Wow I really couldn’t hold back my emotion and tears while watching this. It really is a part of our souls that we’re just slowly remembering. This ancient feeling, innate part of us can get stifled so easily in this world. And as much as I can stray into distraction, my heart always brings me back again and again to learn and be humble within nature. What a beautiful video, thank you for the reminder.
It will never cease to amaze me that things that we do naturally as children without much awareness, we later on in life we turn back towards as are soul knows the child in us was on a path that we needed all along. At least my craft journey has felt that way. Lovely video and hugs 🌼 ✨💛
i'm a student nurse and i feel the way you felt in those 'empty' years... i feel like i have no time to indulge in the craft or any of my interests, and all of my research is medical-based. even so, i decided a few years ago that i wanted to dedicate my life to healing people. i also want to delve into herbalism and green witchcraft, so that i know a whole range of healing methods! it's just finding the time to practice it... lol x
I think many of us are born little witches. Our connection to Nature is usually quite obvious and our use of plants and potions in our child 'play' was us in our raw, untouched state. It's only natural to return to the crafts inherent in our being. But how sweet is it to realise this? Very enjoyable, insightful watching. Thankyou 🌷
Oh yes, please! I would love to know the name of the medicinal tea book, as well as the one that was your very first introduction to herbal magic. A bookshelf tour would be amazing! (I'm a bookaholic... 😁). Thank you so much for this video! Beautiful, lovely, and calming. It's one I will watch many times!❤
Your videos are always so awe-inspiring, from your soft storytelling voice, to the gorgeous cinnamonography. I resonate with your story greatly, I grew up in the forest. I was a wild child, free to explore and learn. I never lost touch with my magic in the way that I believed it was childish, more so I spend time in sports, school, friendships, and grew away from my wildness. Then one day when I was in my late teens, I had a serious fall the resulted in a life-altering chronic disability in my spine. I felt the happiness drained from me, and thought I would never feel happy again. Then the great mother of this Earth whispered to me to come back to her. I found myself outside more, dancing in the rain more, playing with sticks like swords, and chasing the wind. Magic saved me. I have now been calling myself a witch for the last 6 years, and practicing for the last 10. Thank you so much for sharing your journey, it's amazing how pads always lead us back home
I just know an owl came to her on her 11th birthday with her admittance letter to Hogwarts, and her parents who were both Dentists were so proud of their little Muggle
You speaking of your childhood made me reflect on mine, realizing I had spent every available hour outside in nature, learning about the trees and plants that grew in the forest around our home. I feel very connected with your path you've taken, so much so it brings me a sense of fulfillment in my life going forward with my rekindled path of herbs and being a witch. Thank you for sharing it was a beautiful video.
Dear Annie your path reminds me so much of myself. I worked in a health food store and really wanted to heal myself from past. I looked into all the herbals and started reading all the books when people didn't come. It was my second job next to working full-time in a gym teaching aerobics and fitness and then eventually yoga. I found a store that had all the herbals that I wanted fresh and I met the lady of the store. I just wanted to learn everything and I felt like I was on my own path going my own way away from everybody in the world. And I would turn as a personal trainer and help people along the way the best that I could. Remembering that there wasn't an internet back then but I had so many books. I am forever grateful for the knowledge and the healing that took place in my body. I love your videos your cinnamonography you're soothing voice and the things that you love to share. I'm glad that you found healing in a place to call your own. 💛
as a kid i was always amazed by fairy tales, myths and magic. I grew up on the country side and spent a lot of my time exploring nature. Sadly i too started to forget more and more of that passion as i grew up. Yet it always stayed with me. I got remembered of it anytime my mind was free and i was spending time in nature. Oftentimes it were trees that somehow lit up a small flame in my heart that felt like magic. Some years ago i learnt of witchcraft and Wicca and since then i've been gathering up informations. I'm still not near full on heading into my path though. Sadly i had to move to a city and since then my mental health went down quite a bit. It helps that spring is around now though. Anytime it comes i just feel everything coming back to live and so does my passion. This time i'm notletting the flame go out. I will nurish it with knowledge that i'm picking up again and i'll try to get out of the city more in my freetime to reconnect with nature. Anyways, thank you so much for your videos. Its very noticeable how much thoughtand time you put into them.... They are really helping me right now.
Same here :3 My dad was the one who showed me his little library of Magick, and since he showed them to me as a little girl, I became enamoured with magick and nature. I started realizing as an adult that it wasn't just flights of fancy; it was real, and so are spirits, and so are the powerful emotions and languages of trees. I've experienced enough to know as a fact that Witchcraft is a true practise, not for everyone, but for those who have felt it since childhood to those who just started as adults, it is a spiritual and beautiful experience that can remain for endless generations. With old books and journals to be shared, it's a immortal practise, and is something I will work on for my entire life and teach to my children if they ever have the desire to delve into the magickal realm.
Because I depression I lost my way,but soon I will get back into it because its calling have beautiful way of putting words such wonderful story!
The shortest witch video I’ve seen yet. I keep seeing ones that are like 15-30 minutes on up to an hour at times and ain’t NOBODY got the time for that! Most of them have a bunch of directionless blabbing and I’m like “Come on get to the point” This is great, though. Short, sweet and simple.
What I love about your content is that it is simple and unassuming yet laden with the mystical. I adore it. I wish there were more content as humble and honest as yours!
Your videos are always so serene and magical in their own way! Your voice is soothing and blends well with the music, the visuals are stunning, and the message you share is inspiring. Your journey to becoming a witch resonates with me SO much. I used to have a passion for witchcraft when I was younger (though I didn't have the same connection with nature as I feel like I am missing now), but I also "grew up" and allowed the negative voices around me to turn me away from something so "childish." But I am very happy to say that I have recently rediscovered my former passion, now more mature than it was before, and am beginning to explore the many facets of witchcraft to find what resonates most with me. I'm currently living in a place that makes it more difficult to connect with nature, and doesn't "feel" very magical, but I am beginning to find the magic that is there and that is within me. Thank you again for sharing your journey with us, and for inspiring me so much to find my true connections with myself and my environment.
