What a time to be alive. So much available information, so many people in the occult/ astrology field, and so easy to communicate across space and time.
01:35:12 to 01:37:17 encapsulates why I really like this episode. Thank you for continuing to explore, what may or may not be, outside your comfort zone, Chris. Excellent episode.
Great conversation! This is an amazing book to have, I love how it's both very practical and also looks beautiful. The actual yellow fabric covers under the paper ones are just divine. This translation makes it easy to read and understand, which is very important in such an information dense book. It would be lovely to have a signed copy, if I'd known this was an option I would've definitely ordered straight from Eric's website.
Chris, I swear we're in tune 😄, this is like the 6th or 7th time since I started watching you that I've been looking into a book or concept and then you release a podcast about it like a few days or a week later.
This made me cry happy tears. The most beautiful thing in the world to me is a partner that looks after, loves and respects the primary care giver of their children. I've seen too many examples where this is the opposite of what's happening. But my husband has been amazing, but doing exactly what you talked about. Especially at being a breastfeeding partner. Gotta say my much older brother in laws have all been fabulous about that too. Water, tea, footstool for the mummas with the tiny babies.
Namaste Chris and Eric, first this episode is wonderful, I am adding this book to my Christmas gift 2022, Chris I want to mention that thank you for introducing all these wonderful authors, including yourself. I purchased your book fate fortune, I was so impressed I gifted your book to a family member. I want to say thank you for bringing on these authors with substance, thanks to you Chris I have purchased Demetria George both volumes, Robert hand, transits, John Greer Christopher Warnock The Picatrix, Arielle Guttman Venus star point, Richard Tarnas, cosmos and psyche, Sue wards, ( not a fan) traditional horary , and Dan Rudhyar Lunations cycle, I must say my favorite are Hellenistic astrology anyone reading this buy Chris Brennan's book you'll be totally impressed. And Demetria George 1-2, both are must have in your library. Oh can't forget Venus star point Guttman, amazing. The picatrix (must have). Hope Austin releases his books . I'll be purchasing Austin work, I find him funny and an intellectual with a very unusual perception of the world. I have come to enjoy your guests and your content. Chris you are an inspiration. Thank you is not enough. My brother is under the belief I've gone mad with the books since all in my house stops functioning as I absorb the tradition. Roman 11-26-22
Ask and you shall receive! Just posted a comment on a years old episode asking for more about the Picatrix. Not more than a week later you post this about its author! Thank you!
Picatrix was translated into Latin in the 13th century through the wave of translations commissioned by King Alfonso of Spain. I don’t think Agrippa had a full version in possession. Probably through notes.
Note to Chris: It would be particularly nice, helpful, at this point, to hear some perspectives on what is happening on the mundane level. Perhaps look at charts for Putin, Russia, Ukraine, NATO, etc. You had a mundane astrologer on a while back. I think he was a bitcoin enthusiast? But you discussed mundane astrology, elections, Biden's chart, etc. Someone like him might be good. Many thanks for your podcast. Avid watcher. Nightlight student.
Fascinating episode, thank you for bring this to your audience. I'd love to get these books, but it's really pricey. It would be nice if you could buy each of the books separately:)
Chris Brennan, you have Mars and jupiter in the first house in sagittarius and your third house lord saturn in exalted, and it shows in your style of communication. Since saturn is also a ruler of your 2nd house, your facial features have capricorn written all over them and people have crystaline eyes when aakasa is predominant. Not based off the tropical chart mind you. That would also mean moon is in the 12th house and a podcast ( over the web) that is periodical is very much moon in the 12th house stuff, that too in scorpio.
Two elders painting a picture of what life and times were like in Agrippa's day. Is there modern-day astrological relevancy? Was someone paying Agrippa to parrot all this information and not change the status quo? Was this book written in the Age of Pisces? Is it just a coincidence that plants sounds so much like planets? Congratulations on the translation!
Chris, how does one go about meeting you?? I would love to meet you! We share a birthday only I'm in 88, it's so fun & interesting how different our charts are due to the year.
