How to Wash your Car using a Foam Cannon | Car Detailing and Car Wash Tips and Tricks | Foam Cannon

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @brad265
    @brad265 Рік тому +6

    Never thought about using a leaf blower. Very smart

  • @jtam70
    @jtam70 2 роки тому +7

    I thought using a foam canon was all you need to do to wash a car. Spray the foam, rinse it off, and you are done. Thank you for the education. Subbed.

    • @sentino68
      @sentino68 4 місяці тому +4

      You’re kidding. Right?

    • @RonBurgundy-j4y
      @RonBurgundy-j4y Місяць тому

      @@sentino68dude it can work like that if you have great chemicals. You can get 90+% of your dirt off with that

  • @GSP-76
    @GSP-76 3 роки тому +11

    Thank you for all your helped me choose the proper pressure washer hose, gun and orifice for my electric pressure washer. Keep up the great work!

  • @cutthroat0075591
    @cutthroat0075591 3 роки тому +6

    The blower he is using is a Toro Ultra, Model 51619. There are 2 models, both are 260MPH, one is 340 CFM for $70, the other 405 CFM for $99. Harbor Freight has an identical blower, Portland 62337, 375 CFM for $47.

    • @yo_marc
      @yo_marc Рік тому +1

      The battery operated shop blowers are nice too. They have a rubber nozzle and you can run them in a stubby config. I have the Dewalt one, Milwaukee has one as well. I’m sure there are others.

  • @cal88usa
    @cal88usa 3 роки тому +1

    I wash my car with the two bucket method. After seeing how you wash the car using towel, I will try this on my car. Thank you.

  • @JamesEdington
    @JamesEdington 2 роки тому +2

    Yesterday I used that ceramic detail spray on my new car. Wow! It’s incredible. I liked the results so much I used it on our 2015 Honda Odyssey and…wow! It’s like the ultimate detailer’s secret!

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  2 роки тому +2

      That stuff is fantastic!!

  • @joeforbes2434
    @joeforbes2434 Рік тому +2

    Excellent video and tips. The best that I’ve seen so far.

  • @contidozack
    @contidozack 3 роки тому +1

    I got an Active pressure and the Uber flex thanks to you, Josh.

  • @zigwil153
    @zigwil153 2 роки тому +10

    Great video. As a side, if your contacting the car it's best to not go from the top to the bottom & vice versa with the same towel, etc. Clean horizontally, not vertically. Vehicles are almost always dirtier on the bottom than the hood, roof, etc. Don't want any potential micro scratching brought up. Clean water buckets are a must.

  • @frankgraham699
    @frankgraham699 4 місяці тому

    Was cool to watch this knowing it was a 3 year old video. I have no idea why, but I’m all of the sudden very interested in getting the best foam I can. LoL.
    Love this content Josh. Really good channel.

  • @stephanoutten3185
    @stephanoutten3185 Рік тому

    Just Water !!! Water cleans 💯 Luv it brother no need for to much chemicals

  • @blakekylee8849
    @blakekylee8849 Рік тому +1

    I recommend sprayaway ammonia free glass cleaner you can get it at Walmart that’s why I use for my car at home and it’s works amazing

  • @JFomo
    @JFomo 2 роки тому +1

    I use Seal n Shine on the windows to keep them beading water when it rains.

  • @joevanseeters2873
    @joevanseeters2873 3 роки тому +1

    Good information about a basic maintenance wash using good washing techniques. I especially liked the comment on the window cleaning. Clean microfibers and water........ That's brilliant for a maintenance wash and probably all that is needed. The only time you would need a dedicated window cleaner would probably be if you had some gunk or oily substances on the window. Many times the wipers will pick up gunk and spread it across the windows over time using them in the rain. You'd probably need an actual window cleaner to get rid of that gunk build up. I like Angelwax Vision. That stuff cut's through just about anything. Finishes streak free too. Good stuff.