This sounds sooooo much like my story of how I became a witch too. Sadly, between finding witchcraft and today, I was pushed back to Christianity. But now I am back to myself, and I have been a witch for the last 12 years solidly.
I myself was a witch for 17 years left it six years ago for Christianity and have had nothing but depression and anxiety and have felt brain washed as well. And now I’m back!! How did you get the Christian stuff out of your head??? I feel like I’m going to go to hell etc
Christianity is evil. It's was basically created to enforce the rule of Rome across the world to forcefully keep everyone Rome's servant. Just think about it for a moment. - They opressed our Celtic and Germanic ancestors - they trashed and destroyed the holy sites and holy shrines of our ancestors - they mocked the gods and things our ancestors did for centuries or longer - they forcefully re-educated our ancestors - they shamed, arrested or Killed everyone wanted to return to the believes of our ancestors - they stole the land of our ancestors and gave it "the church" because oir ancestors did not believe in the rogjt thing - they shamed Women into becoming obedient slaves - they arrested, tortured and killed women when they just demanded equal treatment - they tortured, killed or burned people because they were using herbs to *HELP OTHER PEOPLE* vlaiming that is against "gods" will - they force us to pay them money, which the church uses to make their higher ranking officials rich - they tolerate child abusers and child grapists
@@tanyacagle2423you get it out of your head by reading the history about them: How they treated our ancestors, how they treated Celts and germannic tribes. How they burned people that only wanted to *HELP OTHER PEOPLE* calling them "evil" How they force you to give them money, so THEY can become rich. How they destroyed the holy sites of our ancestors. How they shamed (and still shame) women into being obedient slaves zhst only listen to their husband and they don't have a right to demand a fulfilling s*x live with their Man because that is against "god". How they want to force you to live in misery (while their high ranking officials have golden chairs) because only when you are miserable you love "god" Think about that and you realize, Christianity is just a scam to steal your money and make you a slave.
This video was so relaxing and lovely. I love how we tend to get back to things that resonated with us as children. This video was a meditation of sorts for me as a viewer. Thank you for sharing your journey!
embrace your beautiful spirit people.. my joy comes from people who ask questions and never get the answer.. they say I'm crazy and I say no, I'm insane
Such an inspiring video! My witchery has been on hold for a couple of years due to my mental health. My witch room has become a place of storing junk and dust.
My story started at 18 when I became a witch and I gave up my old religion to become a pagan. I wasn't happy with the religion my parents wanted me to have but I didn't want to spend the rest of my life to be miserable as a Christian. I gave it up. I felt I made the right choice andi stopped believing in God. I now am trying to find who I want to worship
This was the first video I watched as I begin my own journey of witchcraft. Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey and your powerful reminders that this is a calling and knowledge we all contain within us.
I soo deeply want to get into my craft but I honestly have no motivation or energy to do barely anything, I work two jobs and im just worn out and tired all the time. I just work, eat, and sleep. I sometimes wish I could just take a vacation for a week or two somewhere in the mountains or woods alone, hoping that would help to refresh me. I dont know really what to do or where to start. I guess you could say I feel sort of lost and hopeless. Whenever I watch your videos, I always cry. They are just so comforting, and you seem very sweet and understanding. Thank you.
This is so beautiful and resonates with me so much 🙏 The years lost to living an average life have made me appreciate my craft so much more ❤️ as hard as they were. Thank you for sharing 🙏
Thank you for sharing this part of you. I am still learning the hear the whispers of things I heard so clearly when I was young, and it gives heart to know that this road has been walked by many before
My heart and soul loved every second of this. I had a very different beginning to you. Raised on the edge of a city. Liverpool UK 🇬🇧. Its hectic and built up, its loud and stuffed full of people. Whenever we went to the countryside my heart and soul woke up, I could breathe. I love being in nature, I love painting nature, I love making all my herbal medicines and teas. My home is filled with over 200 house plants and when I saw in a book shop a book about the green witch, well it blew my mind. It was me to a T. I couldn't imagine being on any other path. I still live in Liverpool but I've bought more nature inside and get out when I can. I couldn't imagine not being able to experience the things I do and feel the earths magic. Food for the soul. Beautiful video. Take care xxxd
I love your channel and Instagram. I have been learning about Wicca and the craft for 3-4 years now. I am employed full-time as an ESL content writer for a major media company.
So amazing this popped up in my feed. I was making a home protection salt yesterday. My husband comes over to observe and he asked why was I breathing so hard. I knew right then this baby witch is growing up, this magic is real, and my apothecary is expanding. Gemini moon 🌛 Much Love GW 🌷❤️🌈☯️🙏🪶
This was so beautiful- and I resonated with your story deeply. The earth is a wonderful mother and teacher. Thank you for sharing your story with us so beautifully.
What my heart has always known, that's exactly how I feel. Disney, Harry Potter, they were all too easy to exist in in my child's mind. And idk if you know the show the Magicians, but something about it made me start finally looking into real Magick, and a couple years later here I am learning :3
This brought me to tears (good tears) I, myself, have a yearning to find what speaks to my heart. Diving into every book, article, website and teacher that calls to me,. Taking it in and leaving what doesn't flow. The beauty of this practice, is just that, practice! I don't believe it makes "perfect", but it keeps you growing. Thank you for sharing your incredibly moving story! 💗
Watching your videos always feels like coming home. The music you choose and your cinematic viewpoint.. I just wanna cry because it feels so comforting.
