Christian reacts to The Army Of Satan Part 1 - WHY did Allah Create the Devil ?

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @dend.joshua3737
    @dend.joshua3737 Рік тому +253

    Nafs = sin ❌
    Nafs = Desires ✅

    • @الحمدلله-ض3ق1ث
      @الحمدلله-ض3ق1ث Рік тому

      totaly false bro

    • @xamy4212
      @xamy4212 Рік тому +5

      @@الحمدلله-ض3ق1ث its true tho

    • @diethabastar5599
      @diethabastar5599 Рік тому +4

      Nafs.. Desire which is can drives us good deed or sinful..

    • @jaipairjack873
      @jaipairjack873 Рік тому +5

      nafs is a sharp knife u use to cut things.. if u cut a carrot and cook it properly for meal, its ok.. but if u use it to stab someone to death, its then called a sin. So use the knife (nafs) properly.. carefully.

    • @zakich3086
      @zakich3086 Рік тому +2

      It's the soul not the desires..... That's the closest meaning of it in English i tink

  • @badmanushgaming3008
    @badmanushgaming3008 Рік тому +236

    Thanks bobby. First 2-3 episodes are nothing in comparison to what comes next. Please don't stop

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Рік тому

      NORMAL people type Bible Criticism online and discover that the Holy Bible is complete fiction, Rube. You merely suffer from Christian Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. And perhaps Scrupulosity. How educated are you?

    • @DuLzzPKC
      @DuLzzPKC Рік тому +8

      yeah this series goes mindblowingly deep explanations.

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Рік тому

      @@DuLzzPKC NORMAL people type Bible Criticism online and discover that the Holy BIble is complete fiction. How educated are you, Rube?