  • @hotsuacey7189
    @hotsuacey7189 Рік тому +1

    Do you dilute the detail spray and if so, how much. 9:00

  • @socialwill
    @socialwill 3 роки тому +11

    I would love to see a video on the clay bar process on how to do it and when this should be done?

    • @stojo007
      @stojo007 3 роки тому +1

      The only time you’d do it is when there is contamination on the panel and a chemical decontamination would not lift it. Mechanical decontamination (clay bar/glove) will always require polishing after if not compounding.

    • @RDB2020
      @RDB2020 2 роки тому

      Feel your paint after you wash it with a general car wash soap no wax. If it feels rough you need to clay bar your paint. Take a clay bar and spray wax and Spray a small section of the vehicle paint with the spray wax and then take the clay bar and work in small sections. Kneed the clay frequently and then with your hand feel the paint it will start to feel super smooth. Take a clean micro fiber and gently wipe up the area you just worked. Keep this process up until you have made your way around the entire vehicle. Now your vehicle is ready for wax prep or ceramic prep.

  • @robertlafuente8088
    @robertlafuente8088 Рік тому +9

    Do you wash your microfiber towels and reuse? Of so how?

    • @dragonzdoser2071
      @dragonzdoser2071 3 місяці тому +1

      Wash them, Just like you would your clothes when they’re dirty

    • @aguccislide6132
      @aguccislide6132 3 місяці тому +1

      @@dragonzdoser2071and wash them separately by purpose. you don’t want cross contamination or such

    • @BenderTheMagnificent
      @BenderTheMagnificent 3 місяці тому

      Wash in warm water with nothing else

    • @CeeWorld69
      @CeeWorld69 3 місяці тому

      @@aguccislide6132not going to put one towel in the washing machine at a time dude 😂😂. That’s a WASTE of electricity!!

    • @aguccislide6132
      @aguccislide6132 3 місяці тому +1

      @@CeeWorld69 yeah well obviously you’d just hand wash at that point. i’m talking about those with packs of towels

  • @GirlDad2321
    @GirlDad2321 Рік тому +1

    Love your content. Question: What pressure are you running? As well as, what size tip and orifice size for sprayer? Thank you so much for all your great information on your videos.

  • @Simon-ff5kg
    @Simon-ff5kg 3 роки тому +16

    What’s your view on cleaning perforated leather seats? I’ve seen a few videos on yt, but since your channel is my go-to channel, would appreciate to hear your method

  • @freddyfred2595
    @freddyfred2595 Рік тому +1

    Can you use that ceramic sealant after ever car wash..I wash my car once a week maybe twice..just need something after I air dry exterior but at trehe same time don't wanna over coat the car.. any recommendation

  • @Danny-xj5ts
    @Danny-xj5ts 2 роки тому +6

    Great video
    Have you ever considered skipping the pre-rinsing process and going straight into foaming?
    I’m a detailer here in the South Bay and I’ll double foam cars. The first foam cannon has a little bit of APC on it. That helps breakdown the dirt then I rinse the car. The second time I from the car I go into my contact Wash but at that point the car is very clean

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  2 роки тому +6

      absolutely. instead of apc i usually use a pre wash like auto foam from bilt hamber. foam, rinse, foam with a ph neutral soap and contact wash.

    • @elmirbrdar1045
      @elmirbrdar1045 11 місяців тому +1

      I’m considering what way I can provide a 30 minute wash, not skipping on wheels and final phase of polish like in the video.
      I’m thinking say Gsf with some Gs pre wash, 2 min or so then rince. While car is wet go over with Gsf in the bucket and mitt. The point is do we need a second foam part at all? The prewash will get rid of most grime and also lubricate for the hand wash to take place. Why sud the car again

    • @renogunzddragon1900
      @renogunzddragon1900 2 місяці тому

      ​@@elmirbrdar1045just foam,rinse,then contact wash..dont overthink

  • @cebasmb8250
    @cebasmb8250 3 роки тому +2

    Josh I'm happy to see you rinsing off the car first before any touching 👌🏽💥💯......I've seen some detailer start foam and start washing 🤔 not good ......keep the good work up Josh!!!! Great product from technician's choice 💥 my favorite go to spray wax 😮 same way I clean windows 😎 no chemicals

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks 👍

    • @JeffreySmith-m3y
      @JeffreySmith-m3y 9 місяців тому

      I definitely don't rinse first. You're blasting grit into the paint at 1,000+ psi which is not what I want to do. I want any of that stuff to be encapsulated by the time I rinse. I do rinse after the initial foam and then foam again for the contact wash. Two different products.