This is such a wonderful story and I am so happy to have found you. You are one of my biggest inspirations as a witch and I love watching your wonderful captivating videos, I’m am so happy that you are here doing what you love 🌈🍄
I feel like I really needed to see this video. I feel very connected with plant life and aspire to center my craft around herbalism and green magick, but was born and raised in a large suburban city so it's very easy for doubt and discouragement to cloud my mind and push me away from my craft. This video has given me reassurance and hope, and I want to thank you not only for this one video, but all the wonderful content you create for us. I'm picky on what information I trust and believe, but your videos feel so true to heart and incredibly comforting. I have no real life mentors or teachers for herbalism or witchcraft, so your channel is very helpful and immensely appreciated. Much love
I remember as a child I would pour milk on leaves to help them grow 🥺 also my grandma had one of those home remedies books..7 year old me read it constantly. I always loved being outdoors and still too. Obsessed with the rain cycles and wind especially ❤️
Amazing serendipity! I literally just posted a video on this! I LOVE hearing about other peoples witchy paths! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being such a beautiful soul, sunbeams shine out of your blessed witchy heart! 🥰
Thank you for sharing your story!! I look forward to your videos and I'm absolutely enchanted by your cinematography and soothing voice. I practiced as a young teen but I too fell out of touch with it thinking I'm being a dumb kid, I'm 31 now took me a long time to come back to my craft but it all seems so natural and I feel like I never stopped and I owe some of this to you for inspiring me. Thank you very much and keep up the great work!🧡😊
Whoa Annie !!! This was your best video ever !! Such a beautifully told story of your journey to becoming a witch, a passion, a calling and a path that you were so obviously born into this life to follow. ✨ I've watched this 3 times, you are a born storyteller, in addition to being an amazing videographer. I do believe you've got a book deep inside your Soul...someday when you're ready to share, that's a book I would love to read . Thank you for sharing your story, so beautiful. ✨♥️🌟
Thank you for sharing.🙏💞 I've been a bit spoiled by the instant gratification of the internet and, more often than not, sought fast answers instead of taking the time to experiment and develop a real relationship with plants. This vid reminded me it's ok to take my time. 🌱
Thank you so much for sharing and providing a bit more synchronicity for myself. It's funny how the heart will always call you home time and time again. Regardless of how many times we venture out into the unknown.
Thank you for sharing your story with us Annie, this is such a beautiful video. I'm closely approaching my 10 year anniversary of witch-hood and have been reflecting on my own growth so, your video really resonated. You are such an inspiration, thank you for doing what you do! 💜💜💜
I have been practicing on and off for the last ten years, but I have really felt myself being pulled back to it and into forging my own path more and more as of late.
You inspire me so much! I think it's time to stop putting things off and finally start learning more. Can you recommend books on herbalism? Ooh! Or maybe that could be a video topic?
When you started to speak about the only information (in the beginning) out there was Wiccan, I stated remembering my beginnings. I was 16 (1997) and the majority of the information out there was negative. There was no internet ( at least for me. Grew up very poor). And was being raised in a southern Baptist home. I had all these conflicting feelings and information on the subject of what I was feeling because I had nothing to base it off of. I knew it wasn’t Christianity. Lol. It wasn’t until 10 years later that I actually found out that my path had an actual name, Hedge Witchery. Once I discovered this, I was a sponge for any and all information. Thank you for sharing your beginnings.
Have you ever thought about writing a book about your experience along your life path to where you are now.? I mean you have such a beautiful way with words and I think it will be so worth the effort and the reading of your final product.
An amazing journey thus far!? You have come far n overcome some heavy steps along this in the light of can expand your adventure n have peace in your days! Blessed be! 👍🧙♂️👍!!!!!!
The video gives us a wonderful vision of your magical journey. The gifts we are given from the wise ones that light a fire within is profound. It may not initially be anything more than a spark, but that spark will find a way to set your soul ablaze eventually. Finding oneself walking the path is such a blessing and sharing the craft is another. 🌿
Thank you for that it was beautiful and hart warming I had been feeling the magic slipping away lately but this has sparked a fire in my to bring me back home the home of the WITCH!!!🌻☘️🌿🍄
I'm so very glad you did. I've had pieces of green witchery in my own life and interests since I was old enough to wonder if I could paint with the juices I squished from berries and leaves. Mixing concoctions in my room in toothpaste caps. Lol coming back to it is very like home, I can agree. Sending love and blessings, thank you for this.
There is something very beautiful in the way you work. You truly have a connection with the plants you use, it is more than science it is an art, it is very soothing , thank you.
