Why libertarians hate Kamala Harris' economic platform | Reason Roundtable | August 19, 2024

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @macsnafu
    @macsnafu 27 днів тому +20

    I WISH more people knew that price-gouging laws don't work. But a lot of people favor such laws, because they're so sure that price-gouging is unfair and immoral, and they never bother to look at the actual consequences of such stupid laws. And politicians really do tell voters what they want to hear, regardless of how viable or damaging enacting such policies actually are. But a politician telling the hard truth about bad government policies probably would never be elected.
    Data privacy is never going to happen through government laws and policies. Government and their agents have a vested interest in having all the data they can get on their citizens (and frankly on anybody and everybody). So that conflicts with a desire for data privacy right there, even if we assumed that government could do a good job, which is a very big assumption. Instead, true data privacy comes from the private sector, and like most market initiatives, in a variety of forms. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies is one very notable aspect, but even the companies that promise to clear your information and subscriptions from other companies are also part of this.
    It's important to realize that while personal privacy (in real life) is important, there is no right to data privacy. Any data you make available to the public *will* be available to almost anyone who wants access to it.
    Tariffs, tariffs, tariffs. Like the price-gouging laws, I *wish* people knew or realized that tariffs are bad for most people, and it's disappointing that no matter who wins the election, we'll still be stuck with tariffs, and probably more tariffs. You can't even tell any more which candidate is actually the "lesser evil".
    HBO, Max, whatever. HBONetMaxHuluFlix!
    Okay, that's it. No more comments on this video.

    • @Coldend
      @Coldend 26 днів тому +2

      Most people live in a prison of their own fears, insecurities, and rituals to give them comfort... going to the same grocery store, working at the same job they got after college, with minor variations. These people view liberty and choice as a burden to bear; being educated and considered in their politics is just another chore they must suffer through. From their point of view, when someone else exercises their liberty, and makes choices that impact them however tangentially... it is that other person's fault for forcing them to break their routine... so not only is the responsibility of owning their own liberty onerous, but other's who exercise theirs are tyrannical and exploitative. Politicians on both sides are all too happy to prey upon this mentality. "You shouldn't have to clip coupons and drive to the grocery store further away, to get beef for $0.50 lbs less" they say. "It's someone else's fault your routine has been broken, and you're inconvenienced, and we'll make them pay." Then those same politicians have the mandate to extort lobby money and concessions from groups currently out of favor. "Nice grocery store Kroger, be a shame if someone were to regulate it." To quote the bard, "it's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all."

    • @dachsiemomma1725
      @dachsiemomma1725 25 днів тому

      I'm a retired woman who was repetitively taught in middle school and high school about history, civics, and the Constitution. Students no longer learn these important topics (unless the classes have a Marxist bent). I later read von Mises, Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, and Friedman. Ask a young person today who these important people are, and their eyes will be completely blank. When the "Progressives" run an educational system, the students and the society are destined for destruction.

  • @BrewsterMcBrewster
    @BrewsterMcBrewster 27 днів тому +6

    Love ya, REASON TV!

  • @nelsonramos208
    @nelsonramos208 27 днів тому +4

    Weird is temporary while being wrong is a permanent thing in this election.

  • @0ddsman
    @0ddsman 27 днів тому +9

    #NoTaxOnTips = #RonPaulWasRight but NOBODY wants to admit it!!

  • @JonathanRossRogers
    @JonathanRossRogers 24 дні тому +1

    Ben took the eye-gouging joke with grace.

  • @susannell544
    @susannell544 27 днів тому +7

    Help the Farmers Vote Kamala out!

    • @Mike-vd2qt
      @Mike-vd2qt 27 днів тому +2

      So, farmers are libertarian? That is laughable considering the tax breaks, price supports, grants, government research, export protections...

  • @sarasamson5922
    @sarasamson5922 27 днів тому +3

    Politically Independent woman in ...California. Libertarian at heart, I'm not impressed with their current lineup and find myself missing Ron Paul these days. I see government overreach, massive regulation and waste in both parties. I'm not fooled by 'vibes' or a cult of personality. My positions can be simplified into 'Freedom of Choice on Every Issue' and 'Keep out of my bedroom and my boardroom'. Nowhere to go.

    • @hrbattenfeld
      @hrbattenfeld 26 днів тому

      Start choosing to follow leaders, disobey rulers, and GTFO of California.