Here are the critical degrees for the signs at a glance: Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): 0, 13, and 26 degrees Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): 4 and 17 degrees MARCH 20 2022.....THE NUMBER YOU USE IS 13 BETWEEN THE 3 TYPES OF SIGNS. ENJOY
I dont believe I have ever seen Chris more annoyed/irked than he was at points during this interview. I didn't think the Super stoic Brennan had it in him honestly. And he hid it cooly-very graceful. Or perhaps I am imagining things and I watch this channel too much and have squirrel brain. Lol
Good episode while also making a point that this is turning astrology into an expensive hobby. This is actually exactly what I was looking for while also not looking for the price for the complete works. Geez.. kidding, but only a little. I can say why and I’m going to awkwardly tie it with weird current events which will make sense.. a weird theme this week was having the stories about Turning Red pushed on me. I’m not sure if it’s great viral guerrilla marketing where media and influencers are paid to stir up a pot to make something seem consequential, but the science is true. Some are happy feeling they have representation stating why representation is important while others act childish not seeing the ironic humor where both miss each others ironic humor. Scientific study; people think more favorably of others who look similar and also are.., well similar, up to it’s more likely people will marry or commit to someone who’s similar. A study trying to debunk it actually ended up proving it on accident when doing a follow up. They then studied if couples maybe adapted physically to their other only to find they didn’t, they just had less obvious facial similarities where “opposites attracting” is less common than people just being more favorable of others who remind them of themselves. It’s interesting to watch two groups argue over having similar traits while being completely unaware they’re just mirroring each other; not everything is sinister and evil or even with intent. It’s something to pay attention to. But I kinda laughed to myself about the positive vibes saying “yeah, that’s why Jesus is white”. 🤪 it goes along with the George joke about the right house system being the one that makes you look better and comments sometimes about how we view our natal interpretations as being right in terms being right used with others charts. What’s interesting about these books are the attempt at neutrality and a big reason why I’m finding myself deep diving is due to wanting to clear up messes that may have accumulated over time by these methods. The magic part isn’t that interesting to me while I’ll also say from listening to other interviews with the guest that I’m being pulled into astrology to find something by weird experiences. I’m deciding if what I’m looking for is likely in these books because it’s a hefty price, but if it’s the place I’ll find what I’m looking for (and it seems it is) it’s worth it. It could be a good bridge since I have to learn Kabbalah soon. When looking into these books my response was something I can’t type into a comment because it involves a lot of whispered swearing. More related to another interview I listened to.. I know saying “synchronicity” is annoying, but it’s often used improperly while also actually being the proper word because Jung actually did (more so personally) use the term synchronicity related to magic. Maybe even astrological. He actually did, in some writings, state synchronistic events may be guided by spirits while he often hid such comments in details. What likely pulled him into the quantum field is likely the connection between mind and matter where mind/matter are the same where mind can manipulate it. He does refer to conjuring spirits in some essays while saying he watched the phenomenon while not experiencing it as others did which … read enough Jung you’ll find he doesn’t always write what he thinks or experiences. Not being “into” astrological magic doesn’t mean I’m dismissive, it just means it’s not on my reading radar. It’s possible I’ve had accidental experiences with that. Enough to swear to myself looking at the subjects of the 3 books. Having an open mind is always good; I’ve gone from strong on quadrant houses to very close to completely dismissing quadrants completely. One example is I’m finding my arguments and experiences causing a dual view is being fixed with lot casting. Like, modern interpretation of moon in whole sign makes no sense to me, I’d argue my moon is more expressive noticeably in the 5th, not 6th where it’s almost arguable it’s in Capricorn instead of Aquarius. Well, Lot of mother is in the 5th where I can look at that and THEN look at moon where it makes sense in the 6th. It’s one of those things to note, set aside later to test. Some discrepancies where I find quadrants are more accurate I’m finding in lots and ancient systems. Can’t remember if it was in this interview or another, but.. yes, the vibe I’ve always had with astrology is there’s something really important missing and it’s really important. Haven’t found it yet, maybe it’s in those books.
What a time to be alive. So much available information, so many people in the occult/ astrology field, and so easy to communicate across space and time.
I'm always grateful for your Time. Thank you so much!
01:35:12 to 01:37:17 encapsulates why I really like this episode. Thank you for continuing to explore, what may or may not be, outside your comfort zone, Chris. Excellent episode.
You’re incredible. I have learned so much from you and your guests since I have started listening.
Intention is everything ✨️
Really loved this episode & can't wait to re-watch again. Inspiring.
Thank you for the wonderful interview Chris and Eric. A lovely book offering!
Great conversation! This is an amazing book to have, I love how it's both very practical and also looks beautiful. The actual yellow fabric covers under the paper ones are just divine. This translation makes it easy to read and understand, which is very important in such an information dense book. It would be lovely to have a signed copy, if I'd known this was an option I would've definitely ordered straight from Eric's website.
Chris, I swear we're in tune 😄, this is like the 6th or 7th time since I started watching you that I've been looking into a book or concept and then you release a podcast about it like a few days or a week later.