Annie!! Just loved the video so much... I am happy, you found your way back to the things that you have always loved to do! Sending you lots of love and growth❤
I know this feeling but kinda opposite. I used to go to church with my grandparents as a child and I never felt like that was my place no matter how much I tried to fit in to it I didn't feel it. I was constantly bored and wishing for something else. So once I finally began trying out being a witch I felt it was right. I like to take my time but I feel very much at home as a witch ^^
So beautiful and inspiring, Annie. I'm very new to green witchery but it's incredibly healing for the soul. I just stopped by to say thank you. Your channel is guiding me trough this new path of mine. You have no idea how much you impacted my everyday life with your recipes and everything else. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! Your biggest fan from Italy 🌼
I wish I had, had someone to lead me with knowledge. My soul aches for that connection, someone to guide me. As a social worker, I didn’t know until many years in that I was an empath. I had to learn what I could through the internet. Of course my career choice made sense, but going in not knowing I was an empath or how to protect myself, I got sick, filled with the pain and poison all around me, until it became me. I don’t want that to be me anymore. I just want to make a difference to the universe, I feel I’ve disconnected with something I had never connected with. If that makes sense. It’s here. I watched your video about what you wish you knew, before starting. I can’t find the second video which may help me better understand my gifts instead of fearing them, when I know there’s the energies of people who need me to help them in their journey. But I fear it too much. I thought maybe the second video would open up something in me like your first one did. You have had weaves into you, in and out of your life the basic skills and knowledge within you, people to help you along the way. I was adopted I don’t even know who I can and I’m 44… I’ve spent my life raising 3 children, helping everyone but myself and before that just trying to survive foster care and the streets and shelters. I was homeless and 21 and found out I was pregnant, everyone said I was too young, too unstable too everything bad, my own father said he feels sorry for anything that came out of me. Ya so with all these voices, out of the dark came a bright blue light, I could swear was an angel and I was told he was a gift and he was needed. So I had him and he is 23 now. I probably would have died long ago, he was born on my mother’s birthday (it was my abusive father who threw me away, after my birth parents did the same) but this boy, against all odds, way over due, about to take a break after a very long and slow 3 day induction and suddenly everyone ran into the room and explained I needed C section NOW. He was born minutes later. On my mom’s birthday. My only person who tried to help me make sense of life, died 4 days later. I managed, barely. Actually I’m barely managing now and need to find a path and am very lost, so lost it’s not even a path it’s like I’m lost in a forest and someone else has taken over. I need help finding myself again. For some reason I’ve shared that only with you. I guess you are one of those ppl, like me that everyone opens up to. But funny enough when I need to open up… crickets. I feel like I need to shed this skin, shed this place I’ve found myself lost in. No one ever helps though.
Truly wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing! Would you ever consider putting links to explanations of what you are making... in the description? For example, that very red preparation? Was that St. John's Wort? Anyhow... just craving learn more about you and what you do.... definitely a fan~
I like the way you are telling this because Witchcraft like most things isn't what people think it is. my Grandmothers ( both mothers Fathers' side) would both to most people nowadays be considered a witch because they made things like poultices and used nature to heal, plus, understood the local plants animals and water creates \water life plants and used them. and when they healed me from say stepping on an old rusty spike using these techniques, their intention was great on the healing. I am not sure I would be considered a witch but I do sense energies and emotions pretty easily and can move those energies around in myself and can sometimes sense those energies in people that are sick or pregnant without them even knowing that they are, sometimes if I feel like it I speak with those people and ask for permission to see if they can sense that energy inside themselves so that I can help them get that energy flowing again but that isn't very often I am a fairly private person but am also very open when I am out and about . of course I can do a lot more things like sense, dealing with spirits and such but on the other side there are somethings I am not good at I have issues being in crowds of people it can drain me allot so I need to recharge alone which is most of my life hehe
Please don't be offended! I have no idea what I am. I am spiritual! Gifted with old memories, etc. Anyway, my daughter was Wiccan in her last life. I know because at three we were in a town, I had never been in, and she walked straight up to a woman, I never met who was Wiccan. My daughter called her by name asked her for her necklace, and her book(of shadows) she was 3 yrs old! The woman spent the afternoon and night talking to her, and me. I let her teach knowing that I would never see her again! She told my daughter that I had never been a witch! But I was very powerful! I have no idea what my destiny is, but I find comfort, knowledge, and peace with your videos. I have seen you change and grow! You are very talented! You may be a little more the a Green Witch. Your example, and your energy teaches others that mistakes are ok Thank you for what you do!
The idea that we come BACK TO what was always deep in our souls, and what we already knew as children, has been profoundly true for me also. 🙏
"Plants as active partners in the medicine, not just simply ingredients." Chills!
Yes! They are intelligent living beings, not just like natural pill replacements
Nice to meet you!
Totally. Plants were created before Humans. 🌎💕
Plants as active partners, chills, imagine plants as active enemies, sad at why and what started this.😢
The video itself feels like a journey through time and experience. Thank your for sharing your growths with us 🌱💚
Thank you
Nice to meet you!
Wow I really couldn’t hold back my emotion and tears while watching this. It really is a part of our souls that we’re just slowly remembering. This ancient feeling, innate part of us can get stifled so easily in this world. And as much as I can stray into distraction, my heart always brings me back again and again to learn and be humble within nature. What a beautiful video, thank you for the reminder.
Same here..✨💖
So true friend.
It will never cease to amaze me that things that we do naturally as children without much awareness, we later on in life we turn back towards as are soul knows the child in us was on a path that we needed all along. At least my craft journey has felt that way. Lovely video and hugs 🌼 ✨💛
100% agree with you. This is why I tell my children ‘just do you’ don’t change if you are happy as you are x
i'm a student nurse and i feel the way you felt in those 'empty' years... i feel like i have no time to indulge in the craft or any of my interests, and all of my research is medical-based. even so, i decided a few years ago that i wanted to dedicate my life to healing people. i also want to delve into herbalism and green witchcraft, so that i know a whole range of healing methods! it's just finding the time to practice it... lol x
Wow the way you expressed your journey it felt like I was listening to a novel I did not want it to end.
I think many of us are born little witches. Our connection to Nature is usually quite obvious and our use of plants and potions in our child 'play' was us in our raw, untouched state. It's only natural to return to the crafts inherent in our being. But how sweet is it to realise this? Very enjoyable, insightful watching. Thankyou 🌷
So, a list of the actual books you have read, from day one, such as the herbal medicinal tea tome, would be most appreciated.
