon….. there are Seven Femine Opulences Bg 10:34.
Both editions are available via BBT.
Lastly, world wide foreign ISKCON Gita as it is language Translations….
Will some one argue about the editing of those editions too?
Hare Krishna....
Hare Krishna
Another wonderful podcast it does give food for thought
A fascinating conversation that could have gone on for another 2 hours
But would it have been better to say Kirtan Guidance than Kirtan Standards?
Add around 30.00 the question about somebody having a style that seems a bit extravagant but may still have the depth was not directly answered from what I can tell
Great interview
Ram Roy rocks love that guy
Chanting names of Deities (as well as differet add-ons to Āratī songs, like 'madhur madhur, madhur bāje) is okay and well, when we are so ecstatic, that it becomes irresistible.
But when it becomes just a routine... 🙈 I've been at too many evening Āratīs, where the Gaura Āratī song, along with its embellishments, takes 25 minutes, but Hare Krishna - only 5 minutes...
You can't compromise and keep the standard at the same time. At the end you will get a mixture which will become a new standard.
There was a GBC Kirtan commettee organized years back with a lot of material produced and it's online. Jayananda Maharaja, Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Lokanath Swami, Haru Sauri Prabhu and others were on there...
46:10 Personally, I don't like to describe kirtan as enjoyable because kirtan is service done to bring enjoyment to the divine lordship and if we try to keep that attitude and check ,throughout our service then we can bring depth to our kirtan.
Same Tune …..Hari Nama Yajna.
Hare Krsna
With the chanting of Haribol…. I wonder how and when this was introduced.
Did Acyutananda pick it up from Gaudiya Math when Prabhupada sent him to India to learn kirtana?
I recall having a tape in the late 80s of kirtans led by Srila Prabhupada’s godbrother, Akincana Krishnadasa Babaji Maharaja. That had some Haribols in it. I don’t believe it’s a concocted practice even if Prabhupada indicated that he preferred just Maha Mantra
@@dominicjohnson1497 interesting comment!
Mahahatma Das was also researching once why devotees actually chant Pancha-Tattva-Mantra before starting Hare Krishna chanting. He searched in Prabhupadas and others books and talked with some godbrothers but nobody could give an answer. But one devotee was able to remember, that there was a situation were some devotees and Praphupada were chanting Hare Krishna and one mataji (i guess it was Yamuna Devi), she recited Pancha Tattva Mantra before chanting Hare Krishna. And Praphupada commented this with: "Oh, thats nice"
I get annoyed with Kirtan when the kirtanayi uses too many syllables for the Ha re Krish na mantra turning into Hare Krish sha na.
The Krish-sha-na extra syllables makes up for the shortening of Ra-ma to Ram 😂😂
this is great as i run a kirtan channel
Hk, Please put chapters, it's easier to watch.
Time consuming. I give you full blessings to do it in the comments and I will pin your comment :)
Jai 🎉
I am sorry if it offends but i think keeping beards was not a standard prescribed by our Founder acharya.
Did Prabhupada say, "There are no hard and fast rules on chanting the Holy Name"?
actually, it's Lord Caitanya who said it in Siksastakam, but seems that it refers to rules time and place. Hari Parsad Prabhu is giving now seminars on Siksastam, perhaps he will elaborate. You can find links here www.youtube.com/@hpdrgg/videos
Haven't listened to the podcast yet but it's nice to see both of you with tilak and water glasses. Someone must have provided some feedback. Hahahaha.