I'm actually just watching you 👀
@@TheAstrologyPodcast 😮🤣😅👁️🌚👽
This made me cry happy tears. The most beautiful thing in the world to me is a partner that looks after, loves and respects the primary care giver of their children. I've seen too many examples where this is the opposite of what's happening. But my husband has been amazing, but doing exactly what you talked about. Especially at being a breastfeeding partner. Gotta say my much older brother in laws have all been fabulous about that too. Water, tea, footstool for the mummas with the tiny babies.
Namaste Chris and Eric, first this episode is wonderful, I am adding this book to my Christmas gift 2022, Chris I want to mention that thank you for introducing all these wonderful authors, including yourself. I purchased your book fate fortune, I was so impressed I gifted your book to a family member. I want to say thank you for bringing on these authors with substance, thanks to you Chris I have purchased Demetria George both volumes, Robert hand, transits, John Greer Christopher Warnock The Picatrix, Arielle Guttman Venus star point, Richard Tarnas, cosmos and psyche, Sue wards, ( not a fan) traditional horary , and Dan Rudhyar Lunations cycle, I must say my favorite are Hellenistic astrology anyone reading this buy Chris Brennan's book you'll be totally impressed. And Demetria George 1-2, both are must have in your library. Oh can't forget Venus star point Guttman, amazing. The picatrix (must have). Hope Austin releases his books . I'll be purchasing Austin work, I find him funny and an intellectual with a very unusual perception of the world. I have come to enjoy your guests and your content. Chris you are an inspiration. Thank you is not enough. My brother is under the belief I've gone mad with the books since all in my house stops functioning as I absorb the tradition. Roman 11-26-22
Splendid discussion! I have an older version, I look forward to getting this new translation. Thank you.
These conversations are so fascinating!!
Love the podcast, something about the way you put words together man!
The combined glyphs are fascinating! Reminds me of “Bind Runes” the combination of two or more runes to create a specific and more powerful new whole
So good! Would love to hear more about adivination in Afro-Cuban tradition and astrology in meso American and other indigenous traditions.
Ask and you shall receive! Just posted a comment on a years old episode asking for more about the Picatrix. Not more than a week later you post this about its author! Thank you!
I thought Agrippa translated the Picatrix into Latin?
Picatrix was translated into Latin in the 13th century through the wave of translations commissioned by King Alfonso of Spain. I don’t think Agrippa had a full version in possession. Probably through notes.
You never fail to deliver!! Thank you so much 🙏🏼🥂
yes! so excited to see this! i've been working through these books 📚 it's a slow process but a fun one 😊
I actually can't wait for this, super interesting on a full moon night 🤩😎😜
Thank you because I learn and remember some of the things I learned science and religious history.
Wow! What a delight!🙏💯👌👏🥰 Thank you
You are amazing, such a great conversation
Note to Chris: It would be particularly nice, helpful, at this point, to hear some perspectives on what is happening on the mundane level. Perhaps look at charts for Putin, Russia, Ukraine, NATO, etc. You had a mundane astrologer on a while back. I think he was a bitcoin enthusiast? But you discussed mundane astrology, elections, Biden's chart, etc. Someone like him might be good. Many thanks for your podcast. Avid watcher. Nightlight student.
Great talk, thanks
wonderful Thanks for posting
I need to get these books!
Fascinating episode, thank you for bring this to your audience. I'd love to get these books, but it's really pricey. It would be nice if you could buy each of the books separately:)
Chris Brennan, you have Mars and jupiter in the first house in sagittarius and your third house lord saturn in exalted, and it shows in your style of communication. Since saturn is also a ruler of your 2nd house, your facial features have capricorn written all over them and people have crystaline eyes when aakasa is predominant. Not based off the tropical chart mind you. That would also mean moon is in the 12th house and a podcast ( over the web) that is periodical is very much moon in the 12th house stuff, that too in scorpio.
My Ascendant is in Capricorn in sidereal
I loved this.
WOW…just WOW!!!
Thank you brother sS ❤️😊 Thanks 👍
🙏🏼💙 the best
For neither astrology or magic is island to themselves for they both do take refuge in eachother for the creator is one.
Omg. So amazing.
Believing-- is different than communion. This is what separates the boys/girls from the actualized men/women practicing realizers.