  • @keithcee6378
    @keithcee6378 3 роки тому +2

    Just in time for dinner and a clip! Thanks for the great content homie! 🙏🏼

  • @ChubbsMcGee
    @ChubbsMcGee 2 місяці тому +1

    I was always told not to rinse before foaming. Pre-rinsing supposedly dilutes the foam, not allowing it to do what it is supposed to do. Can you please clarify any truth to that?
    Also, why do you do your wheels and tires before the car? I was always told to do the opposite.

  • @cmk325i
    @cmk325i Рік тому +1

    What soaps do you recommend for ceramic coated vehicles? Rite now I am using Car Pro reset but that is some expensive soap to be using weekly. Also what drying aid would you use . Do you still use TC ?

    • @iolacowgirl
      @iolacowgirl Рік тому

      Adam's megafoam or use a ph neutral soap.

  • @Dirtracing141
    @Dirtracing141 3 роки тому +2

    Do one for interior process

  • @Minnesota_Fire
    @Minnesota_Fire 8 місяців тому

    I absolutely love the content. You’re my favorite UA-cam detailer. I’ve learned a lot from you and I appreciate it. I am curious, how do you tackle stuck on bugs and tar specks if foam and contact washing doesn’t get rid of them? Do you move to clay or is there a better way to get it off?

  • @motoman4782
    @motoman4782 Рік тому

    Hey, buddy, love your videos quick question period so on the ceramic detail. Can I use that on a vehicle that already has a traffic coating? Maybe?😊

  • @duanehundley
    @duanehundley Рік тому +3

    I used to be a valet. After 4,000 rpm’s the vanquish sounds like nothing else. It’s one of the best sounding cars ever!

  • @xprodigybasegod9274
    @xprodigybasegod9274 2 роки тому

    Well I’ve been doing my car wrong. I always Contact washed first then foam cannon! Then I saw a video on TikTok Simone m someone foam cannon first then contact wash the same way you did! Had me question myself and of course look up a video! Thanks!!

  • @tomlogan1531
    @tomlogan1531 Рік тому

    Great video, as always. I have pretty much bought every product you recommended. Thank you again.

  • @ajwilliams9570
    @ajwilliams9570 10 місяців тому

    Awesome tutorial mate - thanks from Melbourne 🇦🇺

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  10 місяців тому

      👍👍👍 thanks!!

  • @jagreddog
    @jagreddog Рік тому

    I learned early in your videos and about my goto detail cermanic spray.Tech 582 is the shit.It can do many things well.I now recommend buying it in the largest size.Its that good.Also cant stress enuff atleast for me,get the better quality MF towels(whatever brand).No tags no edges,spend the money and just dont settle for the cheapest you can find.I prefer Adams towels but that just me.GJ Josh. I try support your channel when i can.Im sure this is out of your hands,shipping from CA to NC almost doubles my cost. Great video even if your a weekend warrior,i learned alot as usual.Thanks -- The combo of this channel and Pan are terrific.Honest opinions -how to and more.Ive learned to spend my money much efficently.Thanks

  • @benjibumble
    @benjibumble Рік тому +1

    Do you have a recommended microfiber for the contact wash? Trying to decide between 350 and 500 GSM edgeless from The Rag Company

  • @stojo007
    @stojo007 3 роки тому +2

    @IMJOSHV you’ve mentioned in previous videos, unless I’m mistaken, that you can dilute the si02 spray. What ratio do you use or am I mistaken and you use it at full strength?