    • @samory5399
      @samory5399 Рік тому

      *First God created Adam and Eve, and He also created a serpent. Of all things, this serpent was the most poisonous; its body contained venom, which Satan utilized to take advantage of it. It was the serpent that tempted Eve to sin. Adam sinned after Eve did, and the two of them were then able to distinguish between good and evil. If Jehovah had known that the serpent would tempt Eve and that Eve would tempt Adam, then why did He place them all inside a garden? If He had been able to predict these things, then why did He create a serpent and place it within the Garden of Eden? Why did the Garden of Eden contain fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Had He meant for them to eat the fruit? When Jehovah came, neither Adam nor Eve dared to confront Him, and it was only then that Jehovah knew that they had eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and fallen prey to the serpent’s trickery. In the end, He cursed the serpent, and He cursed Adam and Eve as well. When the two of them ate of the fruit of the tree, Jehovah was not at all aware that they were doing it. Humanity became corrupted to the point of being evil and sexually promiscuous, going even so far that everything they harbored in their hearts was evil and unrighteous; it was all filth. Jehovah therefore regretted having creating humanity. After that, He carried out His work of destroying the world with a flood, which Noah and his sons survived. Some things are not actually as advanced and supernatural as people might imagine. Some ask, “Since God knew the archangel would betray Him, why did He create it?” These are the facts: Before the earth existed, the archangel was the greatest of heaven’s angels. It had jurisdiction over all the angels in heaven; this was the authority God had granted it. With the exception of God, it was the greatest of heaven’s angels. Later, after God had created humanity, down on earth the archangel carried out an even greater treachery against God. I say it betrayed God because it wanted to manage humanity and to surpass God’s authority. It was the archangel that tempted Eve into sin, and it did so because it wished to establish its kingdom upon earth and to get humans to turn their backs on God and obey the archangel instead. The archangel saw that so many things could obey it-the angels could, as could the people upon the earth. The birds and beasts, trees, forests, mountains, rivers, and all things upon the earth were under the care of humans-that is, Adam and Eve-while Adam and Eve obeyed the archangel. The archangel therefore desired to surpass God’s authority and to betray God. After that, it led many angels in rebellion against God, which later became various sorts of unclean spirits. Has not humanity’s development to this day been caused by the archangel’s corruption? Humans are only the way they are today because the archangel betrayed God and corrupted humanity. This step-by-step work is nowhere near as abstract and simple as people might imagine. Satan carried out its betrayal for a reason, yet people are unable to comprehend such a simple fact. Why did God, who created the heavens and earth and all things, also create Satan? Since God despises Satan so much, and Satan is His enemy, why did He create Satan? By creating Satan, was He not creating an enemy? God did not actually create an enemy; rather, He created an angel, and later that angel betrayed Him. Its status had grown so great that it wished to betray God. One could say that this was a coincidence, but it was also an inevitability. It is similar to how a person will inevitably die after maturing to a certain point; things have just developed to that stage. Some absurd fools say, “Since Satan is Your enemy, why did You create it? Did You not know that the archangel would betray You? Can You not gaze from eternity to eternity? Did You not know the archangel’s nature? Since You clearly knew that it would betray You, why did You make it into an archangel? Not only did it betray You, it also led so many other angels with it and descended to the world of mortals to corrupt humanity, yet to this day, You still have been unable to complete Your six-thousand-year management plan.” Are those words correct? When you think in this way, are you not putting yourself through more trouble than is necessary? There are others who say, “Had Satan not corrupted humanity through to the present day, God would not have brought humanity salvation like this. As such, God’s wisdom and almightiness would have been invisible; where would His wisdom have been revealed? God therefore created a human race for Satan so that He could later reveal His almightiness-otherwise, how could man discover God’s wisdom? If man did not resist God or rebel against Him, it would be unnecessary for His acts to be revealed. If all of creation were to worship Him and submit to Him, God would have no work to do.” This is even further from reality, for there is nothing filthy about God, so He cannot create filth. He reveals His acts now only in order to defeat His enemy, to save the humans He created, and to defeat the demons and Satan, which hate, betray, and resist God, and which were under His dominion and belonged to Him in the very beginning. God wants to defeat these demons and, in doing so, reveal His almightiness to all things. Humanity and everything on earth are now under Satan’s domain and lie under the domain of the wicked. God wants to reveal His acts to all things so that people may know Him, and thereby defeat Satan and thoroughly vanquish His enemies. The entirety of this work is accomplished through revealing His acts. All of His creation is under Satan’s domain, so God wishes to reveal His almightiness to them, thereby defeating Satan. If there were no Satan, He would not need to reveal His deeds. If not for Satan’s harassment, God would have created humanity and led them to live in the Garden of Eden. Why, prior to Satan’s betrayal, did God never reveal all His deeds to the angels or to the archangel? If, in the beginning, all the angels and the archangel had known God and had submitted to Him, then God would not have carried out those meaningless acts of work. Because of the existence of Satan and demons, humans, too, have resisted God, and are filled to the brim with rebellious disposition. God therefore wishes to reveal His acts. Because He wishes to do war with Satan, He must use His own authority and all His acts to defeat it; in this way, the work of salvation that He performs among humans will allow them to see His wisdom and almightiness. The work God is doing today is meaningful, and in no way resembles that to which some people refer when they say, “Is not the work You do contradictory? Is not this succession of work merely an exercise in making trouble for Yourself? You created Satan, and then allowed it to betray and resist You. You created humans, and then handed them over to Satan, allowing Adam and Eve to be tempted. Since You did all these things on purpose, why do You still detest humanity? Why do You loathe Satan? Are these not all of Your own making? What is there for You to hate?” Quite a few absurd people say such things. They wish to love God, but deep down, they complain about God. What a contradiction! You do not understand the truth, you have too many supernatural thoughts, and you even claim that God made a mistake-how absurd you are! It is you who are fiddling with the truth; it is not the case that God has made a mistake! Some people even complain over and over, “It was You who created Satan, and You who cast Satan down among humans and handed them over to it. Once humans possessed satanic disposition, You did not forgive them; on the contrary, You hated them to a certain degree. At first You loved them to a certain degree, but now You detest them. It is You who has hated humanity, yet You are also the one who has loved humanity. What exactly is going on here? Is this not a contradiction?” Regardless of how you look at it, this is what happened in heaven; this is the manner in which the archangel betrayed God and humanity was corrupted, and this is how humans have continued to this day. Regardless of how you phrase it, that is the entire story. However, you must understand that the whole purpose behind this work God is doing today is to save you and to defeat Satan.*
      Excerpted from “You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day”