Personal daemons can been approached as active energetic embodied, constellated 'archetypes.'
i can’t afford. the books right now. however, i. will buy
Two elders painting a picture of what life and times were like in Agrippa's day. Is there modern-day astrological relevancy? Was someone paying Agrippa to parrot all this information and not change the status quo? Was this book written in the Age of Pisces? Is it just a coincidence that plants sounds so much like planets? Congratulations on the translation!
Chris, how does one go about meeting you?? I would love to meet you! We share a birthday only I'm in 88, it's so fun & interesting how different our charts are due to the year.
Only the Sun's position is in line with the calendar, so every position would be different apart from the Sun 👍
@@dotheyfloat9961 I know...
Here are the critical degrees for the signs at a glance:
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): 0, 13, and 26 degrees
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): 4 and 17 degrees
I dont believe I have ever seen Chris more annoyed/irked than he was at points during this interview. I didn't think the Super stoic Brennan had it in him honestly. And he hid it cooly-very graceful. Or perhaps I am imagining things and I watch this channel too much and have squirrel brain. Lol
Agrippa's book needs an overhaul.
Good episode while also making a point that this is turning astrology into an expensive hobby.
This is actually exactly what I was looking for while also not looking for the price for the complete works. Geez.. kidding, but only a little.
I can say why and I’m going to awkwardly tie it with weird current events which will make sense.. a weird theme this week was having the stories about Turning Red pushed on me. I’m not sure if it’s great viral guerrilla marketing where media and influencers are paid to stir up a pot to make something seem consequential, but the science is true. Some are happy feeling they have representation stating why representation is important while others act childish not seeing the ironic humor where both miss each others ironic humor. Scientific study; people think more favorably of others who look similar and also are.., well similar, up to it’s more likely people will marry or commit to someone who’s similar. A study trying to debunk it actually ended up proving it on accident when doing a follow up. They then studied if couples maybe adapted physically to their other only to find they didn’t, they just had less obvious facial similarities where “opposites attracting” is less common than people just being more favorable of others who remind them of themselves. It’s interesting to watch two groups argue over having similar traits while being completely unaware they’re just mirroring each other; not everything is sinister and evil or even with intent. It’s something to pay attention to. But I kinda laughed to myself about the positive vibes saying “yeah, that’s why Jesus is white”. 🤪 it goes along with the George joke about the right house system being the one that makes you look better and comments sometimes about how we view our natal interpretations as being right in terms being right used with others charts.
What’s interesting about these books are the attempt at neutrality and a big reason why I’m finding myself deep diving is due to wanting to clear up messes that may have accumulated over time by these methods. The magic part isn’t that interesting to me while I’ll also say from listening to other interviews with the guest that I’m being pulled into astrology to find something by weird experiences. I’m deciding if what I’m looking for is likely in these books because it’s a hefty price, but if it’s the place I’ll find what I’m looking for (and it seems it is) it’s worth it. It could be a good bridge since I have to learn Kabbalah soon. When looking into these books my response was something I can’t type into a comment because it involves a lot of whispered swearing.
More related to another interview I listened to.. I know saying “synchronicity” is annoying, but it’s often used improperly while also actually being the proper word because Jung actually did (more so personally) use the term synchronicity related to magic. Maybe even astrological. He actually did, in some writings, state synchronistic events may be guided by spirits while he often hid such comments in details. What likely pulled him into the quantum field is likely the connection between mind and matter where mind/matter are the same where mind can manipulate it. He does refer to conjuring spirits in some essays while saying he watched the phenomenon while not experiencing it as others did which … read enough Jung you’ll find he doesn’t always write what he thinks or experiences.
Not being “into” astrological magic doesn’t mean I’m dismissive, it just means it’s not on my reading radar. It’s possible I’ve had accidental experiences with that. Enough to swear to myself looking at the subjects of the 3 books. Having an open mind is always good; I’ve gone from strong on quadrant houses to very close to completely dismissing quadrants completely. One example is I’m finding my arguments and experiences causing a dual view is being fixed with lot casting. Like, modern interpretation of moon in whole sign makes no sense to me, I’d argue my moon is more expressive noticeably in the 5th, not 6th where it’s almost arguable it’s in Capricorn instead of Aquarius. Well, Lot of mother is in the 5th where I can look at that and THEN look at moon where it makes sense in the 6th. It’s one of those things to note, set aside later to test. Some discrepancies where I find quadrants are more accurate I’m finding in lots and ancient systems.
Can’t remember if it was in this interview or another, but.. yes, the vibe I’ve always had with astrology is there’s something really important missing and it’s really important. Haven’t found it yet, maybe it’s in those books.
Pray to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
Picatrix was ace btw