Dr Brian Stubbs is an expert linguist in the Uto-Aztecan indigenous language group who also has learned Hebrew. He has extensively documented that ten percent of UtoAztecan words are COGNATES to words in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Egyptian. No other linguist has enough expertise to challenge his thesis. One of the languages is Hopi, which has cultural traditions that were noted by High Nibley to have many parallels to Egyptian traditions.
Let's talk pure logic. Oliver Cowdry said the Hill Cumoriah opened up into a room where there were, as Brigham Young adds to Oliver Cowdry's account, "wagonloads of plates", in the early 1800s. Maroni was not given wagonloads of plates, he was only given an abridgment from the plates of Nephi, which, did not include the Book of Ether, or the Book of Maroni, by his father Mormon. In 2009 a child went missing on the hill Cumoriah. He was found in the entrance to a room that, from the photo, has ancient stone bricks creating walls. The church covered the entrance with a steel plate. There is no way Oliver Cowdry could have known his words about the room in the Hill Cumoriah would be proven true in 2009 because of a lost boy. The fact that Maroni added two books to the plates his father, Mormon, gave him shows us with logical certainty, that the heartland of America is the Book of Mormon lands, and not Mezo America. Wagonloads of plates. Think about it. Maroni had to have had close access to the plates of Jared, which were 24 individual books of plates. We know this, because Maroni said he did not even write one one hundredth of the dealings of the Jaradites in the Book of Ether. The Jaradite plates were not with the plates that Joseph Smith was given by the Angel Maroni on September 22, 1827, which was on the first ever Celestial alignment of the stars and planets to form the Revelation 12 sign, and was also on Rash Hoshnna. Linguist specialists have also identified the ah ending in some Algonquin tribes named as Hebrew, which also is found in many Book of Mormon names, Maroniah, Nephiah, Amaniah, etc. The evidences I just gave you, which are verifiable, prove the Book of Mormon is true. The chances that all of these things mentioned happening by accident, rather than from divine design, is not possible
@@GarySaint-xm6trYour logic is okay until you close your mind and preach that the Heartland model is the only possibility. Your logic falls apart according to the great majority of scholars, including LDS, who study ancient America. There are clear statements by the Church on these matters, but for some reason, some people think they know more than prophets.
@@Kimmer the church has no statement of geography. However, earlier Prophets, most from Joseph Smith himself stated a lot about geography in the heartland.
@intheknow9794 This is where you miss the boat and lead yourself and others astray. Early Church members had a view that the Book of Mormon took place in all of the Americas including South, Central and North America. However, these beliefs and statements were and are not claimed to be based on revelation, but rather opinions of the time. Subsequent study of the BOM clearly shows that the events took place within a much smaller geographical location, though there may have been groups who migrated into the far northern or southern regions of the continent over time. It's disingenuous to suggest that Joseph Smith believed that North America is the primary location of BOM events because he made many statements about seeing discoveries in Central and South America as being proof or support of the BOM ancient inhabitants based on his opinion and knowledge at the time. Heartlanders love to be selective with their quotes to support their preconceived beliefs which is called confirmation bias. While most respected and credible archaeologists believe the BOM took place primarily in Central America based on the best evidences available, why can't we believe modern day prophets who have continually stated that specific locations are not known? Many heartlanders think they know more than modern prophets and they are wrong!!
The Antikythera mechanism is an incredible celestial calculator made of brass circa 300 BC with incredibly tiny gears. It had to reflect an industry capable of making such devices. It comes from a science culture comparable to that which produced the Liahona in 600 BC.
There are Chinese maps of the west coast of America that date back to pre Columbus. I saw it in a video. Also, the geneticist that has been tracing the Y chromosomes from Noah’s time to track where people groups went after the flood says that there are two groups of Native American tribes that have Jewish markers.
When Nefi and others arrived to the Americas there must have been millions of people living in that continent already and they must have mixed into those people quite quickly, and there were mass extinctions in those areas, so it makes sense there’s not much Nefi DNA left if any. That’s how i figure it.
