MrSneakyy Gaming we have cheating problem our division alliance that use auto script to control 120 their unit to fight. 120 bot lock one target just millisecond what mean i got locked many times. I would understood if some player to lock me as target but they lock everyone just millisecond same target and other our alliance member say the same. Other server i did see how bot alliance members about 60 member running circle due bug their dataScript. I have even screenshot this happening.
with kregg and nico can get extra engineering bonus as well.
Engineering should be a separate class of troops as well as their own troop building imo
MrSneakyy Gaming we have cheating problem our division alliance that use auto script to control 120 their unit to fight. 120 bot lock one target just millisecond what mean i got locked many times. I would understood if some player to lock me as target but they lock everyone just millisecond same target and other our alliance member say the same. Other server i did see how bot alliance members about 60 member running circle due bug their dataScript. I have even screenshot this happening.
happy to discord me any SS you have :) i have a video on this tomorrow but the more examples people can send in other locations the better.
Nts right? 😂😂😂
Worth it to switch to Wilderburg as archer main with this new change?
I don't know yet, but I feel happier now than I did before