Oh yes, please! I would love to know the name of the medicinal tea book, as well as the one that was your very first introduction to herbal magic. A bookshelf tour would be amazing! (I'm a bookaholic... 😁). Thank you so much for this video! Beautiful, lovely, and calming. It's one I will watch many times!❤
@@corncobpipe4 I’m also a bookaholic
Your videos are always so awe-inspiring, from your soft storytelling voice, to the gorgeous cinnamonography. I resonate with your story greatly, I grew up in the forest. I was a wild child, free to explore and learn. I never lost touch with my magic in the way that I believed it was childish, more so I spend time in sports, school, friendships, and grew away from my wildness. Then one day when I was in my late teens, I had a serious fall the resulted in a life-altering chronic disability in my spine. I felt the happiness drained from me, and thought I would never feel happy again. Then the great mother of this Earth whispered to me to come back to her. I found myself outside more, dancing in the rain more, playing with sticks like swords, and chasing the wind. Magic saved me. I have now been calling myself a witch for the last 6 years, and practicing for the last 10. Thank you so much for sharing your journey, it's amazing how pads always lead us back home
"To thine own self be true." From Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Congratulations, Annie, on finding yourself back on the path you want to be on. 💜
This is so sweet to see. I love the “how much of Harry Potter is real?” In your realization era haha
I just know an owl came to her on her 11th birthday with her admittance letter to Hogwarts, and her parents who were both Dentists were so proud of their little Muggle
You speaking of your childhood made me reflect on mine, realizing I had spent every available hour outside in nature, learning about the trees and plants that grew in the forest around our home. I feel very connected with your path you've taken, so much so it brings me a sense of fulfillment in my life going forward with my rekindled path of herbs and being a witch. Thank you for sharing it was a beautiful video.
Dear Annie your path reminds me so much of myself. I worked in a health food store and really wanted to heal myself from past. I looked into all the herbals and started reading all the books when people didn't come. It was my second job next to working full-time in a gym teaching aerobics and fitness and then eventually yoga. I found a store that had all the herbals that I wanted fresh and I met the lady of the store. I just wanted to learn everything and I felt like I was on my own path going my own way away from everybody in the world. And I would turn as a personal trainer and help people along the way the best that I could. Remembering that there wasn't an internet back then but I had so many books. I am forever grateful for the knowledge and the healing that took place in my body. I love your videos your cinnamonography you're soothing voice and the things that you love to share. I'm glad that you found healing in a place to call your own. 💛
Thank you for sharing your story with us sweetheart, it was so calming watching you work and hearing your story.
as a kid i was always amazed by fairy tales, myths and magic. I grew up on the country side and spent a lot of my time exploring nature. Sadly i too started to forget more and more of that passion as i grew up. Yet it always stayed with me. I got remembered of it anytime my mind was free and i was spending time in nature. Oftentimes it were trees that somehow lit up a small flame in my heart that felt like magic. Some years ago i learnt of witchcraft and Wicca and since then i've been gathering up informations. I'm still not near full on heading into my path though. Sadly i had to move to a city and since then my mental health went down quite a bit. It helps that spring is around now though. Anytime it comes i just feel everything coming back to live and so does my passion. This time i'm notletting the flame go out. I will nurish it with knowledge that i'm picking up again and i'll try to get out of the city more in my freetime to reconnect with nature. Anyways, thank you so much for your videos. Its very noticeable how much thoughtand time you put into them.... They are really helping me right now.
good luck and blessed be 🙏
what are the books you learnt from?
Same here :3 My dad was the one who showed me his little library of Magick, and since he showed them to me as a little girl, I became enamoured with magick and nature. I started realizing as an adult that it wasn't just flights of fancy; it was real, and so are spirits, and so are the powerful emotions and languages of trees. I've experienced enough to know as a fact that Witchcraft is a true practise, not for everyone, but for those who have felt it since childhood to those who just started as adults, it is a spiritual and beautiful experience that can remain for endless generations. With old books and journals to be shared, it's a immortal practise, and is something I will work on for my entire life and teach to my children if they ever have the desire to delve into the magickal realm.
Not only is your channel Informational, I could listen to you talking forever, your voice is very soothing, you could voiceovers for audiobooks. ❤️🇬🇧
This sounds like a good story to a wonderful witchy movie that aint been dicovered yet so soothing
Because I depression I lost my way,but soon I will get back into it because its calling have beautiful way of putting words such wonderful story!
Good luck!
@@Lillyjanelavender thanks
I'm a witch as well..I pulled myself from all social media.. and it's my best decision ever.. my craft is my own! Love you!!
You are a magical storyteller too. This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for making and sharing this.
The shortest witch video I’ve seen yet. I keep seeing ones that are like 15-30 minutes on up to an hour at times and ain’t NOBODY got the time for that! Most of them have a bunch of directionless blabbing and I’m like “Come on get to the point”
This is great, though. Short, sweet and simple.
This video gave me tears and brought me images from my own childhood wonder in nature.
What I love about your content is that it is simple and unassuming yet laden with the mystical. I adore it.
I wish there were more content as humble and honest as yours!
Your videos are always so serene and magical in their own way! Your voice is soothing and blends well with the music, the visuals are stunning, and the message you share is inspiring. Your journey to becoming a witch resonates with me SO much. I used to have a passion for witchcraft when I was younger (though I didn't have the same connection with nature as I feel like I am missing now), but I also "grew up" and allowed the negative voices around me to turn me away from something so "childish." But I am very happy to say that I have recently rediscovered my former passion, now more mature than it was before, and am beginning to explore the many facets of witchcraft to find what resonates most with me. I'm currently living in a place that makes it more difficult to connect with nature, and doesn't "feel" very magical, but I am beginning to find the magic that is there and that is within me. Thank you again for sharing your journey with us, and for inspiring me so much to find my true connections with myself and my environment.
This sounds sooooo much like my story of how I became a witch too. Sadly, between finding witchcraft and today, I was pushed back to Christianity. But now I am back to myself, and I have been a witch for the last 12 years solidly.