  • @MBarberfan4life
    @MBarberfan4life 27 днів тому +4

    I'm not sure it's even price controls. The proposal itself is so vague that I don't even see how it can be enforced.

  • @AdamWright8fool
    @AdamWright8fool 26 днів тому +10

    As the election draws near, it is critical to consider how potential policy changes would impact market value growth. Election outcomes can affect sector performance, induce market volatility, and necessitate modifying an investment strategy in anticipation of legislative changes

    • @RhysHuntoffice
      @RhysHuntoffice 26 днів тому

      Right on. Unemployment rates also rise, and economic strain worsens. The good news is that now is an excellent moment to capture market opportunities. My 150k portfolio has witnessed roughly 70% gain in the previous four months by just taking advantage of volatile areas.

    • @ArchieJohnson5h
      @ArchieJohnson5h 26 днів тому

      :0 How do you invest?? I'm having trouble coming up with the a plan

    • @RhysHuntoffice
      @RhysHuntoffice 26 днів тому

      I use market research tools, keep up with important financial news sources, and communicate with my financial advisor on a regular basis. She helps me navigate the market.

    • @FreemanJameZ
      @FreemanJameZ 26 днів тому

      How do one go about an advisor?

    • @RhysHuntoffice
      @RhysHuntoffice 26 днів тому

      There are many out there. I work with “Leah Foster Aldaman”. She is quite popular

  • @elkinjohn
    @elkinjohn 27 днів тому +2

    The Tipping It sounded like the young lady thought "no tax on tips" a minor thing. As an Agorist... I feel it is huge... what is a tip? a gift? a gift economy?

  • @bwhitleyjr
    @bwhitleyjr 27 днів тому +5

    The ad read is ridiculous

  • @joshuagoldstein8116
    @joshuagoldstein8116 27 днів тому +3

    A non-libertarian on the podcast?? This shall be called "the Dreyfus affair."

  • @strooomon
    @strooomon 27 днів тому +3

    As a lifetime Libertarian, I obviously believe they get most things right. However, I am both disappointed with their presidential nominee and their inability to take advantage of a well covered convention.

  • @brianmulholland2467
    @brianmulholland2467 27 днів тому +2

    It's always funny to me how Katherine plays her role as the stereotype of the girl putting up with the boys' gross blue humor. I know a woman like this who likes to sigh deeply everytime and just say 'Boys.'

  • @authenticallysuperficial9874
    @authenticallysuperficial9874 27 днів тому +9

    38:54 "We want to make sure we're free from anyone anywhere ever doing a little rapey rapey"
    You can characterize it however you want, you still sound insane. Murder is not a right.

  • @JasonArentz
    @JasonArentz 27 днів тому +2

    1:02:57 🫠Katherine nails it, “Which of the Trump hobby horses do we ride into the apocalypse?” 🤣😰🤬😭 Too many overlapping feelings.

  • @TheKatrinaC
    @TheKatrinaC 20 днів тому

    “Beautiful Losers”, the great art critic Dave Hickey first coined this term ❤️

  • @designheretic
    @designheretic 14 днів тому

    The problem with gov regulation of data collection is that power can’t help itself unless there is a hard bar, something baked into the laws of physics that says governments can’t use aggregated data against people with disfavored views or even begin to conduct mass surveillance 51:52
    We need to treat the internet like a neutral dmz-like space-no crimes should be defined based on what you view or publish online if we really want to meaningfully limit government abuse of access to it
    TLDR Timothy May was right AND righteous

  • @jackjrabbit
    @jackjrabbit 25 днів тому

    i can't wait for price controls and 20% tariffs

  • @coolhead8686
    @coolhead8686 25 днів тому

    Corporate tax raise is less painful than middle tax raise. Why? Because not all middle class work for large corporations. So the impact to personal income is less. When people has more disposable income they spend more. The spending allow businesses to sell more. When businesses sell more they hire more and they produce more. Therefore, raise tax on large corporations is a more intelligent economic idea.

  • @JackyTheodore09
    @JackyTheodore09 25 днів тому +6

    The rich stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without hesitating then the poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich

    • @Deborahmaria9
      @Deborahmaria9 25 днів тому

      I'm celebrating a $30k stock portfolio today.started this journey with 6k. I have invested on time and also with the right terms now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me

    • @BambyKarilynn
      @BambyKarilynn 25 днів тому

      You're correct!! I make a lot of money without relying on the government.Investing in stocks and digital currencies is beneficial at this moment.