    • @samory5399
      @samory5399 Рік тому

      *Because the angels were particularly frail and possessed no abilities to speak of, they grew arrogant as soon as they were given authority. This was especially true of the archangel, whose status was higher than that of any other angel. A king among angels, it led millions of them, and under Jehovah, its authority surpassed that of any of the other angels. It wanted to do this and that, and to lead the angels down among humans to control the world. God said that He is the One who is in charge of the universe; but the archangel claimed that it was in charge of the universe-thenceforth, the archangel betrayed God. God had created another world in heaven, and the archangel wished to control this world and also to descend to the mortal realm. Could God allow it to do so? Thus, He struck the archangel and cast it down into midair. Ever since it corrupted humans, God has waged war with the archangel in order to save them; He has used these six millennia toward its defeat. Your conception of an almighty God is incompatible with the work God is currently carrying out; it is absolutely impractical, and is very much a fallacy! Actually, it was only after the archangel’s betrayal that God declared it to be His enemy. It was only due to its betrayal that the archangel trampled upon humanity after arriving in the mortal realm, and it is for this reason that humanity has developed to this point. After that happened, God vowed to Satan, “I will defeat you and bring salvation to all of the humans I created.” Unconvinced at first, Satan replied, “What can You honestly do to me? Can You really strike me down into midair? Can You truly defeat me?” After God cast it down into midair, He paid the archangel no further attention, and later on began to save humanity and carry out His own work in spite of Satan’s ongoing disturbances. Satan was able to do this and that, but it was all thanks to the power God had previously given to it; it took these things with it into midair, and has kept them to this day. When striking the archangel down into midair, God did not take back its authority, and so Satan continued to corrupt humanity. God, on the other hand, began saving humanity, whom Satan had corrupted soon after their creation. God did not reveal His acts while in heaven; however, prior to creating the earth, He allowed people in the world He created in heaven to see His acts, thus guiding those people above heaven. He gave them wisdom and intelligence, and led those people to live in that world. Naturally, none of you has ever heard of this before. Later, after God created humans, the archangel began to corrupt them; on earth, all of humanity fell to chaos. It was only then that God began His war against Satan, and it was only at this time that humans began to see His deeds. In the beginning, such acts had been concealed from humanity. After Satan was cast down into midair, it did its own things and God continued to do His own work, continuously waging war against Satan, right up until the last days. Now is the time in which Satan should be destroyed. In the beginning, God gave it authority, and He later struck it down into midair, yet it remained defiant. After that, it corrupted humanity upon earth, but God was there managing humanity. God uses His management of humans to defeat Satan. By corrupting people, Satan brings their fate to a close and disrupts God’s work. On the other hand, God’s work is the salvation of humanity. Which step of the work God does is not meant to save humanity? Which step is not meant to cleanse people, and to make them behave righteously and live out the image of ones who can be loved? Satan, however, does not do this. It corrupts humanity; it continuously carries out its work of corrupting humanity throughout the universe. Of course, God also does His own work, paying no attention to Satan. No matter how much authority Satan has, that authority was still given to it by God; God simply did not actually give it all His authority, and so no matter what Satan does, it can never surpass God and will always be within God’s grasp. God did not reveal any of His acts while in heaven. He merely gave Satan a small portion of authority and allowed it to exercise control over the other angels. Therefore, no matter what Satan does, it cannot surpass God’s authority, because the authority that God originally granted it is limited. As God works, Satan disrupts. In the last days, its disruptions will be finished; likewise, God’s work will also be finished, and the kind of humans God wishes to complete will be completed. God directs people positively; His life is living water, immeasurable and boundless. Satan has corrupted man to a certain degree; in the end, the living water of life will complete man, and it will be impossible for Satan to interfere and carry out its work. Thus, God will be able to gain these people completely.*
      Excerpted from “You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day”

  • @neemo23571
    @neemo23571 Рік тому +186

    The nafs is the ego, the self or id.
    Its the part of you that puts you 1st above everything. It requires training to control
    3 types of nafs are mentioned in the quran
    nafs al-ammārah - where youre in a state where the self rules you & anything goes that pleases you
    nafs al-lawwāmah - where one is in a state of conflict with their self, reproaches itself, it feels guilty when it does bad things. The conflict is the struggle to be & do good
    nafs al-muṭmaʾinnah - it is the content self, the nafs which is doing good works is satisfied for doing so.
    And Allah knows best.

  • @iDreamOfOkra
    @iDreamOfOkra Рік тому +77

    Absolutely love your channel. Keep up the great work, brother!

  • @josephti8644
    @josephti8644 Рік тому +23

    I'm a Muslim and you are the only nune Muslim I've learned from him in my whole life, I ask Allah to guide you to the right path

  • @MuniraEity
    @MuniraEity Рік тому +56

    Yesterday night i was so depressed , then i suddenly felt like inside my head something telling me to commit suicide but then rememberd that it's a great sin ,Thanks Allah SWT saved meh from myself ! i tried my best to survive yesterday & Alhamdulillah i survived . Now i feel like i should pray more than as usual so that no evil things can manupulated me !
    Allahu Akbar ( Allah is the Greatest )🌺

    • @lenore3009
      @lenore3009 Рік тому +5

      May Allah protects you❤

    • @jackieramsbottom7458
      @jackieramsbottom7458 Рік тому

      Allah isn't real my friend.
      Islam doesn't have a shred of archeological or written evidence supporting it's claims whatsoever!! I mean nothing !! Does that sound like the faith your teachers and apologists tell you about ?? No ! Especially when you find out the Bible has mountains of these evidences. Especially confusing when your aware of this so called Bible corruption your told about by your teachers and apologists is huge , but then see the actual amount is only around half % of the Bible. That's all of it .. Just a pathetic half %..
      what's even more of a joke is the Qur'an has far more corruption. I can show you your Qur'an and sahih hadith talking about missing and forgotten chapters, revelations Allah changed for better ones, Aisha talking about revelations that aren't in the Qur'an today ? Want to see ??
      Did you know millions of Muslims are leaving Islam every year because they claim they discovered mountains of lies spread by your teachers and apologists about my faith and yours once they checked outside Muslim sources.??. Your heading for hell fire because of a lie. Time to wake up.
      This maybe the true God of the universe trying to get your attention inorder to save you from the only thing tha truly matters on this planet....God's truth. Salvation... Surely that's worth at least asking me questions about my faith ?? Maybe do a little research yourself with non biased sources??
      God bless you and your family. May the Lord almighty bring you true peace of mind . May God bring you his truth and only ever his truth..