I myself was a witch for 17 years left it six years ago for Christianity and have had nothing but depression and anxiety and have felt brain washed as well. And now I’m back!! How did you get the Christian stuff out of your head??? I feel like I’m going to go to hell etc
Christianity is evil.
It's was basically created to enforce the rule of Rome across the world to forcefully keep everyone Rome's servant.
Just think about it for a moment.
- They opressed our Celtic and Germanic ancestors
- they trashed and destroyed the holy sites and holy shrines of our ancestors
- they mocked the gods and things our ancestors did for centuries or longer
- they forcefully re-educated our ancestors
- they shamed, arrested or Killed everyone wanted to return to the believes of our ancestors
- they stole the land of our ancestors and gave it "the church" because oir ancestors did not believe in the rogjt thing
- they shamed Women into becoming obedient slaves
- they arrested, tortured and killed women when they just demanded equal treatment
- they tortured, killed or burned people because they were using herbs to *HELP OTHER PEOPLE* vlaiming that is against "gods" will
- they force us to pay them money, which the church uses to make their higher ranking officials rich
- they tolerate child abusers and child grapists
@@tanyacagle2423you get it out of your head by reading the history about them:
How they treated our ancestors, how they treated Celts and germannic tribes.
How they burned people that only wanted to *HELP OTHER PEOPLE* calling them "evil"
How they force you to give them money, so THEY can become rich.
How they destroyed the holy sites of our ancestors.
How they shamed (and still shame) women into being obedient slaves zhst only listen to their husband and they don't have a right to demand a fulfilling s*x live with their Man because that is against "god".
How they want to force you to live in misery (while their high ranking officials have golden chairs) because only when you are miserable you love "god"
Think about that and you realize, Christianity is just a scam to steal your money and make you a slave.
This is true spiritual autobiography, lucidly recounted, a real sharing of knowledge. Thank you.
This video was so relaxing and lovely. I love how we tend to get back to things that resonated with us as children. This video was a meditation of sorts for me as a viewer. Thank you for sharing your journey!
Your knowledge and understanding are well beyond your years.
embrace your beautiful spirit people..
my joy comes from people who ask questions and never get the answer..
they say I'm crazy and I say no, I'm insane
Such an inspiring video! My witchery has been on hold for a couple of years due to my mental health. My witch room has become a place of storing junk and dust.
My story started at 18 when I became a witch and I gave up my old religion to become a pagan. I wasn't happy with the religion my parents wanted me to have but I didn't want to spend the rest of my life to be miserable as a Christian. I gave it up. I felt I made the right choice andi stopped believing in God. I now am trying to find who I want to worship
This was the first video I watched as I begin my own journey of witchcraft. Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey and your powerful reminders that this is a calling and knowledge we all contain within us.
please more videos like this doing things and talking plus music is soo relaxing
I soo deeply want to get into my craft but I honestly have no motivation or energy to do barely anything, I work two jobs and im just worn out and tired all the time. I just work, eat, and sleep. I sometimes wish I could just take a vacation for a week or two somewhere in the mountains or woods alone, hoping that would help to refresh me. I dont know really what to do or where to start. I guess you could say I feel sort of lost and hopeless. Whenever I watch your videos, I always cry. They are just so comforting, and you seem very sweet and understanding. Thank you.
This is so beautiful and resonates with me so much 🙏
The years lost to living an average life have made me appreciate my craft so much more ❤️ as hard as they were.
Thank you for sharing 🙏
Thank you for sharing this part of you. I am still learning the hear the whispers of things I heard so clearly when I was young, and it gives heart to know that this road has been walked by many before
My heart and soul loved every second of this. I had a very different beginning to you. Raised on the edge of a city. Liverpool UK 🇬🇧. Its hectic and built up, its loud and stuffed full of people. Whenever we went to the countryside my heart and soul woke up, I could breathe. I love being in nature, I love painting nature, I love making all my herbal medicines and teas. My home is filled with over 200 house plants and when I saw in a book shop a book about the green witch, well it blew my mind. It was me to a T.
I couldn't imagine being on any other path. I still live in Liverpool but I've bought more nature inside and get out when I can.
I couldn't imagine not being able to experience the things I do and feel the earths magic.
Food for the soul. Beautiful video. Take care xxxd
I love your channel and Instagram. I have been learning about Wicca and the craft for 3-4 years now. I am employed full-time as an ESL content writer for a major media company.
How beautiful your craft.
I heard the love and joy in your voice.
Blessed you have your path.
So amazing this popped up in my feed. I was making a home protection salt yesterday. My husband comes over to observe and he asked why was I breathing so hard. I knew right then this baby witch is growing up, this magic is real, and my apothecary is expanding. Gemini moon 🌛 Much Love GW 🌷❤️🌈☯️🙏🪶
A truly beautiful journey. Thank you for sharing with us your story 😊
This video was so stunning and so comforting. From one green witch to another 💚
This was so beautiful- and I resonated with your story deeply. The earth is a wonderful mother and teacher. Thank you for sharing your story with us so beautifully.
Your voiceovers feel like the narration of some sort of beautiful fantasy movie in the best way possible. Its so calming
What my heart has always known, that's exactly how I feel. Disney, Harry Potter, they were all too easy to exist in in my child's mind. And idk if you know the show the Magicians, but something about it made me start finally looking into real Magick, and a couple years later here I am learning :3
This is gorgous! I love when you have your jars on the window, chopping and crafting. So beautiful. Such a good green witch.