  • @joelcleare
    @joelcleare 3 роки тому

    I like the one bucket method. I way over bought towels. I have like 25 extra towels like the ones you use.

  • @RedHaloManiac95
    @RedHaloManiac95 Рік тому

    I have started using a microfiber sponge for the inside of the wheel, imo it’s a lot easier than the straight stick but some cars rotors are so big there’s no wheel clearance

  • @Drainage_Eli
    @Drainage_Eli 2 роки тому +4

    What type of pad did you use to put on the tire dressing at the end of the video?

    • @kurts3779
      @kurts3779 3 місяці тому +1

      Just cut up grout sponge, one without the abrasive side, from Home Depot and toss it after. It's way cheaper and very effective for tire gels like Sonax and so on. One sponge cut up neatly with a sharp razor blade or utility knife will get you like 10 to 15 applicators.

    • @Eltee127
      @Eltee127 2 місяці тому

      @@kurts3779been using the same grout sponge for a year now. Still holding up very well

  • @brandencollins841
    @brandencollins841 6 місяців тому

    @imjoshv, for bronze wheels what would you suggest? Also any recommendations oh how to ceramic a 2024 Mustang and detail tips? Trying to learn how to take great care of my car to include the interior, also im a big fan of your videos. Great work.

  • @dyolf10
    @dyolf10 3 роки тому +2

    Great vid josh once again, how would youndo the process for a bigger vehicle, like an SUV ? Any videos or one in the making ?

  • @retrofervor8543
    @retrofervor8543 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the great vid. Can you do a step by step on a SUV and maybe one on leather seats? Thanks again

  • @giorenaud9657
    @giorenaud9657 3 роки тому

    Can you make a video on the ceramic finishing spray.
    How you apply it.
    Thanks again.

  • @massshah
    @massshah 2 роки тому

    thanks for your video helps a lot just wondering if you can tell us how to clean cream leather for the car thanks again

  • @RM-gv3lu
    @RM-gv3lu 2 роки тому +2

    Awesome video Josh. Can I still use the ceramic spray if the vehicle I washed has some swirl marks on it? Will it make anything worse?

    • @Oakcitymedia
      @Oakcitymedia 2 роки тому

      tech ceramic spray works wonders. Even after a wash with swirls. Adds that layer of protection for weeks to months. Using a Ph balance car soap

  • @DerekRasina
    @DerekRasina Рік тому

    I love the videos. Why do I see so many detailers rinse the foam wash off then go into the 2 bucket method? Seems like a waste since you have the lubricating foam on the car already and you can't replicate that with a bucket. Thanks again!

  • @jaysteezy_srt6896
    @jaysteezy_srt6896 2 роки тому +1

    So is rinsing first necessary? Or can I go straight to foaming and then contact wash then rinsing 🤔

  • @timmiller4979
    @timmiller4979 6 місяців тому

    Good stuff. Do u ever use clay in your preparation before waxing

  • @victoryfirst2878
    @victoryfirst2878 Рік тому

    How do you know when the micro-towel is ready to be tossed ??? Just love the way the spray foam gives the car a beard. Nice work fella.

  • @skypupx
    @skypupx Рік тому

    Great video and guidance. Car looks awesome !!

  • @jong3821
    @jong3821 3 роки тому +16

    Have you permanently switched from Mr. Pink to Adams?

  • @staceyw5406
    @staceyw5406 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the simple steps. I will try this. Can you do a video cleaning a vehicle with a matte finish please 🙏

  • @TheJDB65
    @TheJDB65 Рік тому

    Thx so much! One question what pressure is your pressure washer? I only have a 3200psi version and think it is too high so I use a bigger nozzle to reduce the force of the jet.

  • @bobbystefano
    @bobbystefano Рік тому

    great video! What do you charge for a car wash like the one in your video? Some videos I see you use an air blower to dry and others you're selling a twist loop? How do you make this decision? thanks!

  • @waynepile5084
    @waynepile5084 Рік тому

    How do you feel about PPF? Im getting a 2024 Mustang Dark Horse, and am seriously considering ceramic coating and PPF. I would appreciate your input on this subject. Thank you.