‘After 10,000 years, no more hare krsna’. Even ISKON is not unsusceptible to Kali Yuga degradation. Prabhupada led by example, so we should all just follow those examples and instructions. It’s simple! We’re already fallen, so why deviate and become even more fallen? Why over complicate kirtan or try to make it better or do it this way or that way? Prabhupada said that kirtan should be kept simple and not become a performance. The only kirtan I listen to is Prabhupada’s, Visnujana’s, Tribhuvanatha’s and Sri Vinod Bihari Das Babaji Maharaj. Period. Why? Because it’s the total purity that is projected from their hearts. It’s the purity, sincerity and love that makes me feel deeply connected. Too many devotees are now trying to become like ‘pop-star’ performers. Oh it’s 24hour kirtan…’he’s’ singing or ‘such and such’ person is singing. So, kirtan now has become in some way an ego pleaser, an event to attend rather than an a devotional practice to please the lord and to purify. SIMPLICITY IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF SOPHISTICATION. None of us are perfect though, and through our own limitations, sins, egos and minds, sometimes, we think we are doing the right thing, but in fact, we’re doing the opposite. This applies to everything in our devotional lives. All we need to do is just follow Prabhupada’s example, listen sincerely to what prabhupada is saying, and not to change or add anything to what he has done, said or written! It’s not very difficult! WHEN THE CREW OF A SHIP FAIL TO FOLLOW THE CAPTAINS ADVICE…what happens?
I wonder what Srila Prabhupada would have to say about listening to Vinod Bihari Babaji Kirtan 🧐
My guru does not fit the Guruvastakam verses... and its the simple truth. So i rather meditate on Srila Prabhupada because He fits the description. That's the simple truth.
@@Sridhar-w5h underrated comment!!!!
Are you Krishna to judge your guru? If your guru is not fit for it, then why choose that guru?
1:25:25 - was it edited? Maharaj was about to express a point of picking up Vrindavan style
No we didnt edit anything out.
It is very simple ! Chanting dancing feasting ! No need to speculate 😂
What about , distributing Srila Prabupada's bonafide books and distributing prasad to the homeless and Hungary. This guy reminds of Joe Biden , false and fake. JAI SRILA PRABUPADA.Iskcon.has become a Joke .😊
Its funny i agree with him about some things but definitely never supported his attitude about book changes. Main reason i got all my books from Krishna books Inc.
Prabhupada trusted him regarding editing books. Perhaps we should too. At least give it a benefit of doubt, if nothing else.
@@malgorzataojoj4256“I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
@@abhaymissack9870 this letter seems to be about a very specific thing, the WBW corrections Prabhupada was not satisfied with at a particular time
@@malgorzataojoj4256 Prabhupada never said he can continue making changes without getting Srila Prabhupada's approval. That went for all editors. No one was free to act independently with Srila Prabhupada's books. Prabhupada was extremely careful with his books. I understand Prabhupada had many editors but don't think he meant for them to continue making changes after he left. That is just pure speculation. To say what the pure devotee writes has errors shows your immaturity
@@abhaymissack9870 Thanks again.
Prabhupada was careful, Prabhupada was practical. Even after his departure some very 'funny' things were left in his books. So practical side, let's correct it. It basically started with translators working with translating Prabhupada's books into other languages who started asking questions. Working with translation brings up things which perhaps someone just reading English would never notice.
Another thing, there will come time when for practical reason even English books will have to be 'translated' into English just due to the fact that languages change. Prabhupada's books will always stay in their original form, just like devotees still read the original 1st Canto. But for distribution in some hundreds years the books will most probably be 'translated.' So the best one can do is to really understand them. Devotionally, in the context of the tradition, but also when it comes to language.
Thant's the way I see. But again, in any case, avoid offending devotees who dedicated their lives to serving Prabhupada's mission. Even if we think we are right in our offending them, it might be destructive for ourselves.
You were talking over each other regarding the pancha tattva mantra. I can’t hear it. What were you talking about? Is it that some people say to chant the panchatattva mantra before each round?
@@rsjcmp2285 yes exactly
I find some mrdanga playing that is too sophisticated actually a distraction to the kirtan
How is Radha Ramana Haribol not appropriate ?
Ig,its a better safe than sorry situation
can you tag when they said it please
Hare Krishna 🙏I think the point is not that chanting these other mantras is “bad”. If I want to organize a private kirtan separate from ISKCON I can chant whatever I want. The issue is when I’m leading kirtan as part of an ISKCON event I’m effectively acting as a representative of Srila Prabhupada because ISKCON is his organization. Therefore I need to understand what his mood was and what he did and didn’t do. The danger of Introducing other elements into ISKCON is that we misrepresent Srila Prabhupada and begin to lose that strong guru/disciple connection and therefore lose the spiritual potency of what he gave us. That’s my understanding but please someone correct me if I’m wrong about that. 😊
@@earthward1 ok so he said Radha Ramana Haribol is not appropriate then?