That's exactly what I have figured.... Of course there were others in American continent B4 Lehi landed here.... I'm sure there were others before Mulekites and Jaredites arrival.
@@ahh-2-ahhDon’t forget the flood. How many civilizations do you suppose existed after the flood? Also the Jadeites were wiped out as well before Lehi’s people. I doubt there were any peoples living on the American continent when Lehi arrived. Then the Nephites were wiped out leaving only the remnant of Laban and Lemuel and those that belonged to their tribes. That remnant is what Cortez found and tortured after they believed that he was the returning Christ. Pretty simple logic.
@@darcyharefeld211 There is no exact date to the flood in the bible, and we don’t know how much land it actually covered or if the event was a spiritual teaching lesson that was much later translated as a real event because we don’t have every single record of the different translations and facts from wa back then. We weren’t there around at Noah’s time some 4500 years ago or who knows how long ago to know the actual facts, but we know much more about how vast the population numbers in South America (and North America) were and it’s highly unlikely for one large family to populate the whole area because there simply would have not been time for them to bear children so fast to get to millions of people in that time. It’s estimated that 1 year after Christ there was around 1 million people living in North America, and 6 million or more in Central and South America.
@@kuriju88 No it doesn’t. Nowhere does it say that they were the only people in the continent. When Laman and others departed from the church, when there was talk of Nephites and Lamanites, it doesn’t specify either that from there Lamanites were all decendants of Laman and others who left the church, but Lamanites were simply non-members and Nephites were the members of the church. So Laman and them just mixed with the local group who didn’t like the church and Nephites mixed with the local people who converted to the church. I’m not gonna look up all the passages where i think it hints to pre-Columbian inhabitants and culture because i would have to read the whole book to remember them all but in Omni 1: 18 Mosiah wanted to teach the Zarahemlans in his language and also taught the people of the geneology of his fathers, so clearly there were others. Also the culture and all the ways of the peoples in the Book of Mormon match the already existing cultures there real soon after arrival to the Americas, and doesn’t resemble the culture at all from where they came from.
Remember that early people were good at reading the movements of their animal neighbors - bringing such questions as "wonder where that migratory bird goes... there must be some place out there" - a place where the summer was spent, but allowed them to return in fall/winter. Then that one adventurous soul going to find out!
The northern oceans are not simple to suvive because of the weather. That doesn't make it impossible, but just traveling in those latitudes would have been dangerous. So it shouldn't be trivialized. The raw distance isn't necessarily the main issue. Going down the Red Sea to the tip of India is a very different thing than crossing the S. Atlantic. When coasting along land, you can stop and reprovision. If you're going to make it all the way, you have to be prepared to be away from land for a substantially longer time. "That portion of the population" wasn't terribly large. The currents taking you right across is trivializing the situation. Most of those poor folks would have died of thirst and hunger.
Agreed. Of course, the Book of Mormon claims that God had a hand in the specific crossing of the oceans for the two major groups of Nephites and Jaredites. Regardless of how dangerous or whether others crossed the oceans (which the evidence shows did happen), anything is possible with God. But no doubt, probably many perished in the attempt to sail the oceans.
Fact Correct. The Faeroe Islands belong to Denmark, not Norway. But yea, people have been able to build big boats since boats were a thing. Look at the technology leap in the last 50 years! It's not impossible that the ancients could journey to other continents. And that they found a place that was sufficient for their needs. In this way people have been disconnected from their ancestors. Even if you take the migration over the bering strait, those people were cut off for centuries and developed their own languages and customs. There's no irrefutable proof that a journey like that in the BoM was not undertaken. Science still has questions.
Agreed! The other point many secularists miss is that, with God, anything is possible. Even if there was no evidence of crossings, it wouldn't necessarily disprove the claims in the Book of Mormon.