  • @Dudeitsme420
    @Dudeitsme420 Місяць тому +1

    Ant it better foam on a dry car then rinse foam again the pressure from the water can drag the particles in ur paint.. potentially scratching it ..water is a solvent...

  • @EileenTheCr0w
    @EileenTheCr0w Рік тому

    Josh, I do not see the link for this special window product.. "water" you called it?

  • @diablo3871
    @diablo3871 2 роки тому

    When you are doing all the rinsing with the pressure washer what tip do you have on it? Is the full psi tip too much pressure for a car?

  • @weildinggreen6504
    @weildinggreen6504 Рік тому

    Hey Josh, is there a time of day that you prefer to start due to the sun? I would imagine you have to work fast in the afternoon. How do you work around having to polish in the sun?

  • @rfchip9686
    @rfchip9686 3 роки тому +3

    Outstanding videos Josh! I have learned a lot and always look forward to washing my vehicles and try out something new I have learned.

  • @matsudakodo
    @matsudakodo 2 роки тому

    I'll check out that Technicians Choice. Have you tried Wizards Mist-N-Shine? Also really good stuff. One tip I never see mentioned is regarding product storage. Most people's garages are unconditioned. The hot summers and freezing winters have ruined some of my products, so I now keep them inside the house at room temperature.

  • @rafaeloliva8328
    @rafaeloliva8328 Рік тому

    Hey Josh I’m a new subscriber from New York I was wondering on any tips and products for matt factory paint I have a f150 black widow with factory Matt paint from acs (Georgia) any advice will be appreciated thank you God bless

  • @KevinAClassA
    @KevinAClassA 2 роки тому

    Great advice!
    Stay safe and blessed

  • @OhDannyBoy2k
    @OhDannyBoy2k Рік тому

    Do you use the same ~300 gsm microfiber towels for your contact wash? Or something a little more plush? Done a few maintenance washes with a mitt and really like the idea of switching over to microfiber towels to skip the rinse.

  • @truebluereef419
    @truebluereef419 10 місяців тому

    Josh, what microfiber towels do you use for contact wash?

  • @jtltet
    @jtltet Рік тому

    What's the best method to get rid of water spots on glass and painted trim surfaces?

  • @jeremiahgaskins7205
    @jeremiahgaskins7205 3 роки тому +8

    Thanks for sharing your process. I personally have found spraying a claylube dilution level of ONR after the rinse, but before the foam/wash adds a good deal more glide to the wash mitts and cleans effectively. It also seems to help reduce soap residue drying as fast in hot days.

    • @Blaze_556
      @Blaze_556 3 роки тому

      So the onr acts as a spot free rinse of sorts?

    • @jeremiahgaskins7205
      @jeremiahgaskins7205 3 роки тому

      @@Blaze_556 I wouldn't say spot free, but it helps. It definitely improves the feel of the mitt during the wash. I also use an once in my Rinse bucket to help the dirt release easier.

  • @eddybobby6211
    @eddybobby6211 Рік тому

    Great videos! Thank you... with the ceramic detail spray does it matter if the paint isn't ceramic when using a ceramic detail spray? Should one use a different detail spray? Or is the Technicians Choice TEC582 Ceramic Detail Spray good for all vehicles? Thanks again!

  • @brucestricklin3830
    @brucestricklin3830 Рік тому

    Hey hello was wondering what’s your thoughts on the Bauer 2000

  • @JesseVanderhoff
    @JesseVanderhoff 2 роки тому +2

    Great video. What’s your process for cleaning up micro fiber after getting loaded up with contaminants? Specific detergent, additive, dryer settings, etc.

    • @BadAssDetailz
      @BadAssDetailz 2 роки тому +1

      What I use is a degenerate specially designed for ( most detailing websites have it ) washing micro fiber towels on cold water only. Dryer low heat, approximately 60 minutes …

    • @CamerOneiric
      @CamerOneiric 2 роки тому

      Look for a product called “rags to riches”

    • @cardo1111
      @cardo1111 2 роки тому

      Good tips I use a fragrance free detergent and never use fabric softener.

