ROMANS # 343, Christians are not to strive for a perfect government. It's impossible! 6-25-24

  • Опубліковано 24 чер 2024
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    Our goal as Christians is not to bring about a perfect government. We know that is not possible until our Lord returns to earth to set up His millennial kingdom. No government has ever been administered perfectly, and people should recognize that they must abide by certain minor decisions made by the state with which they do not agree.
    However, when the state arrogates powers to itself God did not delegate, when it violates fundamental rights of the people, when it disregards the Constitution, when it be-comes a minister of Satan for evil, then people have the right to do what is necessary to secure their freedom.
    It is instructive to notice what Paul said right before he wrote Romans 13. He concluded chapter twelve with the following:
    Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
    We have two direct commands here. How can we obey them if we are not allowed to resist the evil dictates of the State?
    Not seeking revenge and not repaying evil with evil is good. However, complying with evil is not good, nor is it pleasing to the Lord. There are circumstances where God expects us to endure undeserved suffering without retaliation, but He does not require us to voluntarily yield to the cruelty of a bully or the ruthlessness of a tyrant.
    Example: If an employee is unjustly fired, he has the right to seek redress by lawful means to get his job back or to receive compensation. But if that is unsuccessful, he has no right to retaliate, to try to damage the business, or to hurt anyone associated with it. He should put the issue in the Lord’s hands and move on.
    However, he would have the right to resist any attempts of the business to blacklist him, withhold wages owed him, or tarnish his name and reputation.
    For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong. 1 Peter 3:17
    Good judgment must be used when one refuses to tolerate tyranny. It can be risky and it should be done only after prayer and careful consideration has been made as to the proper time and way to proceed.
    (NKJV) Ecclesiastes 8:4-6 Where the word of a king is, there is power; And who may say to him, "What are you doing?" 5) He who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful; And a wise man's heart discerns both time and judgment, 6) Because for every matter there is a time and judgment, Though the misery of man increases greatly.
    We should never resist abusive authority with defiance or anger. We should be humble and respectful, but resolved that we will not allow anyone to ignore our God-given rights or force us to comply with evil. What should the men that were on trial at Nuremberg have done to avoid being tried for war crimes? They should have disobeyed their superior officers’ illegitimate, immoral commands and obeyed their conscience instead.
    Refusing to resist evil leaders can be very costly.
    God is against those who oppress others, Isaiah 10:1, Mi-ca 2:1, so shouldn’t we be against them as well? Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me”, Matt. 12:30. There is no neutral ground relating to Jesus, nor is there neutrality relating to good and evil. When we do nothing to resist those who oppress us and others, we con-done their evil deeds and come under God’s judgment. It is the duty of every person to defend their own rights as well as the rights of those who are unable to defend them-selves.