Yes, around 1:43:50
Can you interview H.D.G B.S. Tirtha Swami Maharaj?
@@narenthiran8680 I don’t know who that is but they would have to come to my studio in New Jersey, USA. I do not do remote podcasting anymore. 🙏🏽
@@NamarasaPodcast Swami is an elderly Vaishnava based in London.
Hare Krishna prabhuji please call Amogh Lila Prabhuji please 🙏🏼
An easy conclusion to arrive to by observing Jayadvaita Swami's concern about following standards Srila Prabhupada set for kirtans is he was just as fastidious in representing Prabhupada purely in his editing service. Those who have thoroughly researched the editing can see what was done was reasonable and appreciable. Personally, I questioned Jayadvaita Swami about numbers of edits and in each case he forwarded Prabhupada's transcripts to me to verify the authenticity of the edits. In my opinion those who are troubled by the editing either haven't researched it, they have a different concept of publication standards which were "violated" even though Prabhupada's publication approach didn't adhere to such standards, they are upset about inconsequential changes which don't divert from Prabhupada's intent, or they just have a fanatical unbased bias over it, which religion often does to people... they believe something is sacred and run with it in the face of all contrary evidence.
@@X11X22-love I'm defending the swami in this way: by analogy as we can see that Jayadvaita Swami is protective about standards Prabhupada made for how kirtans are conducted, we can naturally conclude he was equally protective about presenting Prabhupada accurately in his editorial service. Some consider he tampered with Prabhupada's books. On closer analysis he rectified mistakes made by previous editors to better represent what Prabhupada said. That's my observation and experience.
@@X11X22-love I agree and will add that Krishna will be the judge and jury of the many who have offended Jayadvaita Swami.
But Prabhupada did not have us publish the dictation transcripts. He--and thus Krishna--desired that we publish the edited final manuscript versions, which he approved and lectured from
Prabhupada's dictations are his first drafts. No author would ever want his publisher to revert his books to match his first draft!
@@tedwalford7615 the editors reviewed transcripts and manuscripts. Their service was to eliminate mistakes in the books by Prabhupada's ardent instruction. There is no reference of Prabhupada advising the editors to follow some ideal or rule at the expense of allowing errors in texts to remain. Conversely, there are several instructions Prabhupada gave the editors and publishers to root out mistakes in his books. Why some devotees prefer errors or questionable content in order to abide by some statute over accuracy is a mystery. That certainly wasn't in Prabhupada's interest. There is no record of him inquiring into what publication methods were to be adhered to.
“I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
People are more interested in the Junk BBT practices in Iskcon. That should be an interesting conversation
Garuda Prabhu spoke out against Book Changes some years ago on "Let's Talk" podcast. There are some interesting information there
Garuda Prabhu’s opinion of the editing falls into this category I previously described of those who are bothered by it: “they have a different concept of publication standards which were “violated” even though Prabhupada’s publication approach didn’t adhere to such standards.”
Prabhupada’s approach to book publication was getting the books out promptly and mistakes found later should be corrected in reprints. That was the methodology employed by the editors through referencing Prabhupada’s transcripts. Although that was Prabhupada’s clear and repeated instruction Garuda has stated that approach is unethical to an author. His view is tied into typical publication standards of keeping a finished product intact. That wasn’t Prabhupada’s view.
This gets into the posthumous editing realm which bothers many devotees. There is no record of Prabhupada saying the editing should stop. As late as June 22, 1977 Prabhupada agreed that all of his books should be gone over again to correct mistakes in them. The editors simply carried on the service Prabhupada gave them after his departure.