Polynesians have traveled to the Americas in pre-columbian times. Sweet potatoes originated from the Americas were found in the Polynesian islands when Cpt. Cook discovered them. The Maori word for sweet potato "kumala" is almost the same as the Quechuan's word "k'umara" for sweet potato. Other Polynesian languages for sweet potato are: 'umala, 'umara, kumara Scientists have found that the Chumash word for a hand-sewn canoe, tomolo'o, is the same as the Hawaiian word for redwood, kumulaa'au. Evidence ties the Polynesians to North America. Even so, some experts believe they landed there as well, pointing out, among other things, that the sewn-plank canoes used by the Chumash tribe of southern California resembled Polynesian vessels
human lymphocyte antigens HLA B21 of top 12 areas of the world 3 were in central america the rest were in the middle east saudi aribia being #1 and others spreding out from there!
The Phoenicians sailed through the Mediterranean and all way around Africa to Suez, a feat not duplicated by Europeans until the Portuguese did it circa 1500, 2,000 years later. Any navigation done by Europeans in the 1500s could have been done by Phoenicians, including crossing the Atlantic, and circumnavigating the world as Magellan's expedition did. And of course the Polynesians colonized the Pacific Ocean hundreds of years before Europeans did. Believing that Europeans were the first voyagers able to sail to the Americas is purely an egocentric assertion, in defiance of known ocean currents and the known capabilities of ancient ships.
Anybody with a boat can go anywhere there is water (which is more than 3/4 of the surface of the globe). It's preposterous to think that humans have not always been seafaring people.
Hardly. You have to carry water and provisions for an oceanic voyage. Any old boat won't do. It's a whole different thing to go along a coast as opposed to across an ocean. Seafaring has different degrees. That doesn't mean your conclusion is wrong, but I've got a boat, but it wouldn't carry me anywhere.
@@johncraig2623People aren't stupid and have always been capable of thinking things through. Google "the Voyage of Tinkerbelle" to see what's possible. Whether they traveled along the coasts of the world or set out across the world's biggest oceans. They surely made such voyages. It's a fact that nicotine and other Western drugs have been found in the mummies of Egypt.
@@johncraig2623 People aren't stupid and have always been capable of thinking things through. Google "the Voyage of Tinkerbelle" to see what's possible. Whether they traveled along the coasts of the world or set out across the world's biggest oceans. They surely made such voyages. It's a fact that nicotine and other Western drugs have been found in the mummies of Egypt. BTW, I've got a boat too and she's a 38 foot Bluewater sailboat and fully-capable of circumnavigation.
@@johncraig2623 I have a 38' production, sailboat and it's fully capable of transoceanic passages, even circumnavigation. Some have. It's not a ship, just a small boat. Admittedly it has some modern features, but none of them are required for blue water cruising. In fact it's just the opposite. It's the ancient technology that is indispensable. Google "Tinkerbelle" to see what's possible.
@@johncraig2623 I have a 38' sailboat which is fully capable of any transoceanic passages, even circumnavigation.. it's not a ship just a small boat and even though it has some modern features, none of them are required for long-distance voyaging. In fact it's ancient technology that is required. Hell, people have crossed the Atlantic in kayaks and canoes.
Disbelievers of the Church shall find evidence to undermine its claims; on the other hand, members shall grasp at straws to provide that the Book of Mormon is the most accurate accurate ...
@@alexanderv7702 it is the scientific method to question the claim even if you want to believe it. I think that most would agree that many people were in the Americas prior to 1492; the land bridge is known while lacking evidence of ocean crossing vessels from the European and Middle East. The Vikings were the earliest we have found, but we’re not able to get a foothold. What does not make sense is if someone came across the ocean they would have brought germs to similar effect after 1492. Germs killed up to 90 percent according to some theories. So how could have Israelites come from the Middle East without killing with foreign germs. If they were treated like the Vikings were, they would have been killed and unable to stay. How could they have made it inland with all the people and differing tribes we know of? That could explain a loss of many people, but then the DNA would be more prominent as they would have survived and multiplied. They would have built some structures or left some clear signs they had made it that is recognized by archeological scholars. A lack of records cannot be used as proof, otherwise “ancient alien theorist” would have a strong case. It is a fascinating idea and is possibly true. Considering the lack of evidence, it would have to be considered a theory.
We will rely on this professor for his testimony on oceanic travel. However, please disregard the comment about 40,000 years ago as it messes with 6000 to 7000 year timeline the LDS church holds to.