    • @MuniraEity
      @MuniraEity Рік тому

      @@jackieramsbottom7458 u should read more before u talk . hopefully u can see the truthness

    • @jackieramsbottom7458
      @jackieramsbottom7458 Рік тому

      @@MuniraEity I know more about Islam and the Qur'an than most Muslims.. I challenge you to prove me wrong about any statement Ive made ?
      It's fact the Qur'an doesn't have a shred of archeological evidence and the Bible has mountains of them .
      It's true the Qur'an doesn't have any written evidence supporting it's claims and yet we have lots of Written evidence..
      I don't think you understand just how damaging this is to your faith?? Problem is Muslims like you don't ever check outside their sources ??
      Did you know non Muslim scholars don't consider the Qur'an as having any historical value whatsoever ? Yet majority of Scholars use the Bible for historic value.
      Wake up my friend I'm not here to hurt or offend you. Only to get you to seek the truth...Sorry but the fact is your lied to about my faith and yours on an enormous scale...This is your very soul that's at risk...

    • @MuniraEity
      @MuniraEity Рік тому

      @@jackieramsbottom7458 i'm not islamic scholar so i can't challenge u or i don't wanna too. what u r saying is totally ridiculous ! Both Bibel & Quran from same God .u guys just don't wanna claim the fact as like jew's people didn't . thank you for your concern . i also suggest u the same ,wake up & seek the truth..🙏

  • @jasminemariedarling
    @jasminemariedarling Рік тому +116

    I'm a long-time viewer- I watched Bobby's videos when he was a vegan! I stopped being vegan around the same time as him, & went from the new age to finding God as well. I still find his videos interesting, after all these years. Like-minded. Thank u for your videos!! 🙏

    • @Islamunitedpeople
      @Islamunitedpeople Рік тому +11

      We invited you to Islam.

    • @Unknown-2.
      @Unknown-2. Рік тому +1

      @@Bb-pw1zi oh so you know the man personally ?
      You’re just upset that your faith doesn’t have a backbone and stands for nothing

    • @Unknown-2.
      @Unknown-2. Рік тому +1

      @@Bb-pw1zi and if you wanna make a claim again show proof your opinion doesn’t matter to anyone

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Рік тому

      @@Unknown-2. NORMAL people type Bible Criticism online and discover that the Holy Bible is complete fiction, Rube. How educated are you?

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Рік тому

      @ServantOfArRahman NORMAL people type Bible Criticism online and discover that the Holy Bible is complete fiction. How educated are you, Rube?

  • @absshak52
    @absshak52 Рік тому +60

    “Nafs” can also mean “desires”

  • @hamzapathan4671
    @hamzapathan4671 Рік тому +13

    Brother plz plz continue and finish this series this is very top series man high level production ‼️..they expose feminism and music industry etc..

  • @shifa6874
    @shifa6874 Рік тому +63

    We have Rooh,
    We have fitrah,
    We have Nafs,
    We have Jibillah,
    We have Aqal,
    We have physical body,
    Nafs doesn't mean sin, it means ego or id
    N it has 3 states
    Nafs e Ammara
    Nafs e Lawwamah (this is also called Dhameer)
    Nafs e Mutmainnah

    • @akgh98
      @akgh98 Рік тому +5

      What do you mean by Jibillah? Do you have the Arabic word?

    • @kaweeyounes506
      @kaweeyounes506 Рік тому +5

      هناك ناس جبلهم الله على الكرم. أي فطره وطبعه على الكرم.
      أما الدارج اليوم فهو مثلاُ "معدنه منيح"

    • @dgrdst5810
      @dgrdst5810 Рік тому

      @@kaweeyounes506 metal?

    • @kaweeyounes506
      @kaweeyounes506 Рік тому

      see, we are made of clay! and each one of us has different types of clay that define our souls, who we are.
      good qualities we need to grow, and bad qualities we need to restrain

    • @kaweeyounes506
      @kaweeyounes506 Рік тому +2

      @@dgrdst5810 metal is the literal meaning, but it's rather a metaphore.
      generosity, softness, braveness, envy, greed, weakness, stubborn.. each person is born with qualities that define us with God's will. We need to grow ourselves and pass the test with those qualities that Allah gave us. Good or bad. We need to overcome our negativity, restrain our bad thoughts, and grow ourselves to be better.
      And the best among men is the most righteous and pious.

  • @shan6539
    @shan6539 Рік тому +50

    Brother Bobby nafs doesn't mean sins Nafs means desires.Shaitan has nafs (i.e., desires) and he himself CHOOSED to be the devil out of his arrogance and envy for Adam(as) and his children.

    • @djurdjurouacif15
      @djurdjurouacif15 9 місяців тому

      Bjr il a lui même choisi d’être le diable je pensais que c’était dieu qui avait choisit et qui commmande ses créatures ??? T don’t understand ??? Explique moi lerci

  • @farooqamin9963
    @farooqamin9963 Рік тому +11

    I personally love Yusuf estes's videos, the way he explains something reminds me of myself, simple and meaningful.