    • @JackHarriet-u8o
      @JackHarriet-u8o 25 днів тому

      I'm 47 and have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??

    • @MichaelJona-g9f
      @MichaelJona-g9f 25 днів тому

      Do you invest with a professional for broker?I'd appreciate it if you show me how to goals bout it

    • @IbarraCole
      @IbarraCole 25 днів тому

      🎉when someone is straight forward and good at what she does best. People will always speak for them. For me I would say give Mrs MICHELLE HOCK a try and you will be happy you did

  • @TheRustyLM
    @TheRustyLM 27 днів тому +1

    Audio is terrible from earbuds. Please have your guests stop using them.

  • @alexcipriani6003
    @alexcipriani6003 25 днів тому

    Why libertarians want open borders though ?

  • @michaelb9683
    @michaelb9683 25 днів тому

    Uh I am going to disagree. Houses are too expensive given the current interest rates. Its excessively expensive post 2020 and corporations should not be able to buy large swaths of neighborhoods with their fiat capital just to jack up prices or rent back.

  • @Millerj2450
    @Millerj2450 26 днів тому

    It was a very bad decision to remove the Glass-Steagall Act in the late 1990s, which led to the spectacular failure of huge banks during the financial crisis of 2007-2008. To prevent another disaster, Dodd-Frank and this statute both need to be re-established right away. What happened with SVB is only the beginning of what will happen if nothing is done to address the current situation.

    • @Taylor_m16
      @Taylor_m16 26 днів тому

      I believe SVB was making an effort to reorganize their bond portfolio. Yes, they would lose money if they sold their low-yielding bonds. But, they were trying to make up for it by repurchasing bonds on the open market at the higher interest rate.

    • @Pat_laura22
      @Pat_laura22 26 днів тому

      Although the economy has so far held up, the SVB scenario serves as a warning that Fed rate hikes are still having an impact. At times like this, investors must be vigilant about the next inevitability. You don't have to act on every forecast, therefore I'll advise you to hire a financial counselor. This has been my fallback position for a while.

    • @Anderson_313
      @Anderson_313 26 днів тому

      Would you mind telling me how to contact this specific coach using their service? Unlike the rest of us, it appears you have figured everything out.

    • @Pat_laura22
      @Pat_laura22 26 днів тому

      Her name is “Jessica Lee Horst” can't divulge much. Most likely, the internet should have her basic info, you can research if you like

    • @robertfurguson2678
      @robertfurguson2678 26 днів тому

      I find this informative, curiously explored her on the web, spotted her consulting page, and was able to schedule a call session with her, she shows quite a great deal of expertise from her resume.. very much appreciated

  • @juanmaldonado4193
    @juanmaldonado4193 27 днів тому +4

    I mean, also Trump has terrible economic policies if you're libertarian. The US is unfortunately a State-run corporatist economy.

  • @diegoyanesholtz212
    @diegoyanesholtz212 25 днів тому

    Both candidates' economic plan sucks, the only thing that is good about Kamala Harris's economic plan is the zoning deregulation, this will actually cause an increase in the supply of housing and a decrease in prices. Trump's economic is to hyperinflation, take independence from the FED and devalue the dollar, and but high tariffs, that sucks too.

  • @juancuelloespinosa
    @juancuelloespinosa 27 днів тому +2

    27:08 he DID go to the LNC, though, mr. gillespie

  • @designheretic
    @designheretic 14 днів тому

    1:00:02 if Harris were running for despot the idea that she doesn’t believe in what she says might be a point in her favor from a pro-liberty pov-but irl we can’t forget about the administrative state
    These are the believers, and whosoever appoints them must not be a nihilist

  • @evanwilliams4532
    @evanwilliams4532 26 днів тому

    You guys remember when Nick thought someone making 25 bucks an hour was making 100,000 grand a year😂 cant take this rich lib seriously

  • @roshanmansinghani9788
    @roshanmansinghani9788 26 днів тому +1

    I appreciate this channel for an independent view and a critical eye towards both major parties.
    Your analysis of Trump’s economic policies was lacking. A bit of an echo chamber honestly. You should at least state what the policy is and then tear it apart. Try to steel man it a bit and then explain why it is wrong or unwise. As a listener, I learned basically nothing from that segment other than you think tariffs are bad and hyperbole like the apocalypse. What specific tariff is he contemplating? Why would that make sense or not?
    Again, thank you for independent journalism. I hope you see this comment as constructive feedback.