This brought me to tears (good tears) I, myself, have a yearning to find what speaks to my heart. Diving into every book, article, website and teacher that calls to me,. Taking it in and leaving what doesn't flow. The beauty of this practice, is just that, practice! I don't believe it makes "perfect", but it keeps you growing. Thank you for sharing your incredibly moving story! 💗
Watching your videos always feels like coming home. The music you choose and your cinematic viewpoint.. I just wanna cry because it feels so comforting.
This is such a wonderful story and I am so happy to have found you. You are one of my biggest inspirations as a witch and I love watching your wonderful captivating videos, I’m am so happy that you are here doing what you love 🌈🍄
I feel like I really needed to see this video. I feel very connected with plant life and aspire to center my craft around herbalism and green magick, but was born and raised in a large suburban city so it's very easy for doubt and discouragement to cloud my mind and push me away from my craft. This video has given me reassurance and hope, and I want to thank you not only for this one video, but all the wonderful content you create for us. I'm picky on what information I trust and believe, but your videos feel so true to heart and incredibly comforting. I have no real life mentors or teachers for herbalism or witchcraft, so your channel is very helpful and immensely appreciated. Much love
Happy Nodal shift into *Taurus & Scorpio!* Thank you for sharing your wonderful story... I feel that I can relate ♡
Listening to your voice, touch my heart i felt like cring. Happy tears. I love your herbs and trinkets you use. So wonderful to see.
I remember as a child I would pour milk on leaves to help them grow 🥺 also my grandma had one of those home remedies books..7 year old me read it constantly. I always loved being outdoors and still too. Obsessed with the rain cycles and wind especially ❤️
Amazing serendipity! I literally just posted a video on this! I LOVE hearing about other peoples witchy paths! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being such a beautiful soul, sunbeams shine out of your blessed witchy heart! 🥰
A beautiful story. Thank you so much for this. I love the way you film. Blessings x
Thank you for sharing your story!! I look forward to your videos and I'm absolutely enchanted by your cinematography and soothing voice. I practiced as a young teen but I too fell out of touch with it thinking I'm being a dumb kid, I'm 31 now took me a long time to come back to my craft but it all seems so natural and I feel like I never stopped and I owe some of this to you for inspiring me. Thank you very much and keep up the great work!🧡😊
Whoa Annie !!! This was your best video ever !! Such a beautifully told story of your journey to becoming a witch, a passion, a calling and a path that you were so obviously born into this life to follow. ✨ I've watched this 3 times, you are a born storyteller, in addition to being an amazing videographer. I do believe you've got a book deep inside your Soul...someday when you're ready to share, that's a book I would love to read . Thank you for sharing your story, so beautiful. ✨♥️🌟
Thank you for sharing.🙏💞
I've been a bit spoiled by the instant gratification of the internet and, more often than not, sought fast answers instead of taking the time to experiment and develop a real relationship with plants. This vid reminded me it's ok to take my time. 🌱
This is like watching a novel come to life. Great work.
I am so glad that I found your channel! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
You are one of the people that inspire me to research witchcraft and start my journey
@Gift Onyenso wdym
Your cinematography is such a wonderful piece of art
Thank you so much for sharing and providing a bit more synchronicity for myself. It's funny how the heart will always call you home time and time again. Regardless of how many times we venture out into the unknown.
Thank you for sharing your story with us Annie, this is such a beautiful video.
I'm closely approaching my 10 year anniversary of witch-hood and have been reflecting on my own growth so, your video really resonated.
You are such an inspiration, thank you for doing what you do! 💜💜💜
I have been practicing on and off for the last ten years, but I have really felt myself being pulled back to it and into forging my own path more and more as of late.
You inspire me so much! I think it's time to stop putting things off and finally start learning more. Can you recommend books on herbalism? Ooh! Or maybe that could be a video topic?
When you started to speak about the only information (in the beginning) out there was Wiccan, I stated remembering my beginnings. I was 16 (1997) and the majority of the information out there was negative. There was no internet ( at least for me. Grew up very poor). And was being raised in a southern Baptist home. I had all these conflicting feelings and information on the subject of what I was feeling because I had nothing to base it off of. I knew it wasn’t Christianity. Lol. It wasn’t until 10 years later that I actually found out that my path had an actual name, Hedge Witchery. Once I discovered this, I was a sponge for any and all information.
Thank you for sharing your beginnings.
I LOVE this video, it speaks so true of what is for many....we get lost and, like you (if we are lucky)...we find our way home! Thank you so much! ❤
Have you ever thought about writing a book about your experience along your life path to where you are now.? I mean you have such a beautiful way with words and I think it will be so worth the effort and the reading of your final product.
An amazing journey thus far!? You have come far n overcome some heavy steps along this in the light of can expand your adventure n have peace in your days!
Blessed be!
The video gives us a wonderful vision of your magical journey. The gifts we are given from the wise ones that light a fire within is profound. It may not initially be anything more than a spark, but that spark will find a way to set your soul ablaze eventually. Finding oneself walking the path is such a blessing and sharing the craft is another. 🌿
Such a beautiful story. So happy for you.
Thank you for that it was beautiful and hart warming I had been feeling the magic slipping away lately but this has sparked a fire in my to bring me back home the home of the WITCH!!!🌻☘️🌿🍄
I'm so very glad you did. I've had pieces of green witchery in my own life and interests since I was old enough to wonder if I could paint with the juices I squished from berries and leaves. Mixing concoctions in my room in toothpaste caps. Lol coming back to it is very like home, I can agree. Sending love and blessings, thank you for this.
Is that raspberry cordial??? Beautiful video as always and thank you for sharing more about your journey! ☮ and 💜 from Upstate NY!
it's a vinegar but a cordial would be delicious! and thank you
There is something very beautiful in the way you work. You truly have a connection with the plants you use, it is more than science it is an art, it is very soothing , thank you.
@Gift Onyenso Iam not sure what this means ,lol, but whatever it is thank you for taking the time to do it.