  • @GoldenDuck0
    @GoldenDuck0 Рік тому +5

    Please continue to watch the rest of this series, it’s extremely informative and insightful

  • @seebx8479
    @seebx8479 Рік тому +20

    Hi Bobby! Please keep watching the series! Because of you so many other muslims are watching these videos and refreshing their Imaan!

  • @ghaithchawechi-4
    @ghaithchawechi-4 Рік тому +7

    The best serie ever , thanks brother may god reward and bless you

  • @shadlydiab4131
    @shadlydiab4131 Рік тому +6

    Please bobby, this story is so important and you keep getting "overview" videos on this topic. There is a video I have recommended in the past that is so jam-packed with knowledge that you can watch it 3 times and still learn from it each time. I have suggested that to you in the past and really want u to react to it. It answers all of the questions I see you having. And more information that is critical to the full story and beautifies the story.

    • @BlackWOLF-vt3rh
      @BlackWOLF-vt3rh Рік тому

      Which one?

    • @mostarholic
      @mostarholic Рік тому

      Can you please tell us which video you're talking about? Or better yet, put the link in this comment section

  • @ankidu82
    @ankidu82 Рік тому +6

    A beautiful reaction Bobby, I consider you as my brother in Islam already Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

  • @vortexvampire
    @vortexvampire Рік тому +3

    بارك الله فيكم...
    اللهم اغفر لوالدينا و ارحمهما و اجمعنا معهما في الفردوس الأعلى مع الأنبياء و الشهداء و الصالحين و جميع موتى المسلمين..
    اللهم احقن دماء المسلمين و انصرهم على من عاداهم..
    رب إني مسني الضر و أنت أرحم الراحمين...
    لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين.....

    @UNTHERIOUS Рік тому +94

    Assalem Aleykoum, I still don't get it who on earth dare to copyright the Quran at 3:07 ?! The Quran is the word of God it should not be copyright that's insane ! Anyway this serie "The Army Of Satan" is very good it's just eye opening Subhan'Allah. it is long yet so short.. You will love it Bobby Inch'Allah ! :)

    • @GhalibRashid
      @GhalibRashid Рік тому +20

      probably shaitan himself, so people dont have to hear the verse.

    • @aishax01
      @aishax01 Рік тому +3

      Boggles my mind!

    • @Rifinyo.
      @Rifinyo. Рік тому

      Absolutly, there is no copyright over the Quran(recitations), because they are all available and free to use everywhere, I'm sure the Army of Satan is behind it...

    • @hellitself8448
      @hellitself8448 Рік тому +1

      Most Qura'a do so, which is mind boggling to me as well. Don't understand if it's cuz its their recitation or if it's some production house that hits with copyrights it's just crazy.

    • @pabloescobar9287
      @pabloescobar9287 Рік тому +1

      Nafs= your ego and desires

  • @shadialjohani1194
    @shadialjohani1194 Рік тому +2

    Alslamu Alykom Brother.. Man I watched many videos of you. You are in the correct path of learning and teach us too as Muslims. You are truthful to your self and very clear guy. that is the mean reason I’m watching you really. I like you are talking in your videos and give back feedback about everything really. Wish you and your family the best and be safe. May Allah (God) guide to the correct path with your family. Love from Saudi Arabia ❤️🇸🇦❤️

  • @mrvictorhs1654
    @mrvictorhs1654 Рік тому +3

    Omg ,I waited so long for this 💕 .I already watch it many times but still wanna watch over and over 💕💕

  • @TK_TheFURY
    @TK_TheFURY Рік тому +1

    Proper way to understand: Narfs
    Nafs means ego, desire, soul, true self etc. it does not mean original sin or that you are born with sin rather it is something that makes you follow your desire, ego etc.
    It makes you think about different possibilities, their consequences and even though understanding that the action you are doing is wrong It makes you commit that action. That's where free will comes in and you get a choice to follow your Nafs or not follow it. Not following and obeying Allah (SWT) is our test in this world.
    Iblees tries every possible way to make us follow our Nafs through his shaitan minions from jinnkind and humankind.
    Edit: Nafs does not literally means soul, I just tried to give you a wage picture of what it is because perfect translation doesn't exist. For literal meaning Nafs is "Self". There are multiple meanings of Nafs depending on the context and there are 3 types of Nafs. The one I explained is mentioned in this video.

  • @toktiker8938
    @toktiker8938 Рік тому +3

    The american guy you saw in video is called Yusuf Estes.
    Please react to his convert story.
    God bless you brother❤️

  • @kaunyeyusufu4464
    @kaunyeyusufu4464 Рік тому +1

    Barrack Allahu Fiquum for this reaction. Please, do the reaction for all the series In Sha Allah. They're really good.

  • @sabinamahmic9403
    @sabinamahmic9403 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for sharing

  • @aqsjvd
    @aqsjvd Рік тому +6

    The way you taunt atheists and non believers 😂😂😂😂 and those funny facial expressions of yours 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂

  • @tarisnk
    @tarisnk Рік тому +1

    Yess, please continue. I haven't watch any videos from this series yet. I'm looking forward to watch the entire series together with you!