    • @JonathanRossRogers
      @JonathanRossRogers 24 дні тому

      What would you say Trump's economic policies are other than lots of tariffs?

    • @roshanmansinghani9788
      @roshanmansinghani9788 21 день тому

      @@JonathanRossRogers To be clear, I am not trying to defend his policies in this comment thread or explain why I think they are good. I was trying to listen to this content from Reason to understand why they may be bad. But to answer your question, I went to Trump's election website, and there is a PDF that explains in at least an overview level what his economic policies are: rncplatform.donaldjtrump.com/?_gl=1*v3vraa*_gcl_au*MTYzMDkzNjg1OS4xNzI0Njk5MDY1&_ga=2.54962923.1704589351.1724699065-621933713.1724699065
      Again, I am not trying to promote Trump's policies as the correct ones for the country. My initial comment was just that this particular video did not do a good job of dissecting his policies because it identified one item, tariffs, and then criticized with hyperbole and without substance to understand why that one item (tariffs) are bad in the first place. It just assumed that the listeners already agreed with that position and then bashed the position as ridiculous without explaining why. It was conclusory and that was the constructive feedback I was trying to provide.

  • @dashnja.9202
    @dashnja.9202 27 днів тому

    I don't get notifications for your channel and it drives me crazy!

  • @jackjrabbit
    @jackjrabbit 27 днів тому

    I think we should just call this election cycle
    🎉🎉 CLUSTER F*** 2024 🎉🎉
    Woooo! Get your popcorn and get out your checkbooks! Uncle Sam's show is expensive

  • @DGonzRobotics
    @DGonzRobotics 27 днів тому

    Why isnt this episode showing up on my subscriptions?

  • @Mike-vd2qt
    @Mike-vd2qt 27 днів тому

    How do "Libertarians" feel about a neighbor asserting their rights and rejection of government regulations with a loud, muffler free car at 5 am every morning? Should the neighbor's rights and freedoms supersede the rights of their neighbors? Same hypothetical case would apply for a neighbor that wishes to assert his gun rights by target practicing against your shared backyard fence. Thank you for your thoughts.

  • @alienvalentine
    @alienvalentine 27 днів тому +1

    38:3 How on earth could you think that everyone agrees that freedom is the ultimate good, if what freedom is is a matter of debate?
    Does Nick not realize how often he contradicts himself mid-sentence? Was the leather jacket doing all of his thinking before?

  • @calebcase80
    @calebcase80 26 днів тому

    The one blue part of Idaho.... 😂 Boise I assume

  • @LibertarianJRT
    @LibertarianJRT 27 днів тому

    Excellent podcast this week. The guest was a good addition (no offense to Matt)!

  • @jderoma4382
    @jderoma4382 27 днів тому

    They will redefine what a 'tip' is. My guess is that part of it will be that you have to have some other underlying salary or compensation to be eligible for taxless tips. Probably some other proportional limit as well.

    • @leechowning2712
      @leechowning2712 27 днів тому +1

      The joke there is it already is restricted. Wage act specifies what jobs can be tipped, because tipped jobs are 'almost' exempt from the minimum wage. Every job would call themselves tipped if they could.