How does it mess with the timeline? Can you provide evidence for your claim that the LDS Church doesn't believe that people could have crossed the oceans thousands of years before the specific groups of the Book of Mormon did so. Your statement isn't relevant or accurate, and perhaps is simply a reflection of the narrative you would like to promote.
@@Kimmer Adam and Eve were the first people placed on the earth 6,000 years ago. Yet the professor says people were traveling 40,000 years ago. Sounds like a problem to me.
Neither of these statements are doctrine. In Latter-day Saint teachings, while the Bible and the use of biblical chronology are respected, there isn't a strict adherence to a 6,000-year-old Earth. Doctrine and Covenants Section 77, revealed to Joseph Smith, refers to the "temporal existence" or "temporal age" of the Earth as 7,000 years, but this is understood more in terms of spiritual epochs or dispensational periods rather than a commentary on the physical age of the Earth. The Church encourages an open approach to scientific truths, believing that eventually all truth, both scientific and spiritual, can be harmonized as part of God's knowledge. That said, discussions on the exact age of the Earth can vary among members, with some taking a more literal interpretation and others finding room for broader views that include extensive geologic time periods.
@@Bookofmormoncentralofficial that is the problem with “doctrine” and modern prophets you never know when you will need to come up with a new theory to make your former declaration plausible.
LOVE these episodes...keep them coming!
Dr Brian Stubbs is an expert linguist in the Uto-Aztecan indigenous language group who also has learned Hebrew. He has extensively documented that ten percent of UtoAztecan words are COGNATES to words in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Egyptian. No other linguist has enough expertise to challenge his thesis. One of the languages is Hopi, which has cultural traditions that were noted by High Nibley to have many parallels to Egyptian traditions.
@@raymondswenson1268 Dr Jett cites Stubb's in his book!
Let's talk pure logic. Oliver Cowdry said the Hill Cumoriah opened up into a room where there were, as Brigham Young adds to Oliver Cowdry's account, "wagonloads of plates", in the early 1800s. Maroni was not given wagonloads of plates, he was only given an abridgment from the plates of Nephi, which, did not include the Book of Ether, or the Book of Maroni, by his father Mormon. In 2009 a child went missing on the hill Cumoriah. He was found in the entrance to a room that, from the photo, has ancient stone bricks creating walls. The church covered the entrance with a steel plate. There is no way Oliver Cowdry could have known his words about the room in the Hill Cumoriah would be proven true in 2009 because of a lost boy. The fact that Maroni added two books to the plates his father, Mormon, gave him shows us with logical certainty, that the heartland of America is the Book of Mormon lands, and not Mezo America. Wagonloads of plates. Think about it. Maroni had to have had close access to the plates of Jared, which were 24 individual books of plates. We know this, because Maroni said he did not even write one one hundredth of the dealings of the Jaradites in the Book of Ether. The Jaradite plates were not with the plates that Joseph Smith was given by the Angel Maroni on September 22, 1827, which was on the first ever Celestial alignment of the stars and planets to form the Revelation 12 sign, and was also on Rash Hoshnna.
Linguist specialists have also identified the ah ending in some Algonquin tribes named as Hebrew, which also is found in many Book of Mormon names, Maroniah, Nephiah, Amaniah, etc.
The evidences I just gave you, which are verifiable, prove the Book of Mormon is true. The chances that all of these things mentioned happening by accident, rather than from divine design, is not possible
@@GarySaint-xm6trYour logic is okay until you close your mind and preach that the Heartland model is the only possibility. Your logic falls apart according to the great majority of scholars, including LDS, who study ancient America. There are clear statements by the Church on these matters, but for some reason, some people think they know more than prophets.
@@Kimmer the church has no statement of geography. However, earlier Prophets, most from Joseph Smith himself stated a lot about geography in the heartland.