    • @tarisnk
      @tarisnk Рік тому +1

      Watch the series from merciful servant too. It's interesting!

  • @mohamednabil3333
    @mohamednabil3333 Рік тому +3

    Nice reaction Bobby. By the way NAFS doesnt mean sin, it means self, desire or ego. Just wanted to clarify

  • @Jksaffronbazaar
    @Jksaffronbazaar Рік тому +1

    Please continue with this series

  • @Airaqueen321
    @Airaqueen321 Рік тому +3

    Brother Bobby this is an awesome series .. each part is like an eye opener... plz continue watching all the parts... n we love watching it with u. . inshallah u will be rewarded for sharing it with others..
    one more request brother! kindly react to atleast 2 videos daily. we enjoy soo much watching it with u that one doesn't seem enough. 😄

  • @amilitarymind
    @amilitarymind Рік тому +2

    Nafs can mean many things: ego, primeaval self, chaotic self, primal nature, inner temptation, inner desire, etc. It is truly one of the choicest words in the Arabic language.
    But they all have the same significance - they must be controlled to achieve true onenees with your pure soul and eventual inner harmony.
    Struggling against your Nafs is the hardest form of Jihad and never ends until the Day of Reckoning.
    These days men are becoming more weak and deviant because they submit to their Nafs instead of submitting to their Creator.

  • @houaritifest1501
    @houaritifest1501 Рік тому +10

    Bro as the devils wisperd to you to do evil things also they are angels who wisperd to you to do good things and the decision is yours.May Allah protect us.Ameen

  • @husseinabdullahi6635
    @husseinabdullahi6635 Рік тому +1

    Very important reminder..
    Keep up the good work my brother in humanity

  • @mjp2271
    @mjp2271 Рік тому +3

    Thank you.. React to whole series.

  • @omzo27
    @omzo27 Рік тому +1

    Best serious on UA-cam it gets so much better and deeper everyone must watch

  • @Aprichit_anniyan
    @Aprichit_anniyan Рік тому +6

    12:04 because Allah gave him free will that means he had a choice to obey ro disobey Allah. Because of his arrogance and nafs he choose to disobey Allah. Simply because Allah gave me "free will."

  • @fatimaa9699
    @fatimaa9699 Рік тому

    Please continue this series

  • @boono2912
    @boono2912 Рік тому +3

    11:48 Nafs means soul not sin. Our nafs is an enemy to us sometimes unless we tame it to what Allah loves and commanded.

  • @mochamadrajiv4960
    @mochamadrajiv4960 Рік тому

    Please continue the series Sir

  • @lonejackie
    @lonejackie Рік тому +6

    nafs and sin are two separate things

    • @lr88xx
      @lr88xx Рік тому

      ye nafs means desires

  • @ibrarsaleem
    @ibrarsaleem Рік тому

    Bobby, love your videos, your approach and critical thinking process to be able to make a permanent enduring decision when the time is right to revert back. (I use revert instead of convert because under Islam all are born a Muslim but some have taken a different path in life). Please do continue with the series.
    Just some food for thought. Even Iblees worships the all mighty creater Allah swt!
    Disobedience or more so the denial of existence of Allah swt amongst mankind or even aportioning blame to Satan for not worshipping Allah holds no logical credibility as Iblees himself prostrates to Allah. This concept alone helps me to hold on to the deen.
    May Allah swt reward you on your quest for the truth. Looking forward to the next video. Salaam.

  • @hisham-omar
    @hisham-omar Рік тому +4

    nafs in arabic means "ego" or "self", not "sin".

  • @busyshah
    @busyshah Рік тому

    That workout part you mentioned is so relevant

  • @hishamelkholy9614
    @hishamelkholy9614 Рік тому +3

    Submission is known as intelligence.
    Knowing that Allah is greatest all knowing you
    Follow and obedience is all natural. Allah is always trustworthy.

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 Рік тому

      NORMAL people type Bible Criticism online and discover that the Holy Bible is complete fiction. The Hebrews lied about their ancient history and the Muslims and Christians fell for this poopfest. How educated are you, Rube?

  • @theblues5450
    @theblues5450 Рік тому

    Bobby ,
    Excellent comments from you at the end 👍

  • @farzanayasmin5318
    @farzanayasmin5318 Рік тому +3

    Would you plz react to the story of Adam (As) by nouman Ali khan . It really gives a whole new perspective on the story , going deep into the meaning of the words used in the Quran .

    • @tolovethyneighbour
      @tolovethyneighbour Рік тому

      And what will you gain from that?
      Will Allah reward you for wasting your time looking at a person watching a video?
      Invest your time in Allah and not in reaction videos. All these people do is make money by reacting to Islamic videos while Muslims are happily watching them judge Islam.
      Allah will ask you about your time. Make sure you don’t waste it on seeing someone take advantage of your time by creating reaction videos.
      If people like Bobby want to accept Islam they will. They don’t need to make 500 videos reacting to Islamic videos to decide Allah is one.
      Why can’t people understand this simple thing.

