Yihen documentary bemesratachu des blognal, gn bewstu andand yesihtet melektoch telalfewal video kemelkekachu befit lebetekrstiyan abatoch masayet yalebachu yimeslegnal. And I'm amazed when solomon said I went to other places to find jesus. Yegna beyekrstiyan eyesusn bemigeba tisebkalech, you don't have to go anywhere ena please don't say 'maryam', atleast say saint Mary or virgin Mary.
@@abinetyeshiwas8776 Thank you for replaying to my comment. The part that mentions about the churches that have lots of money are "ye kidane mihret", " ye Gebriel", " ye Michael" and "ye Silassie" or "ye eyesus" churches are neglected. It is not true. Our people do not choose their church as protestants do. They simply go to the nearest church on the ordinary days. And all churches in the EOTC are one as they all give us the true flesh and blood of our lord and they only worship the holy Trinity. That is what I meant.
@@edenteferi142 Thank you Eden for your concerns . We will look into it. This kind of positive comments will encourage us to do better. Keep up the good work!
አቤቱ እውነትህን አስተምረን:: በቤቱ ሆነን በቤቱ የሌለን ያህል ነን:: በእውነት ይህ አይን ከፋችና አንቂ መሰናዶ ነው:: እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልኝ::
ደሞዜ በእውነት በጣም ነው የምንወድህ ብዙ ነገሮችን በህይወቴ እንዳስተውል አድርገህኛልና በእውነት አንተ የደጉ ዘመን አዋላጅ የነፍስ ፀሐፊ ነህ.... መፅሐፎችህ እጅግ በጣም ማራኪ ናቸው
3ተኛው ኪዳን እና አስራስድስት በአንጋፋው ደራሲ እና የታሪክ ተመራማሪ ደሞዝ ጎሽሜ...በእውነት ሰላምህ ይብዛ፤ እግዚሐር ልክ እንዳንተ የሉ ሰዎችን ያብዛልን ,,, በእውነት በህይዎቴ ላይ ብዙ የሚመላለሱ የህይወት ጥያቄዎቼን መልሰህልኛል እና እግዚአብሔር ሰላምህን ያብዛልህ ያገልግሎት ዘመነህን ያርዝምልን።
አንድምታ ቲዩብ በጣም ትመቹኛላችሁ ሁሌም ከጎናችሁ ነኝ ጅማሯችሁ በጣም ጥሩ ነው ...የናንተው ቤተሰብ መሳፍንት መልኬ ነኝ ከባህር ዳር
እዉነት ነዉ፡፡
በእግዚያብሄር በርቱ አስተምሩን ጠፍተናል ተኝተናል ወድቀናል የሚያነሳንን መፈለግ እንዳለብን አስተምሩን ትክክለኛውን ሐይማኖት ማስተማር። አለባችሁ በርቱ በርቱ እግዚአብሔር ይርዳችሁ አቅምም ይሁናችሁ።
መልካም መሰናዶ ነው ይቀጥልልን።
ማን ይሰማል ይህው ሕዝቤ ከውቀት ማነስ ጠፋ ።በጣም እያዘንኩ ነው ሕዝብ የእግዚአብሔርን ቃል ተርቦ ሲመጣ የማይሆን ነገር እየመገብ ይመልሳል።
አንድምታዎች መሰናዶው ይቀጥል
ቃለ-ህይወት ያስማልን::
betame dese dese yemle progeram !! este endena yetemehahu!!
kale hiwet yasemaln.be edme betsega ytebkln endenante aynet abatochin egziabher amlak yabzaln...
lbonachinn yabraln medhani alem krstos.letnsaew yabkan.
Yihen documentary bemesratachu des blognal, gn bewstu andand yesihtet melektoch telalfewal video kemelkekachu befit lebetekrstiyan abatoch masayet yalebachu yimeslegnal. And I'm amazed when solomon said I went to other places to find jesus. Yegna beyekrstiyan eyesusn bemigeba tisebkalech, you don't have to go anywhere ena please don't say 'maryam', atleast say saint Mary or virgin Mary.
ስህተት ናቸው ያልሻቸውን ሃሳቦች ግን ብታስቀምጫቸው ጥሩ ነው።
ለማስተካከል እንዲመች።
ስለ ቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም ያልሽው በጣም ያስማማኛል።
@@abinetyeshiwas8776 Thank you for replaying to my comment. The part that mentions about the churches that have lots of money are "ye kidane mihret", " ye Gebriel", " ye Michael" and "ye Silassie" or "ye eyesus" churches are neglected. It is not true. Our people do not choose their church as protestants do. They simply go to the nearest church on the ordinary days. And all churches in the EOTC are one as they all give us the true flesh and blood of our lord and they only worship the holy Trinity. That is what I meant.
Thank you Eden for your concerns .
We will look into it. This kind of positive comments will encourage us to do better.
Keep up the good work!
@@abinetyeshiwas8776 Will do.
አንድምታዎች መሰናዶው ይቀጥል