@intheknow9794 This is where you miss the boat and lead yourself and others astray. Early Church members had a view that the Book of Mormon took place in all of the Americas including South, Central and North America. However, these beliefs and statements were and are not claimed to be based on revelation, but rather opinions of the time. Subsequent study of the BOM clearly shows that the events took place within a much smaller geographical location, though there may have been groups who migrated into the far northern or southern regions of the continent over time. It's disingenuous to suggest that Joseph Smith believed that North America is the primary location of BOM events because he made many statements about seeing discoveries in Central and South America as being proof or support of the BOM ancient inhabitants based on his opinion and knowledge at the time. Heartlanders love to be selective with their quotes to support their preconceived beliefs which is called confirmation bias. While most respected and credible archaeologists believe the BOM took place primarily in Central America based on the best evidences available, why can't we believe modern day prophets who have continually stated that specific locations are not known? Many heartlanders think they know more than modern prophets and they are wrong!!
Now this was a very cool interview. Thanks for doing this. I’ll have to look into this Mr Jett fellow. Loved listening to this in the car
Loving these episodes!
I enjoyed this presentation, thank you BOM Central ❤
“Creating our own lexicon”😂😂😂 love the light levity and appreciate the depth of the subject. Thanks Scott!
This is all very fascinating! Thank you for this excellent discussion!!
The Antikythera mechanism is an incredible celestial calculator made of brass circa 300 BC with incredibly tiny gears. It had to reflect an industry capable of making such devices. It comes from a science culture comparable to that which produced the Liahona in 600 BC.
The Liahana was only a couple of hundred years before
Another fantastic video! thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it!
There are Chinese maps of the west coast of America that date back to pre Columbus. I saw it in a video. Also, the geneticist that has been tracing the Y chromosomes from Noah’s time to track where people groups went after the flood says that there are two groups of Native American tribes that have Jewish markers.
When Nefi and others arrived to the Americas there must have been millions of people living in that continent already and they must have mixed into those people quite quickly, and there were mass extinctions in those areas, so it makes sense there’s not much Nefi DNA left if any. That’s how i figure it.
That's exactly what I have figured.... Of course there were others in American continent B4 Lehi landed here.... I'm sure there were others before Mulekites and Jaredites arrival.
@@ahh-2-ahhDon’t forget the flood. How many civilizations do you suppose existed after the flood? Also the Jadeites were wiped out as well before Lehi’s people. I doubt there were any peoples living on the American continent when Lehi arrived. Then the Nephites were wiped out leaving only the remnant of Laban and Lemuel and those that belonged to their tribes. That remnant is what Cortez found and tortured after they believed that he was the returning Christ. Pretty simple logic.
@@darcyharefeld211 There is no exact date to the flood in the bible, and we don’t know how much land it actually covered or if the event was a spiritual teaching lesson that was much later translated as a real event because we don’t have every single record of the different translations and facts from wa back then. We weren’t there around at Noah’s time some 4500 years ago or who knows how long ago to know the actual facts, but we know much more about how vast the population numbers in South America (and North America) were and it’s highly unlikely for one large family to populate the whole area because there simply would have not been time for them to bear children so fast to get to millions of people in that time.
It’s estimated that 1 year after Christ there was around 1 million people living in North America, and 6 million or more in Central and South America.
@epicon6 except for the book itself tells you the people from Jerusalem were there by themselves and that’s also what the prophets have told you
@@kuriju88 No it doesn’t. Nowhere does it say that they were the only people in the continent.
When Laman and others departed from the church, when there was talk of Nephites and Lamanites, it doesn’t specify either that from there Lamanites were all decendants of Laman and others who left the church, but Lamanites were simply non-members and Nephites were the members of the church. So Laman and them just mixed with the local group who didn’t like the church and Nephites mixed with the local people who converted to the church.
I’m not gonna look up all the passages where i think it hints to pre-Columbian inhabitants and culture because i would have to read the whole book to remember them all but in Omni 1: 18 Mosiah wanted to teach the Zarahemlans in his language and also taught the people of the geneology of his fathers, so clearly there were others.
Also the culture and all the ways of the peoples in the Book of Mormon match the already existing cultures there real soon after arrival to the Americas, and doesn’t resemble the culture at all from where they came from.