    • @frenchbarber
      @frenchbarber Рік тому

      @@tolovethyneighbour What is your problem

  • @divewithme8926
    @divewithme8926 Рік тому

    Please continue the series

  • @jackieramsbottom7458
    @jackieramsbottom7458 Рік тому +3

    Why not comment on the Qur'ans story of Solomons army of men , Jinn and birds ??. All under the command of general Hud hud ! A hoopoe bird that had a talent for finding women with hairy legs .. I kid you not ! It's in the Qur'an. One of those stories Muhammad took from others and put it into the Qur'an. These stories we can trace back , almost word for word , to stories of that time . Books like " legions of the Jews ".
    The Qur'an is an enormous mess and the claims Muslims make are just that !! They don't hold water outside Islam..

    • @mpp1386
      @mpp1386 Рік тому

      They're ashamed 😂 and cherry pick their verse

  • @sarjorsusso6763
    @sarjorsusso6763 Рік тому +1

    Yes bro, I think you should continue with the series , it enlightened one's

  • @pkmuhammedhisan
    @pkmuhammedhisan Рік тому +12

    Nafs = Your animalistic lower self / desire

  • @fatimasaban75
    @fatimasaban75 Рік тому +1

    Very very beautifull bobby pls continue with part 2

  • @mahmoudabdalaziz4875
    @mahmoudabdalaziz4875 Рік тому +1

    bobby my man may Allah guide you to his true path and your family and grant you Jannah

  • @ArabicLearning-MahmoudGa3far

    Thank you very much Bobby!!

  • @tiptopviral7488
    @tiptopviral7488 Рік тому +1

    "NAFS" means "DESIRE". Same as you mentioned at minute 13:51 in your video here. Assalam greetings from MALAYSIA. I love all your videos.

  • @tanimxabid7836
    @tanimxabid7836 Рік тому

    Continue this series.This is very interesting & well researched.

  • @studyquranmultipletimestoc2560

    Please continue this series brother

  • @robertsebesta7715
    @robertsebesta7715 Рік тому

    Very much enjoyed the analysis. Please continue. 🙏

  • @awalkhan139
    @awalkhan139 Рік тому +1

    Its an eye opening series please keep on reacting to it and you will get all the answers

  • @realt1984
    @realt1984 Рік тому

    Looking forward to all reactions from this series.

  • @muhammadkamran3968
    @muhammadkamran3968 Рік тому

    Yes please continue this series

  • @hatakikhalil8163
    @hatakikhalil8163 Рік тому +1

    part 2😍

  • @omertasal
    @omertasal Рік тому

    Keep reacting to this series brother, Thanks 👍

  • @salimasiyah4625
    @salimasiyah4625 Рік тому +1

    Hello brother nice reaction video
    Can't wait for Part 2 of the The Army of Satan series yes.

  • @ahmeds754
    @ahmeds754 Рік тому

    Absolutely enjoying... Continue the series

  • @mieZerx
    @mieZerx Рік тому

    Pls continue the series, your input is really helpful to me. You doing a great job

  • @de-addiction1681
    @de-addiction1681 Рік тому

    Great To see you reacted to this series

  • @Fakhori.M
    @Fakhori.M Рік тому +1

    GOD BLESS U Bobby beautiful brother... yes I'd like u to watch the whole series its amazing and u gonna learn a lot even if u already know.. its a powerful reminder for us all
    much love... may god guide us all.. ameen

  • @studyquranmultipletimestoc2560

    Thank you brother bobby

  • @annaaishaholaihil4257
    @annaaishaholaihil4257 Рік тому +1

    Thank you, Bobby for another video. Please, continue with those series. It is very interesting to watch reactions to that kind of videos once I watched already and have my own thoughts about them. Besides, they touch very interesting topics. Salam.

  • @muhammadsamir9726
    @muhammadsamir9726 Рік тому

    Finally .. Yessssssssss continue please

  • @naheemkhan1397
    @naheemkhan1397 Рік тому

    Continue with them all !

  • @de-addiction1681
    @de-addiction1681 Рік тому +1

    We want you to continue this series its best eye opening series

  • @MyStockz
    @MyStockz Рік тому +1

    Keep going with this series! Gotta gain the wisdom!

  • @ahmeds754
    @ahmeds754 Рік тому

    Ahh finally!! Thanks Bobby 😊😊

  • @ahmeds754
    @ahmeds754 Рік тому

    This series gets deeper with every episode

  • @americancrossroad4064
    @americancrossroad4064 Рік тому

    You are reviewing absolutely fantastic !