  • @TimedNonTides
    @TimedNonTides 22 дні тому

    Govt is force, it ought not be able to propagandize a free people. It is force for one, because it's funded by force (by taxes). Likewise, anyone funded by force, actions can be seen as using force ie ought not be propagandizing Americans either.
    This includes heavily subsidized or other govt favored billionare investors.
    The free market is created via the expectation it will be defended; libertarians seem to believe it naturally exists ie they will not create it.
    Libertarian Dave Smith calls anyone advocating violence, "a fed". Would he have said the same thing to our founders calling for a violent revolution?
    Was this space given special legal status as a public forum, public being a place where Americans have won their freedom of speech? Attacking/taking Americans' free speech is an act of war against our way of life. You might want to speak out against that. One can make threats, legally, as a matter of speech. For instance, Blacks ought to get Whites or vice versa, as long as it isn't more immediate & specific.
    Then Smith, whom in the main I agree with & appreciate, crows about his choice to pursue a great career as he desribes (which includes submitting to censors inorder to keep his media) while others took positions which would bring them harm. Let me be clear, the problem here is libertarians lacking the principle of making a stand & selling out instead.
    Again, it is nice to see Smith winning debates against tyrants, but I had a youtube channel, Facebook pages, groups, a blog, etc... & it was taken just like others on the "Fighting Right" were taken, but peacenik libertarian's weren't; libertarians who wouldn't bust a grape, wouldn't defend this land, who were willing to sell out instead to Trump or public private partnerships, like Dave Smith or Nick Gilespie, respectively, are still here ie Manufactured Consent, Agents of the State, but we both believe in freedom, right...
    Wrong; Agorists, Ancaps, & libertarians have been undermining Americans' willingness to fight for their Republic. Please self deport to Argentina & advocate not "fighting" for freedom there
    Libertarians do not have the same American philosophy as our forefathers, & those who constantly conflate are guilty of Stolen Valor.
    Neither Objectivists, Libertarians, nor Anarchists, philosophically have any answer for the Fascist Covid, Censorship, Climate Agendas Americans just sufferered. You all said remain peaceful, Anarchists said option out, libertarians said comply, & Objectivists pretend like they don't notice. Americans are supposed to pick up arms and dissolve a tyrannical government, but your philosophies don't. Your philosophies provide nothing our govt fears. Become better Americans, leave those weak ideas behind.
    The problem w/ libertarians & the woke movement is your excusing the "force market" behind it. Similiarly, the problem w/ Argentine president & libertarian Milei to start is he threatened pro-palestinian protesters against slowing down commerce, then flew to Israel to kiss the wall.
    More to the point, we all saw that libertarian, Anarchists, & objectivists were too conflicted during the covid agenda, confused by what amounted to public private partnerships, so much so that they failed to mount serious resistance thus leaving Americans to suffer.
    You see, libertarians weren't willing to figuratively & literally take to the streets, to claim public back from govt encroachment both in public & private.
    Simply put, I could see a scenario where libertarians & their ideas develop in opposition to the Trucker movement protesting the covid & the Farmer one protesting the climate agenda; I could see Melei shutting down protesters against the New World Order, threatening protesters against slowing down commerce even if that commerce is fascist or otherwise funded by force.
    There are two things we need to confront if we're to survive this:
    1st, To the extent funds obtained from activities (from criminal thieving to govt taxing to fed reserve printing ) other than the free market, that funding is defined as force, it's effect on the market, on people, is force; meaning, such censorship, propaganda, boycotts, advertisers, donors, etc. are forcing their own "will" on others, i.e., criminally taking both free choice & "freewill".
    (Great lesson in capitalism)
    2nd, "Agent of the State", legal term, refers to those supposed private entities who are supported by the govt (force) in carrying out said "State's" agenda ie govt run UA-cam publishers tailoring their govt approved messages, censoring their comment sections, what's the difference between them & the establishment media, misleading & selling us out for their govt pay.
    A note about Ancaps: Ancap bitcoiners self censored their comment sections for covid & climate Agendas to keep making money on social media platforms, so forget those fascist sellouts too.
    In furtherance, Robbie Soave (libertarian) & The Rising gave Fauci a softball interview when people needed answers to the hard questions. That interview was a lie. Kim Iverson left in protest over it. It was a big controversy.
    (Kim Iverson btw, supported Democrat Trump on the Right, Trump forced his Covid Agenda, Kim is responsible for the Covid Agenda. She did it because she wanted two Lefts in America. Everyone say thanks, Kim)
    Interesting that Soave the lie is invited to further his career on many youtube channels while Iverson the truth teller is not. Why do you think that is; why is the "lying media" being promoted here when we ought be supporting our "champions of truth"?
    Bottom line, don't comply; don't become Manufactured Consent, Agents of the State, limiting the hangout, selling out.
    We need the freedom to speak. Trumpsters are as violent as they come. Trump, thus his supporters & enforcers, forced lockdowns, facemasking, & medical experiments. It wasn't constitutional either, which means it was criminal.
    Trump did use public heallth to institute totalitarian control in the US which he used to force medical experiments & and more, resulting in a worldwide genocide greater than the world has ever known.
    Do you think Trump wasn't calling for political violence when he bribed & bullied states to apply force against anyone resisting his, Trump, his supporters & enforcers, Covid Agenda?
    The European Labor Right is not the Small govt Right.
    Did i mention that leading Mises libertarian Tom Woods is now endorsing Trump... How is that nonagression; how does that support the constitution...
    "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
    Samuel Adams
    Debating libertarians: @LibertarianGalt lol, yeah & while I'm at it grow a p*s*y since you're not willing. Simply put, you don't know what I've done or do, so don't act like you do.
    Would you have smarted off the same way to Ben Franklin, when he said, "join or die", or other founders or great men who did, under constant threat, articulate what must be done?
    Moreover, what do you think that does to Americans when you call them spineless for speaking their mind, for daring to threaten power, for standing against those who will not fight?
    "Men should not petition for rights, but take them"
    by Thomas Paine who wrote Common Sense which helped to set off the revolution, the fruits of which Americans enjoyed for centuries.
    "THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated"
    No, not by Rothbard, but another from Thomas Paine.
    Paine was a man whose actions amounted to something great indeed, something libertarians have either allowed to be taken or worse, are selling out from under us.