  • @Drainage_Eli
    @Drainage_Eli 2 роки тому +1

    To rinse the car after you apply the Adams mega foam, would you ever go to a 25° spray nozzle or is that too strong? My Sunjoe pressure washer says I should only use the 40° but it seems to not be strong enough to rinse off the foam unless I go really slow with it. Thanks for your channel. I just bought a Ford bronco and due to the soft top, I wash it myself. Your videos have been very helpful.

    • @Oakcitymedia
      @Oakcitymedia 2 роки тому

      You can use the 25/40 nozzle is our go to, it’s all about the pressure 1200-1500 psi you’ll be fine. We like 25 nozzle for wheel and rockers panels. We use a MTM spray gun SGS28 Swivel version.

  • @roanokejoe
    @roanokejoe Рік тому

    Another great video. What degree tip do you use on your pressure washer? Also, what leaf blower are you using?

  • @jeffpatchell6413
    @jeffpatchell6413 5 місяців тому

    Norwex rags are hands down the best thing for windows. Norwex rag and a bucket of water. That's it!

  • @YoloSwegs
    @YoloSwegs 3 роки тому +2

    I have a question. How do you make the foam Cannon not swivel, mine swivels, any way to fix that? I use quick connects btw.

    • @yaishmatheen4274
      @yaishmatheen4274 3 роки тому

      Thats by design. Its to help spray even foam regardless of pressure washer gun orientation.

  • @andrewwranglers5904
    @andrewwranglers5904 Рік тому

    Can the ceramic detail spray only be used with ceramic coated vehicles?

  • @tangerineman56
    @tangerineman56 6 місяців тому

    Im buying my first pressure washer soon but wanted to know why you dont rinse off the foam after atep 3. Wont it cause scratches if you wipe it after the foam lifts the dirt from the paint? Is a rinse needed?

  • @jayzhang14
    @jayzhang14 Рік тому

    hi, do you usually use same kind of liquid for both prewash and regular wash when using the foam cannon?

  • @rosalesrosales6337
    @rosalesrosales6337 3 роки тому +1

    What type of tire shine do you happen to use for your customers vehicles ? I use chemical guys tire shine but I really don’t like the end result once it settles, the tire looks nice and clean and all but it doesn’t give me the shine I would for it to have.

    • @TheCeki1982
      @TheCeki1982 3 роки тому

      Get this one and don't look back. KOCH CHEMIE PS PLAST STAR EXTERIOR PLASTIC CARE

  • @CORZER0
    @CORZER0 2 роки тому

    Love your videos, wish I found them sooner! What is the fiberglass tank in the corner to the left of the garage door as you're looking out from the inside? Is that a compressed air receiver tank?

  • @jimflanagan6029
    @jimflanagan6029 3 роки тому

    Josh , you have to up your game and get a pro dryer. Great detail job.

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  3 роки тому

      I have haha. I actually did a review on it

  • @fthegreat3242
    @fthegreat3242 3 роки тому

    I was wondering if you have done a video on how to detail and restore piano black side panels? Also what products do you use on those sensitive piano black side panels and inside Dash piano black panels.

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  3 роки тому

      I haven’t but that’s a great idea

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  3 роки тому

      Same products and process as the paint. Just a little more finesse cause those panels aren’t typically as hard as paint

  • @ZiggyWarren
    @ZiggyWarren 3 роки тому

    Enjoyed your video, could you list your product links...

  • @B15K1TZ
    @B15K1TZ 2 роки тому

    Just came across this and seeing you only use water and a clean microfiber towel... Will this process work on the inside of the window where i have hazing going on? Or is there another method for that?