  • @Annaatti
    @Annaatti Рік тому

    More of this and "Challenging Questions" series by Rational beliver plz.
    I'm superaddicted to these series

  • @rosareunitez5913
    @rosareunitez5913 Рік тому

    Great knowledge dude. Me was so suprised by the story-telling. Enjoyed watching it with you.keep going man

  • @kaizo4004
    @kaizo4004 Рік тому

    please continue this series! it’s so good

  • @myrahannan8355
    @myrahannan8355 Рік тому

    Assalam allium brother Allah subhan a Tala bless you

  • @Diaicy19
    @Diaicy19 Рік тому

    Yes!!! Please react to the whole series! In shaa Allah

  • @iyaddarwish5205
    @iyaddarwish5205 Рік тому

    Part 2 please Bobby, thanks

  • @fatimaabba4338
    @fatimaabba4338 Рік тому +1

    Please go ahead and continue to react to the series. It's interesting hearing your perspective as you learn more about the Islamic perspective.
    May I, humbly, also suggest that you react to the prophets in Islam series? It'll give you a clear background on our beliefs about the prophets and also give you a clearer understanding of the Quranic verses where Allah mentions the prophets and their people.

  • @ABRreligions
    @ABRreligions Рік тому +1

    Want more of this series

  • @warriors6825
    @warriors6825 Рік тому +1

    The word 'NAFS' is mentioned in quran..
    As" kullu nafsin zaikatul maut.." Means Every soul will taste death... So nafs = soul or sprit.... Is selfsame thing in this context..

  • @najibafridi2901
    @najibafridi2901 Рік тому

    This series is amazing bro plz keep it up we will wait for part 2

    • @najibafridi2901
      @najibafridi2901 Рік тому

      @Dan M evry masenger has word of God and light from God all the same no difference.from the beginning no one confused only Cristian hve confused, making 3 to1 and 1 to 3 but not 3 only oly one sorry brother its really cunfusing

  • @massabbir
    @massabbir Рік тому

    The person on the video is "yusuf estes", He was a Christian priest who become An islamic preacher after revert... He is very good at his work

  • @smallheadedbear5594
    @smallheadedbear5594 Рік тому

    this is very insightful for me..! just learned new stuff!

  • @abdullahzubair8243
    @abdullahzubair8243 Рік тому

    Waiting for the next episodes brother. Keep going.

  • @azzafathallah5426
    @azzafathallah5426 Рік тому

    Yes, please continue with this.
    Concerning your inquiry about (An-nafs) is simply one's ego and desires, so it's the enemy from within yet shaitan is the external enemy ..
    Allah (subhanu wa tala) made those an open enemy and explained all their tricks in Quran so we should be aware of it all.
    On the other hand prophet Muhammad may peace and blessings be upon him taught us a daily supplication in which we seek the refuge in Allah from the evil of shaitan and the evil of our nafs.
    It's recommended that we repeat this supplication every morning after fajr and every evening after asr.
    《O Allah, Knower of the unseen and the seen, Creator of the heavens and the Earth, Lord and Sovereign of all things, I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You. I take refuge in You from the evil of my soul (nafsi) and from the evil and shirk of the devil, and from committing wrong against my soul or bringing such upon another Muslim.》
    At-Tirmidhi 3:142

  • @mercifulreminder2106
    @mercifulreminder2106 Рік тому

    Eventhough i learned it previously, but through you i am relearning it

  • @SuperNewacct
    @SuperNewacct Рік тому

    Brother Knowing about your enemy Satan's tricks & Illuminati is very important to save our own selves & Kids in Life

  • @oriaproduction2520
    @oriaproduction2520 Рік тому

    We will wait for the second part of this s|series

  • @ahmeds754
    @ahmeds754 Рік тому

    More to learn in the other videos, especially music, magic, and slavery.
    Can't wait for other episodes!

  • @hauwaaltine9095
    @hauwaaltine9095 Рік тому +1

    Peace and love Bobby brother. Nafs is the self or ego not sin.

  • @user-yasser.alouane.95
    @user-yasser.alouane.95 Рік тому

    I need to see your reactions in part 2 @Bobby

  • @mahmoudabdalaziz4875
    @mahmoudabdalaziz4875 Рік тому

    Nafs is an Arabic word occurring in the Quran, literally meaning "self", and has been translated as "psyche", "ego" or "soul".

  • @braveheartst8762
    @braveheartst8762 Рік тому

    الإسلام يأمر الناس باستعمال العقل والتدبر لكن في حدود إمكاناته لهذا هناك أشياء لن يبلغها العقل مهما كان نبوغه وذكاؤه وقدرته وحينها تأتي هذه الآية الكريمة:( إلى الله مرجعكم جميعا فينبئكم بما كنتم فيه تختلفون) لتبين أن ما لم يدركه العقل في الدنيا سيبينه الله له في الآخرة لهذا أمرنا سبحانه بالصبر مع العلم أنه بين لنا ما ينبغي علمه وأخفى عنا ما سنعلمه وكلما حافظ الإنسان على إيمانه واجتهد فيه علمه الله مالم يكن يعلم

  • @MrJalijan
    @MrJalijan Рік тому

    Please continue reacting to this series brother

  • @hevensonharun1644
    @hevensonharun1644 Рік тому

    Continue bro every series