  • @goldbrick2563
    @goldbrick2563 27 днів тому +1

    3:27 lmao, lazy a$$ teachers playing you that movie

    • @goldbrick2563
      @goldbrick2563 27 днів тому

      9:08 dude u can buy generic caffeine pills over the counter in a grocery chain for like $10. 200mg/tablet. Can't believe adderall shortage is such a drama for this guy.

  • @davids4610
    @davids4610 27 днів тому +1

    Ben! A National Treasure!

  • @JonathanRossRogers
    @JonathanRossRogers 24 дні тому

    Does Peter have any recommendations on how to consume Malört? Greg at How To Drink used it in a couple of mixed drinks he actually liked. ua-cam.com/video/Aq6jxlOO1nY/v-deo.htmlsi=MgM1B2hgJjgL4g1x

  • @alexcipriani6003
    @alexcipriani6003 25 днів тому

    Nixon did the exact same thing

    • @JonathanRossRogers
      @JonathanRossRogers 24 дні тому

      If you mean price controls, then it was bad when Nixon did and it would be bad if Harris did it.

    • @alexcipriani6003
      @alexcipriani6003 23 дні тому

      @@JonathanRossRogers my point was with regards to calling it socialism.

    • @JonathanRossRogers
      @JonathanRossRogers 22 дні тому

      @@alexcipriani6003 I guess I'm not quite following you. What exactly did Nixon do?

  • @internetguy1260
    @internetguy1260 27 днів тому +3

    The only thing so far in not agreeing on is the simping for kroger.
    Anti trust is absolutely good for the American consumer because we have seen massive consolidation in the grocery sector in the US.

      @UNDERDOG18UNDERDOG18 27 днів тому +4

      Kroger literally has a 1% profit margin. Would you prefer a food desert? That’s the alternative.

  • @TokenTech
    @TokenTech 27 днів тому +2

    These guys need to investigate data collection. We def need more privacy

    • @scsmith4604
      @scsmith4604 27 днів тому +1

      It is very creepy and is worse than anyone knows. The worst part is that it comes from places and sources that are not apparent.

    • @TokenTech
      @TokenTech 27 днів тому

      @@scsmith4604 Yup and the anonymized data collection is not really anonymous at all.

  • @Mike-vd2qt
    @Mike-vd2qt 27 днів тому

    Interesting how you state that Harris is going to create new laws for price controls. Historically you are forgetting the FTC antitrust laws, and the Sherman Act and Clayton Act of 1914.

  • @AtaraxiaaixaratA
    @AtaraxiaaixaratA 27 днів тому

    Moar segment titles!

  • @elkinjohn
    @elkinjohn 27 днів тому

    What if Kamala is a Kennedy democrat... who wants to know what people want, to represent them.

      @UNDERDOG18UNDERDOG18 27 днів тому

      Kamala is an empty suit.

    • @MMT_M1
      @MMT_M1 20 днів тому

      @elkinjohn lmaooo she was a yes yes during Biden, she’s gonna be a yes yes if she wins. She doesn’t know economics per se, it’s her advisors who’s going to tell her this and that;hence, she can’t oppose them. She’s likely controlled just like Biden, weak. This is going to be an easy prey for the Arab sheikhs, China, Russia, worst EU, do Americans think EU is not waiting for USA to fall? 🥴 They’ve been waiting for it all along.