  • @joseyahuitl699
    @joseyahuitl699 2 роки тому

    I had a question man so now that I bought a foam cannon do I still need to use a shampoo and rinse bucket to my steps or can I just use the foam with the rinse bucket ? Thank you man love your videos

  • @Mr5150guy
    @Mr5150guy Рік тому

    Do you wash and re-use the wash cloths or is there concern of transferring contaminates? Also, does that ceramic based quick detailer make the cloths less absorbent for the next use or are they good after washing? Thanks!

  • @Thedoorman2000
    @Thedoorman2000 3 роки тому

    Thanks for your very informative videos. How long it's take you and how much we can ask for something like that to a client?

  • @ujazz09
    @ujazz09 5 місяців тому

    Thanks, good for a rookie like me who is tired of paying for car washes. The foam cannon you list is not in stock. Can you recommend another reasonable one?

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  5 місяців тому

      I just tried out this one and was really impressed for the price!

  • @CharmleysChopShop
    @CharmleysChopShop Рік тому

    I like tech choice g-max. But what does si02 stand for?

  • @herco2543
    @herco2543 3 роки тому +1

    What gsm and brand of micro fibre are you using in this car wash?

  • @kbrowniiee
    @kbrowniiee 2 роки тому

    Is it ok to use 2 different soaps when washing a vehicle, like a regular shampoo soap in foam cannon and like a wash and wax soap in bucket for contact wash as to not clog up foam cannon with wash and wax soap

  • @tinojimenez5522
    @tinojimenez5522 6 місяців тому

    Always quality videos

  • @tinfoilshark
    @tinfoilshark Рік тому

    Do you not need to rinse after foaming the car? I’ve always thought snow foam, rinse, then contact wash, rinse?

  • @MaxGoddur
    @MaxGoddur 3 роки тому

    Great video! One item jumped out at me while you were wiping/washing the lower section and moving up using the same rags, thought that was a no-no?

    • @Notjay95
      @Notjay95 3 роки тому

      It looks like he flipped the rag over to a clean side

  • @johnnynguyen8337
    @johnnynguyen8337 2 роки тому

    Can I dilute it with tap water or should I use distilled/deionized water?

  • @Ransome2501
    @Ransome2501 2 роки тому

    Thanks Josh for your helpful videos i learn good information from you. I watch a lot of other sites too but I’m going to ask you this because I feel you’ll give me a straight up answer. I always been miffed at how long detailers let soap almost dry up on the vehicle while giving a demonstration video. When I use my foam cannon in the way you did and a lot of other do also (as the wash soap) I find that before I’m even done with half the car that the foam is drying up on the other half and that’s with a heavy Application of soap even in shade. Does this happen to you too. Thanks very much.

  • @BXGreen_DrivewayDetails
    @BXGreen_DrivewayDetails Рік тому

    On a hot sunny day does the thick foam dry before you can get to it? If that's the case should I rinse and reapply soap just one side and then the other? Or is foam thick enough not to dry?

  • @Darkcruzer23
    @Darkcruzer23 3 роки тому

    why do you prefer a microfiber towel over a wash mitt?
    why not use the sio2 product on the windows as well? i love that it beads water and helps me use my wipers less often

    • @imjoshv
      @imjoshv  3 роки тому +1

      A Wash mitt is great, i just like being able to toss the microfibers to the side and switch to a fresh one. For the si02 on windows, I do that sometimes but it can cause a little streaking so its just takes a little more time to get the perfect!

  • @motoman4782
    @motoman4782 Рік тому

    So is it safe to use the Chemical guys mister pink foam so on a ceramic coated vehicle

  • @Chris-ut5ih
    @Chris-ut5ih 5 місяців тому

    Can you use technicians choice weekly?

  • @ajmarlow8533
    @ajmarlow8533 3 роки тому

    Have you experienced any issues with P&S Brake Buster on black wheels or was that just out of caution (Aston Martin)? I see here you decided to use the foam cannon shampoo. Read some reviews on Amazon where Brake Buster messed up gloss black wheels.

  • @interiorguys7992
    @interiorguys7992 Рік тому

    Can you use that quick detailer ceramic spray on xpel stealth PPF. The matte film?