Remember that early people were good at reading the movements of their animal neighbors - bringing such questions as "wonder where that migratory bird goes... there must be some place out there" - a place where the summer was spent, but allowed them to return in fall/winter. Then that one adventurous soul going to find out!
In New Zealand there are rock drawings (petroglyphs) of South American reed boats
The northern oceans are not simple to suvive because of the weather. That doesn't make it impossible, but just traveling in those latitudes would have been dangerous. So it shouldn't be trivialized.
The raw distance isn't necessarily the main issue. Going down the Red Sea to the tip of India is a very different thing than crossing the S. Atlantic. When coasting along land, you can stop and reprovision. If you're going to make it all the way, you have to be prepared to be away from land for a substantially longer time. "That portion of the population" wasn't terribly large. The currents taking you right across is trivializing the situation. Most of those poor folks would have died of thirst and hunger.
Agreed. Of course, the Book of Mormon claims that God had a hand in the specific crossing of the oceans for the two major groups of Nephites and Jaredites. Regardless of how dangerous or whether others crossed the oceans (which the evidence shows did happen), anything is possible with God. But no doubt, probably many perished in the attempt to sail the oceans.
I actually read the Kon Tiki book recently, that was mentioned here.
great photos in book KON TIKI !
Fact Correct. The Faeroe Islands belong to Denmark, not Norway. But yea, people have been able to build big boats since boats were a thing. Look at the technology leap in the last 50 years! It's not impossible that the ancients could journey to other continents. And that they found a place that was sufficient for their needs. In this way people have been disconnected from their ancestors. Even if you take the migration over the bering strait, those people were cut off for centuries and developed their own languages and customs. There's no irrefutable proof that a journey like that in the BoM was not undertaken. Science still has questions.
Agreed! The other point many secularists miss is that, with God, anything is possible. Even if there was no evidence of crossings, it wouldn't necessarily disprove the claims in the Book of Mormon.
Scott, Have you read the book 1421 about Chinese ships that sailed the world .
This really entwined with The Book Of 📖 Mormon I believe Nehi and others from Israel 🇮🇱 landed in North America. 2:44
Is there any linguistical evidence between Native Americans and Polynesian languages?
Polynesians have traveled to the Americas in pre-columbian times. Sweet potatoes originated from the Americas were found in the Polynesian islands when Cpt. Cook discovered them. The Maori word for sweet potato "kumala" is almost the same as the Quechuan's word "k'umara" for sweet potato.
Other Polynesian languages for sweet potato are: 'umala, 'umara, kumara
Scientists have found that the Chumash word for a hand-sewn canoe, tomolo'o, is the same as the Hawaiian word for redwood, kumulaa'au.
Evidence ties the Polynesians to North America. Even so, some experts believe they landed there as well, pointing out, among other things, that the sewn-plank canoes used by the Chumash tribe of southern California resembled Polynesian vessels
dr robert marks said that he found the roman reck close to the mouth of the amazon river .
The nemenhah records clarify who arrived where. Even shows arrivals from Asia
human lymphocyte antigens HLA B21 of top 12 areas of the world 3 were in central america the rest were in the middle east saudi aribia being #1 and others spreding out from there!
Cool so who are the Lamanites
The Phoenicians sailed through the Mediterranean and all way around Africa to Suez, a feat not duplicated by Europeans until the Portuguese did it circa 1500, 2,000 years later. Any navigation done by Europeans in the 1500s could have been done by Phoenicians, including crossing the Atlantic, and circumnavigating the world as Magellan's expedition did. And of course the Polynesians colonized the Pacific Ocean hundreds of years before Europeans did. Believing that Europeans were the first voyagers able to sail to the Americas is purely an egocentric assertion, in defiance of known ocean currents and the known capabilities of ancient ships.
Anybody with a boat can go anywhere there is water (which is more than 3/4 of the surface of the globe).
It's preposterous to think that humans have not always been seafaring people.
Hardly. You have to carry water and provisions for an oceanic voyage. Any old boat won't do. It's a whole different thing to go along a coast as opposed to across an ocean. Seafaring has different degrees. That doesn't mean your conclusion is wrong, but I've got a boat, but it wouldn't carry me anywhere.