@Gift Onyenso Help with what?
What a little GEM of a Channel this is , think it was a drifting Stumbled upon spell that brought me here.......Magic....... beautiful !!!!!
An excellent video, thanks for sharing your journey. I think most folk's paths seem to wander only to return to the hearts true path.
Your story is beautiful. It brought me to tears. Thank you 😊
Beautiful story! 💜
Thank you so much for taking the time to share these beautiful moments with us 💚
Annie!! Just loved the video so much... I am happy, you found your way back to the things that you have always loved to do! Sending you lots of love and growth❤
I know this feeling but kinda opposite. I used to go to church with my grandparents as a child and I never felt like that was my place no matter how much I tried to fit in to it I didn't feel it. I was constantly bored and wishing for something else. So once I finally began trying out being a witch I felt it was right. I like to take my time but I feel very much at home as a witch ^^
I know u hear this all the time...but...i love your spirit
you have an amazing narrating voice, so soothing!
I love this it was like I was in a movie 🎥 and thank u for sharing ur learnings and experience with us
So beautiful and inspiring, Annie. I'm very new to green witchery but it's incredibly healing for the soul. I just stopped by to say thank you. Your channel is guiding me trough this new path of mine. You have no idea how much you impacted my everyday life with your recipes and everything else. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! Your biggest fan from Italy 🌼
Can we just take a moment to say thank you Xx ☀️🌿
So beautiful...thank you...shedding some tears...feeling connected by heart....a herbal fairy from Austria 💚
I need to watch your tea videos. I enjoy them all greatly
Thank You for sharing. Have a fantastic day
I wish I had, had someone to lead me with knowledge. My soul aches for that connection, someone to guide me.
As a social worker, I didn’t know until many years in that I was an empath. I had to learn what I could through the internet. Of course my career choice made sense, but going in not knowing I was an empath or how to protect myself, I got sick, filled with the pain and poison all around me, until it became me.
I don’t want that to be me anymore. I just want to make a difference to the universe, I feel I’ve disconnected with something I had never connected with. If that makes sense.
It’s here. I watched your video about what you wish you knew, before starting. I can’t find the second video which may help me better understand my gifts instead of fearing them, when I know there’s the energies of people who need me to help them in their journey. But I fear it too much. I thought maybe the second video would open up something in me like your first one did.
You have had weaves into you, in and out of your life the basic skills and knowledge within you, people to help you along the way.
I was adopted I don’t even know who I can and I’m 44… I’ve spent my life raising 3 children, helping everyone but myself and before that just trying to survive foster care and the streets and shelters.
I was homeless and 21 and found out I was pregnant, everyone said I was too young, too unstable too everything bad, my own father said he feels sorry for anything that came out of me. Ya so with all these voices, out of the dark came a bright blue light, I could swear was an angel and I was told he was a gift and he was needed. So I had him and he is 23 now. I probably would have died long ago, he was born on my mother’s birthday (it was my abusive father who threw me away, after my birth parents did the same) but this boy, against all odds, way over due, about to take a break after a very long and slow 3 day induction and suddenly everyone ran into the room and explained I needed C section NOW. He was born minutes later. On my mom’s birthday. My only person who tried to help me make sense of life, died 4 days later. I managed, barely.
Actually I’m barely managing now and need to find a path and am very lost, so lost it’s not even a path it’s like I’m lost in a forest and someone else has taken over.
I need help finding myself again. For some reason I’ve shared that only with you.
I guess you are one of those ppl, like me that everyone opens up to. But funny enough when I need to open up… crickets.
I feel like I need to shed this skin, shed this place I’ve found myself lost in. No one ever helps though.
I finally feel alive thanks to you
I love your short hair. But long hair looks amazing on you!!
Truly wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing! Would you ever consider putting links to explanations of what you are making... in the description? For example, that very red preparation? Was that St. John's Wort? Anyhow... just craving learn more about you and what you do.... definitely a fan~
I like the way you are telling this because Witchcraft like most things isn't what people think it is. my Grandmothers ( both mothers Fathers' side) would both to most people nowadays be considered a witch because they made things like poultices and used nature to heal, plus, understood the local plants animals and water creates \water life plants and used them. and when they healed me from say stepping on an old rusty spike using these techniques, their intention was great on the healing.
I am not sure I would be considered a witch but I do sense energies and emotions pretty easily and can move those energies around in myself and can sometimes sense those energies in people that are sick or pregnant without them even knowing that they are, sometimes if I feel like it I speak with those people and ask for permission to see if they can sense that energy inside themselves so that I can help them get that energy flowing again but that isn't very often I am a fairly private person but am also very open when I am out and about . of course I can do a lot more things like sense, dealing with spirits and such but on the other side there are somethings I am not good at I have issues being in crowds of people it can drain me allot so I need to recharge alone which is most of my life hehe
Beautiful ! This practice is so natural, I loved the way you narrate your story
Thank you so much for this beautiful video and thank you for your serenety, love, and dedication 🤍🤲
Please don't be offended! I have no idea what I am. I am spiritual! Gifted with old memories, etc. Anyway, my daughter was Wiccan in her last life. I know because at three we were in a town, I had never been in, and she walked straight up to a woman, I never met who was Wiccan. My daughter called her by name asked her for her necklace, and her book(of shadows) she was 3 yrs old! The woman spent the afternoon and night talking to her, and me. I let her teach knowing that I would never see her again! She told my daughter that I had never been a witch! But I was very powerful! I have no idea what my destiny is, but I find comfort, knowledge, and peace with your videos. I have seen you change and grow! You are very talented! You may be a little more the a Green Witch. Your example, and your energy teaches others that mistakes are ok Thank you for what you do!