“I will have to see personally what are the mistakes in the synonyms and also how you intend to correct them. I was not satisfied with the corrections that were made before. I saw some changes which I did no approve. Nitai may correct whatever mistakes are there, but the corrected material must be sent to me for final approval. So reprinting the volumes will have to wait until the mistakes are corrected and approved by me. In the meantime you can supply the standing orders whatever new volumes are published.” (Letter to Radhavallabha, Jan 5, 1976)
@@abhaymissack9870 Boom and that's just one of the letters. Additionally There is NO record of SP giving JAS full authority to change his books, and if theses changes were in the plans, why didn't they address from 1972-1977???? Why was SP still giving class from his books and reading them!
Kirtaniya sada harih
Better to sing deity names with love than robotic chanting
How about the junk corrections he made of Srila Prabhupada's original books?
Jai Gurudeva 😮 wow, never knew that was blacklisted. So gurvastakam is general
Guru tattva, but Jai Gurudeva is “who is that Gurudeva?” There’s a cognitive dissonance there
Prabhupada himself said “no Jaya gurudeva”, where is the cognitive dissonance?
Ok but my Gurudeva is not Prabhupada so what do I say? Do I say his name when doing Kirtan? Do I not? What about people with other gurus in the audience? Do I say everyone’s gurus names? Maybe at the time there was only one guru Prabhupada so it makes sense, maybe that order is not for all time and only for when he was here?
.....if js accepts srila Prabhupada as a pure devotee,then how he dared to change srila Prabhupad's original books.
Love the neon Hare Krsishna sign, why is there a co-host now? This is the Namrasa Podcast, [with respect] who the heck is this other guy?
Let's talk about 5000 book changes and his faulty position as an editor. Why talk about kirtan? Because of people like you who defy and belittle Srila Prabhupada, everything else has been adulterated and watered down by standards established by Srila Prabhupada. How about you renting and raving about saying Pranams to Srila Prabhupada and your objections scornfully, twisting your face, yelling at others for putting Srila Prabhupada first? How about those topics Namaras? What happened to those valuable topics instead of pointing fingers at the young generation about kirtan? Bring in standards about code of behaviour about changing our jagad guru's books? He leads by example for others to become criminals.period. a waste of time and space in UA-cam.
... listen SHIVA Him who is form of VISHNU... AUM KRISHNAAYA NAMAH means SHIVA Him who is always happy... AUM KRISHNAVARNAYA NAMAH Him who is black in colour... KRSNA (without hyphen on A) is a sanskrit name of SHIVA... THE GREAT BHAIRAVA! On His Lap sits His wife KALI sanskrit names NARAYANI LAKSMI LALITHA MOHINI PARVATI DURGA SATI SITA KALI KALEE... also RADHA RADHYA RADIKA RUKMINI JAGANMATA... also KRSNA (hyphen on the A)...THE GREAT BHAIRAVI! ... SHIVA IS BHAGAWAN ... In gita KRSNA says 'Of Rudras I am Sankara.' SANKARA is a sanskrit name of SHIVA... In tantra SHIVA says 'I am selfsame RAMA' ... SELFSAME VIRABHADRA! ... VIRABHADRA! HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA ...
Preaching is very simple if people like pizza 🍕 give them pizza no boring nice 🤣
Before we talk about kirtan standards, I think we should ask why ISKCON starts trademarking ™️ of God Names Hare krishna....
Because they want to be like all the "cool" organized religions! And you have demons in charge who eventually want to CONTROL everything. Have they not read chapt 16 of the Gita of pious and impious behavior? "I am in control, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, I am powerful..."
Hmm i get his points, maybe he should apply that to editing. The double standard! I was in a class with him one time and he got so upset that there wasn't the new version of the Gita. As a witness to that i saw that as a disgrace and redflag to Srila Prabhupada. First he's not the author he has no right to edit someone else's book!!!
At least have the courage to present the truth with no bias !! I have seen maharaja with old version of Bhagvad Gita as it is, if at all he maybe furious, it would be because that Gita must have been produced by Krishna Inc rather than BBT.
Been advocating the original BG since the 90s.
@@admiralsemmes6939 and what is original?
@ganeshbasera2205 the 1972 edition works for me. Its perfection in book form & flawless. It is charming, wonderful & radiating love of God. Why change it? 😊
@@ganeshbasera2205before the book was changed and edited without Prabhupads permission