@@johncraig2623People aren't stupid and have always been capable of thinking things through.
Google "the Voyage of Tinkerbelle" to see what's possible.
Whether they traveled along the coasts of the world or set out across the world's biggest oceans. They surely made such voyages.
It's a fact that nicotine and other Western drugs have been found in the mummies of Egypt.
@@johncraig2623 People aren't stupid and have always been capable of thinking things through.
Google "the Voyage of Tinkerbelle" to see what's possible.
Whether they traveled along the coasts of the world or set out across the world's biggest oceans. They surely made such voyages.
It's a fact that nicotine and other Western drugs have been found in the mummies of Egypt.
BTW, I've got a boat too and she's a 38 foot Bluewater sailboat and fully-capable of circumnavigation.
@@johncraig2623 I have a 38' production, sailboat and it's fully capable of transoceanic passages, even circumnavigation. Some have. It's not a ship, just a small boat. Admittedly it has some modern features, but none of them are required for blue water cruising. In fact it's just the opposite. It's the ancient technology that is indispensable.
Google "Tinkerbelle" to see what's possible.
@@johncraig2623 I have a 38' sailboat which is fully capable of any transoceanic passages, even circumnavigation.. it's not a ship just a small boat and even though it has some modern features, none of them are required for long-distance voyaging. In fact it's ancient technology that is required.
Hell, people have crossed the Atlantic in kayaks and canoes.
Disbelievers of the Church shall find evidence to undermine its claims; on the other hand, members shall grasp at straws to provide that the Book of Mormon is the most accurate accurate ...
@@alexanderv7702 it is the scientific method to question the claim even if you want to believe it. I think that most would agree that many people were in the Americas prior to 1492; the land bridge is known while lacking evidence of ocean crossing vessels from the European and Middle East. The Vikings were the earliest we have found, but we’re not able to get a foothold.
What does not make sense is if someone came across the ocean they would have brought germs to similar effect after 1492. Germs killed up to 90 percent according to some theories. So how could have Israelites come from the Middle East without killing with foreign germs. If they were treated like the Vikings were, they would have been killed and unable to stay. How could they have made it inland with all the people and differing tribes we know of?
That could explain a loss of many people, but then the DNA would be more prominent as they would have survived and multiplied. They would have built some structures or left some clear signs they had made it that is recognized by archeological scholars.
A lack of records cannot be used as proof, otherwise “ancient alien theorist” would have a strong case.
It is a fascinating idea and is possibly true. Considering the lack of evidence, it would have to be considered a theory.
Ocean crossing isn't grasping at straws with the abundant evidence that exists today.
We will rely on this professor for his testimony on oceanic travel. However, please disregard the comment about 40,000 years ago as it messes with 6000 to 7000 year timeline the LDS church holds to.
Do you get to pick and choose?
How does it mess with the timeline? Can you provide evidence for your claim that the LDS Church doesn't believe that people could have crossed the oceans thousands of years before the specific groups of the Book of Mormon did so. Your statement isn't relevant or accurate, and perhaps is simply a reflection of the narrative you would like to promote.
@@Kimmer Adam and Eve were the first people placed on the earth 6,000 years ago.
Yet the professor says people were traveling 40,000 years ago. Sounds like a problem to me.
Neither of these statements are doctrine. In Latter-day Saint teachings, while the Bible and the use of biblical chronology are respected, there isn't a strict adherence to a 6,000-year-old Earth. Doctrine and Covenants Section 77, revealed to Joseph Smith, refers to the "temporal existence" or "temporal age" of the Earth as 7,000 years, but this is understood more in terms of spiritual epochs or dispensational periods rather than a commentary on the physical age of the Earth.
The Church encourages an open approach to scientific truths, believing that eventually all truth, both scientific and spiritual, can be harmonized as part of God's knowledge. That said, discussions on the exact age of the Earth can vary among members, with some taking a more literal interpretation and others finding room for broader views that include extensive geologic time periods.
@@Bookofmormoncentralofficial that is the problem with “doctrine” and modern prophets you never know when you will need to come up with a new theory to make your former declaration plausible.